Pastor Terry K. Anderson - What Does God Think Of You? (AMAZING SERMON)

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this revival evening open your bibles with me through the prophecy of jeremiah and chapter number 29. jeremiah chapter 29 verse number 11. jeremiah 29 and verse 11 reads for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and the future thank you you may be seated and the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever i want to talk tonight from this subject what does god think of you what does god think of you you already know what your enemies think you already know what president trump thinks you already know what the republican party thinks you already know what your friends and what your neighbors think but you need to know tonight what god thinks of you because if you aren't careful beloved you will allow other people's definitions and designations of you to determine who you are because if you don't know who you are people will tell you who they think you are and who they think you are never really measure measures up to who you really are so what does god think of you i mentioned to our church the other week that if anybody ought to give god praise if any social group if any ethnic distinction if any cultural class ought to give god praise it ought to be african-americans i i don't i don't know what i don't know what has happened to us that that we have gotten away from shouting and and giving god praise we've even gotten away from coming to church on sunday morning i was telling the leaders at our church but i'm almost at the place where i'm about to stop us from screaming live because negroes want to stay in the bed on sunday morning and watch church in their pajamas i don't know anything about jacob's chapel but at lily grove i think they would take the lord's supper online if if it was possible they would really take the lord's supper online because we are so lazy and social media and all of this stuff has gotten us this twitter and instagram and all of that and uh facebook and all of that nonsense why don't you get off of facebook and put your face in a book and and and get up on sunday morning and make the effort it's not a sacrifice it's a privilege to get up on sunday morning and make your way to the house of god because all that god has done for us all that god is doing in and through us if anybody ought to give god praise it ought to be black people. uh brothers and sisters i wish we could get back to those days i i know they're long gone but i wish we could get back to those days where people didn't mind getting up on sunday morning on a wednesday night and coming giving god their best praise i can still see those little sisters now sister ella darby and sister andy cross uh sitting down in what they called the amen corner uh you remember those old ladies back then they would they would tie a knot in their stocking at their knee and they put their money in their coin purse and when they got time for the offering they would go in the first national bank and get their offer and put it on the table and then when my pastor would start preaching they would throw their press at him and they would shout because god had been so good to them and now here we are with two cars in the garage opportunities that they never had god has blessed us more than we could ever imagine we have traveled more accidentally than they have traveled on purpose and all that god has done for us is we still don't give god the praise he rightfully deserves i can still see them down in louisiana where i was born they were demeaned they were degraded epithets of condescension hurled at them as if it were ordinary language they were called and gal uncle and boy my great grandmother died one week before she turned 100 years old and white children that she raised called about her first name they had to get off the sidewalk and tip their hats there were chauffeurs and cooks domestics and babysitters housekeepers and gardeners they were nobody monday through saturday but on sunday morning they were brothers so and so and sister so in a strange dignity caught them and a sense of grandeur overwhelmed them and they didn't have much but they had good religion they knew how to give god praise they knew how to give god glory and here we are with more than they could have ever imagined god has been good to us beyond what we will ever deserve and we still don't give god the praise he rightfully deserves i wish i had three or four people in here who know that if it had not been for the lord who was on your side i need somebody here the lord paid your bills the lord made your enemy your footstool the lord put food on your table the lord opened doors that were closing i know the plans that i have for you [Applause] plans to to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you a hope and a future god's plan for you what is god's plan for you what does god think of you what is god's opinion of you how does god esteem you how does god look at you doesn't matter how somebody else looks at you how does god look at you does not matter what somebody else thinks of you what does god think of you what does it matter who likes you and who does not like you what does god think of you what does it matter who's on your side and who's not on your if god be for us who can be against us fret not yourself i wish i had a bible reader because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity they shall soon be cut off like grass and they shall wither like the green the lord is my light come on you can help me say it and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh just before they got to me they stumbled and they fail [Applause] go a host she didn't camp against me in this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life here it is for in the time of trouble he shall hide me what does god think of you i know the plans that i have for you plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you a hope