Bishop Noel Jones - You'll Get It All Back Plus More

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in 1st Samuel chapter 30 and I don't Jeremy very much into the Old Testament it's just it seems in a way it's not my calling and it's interesting because Hebrew is very descriptive and Greek is quite definitive and it's oftentimes once you have been learned in the disciplines of Greek as opposed to Hebrew you spend more time in definition in Greek than you do in description but the Lord has a way of placing certain theological and scriptural nuggets within the confines of a story and it is here where we pick up a story in the life of David in 1st Samuel chapter 30 and it's quite interesting because there were certain psychological and theological ramifications that are found within the parameters of this account of David at zyg leg and you think about David you have to give thought to the fact that God oftentimes anoints you before he appoints you and there are many different energies that flow between the time God has placed his hand on you and the time he puts you in the place where he wants you to be and notice many times you will look in the scriptures and you will find that God deals with time and he talks about times as if 20 years is like having a hamburger it's 15 years from the time that David has been anointed by Saul by Samuel rather and the time he ends up in Jerusalem was a 15 year journey can you imagine God having had his hand on you and having anointed you privately and quietly particularly when you were not the chosen one from the outward appearance point of view but you were chosen by God and you have to be undercover until God releases you to a place of prominence I better read this story because I was not preaching right now and in First Samuel 30 that verse 1 it came to pass when David and his men will come to zyg leg on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south and sig leg and smitten sig leg and burned it with fire and had taken the women captives that were there in they slew not a me either great or small but carried them away and went on their way so David and his men came to the city and behold it was burned with the fire and their wives and theirs and the daughters were taken captives then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to weep and David's two wives were taken captives ahinoam the jezreelite this and abigail the wife of Nabal the carmelite and david was greatly distressed for the people speak of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God and David said to every eighth of the priests ahima legs son I pray we bring me here to the effort and here be a PA that brought thither the effort to David and David inquired at the Lord saying shall I pursue after this truth shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all so David went he and the six hundred men that were with him came to the brook of Esau where those that were left behind stayed but David pursue he and four hundred men for two hundred a boat behind which were so faint that they could not go over the brook of be sore and of course eleven and twelve they found an Egyptian in the field David fed him and David found out that he had been left there by and a malachite and of course he asked him can you show me whether whether people are in a man said if you promise not to kill me I'll show you and of course David he led him to where the people were / seventeen and David smoked them from Twilight even unto the evening of the next day and their escape not a man of them save four hundred young men which rolled upon camels and fled and when he found them in sixteen they were eating drinking and dancing over the stuff that they had taken ain't dead some David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away and David rescued his two wives and there was nothing lacking to them neither small or great neither sons nor daughters neither spoil not anything that they had taken to them David recovered all and he took all the flocks and herds which they drove before those other cattle and said this is David spoil I want you to touch somebody and say you're getting at all back touch somebody else eh all plus the situation that calls for great sustenance is again between the time of the anointing and the time when God releases you to the place that he anointed you for it's one thing to have been anointed in a situation where you have friendly and supportive people around you but it's another thing to be anointed in a situation where you are dealing with antagonistic hateful circumstances I will point out to you that David is now anointed a very clandestine because Samuel could not have said to Saul I'm going to anoint your successor and so David now is brought in and he's the hidden one and particularly in especially because nobody regarded him as significant enough to even bring him into the house so that Samuel could see whether or not he was the one it's important to understand this because God made a statement that is quite significant to all of us and that is that man look at that the outward appearance but God looks at the lab or the immaterial personality function God looks at the heart it might not be important to you but it's important to me from this point of view and that is that to be 15 years between the time of the anointing and the time of sitting on the throne he had to deal with a very antagonistic leader because Saul wanted to destroy him and to kill him because of the anointing that God has placed on his life I want you to give just a little thought to being the first person in a second position having been anointed and you are the one because you have anoint that you have been anointed to be the one but your anointing has not yet moved you to your appointing so even though you are the Anointed One you're still not yet appoint and so you are the first person but you are in a second position I don't know have you ever been there when I went to California some years ago I didn't have the situation the honor of a bishop McMurray was dying of cancer and I came in as his second man in order to helped him to maintain whatever he had until the end it was an endearment we were amicable it was a relationship of love because I would sit on his deathbed and he would go through all the systems of the church he would outline all the people I had to deal with and give me some insight as to the people who were in position and all of that it was it was a wonderful sad kind of an event the cause it