❤️Tasha Cobbs - POWERFUL MESSAGE For ALL Women

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[Music] all right i'm going straight into the scripture y'all pray for me we're doing a lot of traveling in this season but god is absolutely amazing and i love what he's doing in our lives and so we're headed back to the west coast to do a show tonight and it's going to be absolutely amazing but i had to come to women who win and spend some time with my family and release the word that god has given us today are you all excited about the word i love y'all so we're going to john the 21st chapter the 5th through the 6th verse john 21 5-6 and i'm going to read it out of the niv today if that's all right let's all stand together all right we'll do we're going to do what we do together we win together we stand together y'all loosen up y'all good y'all know i'm i'm like pentecostal holiness so i might jump off the stage you know i have to get this i might scream a little bit i need y'all to scream back at me it's all right you know it's all right to get a little wild sometimes all right the fifth verse says he called out to them friends haven't you any fish no they answered he said throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some when they did they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish god bless your word you can have your seeds and i honor our apostle today apostle hilliard i love you dad you rocking the glasses i love your glasses all right so the year was 2002 possibly 2003 i have been driving my goal ford escort since my senior year of high school it was my first car i loved it so much i remember riding around my hometown of jessup georgia with a car full of people i got jessup folk in here hey girl i'm still trying to figure out how in the world we got so many girls in that car anyway if that car was good to me as long as i kept the oil changed everything was just fine i'ma take a sidebar right there because i heard holy spirit say to me as i was writing this that some of us simply need to make sure we keep our oil checked [Applause] when was the last time you had an oil change when was the last time you did a soul search of anything in your life that has come to contaminate your oil look at your neighbor and ask them is it time to have your oil checked is it time to have your it's time to clear out anything and anyone who has come in to try and tank your anointing i feel this in this room some of us going to leave this conference and we got to go cut some people off because they've been contaminating our oil they've been contaminating uh oil i feel jesus now back to my story i was riding good living my best life in my escort but one day i happened to ride by a car lot that had the prettiest shiniest is suzu trooper sitting right by the highway and it caught my attention anybody ever been doing just fine going about your business everything running smooth then suddenly something catches your attention and hijacks your focus something that looks prettier than what you have looks more shiny looks bigger better and better than what you have and as soon as you engage it as soon as you give it your attention your time and your energy you find out real quick that you have made a huge mistake you start thinking thoughts like man i could have done bad by myself or i was doing better without this issue they used to say it like this the grass just looks greener on the other side anyway i saw this trooper and i just had to have it it grabbed a hold of my soul and it wouldn't let me go i dreamt about it i daydreamed about it i i had to have it i went home i told my mom and daddy that i saw this car that i really wanted and that i wanted to trade in my faithful committed ford escort for this used water damaged poor engine shiny isuzu trooper of course like most most mothers in here my mother immediately said no because the part of the story that i neglected to tell you is that the car that i wanted to trade in on this shiny piece of junk was in my parents name though mama was giving me an absolute no my father did something really strange he said if she wants to call i'ma let her get the car mind you i had never made a move without an approval from my father i had never bought a thing without an okay from him i had never made any life-altering decisions without a word from my father but this time was different he basically said i'm gonna sit this one out and let her try this one on her own she wants to do this one without a word from me so i'ma let her go ahead and do it how many times have we launched out in our own and done something without hearing a word from the father concerning the situation that's a dangerous place to be in it's one thing to make a decision to just go ahead and do something outside of his will but it's another thing to have never asked his will in the first place i felt like i was grown i felt like i was grown enough to make this decision on my own and that's just what my father allowed me to do can i tell you that before i could drive the car off the lot it was breaking down on me about two weeks after buying the car i was over it i refused to drive it anybody in here who knows me i could be a little stubborn sometimes i looked at that car and said i give up you're not going to defeat me i'll never drive you again so the car just sat and it sat in the lake in the yard until my brother stole it and decided to drive it himself it was just that terrible here's the part that i like about this story and i pray that it blesses you after letting me make this bad decision after letting me trade in his perfect escort after having to allow me to drive his cars for weeks finally my father stepped in and said in order to fix this you're gonna have to do xyz and don't worry i'ma