and the future what does god what does god think of you growing up again uh in the in my house where i was born raised my mother and father there were ten children in our family eight boys and two girls and all of my brothers were athletes they were strong and strapping handsome and good-looking all of them littered in sports they played football and basketball they ran track and they were swimmers my second oldest brother was almost drafted by the baltimore orioles and my oldest brother was a navy seal and my other brothers had gone to the military they were all strong and handsome and they had all the girls numbers and they had sweaters with letters on them and jackets with letters on them and i wanted a sweater with a letter on it and a jacket with a letter on it but but but my legs look like they're on the wrong side i i don't i don't wear short pants because my legs look like they're on the wrong side i'm not athletic i'm not built i couldn't run i couldn't play football or basketball or run track or swim or do any of that i got a pool in my backyard and i still don't swim because i don't i'm afraid of drowning i don't even take a bath because i don't want to slip and fall and drown in the bathtub i just take a shower i don't i i wasn't like any of them i couldn't do anything that they could do and for all of my life there was this stigma that the anderson boys could do all of this and terry was a cheerleader i couldn't run i couldn't jump i couldn't play basketball i could all i could do was holler for them when they were doing it and i never did any of those things because i had an affinity for books for words for reading and shakespeare and voltaire i never could work with my hands i couldn't build anything my brothers were all good with everything they did they were strong at it and good at it and and and my daddy's told my mama one day we're gonna have to take care of that boy the rest of his life he ain't gonna amount to much he he's he's he's a good boy but he's not gonna he's not going mountain much and my mother saw how that crushed my spirit and my mama looked at me and looked at my daddy and said don't listen to anything that fool said because he wasn't nothing either when he was growing up she said a real man is not measured from his neck down a real man is measured from his neck up she said a real man is not about muscles because a baboon has muscle [Applause] she said a real man takes care of his family a real man looks out for his wife and his children a real man goes to work every day a real man loves god and goes to church that's what makes a real man and my father my father never understood what god was doing in my life until i started preaching and then he realized why i had an affinity for words and books and was always reading and learning and and all my other brothers who were swimmers and ran track and played football and basketball now they all got arthritis and and their knees gone they all tore up from the floor up and all the girls who wanted them not looking at me [Music] [Applause] and then i tell him back then you didn't want me [Applause] now i'm hot [Applause] come on come on get your mind back in church now i'm trying i'm trying to get back to this i know the plans that i have for you [Applause] plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and the future do never do not ever let anybody put uh the light of your potential under the bushel of their expectation because you will live your entire life trying to please people now let me say it again what does it matter who likes you and who does not like you you you need to get so comfortable in your own skin that you call yourself from your house phone to your cell phone and tear yourself on your house phone from your cell phone girl you shall look good today take yourself to the movies take yourself to lunch pat your own self on the back if god before us have i got a witness here who can be against us love yourself because you are made in the image and the likeness of god what does god think of you [Applause] he tells us right here in this text i know the plans that i have for you plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you a hope and a future god's thoughts about you tonight brothers and sisters the thoughts that god has for you are first of all individual god thought enough of you to make you you and there is nobody in tallahassee florida who can beat you being you you are the best you that has ever been born and there will never be another you no matter how long this world lasts god fought enough of you to give you your own set of fingerprints so that even if you are an identical twin you don't have the same fingerprints god loves you you are shaped and formed in the image and the likeness of god as a matter of fact he tells jeremiah before you were born i knew you i formed you i made you in your mother's womb and the lord is telling somebody here tonight you are not an accident god made your own purpose and it does not matter who does not love you god loves you it does not matter who does not want to be around you god wants your company because god thought enough of you to make you you individually stop trying to be like somebody else stop stop lowering your dignity to get some man to like you or to get some woman to love you if i got to give up being mean to be accepted by you go on about your business because i'm content being me i don't know anybody's company i enjoy more than my own that i might that might sound selfish that might sound crazy to you but my mother had a hard time punishing me when i was a child because whatever punishment she gave to me i turned it into a game if she would put me on my knees i would act like i was praying if she'd whip me i'd say well she ain't gonna kill me or if she'd make me go to bed without eating i'd say well i wasn't hungry anyway wherever she put me i was satisfied and and i've grown up like that that's that's just the way i am right now paul said i've learned