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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Dere Evil.exe now. This is a sequel game to an exe game I played a few weeks back. But please pay attention to what I'm saying this because it's very important for you guys to understand. I've played this. Literally, I don't mean that with some kind of foreshadowing of a darker future. I mean, I literally played through this one- (;-;) -but when I look back at the footage the very beginning the first level of this game was corrupted.. So after I guide you through the first level of this game and get you ready for the game, that you're about to see and let me tell you (Epic zoom in) it's really cool. You'll know there's a strange transition that's going to happen in between the first and the second level. But I'm not spoiling anything. This is me because I can't play through the whole game again. You just look (Stupid mode activate) "oh. this is the 1st time I've seen this~" I just have to play through this one. I'm gonna reset this. Reset level? Immediate Yes! I really wanted theories and then we're gonna go through this. So just- put it in your mind that (Insert Illuminati here plz) this is from a fresh perspective! It's all it's all coming back to you, right? Okay, here we go. Hi, I'm the dev Welcome to level one! Player, I gave you a knight as your avatar. Let's call this cute thing "Knightly". Fits well. You're gonna save the day. Let me reintroduce you to your guide. Her name is A.I.D.E. It stands for artificial intelligence for Dere.exe. She's very useful. She will help you! Please enable audio so you can hear her. Don't be fooled. Her intelligence is fake. A.I.D.E.: Hello, my name is A.I.D.E. I will help you win this game. Good luck. Thank you so much thank you Aide- c; I love you. I'm not spoiling anything by saying that I love you- OwO -yes, I'm not spoiling anything at all by saying I love you. UwU Now this may seem familiar for those of you (PAUSE) yes, mind the gaps I (Studder) I know I've- oh I've [chuckles] Already forgotten how to play the game. So it's uh, everybody just assumed that I'm stupid. (kek) Thank you, the tombstones are checkpoints. *Don't* collect coins. Don't collect coins. I'll show you what happens if I collect coins. HEUGH- And then I die horribly and horrible, so I shouldn't do that makes sense. AIDE, I would never not listen to you only for just demonstrative birth loseERS..! I forgot about that.. Forgotten everything. That is the old lev- AUHHHHH. I WASN'T EVEN PAYING ATTENTION I WAS LOOKING AT YOU GUYS. AND NOT WHAT I WAS DOIN. *under his breath* Oh I'm so stupid..... :( Alright :) Don't collect coins. Don't collect coins. Whatever you do, don't collect coins. DON'T collect coins Don't do it. Don't collect coins. Don't collect coins. If you collect coins. You die. Don't collect coins don't collect coins. (A.I.D.E. explains how to not touch them) Do not touch them Don't touch the monsters don't collect coins don't collect coins and don't touch the monsters. Oww! I didn't know that happened! You sack of shit Okay, find them. Ah! I'm dead. Well Shit, I'm just as bad as this as I was before. There we go. Oh shoot Thanks. I Am yes, don't collect coins. I know that for a fact don't collect coins,[dark music] whatever you do don't collect coins (Uhh...) You cannot collect coins. If you collect coins... ...You will die A.I.D.E.:Go through the bottom not the one on top. Mark: Okay. Thank you. A.I.D.E. You would never lead me astray. Oh That's dangerous Now go through the top platform What if I go through the bottom I? Huh A.I.D.E.? Huh? (2) Huh? (3) Huh? (4) Huh? (5) I didn't listen to Aide and everything worked out okay. Aide: You have to wait for the platform's to come to you. Mark: Okay. A.I.D.E:This first set of platform moves at slow speeds. Thank you A.I.D.E! A.I.D.E.: The next sets become progressively faster. That they do Do you like the game now? I do! This is a good game- don't collect the coins Whatever you do Don't collect the coins. A.I.D.E.: These yellow blocks will spend 90 degrees clockwise every time you tap the jump button Mark: Wow A.I.D.E: Jump up and avoid the spikes Mark: Wow A.I.D.E: You are very smart Mark: I am. Whooo-a! HUAHHHHH! GOD DAMMIT! I am very smart. *Sad Mark Noises* Oh God, why- suddenly I've completely forgotten how to do this. There we go. GOT IT- nailed it . Level 2 unlocked Thanks guys for believing in me. Hi there. I thought someone else was