Don't Eat In My Car

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[Music] [Music] good morning thank god bless you family that time of prayer amen let's turn our hearts and our minds toward the Living God amen we need him we need him the gracious Heavenly Father we humbly come before your throne of grace and before your throne of mercy Godric crying out to you as your people Lord God we're asking God in the name of Jesus that you would spare the lives of those Oh God that may be affected by the Hurricanes God our God God our God we come this morning standing on your promise god we thank you for the manifestation of Psalms 91 God in the life of every believer every child that has called on your name that names you as Lord and Savior other lives God we thank you for salvation being rocked by your spirits we ask Oh God in the name of Jesus for minimal property damage god father in the name of Jesus we ask God to keep families together father in the name of Jesus those who are in a backslidden state we ask that you draw them and rule them back to yourself kind of the name of Jesus we ask Oh God this morning that pastors would open their arms unto them o gods and minister your grace and your mercy unto them we're asking this morning O God that every bud wash believer Oh God would be christ-like in their compassion their love and their mercies toward humanity Oh God in the name of Jesus we are people who are called by your name God we're calling out to you this morning we need you we need you stand up in us as we speak to the storm and we say peace be still in the name of Jesus we command the storm to shift over the ocean in the name of Jesus get us not by our power and it's not by might but God it's by your spirit that your name and your name alone would be glorified that the kingdom would be established in the earth realm yeah we're thanking you this morning for your divine intervention into the lives of your people that's never before God we thank you this morning we thank you we thank you for your grace and your mercy over our lives so God use us to be a beacon light Oh God in the name of can't be thank you God we praise you God we exalt you can we magnify you receive our praise and our worship as we excel the King of Kings and the Lord of lords as we acknowledge the Most High God receive our praise and receive our worship and God we do it in the name that's above every name the name of our Lord and our Savior Jesus the Christ we pray this morning a man in a me [Music] come on shout a man again if you know our God range can you lift up your voice like a trumpet and shout God you reign hallelujah he's in control in spite of it all her pain irony her we thank you God that you're a god that still control thank you I control you know what you're doing that the government is still on your shoulders are my strength and song my salvation you are my god [Music] your name to you [Music] great and strength and power [Music] come on [Music] watch [Music] [Music] Trini [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] your name great strength and [Music] [Music] you are the games she stole yes you back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with aberration [Music] [Music] come on if you don't God reigns can you stand to your feet and let's declare together as a congregation chain chain [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] everybody if you know your God rain say you ride you ride and you are keeper of my soul you are keeper of my soul the peace that passes all understanding it's a new song come on can you just go to Baltimore with me or Chicago or st. Louis or Compton California it's just got a little groove to it but I'm gonna teach it to you I want you to catch it real fast in the spirit it goes like this [Music] so y'all got it he's a keeper [Music] [Music] you're singing the word is ins Isaiah the first chapter come on let's take it [Music] you should have it by now [Applause] come on right in the midst of Emma come on sale in the midst of the stop he's a keeper Saiga the keeper you got it I want to hear you singing now come on saying jakey's and keep Jesus that's it come on say it come on right there gentlemen so come on oh say y'all to keep come on everybody's singing I'm my soul yeah come on let's boy bragging post on our God in the mission that strong save Tookie Tookie Tookie [Music] now we're gonna sing the word of God Psalm 91 sin shall abide the shadow of the Almighty yeah and Psalm 23 says yea though I walk through the valley I will fear I will fear no evil for thou art with me can we do that one more time come on let's sing it it he that dwelleth Psalm 91 you're singing the word of the Almighty come on Bolivia's come on in Psalm 23 says hey though I won't say I will fear no evil for thou art with me you should have no problem sick in the word keeper [Music] [Applause] [Music] can y'all sing it one more time here's a keeper let's do that verse again say come on he that dwelleth Psalm 91 come on let's sing it together of the Almighty say it [Music] come on Psalm 23 says walk through the valley of the shadow of I will fear no evil spirit of fear but of power one more time showing come on he that dwelleth in the secret place come on let's sing it aloud over your life yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow I will fear no evil for thou art with me come on say come on if you know he's jehova shamma he's the god that's there he's a keeper so he's a keeper [Music] come on let's check it to the Father like you believe in tears taking the key back [Music] by the way [Music] you do he's a keeper [Music] come on put your hands together if you know he's the keeper of your soul and he's the one that made away out of no way come on with your hands lifted all over the sanctuary Lord you made away [Music] when my back was against the wall and it looked as if it was all over LAN you [Music] and we're stuck only only because give me I said if you made you [Music] Baxter [Music] and was landing here only because that's it [Music] come on this dragon on me when I'm back and [Music] and we're standing here only because [Music] come on the scrag on an apartment you move mountains and give them a few calls [Music] [Music] because [Music] [Music] respect [Music] everybody is standing please I ask that you'll take your neighbor by the hand we pray in earnest for our friends and family in Florida hurricane Irma has just touched down at a hundred and thirty-five miles per hour pregnant God will give safety and security and coverage protection each and every one of them your hand is in your neighbor's hands I am NOT absent of the knowledge that all of us have individual issues and areas we need God to redress but I'm asking in this moment that you'll forget about yourself and pray for the nameless and faceless people who find themselves sleeping in shelters this morning neighbors have faces people who have lost their homes from Texas to Louisiana now through Florida knowing that right now 1 million people are without electricity of Puerto Rico to know even in this moment completely obliterated the Islands of Tortola Saint Martin st. Thomas the British Virgin Islands and half of the United States Virgin Islands as that you would please join me in a symphony of Prayer would you pray right now our heads about all eyes are closed I want you to pray that God would cover them that God would protect them that God would make a way come on I need you to turn that prayer up a little bit for me he's been better than them God give them shelter give them food give them complete restoration for that God we promise to give your name the praise the glory and the Thanksgiving in Jesus name somebody shout Amen would you give God glory even now y'all not clapping good I said would you give God glory while you're yet standing but you hug three people and tell them something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen for you something good is gonna happen in you come on hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of our God empower my temple I want to thank you I'm telling you there is not a happier pastor on the planet Earth than pastor Jamal Harris and Bryan I couldn't imagine pastoring any other Church but this church you all are a great Church on last week many of you were away for the holiday and God put it upon me that we needed to do something significant to help in hurricane relief on last Sunday I set a goal that we would raise $10,000 $10,000 I asked to do that in one Sunday and last Sunday I hope y'all will be as excited as I am in one Sunday we raised $16,000 come on y'all gon shout better than that come on I can't hear anybody I asked because we