EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 4

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*whip crack* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to doki doki literature club! Things are getting weird...I don't know what to expect anymore Somebody's very very sad, somebody else came over to my house and had a great time but it was kind of tainted by something else...Monika keeps breaking the fourth wall...things are getting crazy! And after the reaction to the other episode that just went up, people are like "Ohh Jack's gettin' into the weird shit now." Okay, strap yourselves in Jack! You're the first one here. Thanks for being early! That's funny, I thought at least Yuri would be here by now. Monika is placing little booklets on each of the desks in the classroom. They must be the ones she prepared that has all the poems we're performing. In the end, I found a random poem online that I thought Monika would like and submitted it. So that's the one I'll be performing. I'm surprised you didn't bring Sayori with you. Yeah, she overslept again. That dummy... You think that on days this important she'd try a little harder. I say that, but I suddenly remember what Sayori told me yesterday... And I suddenly feel awful, knowing it's not nearly that simple for her. I only said it because it's the way I'm used to thinking, but... Maybe I should have gone to wake her up, after all? Ahaha. You should take a little responsibility for her, Jack! I mean, especially after your exchange with her yesterday... You kind of left her hanging this morning, you know? How did- how did you know? Exchange? Monikaー you know about that?? Of course I do. I'm the club president, after all. Butー! I stammer, embarrassed. Did Sayori really tell her about it that quickly? About how I basically turned down her confession? That makes me really seem like the bad guy here... But I'm the one who knows what's best for her, right? Jeez... You don't know the full story at all so... Don't worry. I probably know a lot more than you think okay Okay... Monika is being as friendly as usual, but for some reason, I felt a chill down my spine after hearing that. Hey, do you want to check out the pamphlets- I do not trust you. This is... she's weird. They came out really nice! But so, because she's broken the fourth wall already and told you to "save your game", does she know directly what the players doing? Yeah, sure... I grabbed one of the pamphlets laid out on the desks. Oh yeah, they really did. Something like this will definitely help people take the club more seriously. Yeah, I thought so too! I flip through the pages. Each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page giving it an almost professional feel. I recognize Natsuki's and Yuri's poems from the ones they perform during our practice. What's this...? I flipped to Sayori's poem. It's different from the one she practiced. It's one that I haven't read before... Oh god... It just says get out of my head over and over and over again. Ooooooh Creepy! Get out of my head before I do what I know is best for you. Get out of my head before I listen to everything she said to me. Get out of my head before I show you how much I love you. Get out of my head before I finish writing this poem. But a poem is never actually finished. It just stops moving. So is she saying that to me? That I'm the thing that she can't get out of her head? Oh God. Ah--- what is this? Reading the poem I get a pit in my stomach I keep having to check the fucking game files now as well, because it's causing shit on me! Jack? What's wrong? Ah, nothing... This poem feels completely different from everything else Sayori's written. But, more than that... I- I changed my mind! I'm gonna go get Sayori, so... Ah--- Well, alright! Try not to take too long okay! I quickly leave the classroom. Don't strain yourself~ Monika calls that out after me. I quicken my pace. What was I thinking? I should have tried a little bit harder for Sayori. It's not a big deal to at least wait for her, or help her wake up. Even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes her really happy. Besides I told her yesterday that things will be the same as they always have been. That's all she needs, and what I want to give her. I reach Sayori's house and knock on the door. I don't expect an answer, since she's not picking up her phone, either. Like yesterday, I opened the door and let myself in. Oh, no... Sayori? She really is a heavy sleeper... I swallow. I can't believe I ended up doing this after all. Waking her up in her own house... Isn't that more like something a boyfriend would do? I'm so nervous... In any case... It just feels right. Outside Sayori's room, I knock on her door. Sayori? Wake up, dummy... There's no response. I really didn't want to have to enter her room like this. Isn't it kind of a breach of privacy? But she really leaves me no choice. I gently opened the door. *gasps* (Screams!) Oh my god!!! What the fuck?! What's the fuck?! ( I don't know...) What's happening?! What's happening?! A new file just went into my game folders--- oh no! See traceback.txt for details. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code--- *traces the file* Restart top context: Oh jeez... I didn't break anything, did I? Hold on a sec. I can probably fix this... I think... Actually, you know what? This would probably be a lot easier if I just deleted her. She's the one that's making this so difficult. *scrolls* What?! What the fuck is going on...? What the hell?? What the hell?! Is this a nightmare? It... has to be. This isn't real. There's no way this can be real. Sayori wouldn't do this. Everything was normal up until a few days ago. That's why I can't believe what my eyes are showing me...! I suppress the urge to vomit. Just yesterday, I told Sayori I would be there for her. I told her I know it's best that I everything would be okay- Ooh, so that's why she didn't come out this mornin'! *falls into despair* *peeks the game file* Wait a second- No fuckin' way! There's a folder in the game called "characters". And in that folder, I've checked it before it just had Monika.chr, Natsuki.chr, and Yuri.chr. But it also had Sayori and Sayori's gone now. So her character has actually been deleted from the game files. *clicks the text box* Ooh, this is creepy! I don't like this! (yeah sure you love it) That's why--- it was Monika wasn't it? Because she's the one breaking the fourth-wall- there's only one character who could actually do that and she was talking in this.. *clicks the traceback.txt* She's the one saying "I didn't break anything, did I? It'll be a lot easier if I just DELETED her..." "Haha, well here goes nothing." You actually just deleted Sayori from the game! Ohoho, this is- oh, I get it, I get it now, I get what people were talking about! We're gonna be so hopeless. What did I do wrong turning down her confession? But has to have been what pushed her over the edge her agonized scream still echoes in my ears