JUST MONIKA | Doki Doki Literature Club - Part 5 (END)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lobbytyuiop 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

ok who the f cares. plus the CRINGE!!!!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IwantYuBtosaythis 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
*wapoosh* Top of the morning, to you laddies! My name is JackSepticEye, and welcome back to "Everything is NOT Okie-Doki in Doki Doki Literature Club! So, I made some mistakes last time, uh, completely my own fault -- When I went into my settings last time, I clicked this thing for "skip unseen text." That should have been completely obvious when I read it, but for some reason I read as "Oh, skip everything BUT unseen text." That was not the way it was. Um, so, apologies on that because I ended up skipping a bunch of stuff that I wasn't supposed to skip. So, I went back-- I had to redo a bunch of stuff, I had a save from before that I was able to go back to and I had to redo a bunch of stuff, but we're back before Yuri and Natsuki fight. Ahm, so we're gonna have to redo some of the same sections because the dialogue is not the same, and even the developer tweeted at me and said to turn off the 'skip text' stuff, and he said that some of the stuff that I missed, like the story has diverged enough now, that any of the text that comes up, should be new enough. Some of it will be the same, but a lot of it is gonna be new so, thank you to him, and it's also really cool that he watched my videos and he likes them and he thanks me for playing the game, so thank you - *chuckles* - for making the game, it's absolutely outstanding, but people got annoyed at me last time, so I'm going to try and rectify it, 'cause I want to do this series justice because I like it so much and I really believe in this game so, we're back after reading everybody's poems for the first time, and Yuri and Natsuki should start to fight again. And I also turned off the option, as you can see. Because I went back to my history as well-- there's a history option to be able to go back and read everything but um, it wasn't there, their argument. Um, I don't know what their argument is about. (reads) 'Cause last time they-- they argued about her boobs being bigger or something like that? I can't remember. (continues reading) Sorry-- the game is very fuckin' loud in my ears right now. Imma turn it down a bit... Here we go. Tur- Turn it down just a little bit... um (continues reading) So this stuff seems to be very reminiscent of what they did (reads) Oh, yeah, 'cause Sayori came in here! Sayori was supposed to come in here and stop the argument, right? But now that she's not here, everything gets fucked up. So Sayori is the key to everything basically. Without her... everything falls apart. (continues reading) (music grows quicker and more high-pitched) (Jack laughs nervously) Oh, shit! Oh, fuck! Okay, oka- I get why missing this is important, now. 'Cause I said it already, that-- God this music is very loud, I'm sorry. I-I said it already that, Yuri probably cuts herself? Because of her fascination with knives-- one of her stories talked about knives a bit too much? And I said we all had a "knife-stabbing weirdo" trapped inside of us. And then... when she was at my home, she pulled down her sleeve really quickly. And then one of the poems talked about covering up with new sleeves. So now she (Natsuki) basically confirms it that "You might cut yourself on that edge." And before! Monika said a line-- before we found Sayori hanging, Monika had a line saying, "Wow, you really left her hanging this morning, Jack." So Monika knew before I actually went to the house. (reads) Ohhh, maybe YuYu is not the way we thought she was before. (continues reading) Oh, crap. Okay, so that stuff just skips itself anyway. But that was the same dialogue as before, it was just in black. So I can't pick either of these... And.... Hey Monika! (laughs) How's it-- h--how's it goin'? And then, everything resets. Okay, so this stuff I read! This is the stuff I actually read. "We know you didn't mean it, I'm sure Natsuki," and then the day ends. The day just magically ended on its own. And another section people told me that I missed last time is apparently Yuri's book is very different. So, I-I think I'm just gonna straight to that before we start the actual meat of this episode. Oh, god! What the fuck, this was not here last time! I read this last time! (reads) What is up with your mouth?! What the fuck? (reads quickly through some text) Yeah, this-- this stuff I read-- /that/ was new! Is the game really that complex? This is where she talks