was mentorship it was father was son it was not antagonistic but now God didn't put David in that kind of situation God put him in the situation where he is the one for the job but he doesn't have the job and he has got to operate now in an arena of antagonism and it took 15 years oh god I wonder has God anointed you for something and the years had passed and you're not there yet the question now is how do you handle yourself between the time of the anointing and the time of the appoint can I just work with that for a minute I won't keep you all night if you notice you will see then in the case of Caleb it was Caleb who was entitled to the land God had given him the land and for 40 years he had to walk in the wilderness with a group of unbelievers because they did not believe that the property was theirs and God and yet still for 40 years he had to walk with them wake up every morning and look at individuals who kept him from getting what God wanted him to have in three days you gotta watch who you're walking with gotta watch who you walk in which you gotta watch who you make covenants with because they're folk in your life that'll keep you from what you should have in three days and have you wandering around and for years without achieving what God has promised it was it was Abraham who 25 years he had to wait for the promise of his son have you noticed it was Abraham it's not bad to wait like Abraham because Abraham had 300 servants born in his house he was rotten rich so waiting like Abraham wasn't the same as waiting like kayln it wasn't the same as 15 years like David having to hide in caves and asking God I thought you anointed me and I thought I'm the person for this job how is it you're allowing me to walk around in caves and have somebody over me who can't stand me when I'm the one that you have anointed for the job you gotta watch your attitude while you're waiting for God to raise you up you gotta watch your spirit because it's in your spirit that God deals with you even when your circumstance seem to be antithetical to the promise that God gave you Lotus Dave experience his spirit was touch not the Lord's anointed nor do his prophet any harm even though I've been anointed to take his job I won't touch him if God is the one who has put me in this place of anointing let God move him out the way but I will not dirty my spirit to touch something that God has not moved yet oh I'm talking to somebody in here we go we're gonna get to it was Joseph who was 17 when he went into the pit but it was he was 30 when he went into the palace and so what God is saying to me is that when I anoint you I have to sustain you between the time of your anointing and the time I raise you up let your enemies laugh between the time i anoint and the time I raise you let the ridicule between the time I anoint and the time I raise you but when I raise you you can look at them and say I am Joseph do you remember me I feel it here it's a time of sustaining it's a time when God has to keep you together because at the end of the day he does not want an attitude that is antithetical to his behavior what he wants is an attitude that says it's God who brought me to this place and I don't have to seek revenge from anybody who got in my way because even though you put me in the pit even though I went to the prison yeah I was on my way even though I'm hiding in caves even though you're trying to put me against the wall with a javelin I am still on my way because once God anoints you to something there is no devil in hell that can take the anointing of your back this david has to be a battler crap and anybody in here that has been anointed for any purpose you got to roll up your sleeves oh yeah because you're gonna fight before you rest and never take it negatively because I can look at who has become your enemies and decide how much power God has given you because anytime you have become powerful you become powerful enemies oh all I gotta know is who's talking about you and then I know what you're doing if you just got a lot of weak enemies around you you ain't doing nothing cuz the devil send the generals to come get you when you're walking in the power of the Living God don't take it negatively every time you look at an enemy you rejoice because your enemies get you bless your enemies catch you with strength you haven't used the end now the critical thing here is that he is now in an antagonistic position in the sight of Saul it is Saul who hates David and he hates him completely absolutely and totally hates him because he sees the hand of God upon him men and once the hand of God becomes visible in your life not only do good people see it but evil people see it too and it's not that you're trying to be flashy it's just something you can't hide if God has his hand on you and the countenance of God is in your face the charisma and the persona of God is placed on you it's something you can't hide you can't hide the fact that God has elevated your spirit and given you a cheerful and a confident disposition you can't hide the fact that you have confidence that at the end I'm going to come out all right you can't hide the fact I know you want me to look like I'm saying like I'm broken like I'm done and I'm out but God's been too good [Applause] he's been too good to me I can't join your complaining party I can't join your back eating celebration I'm not a hater God's been too good I enjoy other people's success and I'm happy when other people are happy I can't be like you because when I'm anointed I got to be like God would have me to be it is this slave that's fighting saws enemies and sometimes when God puts you in a place of anointing he he causes you to protect and overcome circumstances for other people who don't like you it wasn't Saul who defeated Goliath it was David Saul is an animosity with David and yet still David is fighting Saul's battles and fighting them with the hand of God so now he is fighting and an inward battle in the house with Saul and the kingdom would solve yes cease fighting Saul's enemies and and so he's fighting not only Saul's enemies the Amalekites and not only song's enemies the Philistines but he's fighting Saul himself God and then of course a group of fellows have come around him and he speaks up about six hundred men who were literally the outcasts they couldn't get in anybody else's army and so they gathered themselves to David simply because they needed somebody to be their champion they didn't come really to give him anything