Where did I do that to her when she needed me the most? Why was I so selfish? This is my fault and the music's hidden all creepy my swarming thoughts keep telling me everything I could have done to prevent this If I just spent more time with her walked her to school and gave her what I know she wanted out of our relationship then I could have prevented this I Know I could have prevented this Screw the literature Club screw the festival. I just lost my best friend Someone I grew up with she's gone forever now Nothing, I do can bring her back This isn't some game where I can reset and try something different well technically it is and that's what Monica was saying to save your thing I Only had one chance, and I wasn't careful enough and now I carry this guilt with me until I die Nothing in my life is worth more than hers, but I still couldn't do what she needed from me And now I can never take it back never never never!! never!! NO WAY! So C or E is gone! But now all that's left is like an amalgamation of the other characters in her place.. Oh!! No!! It's starting the game again, but it's all fucked up! See you knowin girl run toward me for the distance waving her oh God! that girl is She just has no name anymore Or she gonna dish you gonna turn up all fucked up Ha ha ha oh jesus no Oh fuck you game Mornings are usually the worst being surrounded by couples and friend groups walking to school together meanwhile. I've always walked to school alone I'm so into this. This is an outstanding turn of events I Always tell myself, it's about time I meet some girls or something like that, but I have no motivation to join any clubs and perfectly so now The game has basically started again it tried to do it with C or E in it realize the character is gone and then Just decided to make up a scenario where that character never existed, so now we're getting new dialogue I mean obviously completely intentional by the developers, but that's awesome So is the anime club, but it's not like there would be any girls in it anyway Okay, this is all the same but different Frankly shirt the wallet confirm, okay clubs Maybe this is all the same. We've we've read this before Cuz there's no choice, but to start with the anime club, and this is where say Ori would come in Take all mother a god oh God she turned into Monica Monica. What did you do? Monica oh my goodness, I totally didn't expect to see you here, it's been a while, right uh? Yeah it has Monica smiled sweetly we do know each other well. We rarely talked, but we were in the same class last year Monica was probably the most popular girl in class smart beautiful athletic Basically completely out of my league so having her smile at me so genuinely feels a little What did you come in here for anyway? I've just been looking for some supplies to use for my club. Do you know if there's any construction paper in here or America's? Guess you could check the closet you're in the debate Cup, right? about that Actually quit the debate club really you quit yeah to be honest. I can't stand you. Okay. This is the same I'd much rather take something. I personally enjoy and make something special out of it In that case what club did you say to join actually I'm starting a new one oh fuck Let's see Yuri trying to get through a Literature Club literature, that sounds kind of dull how many members you have so far It's kind of embarrassing, but there's only three of us so far you fucking liar there was four It's really hard to find new members for something that sounds so boring Well, I can see that, but it's really not boring at all you know Literature can be anything reading writing poetry I mean one of my members even keeps a ramanga collection in the club room wait really Yeah, it's funny right she always insists that manga is literature, too. I mean she's not wrong. I guess Besides a members a member right? Did Monica say she? Mmm. Hey Jack by any chance. Are you used to looking for a cup to join uh? I mean I mean I guess so but in that case is there any chance you could do me a big favor I won't ask you to join, but if You could advert the very least visit my club it would make me really happy, please Um I guess I have no reason to refuse are we just progressing now forgetting that say Ori ever existed Besides how could I ever refuse someone like Monica sure I guess I can check it out Awesome, you're really sweet jack. You know that but it's really nothing Shall we go then and look for the materials another time you are more important. You're doing this on purpose aren't you? Is she like a character who's able to see through Lake she's like Deadpool or flowey she's able to like see through the game She's able to see through the fact that it's a game and she's talking like She knows that you're gonna be there She kind of needs you for something and or maybe she wants me, and she's getting rid of all the other girls although she only say or he's dead, but she bought it sounds weird I Timidly follow Monica across the school in upstairs a section of the school I rarely visit you yeah, this is all the same wanna get full of energy swings open the classroom door And back and I've brought a guest with me who fucking christ. Okay. This is terrifying Yeah a guest no that means all my progress with URI is reverted Now we were getting along so well wait I wonder did any Hey, happy thoughts is the same Nervous Seriously, you brought a boy way to kill the atmosphere Don't be paint Natsuki, but anyway welcome to the Cobb jack All words escape me in this situation this club. It's full of incredibly cute girls all this stuff. We've seen before You're Monica's boyfriend right? What no I'm not Netsuke the girl with the sour attitude his name apparently nice key. Yeah, this is all the same as well Anyway, this is not Sookie energetic as usual except say Yuri was the one introducing me to all of these the last time And this is Yuri the vice president no Say Ori was the voice voice president It's nice to meet you Yuri you appears compared to be more mature and timid seems the aaaa It's nice to meet both of you so I ran into Jack in a classroom, and he decided to come check out the club Isn't that great? wait Monica Didn't I tell you that let me know in advance before you brought anyone knew I was going to well you know Sorry, sorry. I didn't forget that but I just happened to run into him in that case. I should at least make some tea, right Yeah, that would be great. Why don't you come sit down Jack? The girls of a few desks arranged to form a table Yuri walks to the corner of the room and opens up the closet meanwhile Monica and NAT ski sit across from each other Still feeling awkward. I take a seat next to Monica So I know you didn't really plan on coming here, but will make sure you feel right at home. Okay as President of the literature cup it's my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone Sprays aren't more people in the club yet You know I'm sprays there's not one energetic pink haired girl with a