didn't have much of a rollout time that on this Sunday that we would raise collect as it were four thousand dollars worth of gift cards four thousand dollars worth of gift cards because I wanted the sum total of what we gathered to be twenty thousand dollars last week rather we were at eight hundred I think an eighty five dollars worth of gift cards I wanted eight fifty five in gift cards and I wanted us to pull that all the way up to four thousand don't even show the total as of yet come on earnest you already there Jermaine you my man come on I need you right where it is that you are I asked you all to bring gift cards on today before it is that you bring them to me would you write on that gift card what is the amount it will help us in our accounting and it will help the recipient know when they go into the store how much they are working out with so as that you'll take one moment and write down on that gift card if it is not already there how much is the value of that gift card so we know what we are working with if you brought gift cards on this Sunday morning you brought gift cards and let me thank those of you who are watching online who partner with us even as far away as Canada how you sent them thank you so much for partnering with us and trusting us let me ask if I can in this moment every person that bought gift cards would you bring them now please just bring them to the altar now from all over the sanctuary come on clap your hands forever gift their forgiver come on y'all not clapping come on give God some glory are y'all gonna clap better than that I hope you will [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so thankful I want media ministry you're gonna have to partner with me on this I want them to show you the line of people who are trying to get into the central shelter in Miami Florida on Friday over a mile long if you'll look at your screen as soon as they get to the end of the line Riley just started back over again because some of them couldn't find their screen so as that you're paid do you all see how long that line is you ought to be thankful that this morning you woke up in your own bed you woke up with a roof over your head you woke up and decided what you were gonna wear what you were going to eat I was awakened last night to startling news that I had to share and convey with you is that most of the evacuees in Houston are at the Brown Convention Center are they at the Brown Convention Center and yesterday last night they got news that on Monday morning they're all being evacuated 3,000 people will be immediately homeless in less than 24 hours I partnered with a group of black pilots and the black flight attendants who are doing something amazing and applauded about they have pulled together an organization called rise and fly and these are members of the industry of aviation I have donated their sky miles there buddy passes and their family and friends discounts for those of you watch this those of you who are watching me from Texas and from Florida will give me to just saying you plane tickets to fly you out of there and get to where your family is somebody oughta shout about that y'all really ain't gonna shout about that come on come on show your love what we were able to do we were able to work with the airlines that we're gonna be able to secure one-way tickets to anywhere in the United States if you live in Florida or in Texas a one-way ticket anywhere this is not vacation this is survival for those of you we do not want you and your children are sleeping on cots amen I am having to look over your shoulder through the night and having to eat out of a brown paper bag all week long we want you to be able to sit and rest with family loved ones and with friends how many of you I believe that's the christ-like thing to do before you ever got here this morning and I hope you'll celebrate your colleagues and your comrades before you ever got here this morning our to earlier services are pulled together enough money of that tomorrow and I hope y'all will shout about it tomorrow we are evacuating 23 families out of Texas and Florida oh come on y'all gotta shout better than that y'all really ain't gonna give God glory come on 23 families are coming out on tomorrow we have done this limited partnership this week tonight we've got teams that are going into shelters thank you so very much we've got teams going into shelters in Florida and in Texas to find out who has loved ones what city they need to go to what state they need to go to I and all through the night they're gonna be booking flights to get them out of there all of the airports in Florida are closed well at least in southern Florida are closed but beginning tomorrow we'll begin the evacuation beginning tonight we'll begin evacuating out of Houston Texas and I am so pleased proud of privileged that we can partner with it how many of you all are glad to be a part of something that radical that profound and so we're up to I think the screen said 23 family here's what's happening come on Sam roll with me is each ticket is 125 I think is the amount is a 125 is 125 to get each individual out some of you can sponsor for one person to evacuate others of you can in fact sponsor a married couple others of you I can bring out an entire family but I'm asking for you in this moment or just for those of you they can pull together a seed of 125 or more even if you're giving it by a debit card by a credit card or if you're writing a cheque you're writing your to empowerment temple and we're gonna wire and process it until the rise and fly organization tonight after it is that we've done all of our due diligence but I need you please please please how many of you all do not want to sleep on a cot you should have both hands up a foot come on a elbow and knee you your joints are too bad for you to sleep that close to the floor I ain't men and you ought to realize how blessed it is that you are I want you to get that gift in your hand before it is that you're doing our dear friends who are watching this is not our morning times it's not even our Sunday morning offering this is our expression of christ-like compassion I believe this is what God would call us to do and I want God to be pleased with us I told the earlier to services you ought to thank God why because in case you forgot we live on the coast in case you forgot we're seated right or by water and but for the grace of God the storm could have come our way but he didn't let none of these things babe I need you right where it is that you are right where it is that you are anybody in the room I'm gonna go another way Semyon earnest anybody in the room ever had to live in a homeless shelter for more than five days would you lift up that hand for more than five days thank you so very my brother would you come keep that hand lifted yeah you thank you hold that basket for me sister right here in this pink would you come yes you turn it around you yes come on thank you so very much because I want them to give a bear witness it's hard for you to talk about something you ain't never lived through I can't hear nobody in here I tell of the ministers in training here at our church if somebody's mother died don't tell the people you know how they feel and your mother's alive Amen sometimes you got to live through some stuff I in order for you to really do hands-on ministry and so those who are holding the basket now know firsthand that that ain't no fun Amen that that's not a predicament that you want to find yourself in and not your children in those of you that will partner with me how to help me fly these evacuations out of Texas and Florida over 30,000 homes have completely been lost thirty thousand homes have been completely lost in the city of Houston Beaumont are in Galveston a hundred thousand people are homeless in Texas today because of that hurricane I want those of you that will help me would you come now please even if you're giving my credit card even if you writing a check I want you to just start moving right now please in come and clap your hands as they come come on clap your hands and either best get help me come on y'all not clapping good thank you if you giving my card yes that way thank you so very much impoundment aren't we a blessed people aren't we a blessed Church come on y'all not giving y'all not so on thank you so much I appreciate you come on come on come on bless the Lord they still coming but y'all ain't clapping as long as somebody is coming y'all got to keep clapping I said as long as somebody is coming you got to keep clapping here comes somebody you ain't clapping here comes somebody you're not clapping yet bless the Lord here comes somebody