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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games now it's October which means that it's spooked ober it's scary or it's supposed to be scary but what's good about October is you get more scary games than you usually would and that is the same case when it comes down to indie games so this is rib eye chart okay hi Charlie how you doing over there did you uh sorry just rearranging the furniture here okay oh sorry I'm just breaking up the place Charlie please don't be upset with me I'm just trying to get by I don't know where I am and I don't know what I'm doing oh hey that's what that noise was oh I got locked in here Oh need to find a way out okay cool [Music] all right I think I can do that so long as the situation is an incredibly dire and I don't die in a horrible Oh rib I kill them hmm that's not Charlie's will make you eat until it hurts $3.99 give it to the authority delicious and refreshing there's a lot of conflicting in from a way to zoom zoom in on those eyes there's something going on in those eyes he's got red eyes he's to get clear eyes hello I mean this restaurant looks pretty barren and unappealing but then again revived Charlie seems a little barren and unappealing we'll make you eat until it hurts okay sure no go in there apparently all right but where I go what I do how I find a way out can make a mess of things too badly oh I found a key Hey look at me I'm so smart and full of progress and able to do games and such oh I hate it I hate it no I really hate it I probably shouldn't just charge into this line the fuse box you say wait zoom in on that face okay I guess uh oh okay that a booth oh [ __ ] well [ __ ] me that well okay all right well we got through that and that existed and that happened ah that's what I was supposed to see before but then I didn't because I will I didn't mm-hmm okay so do I gotta go grab the key again I didn't know that I can I didn't know that I couldn't just lollygag and stand in the middle of the hallway I didn't realize that I mean to dis kidnap but follow away wait wait wait wait wait Oh God wait please oh shoot like that oh [ __ ] me so is that ribeye Charlie or Zed just want a ribeye Charlie's lackeys is that ribeye Charlie or is that someone that I need to know about either way can I crouch or something or do something to prevent my doom I guess I can be kind of sneaky about it hello can I close that probably not okay nothing oh I'm screwed okay well they're gone now okay so you Charlie Charlie okay well I got uh can I leave now am I done is that all for me rib eye Charlie rib eye Charlie can you please give me a reason why I'm here I'm just kind of confused okay fine then you know I'll just be on my way no need to bother me today I'm good oh [Applause] why don't you just wait you're just a sassy sue Oh ain't happy okay so they're moving together so I'm guessing I just got to find the fuses I don't even know how big this place is so how old okay all right okay so if they're coming down that way if they don't split up I'll be all right if they just don't split up I'll be just fine okay it's - I'm assuming I need to get four of these bad boys if I know something about fuse boxes in horror or games before is the magic number my charlie don't mind I just like the view man you stand on all your breaks let me go in here nothing okay I don't know how big this place is but I'm gonna go diving into here and for the best cuz if it's not just the two of them I'm kind of boned hello virals no no oh like that thank you one more I'm guessing oh [ __ ] don't [ __ ] no please I don't want to die that must be the frustrated sound of them not getting what they want [Music] okay well I like that you got a ding dong bell on you or must be done this way by Charlie's request of authority Authority Emergency Management Agency has issued a seven danger warning for all locations within our broadcast area effect of 9:57 p.m. local time all residents are advised to shelter in place until further notice stay inside closed doors and windows turn off air conditioning or heating systems of monitor or TV for more information this message was transmitted at the request of my authority the authority okay thank you for that [Music] yeah [Music] am i okay might be okay who what not okay I'm not okay please I don't want to die not like this [Music] suck whoa hey I almost died I'm in danger okay all right listen listen pal I don't know where your friend is Oh your friends over there okay I'm gonna go the long way around I'm gonna see if it's in the same places or if it's a random places I don't know which would be worse okay this is in the same place so I'm just assuming that they're all in the same place maybe the programmer wasn't able to actually put in and he sort of ran been missing this into this and I'm gonna sneak into this one before they swoop around and then I'm gonna stay in here until they move I win I win right it's like it I win yay I escaped or did it thank you for playing I did it wels a simple game Oh treats too I can't read that is a silly one that was a silly one when you really get down to it but not bad not bad not bad actually honestly not bad all right so this next one is called a wonderful day for fishing now don't be thrown off by its cheerful exterior I have a flaw Oh it's all water baths the sky reflects off it scales we'll eat it up hungry I think anyway oh okay yum-o saltwater baths this guy reflects off its