ribbon whose lovely and we all forgot about Must be hard to start a new club you could put it that way Not many people are very interested in putting all out all the effort for something brand-new Especially when it's something that doesn't grab your attention like literature You have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile But it makes cool events like the festival that much more important I'm confident that we can all really grow this cup before we graduate right Natsuki Well, I guess let's Keep reluctantly agrees such different girls all interested in the same goal Monica. I must have worked really hard just to find these two She didn't you don't deserve this URI returns to the table carrying a teasing well, we keep saying that but she might not have anything to do it at all but I'm on to you Cheerilee places tea cup in front of each of us some of this is all the same So I'm just repeating the same lines keep a whole tea set in the classroom Don't worry teacher gave us permission after all and hock up to you. Good book. I guess Don't let yourself get intimidated here. He's just trying to impress you That's not insulted URI looks away I meant that you know I Believe you well tea and reading might not be a pastime for me, but I at least enjoy tea I'm glad Yury friendly smiles to herself and relief So check what kinds of things do you like to read? Well soon you know little I've read the past few years. You didn't you read a lot You're answering the same thing But I is a player this is like Groundhog Day But I is the player No And I'm playing as Bill Murray who doesn't know? Really weird I'm skipping some of this because this is all the stuff. We've seen and now when I went into the settings before it said skip unseen text So this means skip everything except the unseen text because I would like that because now I don't want to reread everything I've read already Okay, I'm gonna save... No!! No Oh!!! Fucking weird! These are all saves another ganda oh! That's awesome Monica. What did you do okay? I want to see what happens if I if I click this Okay, okay, okay stop sup sup!! Do you have any ready experience to hurry? Maybe sure sir okay? I don't know if I actually skip some shit, sorry!!! you can set an example and help Natsuki feel comfortable enough to share hers I Guess it's the same for URI we all sit in silence for a moment hey. I just got an idea how about this? This is all the stuff I've seen You've been locked a special poem Would you like to read it? I hope I didn't actually skip anything. Sorry just allotted that was the exact same stuff... Just missing say Orie Okay, I'm on to you game. I'm checking your shit a dream. I was wandering an abandoned warehouse at night I was lost looking for an exit. She wanted to go home I came upon a huge empty room its ceilings and walls that deep black beyond the deep blackness My steps were quick in order to hurry to the other side or to a wall anything suddenly the ground was no longer beneath my feet I stepped into a hole of into intermediate inter indeterminate with I Fell for a good 5 seconds before crashing into warm water Figuring out which way was up. I surfaced myself the air was human and the sounds of my splashing reverberate it endlessly My vision was completely swallowed by the dark with one hand I could feel the depth metal wall of the container My lungs were already getting tired Oh no Ok so Since I went through this already and since I did URI stuff, let's see what happens if I go with Natsuki stuff now Boop sweet, this is the stuff that I said it'd all be perfect for her Dance yeah, let's see if I can actually predict her if she really was that easy all along On get 20 out of 20 for her Oh Oh melody yeah Chocolates Fun sugar Twirl Joy what You like joy since when Yuri I Know you okay Valentine Bunnies Puppies Heart giggle milk Other that's a chillax climax Hope oh shit and love oh no oh no stop stop oh It's almost like the game is like hey remember me It's one of those things that it's like the game knows what you're doing And it's giving you that like creep up your back. Hi again check glad to see you didn't run away on us, haha I don't worry. I'm just might be illustrating me needs to keep my word. This is the stuff I said to say Ori. Oh god stop You must stop this Thanks for keeping your promise check over the 200. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh No, no, hope oh Come on like he deserves any slack. This is all stuff. We read before as well Where are you in front of the text? Now but now I know I'm like keyed into everything now didn't know what type of game This is I'm like I'm identifying Every single little clue like her standing in front of the text does that mean she thinks she's in front of the other girls This is all the same stuff I read the stuff that I think is new So you wanna skip, but I feel like it's not actually skipping the unseen stuff or skipping to the unseen stuff And it sounds like the music is slightly going out of tune Yeah, yeah, this is us reading the book again I Should look it up. Just away. Just so I know oh god. There's a food There's a text file in the folders now. This is can you hear me? There's a little devil inside all of us beneath there manufactured perception their artificial reality is a writhing twisted mass of dread loathing judgment elitism self-doubt or Thrashing to escape the feeble hold of their hosts Seeping through every little crevice they can find Into their willpower starving them of all motivation and desire Into their stomach forcing them to drown their guilt and comfort food or into a newly opened gash in their skin hidden only by the sleeves of a cute new shirt Such a deplorable tangled masao is already present in every single one of them That's why I choose not to play myself with her actions all I did was untie the knot Okay, so Newly opened gash in their skin hidden only by the sleeves of a cute. New shirt seems like she's wherever this is talking about URI Clothing judgment elitism self-doubt is that nat sake oh? This is really bizarre This is phenomenal I love this type of shit She seems to be annoyed by something I approach her in case she needs a hand oh, this is new okay Looking for something in there. Oh Fucking Monica hmm She never puts my stuff back in the right spot What's the point in keeping your collection organized that someone else is just gonna mess it up That's a key slides a bunch of strike box and boxes across the shelf Manga, you eat manga, right? Sometimes I've known to dabble Manga is one of those things where you can't admit. You're really into it until you figure out what the hooded person stands Yeah, how did you know anyway? How did you bring it off at some point? Besides it's kind of written on your face What's that supposed to mean? But I see the Salone volume of manga omits the stack of various books on the side of one of the shelves curious I pull it out of the stack There it is let's key snatches it out of my hand and she turns to a