about, uh, playing piano. And now I'm fuckin' worried about skipping dialogue! Yeah, your piano's great, Monika, we love you. Right? (laughs nervously) Love Monika, she's the best one. She's not listening, is she? I mean in the club (laughs), yeah 'cause I kept making the joke like, in the cluuub! (sighs) Ah, and I said that last time. Alright, reading the book again. Takes her left arm, forefinger-- (reads) By, uh, your bleeding eyes from last time. Although that hasn't happened yet, at this point. (continues reading) What? This all the same. (reads) I'm talking about her breathing... (reads) That's a fucking weird face. (reads) Ah! So /that's/ what I missed! I missed /why/ she left the classroom. She was acting a little strange. So, I also missed some of Monika's poem last time. Um, yeah 'Cause I got to here, and it started off meaningless and then I didn't go down to the bottom... "Delete her". Oh, shit and I even thought to myself, I was like, "Okay, I know I skipped dialogue and I skipped little sections but I can't have missed that much!" "Save Me" at the start and "Delete Her" at the end. That's awesome. So it seems like Monika just talks directly to the player. 'Cause-- and it seems Monika wants all the other girls gone. So she's messing with your game to make that happen. So she's saying that she wants to be saved she wants you to herself. But she wants you to delete... The other girls? Yuri, maybe? (laughs excitedly) Aw, creepy! Monika! (reading) Yeah, okay. On one of the times I went back to save my game recently, when I clicked "save," there was a split frame where Monika showed up. Before, like when I hit here, before it actually went to this, Monika was in one of the frames. "Please help me." Yeah, we got to here last time. So, it was after all this where I-- where I picked up last time. So, I found the parts that I missed! Um, sorry that I missed them last time, but at least we went back and we actually found them. They did shed a lot of light on different things so I'm glad I found them, but let's get back to where we were. This is where I get left alone with Monika, so this should be the part where the game just starts to close on its own? This is all stuff I've definitely read, yeah, 'cause this... This is what happens, so this is exactly where I left off the last time, so and so. I don't know if picking these even matters anymore. Oh... Oh, shit! Okay, it matters! It just keeps goin'! It just keeps goin'! Oh, fuck me, man. Hi, Sayori... Oh God, your eyes are all messed up here! (makes a noise of panic) "Hi!" Er-- (reads) I thought you went home and were leaving the club. (continues reading) So now it's starting to mess up my head because I don't know who knows what. 'Cause we came back one of the days-- Yuri knew everything that had happened, I knew everything, but Natsuki had completely forgotten-- then she got a photoshop mouth and that started to talk-- so, I don't know what's going on. (reads) "on /edge/ lately." Like the edge of a /knife/, Yuri? Maybe? Also! /You/ wanted me to try and delete Yuri! Yu-- her character's still there, but Monika wanted me to delete her. I wonder what would happen if you did actually delete her in that moment. /Fascinating/ type of game! (reads) You're definitely going to be the one to die next. You're-- you're acting so strange. (continues reading) Way to throw me under the bus, Natsuki. (continues reading) (Monika voice) Maybe I'm not actually practicing piano, Yuri. Maybe I'm actually writing out how to kill you all! (laughs sweetly in Monika voice) (normal voice) Wait, there's a-- the "Read Me" file changed, it's a different type of "Read Me" file. It's a Chrome document. Wait-- I-- wait, I think it was actually always like that. (reads) We had another girl. Her name was Sayori! (jokingly tearful voice) Everyone forgot already... (continues reading) (Monika voice) Anyway, Jack, you should check your folder again! 'Cause I was busy away... (normal voice) FUCKIN' WITH YOUR LIFE! (continues reading) Oh, God, she just had a weird expression on her... (reads) Oh, Jesus Christ! Look at the picture! Ohhh, it's Sayori, dead! (Yuri voice) If there's one thing that can make your reading time here any better, it's a nice picture of your dead friend. (laughs creepily in Yuri voice) (reads) She's not gonna come back with /blood/ tea, is she? (reads) Electric kettle, this is all the same. (continues reading) That's so unsettling, man. (continues reading) Okay, this is different. (reads) (Monika voice) Sorry for thinking she was already gone... (Monica voice) out of your life... (giggles in Monika voice) (reads) Oh, god, no. (reads) (music gets much quieter, like