DON'T TRUST THIS GAME | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 1

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I know some of you are scared over the future of this subreddit and DDLC in general but I need to remind you guys that even through all of that to refrain from going to other subreddit's and harassing their users. Be respectful. As long as they didn't do anything out of accord nothing to worry about. Rest assured we'll be ready if anything arises.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kotouu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

shit boys, it's going mainstream

it was nice knowing you fine lads while we had our secluded time alone

here's to hoping we don't fall like undertale

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ICaughtTearsInMyEye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

this is probably gonna get buried under but to be honest, i'm not worried about jack playing DDLC. jack is a nice guy!

if you are all concerned about the game's fanbase turning bad, we should unite as one and be the good shining from the bad. we also would need to welcome any newcomers to the community.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

oh god no

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

And so shall this day, which hath been foretold, marks the beginning of the end. No fandom shall escape the grasp of death.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_ME_MONIKA_R34 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh god no, why?!?! You couldn't just play it on your own time, jack you couldn't do that could you?!?! OH MY GOD! this is tragic.. this is horrible..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Memerdanker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

May we hold fast against the tides and continue supporting our girls! Don't let them break our will!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Remember. We survived the possible game theory surge, we still have a chance.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ClosetedWeeb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That's alright, we're just inviting more people on our Literature club! We just need to have them sign on this contract for… Just Monika cult……