coach you through every step after i handled my business with this lemon car and waited for things to clear up my father then walked me through the process of purchasing a car that was right for me and he didn't leave me until his promise was fulfilled i came to talk to two groups of people today one group of us made a few decisions that spiraled our lives out of control got us off focus and set us off course and the other group of us we've just been in a posture of waiting waiting to see when the reward from our sacrifice is going to show up waiting to see when the prophecies and the promises are going to come to pass or we're waiting we're waiting on our nets to be filled i came here with one purpose and that was to tell you that the wait is over no no no i need y'all to get more excited than that i need somebody to screaming in this room the wait is over the wait is over i need you to say it until your situation starts to respond look at your sister and tell her the wait is over the wait is over there are some promises that were spoken over your family that you haven't seen yet well i came to declare to you that the wait is over there are some promises that were spoken over your businesses that you haven't seen yet and i came to declare to you that the wait is over there are some promises that were spoken over your children that you haven't seen yet and i came to tell you that the wait is over do we have anybody in this room who can believe a prophetic word from the lord i'm sorry all this is all i have it's all i got i'm a prophetic preacher and i came to release you into your next place somebody screamed away it's over it's over it's over and i heard holy spirit tell me to tell you that jesus is gonna stay right there with you until you get it of us have been saying before we came to this conference that it's been months since i felt the tangible undeniable presence of god well i came to tell you that he's here and you're about to experience his presence like never before the wait is over the wait is over let's get to this passage i love this story the story takes place after the resurrection of jesus christ the disciple simon peter who was a fisherman by trade somebody said that he was a fisherman by trade remember that he denied jesus during the time of the crucifixion now that jesus was back peter wasn't completely sure if he still held a special place in jesus heart i must take a moment right here and let somebody know that there is no place you can go nothing you can do no crime you can commit that would cause jesus to turn his back on you or deny you his love he loves you he died for you he was resurrected for you and if that was all you needed to hear in order for you to give him your whole life we will stop this entire service right now just for you somebody give god a praise and lift up a praise in this room if you were living in a world of sin and the blood of jesus saves your life anyway that's entire praise i i need somebody who's been washed in the blood of the lamb he reached down in the muck and the myrrh clay and got you up out of that sick sin sick situation and saved your life in spite of your life somebody give god a praise in this room thank you for your blood jesus so because peter wasn't sure if he still carried any weight as a disciple he decided that he would go back to his old job and take a stab at it when peter told a few of the other disciples that he was going out to fish they told him that they would go with him i feel another sidebar make sure you got some friends who won't leave you alone in your low place this is a women's conference make sure you're surrounded by people who will be by your side when you're being challenged with the cares of life it doesn't say it in this text but i just believe that these other disciples weren't so concerned about catching fish as they were concerned about peter's well-being the bible says that they stayed in the boat all night long but caught not one fish let me tell you about me right about the third or fourth hour if if i wasn't concerned about catching fish i would have been saying all right this ain't working i'd have been like all right maybe we could try this tomorrow but it seems that these disciples weren't as concerned with catching fish as they were concerned about their brother make sure you're surrounded by someone who's your ride or die brothers and sisters who won't leave you alone when you're at your lowest point make sure you have some friends in your corner who will wait while you're waiting oh my god anybody ever had people who were good with you when everything was going well and things were flourishing but the ones you trust the ones you can trust are the ones who have stuck with you while you wait if you got some ride or die sisters with you i just need you to give them a high five and tell them i'm gonna sit with you while you wait i'm gonna stick it out while you wait i'm not gonna be one of those going with the winds going with every wind of doctrine that comes if you going through something baby we going through something [Applause] i was about to say something else if you if you're going to fight then i'm going to fight that's the kind of people i need in my life listen i'm getting too old for those the shaky ones i need somebody that's going to be there let's that one right there with that pink sweatshirt on she gonna ride with me that's when my rider dies the fifth verse says he called out to them friends haven't you any fish no they answered we live in a world of social media sometimes it can it could be good but when it's bad it's bad can i be honest sometimes i get sick of it here's the truth nobody is ever going to post their failures so here we are comparing our lives to the life people show us on social