we're hearing it from far away) Oh, the music-- Oh, wait, I have to-- Okay, Yuri's character is still in the game. Oh, this is so cool, it's like a fucking detective game! (reads) (WARNING: no jumpscare, but an upsetting image is about to pop up) Oh, Jesus Christ! (disturbed groan) Oh! Fuckin'-- I can't read that! I can't even go back and read the history! Oh, come on, game! I can't even go back and read that now! (reads) (Yuri voice) And cut arms? Fuck, man. (continues reading) (chuckles nervously) I don't like this! What was all about? I didn't even get to read what was going on! This is where you guys are gonna have to tell me what the fuck happened. I can't even go back to the history and read it! This is the same. Come on, game! Let me read! But, we were right. She does cut herself. (reads) I know-- pull up your sleeve, Yuri. Pull up your sleeves! I know what's behind there! (reads) Okay, yeah, this is the same. That sounded a bit different. (continues reading) Yeah, 'cause your bad back, 'cause you've got massive boobs... "I wonder why that is." (Yuri voice) It's mostly because of my... /crippling/... depression... Your posture, right? Hunched over... Maybe th-- Maybe she's talking about her arm? I don't know how that (back pain) would fit into her arm stuff though... Go ahead and get the book. Oh yeah, this is where I fed her chocolates really fuckin' weirdly. Sorry that I'm skipping a lot of this-- I just want to get to the meat! I want to get to the good story bits! And any of the stuff I know I've read before... (skims through dialogue) That's right, trying not to not spill the tea on your crotch. (reads) Did her face just change? (continues reading) Imma feed you sweet chocolates, Yu-yu! Also, the reason I thought Yu-yu sounded like milk is because somebody sent me Yoo-Hoo a picture of Yoo-Hoo which is like a... flavored milk drink thing, right? and I thought that that was it and I was like, "Oh, maybe that's it," but it's not, it's because of 우유 (Uyu) 우유 (Uyu) is "milk" in Korean. So I thought, "Yu-yu!" I was like, "That sounds like milk, for some reason." That's why. (skims) Okay, I'm-- I'm reluctantly... pressing this much slower now this time Because I don't wanna... You're eating chocolate, right? You're not gonna... (music goes silent) "Starts to breathe heavily." Last time you breathed heavily, weird shit happened. "Suddenly, Yuri forcefully grabs my arm and jerks me to my feet." Yep! This is different! "My teacup gets knocked over." (sound of teacup hitting floor) (startled) Oh, fuck! (reads) (continuous thump of a heartbeat begins) (timid) Okay... You're having really weird, like, yandere/tsundere vibes for me all of a sudden. (creepy laughing and breathing noises in Yuri voice) (whispers) What the fuck? (squeaking noise, closet door opening maybe?) (heartbeat stops) (startled) Oh, Jesus Christ! Oh, fuck, man. (reads) Oh, Monika is so gonna wipe you out. 'Cause Monika wants me to herself, or at least that's my running theory, and now all of a sudden Yuri is like, (mangled and desperate) "Ahh I need you!" Let's read Yuri's, let's go to her first. Let's see if she's any different. (reads) (Yuri voice) I wanna-- make sweet love to it, Jack. (Yuri voice) I want to rub your poem all over me-- will you let me keep it, please? (continues reading) Oh but really! (reads) I was joking! (reads disgustedly) Oh, for fuck's sake. (harsh, creepy noises play) I can't even-- I can see "poster." "Exactly...?" "Overrate?" "Rescend?" I don't know what this is. I don't know what it says-- it's covered in blood. And tea stains. Oh, it's definitely yours, Yuri! Aw, is there a transcript from this somewhere online? "Excavate, stardust"-- Oh, it might be just the same poem as last time. "Scrawled." Oh, god, you're closer. (reads) Is it about Sayori? (continues reading) (Yuri voice) What scent is that, you ask? My perfume? My sweat? (Yuri voice) My juices? (jumpscare coming up) Oh, fuck. (reads) (sobbing noises) I want my mom! What the fuck-- I was hoping a version of the poem would go into my files. But it hasn't! She's still in the game, anyway! (reads) Oh-- so you're wiping out the girls whenever they show interest in me. Whenever they actually confess, 'cause when Sayori confessed... All of a sudden she died. Now... Yuri's acting weird. Albeit not as weird as Sayori was acting... (reads) (creepy Monika voice) Just me. (creepy Monika voice) All alone. (reads) (Monika voice) With murder. (continues reading) I am really curious how this would play out if I went to somebody else first and went to Yuri last. (reads) Oh my fucking Jesus Christ. (staticky humming noise) What the fuck? (reads) Are you trying to