they came because of who he was and what he represents anointing doesn't only draw enemy's anointing draws people who wanna SAP the anointed because they have no anointing of their own oh god I feel it I feel it and and so now here is a man who is fighting enemies on all sides external enemies and internal enemies and yet wrapped around him are a group of people who are always setting and not giving anything to the cause oh you have been there when God raised you up as the generation curse changer folk got in with you who didn't really want to help you but they just wanted to say what it is that God gave you isn't it funny that when you start helping some people they stop helping themselves oh I don't know if you know what I'm talking about maybe somebody here understands and so now he is out fighting the enemies is fighting the Amalekites he's fighting the Philistines and every now and then he's got to dodge from Saul in the middle of the battle the thing that is so taken here is he is out fighting the Philistines which he should be doing and what the enemy does is he likes to get you on one front of battle and then he sneaks in and manipulates and destroys what you left in order to protect I wonder are you with me I should have been here with my wife and my children but I've left them and I've gone out to fight the Battle of my enemies I'm fighting for somebody who doesn't like me and yet still I'm leaving what I love behind I want you to see that because many times when God has put his hand on you you bless others and those that you love are neglected it is the enemy who likes to come in when you're out fighting a battle you should be fighting then he comes in behind you to destroy what you love oh I wish I could talk to you here anytime you're anointed oftentimes you're challenged by what you love because when the enemy can't get to you he will go down what sure love am I talking some real people in here he can't get to you he'll go after your children he can't get to you he'll go after your momma he can't get to you he'll go after your father your brothers and your sisters your wives and your husband I wish I could preach this thing like I feel it I spent years and years going preaching to others and while I was out preaching there Fred buddy the devil snuck into my house when I turned around I was fighting in the ring and in the corner can I talk to somebody here now if you think about it he comes back with his men and when he comes back he does not know whether or not his family is dead all he knows is everything I have is burnt to the ground and what I love is gone now I've got 600 men with me and everybody has had some losses and so now here is the issue of regret because now I shouldn't have gone I should have stayed I don't know have you ever had to deal with an issue of regret I wish I hadn't done this I wish I didn't go and take on that battle I wish I had a stayed right here if I had stayed here I could have protected what I love and I have the unmitigated gall and audacity to be fighting enemies when saw or to be fighting and now I'm out there fighting his enemies and losing everything that I have and then when regret comes as follows here comes guilt because grief brings up every kind of emotion because once you move into grief then brief brings with it regret and guilt I should have been here to watch over what's mine and I'm sick and tired of being so selfless when other people are so selfish it looks like everybody depends on me to make things happen and I need somebody to help me sometimes have you ever prayed for folk and nobody prayed for you have you ever been trying to folk and when you needed something the folk you were kind to weren't even coming to you and sometimes when you get your back against the wall for being good to other people you feel like maybe you shouldn't have been so good if I didn't loan all of my money out I still had my house if I hadn't given everybody all of my stuff I would be further ahead I'm taking care everybody else and I'm losing everything on my side and then when I call on somebody I've been good - they have the unmitigated gall and audacity to wanna judge me spiritually I've gotta feel this thing here regrets it's something about it because the grief now brings them to a place of regrets and if you notice with me regret and grief yes and guilt is always because of something behind you I should have done it differently I should have been like everybody else but you can't be like everybody else because you're anointed different from everybody else I know you feel like crying but cry but cry won't move your anointing but you can't sit with your grief and your regret gotta encourage yourself oh I feel like preaching now imagine the intensity and I'm sure every brother sister up here and around this audience and everybody in this place who has been good to others and done it unselfishly wouldn't have had your credit messed up if the folk you were trying to help one such users wouldn't have your little job loss I just spent more time trying to be around them helping them that even going to work wouldn't have messed up your business if you didn't take in so many weights and so many burdens and then on top of that when you're going through a rough time you got a group of folk around you who can't even give you some support all of us was out here fighting all of us lost something I don't know how many wives you two you guys lost but I lost two in my struggles I don't know what you lost but I lost a whole lot when you're going through something and you had the most vulnerable time you got to check who you got with you oh I feel like preaching here you got to check who you talking to and chef who speaks to you because you've got some folk that's which you only in the good time but when the going gets rough things get tough they turn on you oh I feel a breakthrough coming in here not only is he fighting Saul not only is he fighting Saul's enemies not only is he fighting Amalekites and Philistines now the folk in his own camp are seeking to stone him I've cried out you've cried out you lost I lost now you want to put the blame on me I wish I could talk to you here if it wasn't for my sustenance we wouldn't have come this far now you want to put the blame on me if I hadn't been there for you all along you wouldn't have this strength to blame me I supported you and I took care of you and I was there for you and now that things are getting rough you want to put it on me but I know what to do