media but it's lies and deceit the truth is that everybody has failed at something everybody has made a bad decision here and there everyone has had to repent for something but because of this false world of social media it has made it so difficult to live a life and be honest about your flaws weaknesses and failures we have somehow succumbed to the pressures of living in a false reality in this verse jesus asked them a question he already knew the answer to he made them sit in their reality that they were failing at something they were trained to do they were failing at something they had once thrived in there are people in this room if you just be honest are in the same place these disciples were in you are sinking in a place where you once thrived you have skill you have the knowledge and the talent but for some reason you just haven't been able to catch a break i came to tell you that jesus is about to get involved or somebody say that jesus is about to get involved he's about to get involved in and he's about to make you face the reality that this will never work without his presence he's about to make you be brutally honest with yourself some of us have started the business and can't get it off the ground some of us have started writing the book but for years have had writers blocked some of us have gone to school secured the degree but can't get the job jesus is saying you can trust me with your failures you can trust me with the embarrassment you can trust me with the anxiety i hear him saying i won't scorn you i won't hurt you just let me get involved you've been waiting out here all night and it ain't working you've been waiting out here for years and it's not working but let me get involved somebody lift your hands and say jesus i invite you into my situation come in have your way help me help me help me help me i feel that right now i cast down that spirit that refuses to ask for help [Applause] some of us need to go back and ask some of our family and friends you know what i've been real stubborn but i just need you to help me do this ooh all right the sixth verse says he said throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some so my husband is very organized he likes to keep everything in his place so that he's sure not to lose anything we are always in and out of hotels in our travels and because i'm the slowest of the two of us there are times he just has to help me pack all right most times he is the one who makes sure all electronics ipads computers phones cords all that kind of stuff is packed up and he has this fancy way of wrapping up chords that always drives me crazy because i could never figure out how to unravel them so most times i get frustrated and i'm like babe i can't get this core unraveled why do you keep doing this his answer is real simple that in wrapping the cord like this it's less chance for the cord to get damaged and it's actually easier for you to access how he then pulls the cord out and simply pulls on one end of the cord and voila voila but me it has taken me two years i'm always like what is going on do y'all see that it looks like a knot but actually he's just put this one little piece there and you unravel it there was an important lesson in this for me i would literally be frustrated because the more i tried to unravel the cord the more it would tangle up i was always thinking how could he possibly think this is the best way had i just gone to him to get some instructions life would have been so much easier for me i came to tell you that jesus is about to give you the formula [Applause] or somebody speak that into your world jesus is about to give me the formula he said throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some i'm talking to some people this morning you tried to figure it out you've tried 12 steps and google you've tried everyone's suggestions we have been trying it our way and wasting our time throwing our nets on the wrong side of the boat but god is about to tell you how to throw your net on the right side somebody screamed jesus is about to give me the formula now this was a hard pill to swallow because i know we want to hear that jesus is about to come down off of his throne and do it for us but i love that jesus stood on the shore and gave them instructions on how to do it themselves come on we're not babies anymore yes he's going to be right there with you but he's not going to do it for you i'm not the best cook in the world but my husband eats it i found that if i follow the recipe step by step my cooking tastes just as good as the person who wrote the book i came to tell you that within the next few weeks god is about to start speaking to you and giving you divine instruction and all you have to do is follow the recipe give somebody a high five and tell them just follow the recipe he's about to give you the formula all you got to do is follow the recipe no more whining no more complaining no more falling out no more getting frustrated no more getting attitude get on your knees get in the face of jesus and while you're at his feet he's about to give you the recipe that's going to help you fulfill your dreams and your purpose somebody lift up your voice and give god a shout in this room if you believe that god's about to give you the divine formula some of y'all need to pull those journals out while you're in your prayer time and begin to write down what god is instructing you to do because i declare that as you write you're going to see these things become come to pass in your life does anybody believe the word of the lord today when they did they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish it is mind-blowing the amount of people who reach out to me saying what's the formula for what you do how did you do it how did