in whatsoever state i'm in to be content i wish i had a witness here you you need to get content with the fact that god has made you who you are and everybody is not going to like you everybody is not going to appreciate your humor they're not going to appreciate your personality they're not going to appreciate your voice your hair your nose your skin but god didn't make you for them god made you for you to enjoy him forever and when you know you are individually loved and acknowledged by god it frees you from trying to get other people's approval stop stop stop being addicted to likes on facebook you spend an inordinate amount of time i can tell by looking at you you spend an awful lot of time posing taking a selfie of yourself and posting it and then put your phone down to wait and see how many likes you get and then you you don't like that pose so you it's something on your camera you can fix the pose and fix your face and and make you look you know uh don't don't don't you don't you get excited about these facebook posts of people because they don't look like that when they first wake up you know they've done a whole lot to to make themselves look like something that they're not because we are addicted to likes and we spend so much time looking at our phone to see who approves of us and and who's enjoying us and who's liking us i want to encourage you tonight to be so individual that you walk with your head in the clouds and move like you're listening to some music that nobody can hear but you because god loves you so much that if nobody in this city loves you somebody in heaven loves you if nobody in your family loves you god loves you and god made you an individual not only brothers and sisters is god's knowledge of us individual god's knowledge of us secondly is also intimate the gospel of matthew says the hairs of your head have been numbered god has numbered the very hairs on your head and every time you comb your hair some hair comes out which means god's got to start counting all over again which means if god takes the time to count numbers of hairs on your head don't you think god loves you enough to know when you're in trouble when your heart is breaking when your spirit is low when people are talking about you when your enemy is designing a trap for you when the devil is devising a scheme to trip you up god already knows that because he knows everything there is to know about you intimately and so since god knows you intimately and individually god will never let your enemy slip up on you [Applause] somebody ought to help me testify that god not only will show you where the trap is but he'll lead you around it and the one who designed it will fall in it instead of you he'll prepare a table before you i wish i had a bible reader in the presence of your enemies and all they can do is stand back and watch god feed you god will make a way out of nowhere i've seen god put down enemies and raise up friends i've seen god get me out of some stuff i got myself in and when i came out of it on the other side i didn't act like i made it on my own i gave god the glory uh brothers and sisters there are some decisions i wish i hadn't made there's some wrong roads i wish i hadn't traveled there's some stuff i said i wish i could take back there's some skeletons in my closet that if i open the door right now every last one of them would fall out and you'd be embarrassed to listen to me preach but grace i wish i had some noise here mercy forgiveness he looked beyond my faults i wish i had a witness here tonight god knows my down sitting and my uprising he knows my thoughts even before i think them there's not a word in my tongue the bible says that he doesn't know them all together psalm 139 says where can i go from your spirit or where can i flee from your presence if i ascend into the heavens you're there if i make my bed in hell you're there if i take the wings of the morning and dwell in the utmost parts of the earth even there shall god's hand hold me there's no place that i can go that's outside his protecting presence and since god is looking out for me since god's plans for me are individual and intimate uh brothers and sisters god's plans for you and god's plans for each and every one of us in here tonight is so individual and intimate that we've got to shout over the fact that they are infinite he's not through with you i said he's not through with you every storm that you have to go through is developing you into what god won't have you to be every situation that arises in your life god is using it to bring you to your desired destination we know the scripture says that all things work together for good to them that love god and to those who are the called according to his purpose god is working it out i said god is working it out it may not make sense it may not look like it's going to work out it may look crazy from the beginning but god knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end god says i know the plans that i have for you and my plans for you are to prosper you and not harm you now don't get god's prospering mixed up with prosperity don't don't let these fortune prophets on television tell you that a miracle today keeps the devil away and all you need is faith in god and and some water from the jordan river and a prayer cloth from bishop so-and-so and all your problems are going to automatically be wiped out no i've come to tell you tonight jacob's chapel that in this world you will have tribulation job said man that is born of a woman is of a few days and those days are full of trouble he continues not in one state every time you turn around it's always going to be something if it ain't one thing is going to be another but god is using all of those experiences to bring you to where he wants you to be but you have to be patient with the process now listen to me beloved all of us thank god for protection and all of us thank god for provision but our problem is process we don't like what we