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tofuonplate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
*Wapoosh* Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a game called "Doki Doki Literature Club." Which - Okay - *scoffs* There's gonna be a few disclaimers about this game before I start. A lot of you have been suggesting that I play this game and when I saw it first, I thought - I kind of rolled my eyes at it - I saw it on Steam when it came out. And I rolled my eyes at it cuz' I thought it was just a Japanese, schoolgirl, visual novel, dating game kind of thing. And it didn't seem like anything that I'd be interested in, But everybody on the reviews - this is a 10 out of 10 on Steam - and everybody in the reviews were saying, "Don't read anything else about the game, just play it for yourselves." So that already had my intrigue and then when I started up the game it gave me a bunch of disclaimers that said, "You need to be at least 13 years old to be able to play this game." I had to agree to a consent; And then it said, "Warning: If you suffer from anxiety or depression, you might not find some of the stuff in this game appropriate." SO I need to say that outright as well and then it gave, like, a link to... like, a disclaimer page for warnings for this game so I have no idea what this is. Apparently it gets very weird very quickly and a lot of people have been suggesting it to me, so there has to be something to it? That - Again, cause if you're like me and you rolled your eyes at it first, It might be completely different from what we're expecting, so Let's give it a chance and give it a shot and see what it's actually like. Um, I-I literally have no idea what to expect from this *reads dialogue* *reads dialogue* Awe, look at her! *chuckles* So fuckin' anime. *reads dialogue* Actually I probably won't be able to do voices for this cuz' it's all girls and that high pitched voice is gonna blow out my throat really quickly. "But I caught you this time!" Oh yeah. My name is Jack *laughs* Okay. I guess that works. I wanted to put in Jack cause I wanted the characters to call me Jack. *laughs* My waifus. *reads dialogue* *reads dialogue* *Reads dialogue* Whatever you Say-ori! *kawai girl laugh* *Reads dialogue* Have you not deci- *corrects himself* Have you decided on a club to join yet? A club? Maybe Doki Doki Literature club *Reads dialogue* What’s a NEET? (a young person who is "Not in Education, Employment, or Training”) I look around and realise I’m not *corrects himself* that I’m the only left in the classroom Going through these classrooms always reminds me of playing 'White Day' Um... 'White Day,' A labyrinth named school! It's a Korean... Um... Korean horror game that I played ages ago Um... I-It was a bit all over the place, but these classrooms- -the- -the Japanese and Korean- Like classroom styles and building architectures and everything are very similar So, it always reminds me of that. *Continues reading dialogue* Girl 1! Oh god there's too many of them... I already forgot the voice I gave you! She looks like Kyu from... Huniepop Oh, that- Oh, this is Sayori! OH! I'm gettin' all confused THERE'S SO MANY CHARACTERS! *Inhale* CUTE GIRLS! I mean, uh- Sorry... *Chuckles* Mutterings... *Continues dialogue* *Clears throat* *Strange noises* All these, uh- Cute girls, uh- *Continues dialogue* Smells great... Nice hair... *Continues dialogue and gets back on track* I have no idea what voices to give these girls *Kitty Jack pose* You look like you have- Like kitty teeth MEOW~ *Continues dialogue* That's always the case CUPCAKES Are not designed very well It's not like some baking engineer went out and made cupcakes The most prime candidate for icing sugar...treat 'Cause if any of you try to bite into, like a proper cupcake, You have to get icing everywhere Maybe that's the point... *Continues dialogue* I mean- *Talks with mouth full* This is really good *Continues Dialogue* What? *Continues Dialogue* WHOOP THE MUSIC! *Dances* *Continues Dialogue* you're not the Yuri I know The Yuri I know is in Girls Generation Kwon Yu-ri AHHM- FAKE YURI!!! Little weird Her 'Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson' impression is getting better though SHIT!!! She's onto me Immediately Can she read my thoughts? 'The Shining' I heard it was called By Steven King AH! Monika comes back in to do her 'Rock' impression After hearing me- Actually, after listening to me think about it *Jack about to say 'What?' out loud but doesn't* *Also Jack, you ARE adorable. Right, guys?