fuckin' write code? (reads) You were trying to write code, weren't you? Nothing showed up. I'm onto you, Mo-ni-ka! Okay, Natsuki. The only normal one left! Heh, "normal." (reads) Now they're not even poems, now they're just directly talking to you. (continues) So you didn't even try and write a poem. You know something's up with Monika. So you're just talking to me directly-- oh, no Oh no, she (Monika) found out. Oh no! (reads in a weird gremlin voice) Oh, for fuck's sake! Team Salvato! Just Monika! Okay, the characters are still there. What are you doing, Monika? (reads in antiseptic voice) Who's talking to me-- (creepy feminine giggle from the game) Oh God, oh God! You actually had a voice for the first time! Wait. Okay, the-- the load files are still there. (distressed chuckle) And the "CAN YOU HEAR ME.txt" file is still the same. 'Kay. I'm onto you! [Natsuki] Jeez, it's almost like WE DID IT ALL BEFORE! it's COMMON FORESHADOWING And you've already foreshadowed what's gonna happen to you. Knives, blood, slices, dices! [Monika] I was thinking, if you act up, I'll fucking kill you. [Monika] Just act normal, and you'll be FINE! [Monika] Just know you'll be dead soon! (oh shit square up THOT) Ohooooo! If I move the mouse up... It moves on its own! Aaah! Aaah! AAH! ÁÜĆˆŘĆÜŮÚŘĽŰĘÝÚŮ“ÜŰÝA OH SHIT! x3ęN+éëëëŕéëé Ěš%®ČĹťÇ%¤*Ë%(Ç®x—$ĚËÎt)5 OH SHIT! AAH, I TRIED TO PICK YURI! Ah, oh Christ! Ah, it's so creepy! [Yuri] What a shameful thing to do, you BITCH! [Monika] I mean, I can give you the work of going FUCKING KILLING YOURSELF if you want! This is so messed up, dude. (oh fuck.) I don't like that. There's laughing in the background. Oh shit, there's something else in here called 'have a nice weekend!'. Oh, it doesn't open up with anything! Its file type is just "File". So if I click on it, it won't let me open it with anything. Let me see if I can open it with... ...with Notepad? If I open it with notepad, it just says 'have a nice weekend!' and there's just code. That code means something! (it's base64 with a Vigenère cipher) That's a cipher! Or... maybe it's just gibberish. There has to be something in that! Okay, lemme see if I can get the whole thing on screen, so somebody can... Well, you guys can't copy-paste it... That's the whole thing. I don't know what that means! It's just called 'have a nice weekend!', okay... Oh jesus... Ahaha, no...? But yeah...? Does it matter? I don't think it matters. (High amounts of gore incoming. You have been warned.) OH FUCK! úüüúüüűUűüüüűüüüűß{ühüűűű OH JESUS! lÂČĂ,ÄÄ©,ĹCŞ&+*ĘÄČĘÄÇĂÄ,Ż˘­ąČ(b x ¦¦&ÇČĹ WHAT THE FUCK?! âfăăăăäääŐŐ áă”ŐŘÓŰáâ”ĐĎŐÚăăŕŕă çŮĺçßŮćć‰ćç0ä@ĺĺ“ăąĺçÚ/ŮćçŮäćçŮ UćďďíîďWďďîďčđčńďčď_Tďď’»ńďŘç_đđďéçđďîîđďđ JESUS CHRIST MAN! Oh god... Was that gonna happen no matter what I picked? Oh, that is SO fucked up. I mean I thought she was gonna die by a knife and "cutting herself" And I thought that Monika was gonna do it but I thought- and I thought she was gonna be next but I thought it was gonna happen off-screen, I didn't think she was gonna stab herself in front of me! Outta nowhere! Does this text actually mean anything? Is there dialogue in there that I'm just unable to see? (Yuri's dialogue is broken. There is no meaning to what is being displayed in the text box.) Oh that is MESSED UP, dude... That REALLY caught me by surprise. Well, I'm traumatized. (nice weekend huh) I saw DLC in there, but I think that might just be a coincidence. Doki Literature Club? Downloadable Content? DEAD Loadable Content? (haha good joke) I really wonder what would happen if I tried to load... Oh shit, no... Not auto. this doesn't mean anything to me. Yuri, I'm so sorry! She was my waifu! Of course, the two girls I kinda thought about between Yuri and Sayori? Both dead. Monika you bitch. Is there a way of getting past this? Do I just keep skipping? (jack the skip button is right there) No, auto wasn't... (there you go my dude) it just keeps going oh fuuuuuuuuuuck. (Reading the history.) This is the description of the game. "It's always been a dream of mine to make something special out of the things I love." "Now that you're a club member, you can help me make that dream come TRUE" (Groan) This is-- It just repeats. That just repeats then, at the end. what the fuck do i do What do I do? Settings? Can I have a NOT MONIKA option? Oh god, it ch-- Okay... Okay, I think I'm supposed to skip this because it just keeps changing... Very uncomfortable! oh god. Just skippin'... 