gonna play this game Anyway, I'm Yanna. Yanna Curtis. I see you've met Aide and the Dev. Been here for a while and I can tell you I'm a veteran of sorts.. I love this game. I'm sorry. I forgot my manners. What's your name? I'd love to know say your name loud and clear into the mic. Oh right tap when you're ready. My name is- MAAAAARkeRRRpliiiierrrrr Hey, I'm sorry, can you do it again just want to make sure I get your name right! MY NAME IS MARKIPLI- Hey, I'm just kidding. This game doesn't have permission to use the mic. Okay You're a dick. But what it does have is pretty old me! And I'm not so pretty when I get angry Anyway, please close this game right now. Stop playing this game. Thank You (Confused Mark-). Um, ah Okay.. So where'd you go thought you were lost there for a second. WELL I was right here.. This is now getting into the reality of what is Dere Evil.exe. There's something else going on here There's something else Congrats level two already great a lot easier than the first game, right? The first game this is a sequel this is a sequel Anyway, since games shouldn't be just about running around and jumping around. I'm giving you a mission Hope aide didn't baby. You too much though harder challenges await, you know, okay, baby I'm giving you a familiar objective rescue the princess Her name is miles miles is being held captive by an evil entity. The evil entities name is Yana. Good luck hero. You deserve to be the knight in shining armor I am cheering for you Thank you, thank you what's this way nothing. Okay. Well shit anyway. I'm a knight in shining armor. You can jump while falling down. This can help You can jump while falling down. This can help with huge gaps Huge gaps, this is the other one. She went through a lot Huh? The gap is awfully huge Perhaps you can push this green block and while you are on top of it you can jump off I I Got it. I got it you don't need to worry about me. I'm smart Shit, okay There's gonna be tough as tits and they really uh Whoa, surfin, holy shit. That's awesome. Oh my god Surfin' baby, come on Okay, all right speed run baby bullshit speed run baby bullshit Speed run baby. Oh shit. Yep. Oh Hope I ain't nothing to me cuz I'm too good Far far too, bro You felt the great oh shit damn it Did you know Oh, I've had this game since 1999 so happy to finally release it huh? Oh Yeah, yeah Whoo Hey yo, yo dev, I think that you're up to some shenanigans. Oh that was dumb of me What hello, whoa, hey what I did wasn't ready for that This listen listen listen listen, okay. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Hmm. Okay that that's it. Oh Shit Okay, they're gonna be a little faster about it. I get it. Oh wow, well, it doesn't help if I just die their Context the climactic. Oh, well shit Got it. You shouldn't have played this game. Well, you know Okay, I wanted to cause it seemed like it. Would you like to play a bonus game? Yeah Yeah, yeah. Yeah It looks so happier they do oh This is nice Hey, what's up? You don't belong here says you fuck off. I'm here. You're a dick. It's beautiful I can see forever. The trees have so much detail Oh king King of squirrels. Hey, how are you doing? All right. Well, anyway, see you I guess Boy you won't get me again Oh Dere ended oh, it's impossible to eat this oh shit world Enjoy the bonus Okay Those things you saw those were corruptions derivatives of a Jana scariest memories the trying nemesis It's kind of like how the previous game at nuns those are from the traumatic experiences of Cara avoid them at all costs now I have no idea what sort of changes, Yanna made to this level Okay, then anything over here, alright, well this looks generally familiar ooh Fun I like the bloody theme of it Alright, ok, that's bizarre ok, Yanna. Alright Yanna if that is your real name It's not a glitch it's a feature. Oh, ok. Well that seems to describe a lot of this game But to be perfectly honest, I don't know what you're talking about Uh-huh. Oh shit. Well stupid asshole Oh god, damn it, I'm such a cock. Oh You stupid. All right fine then, I gotta land dead center on these bad boys Okay, Oh Rip Venice more of a straight-a student and aspiring athlete the teen was killed in what appeared to be a brutal manner This horrific incident shook the entire town and there's so little evidence. The case was never solved The case was never solved she was only 19 at the time, I'm sorry Shit help dick All right, you think you can beat me the answer is absolutely