* *Jack chuckles* *BURP* Or as in Anime they would say, "Oh, oh. Nani?" When all of their cute smiles, And pretty hair, And lovely eyes Stare back at me! DEJECTED! *Jack holds himself* H-hey, you're choking me Yeeeeaaaaahhhh Heh One of these names is not like the other~ Perhaps, I can even make Da Waifu! See, this is what i expected this game to be Just this like, FOREVER! But apparently it gets much different Apparently, it starts off like this And it's supposed to make you think that's it's all this And then it takes a sharp turn And I don't know what sharp turn that's gonna take pretty quickly But the fact that it said, "You're not gonna be happy if you suffer anxiety and depression" Makes me think that ahh- Their poems are gonna open up a bit about who they actually are. ALRIGHT! Ohhh... So who are we thinking? Who do we like most so far? I don't like Natsuki cause Her-she seems a little hotheaded And her attitude towards me was a little- A little sharp Sayori is my best friend Kind of but she cute Monika *smack his lips* Feel like Monika is a little too out of my league She's a bit too, uh...official Since she's the president I think Yuri is my heart's desire for now umm I forget what she's into *Jack laughs* Okay..what should we write about? "Pain!" Ah, hahum "Massacre!" Let's write a horror! Wait, are these girls bouncing based on what I'm picking? ...Oh, you're just bouncing anyways.. Ummmmm "Raincloud." Oh, they do bounce based on what I'm clicking! Ummm "Philosophy?" Ahh! So I'm trying to pick the ones that Yuri likes. I like Yuri. "HORROR!" "Melancholy." Okay. Sayori jumped a little for that one, but I don't know if it's just a natural jump. Uhhhh, "tragedy!" Sayori, you like "tragedy?" Ummm... "Boop?" *laughs* "Misfortune." Shit! "Dazzle?" Ah, shit. "Infinite, fester, eternity!" Yeah, there we go. "Misfortune," shit! "Effulgent." I don't even know what that is, "disown." Okay, so you like the dark stuff, (Yuri) You like a middle ground, (Sayori) You like the cute stuff. (Natsuki) I can't even impress Monika! She's not even here! Ummm "Destiny?" "Wrath." "Unrestrained?" I'm picking all the good ones! For Yuri. I have to pick twenty?! God Almightly. "Graveyard." Ummmm "Hurt?" Okay. *laughs* You like that one. Uhhh, inf- -alliblllllle "DEATH." wHAT!?! Sayori, you like "death?" Ummm, 'kay, two more... "Insight." Nice, and "misery." Crap! Okay, last one! Last one, last one. "Determination!" <3 Let's get a little Undertale in there. Okay. Time to- -see what our poems are all about. *he's just reading dialouge right now* Huho! ROASTED! I do! In real life, that's me! I always do my best, as long as I'm having fun. Why do I help her out with this? Don- *scoff*Don't out me in front of my waifu! *weird voice* Don't be shy! What book did she get me? I wanna know! Is it "Shutter Island?" Is it "IT?" Ahhmm.. Oh God. Uhh Ahhh! It's because she bought the book specifically for you, dummy! Cause she LIKES YOU! Is-is this happening because of the stuff i picked? For my poem? That'd be really cool if that was the case. *sub. author(s) note:"relatable" This sounds awesome! I feel like that this is, um foreshadowing for the game. It's-it's-it's symbolism! Don't judge a book by it's cover, And it's a literature club, and they're reading books *smart Jack is smart* Not just a hat rack, my friend. *coughs* It's also a cough factory. Why do I feel like this is telling me everything that's gonna happen? Aw, that's so sweet! Wow! This is even worse reading! Cause not only am I a character that doesn't read a lot, but she reads a lot, so that means she's probably gonna finish the pages sooner and I'm left going like this: And whenever that happens. I have done this with somebody before, not like, in a romantic kind of way or anything, but just like- -you know when you're younger and you're in school and you have like a- -a little book.. ...hour? Or whatever, or at least my class had that. So, with my friends, I'd be doing it but I couldn't read as fast as they could, because they read a lot. And then- My mind wasn't even focusing on the page It was just waiting to figure out when they were finished and then I would just turn the page anyway. Oh, she's looking at me. (nice save protagonist) *weird scream?* I COMPLETELY forgot we had to share poems. Alright. Who should I show my poem to first? Hmmm... Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. *singsong* If he hollers, let him go. Eeny, meeny, miny, MONIKA! Eeny, meeny, miny, Monika *chuckles* Let's just start with Monika. That's kind of like me in real life, actually. Maybe that's why I got- -instantly drawn to Yuri's character? *forced laughter* *dramatically reads poem* My bleh! *chuckles* *continues dramatically reading poem* *shooketh* Whaaat? *accidentally does Monika's voice for Jack and corrects himself* (as a writing person, this is good advice) That's pretty good! Who should I show my poem to next? I feel like I should show it to Yuri. I feel like since it's-it's the reason I wrote the poem. I feel like I should have brought it to Monika first since she's the head of the club. (you did but okay..) *dialogue* What's with this sort of like- Reggae... music that's going on? Okay, short and to the point. Like the book she gave me. *dramatically reads poem* *weird voice* Ookay.. *chuckles* Aww.. Precious!