scales oh I'm good I'll let that work oh um I am I supposed to eat them am I supposed to let him go I don't know I oh boy another one oh whoa a catfish its whiskers tickle my fingers up that's so sweet Oh much much much better okay Wow a Gulf in its pearly eyes I see its future demise and by that I mean I see my teeth reflected in it nom nom nom oh boy here we go ah I feel the tar inside me well I'm gonna feel something else inside me here num num num num I don't know the differences the differences what's the difference between eating it not eating it Oh bear a disgusting piece of a living witness we'll get thrown out get out of here well who needs that nobody not me I don't need that certainly not this guy here okay next oh thank you ah out of its element this one doesn't have eyes or not eyes oh you did not sure what I'm supposed to do here I don't feel too good after I eat those okay well is this all I do day in and day and I just fish up weird fish and eat them haven't caught any in a boat there we go ah sand trout a figure in its mouth scratches trying to escape good I don't want to eat that it's already busy eating someone else I don't want to complete the circle of life there think I'm okay I think I'm pretty okay out now I am so weirded out for some reason I'm just like not okay with this number one I don't like the ocean its whiskers poke and pry it my skin why that's not what that no eat Oh work why am i read in the middle why okay all right um whoa a disgusting piece of living waste well they'd eat it Oh something's going wrong here and I'm not 100% sure what there's got to be like it it's got to be like a pattern to this right this there's something going on here like the thing then I'm not understanding there's something there's something deeper going on here that's it's a little bit perturbing it's out of its element well in my element now okay it's pearly eyes I see its future demise well I don't need it then was that what then what was the deal with me having black soulless eyes in that one moment I don't like my smile at all I go what am I retired mr. clean and I'm out here Swiss cruise program press it get rid of it Oh the larvae arrives beckoning for my flesh whatever would I eat that I'm gonna eat it but why would I here I go yum yum yum in my tum tum tum poor boy happened what is key it pulsates who wants to become part of me sure I regret everything I've ever done in my life am i sinking okay wait no no no no I've got another all right side of itself release it that's not helping my chompers my chompers no that's not how boats work that's not how boats sink another one please it eat it I meant to eat it I don't know please understand I don't get it what's happening defuse Oh bait worm a living remnant of my failure let's gonna let that one lie because I don't know what the hell happened and frankly I don't know if I want to now played some more why not ah alright this is where I am the hard pass this one oh [ __ ] I shouldn't have hard passed that one I probably shouldn't dump the horrible flesh cube into the river or lake for body of water that I'm in to come by but I have no idea what the long-term objective of this is but it seems to me seems to be maybe I reached the end oh you know what maybe it's time to just accept I'm a oh ok I saw a slice of something big I didn't like so what just happened you know I'm not gonna ask any question anymore because there's too many questions about this anyway frankly I need this and I'm gonna say goodbye so sayonara goodbye' game have fun with that anyways see ya so welcome to schizophrenia simulator now this says that it's not specifically a horror game but it's meant to be an accurate simulation of what it's like to live with schizophrenia I don't like that cat I don't like that cat at all I don't like that cat none let's go for it oh now I've never experienced schizophrenia obviously but I've never really understood what the what what the actual effects are on a person this disoriented uh it's already ridiculously disorienting oh my god okay feel dizzy yeah a little bit yeah just maybe the perspective of it is super weird on those why do those look like faces is that supposed to be like that this is my pills it must heal my mind I hope ok can I take them like guess not okay I got a safe here some kind of note here everything is just farther away than they look for you to read testing new efficient medicine to cure schizophrenia test medication number 137 uses this new special mechanic to neutralize the neuro desynchronisation in frontal lobes hippocampus and temporal lobes neurocognitive neurocognitive deficits in the mesolimbic pathway will be balanced with dopamine supplements caution it is a test medicine if you feel discomfort or any side effects please do call dr. blue Lehrer okay dr. Blair dr. Blair I don't feel so good dr. Blair little er Oh hate this Oh lock it good thing I locked my doors in my own house I wouldn't want to feel unsafe in any part of this hi I guess I'll answer that hello hi howdy how are you doing oh voice in my head again maybe you should take your pills oh yeah that's normal yeah it's what we had definitely normal that's fine okay you think that that was someone talking to me on the phone and that wasn't just something in my head feeling anxious yeah a little bit yeah well I didn't close that door I didn't close that door I don't know what the hell's happening here but I don't feel so good I want to paint something and relax