'Till the end of time, apparently. Why am I just standing here, watching this? Am I supposed to load a different save? Or go back? Or go to the menu? This is really unsettling. I dunno what I'm supposed to do, man. Okay, let's save here. god fuck This game COMPLETELY messes with you. And let's load game... Oh my god... I can't load any other files! Oh that's so fucking awesome! That's exactly what I was hoping would happen! Aaah, you can't change it! Oh no! Aah, the have a ni-- All the stuff is gone. All the files that were just in my folder-- The 'hxppythxughts', the 'have a nice weekend!', all that stuff is gone. The only thing that remains is the traceback. But Yuri's character is still here. oh, wait, i tried to read the traceback Is that the same? Okay, that's the same. What happened? Oh, did you vomit because you saw dead Yuri? THAT'S what was happening? I was here the whole fuckin' weekend? You're literally writing the code of the game. You are the game! And it's so meta as well because normally these visual novel games-- or atleast these visual novel DATING games the WHOLE game and all the ladies react around your character so this is a fun power-shift to be like "OH! You want all the characters to, like..." It's kinda poking fun at how creepy that is. That all the characters revolve around your character making the decisions on who you wanna be with. But this kinda turns it on its head and like "You know what? Yeah! Let's roll with that." "And let's see where that gets you." 'Cause that's fucking creepy. And weird. So now the GAME is gonna be the one controlling YOU. That is outstanding. (Monika deletes the character files for Natsuki and Yuri.) Oh no fuckin' way. No! She deleted both of them! They're actually gone! (that's the point, jack) Not Natsuki! (fuckin' rip yuri then) You're gonna restart the game, aren't you? (anti encounter #285 - displacement mapped camera) Oh you BITCH! (don't bulli the dokis) Oh fuck. where the FUCK are we, man? what is up with your eyes? This is where the game works SO fucking well. Because now, if you name the character yourself She's, like, literally directly talking to you-- ME-- you! So now, she's gone beyond the game. (Fact: If your ingame name doesn't match your username in your OS, the game will directly read your username, because that's usually your real name to spook you.) (bi power) (Yes, she did.) That's TRIPPY! (haha don't you hate it when you modify reality to make someone love you and then kill everyone by accident) this is so creepy You ASSHOLE! You're basically Flowey. From Undertale. Now I wonder, yeah... All empty. What happens if I save? So, can I even go to the main menu? I'm wondering if I go to the main menu and try to break the game and if I go to NEW GAME... So, the only two things that exist are ME, the player, and Monika the 'GAME'. Basically. Monika is the game. She's basically made the game to make a thing that's playable but really it's just HER. (notreallybutok) And everything that was in it was all fake Matrix, basically. And her knowing, trying to write her own code in the game as you went along Was basically, like, that all the characters that she was creating, or all the characters that she was INFLUENCING Just had no free will. And then it was so sad and lonely because nothing actually existed so she tried to get me, the player, here on her own. Atleast that's my interpretation. (yes it's pretty accurate) I should've just fuckin' read this. So YOU'RE the girl who knows everything The poem you told me about. Man, I'd love to read her poems now. ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck 🎵Just the two of us🎵 So yeah, your game is basically fucked. Well, unless you... obviously know how to tweak bits and pieces to go back WHICH I am very, very curious of. Oh god...! So this is-- This is what I'm very curious about and I've been thinking about this for a while Is, if I went into the characters, what happens if I just delete Monika? And, better yet, what happens-- Because the character files Let's see the properties of them... The character files are 134 KB. So they're fairly small. so I'm wondering if they have any sort of data in them. If they have any sort of information in them. What happens if I try and open one up with Notepad? Lemme open Notepad up, and dump Monika into it. So this is what happens if I dump Monika's character into Notepad. So this is the text that shows up whenever the black text shows up. Well, not every time, but When Yuri killed herself, this is the writing that showed up. And I'm wondering if it's an actual 1:1. If this is actually all the dialogue that showed up then. That would be awesome. Now I'm curious what happens if you open up the other characters-- character sheets-- Maybe it was Yuri's character sheet that was showing up. And because there's some sort of data in them it means I can't just go in and