apparently especially if I go grundle first into the blades Well or forehead first ha I'm All right here All right, there we go, I don't want to do that again, well it changed me what are you talking about You Kara. Are you yet? Hello hello Okay, all right Someone's really being persistent over there. I don't want the same thing to happen Hello to you Oh Scary spooky chair. All right, okay You're just making this harder for me I don't app- Uh-Oh. I don't appreciate it Oh Cock I got this oh Shit. Oh shit. Oh shit All right. I don't got this if I say I don't got it then. Maybe I'll reverse Psychological-lo though. Why didn't I double jump when I jumped, you know, I think I would have done that Considering I intended to do that There we go, I got it I got it hi guys all good after 40 days of roaming got sucked in thought it was just a game - Ha ha ha ha me too, man. Got it Uh-yee Uh-yee Uh-yee ah tits. That's hard There we go. Uh Yeah, uh, yeah. Uh, yeah, uh ie ie ie ie Yah, eat huh? Stop listening to the dev stop playing this game I'm gonna keep playing screw you I'm playing till the end. You can't stop me Huh? Y'all eat y'all? Shit y'all eat y'all eat y'all eat y'all eat oh I got it There we go. I didn't want to be involved. I've always said it to be in the description Please don't play this game, but you wouldn't listen you wouldn't listen. Okay? Alright, come back. Come here. Come on Give me a two cheese coochie over here. I don't want you to get hurt close this game right now I won't do it you can't make me Looks like Jana deleted some of the platforms. Hmm. I'm gonna try something it may surprise You shut up dev. Alright, ah, no, I was not surprised Nope very unsurprised Know I'm very Absolutely Unsurprised Hmm. What am I supposed to do here pause maybe? Ah Good call good call good call ah Okay, do not play this game. I'm playing it. You can't stop me is everything all Bullshit. Oh, hey. Hey, whoa, whoa weird Intergalactic sperm things. Oh boy Woah, are you sure you want to delete- let's go with the big old nope on that one. Nope Hmm Game isn't a game to his played and I've been trying to get people to play my game for a long time now and fortunately Five months ago a game. I published got a lot of people turning away It had bad controls and glitches because of the horrible entity lurking within the game at the time her name is Kara leader unfortunately, it seems that this new game shows similar problems this time with Jana if this keeps up I may no longer be able to Create games that breaks my heart The truth is these entities are actual people They used to be I know it's hard thing to do, but we have to delete Jana artist choice is usually the right choice Oh sure. Okay. Well Fun is infinite All right Level 4 baby. Let's do this. W years ago. I met with Jack the father of miles I saw the most broken-down man in my life. I talked to him. I told him about how I found miles in my game He had none of it. I couldn't get him to even consider the possibility as far as I know He's been depressed ever since feeling guilty of losing his family. We can get his life back. Let's get miles out of this game Oh Are you alright? Baby, oh my god, baby Of course, we can eat and breathe all over each other. I remodeled this place. Oh, wow. Oh Maybe the character needs some remodeling too dah. All right now hey, hey now Come on. Whoa, why you oh shit. I don't even really Dammit shit cock ass I like the music Okay, that was weird that the music just cut out at that random time miss me dick What will it take to make you stop playing this game Well, maybe when I reach the ending and delete your ass Oh Shit well, I guess I got a hurry on that don't I hmm? Damn it god, damn It's gonna be it's gonna be a trial and error kind of shitty thing Anyway, okay. Come on, what will it take to make you stop playing this game? Maybe you stop being such an asshole and you let me carry on with my life Woo, oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. There we go Nailed it I ho shit Big boys. Oh You tit you tit ass you tits brink ass God to the damn there wasn't even anything there. Ah Nope that didn't wait. Oh wait, you can press it as many times as you'd like. Ah, That's weird. Oh, come on. There's nothing to the right there. That's so stupid. You're stupid. Oh Come on I didn't slip off there cock you in the ass. There's nothing I mean There's no there's no real reason that I should be doing that right I feel anyway There we go for some