you see here is where you've got to be sustained because it's at the place of great loss between the anointing and the appointing that you need to be sustained many of us understand deliverance but we need to understand sustenance sustenance comes at a time when I have to lean on somebody it's what I call at the time of God forsaken s now it's interesting here this concept in order to get to His grace is efficient there has to be of God forsaken God maybe I'm too deep to be too in the middle is message you see you what you need now is God has to stand back and allow the enemy to come in in order to show you that I don't have to have the right situation to sustain you you will not always be delivered but there is a time when you have to be sustained until that the deliverance comes ah but it's during the time when everything has gone and I thought I was anointed and I thought you had set me up for this but don't forget what he said man look at that the outward appearance what are you at the heart I wouldn't have given you this job if you didn't have the heart for it because I don't want anything that God didn't give me the heart for it oh god I wish I could talk to you you've been attracted to people because of their physicality yeah I know he looks good doesn't the baby and she's fine as wine isn't she but the question is do you have the heart for the rest of the story that you don't see because when you get in the house it ain't all be house yeah I know you wanna be king but do you have the heart to go through 15 years of hell before you get there I know you wanna be bastard but do you have the heart to go through what folks are going to do I know you want to be blessed but do you have the heart to be blessed and so now he's by himself got enemies on all sides yet he's anointed but now he has just a nap and it's the word from the Hebrew which means to lean on to lay upon to lay hold on it's used in the Levitical system and it means to lay your hands on the sacrificial lamb to lay on I want to put my trust and everything I've got on this because Lord right about now I need somebody to lean on I don't have any friends the I thought that were with me have turned their back I've got this next project to move in and the people who planned it with me have now walked away we have gone into this fight and into this battle and they know what we were going into now Lord and now they're trying to kill me I need something to lean on it's trusting in his power I got to trust you to hold me I gotta trust you to get unto me right now there's another word that the Hebrews use when it comes to encouragement and being strong and that's the word call now my grandmother used to speaking of the tongues years ago and and she would say ha ha and I didn't know what she meant you know I'm just listening as a child and every night she got up higher and I just listened when I studied I found that it means to remain alive it means to have life and the ability to exercise your vital powers to the very fullest not from what's going on from the outside but from what you've got on the inside do you have anything left it means to live on a scale between the fullness enjoyment of one's being with health and prosperity on one hand and it means to live even if you descend into trouble and sickness on the other hand it is from this situation that David wrote Oh Lord thou has brought up my soul from the grave thou hast kept me high that I should not go down to the pit when God anoints you no matter what your enemies do to you you'll go down so far but no further I feel the Holy Ghost in here I've been down but I'm not out it means to sustain it means to restore it means to have health it means to recover that's why the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God touch somebody say ha ha in every word in a word of encouragement there is higher in a word of comfort there is higher in a word of consolation there is higher because everybody who's been knighted by God it's going to have to be encouraged sometime and David's app before the Lord because he couldn't sit before anybody else and David encouraged himself before the Lord it's time for you to encourage yourself do you have just a little bit left I know you've tried until you can't cry no more but the question is do you have just power left no more crying power give God a praise right in the middle of what I'm going through that feels something pushing me tonight I feel somebody in this house touch your neighbor say is it you is it you I feel somebody I feel it [Applause] I feel the Holy Ghost it is clearer than the same word and member habit derivatives from etymological that's called cold and it means to contain it's to hold its abide it's the bear and it's to nourish and what it means is to contain less you do a vessel it's gonna hold you together you're going through something right now because you're anointed and God sent me a word to tell you I'm gonna hold you together everybody thinks that what you're going through or to cause you to fall apart but God said keep you from losing your mind so you lost your car so you lost your house so you lost some stuff but don't lose your mind cuz I got to recover you first then we'll go get our stuff back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give somebody a high five say you've got to come back first then we'll get everything back because I got to pull this thing out for the Lord he had to move from crying because he's already cried out you were already fought all your battles you've already called all the lawyers you don't call you've already checked every friend you're gonna check now it's time to get up from that weakly crying place and get in the presence of the Lord coz tryna go solve the problem complaining is not gonna solve the problem but praise we'll encourage your spirit to another level right now talk to God in a way that he can begin to give me instruction because as long as you're crying you've cut off your instruction as long as you're complaining you've cut off the inner chamber because you've got to understand that complaint does not bring guardian crying don't bring guardian huh but when you walk up to the Lord and say the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh the name of the Lord I got to praise you for a few minutes here because Lord nobody's with me but I've got a feeling you who anointed me knows the way that I take and you must have a plan betrayed me betrayed if you're not careful even break your back but if