have to go through to get to where god wants to bring us because in this age of instant this and instant that instant grits and instagram and instant oatmeal and you got this little person who talks to you on your phone to tell you where to go and and where to turn and everything is convenient so we think that life ought to just work out like siri on your telephone but god in his sovereignty doesn't tell us everything he leaves some mystery to himself and those of us who are believers need to recognize that a mystery is not that about which you cannot know anything a mystery is that about which you cannot know everything and so since god will not tell us everything you got to walk by faith you got to come in church broke and act like you got money [Applause] you got to come in church with your head up even though your heart is breaking somebody ought to help me preach tonight you got to get in this house and give god glory like it's your last time because you can't ever let your enemy know where you're in pain because they will hit you in that spot over and over and over again [Applause] ah brothers and sisters i know the plans that i have for you plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you a hope and a future god will make a way for you god will make what is impossible possible god will turn the battle in your favor it may look like things are not going to work out your way it may look like god's plans for you have been sidetracked by the devil but the devil can't stop what god has for you you will come up on some people particularly in ministry and in church work you can come up on some people who used to run with you and used to love you but when life turns on you you find out who your real friends are you really find out who loves you when life becomes difficult but brothers and sisters when you know god for yourself when you're not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ when you love god with your whole heart god's plans for you will never be thwarted and god is always up to something in your life i know it looks bad for you right now i know it looks like you're not gonna ever be able to turn over but god will make a way for you i need some witnesses in this house tonight who can help me testify that god knows what you're up against god knows what's going on in your life and he's not going to let the devil have the upper hand he's going to make a way for you i'll tell you he will provide for you just like he provided for daniel in the lion's den just like he provided for shadrach meshach and abednego in the fiery furnace just like he provided for paul and silas in the philippian jail just like he provided for jesus when he was on the cross he will provide for you tonight here in the jacobs chapel church i need somebody whose back is almost against the wall to help me testify tonight that god will see through it that just before your back touches the wall god will step in and make a way out of nowhere i need a witness here who's been down to your last dime and the lord stepped in right on time he paid your rent for you he paid your bills for you he helped you raise your children by yourself when somebody walks out of your life wait for god to walk in your life when god closes a door he's getting ready to open a window is there anybody here no god has some plans for you wait on the lord and be of good courage he will strengthen your heart wait i say oh the lord i wish i had a witness here isaiah in chapter 40. i wish i had one or two more bible readers says has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the father the creator of the ends of the earth there's no searching of his understanding he giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases their strength come on you can help me preach it even the youth shall faint and grow weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings just like eagles they shall run and not get weary they shall walk and not faint god will work it out god will make a way god will see you through god will bring you out god will pick you up god will turn you around god will place your feet on solid ground is there anybody here ever seen god do it is there anybody here ever had god work it out for you is there anybody here ever watched god make a way for you why don't you hug somebody why don't you encourage somebody tell them whatever you're going through whatever your situation is come on use your preaching voice tell them be not dismayed whenever be tired god will [Music] god will god will take care of you won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it well maybe you don't know who he is so let me tell you about him a minute he's a rock in a weary land he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when you're friendless red when you're hungry water when he's thirsty y'all know him don't you he's adam's redeemer he's abel's vindicator he's abraham's sacrifice he's noah's ark he's moses bush on fire he's god's only son he's mary's baby boy he's a bridge over troubled water i wish i had a witness here won't he do it won't he come through won't he make a way out of no way say yeah yeah can't nobody do me like jesus ain't nobody to me like the lord have you tried him why don't you hug somebody shake somebody's hand tell him i tried him i tried him i tried him for myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 58,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terry anderson, lily grove baptist church, fd sampson, ralph west, frank ray, jasper williams, td jakes, serita jakes, maranda curtis, tasha cobbs, steven furtick, michael todd, the potters house dallas, marcus cosby, tolan morgan, terry k anderson, lilly grove mbc, baptist preaching, national baptist convention, tellis chapman, whooping, ralph d west, jamal bryant, praise break, cogic praise break, cogic shout, at the cross, salvation
Id: H7IEpMjA7Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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