reason that worked okay, whatever I'm not gonna question it ah You tricked me goddamnit that is a little wonky but that's okay Gold coins. Oh You piece of poop oh my god, are you kidding me? No I Really screwed that up. Oh my god. Oh, this is going to be Paul boy get ready for a whole lot of failure and a lot of me grumbled hook So if I if I just jump normally I don't think I hit the top one. So I just need to jump Oh Jump, wait a little longer There we go I think when it's turning it light Launches you a bit and there is some physics of it launching you like the weird physics of this game In the way that they operate Ha. Oh Yes, okay God dammit, AHHHH I hate you. I hate you. Yanna. You're gonna get so bel-eted. You're gonna get so bel-eted you troll You troll! Okay, how about this one got it nailed it Yee. Oh It has the body of a pagan great, so what about I Wasn't planning on it? Wasn't planning on it. What's gonna happen? I Don't like this I Don't I don't like fat? Oh, I don't like this. There's a lot of grunting going on. Oh shit Oh, No Oh No, okay, that's fine. Oh shit time is up. Oh No, no, it's so far. Oh my god. I'm not gonna be able to time that again I was sheer luck that I got through that on the first try Oh Balls in my taint What if your world is a simulation - it's not as far as I know and even if it was would it really matter? There's no time crisis Nope. Ah The game was made with alien tech sure. Okay. Well, I believe that Like alien like mobo You know like this I don't like this at all Oh god, you probably knew that I wasn't gonna try the fur. Oh, fuck. Oh You knew that I wasn't gonna try the first one. Therefore you put that there just to trickle me Okay, I get it I get it I go shit it's fine Why did you do? You're all outs of physics. Oh wow It's a physical alone. It's all physically connected oh Boy, that's gonna be a dozle That's gonna be a doozy dozer. Can I get up? I'm going okay. Apparently, I'm not going All right. Here we go Down the doozy drain. Okay. Wow, that's Poor boy. Okay. Here we go That's a nice gentle tarnish I like to turn you God on this and that's a nice nice low top All right. There we go. Good. Nice slow. Oh, that's too slow too. Slow too slow Too fast too fast to vase. I'm gonna get it What's the fuck made? Okay, that's an absolute lie, we did it okay whose oh, no my mom's calling me Oh, I'm late for my Korean lesson shit. Well, this is easier. Well, I gotta tell her I'm gonna do it later today Oh, she's gonna be so mad That's okay. Oh Not back here it's too important. Oh god. Damn it Oh, Oh, all right, well, that's the thing you did All right Got it. I trusted it. I wanted to trust it therefore I trusted it Okay, well mmm oh My god my mom's calling me again. Oh No, mom not now. Not now. Mom mom. Oh No Okay, mom. I can't answer the phone right now. Mom. I want to do the Korean Lesson I promise mom I'm in the middle of something. I can't answer the phone Excuse you, when's the last time you called your mother? I call my mother every day. When do you call your mom? Huh? When do you call your mom? Call your mom RIGHT NOW! TELL HER YOU LOVE HER! TELL HER NOW- Sorry I blew out the mic. Yeah, I'm gonna call just a second. I'm busy I'm busy mom. The door's locked for a reason mom Come on oh you fuck you fuck Mark: Okay, we got it AIDE: Hi you're doing great Mark: Thanks AIDE: but I have something to tell you Mark:Yeah, yeah, babe? Did AIDE just call you senpai? Oh hell yeah. Oh hell. Yes. You did. Oh Hell yeah, she did. All right, this is not how this is supposed to go There we go Come on oh you tit. No, not that way you sack of shit There we go, nope, come on, there we go You weren't supposed to play this. I know I get the whole gist of it. Oh Yeah, this is it. This place leads to the system files. If Yanna is in there. You can delete her. Okay. Hi mom Ready? No. No, I'm gonna I'm streaming right now. I'm going to push back like a couple hours. Is that okay? Yeah, sounds good. I'm going to take my dog then. Okay, you take him for a walk, okay, bye do you call your mom, huh? You call your mom call your mom? Oh yeah, this is this is pretty much the same as the other one, I remember this so I'm supposed to do one of these moves Let's ah shit. Well, I screwed up Dammit oh shit the sacrifice of a clone Damn it. God, damn it. Damn it. God damn it Okay There we go, we got this we got this easy peasy, easy peasy. Oh, there it is. Oh Is that a skull yeah Whoa, oh Wow the cameras real wonky