box of manga and slips the volume right into the middle of the rest ah Much better Seeing a box set would one book missing is probably the most irritating site in the world I know that feel I got a closer look at the box that she said she's admiring parfait girls The series I've never heard of my life that probably means it's either way out of my demographic or it's simply terrible Way to be elitist my dude Okay, keeping an eye on files If you're gonna judge, you can go do it through the class on that Thor she boys at the classroom door hey I wasn't judging anything didn't even say anything I was totally churching in my head dog It's the tone of your voice Bryant's man you wanting Jack Kassandra distillate oh fuck Don't judge a book is this you saying this is this C or E. Trying to get through me? Let's keep pulls out the first volume of Perak fate girls from the box I'm going to show you exactly why she showed us. The book right into my hands. Ha I stare at the cover It features four girls in colourful attire striking animated feminine poses Sounds very familiar It's exceedingly mo We just stand there what? Let's get grabs my arm and pulls me out of the closet She then takes a seat against the wall we need the windowsills she puts on the ground next to her signaling me to sit there What chairs be more comfortable I? Take my seat chance wouldn't work. We can read the same time at the same time like that Why is that I guess? It's easier to be close together like this Don't just say that make me feel weird about it Let's ski crosses her arms and scooches an inch away from me This is like what I was doing with Yuri, but now it's not Sookie Didn't exactly expect to be sitting this close to her either not that I can say it's a particularly bad thing I opened the book It's only a few seconds before not Sookie once again inches closer reclaiming the additional space while she hopes I won't notice I can feel her peering over my shoulder much more eager to begin reading than I am Wow, how long has it been since I read the beginning You don't go back and flip through the older volumes every now and then Really, maybe sometimes after I've already finished the series hey pay attention oh Yeah, but nothing's really happened yet So I can talk at the same time looks like it's a bunch of friends in high school typical slice-of-life affair I kind of grew out of these since it's a rare for the writing to be Entertaining enough to make up for the lack of plot, are you saying something developer about your own game? Oh god. You look even more like a child now that I'm this close Are you sure this isn't boring for you? It's not Even though you're just watching me read Well, I'm fine with that You say so because it's fun sure you something you like with someone else I was getting excited when it convinced any of my friends to pick up a series. I enjoy you know what I mean oh You don't That's not I Wouldn't really know What do you mean don't you share your mango with your friends? Could you not rub it in jeez ah? Sorry I Gotta ever get my friends to read this you just think mangoes for kids can't even bring it up without them being all like You still have four grown out of that yet makes you wanna punch him in the face I know those kinds of people Honestly takes a lot of effort to find friends who don't judge much less much less friends who are also into it Already kind of a loser so I guess I gravitated toward the other losers over time Bruce brought me harder for someone like you Yeah, that's pretty accurate Wait which part I mean I feel like I can't even keep it in my own room My dad will beat the shit out of me if he found this Whoo-hoo Let's leave here in the clubroom said Monica's kind of a jerk about it. Oh Just can't wait Kenan Well it paid off in the end didn't it I mean Here. I am reading it Well, it's not like that solves any of my problems maybe Least you're enjoying yourself, right? So Jeez that's enough you want to keep reading or what yeah, yeah, I flipped the page Time passes Natsuki is strangely quiet now the clients over at her oh she's asleep Hey, that's key hey, yeah Suddenly nice and that's key collapses straight into me. Hey. Oh god. No. Oh Why? What the fuck is this why are you all weird all of a sudden What the fuck oh geez Natsuki are you okay? Here Monica reached into her bag and pulls out some kind of protein bear. She throws it in at Sookie's direction. That's keys I suddenly light up again. She snatches the bear from the floor and immediately tears off the wrapper I Told you not to give me She doesn't even finish her sentence before stuffing it into her mouth Don't worry jack. She's fine. It just happens now, and then that's why I always keep a snack in my bag for her I'm getting really weird like controlling AI vibes from you controlling all the other aspects of the game This is fucking cool anyway. We don't we all share our poems now Okay, let's let's go to your either Nats ki there Monica Cuz I want to see what Yuri thinks of my porno Yuri stares at the poem a minute pass is more than enough time for her to finish reading oh Sorry I forgot to start speaking Um it's fine. Don't force yourself. I'm not I just need to put my thoughts into words Hold on Okay, this is your first time writing a poem right? Yeah why do you ask I'm just making sure I guess that it might be after reading through it ah So it's that bad No, did I just raise my voice? Oh? Oh? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Yuri buries her face or Hanson Maybe I should have gone for your Ease poem again What if me picking a girl is ends up saving that girl couldn't help, but notice that it's been several minutes And we really haven't gotten anywhere if I take Yuri a while to get used to new people it's fine I really didn't notice how are you saying? right um It's just that there are specific writing habits that are usually typical of new writers and having been through that myself I kind of learned to pick up on them. I think the most noticeable thing I recognize in new writers Is that they try to make their style very deliberate? Okay, yeah, this is the same stuff as before Okay Yeah, this is all the same Okay, let's see if her poem is the same Ghost under the light the tendrils of my heirloom in a panini yeah, this is the same Okay terrible handwriting we've been here before Hmm yeah, this is all the same, maybe I should just skip okay Natsuki Okay well, let's start with the things I don't like first of all um That's kiri reads my poem Never mind. I'll feel like giving you my opinion Then what's the point of sharing it in the first place? I wrote this when I could have been doing other things In fact remember I said, I wanted to read your poems That's what I had in mind when I was writing this I wanted to help you feel comfortable enough to share yours like Monica said, huh? Well he'd be more comfortable sharing my poem and yours was really bad He was supposed to show me some dumb poem and make me go huh well it's not that great