you accomplish that and my answer remains the same i just want to please the heart of god i need to stay at his feet to receive instruction for my life it is the enemy's job to keep us all focused and distracted he understands that if we ever posture ourselves at jesus feet we will receive wisdom on how to move forward in our purpose in this passage we aren't dealing with some amateurs these men were professionals and very skilled fishermen can i tell you that no matter how much education knowledge or experience you may have your understanding is nothing without divine instruction from the holy spirit it is indeed possible to achieve success with just education knowledge and experience but there is another level of favor that is placed on your life when you allow god to give you the formula for greatness as i was preparing this message in the spirit realm i felt many of our hearts in this room people have considered you the underdog people have counted you out because of what you don't have and what you lack but i came to speak a word from god today letting you know that jesus just skipped you to the front of the line and your wait is over y'all ever been to one of those theme parks like disney world that's terrible like the lines are like three hours long but they have this thing called a fast pass god just downloaded a fast pass in the spirit oh y'all ain't praising him right god just downloaded a fast pass in the spirit and i declare that some of us who felt like our time was up god is saying no you're just about to get started i'm moving you to the front of the line i'm putting you in front of people right now who have been waiting who've been talking about you looking back at you saying they ain't gonna never do it they ain't gonna never make it there's no way they're gonna get up here but god is saying i'm gonna jump you to the front of the line somebody scream fast pass back you got a fast pass yes lord the latter part of this verse says that they caught so many fish that they were unable to haul the fish in i'm about to shout y'all can i tell you that the plans you had to carry this harvest aren't big enough [Applause] go back to your plan go back to your plan rip it up and write out another one because what's about to come is bigger than what you expected i'ma say it over here i said what's about to come is bigger than what you expected and the net that you have will break if you don't go out and get you a bigger one somebody say i'm expecting something bigger now i'm expecting something greater now i need you to go do a bigger plan because god is about to give you something greater that's irish i heard god say to me loud and clear yes i'm gonna do everything through new light that i promised the apostle but the thoughts that i think towards you are bigger than them can we just take a moment and give god a shout of praise for the fresh wind of god that is about to blow through new light somebody give god a praise for the fresh wind of god that's about to go through come through new light and the lord spoke to me and he said i'm causing a fire to start burning in your spirit and as you speak it's like little fires are gonna begin to catch hold one of my friends told us the other night i hope i say this right he said if you accept yourself a fire people will come from every nation to watch you burn [Applause] where is new light in this place can i get y'all to raise up a praise i declare that a fire like never before is about to hit this house and god is bro god is drawing people from the north to south the east and the west to watch this fire burn there is something peculiar about this house the lord says from the moment that i established it from the earth i have caused there to be something peculiar about this house and people will watch you from every nation they will clean from you from every nation the lord says what i've called you to establish in the earth pastors are watching you not just female pastors pastors are watching you the lord says i am making you a template [Applause] and they will come from near and far i even hear the lord say pastor oh my god can i do this i i heard the lord say pastor tina i'm gonna cause you to raise up schools of administration people will come to hear you teach them how to do administration at their churches and pastor brashia the lord says if you do what i tell you to do they will come he said they will come he also says i need you to finish the prayer journal there are people who are waiting on this journal to come i see 365 days of not just prayer but you will teach them how to write their own i'm sorry y'all i had to do that for a moment can we raise up a praise for the heal your family who for many years have been examples and i got one more apostle the lord said to me that you will live to see everything that he promised you he said you will live to see everything he promised you when you established this ministry years ago the lord says i've not forgotten and you will see it with your eyes oh come on y'all give god a shout of praise in this room i gotta get out [Applause] this is the last thing i'm sorry i have to read this i wrote this down this morning dr i he said i have given you keys in this city in government in entertainment and in finance he said that to me this morning i was on a plane i was trying to go to sleep and i couldn't i'm gonna say it again i'm giving you keys in this city in government in entertainment and in finance and you will see it come to pass in jesus name somebody shout if you believe the word of god oh i just felt a shift in this house i just felt the shift in this house my final point is jesus is about to show me what crazy faith can do [Applause] we are talking about men who were trained to do this men who were skilled at