okay that's a good that's a perfectly reasonable idea oh god it's so Diaz my Studios upstairs is it the locked one it might be the locked one oh my god it's so uncomfortable it's just that kind of unsettling that just puts you off everything seems wrong I mean I played games in high field-of-view before but it's never been just completely lead disorienting I thought I heard something key No he oh my god key no key no key there we go okay got it time to go unlock the door the safe safe door that I keep safe because I keep it locked all the time I always lock them door I don't feel like relaxing I'm gonna paint some happy little demons I don't like this picture want to throw it away press you to renew paint whoa gone just like that that's better scrubbed from existence I need more paint doctor told me to use more colors I should find more paints I might have something TV room downstair you got it bingo bango here I go good no problem no problema I got paints all over the house painting the toilet painting the bathtub painting the shower paint my fridge I got paint everywhere it's like living in paint cuz all the color can you see all the color around me tons of it paint no paint ah okay I got it got blood I got poop I got peepee I got all the colors everyone you never knew everyone I'd never need anyway - baby I need to take one more pillow in my room oh come up back away slowly from this I don't like that I don't like that at all back away slowly okay just pop a pill something was on my computer I hope it will help doctor told me to eat more sugar time to go to the kitchen what are you gonna paint I just want to paint a happy little tree it's still there okay huh I don't like that I don't like that one bit I don't like that one iota whoa nothing nothing about that is good okay can I play like a nice game a happy game Apple I have another no that's it okay thank you I feel worse I can't move I can't I can't move oh my mind is my head is so heavy was it sound yes what is that sound sound is it real I don't know did something break I didn't see anything why are you making me freak out is that a face I don't know that doors closed it wasn't closed before I'm gonna go paint the sound was in my bathroom oh what's in the mirror no no no no what is in my head they're driving me crazy I need to rest now oh okay go to bed oh I'm just gonna lay my head to rest I'm gonna go to bed time to bed no painting for me no relaxing happening you're still there good great anyway closed door look here clothes alright I can close the door I didn't do that I didn't do that vertigo yeah no joke close this okay Oh tough we're sleepy I'll go to bed lay my head to rest okay oh [ __ ] alright this ice I'd like to slide into my bed sound somebody's playing piano I need to check I don't remember seeing a piano have a piano Nana's done worse swing what did I do who are you my head stop being a dick leave me alone oh you're done now okay knock you're back oh yes okay thank you your hatred fuels me I think pianos done okay well that was fun yeah time's up for what for what I need to wash my face with cold water in the bathroom okay here I go watch my faith even though the mirror had something else on it you know doesn't I don't like to skip like it please me I'm Gumby I'm very uncommon he's gonna be in the mirror again that is called it mirror mirror mirror on the wall I needed a medicine that isn't oh okay I'll take my medicine you gotta get the medicine okay I'm sure that overdosing on this is probably not a bad thing crap oh crap crappy indeed okay take a pill alright test med number one what is one buy me don't just do that that's the game I play on you cuz it's behind you run run okay anyway I need Oh to calm my mind bad bad bad bad yeah who's already here okay they are well that's not good are they they're already here just dive in oh the some I'm doing a backflip I think what the [ __ ] hell hi okay no no one is here I'm not sure about that one I think I think someone might actually be here I think oh [ __ ] okay who's here who's they who's they is that my voice can I paint I'd like to paint hello can I start over how do I get rid of you okay alright well that's nice well no okay apparently no oh that's crooked I like that but that's for other reasons all right well I could eat an apple again that'd be nice maybe I could try to do that didn't know I was downstairs and now I'm here okay thank you I'll just pop another pill and be on my way okay all right well that was how did I get here good question I don't remember oh okay that could have caused me to fall and die oh this is the game that we're gonna complain [ __ ] they're already here they're already here they're already here they are here here is where they are they're here if I see you oh they're here apparently they're here did you guys know that they're here wait this stores closed by system oh okay oh I guess I'm playing I don't know where I am Oh Oh some I think we've left the realm of reality some I think we're in the realm of alternate reality all green-screen am i a youtuber oh boy Oh 3lakhs story you don't need to do that Oh oh oh ooh that's probably I shouldn't just stand here okay all right well now that I I know how scary you is okay well I'll just let them absorb into my body okay oh do not do that to me I don't know how am I gonna find three keys here I can't even find Wow [Music] I see something over here I don't know what the the audio is saying it's it's shifting between a