create a .CHR file. (Actually, the glitchtext isn't any of the character sheets. The game is randomly selecting characters meant to look like Unicode mojibaking.) To, like, bring back Natsuki and Yuri. And I'm very curious what happens if you save them off (The "DATA" in the .CHR files are actually encoded images, audio files and different ARGs. Please check them out on Reddit or YouTube.) Onto your desktop, and then put them back in after she deletes them or what happens if you delete HER, and delete the traceback? (Deleting Monika will trigger a secret ending. Deleting the traceback won't have any effect since it is treated as a regular error log by the game. It has no meaning other than a plot device to let you know Sayori is deleted.) That is FUCKING mindblowing! That is OUTSTANDING! That is incredible game design, because Okay, I know we're at the end, I know I should keep reading this but I'm gonna geek out on game design for a second. Because, MOST games 90% of games just go by the standard game clichés, the standard game cycles Most of them? Very, very good. Stuff like, say, Uncharted and The Last of Us. It's very It's very-- It's very narrow It's very drawn in Incredible games, I love those games. And I, I would put them on some of my favorite games EVER... BUT, at the same time they're very narrow in their scope of what they do in the game's medium. They push narrative in lots of different ways and they push visuals in lots of different ways and sound design in some ways and characters and mocap and all that stuff but what they're not pushing... is something that's completely unique to games, which is this. Which is breaking that fourth wall and talking directly to the player. And-- Okay, let's-- let's Let's bring it further I'm gonna geek out on you more because I love this shit Say you have a movie, or a comic or something like that, like Deadpool. Say, the Deadpool movie. He's a character in a comic that knows he's a superhero in a comic He knows he's in the movie He breaks the fourth wall, he talks directly to the audience, to you And you're probably thinking to yourself, "Well yeah, movies do that too, Jack.-" But no! no! no! Because, the way he does that, is not the same as this. She directly deleted something in my computer, to come to an ending. And I can presumably go in an start deleting stuff back and forth again myself and that's where games are unique; because you can technically code in your own story again afterwards, and it messes with what this is. If you go to a movie that messes with the forth wall, it's kind of the same thing every single time. And this, this is not--some things can change in this. And that's what boggles my mind about this. That's--and why talking about this is because, the developer had to think of all of that. So, like, broader terms You have to go further than what's just happening right now. That is outstanding. That's expert game design. And on the surface--that, it's a shame that not that many people might play this, and I guess that's the intention, because it's supposed to look like a visual novel dating game, with sexy, young, Japanese girls. And a lot of people'll roll their eyes at the, at it, like I did at first, but then they miss all of this. And then, again, it kind of pokes like, at the game's design, that like oh! Something was there that you never knew was there. It's so meta, it's so awesome. And I would save all of this for the end, but I'd probably forget everything I wanted to say, so I'm just gonna get back to the game. Sorry. Do I have to go--oh god, now I'm only writing a poem for you. They're all versions of Monika! And that's why I'm wondering, if I went to the main menu, would it even let me? I'm gonna try. K... I quit the game... So now I'm wondering what happens if I actually get to the menu, myself, Okay. It just gets back here. That is SO fucking WEIRD.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,605,869
Rating: 4.9559464 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Doki Doki Literature Club, Doki Doki, Doki Doki Literature Club Gameplay, Doki Doki Literature Club Jacksepticeye, playthrough, walkthrough, dating sim, crazy, weird, strange, wtf, sayori, natsuki, yuri, monika, twist, secret, ending, ending explained, surprise, choices, OST, music, girls, Sayori, glitch, glitches, j̴u͟s̕t́mon͠i̢ka͡, i͏̨͟m̛̕t͟al̨͜k̛i̛ng̢̀t҉o҉y͘͡o͜͠ù̷, doki doki literature club endings, doki doki literature club ending, doki doki literature club song
Id: JbCw6iQjADg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 10sec (5470 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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