fishing men who had done this for years they knew the tricks of the trade they knew the rules so if jesus was telling them to do something that worked for catching fish don't you think that they would have tried it by then sometimes faith means you have to trust god when he tells you to do something that doesn't make sense i can imagine that it didn't make sense to toss their nets on the right side i'm pretty sure that they had exhausted all of their tricks and tried every way that had worked in the past let me ask you this can you trust god when he asks you to do something that doesn't make sense i remember 2006 i was in ministry with my father i was doing awesome i loved it i knew the sound of the house i knew his vision i knew what he stood up what he meant i knew when he shook his head what he needed the lord spoke to me in 2006 he said you have four months to move to atlanta why i'm doing good here traveling and up and down the coast singing at different churches i'm comfortable the lord said you have four months to move to atlanta i had nothing in atlanta nothing not a job not a house and i told you about the car so i'm like why why would i do that i was in a foggy place because it didn't make sense my cousin called and she said she said william murphy is doing something in atlanta i think you need to be there sunday four months today was a sunday but i was gonna leave on a monday because i wanted to go to church and get my checks i gave my life to this church y'all gonna pay me she called she i i wasn't listening to her so she called and told her i mean she called mama and mama called me and sometimes we can you know we could talk them all over here i was like mom i ain't doing it i'm going on i'm going on monday now because i need so at least give me some money i'm going into the oblivion here so anyway needless to say i got home we hadn't spoken to my dad all day he called me in the room i said yes sir he said baby the lord said you need to be in atlanta on sunday my god so i packed up my bags and went to atlanta on sunday but they mailed me my checks four months to the day was a sunday in september right mom sunday in september i walked into this art museum willie murphy was up there preaching about i don't know what cause i was just so confused like why am i here worship leader got up and she started saying i wanna be where you are gotta be where you are and immediately the lord said to me if it makes you uncomfortable do you wanna be where i am i lifted my hands and i said god i wanna be where you are gotta be where you are and from that moment until this one god has continued to escalate my life he put he put momentum behind me because i gave him a yes in a foggy place i couldn't see it but i knew what i heard i couldn't understand it but i knew what i heard sometimes you gotta trust god when it don't make sense who am i talking to in this room whoa god we trust you today i'm trying to finish it jesus told naaman to go dip in the jordan river seven times and he was healed of leprosy that didn't make sense jesus spat on the ground made mud and put it on a man's eyes and he was healed of blindness that don't make sense can i tell you that you've been waiting long enough you've pressed your way through the dark season and morning is here i came to tell somebody that weeping may have endured for a night but joy is here today joy comes in the morning jesus is standing on the shore waiting to coach you into your overflow i feel something special happening in this moment and i gotta just blow with it that's y'all this how i do y'all i'm talking to some women in this room god gave you some instructions years ago and i declared that you came to this conference to receive the push that you need in order to launch out and complete the assignment on your life who am i talking to today i need you to lift your hands in the air and say god i know i gave up on that thing i know i swept it under the rug because it wasn't working out like i thought it was would work out but his thoughts are not your thoughts and his ways are not your ways i need you to lift up your voices and tell him i can trust you with this i trust you with my children i trust you with my family i trust you with my businesses i trust you with my ministry i um it's my last testimony i'm gonna share and i'm done i uh it was probably mine probably three years ago four years ago maybe right before we got married about three years ago i called mom and i was going through some challenging issues with my finances because when break every chain released i was not set up financially to carry what was coming in y'all stick with me i got y'all understand what i'm saying uncle sam um he wanted his money and uh i knew i was getting married i didn't want to bring this weight into my family situation so i was trying to fix this thing and i kept running up against some hard stuff like god every time i try to fix it more comes in thank you for the more but help me deal with with my immaturity years ago so i walk through that season i talk with mom and sometimes sometimes you just need people to help encourage you everybody ain't gonna rescue you out of your situation i wasn't calling my mother i wasn't calling pastor d i wasn't calling mom helia to say i need y'all to help me pay off this irs no i need y'all to get on your knees pray help me tell me what i need to do to get out of this situation so i won't be here anymore so for two years babe right he over there like what is she about to do i'm sorry i told him so for two years we walked through this season where we just had to get it together like we got all of this coming in but i can't allow what i did in the past to hinder the blessings that god is sending us right now so i need to figure this thing out we