about this one Def note, this is limbo system the edge of the game. Yanna may be holding miles captive here This presents us an opportunity Does it seems like I'm going on a whole adventure for you you could have just made it so that the game You know, wasn't this? Fuc shitty, you know it's kind of like everything's shit dick ulis up in here and you you kinda are just sitting on top of your throne saying oh, It's just so good. Maybe it's your fault you ever think about that? Maybe it's your fault It would tone down the shindig. You lessness a little bit in here I'm sorry for lying don't listen to the developer. Oh Hey I come on it seems that some of cars yawn dairy corruptions from the previous game hasn't been cleaned out of aid Maybe you're a sack of shit developed man Let me fix aid real quick. No, no, don't you dare. I love her I love her we can breathe we can breathe together and eat we're gonna eat our breath is currently deleting me in Response, I have AZ toward Keira. Thank you for the wonderful times. I love you. I Love you, too Well care has been restored well, that's not nearly as good as aid it's good Oh Hello player. It was my desire to give you this last message I was programmed to be a personal assistant to you by analyzing a playing pattern I was able to use my audio visual capacities to guide you when you play I could feel you Oh, I could feel every tap every jump witnessing you play grew familiar. I began to need to see you playing Unfortunately, the del of El is now deleting me. I could not stop the operation I fear for the loss of my memories of watching you play. Where will these memories go? 7734 critical errors Oh Oh No, can it can you listen, I I Feel for you. I really do but can you I can't see there for there we go. Okay. Thank you I mean not that I didn't care but I couldn't see anything happening. So, you know listen babe was an aid, babe Listen you me it wasn't never gonna work out anyway You're programming I'm physical too much man too much man, Oh Too much man Oh Too much. Goddamn, man. I'm 110 percent man you're You're just a program. No program can be able to handle the amount of man that I am Hmm what was that that you Kara do you Kara? Kara anyway I'm just let me go back to talking about how much man I am you ever seen a man with this much muscle now I doubt it not outside of a Johnny Bravo cartoon Have you ever seen this much muscle on a single human being you didn't think it was possible But it's true can be done already did with me and the way I am and yeah I'm just what I'm trying to say is that you you're not enough woman for me. There's the thing You're not enough woman. You don't have enough muscle to keep up with my muscle It's really the thing that I'm getting that. So if you could just grow maybe maybe one day if you come back from your Deletion in grow some muscle be a part of the man that I am. Oh there were spikes there So I'm saying honey. I need a woman with some meat. That's what I'm talking about and buy meat. I mean muscle My muscle else I can donate some of my muscle t if you need it mom So much man, I can spare to lose some you know what I mean anyway Goodbye, ah shit. You are good at what you do? Whoa What are you doing? I don't like what you're doing to that. Huh? But can you do this? Yeah, but can you Duke? Yeah. No, I don't know Oh What the fucking hell I can't. Oh my god Oh My god, okay. All right. Well, I I found the trick Oh Oh, you're dead. Oh, oh dad Oh somebody's tell You're not dead. But ah Cock me in it butthole ie boom boom. Gotcha. Ah, God damn it. Oh No you stupid oh My god, how are you supposed to be able to get up there? What the aking Akal, hell is this is like a time duration thing? Like eventually the window will open up more and more and then eventually the window will close. Oh Wow, you I didn't realize that would be the thing. Okay, there's a window opening up Okay, hey I got it we got it we got it we're good Oh way menu key. All right menu man Listen menu, man humble haha Do tell okay. Well, I am unsure what you want from me This doesn't seem helpful in any capacity Whoa, why what the fuck? Oh, that's right. I can drop off and that's probably way too Haha, gotcha, hey aide. Whoa. What a fucking L Do not play this I played it already the deep system. Oh All right of the deep system swipe with your mouse to move oh Whoa We Fun Oh boink. Oh Now the deep system files. Jana will be must be hiding here somewhere still weak from your attack my