else that y'all still gon clap I'm so grateful I'm so thankful here comes somebody else that means you got to keep clapping come on come on y'all this make God proud of us today come on they still come in y'all still not gonna clap come on come on come on come on I can't hear nobody come on come on they still coming they still coming bless that wonderful name of Jesus I'm so thankful for every gift and for every Giver they still come on come on one more time bless the Lord bless the Lord I'm so thankful I'm so grateful our team is gonna give me an update in just one more if you'll take it over that way thank you so very much bless the Lord for each and for every one of you let me ask if I can while they're still pulling the data together for me can I have the parents of all teenagers staying if you are parenting a teenager would you stand please the people standing in front of you and I'm one of them we need special prayer please pray for us we live in with a crazy people we have a partnered with two organizations we partnered with two organizations for college preparedness to secure early the funding and financing your child will need to get through college it is available to you in the lobby we've got two different organizations partnering with us I do not want you to leave without you taking full advantage of everything that we have to offer because I do not want your child to miss an incredible opportunity because of Finance how many of you want the most for your child you want the most for your child so as that you would after our service is over that you would please sir please ma'am please go to that Lobby and you'll find all of the information on college preparedness give all of our parents of began as they take their seats let me ask all of my entrepreneurs to please stand all of my entrepreneurs would you please stand help me give God glory for all of our entrepreneurs it's my hope it is my prayer it is my expectation that every member of our church would have more than one stream of income I wanted to be able to meet you you ought not be dependent on one source in order to get your needs met I want to salute you why because if you are an entrepreneur you are a person of faith because it takes faith to do entrepreneurship hey men you may be seated entrepreneurs we are starting our next semester of entrepreneurial training class we're gonna show you how it is that you write your business proposal we're gonna walk you through on how to secure your small business loan and we're gonna help you clean up your credit in the process so that you'll be a good steward over what God challenges you to manage give God a hand clap of praise all of that information is in the lobby all of that information is in the lobby I want you to get all of it we're starting a new series on today and that new series on today for the month of September is God is gonna make it up to you would you look at the person beside to tell them after everything you've been through come on you ain't looking at him I said s after everything you've been through God is gonna make it up to you they didn't really respond good they a little bit cold they a little bit bougie forget them lay hands on yourself and say it out loud God make it up to men for everything that I've been through that that's what I'm gonna be preaching about the entire month of September I want you to be a part of it don't miss a Sunday on Tuesday I am starting our new series of Bible study you've been on hiatus for both July and August but we are back it is only one hour sunday is for inspiration but Tuesday is for information we cannot be healthy believers if all we do is focus on emotion and ignore intellect we've got to be thinking critical believers how many of you want to be a critical thinker you want to be a critical thinker especially as you approach the Word of God I'm gonna be talking about for the month of September the theology of reparations the theology of reparations why some stuff is due to you and why God has got to ensure you get page or just do I need you here Tuesday at 7:30 I don't want you to come by yourself I want you to bring somebody with you Wednesday night you already know is our prayer meeting night are led by my own dear mother Reverend Cecilia Brian yet Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. those of you that believe in the power of prayer you ought to be here on Wednesday night our music ministry is preparing us for the Word of God in just woman I'm sorry here calm all right bless the Lord if this is amazing I need y'all to give the devil a nervous breakdown because of what you are doing empowerment temple we are going to evacuate 56 people in the next yaaaaah rough crowd we're gonna evacuate 56 people out of Texas and out of Florida in the next 24 to 48 hours we would huh huh what y'all say y'all don't think that's worth shouting for Ike y'all missed your cue so let me start it over be seated let's start over drumming is the drummer here come on sir where you going Hey no sit right down thank you I need a drum roll please thank you impound my temple I need you to give God glory we are evacuating 56 families come on [Applause] [Music] in that amazing 56 families we're bringing out of Texas and Florida are they going to every different place in the United States and we are blessed to be a blessing do we have the total on gift cards you got oh I missed it can you show me the gift cards please I'm doing too much tell me where we on the gift cards and the gift cards so what's my grand total you know I'm English that may have five thousand five hundred and sixty two dollars y'all make me sick let me start over please hold on Shawn you playing Lawrence Welk music I don't know what you're doing everybody seated drama you still there you didn't go on coffee break thank you if you'll give me another drum roll please before you slip out again all right so impoundment tempo we're sending to Houston Texas tomorrow five thousand five hundred and sixty-two [Applause] come out [Music] which means what's this which means with the 16000 we collected on last Sunday in total your church is sending $21,000 come on I can't hear nobody your church is sending $21,000 into Houston Texas we are blessed to be a blessing a music ministry now you stand and our drummer is gonna stay for the rest of 11:30 service and they're gonna prepare us for the Word of God in just one minute would you take one moment I want you to invite somebody to worship with us they can watch us online and empowerment temple org if you'll tweet somebody if you'll text somebody if you'll place it on social media that the word is for them that God is getting ready to make it up to you come on I got to do this for me please music ministry dancers I hope just don't throw y'all off I hope it don't throw you off but I got to do this because I want even in here when y'all sang it so I need him to sing it again yes he's a keeper and that's what I need right through here and I almost jumped through my office window and I only have a window in my office I almost jumped in my window office cuz they didn't even know what I was gonna preach but I need them to just sing this song and then when I preach the sermon is all gonna come together for you in just one minute can y'all sing that for me drama is that okay thank you sir come on let's go the first chapter says he's a keeper the Lord will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him and as long as real simple goals [Music] [Music] you were here where we taught it earlier can y'all sing it with us for the pastor come on forgot I'd say it he's a keeper come on sing [Music] Oh come on even if they're in the storm make this declaration my soul [Music] we touch to it Oh [Applause] - see now let's just sing the same song 91 if you go back and reference s attendeth he that dwelleth in the secret place shall affine of the Almighty and then Psalm 23 said you shouldn't mind singing it's a yeah in the walk come on you should have it by now let's sing it together we do it better in which tickets come on Keith at brother say it together [Music] of the Almighty come on declare the word with your mouth Psalm 23 says yea though I walk because thou art with me come on let's go [Music] they eventually share the keep a so Oh so Hey I want to hear you sing it without the view [Music] [Music] that's it come on everybody's staying come on everybody lift up your voice he's a keeper [Music] come on lay hands on your chest right where you are everybody sing right now he's a keeper [Applause] come on one more time lift him up come on he's a keeper he's a keeper [Music] [Applause] [Music] it feels good in here come on everybody lift up your boss