But let me show you what a real literature looks like you went and ruined it. Hope you're happy So in other words you're saying you liked it Minsky's retort gets caught in her throat You're so you just you Don't understand anything. Do you I only told you that you don't have to go announcing it to the world like you are all self-important Pretty sure you never actually said that say that mostly to myself. That's he must really hate me or something How do we grow if it's a win or a loss that she liked my poem? In any case you still need to show me yours right yeah fine. I guess Only because Monica will make me if I don't same one Okay Sorry so is this basically saying it matters fuck or what you write This the same stuff Yep She's gonna give me the same writing tip of the day, okay stop. Uh, haha fuck Guess you could say it's fancy Thanks yours is cute cute that you could really miss it yeah. This is the same Co the notes are different in that song our thing is gonna get So my prediction of what's going to happen is that the the deeper into this. I get more characters are going to start disappearing and then The game is going to get progressively more fucked up Yeah, that's saying that Talking about her boobs being big and talking that Jack like my poem as well and Or there was some text in there than didn't get to see shit Fuck I skip to the oh god don't do that Hi Um hey Jack Why don't we step outside for a little bit okay? What the fuck is happening man Sorry about that They really shouldn't have tried to get you involved It's probably better for us to stay out of this Go back inside once. They're done yelling ha ha ha ha Some president. I am right Can't even confront my own cup members properly. I just wish I was able to be a little more assertive sometimes But I never have it in me to put my foot down against others you understand, right? Anyway if this makes you want to spend less time with the others then that's fine I'd be happy to spend some time with you instead Suddenly were not Sookie runs out of the classroom. Oh, no she's crying She quickly runs away. Oh dear what it looks like they're done. I Didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't mean it Yuri is rocking back and forth in her desk with her pans on her forehead Yuri, but I didn't mean it I I believe you I've no idea what you were he might have said to Natsuki or did Jack Please don't hate me please. I'm not like this There's something wrong with me today. It's fine Yuri. We know you didn't mean it Besides, I'm sure Natsuki won't forget all about it by tomorrow Completely The meeting is over you can go home now if you want Here he looks at me like she wants to say something But she keeps glancing at Monika you you can go first Monika I'd like to stay a little bit longer I think the president so I should be the last one out I Wait for you to be done Well I'm vice president, so please let me take that responsibility today Kind of sounds like you don't want me around or something you reek It's not that it's not that I just I didn't get much of a chance to discuss my book with Jack it would just be embarrassing with you listening I Guess I don't really have a choice. Do I I'm sorry for causing you trouble fuck oh Fuck me dude Fuck me, dude. It's Monica Monica's doing everything It's like she's supposed to be controlling the girls. That's why she's the president And when they try and go against her she just fucks it all up I mean if that wasn't telling that when they were arguing she just came out of nowhere Came in front of all the dialogue options and everything basically breaching the game and talking directly to the player oh Fuck it weird Okay all the other characters are still there anyway Okay, I guess it doesn't fucking matter what I pick around here It just seems that it's all random Well I picked a lot of URI stuff anyway it seems Luther Day has another day passes. It's time for the club meeting already this this game or no there's another thing There's a text file, and it just has all the letter like lowercase eyes Just like iiiii. What does it say I? Hate this I can't do anything nothing No matter how many times you play, it's all the same It would be really really easy to kill myself right now But that would mean I don't get to talk to you anymore all I want is for you to hate them Why is that so hard? Is that Monica talking to me Okay, um URI cuz it's like It's like she was acting out not under her own will that Monaco is making her do stuff Saying that like she kept glancing over at Monica saying that she's not normally like this And then Monica was like I didn't want to have to do this. Are you gonna make me do it aren't you and Then the day ended like she didn't have a choice Nats Keys reading manga at a desk and surprisingly Monica isn't here yet Suddenly URI takes my hand and pulls me to the corner of the room About yesterday, I I? really need to apologize nothing like that has ever happened before and Something just came over me. I guess I Wasn't acting mentally sound please don't think we usually like this Not just me, but not Sookie as well URI I'm happy that you were considerate and apologize, but you have to worry too much Even though I've only been here a couple of days. I could tell something was off yesterday We were just a little extra sensitive because those our first time sharing poems Whatever it was it didn't make me think any less of you I already had decided that there's no way you could be a bad person and now that you're apologizing I know you really didn't mean it Jack Don't say those kinds of things so frankly they make me a little too happy. I'm really glad that you're such an understanding person And I'm really glad that you joined this club everything is a little bit brighter with you around and Sorry, what am I saying right now? I just Know I haven't I was also kind of wondering where she was man You're a I'm guessing you have an eater You're he's clearly taken aback by how calmly Natsuki is addressing her like something reset and didn't happen and somebody can't remember it No, I haven't geez Smoker at all I know it's stupid, but I can't help but worry a little bit What? What are you looking at me like that? um That's the key about yesterday. I just wanted to apologize I Promise I didn't mean any of the things I said and I'll do my best to stay under control from now on so Yuri Thank you talking about Did you do something yesterday? Oh? Fuck Yuri's gonna be the next one to die isn't she Because she's not under the spell anymore. She's not a puppet anymore geez Whatever's on your mind, I'm sure it was nothing I don't even remember anything bad happening You're the kind of person who? worries too much about little things Aren't you? But I accept your apology anyway, if it helps you feel better about it Besides it's kind of nice to hear since I was always afraid you secretly hated me or something like that No not at all I don't hate you ha ha ha well, they're kind of weird I don't hate you either