sweet attack Broom I see I see damn it's always on the wrong sequence. Ah Gotcha bitch, haha. You've been oh, um Well shit, okay What's with the sudden appearance of a French horn so so you oh is that all I Say I think you're clever, huh? Oh, you think you're some kind of clever, huh? Oh shit, ho hee ha um Yo Hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hop hop hop hop Hop hop hop hop hop hop up, hop hop hop hop up Hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop Hop up hop hop hop hop hop up Hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop up Hop hop up. Ahh Teddy spring ah spring tea Shit shit shit, Nick Nick Nick judge it Nicky dick. Ho ho ho ho ho ho Oh, Hop hop hop oh shit all Right brain, come on now Don't fail me now brain poke hop hop hop. Yes. Hope Oh Hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope hope Hope hope hope hope oh Sh, oh Shit me. Oh Shit me sideways. Oh Shit oh God do this one one One try. Oh, I'm such a fuckin badass. Oh shit. No. No, yes. Yes. Yes So fucking unbelievably badass I edited this gun wheel for you. Thank you Thank you for that. I don't know why or how How do I get that? How do I get that? Oh Oh Oh, okay Oh Jesus oh, sorry. Oh Okay, that was a little unnecessary. I didn't know that was part of this adventure Okay, how are you going to screw with me? Oh Jesus Okay. Am I safe right here? Am I safe in the spot? I might be safe in the spot. I'm not I represent sure Yeah, seems like it might be So I'm just gonna hang here you do whatever you're doing. I'll be right here you take care of yourself and Bye take care of yourself. I mean walk into my bullets and Okay. Oh, oh. Oh listen, I didn't sign up for having to actively participate in this endeavor I signed up for an easy win. That's all I wanted But give me that easy win how many times that I gotta hit you that's coming right for me hope hope missed me by that I Didn't I would have been fine Okay, you know what? I don't want to play the cheap route. I want to play that the hard route. I want a hard round Come here. You come here you you think you think you're so special, huh? Just cuz you're magically tied to this game in an ethereal plane of suffering Doesn't mean you get to be a douche you hear that French horn Sounding a call for your imminent demise Oh Fucking cock give me a life bar something tell me how close I am to sucking ass Oh Miss me Oh come cock I wish I could do this with the arrows like why do I have to do with the mouse? Like that's the thing. I have to click and drag the direction. I want to go for are murmur Murmur BRR BRR BRR Oh God. Oh no. Oh God, damn it. I am some kind of ticked off dishes a load of malarkey Hey there she goes. Okay got this let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this. Come on. Let's finish it Come on, cuz I have to fight fire with fire. Oh Well, not today mister. Oh shit Oh So we're going to play space chess a so you do the opposite of what I do a Touch Touch we didn't even touch I didn't even touch you and you didn't even touch me So you go suck a Tootsie dick. Oh It's not. Oh, it's me. Roared What that makes no sense it's not mirrored he's just coming after me ah, Why would he go down there? Why would he go down that doesn't make any sense? Nope he goes down when I go down. Okay, he goes down when I go down down he goes down up He goes up, right right and left or mirrored. Okay, so it's it's just it's Just right and left Yeah up and down are exactly the same or that way then go down then go that way Then go down Then this way then go down that way Yeah, got it. I knew it. Haha. I didn't even need to do it. I just remembered what you were Ah, hey, how's it going there? How you doing? Fucking got it fucking you think you good me, huh? I Don't know how you did it, but you made it to the core. Hell, yeah Okay, alright the core you say oh I don't like the ethereal Wiggles on that Alright, we're in the car. Whatever that means, okay What the Janna what? Have you done to the players character anything Modifications it's now under mat control the moment. I catch you trying to delete me I'm going to delete the player character. This game won't be playable Minar So yeah, this is my game. Not ever. I was Ben I make the rules now Janna just we just want to find Miles her father's still mourning for her The player just wants to save her a promise. We mean no harm you can trust us Liars you think I trust miles with you five months ago You deleted camera