here's a keeper he's a keeper [Music] come on give God glory if you know here's hallelujah if you know he's a keeper of your soul will you give God glory and Thanksgiving now as it you stand to your feet we're appreciative for all of you who are present allow me appoint a person of privilege to recognize United States Senate candidate brother Ricky Vaughn who's amongst us ricky lift up your hand I just saw oh there you are would you give God a hand clap a praise for this brother who's trying to make a difference in our community in our city I need your attention and all of this will come together I need you to know I didn't talk to Eugene at all this week and so I know this is an alignment of a move of God I want you to go to Psalm 23 Psalm 23 thank you so much Psalm 23 and I want you to go to verse 3 Psalm 23 verse 3 once you found what you say I have it if you can't find us a lord help me Psalm 23 verse 3 he restores my soul you may be seated so we kick off this new series God is going to make it up to me the theology of reparations Psalm 23 verse 3 he restores my soul I want to preach for a little while this afternoon using as a subject don't eat in my car don't eat in my car would you look at the person message and say please don't eat in my car Donita my car my dear friends after viewing the film what the health i made a conscientious commitment to be a better steward over my body and governor of what I eat so for the last 40 days your pastor has been a practicing vegetarian consuming vegetables and fruit and at least a glasses of water a day in the middle of this new Odyssey just a week ago I went in for my annual physical weight was down blood pressure's regulated pulse is normal yet a few days ago my doctor called me after doing a urinalysis and alerted me that I had elevated kidney function part because my dramatic shift was shocking my body and I was not getting enough protein and because I wasn't getting enough protein Sophia you begin pulling on my organs and might I say to you ladies and gentlemen that's what happens when you make a radical change in your life hear me but you're not getting the appropriate that you're trying to make a change but you don't have the strength to handle the change so you become weary here this in an attempt to do what's right you're not even tired because it's not your body it's your soul the very essence of your being has become depleted you get tired of being nice tired of loving tired of having to intentionally be considerate tired of being kind to people who don't appreciate it only a few of you bear to get this you get tired of trying you get tired of just being that just waking up takes work just going to sleep is an intentional effort people don't even understand how it is that you don't have focus because there's so much that is coming at you at the exact same time that you're not sure what should be the priority there is a pull on you and it would be better for you if you were sure about what is the call but God keeps pulling on you and when you answer the phone he doesn't speak so you're trying to figure out what is it that God wants from my life when I keep trying to come to church and do the right thing he told me something years ago but then God has the nerve to call me and not confirm it so I'm trying to figure out am I going crazy is this a call or is this ambition and I'm tired y'all they never been there you get depleted because you've got to be responsible all the time you get tired anybody ever been there of having to always hold the family together at people always y'all never been it you get tired of being the dependable one and that people always know you gonna step up to the plate and do what it takes and they don't know that sometimes I just don't feel like it and it's not that Amin is not that Abu Shea is not that I'm arrogant but y'all have so run me to the ground that you don't even understand I need time for me and when I got time for me I don't even know what to do with myself because I've been so conditioned to look for other people I don't even know how to exercise self-care lee iaccoca long since regarded as the savior for the four corporation road to prominence in 1956 with his 56 456 campaign in a nutshell for $56 a month you could get a 1956 automobile he moved Leah Iacocca did he moved from marketing to development and then to the conceptualization of cars and he had in his mind that he wanted to change and revolutionize the ever the automobile industry by introducing a sporty vehicle that was practical the problem is that Ford was just crawling out of a colossal failure their last car who taught cost them 350 million dollar loss of the 400 million they invested for the accountants that are in the room think you would know and calculate faster than I that 350 million in 1956 its 1.1 billion today that's how much money they lost on a car that didn't work so Lee Iacocca the idea for a new car but here may they're just coming out of failure it is hard to start something new when you just met disappointment will you come out of something that didn't work y'all ain't saying nothing to me that you are not fast to try something different because you're still healing from the last experience so sometimes when you come out of a traumatic relationship you not fast to meet somebody new I can't hear nobody on time other people who are healed because you know at some point I've gotta take some time for me because I don't have the mental or emotional capacity to get to know somebody new when the person I thought I knew played me y'all ain't sayin nothin and so they did not want to take a risk because they had just met defeat undeterred at Lee Iacocca maneuvered and unveiled the new Ford TF the only catch is that the TF here it is had already been copy written so he had to change the name and the name was now Mustang that one move after disappointment catapulted Ford back into prominence it had to be called something different but after it's called something different it changed the game some of y'all are slow let me see if I can help you God says your greatest blessing is going to come on the heels of your greatest disappointment you had to go through something it was not to break you it was to make you rename some stuff so that you would understand that everything you have is not supposed to be permanent some of it is supposed to be temporary but can you handle the blessing if you gotta call it something different I became transparently empowerment I became an automobile aficionado following the passion of my father when I was coming up my father used to collect old cars and restore them I'll never forget an instance this is long before the Internet I'll never forget what's this that my father found in the newspaper a mint-condition rolls-royce he was so excited I mean he was so excited that he was gonna have a rolls-royce and he woke me up early Saturday morning because we had to drive into Pennsylvania to go pick up the rolls-royce after several hours I waked we come on to this farm this state out where the rolls-royce is I detect my dad and I into the garage and everything seems to check out my father's kicking the tires turns on the radio and looks at there are no dents no scratches in the paint and that we just get me to the side and an epiphany hits my father and my father says can you do me a favor please and pop the hood y'all got to stay with me they hide they pop the hood and then we understood the price is because once they pop the hood there was a Chrysler engine in a Rolls Royce body y'all y'all stay with me I think y'all just lost me and many of you are not operating at your capacity because it you have the wrong engine you've got the wrong motivation you've got the wrong Drive because somebody has replaced your heart with bitterness how you were never supposed to be that mean you were never supposed to be that distant you were never supposed to be that cynical you were never supposed to be that bet that pessimistic but because you were around people who just liked you for your body you never knew how to develop your heart but I am believing that today for worshipers who are in this room God is getting ready to perform open-heart surgery so the stuff that used to bring you into a depression into anxiety unhappiness and low self-esteem he's get ready to pull that engine out and says what's his create in me a clean heart Oh God and renew a right spirit within me following in my father's footsteps when I went on to college I I was infected by my father's disease of having an appreciation of the finer things in life Ian automobiles so I am a student at Morehouse College I'm a student at Morehouse College in Atlanta