~ Okay, let's go with Natsuki! I'll go Sayori last because it might be the end of the day, and then we can walk home together. What? But, I'm not a rapper. *confused* *chuckle* I like how the music changed. *reads normally* Exactly! Every poem is beautiful! As long-well- As long as you're writing from your heart, and writing honestly, that's art. And no one should ever judge your for that. *dialogue* Yeah, so the idea of her poem is that, everyone else around you can do great things. "Eagles can fly, monkeys can climb, horses can run." "Frogs can leap." That kinda thing. But humans can only try. That's deep. *dialogue* Like humans fall flat! Short and sweet. Okay, Sayori! Let's get into it! *reads poem* *laughs* That's a good one! I like that! It also explains the last line. You remind me of the.. what's her name? Sasha Braus, from Attack on Titan She-she loves food so much, and you kinda have the same face as her right now. *sigh* *corrects himself* Oh, God. Ah, girls, girls, calm down. GIRLS! Girls, we can calmly- *weird sound* Oh, God. Umm, Girls, can we re- *grunts* Natsuki! .... Hi. Ummm... *sound of "oh shit, I have to choose"* Fuck. OOOOHHH! What do we do? I can't-I wanna go with Yuri, because that's.. waifu. But I don't want to upset Natsuki. Uh, "Help me, Sayori!" Girls, girls. We can talk about this. If only- *imitating Sayori* Big, beautiful, boobies! Wait, does that mean I leaned more towards Sayori then? Am I even picking a dating partner? That's cute. In the club! You know, bottle full of bub? (no, what?) *pat pat pat* Okay, good night, bye! Okay. Time to write the next poem, which means it's my time to save my game. Okay! Okay, right. So so far, we're an hour into the game, nothing, crazy has happened yet? But I can see that it's setting up for something. Or maybe it's just because I know people said that weird shit happens. Which would probably really take you by surprise if you knew nothing about this game and you just jumped into it. First of all, I still don't know what's gonna happen. But I feel like Yuri laid down some -some groundwork for what COULD happen. She might have foreshadowed a bit of things and the types of poems I'm writing might lead to something but... ..very intresting! I like the characters a lot anyway. Even if this didn't turn into anything, it's still just fun to talk to them because I like how different all the characters are. Umm, even if it is, kind of like, the-the sterotypical dating thing! But, haven't found anything crazy yet! I'm looking forward to what IS gonna happen, though! It'd probably start happening in the next episode. Umm But- So far, really liking it! I like it a lot! Hopefully you guys like it too. And- If you're a person- whos played this game, and you know what happens, or you know what's about to happen, or you know the different types of characters or what- Personalities they have or if me going with some character Ileads to different endings like that, PLEASE I-I beg of you not to say anything in the comments. Because I don't know anything! And I don't want to be spoiled And because I read the comment a lot, I don't want to go through it and have the whole thing ruined for me. But other people who are really getting into this, or other people... ..who like this for their first time through as well, I don't want them to get ruined either. So, please, please be mindful of others. I know... ...that... ...the temptation to post spoilers or to even-don't even the stuff for like- "Oh, I know what's gonna happen if you do this!" Like, don't be sly about it either. Just DON'T POST SPOILERS! I do not condone that! And- I-I hate it when people do that. It's-it's such a shitty thing to do. So, please be mindful of that! That some of us are going through this for the first time so we don't know what's going-going to happen. And! If you're not into these types of games, if you're not into the whole.. "Japanese Schoolgirl Dating Sim" kind of game, Normally, I'm not into that either myself, with the exception of-like-Huniepop just because that was so... ..that was life, the first kinda thing I did. But- I-I was assured that that's not all this game is. The tag for this on Steam have Horror, Gore, Self Harm, stuff like that in them, So I have no idea what's gonna happen all I know that it's not this forever. So give the game a chance. Anyway! That does it for the first episode! If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face! LIKE A BOSS! AND- *whisper* high fives all around *high fives all around* Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes! IN THE NEXT VIDEO! Woah! That took forever! Hi everyone! I'm one of the many people who help subtitle this video! Thanks to everyone who made typed these all out! Most of us are credited in the description. If you want to subtitle one of Jack's videos in your language, Don't hesitate to go to the specific video's settings and find "Add Subtitles." From there, you can find your language and subtitle away! Anyway, that's it! Have a great day! Oh schoolgirls! You make my heart go, "Doki Doki!"
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,574,644
Rating: 4.9316883 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Doki Doki Literature Club, Doki Doki, Doki Doki Literature Club Gameplay, Doki Doki Literature Club Jacksepticeye, playthrough, walkthrough, dating sim, japanese schoolgirls, sayori, natsuki, yuri, monika, horror game, twist, secret, ending, ending explained, surprise, choices, music, soundtrack, doki doki literature club ost, doki doki literature club jacksepticeye part 2, doki doki literature club jacksepticeye playlist, doki doki literature club jacksepticeye 2
Id: jKgNdM1jPe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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