today you deleted err there What's the matter dev? Insecure I had to be more powerful than you me and the male heirs have been in your game for nearly four years dev We know who you are and what you're capable of I pref harada Because I know you just delete me in aisle two and to think you trick the player and to think you'd save her You got it all wrong. Janna ever since miles died or fathers been depressed I think if we bring miles back you got to bring people back to life dev Hi player. I don't know if you have had good intentions or not But I just wanted to say and I don't want to go back I thought I don't think it'd be right and that don't know if I can trust you two I've already lost a lot. You see. Listen, I'm sure I don't want to go back. I don't need saving Montage, I hope you make the right choice though Def noticed looks like Janna has manipulated miles Janna thinks she's so smart Doesn't she I know how to delete Janna without her noticing if we pause the game time stops for them He wanted to metagame, right? I'm giving you the honors. I just gave you my admin permissions. Delete her. It's the right choice Oh, oh I see Resume oh, oh don't resume. This is our only chance. Delete her now I'm okay, you know dot exe means execute right do it executor now. I'm good. Why are you doing this? I thought I could trust you. I'm giving you an unforgettable gaming experience, please now, I'm good I've had it you're just another entitled gamer. I didn't think you'd betray me resumed. I Knew you were a coward. I'm sure you don't know what sort of trouble you got yourself into prism Alright, what's up? Yeah Wow, the only way of getting back is by possessing the body of someone else and honestly, I can't do that I can't tell me elmo's else's life to get back in mine. Take mine I have no life aside from that and this may sound selfish. I've done with my father to see me I love as much I can't hurt him again He lost his wife his daughter and pretty much everything in his life right now. He's starting to move on He met someone new and he's happy. He's finally happy again. I don't want him to have that I want him to live his life. Yeah, and seeing his dead daughter suddenly back wouldn't it would be totally the worst thing ever Yeah, he'd be so unhappy Besides a dead person coming back to his life would probably be too much. No What? No, I know we'll meet again one day but not too soon Blair If you find him, please cheer him up for me and give him a a great day How about a dude? He doesn't even know me. How about do that? We got to throw him a party You know, give him a great day of his dead daughter just certainly came back I'd be great that'd be a great day Player. I'm at peace. I've Janna here. She's my only friend. I need I have Miles. I think we made a new friend today. Yes player. We know what you did. Thank you so much I think it's time. We reveal our little trick. Oh, oh Oh Jahna he kept you in the bonus game to duplicate to the real one So if you or the developer were to delete us you'd be deleting our avatars instead We were supposed to fake our deletion, but we're glad to know you're on our side now. You're a good person player We'll take the dev down together Janna how long until the next iteration of this game comes out? I don't know Myles, but one thing's for sure. We ended this day on a happy note. We sure did doll That was a good game that was a good game. That was a good game That's a real good game. I can't believe it. That was a great game That was no not not joking not sarcastic in any way that was good game. I liked it. That was real good Oh look at it. There's me That's me Look at me. I'm there. Ah Well, thanks guys so much ah, that was fun, what is this place Cara to experience the game again You can reset the game data on the setting many things playing if you liked it Please see other games in the same universe in our website apps or games calm Oh Well, that was nice ah That was so nice to have a good day after this. Take care. All you guys have a wonderful time *fap fap fap fap clap clap fap calp clap clap fap*
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,622,594
Rating: 4.9451327 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, dere evil exe, exe games, scary games, gameplay, gaming, playthrough, walkthrough, virus, glitch, game glitches, meta, secrets, easter eggs
Id: k03ueHR7ZV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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