Georgia had worked all summer but I have the same talk Liberty and weakness for cars that my father does and so having worked all summer I'm gonna buy my first car by myself you would have thought that I would have gotten a Honda Accord oh you would have thought I would have got an Acura TL y'all don't remember those you would have thought I would have got a Nissan Sentra but because I followed in the footsteps of my father I went in the same Atlanta journal-constitution in the newspaper and I found a 1978 Mercedes Benz I'm in college all I'm in college and I go and buy a 1978 Mercedes being a SL II is navy blue I just got white leather interior white wall I'm telling I'm balling in college I new to this I'm true to this I need you to know watch this I go and get the Mercedes Benz I'm driving on campus everybody like Lord Jamal is the mayor I got a Mercedes in college and then when I get back license I'm driving a dorm I'm gonna live in a Mercedes living in a dorm y'all y'all are missing this I'm living in the dorm driving imma don't laugh too hard cuz many of y'all in the exact same place you got your car that's more valuable than your apartment but I preach about that another time Russ's I get down to my dorm and somebody is y'all now Jamal is that you I said yes that's me but the problem is I realize I'm talking to him through a closed window did I tell y'all I went to college in Georgia is hot in Georgia in his listen do I realize that my window don't roll down I'm talking the old school players right through here so I had to put my hand on the glass and then I had to ease the window down some of y'all remember that and it was difficult that I got a good car but I got a broken window can I help you shout this is only for the tithers God said if you are a real-time you know what I'm gonna do for you I'm an open up a window some of y'all ought to be shouting right because God said I'm getting ready to open up the biggest window of your life you get me to have something drop on you that highs have not seen and the ears have not heard I wind up with my father out several years ago several years ago my father I had a head of Jaguar and when he had out this catwalk it was hard for him to maintain because he made up in his mind that he was gonna hold it to pass it down to me it sounded like a good idea at the time he was able to hold it for some 20 plus years and think y'all y'all not gonna believe this in this Jaguar that's in mint condition the radio dies but the radio dies he takes it out to Chesapeake Jaguar and says to them I'm gonna keep it watch this in its original condition can you get me a radio that fits this this is a 1988 Jaguar and I want to keep it in mint condition but I need a radio that matches the year of the car the dealers it just a big Jaguar said Bishop Brian we're sorry to tell you that we can't find a radio that fits this console like you've got a choice to make will you ride around you know radio that doesn't work or will you upgrade to a new sound and reduce the value I can't hear nobody in here every now and again when you look for a new sound it will change everything that is connected because a lot of people are used to that which is old but you add this 11:30 service why because god I need you to speak something new my life I'm tired of hearing the same old stuff and not seeing any results come back into my life but for 70 of you gossip be careful when you pray this week God said when you pray this week when I'm gonna speak to you I have never said to you before but I'm getting ready to give you clarity over some stuff I'm getting ready to confirm some stuff and I'm getting ready to cash down some stuff see some people around you can only shout over stuff this material but those of you that need to hear new sound from God God said this is the hour not for you to be quiet but he said turn your radio all the way up other folk don't understand your value they don't know how God has kept you all these years but you got a thank God I got a new sound so let's be clear what's this this is not a message about restoring cars this is a sermon about restoring your soul and after John 3:16 the most reference scripture is the 23rd psalm and I need you watch this to look at the 23rd psalm not from a saint from Baltimore listening to it or 4217 Primrose Avenue I need you to embody Psalm 23 not as a sight but as sheep and hear what is the testimony of sheep in Psalm 23 and Psalm 23 do you know what these sheep got enough nerve to say the Lord is my shepherd hallelujah y'all y'all don't even understand what that means now a shepherd of holds a staff why is that important because the staff at the top of the staff has a crook and that crook must this is not for decoration here so that if I wander off the Shepherd can pull me back in so I don't lose my but at the other end of the staff it turns into a spear Justin Cave wolf come to try to devour of my flesh the shepherd can see was coming after me before I can get to me y'all see elation that's why I shout the Lord he is my shepherd because whenever I'm lost he brings me back close and whenever the enemy is trying to kill me he'll always defend me but here's your shout right here because he's my shepherd here it is I shall not walk for 800 a year you want to be giving God glory God said after today you ain't gonna be in need of nothing everything that you need be seated please and he will supply hallelujah all of my knees I wish I had a prayer in church right through here would you look at the person beside you tell them you ain't gonna need nothing hallelujah every time you need it's getting ready to be released into your life I can't find no praises here he said Jamal if they give me glory whatever is the amount of their biggest bill imma get it paid off there is nothing too hard for me y'all don't even know why they shouting in here God said ye shall know I'm reducing your student loan he said why are you praising me whatever's the amount of your rent that's gonna be the amount of your Marcus he said if your shout out loud every bill you have pass to it's getting ready to be Raticate why you shop the rent paid the insurance paid as the cash paid car notice pay hair dear nails there you fancy ha you give God glory Jesus Oh pay it all [Applause] the Lord is my shepherd I don't want nothing hallelujah y'all didn't sound good on there I said you ain't gonna be lacking nothing hallelujah do you know how good it feels only 80 y'all know this dip summer you know how good it feels to not need nothing from nobody you know how liberating it is that if I want it I'll get it myself and I got a kiss up to you but I will trust in the Lord with all my be seated please and you will lack nothing hurry y'all just got cleared for takeoff I need somebody to shout out loud to yourself I will lack nothing God tell me y'all gonna let that percolate right through here I need you to declare it again I will lack nothing y'all still don't feel that thing can I try it again I said I will lack nothing y'all feelin me come on with this side where y'all wake up will lack nothing come on y'all better feel that singing your bow that oughta beat your rallying cry for the rest of this year where you shot it again nothing I'm gonna take y'all the step for the children will say some I'm in verse one all I gotta do is get to verse three and we out of here I'm in verse number two he makes me lie down Oh y'all know the 21st time y'all went to Sunday school he makes me lie down but y'all be seated please please would y'all be seated we got visitors be seated for just one moment he makes me lie down y'all are gonna get this real quick I said he makes me lie down in case y'all missing god only made man lay down two times the first time he made man lay down yes in Genesis he made Adam watch this lay down and he pulled Eve out of him the second time is Psalm 23 he makes me later y'all get ready to tap your row you might as well apologize in advance for whoever sitting in front of you would you just have to say excuse me for the shout I'm getting ready to do I said tap him and tell him hey excuse me for the shot I'm getting ready to do God told me to tell this 11:30 service whenever I make you lay down it's only because I gotta pull somebody out of you there's gotta be somebody I gotta pull out of your system I gotta pull out of your life I gotta pull out of your hide he makes me lay down he makes me lay down cuz he's disrupting every soul time [Applause] god help me I got too many church people and I need some good praises right here God says I'm cutting off every illegal soul that was for church folk let me give it to my street crowd he said any person you ever slept with will no