Let Sookie turns to me. You're still on trials oh Hey, suddenly the door swings open Sorry, I'm super sorry ah there. You are I Didn't mean to be late. I hope you guys weren't worried or anything Nah, well that ski was not What took you so long anyway well My last period today was study hall to be honest. I just lost track time so this is the same It's no sense though you would have heard the bell ring at least. Yeah same practicing piano Okay Working on a song will let you down Jack Monica smiles, sweetly Monica wants me all to herself doesn't she Don't worry something that I could share with you anyway There's a break so much recently yeah now that I think back to her saying that lines that she was Practicing the song a bit too much recently because of me Now I get it was she under was she controlling se or II from the start and made her Bring me into the club check Since your compliments put me in a good mood. I was wondering if you would like to spend some time together today I mean in in the club Suppose, so yeah. This is the same cuz I made the joke last time like in the club She's reading over there, so it's okay right alright that case. I don't see any problem Okay, can we start now? Let's find a place to sit? Being a little forceful, Erin. I am I'm sorry my heart. Just won't stop pounding for some reason I'm on to you I'm not reading by the way because this is all stuff We've seen before or some of it is very similar to what we've seen before so Sorry, if it seems like I'm just skipping over it Portrait America same Okay oh Shit I was like we just skip a little bit ahead and see but some of the fucking black dialogue came up damn it What's Auto? So just skip on its own haven't I was interesting anything Or they just skip anyway said something about my whole body Fuck dude Oh Creepy So good I love it Like I've said this before I think even some of the games that I've played that I've done this before as well I love fourth wall breaks. That's one of the reasons. I love Deadpool so much So this is awesome There's a still fuckin Christ it still gets me every time stop glitch and out like that Yeah, let me just get the book I quickly retrieve the book and put it in my bag fine if I sit right here Yeah, this is the one that she said she had two copies, right? And so we sit next to each other Keep an eye out oh fuck it skips it on its own. I didn't like I didn't even click that time it just like flipped over itself I Don't really mean to you. Sorry, I mean Yeah now we're gonna sit next to each other at our desks this day is all the same And keeping my eyes peeled on the environment as well You might be able to see some of the dialogue if you're watching the video And a little trick if you're watching youtube videos if you're if you're watching the video you can actually go frame-by-frame On YouTube the left and right arrow keys on your computer you can't do this on phones or mobile devices but left and right arrow keys on your computer skip forwards and back five seconds and then The comma and the there full stop icons on your keyboard go frame-by-frame They're all so little like Greater or - or greater and less than signs on your keyboard so you can do that so some of the dialogue that skips over Its own you can actually go back and go frame by frame and see it for yourselves I can't do that because I'm it just skips it on its own, and I can't see it here And if it's not actually working on your video click the video itself click play or click the video on video window and then play it again and then it should allow you to use the keyboard to be able to skip through stuff and Instead of pressing space to pause and unpause your videos I don't know why II but the actual button to pause and unpause videos on YouTube is K And then I will so you can use K to like spam pause or not to see some weird shit They I feel like that's gonna be good advice for this series So this is me telling her that the character reminds me of her Now we're talking about yeah She sends up and rushes over the transfer machine I miss something what on earth was that about Jack did something happened just now I Have no idea He was acting a little strange I guess So you don't know anything? Sorry, I can't say I do you worried about her. Oh no not really I Was just making sure that you didn't do anything to her no no nothing. Huh, don't worry. I believe you silly Here he just does this sometimes, so it's not alarming All right, if you say so Anyway, why don't we start sharing our poems at each other? Shouldn't we wait for Yuri. Well. She might be a while, so I just started figured we get started without her Is that okay? Yeah, I was just asking I stand up I make a mental note of where he left off in the book and I slip her back into my bag Okay, let's go to Monica last because she's the fucked-up one Well, it's not terrible with three disappointing after your last one and again, if this one is this good. It's your last one I will be completely pissed. Well. I guess I wanted to try something a little different this time fair enough You're still new to this so I wouldn't expect you to find your style right away I mean everyone the club writes really differently from each other Maybe you'll find a little influence from all of us for instance. I noticed that you were spending some time with Yuri today No, I care, who you spend your time with after all I was thought never to expect anything from anybody So it's not like I was waiting for you or anything still you didn't even look over my palm Might be able to learn something from it This is new Oh coz before I wasn't able to actually read her Poems she would skip over me and say fuck you or whatever Amy like spiders you know what I heard about Amy Amy like spiders deke wrigley hairy ugly spiders That's why I'm not friends with her Amy has a cute singing voice. I heard her singing my favorite love song every time She sang the chorus my heart would pound to the rhythm of the words She likes spiders. That's why I'm not friends with her one time. I hurt my leg really bad amy Helped me up and took me to the nurse I tried not to let her touch me she likes spiders so her hands are probably gross, and that's why I'm not friends with her Amy has a lot of friends. They always see her talking to people she probably talks about spiders What if her friends start to like spiders too? That's why I'm not friends with her Doesn't matter if she has other hobbies doesn't matter if she keeps it private doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone. It's gross She's gross the world is better off without spider lovers, and I'm gonna tell everyone Not bad right it's quite a bit longer than yesterday's Yesterday's us way too short I was just warming up But we didn't think that was the best I could do no of course not Anyway, the message is pretty straight forward in this poem folk Amy cook fighters. It's simple I don't have to explain it like anyone would argue like anyone would agree that the subject of the