need to get this thing in order well i came to testify today that for two years we've been leasing houses they were great houses but they ain't belong to us [Applause] some of us can get so comfortable living in a comfortable space that ain't got your name on it balling out of control in somebody else's house that's what i've been doing for two years but we got that thing together and so after working through this my husband we moved to greenville we loved this city we decided hey this is where we're going to stay this is where god wants us and so we started looking at houses houses that we ain't even know maybe so my husband rolled by this house going to get his hair cut hurry up tasha and the house was beautiful he was like babe i need you to see this house so i was like okay let's get in the car we see this house he wasn't really in love with the house he just wanted me to see the house so he know his his wife got bougie eyes like i could see boujee from a mile away some of y'all that like that like oh so i saw this sign and it had nothing to do with the house that he was taking us to somebody told us the other day he the head and i'm the neck so he was looking at one thing but i turned our head another way so the sign was up there and i was like oh what is that sign talking about we rolled about a mile up the road there was these beautiful beans i said baby we need to make a right right here you bougie eyes i saw some bougie beans i said my god these are some nice beans and i said baby i need you to make a right right there so we made a right we started driving into this i don't even know it's not called a subdivision it's called something else i don't know what it is it's just everything has lakes and trees and all these amazing houses and i said what in the world is this they try to get away from us well we found them [Applause] so you know i got the boldness of god at this point i'm like hey what what what can i if all they can say is no so we parked our car bishop got out walk right on in the little model home i said hey how are you my husband said i'm kenneth litter this is my wife joshua cobb slitter the lady was so nice so kind i didn't know what god was doing i was just going by my business in the fall you know me and kenny have gotten comfortable walking in the fog all right whatever you want to do we're right here with you so we started talking the lady took us on a tour and she was showing us all of these other houses they were great houses amazing houses showed us all of these other houses but it was this beautiful white what's it called babe the brick lime wash brick spigot just i said what about that one still had people on the roof working hammers and all that she was like oh well that's gonna be one of our model homes and blah blah blah she moved on showed us another house i was like what about that one she said well if you want to go look in that one we can look in that one but i have to warn you to be careful because there might be nails i said i don't care let's go in that house we walked around that house and the enemy let us put our feet on the ground i started walking around that house i said you know what this is my theater this is my master bedroom this symphony room that's alana's room that's nehemiah's room this is my husband's office so i have been dealing with it i told y'all what i was dealing with we worked that situation out god honored the fact that we planned and prepared and so we went to a lender i said look this my house do what you got to do my husband said baby you want this house we don't get this house how long did it take us baby it wasn't even a month four weeks and linda called us back he said i got everything you need do you want this house i said that's my house the builder called us said hey i want y'all to walk through this house everything in the house is uh i should let you tell this it's a i home i can walk in the house and say turn on the stove i can name my house leonard leonard i need you to turn on every light in this house i need somebody in this room who has faith to believe that when you step out in a foggy place with jesus he will never lead you astray my husband and i right now are the owners of a white lion wash beautiful amazing brick house that belongs to us somebody say it's got my name on it i need some women in this room who says i'll step i need you to just take a step with your eyes closed and said god if you if you instruct me to make a right i'ma make a right if you struck me to look at these beams i'ma look at those beams if you instruct me to walk through this house i'm gonna walk through this house i will go with you in the fog because you will never let me down somebody rise up a praise i came to tell you your weight is over you've been waiting on some stuff that god promised you i need you to step out in the fog get your stuff together get your woman on and walk right up in that place and say i stand on the promises of god and every last one of them are yes and amen over my life open up your mouth and give god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh praise
Channel: The BlackChurch Vault
Views: 184,009
Rating: 4.8994279 out of 5
Keywords: tahsa cobbs, you know my name, power in the name of Jesus tasha cobbs, put a praise on it tasha cobbs, single women, women's conference, single black women, Kevin samuels, modern women Kevin samuels, jamal bryant, newbirth cathedral, holy convocation, td jakes, Serita jakes, cogic shout, cogic praise break, dewey smith, cogic, apostolic shout, bishop noel jones, city of refuge la, potters house dallas, maranda curtis, holy convocation shout, steven furtick, michael todd
Id: eon9IOIg7DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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