longer have authority over your life over your emotions over your spirit when you lay down I'll pulled them out of you since I'm making you lay down please be seated I'm begging you says when when I make you lay down I'm finally gonna let you rest why you see that would you lift up that hand please I know this is not a conventional blessing but I'm gonna speak it to you that God told me to tell those of you who are need 11:30 service welcome to your season of risks god I can't hear nobody in here God said if you lift up your voice imma give you the best sleep you've had in 18 months see he said if you praise me you gonna roll over and press the snooze button because I'm finally gonna let you rest you deserve a Sabbath a season of no drama I really thought y'all was gonna shout better than a season of not having to explain yourself defend yourself a season of not being misunderstood or taking the wrong way God says I'm giving you a Sabbath I can't hear nobody by the shoes not cuz you warned them but because you like them do something for you you deserve [Applause] [Music] he leads me beside still waters hallelujah you don't even know how apropos this is he leads me beside still waters hallelujah imma give it to you one more time he leads me beside still waters where my worship as my intercessors I'm talking to you right in this room he said if you trust me no hurricanes hallelujah earn my Harve they don't have nothing compared to the name of Jesus that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess you you forgot that Jesus was on a boat one day and was asked do you not care if we perish and he looked at the winds and to the waves and said peace be still hallelujah feel glory get ready to come would you mind being seated please there's just a smattering of you I need you to be seated just on Friday afternoon at about 2:30 Congress passed a piece of legislation have that earmark funding what's this for those that were living in Houston thought that they would be able to rebuild that the houses that they lost hallelujah but Saturday morning heaven passed the document say everybody who was coming to 11:30 service that he says I'm getting ready to restore what you lost and imma make sure that you get it back before this year is over some of y'all ain't been through a storm you ain't got a shot with her how about God said you ought to give me glory why because what you get may give back and ain't gonna be like what's your loss yes gonna be better than that I can't hear nobody because some of the stuff that you lost here's your shower I took it because I didn't want nothing standing in the way the best thing I had in store for you a few years ago a few years ago I'm the heavy controversial scrutiny a few years ago yall already know a few years ago I bought a Bentley it's all in the Baltimore Sun in ephra I bought a Bentley a few years ago and I'll never forget what happened when I left the Bentley dealership they gave me instructions that mess me up here's what they said to me they said Pastor Brian congratulations you now in the Bentley family we need you to do what's a favor place here's what we need you to do is if the Bentley ever breaks down just do us a favor I said what's the favor they said whatever you do don't pop the hood I need y'all stay with me now you got to know I'm already traumatized cuz in the back of my mind I'm living through my father's experience of popping the hood and finding something that don't match yeah y'all stay with me here they said our brother Brian if the car ever breaks down don't don't pop the hood I said why they say it's bad for the Brian yet so what it mean it's bad for the point is because it's a Bentley folks should know it breaks down I said all right and this can remesh although I said if it breaks down then what should I do they said there's an emergency button god help me there's an emergency button just say yeah impressive god help me any help will be on the way I think I'm getting ready to lose you yes I said people will pass me that they'll pass me trying to figure out what's wrong with what's going on with me he said it's none of their business just sit there how do you they don't know it but you know it is on the way I can't hear nobody there's some folk they keep making up stuff about you cuz they can't figure out what's going on with you but God say stop complaining the folk is bad for the Brier when you're going to sit there and wait on my arrival I may not come when you want me to come hello yeah I'm gonna sit right here until my change comes if holily if you're standing I knew to the point there's somebody sitting and tell them help is on the way god I can't hear no money in here and when it is that I press the button I'm sitting there for about 20 minutes I had no idea that if a bitly breaks down they don't send a tow truck god help me if a Bentley breaks down they don't send the tow truck they send a black unmarked van hallelujah and then they bring us a vehicle into the man and shut the door pastor why do they do that they do that because we're not broken function see me when I'm broken God gonna heal me privately and I tend to tell some of you that will shout God said why you sitting in this house I'm healing you and folk don't even know what's going on with you there's somebody to praised or publicly my God will hear you Hey god I can't hear nobody I just need to get the sound of those who Godhead to bless behind closed doors folk don't know the night your cry that day she was thinking about throwing in the towel but God made away from me last thing last thing I'm giving his calls last thing I got to tell you is about them loose is that when you got a Bentley watch this in the car breaks down hallelujah the loaner is never a used car god I can't find no real worshipers in here Valona is always the next model upgrade jock did y'all hear what I just said I said if you're in a Bentley they not gonna give you a Miss abhishek they gonna give you the next model upgrade so that you know even while i'm broken down in this room ready to go home y'all ain't ready to have church I said crab their neighbors hair and say my last car what the use Oh I gotta close which is knit that hand right with you and upgrade is coming I [Music] said an upgrade just coming y'all really don't know how to shouter I wish I was that impoundment temple let me say it again I said I upgrade is coming [Applause] lift that hand please [Music] Lee Iacocca's lauded celebrated in automotive circles because he had two concepts that revolutionized the car industry the first one was a Mustang the second one not too many of you were shout about it it was Lee Iacocca that design and conceptualize what's this the first Dodge minivan hallelujah said the last time I wanted to go fast but this time I need something that can carry more space god I wish I had some worshipers in here with when you were younger you were just trying to get it done quickly but the moment or you are you saying God enlarge my capacity I want to be able to carry more I want to be able to bless more I'm gonna be able to be a blessing to more my problem is my soul just isn't right honey that hand lifted I'm gonna pray for you I promise to God I do I'm gonna pray for you I'm not praying ladies and gentlemen for God to give you a car if that's what you think you've missed a message now praying for God to give you money I'm praying as that hand is lifted werster's that there's afternoon God will restore souls [Applause] come on softly Sean I want that hand lifted cuz I'm I need gone to restore my soul restore my soul a little yeah I love God believe me I'm feelin it god I can lord I need you to restore my soul I love you but I've become sick of church I need you to restore my soul I need that hair lifted I'm a kind person pastor don't get me wrong but I'm starting to resent people in my own family I need you to restore my soul I've been myself lately and God I need you to do something cuz I'm right on the edge of becoming bitter I need you to restore my soul then that hand is lifted God whatever you do please get my soul in order hallelujah folks look at my outside and they jealous of me and they got no idea how utterly unhappy I am yeah I restore my soul I want the joy of my salvation back I feel empty on the inside I need you to restore my soul I don't want you quoting no scripture to me because encouragement sounds like a curse word you tell them these scriptures I already know I need some real people in here I don't want you praying on my answering machine I don't feel like that right now restore my soul I can encourage other people but I don't have the strength for myself I need you to restore my soul would