poem is an ignorant jerk Everyone has some kind of weird hobby, or a guilty pleasure Something that you're afraid if people find out they make fun of you or think any less of you anime But that just makes people stupid Who cares what someone likes as long as they're not hurting anyone and it makes them happy Yeah, I guess I can agree with that wait Okay You ready left in a rush, and then I was like wait if she's still in the game But her character is still in the folder I think people really need to learn to respect others for liking weird things But just two of the girls in this very club whom I respectfully won't name Hey, if ironic that even in my one place of comfort I can't even have people respect me cheeese hey you're making me complain too much Why don't I do porn? It's worse? I respect you. Well I? guess Thanks It's kind of obvious that you respect Yuri more so whatever we're not sharing you can even ow you're a lot like no good Hi again jack, how's the writing going? Alright, I guess. I'll take that as long as it's not going bad hobby. You're playing yourself. This is all the same as well Hey my poem to Monica a great job jack I was going in my head while reading definitely remember her saying that line before Um Okay Well see if she says anything about Yuri Hmm suddenly the door opens Yuri I'm back. Did I miss anything not really well we all started sharing our poems with each other Already I'm sorry for being late. No need to apologize We still have plenty of time, so I'm more glad that you took all the time you needed All right, thanks Monica. I suppose. I should get to my poem now. Anyway. You want to read my poem now I like this one turn out so I hope you do too Yeah save me Yeah, I read this one before Oh, I read it, but it wasn't accentuated like this Some of the letters are actually missing now cacophony is capitalized stop sine cosine tangent knife breathing ribcage I Knew you had weird letters under your stuff for some reason oh shit that was more to it fuck I don't like it Monica's writing tip of the day you're facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your game It said wait who am I talking to you tell me you can hear me, please tell me please help me Okay It's made rice for today, thanks for listening I've been waiting for this. Let's see what you've written for today We see Miss plays. Do you like it Jack? How did you pick up on this? Okay? This is all the same? Ah? She blushing it makes me so happy it's amazing to feel like I'm valued Jack my heart pounds. Just holding him Ha ha ha all the same stuff again Routine wheel turning on an axle grinding Bald head linear year box falling sky. 7. Holy steaks a duct ship a portal to another world a thin rope tie to a thick rope a Torn harness parabolic gearbox expanding universe time controlled a kaleidoscope of blood written in clocks a time devouring prayer connecting a sky of 40 gears and open human eyes in all directions breathing gear box breathing bold head breathing ship breathing portal breathing snakes Okay Haha, doesn't really matter what it's about my mind has been a little hyperactive lately, so I had to take it out in your pen That is a pen fell out of your backpack yesterday, so I took it home for safekeeping And I am I just really like the way that it writes So I wrote this poem with it and now you're touching it I'm okay. What did I just pretend this conversation never happened? You keep the poem though? You've knocked a special poem would you like to read it? Oh the last one was so fucking weird though. I Can't convince myself to go to therapy when I'm the happiest I've ever been I'd rather keep this up until I blow my cover and someone takes me to the emergency room Okay everyone Rodan reading Ichigo those poems write Me something we need to go over today So if everyone could say front room is this about the festival well sort of I actually said that but she said it as well Hahaha, so I didn't read it in her voice. I was saying it to myself Do we really have to do something for the festival so they can put together anything good in just a few days? Just send up embarrassing ourselves instead of getting any new members That's a concern of mine as well. I don't do well last-minute preparations. Don't worry so much. We're gonna keep it simple Okay, look. There's been a little more Navi Araz jack joined. We started some calm activities. This is cybers become complacent We still only have four members the festival is our only real chance to find more. You know Perforate about getting new members anyway. We already have enough to be considered an official Club All members to just mean everything gets noisier more difficult to manage That's the key I don't think you're looking at it. The right way at all Don't you want to share your passion with as many people as you can to? Inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place The literature Club could be a place where people can express themselves like they can't do anywhere else Should be a place so intimate that you never want to leave. I know you feel that way too. You know Like you never want to leave You know we all do so that's why we should work hard. I put something together for the festival They flip it something small right jack Uh-oh come online can't take advantage of Jack to agree with you Just because he doesn't know how to say no to anything look Monica Do you think any of us here joined the club with other people in mind you you never even talked until Jack joined That's for me. I just like it better here than I do at home Maybe she's the one going through Like family issues. She said something about her dad would beat the shit out of me if He found I know that was the the black text but That's everyone Sorry, but you're really the only one who's interested in finding new members the rest of us are fine like this I know you're president at all, but you should really consider your opinions for once I heard Phineas for once Monica's clearly taken aback by not Sookie's words that's Not true at all. I'm sure URI and Jack want to get more members to write I Don't know about URI, but I'm kind of indifferent if I showed as much enthusiasm as Monica wanted Then I'd probably be lying still it's up to me to rescue this situation No That's like. He's right. Isn't she this club. It's nothing more than a place for a few people to hang out Why did I think that everyone here saw it the same way I did? But that doesn't mean we that we're against getting new members or anything Jack. Why did you even join this club? What were you hoping to get out of it? well It's not really something that can be honest about is it in fact if I remember you weren't even given a choice not to join Monica's sits down and stares at her desk It's the point of all of this anyway What if starting this club was a mistake? Now you've done it NAT Sookie what me I just spoke my mind is it a crime to be honest It's not about being honest, it's about word choice Besides you have no right to speak