you can recover from betrayal got the glory say I thank you for him anyway lift you up for him anyway now you beginning to praise his faith begin to chick in there and now she's saying to the Lord only one person can tell me they alive or dead so now Lord I'm tired of being sorry for myself so now what must I do now give somebody a high five and say is there a word from the Lord it's time to find out how do I get it back what must I do because I've been down in this valley I've been messed up and hurt but I need some instruction I need some help now should I go after them or should I let them go and I heard the Lord say get up from there and go after them cuz everything they got is still yours it's just in storage it's just set aside till I can get some friends I feel like reaching the night but your neighbors say is still yours just wanna move you [Music] there was an Amalekite that dropped off for six gyptian let me tell you something about God if you hurry up and praise Him you'll get some words before too long the thing that's delaying your word is your crying too long complaining too long as soon as he began the praising he began to feel his anointing coming back and anointing don't sit around and wait for anything when you're anointed the energy begins to move you begin to let folk know it's my time now the enemy got me then but it's my time what should I do where should I go and God had an enemy in the enemy's camp check somebody's head said God has a spy in the enemy's camp God caused the boy to get sick just for you [Applause] let the enemy tell you how to get back what's yours this week that you thought was shut up now I'm lining them up now so get up from there to the other side feel like shouting tell your neighbor from the other side the other side [Applause] Wow they were crying the demo rejoicing but we get ready to reverse the curse you tried first [Applause] in in the anointing but what you got belongs to me still you got it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the church [Music] money they say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] touch your neighbor say I'm not gonna get it back [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] get it all back Gus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if I can just recover you we can recover the stuff that God said I just want to recover you first trust in the Lord with all in huh leave her - they don't understand I'm closing I'm closing [Music] it is between the anointing and the appoint that the spirit of a man is tried and tested and the measure of how you will act at the day of a point will be an indication of what you have become between the time of the appointing and the stuff you have gone through and I want to close with this point I want you to measure it closely and see it in your own life whenever you get to the place where you are now in position you will never ever seek revenge you will never ever try to hurt who hurts you along the way blue hostility 200 men stayed back and the average one of the men said when we get back with this ball we won't share it with nobody but David said never that even though they didn't come with us they're part of us oh I feel it when Joseph finally got their can notice he was anointed to preserve his brothers the same ones that put him to hell is the same once he was anointed to preserve for the only reason he went into Egypt was so that when the famine came Israel would have some place to go God is working on you between the appointment and the anoint so that when you get to where he wants you to be you give it all back plus and you'll still have the best attitude a human being could ever have I want you to take one person by both hands get one prayer partner and a left on the right hand you have the power to begin your motion to recovery come up out of that bed of weeping and crying come up out of that bed of negative thoughts come out of that bed of seeking revenge come up out of that bed of bitterness come up out of that bed I'm feeling sorry for yourself coming out of that bed of regret of grief and guilt is not your fault it was gonna happen anyway it's not your fault the enemy is the one who attacked you you are in the right place you were doing what you were supposed to do you are operating the way you should you are doing what God are dancing you to do you in the where he wanted you to be don't sit and regret don't take it as your fault it's time to go on you can't keep looking back condemning yourself over something that you don't have any power over and Claridge yourself in the Lord lift him up and praise him he'll give your direction be a soldier which way to go he's protecting you till you get there he's keeping it till you get there he's keeping it till you get laughs raise your neighbors him to heaven we've got the Dory together when two or three are gathered in my name there's a breakthrough coming now there's a breakthrough coming you're breaking out of it you're breaking out of it jump breaking out of it jumpin it under your feet [Music] in the name of Jesus I raise you up my brother I raise you up my sister I raise you up to praise I raise you up to joy get sanity back can't sanity back your energy is in your face the joy of the Lord is your strength your energy is in your brain it's alright now it's time to get it back up in your mind [Applause] loose those hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that ministry is still yours that home is still yours that jaw is still yours that session is Dalia [Music] the curvature gods recover me somebody's [Music] of the urgency [Music] blessing [Music] what a recovery somebody raise your hands to the Lord and say thank you for recovering me thank you for recovering me now show me what to do Lord I'm ready to do it I'm ready to do it clap your hands again and crazy somebody [Applause] I want to ask you to hold your place sometimes and it happens in my house too the people are going that direction in God is pulling people this way but there's somebody in this house who has not accepted the Lord as Savior you don't know him in the power of the Resurrection now I bid you to come I bid you to come a picture to come young man young lady a
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 870,634
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Id: EqWrsqqIAhU
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Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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