you lift that hand please just for those of you who have broken down you've run out of gas he said I gotta restore your soul before your cup runs over because if your soul is not restored you gonna spill it on yourself and I don't want you to waste another blessing coverage tone my soul I don't pray the way I used to I don't I don't get excited about the word the way that I used to God restored my soul I'm now in church out of habit not out of zeal need you to restore my soul I want to do this please if you'll indulge me I am I'm gonna open the doors in a minute hallelujah but today God promised me he was gonna perform open-heart surgery I can't even call you backsliders because you didn't leave Church you just left intimacy god help man I need my soul restored you're in this room I'm not asking you to join the church I'm gonna get to those in a minute I'm not asking you to get saved that's another crowd I'll deal with you in a minute I'm talking to those of you that know God for yourself but your soul is fraction you need him to restore your soul that's the way you are would you meet me at this altar please I need you to register I don't want you coming cuz your friend is coming I don't want you to come could you think this is the politically correct thing to do hi I need you to come cuz I need my soul restored they do you this messages saying how was raised it says in how I was brought up I know better but I ain't doing better I need him to restore my soul I'm in church but I'm not sure I'm still in Christ God help me I need my soul restored hallelujah I'm a person of faith but you know this crazy when I don't even pray over the thing I just resigned it is what it is if God don't want me in it he gonna do something about it I need you wherever you are in this sanctuary if you're stressed at hand to the altar nine more people are getting ready to come I need y'all to come on please he's restoring my soul hallelujah I can't find my focus can't find my happiness can't find my assignment I can't find my joy I'm living with no peace God you got to restore my soul how on the way I lost it I don't know where it began to rust I don't know how we begin to fall apart but God if you get here me restore my soul am i talking to anybody in here maybe maybe it's just cathartic for me but I just need nineteen of you better be honest to say pastor this is what I need I'm I'm in urgent care I don't have time to make an appointment I need him to do something before I get back in that car yard restoring my soul I want those of you who are joining me at the salt of your lay hands on your heart he saved my soul he saved my soul did you hear what I just said he saved my soul I was a ratchet mess but he say I was trifling ridiculous I had no discipline but he saved my soul [Music] on the name of Jesus I pray for him every precious soul that's at this altar pretty Lord then tonight while you lay them down to sleep you'll pull people out of them the negativity of their mother pull it out of them I can't hear nobody in there the self-defeating behavior of their dad pull it out of them the love of street life for their brother pull it out of putting all the focus on their body and not their engine please God pull it out of them I pray God that you'll finally let them rest let them finally get peace I pray dear Lord that in this hour you'll be the powder with the clash modus in make us I pray dear Lord that you give us a fresh start in a new beginning we stand on the words of Paul that old things have passed away and all things are now brand new I speak as your pastor to declare unto you that you now are living under a new warranty did you hear what I just said I say you are now living under a new warranty he's forgiving you of everything that brought shame a guilt and resentment you are now riding free cuz he just restored my soul how would that you would please would you right where you are would you embrace three people and tell them is gonna get better after this it's gonna get better after this it's gonna get better after this my soul [Music] everybody is standing I need everybody in the room would you shout out loud he's restoring my soul come on lay hands on your chest and declare it out loud he's restoring my soul whoever you are in this room I'm gonna open the doors of the church I need your standing indulge me for just one minute he makes all things new to have any witnesses in here he makes all things no I want to open the doors of the church I'm begging you I'm imploring you hear me somebody gotta get saved in this room and I don't know which car you've represented but there's the one where the windows don't go down the engine doesn't match the body there's a sound that changes the value whether you're broken down and waiting for help all I need you to know is God is gonna restore you you're in this room and you're saying I don't even know how I got in here today I don't know pastor how you got all in my email all in my phone how about you read my mail today whether you are in this room before I have people turn to their neighbors before I send out my troops to come get you if you're in this room and you want to do Amnesty International you turning yourself in cuz you need leniency from the judge wherever it is that you are in this room I need you to make your way to this altar you saying pastor that's the kind of church I gotta be a part of this is the kind of ministry I need to sit under this the kind of preaching and teaching that's gonna change my life I need you to give God glory for this young lady who's already come bless the Lord let me try one more game please wherever it is that you are I'm not too proud to beg your soul is on the line your life is at stake would you come to me please I'm begging you I need you to come I need you to come if nobody else will beg for your life I'll beg for your life I don't care how cute you think you are how intelligent you think you are or how to far gone you think you are don't forget that at the end of the staff he's got something to pull you right in I need you to help me please there's a soul that's got to get saved there's somebody just got to join the church and for those of you who are asking why am i taking so much time because their life is worth it their life is worth it I want you right where you are helping me virtue has gone out of me this is my third service for the day I got nothing left I promise you ain't got nothing left I need you to help me open the doors of the church would you move and talk to somebody around you find out if they're saved find out if they have a church home find out if they've given their life over to God come on is there somebody come on here comes somebody else I want you to clap for meeee [Applause] [Music] hallelujah I'm thankful for these two but I'm a trinitarian I need a third one here I don't know where you are but I need you in this room come on sir you about to make my day come on give God some glory for this beautiful brother coming come on come on they thought it was three but they saw a fourth one walking in the fire I need you to give God glory would you do a road check for me real quick do a road check ask the people on your road are you sure you saved you sure you got a church home are you sure you've given your life over to God come on don't lie in church your car may break down come on come on here they come somebody give God some glory [Applause] [Music] he's a keeper my [Music] my stretch a right hand of faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in our church serving the only God and I know that's right if you know right would you give God some praise empowerment come on Big Ups to our new family members you may be seated in the presence of our God I'm excited for these two men that have come I want you right where it is that you are ambassadors to your mind partnering with me are there those amongst us who are absent of an envelope and they don't want to be robbed of an opportunity to give to God when they calculate and consider all that God has given to them they do not want to be seen as an ingrate because they realize that every gift but God is the giver of every good and every perfect gift I need you to get that best seed in your hand I want you to get that best seed in your possession would you do that for me even now you don't have an envelope I need you to lift up that hand please come on help my dear sister here right on the second row they need some help I don't want them to leave as a empowerment didn't need my resource every seat is important to every seed has value I need you please right where it is that you are any person who knows anything about agriculture you always are mindful