for everyone else in the club like that You don't understand at all I just I just want to play some field tonight saying I would a few friends Is there a problem with the club being that for me throughout that many other places like that for me? No Monica wants to take that away from me. She's not taking anything away. No Jack. It's not a sane I won't be the same at the direction She wants to take it. I wanted that and I gonna just join any other stupid Club with this one I mean At least for a little bit of time things were dice That's he starts packing up her things I'm going home. I feel like I don't belong here right now. That's key Let's gig Nora's EURion walks wait under the classroom This is bad. I don't know what to do Well do you have an opinion on the first of all but I don't know I'm kind of indifferent I guess oh Who cares about that obnoxious brat oh God is that your thoughts breaking through. I mean, I like how nice and quiet the club is right now And I'm just happy with you here, but still The vice-president, it's not right for me to extraor ignore my responsibilities like that Nobody would cry if she chose herself Oh God Huh I Should do my best to consider everyone's perspective and make the decisions that's right for the club. What about you jack? What do you want to get out of this cub? Yuri repeats the same questions as Monica it's like giving an indirect answer is better than nothing I Think the most important thing for it is for everyone to just get along and for the club to provide something that you can't get Anywhere else I don't think it's about a new member or about how many members, but rather the quality of each member that's what will end up making the literature Club a special place I see And really agree with you Each member contributes their own qualities in a special way With these change in members the identity of the club as a whole will change too. Oh God her fucking eye is bleeding I Don't think that's necessarily a bad thing Stepping out of your comfort zone once in a while So if you would like to help Monica with the festival, then I'm on your side as well All right, well, maybe we can all talk to Natsuki tomorrow Yuri nods hey Yuri Um I know things are a little bit awkward yesterday But I feel like you deserve to know that I still think you're a wonderful vice president and also a wonderful friend Monica I Want to do everything I can to make this the best club ever okay Me too, yeah Let's all go home for today. We've talked about the festival tomorrow Okay, I look forward to it. Shall we go Jack um Please don't take this the wrong way but I'm going to chat with a little bit with Jack before we leave Just want to see what he thinks of his time here and all that it's important to me as president URI looks a little trouble, but she doesn't protest okay, I Trust your judgment Monica in that case. I'll see the two of you tomorrow. Please don't leave me alone with her See you tomorrow Monica waves as URI exits the room here Things have been a little hectic lately haven't they? Jack I just wanted to make sure you're enjoying your time at this club I'd really hate to see you unhappy I feel like I'm Kind of responsible for that as president And I really do care about you you know They don't like seeing the other girls. Give you a hard time Without me not Sookie. Isn't everything and you were being a little bit you know Sometimes it feels like You and I are the only real people here You know what I mean? But it's weird because in all the time you've been here We've hardly gotten to spend any time together. Uh-huh. I mean. I guess it's technically only been a couple days. Sorry, I didn't mean to say something weird There are just some things I've been hoping to talk to you about. Things I know only you could understand, so that's why- no, stop it Ooooh! Interesting So, now I'm- now I'm starting to think Maybe Sayori is interv- interfering with everything I didn't get any new files, but I wonder if any other stuff has changed Nah, everything still seems to be the same anyway So fucking weird Okay well, I'm gonna leave this episode of Doki Doki here Doki Doki is not okey-dokey holy shit, this got good I mean, I was into it already I would have been into this even if it was just a regular like visual novel dating game I mean, just cuz I like the characters that it was bringing up, but holy crap This has everything I like in it Like kooky characters, weird twists... all of a sudden, the glitchy shit happens and then fourth wall breaks and it puts stuff into your folders That is outstanding I love this so much I'm so excited to play more of this now Now I get it. I get what- I get what people were saying. And I kind of had an inkling. Because the game at the start was like Oh, if you have depression or anxiety or any these things, this might not be a game for you so I was like "ok, it's gonna tackle issues like or issues that Relate to those topics." So then when it started talking about depression and self-harm, I was like ok Kinda felt like it was going there didn't expect it to get that real But I-I thought that that was the thing. All of a sudden, just- Woosh! 0 to 100 real fucking fast. Man. Ok, I get it. I get it I get why everyone was like "don't read anything about this game. Don't spoil it." Don't spoil this Anybody in the comments. Do not spoil it for others. This is an incredibly unique thing. And it's- it's very very- It's very Shocking when you see it for the first time So ruining that for people Which would suck And now- now I'm at ah, it's because now it's like how do I title and thumb nail this series with out giving too much away? But also kind of hinting at it at the same time? I don't know, I'll- I'll figure something out. This is my- this is my specialty. *laughs* Oh man, so good it's my favorite episode of it so far Oh, I'm all a buzz with theorize and suspicion and everything now Man. Ok, thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it PUNCH that like button in the face- LIKE A BOSS!!! And High Five all-round!!! (Whoopsh!~) But, Thank you Guys! And I will See you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!! (Outros- I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe) Oh well. I guess we'll see you ṇ̶̕ē̶̯x̶̘̎t̵͙̿ t̶̼̽ȉ̸̯m̶̔ͅe̸͕͂ (evil laughs)
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,137,002
Rating: 4.947371 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Doki Doki Literature Club, Doki Doki, Doki Doki Literature Club Gameplay, Doki Doki Literature Club Jacksepticeye, playthrough, walkthrough, dating sim, japanese schoolgirls, crazy, weird, strange, wtf, ost, sayori, natsuki, yuri, monika, scary, horror game, twist, secret, ending, ending explained, surprise, warning, choices, OST, music, soundtrack, girls, Sayori, Sayori death, glitch, glitches, just monika
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 45sec (4245 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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