few different voices something was talking about ESP there oh is that a key all right well okay all right don't mind me I got the key all right I don't know what that means but I got one did I get the only key or did I get the key is there one of three Kaiser or what is the dealio with the key I don't even know where the center of the is that where I that's another key no is that another key well hi oh hi no that's not that that's the same one where is it is it I can't tell I don't know where I've been and where I haven't been I got no landmarks I got no identification hello what are you oh do not cut me off do not coming up do not cut me up what are you what are you what are you doing what are you doing over there hey what are you doing hello what are you screwing over there okay never mind you're gonna cut me off okay never mind okay you have fun with whatever the [ __ ] you were doing let's just go on my merry way hip-hip-hooray here I go what is that I don't know what that is I'm just walking towards a big blue ah oh okay apparently this is the experience that we're gonna be going through we're just gonna be losing our minds which I guess is the whole thing about this game X oh that's a key okay Oh dramatic okay all right then I don't know why but all right so I've got two keys I need one more I don't know if my whole progress is gonna reset once I get this lat or if I die before I get the last one but it seems a little more difficult to die so there is something to all of this you guys are both faster and slower than I think you are hope there we go that's what those guys are shockingly fast okay thank you for this got the key all right know why I don't do that when I have to run away from that that is not okay and don't show me that clock that I said I didn't like because it's crooked and I don't do crooked okay thank you for that this place is just disorienting it's just all disorienting where am i where am i going on anymore okay here's where I am can I can I take my nap my Apple I just like to get me munch munch on a sweet Apple that'd be great okay oh that's nice that's real nice thank you for that can I go home never mind I am awake thanks God it was just a dream thanks God thanks big guy or girl I don't know that was a horrible dream yeah Kim I'm dehydrated I can't imagine it I can't imagine what it'd be like to dream if you had schizophrenia somehow that feels like it would be worse than reality wait is it different there's something different about that no it's the same okay goodbye I'm fine I'll just close this door goodbye it's weird I've gotten used to this point of view okay that was delicious feels good feels good man feels good so what about that so what about feeling good all right don't feel so good that rumbly in my tumbly said i don't feel so good what is that no mom why do you always call now mom the one time when I'm recording it's always when I'm recording mom I can't talk right now mom okay barely not let me at least text my mom hopefully nothing happens okay I don't know what to do do I go back to bed and I don't want to criticize me I'm going through some [ __ ] but I need to get I need to fix that run no I'm why why is there wavy wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing oh wait wait wait square triangle circle Hey so four three four three zero eight four three one no [Music] wait four three four three one eight maybe eight three four I'm not stupid here four three zero eight or four three money I'm nine oh my god oh my god what is I can't do any now okay I where am I I don't know I have no idea my demons [Music] one well that's a load of [ __ ] well that's a load of poopy doobie my personality is sealed in here well that's just a load of Garbo but forever okay because you are you in just stupid code really you're gonna let the game and go worldwide about 1% of the population is diagnosed with schizophrenia created by choppy pine 25th September 2018 okay then well then does that mean that was that the only ending wait no but I but that's stupid well that's dumb there's no oh God [ __ ] a duck of course god damn it of course it's gonna it's gonna come to aw of course it's gonna come down to that of course of course it's gonna come down to that that makes me mad that makes me very very mad that makes me very very very mad but either way I guess that is just how that goes hard don't like that cat so that was three scary games I'm not gonna go back through the whole thing and just to see if I can get the code because I don't even know if that was possible but frankly yeah frankly I'll end it there just because it did have a good experience in there it was a little slow paced and the pacing was a little off throughout it but it still was a good experience and I still had a good time and I think it was alright but even so man there's a perk my bubbles so thank you everybody so much for watching if you've got other scary games or other weird games you want me to assemble in a three game package let me know down in the comments below thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,072,588
Rating: 4.9582777 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, 3 scary games, horror games, markiplier scary games, 3 scary games #10, creepypasta, jumpscares, creepy, spooky, scariest, ribeye charlies, a wonderful day for fishing, schizophrenia, simulator
Id: Ua4jVdw5rEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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