of the fact that the produce always comes out bigger than the saved did you hear what I just said I said the produce always comes out bigger than the seemed my dear friends in case you missed it an apple is not the size of an apple seed because whatever it is that it bursts has got to be greater than the initial investment whatever it is that you give in church when it comes back to you it won't come back the same size God always got to do better than us just to check us and let us know who's in charge I need you to get that seed in your hand I need you to have it in your possession please sir please ma'am get that gift in your hand get it in your possession I'm challenging every person to get an offering in your hand as close to 1 million dollars come on where's your faith y'all don't believe that God can do that for you elbow to prison miss I'll just say imma be the first one to do it I'm gonna be the first one hallelujah I want you to get your best gift as close to 1 million you don't have 1 million I want you to get as close to 100 as you possibly can how those of you who are tithers those of you who are tired that you know scripturally what is expected of us according to Malachi chapter 3 you already know we've already dealt with it in passing this afternoon and when you bring your tithes into the storehouse he's gonna open up a window and he's gonna pour out a blessing so there is not even room enough for you to receive I want your biggest problem for the rest of this year to be you don't have room for nothing else hallory I want God to so bless you that you can refuse gifts did y'all hear what I just said huh I said I want God to so bless you you have to refuse gifts cuz you don't have room for nothing else I want God does so bless you that you've got to start giving stuff away cuz you got to make room for what you believe is gonna be the upgrade I want you to get that seat in your hand our dear friend you're watching us from around the world today in Canada in London in Kenya from the Caribbean in South Carolina and right up the road in Catonsville as at the same time that we giving I want you to give right where it is that you are you are sowing into good ground how God has given this pasture an incredible vision to revitalize this community it is my hope and aim to buy 100 abandoned houses in this community 100 that this will be the only housing development in the inner city that is solar-powered it's gonna be a housing development just for first-time buyers who only earn less than $60,000 a year but I'm believing God is gonna give us the resources to get it done how many of you know God can do it how many of you know God can do just that I want that seed in your hand I need it in your possession if you're giving electronically through a debit card when your Road starts moving you're gonna go to either side of the sanctuary if you're writing a check you're writing your tip impoundment temple if you give in Cash Money Records ball to your fall I want you right where you are but every person is gonna give your best gift now that you have it would you stand to your feet please would you stand to your feet every single one of you I want you to stand to your feet same to your feet once you've done that would you lift up your seed above your head lift up that seed above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over in Jesus name Amen would you turn to your right I need you to begin coming now from the last row [Music] yeah hey everybody a standing everybody is standing and I rejoiced for a cherry come on up yes time he joins for a showery come hallelujah if you believe God's gonna upgrade you would you give him some glory on Tuesday as so need you to be here for Bible study it is the most critical moment of the week George Barna argues that if you want to know the health of a church look at who comes to Bible study and prayer meeting everybody can just come into the f2 globe but the real heartbeat of who we are as believers is in our study of the Word of God you cannot you cannot be proficient in any area of athleticism and not show up for practice Bible study gets us ready for all that we're going to endure sunday is just the big game to that end allow me a point of personal privilege to express to you my heartfelt desire our relative to this issue circulating around Colin Kaepernick is two weeks ago I held the demonstration outside of the NFL headquarters some 2,000 2,500 people showed up for it I asked the NFL just for three things the first one is that they would have a written policy whereby players would not be penalized for exercising their conscience that you should not be blackballed because you stand for something the second thing that I asked of the NFL is that they would in fact employ a separate outside body that would in fact give oversight to make sure that there is not racial bias in the league something is out of order if 76% of all players are black but we have zero ownership we have zero ownership but the third thing that I asked that I want you to be aware of is that the NFL owners association in January the NFL owners are so I gave a hundred and twelve million dollars to Trump's inauguration to junkie what'd I just say a hundred and twelve million dollars to Trump's inauguration at the end of last football season every owner in the NFL received a two hundred and thirty four million dollar bonus maybe y'all miss that I said a 234 million dollar bonus I asked of the NFL if you-all can give a hundred and twelve million dollars for Donald Trump's inauguration give us 52 million to give back to the black community so that we can do self-policing I can't hear nobody and that we can make sure that these police officers go through what is necessary for sensitivity training that was now going on through weeks ago and today the NFL has not yet responded saying in glaring terms they don't care if black players get concussions they don't want them to get a conscience and so I am asking of you black people we have been loyal to the NFL for 50 years and asked of nothing but to be respected and so I'm asking you this afternoon is any number of things that you can do I'm just asking you not to do one thing and I'm asking you not to watch football on today I'm asking you to do that because it's a whole lot bigger than Colin Kaepernick taking a knee it is about the respectability of our humanity and dr. King said a person who won't stand for something will fall for anything so I know y'all were rushing out of here to go watch the game I'm asking you go support local high school football college football play football on your video games but please don't watch the NFL I want to sustain in unison for that the NFL's kickoff game was on Thursday and their viewership was down by twelve million viewers because like-minded conscientious people have too decided that they will not support it s that you were please please please I'll pray until finally this generation will be able to actualize liberty and justice for all if you'll please help me in that I think that the next generation will be in a much stronger and a sturdier place will you please try to do that and get that word out amongst your friends your co-workers your colleagues and your family lift up that hand right above your head please lift up that hand if nobody told you this week your pastor loves you I pray for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for your life as we leave this place but never from God's presence will you repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going because I believe this is our season of promotion our season of elevation our season of increase on this coming Saturday at 11 o'clock I want you here at the church I've got the lieutenant governor here for a one-on-one interview I'm gonna ask him as a black lieutenant governor how is it that he oversees a 35 million dollar juvenile jail while firing a hundred and twelve Baltimore City public school teachers I need you to be here on Saturday morning I'm broadcasting it live on television because this time the revolution will be televised lift up that hand now under human who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God give you rest may God help you to roll and make God abide with each and every one of you hints forth now and forevermore and all the blessed people of God said [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 6,392
Rating: 4.7179489 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, dr jamal bryant, eat, car
Id: C9CjZyyMK-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 6sec (6786 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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