I don't like the way you look at me - Pastor Jamal Bryant

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we wanted to introduce you in a more intimate way to one of the stars of our team pastor kerry turner an amazing gift to the body of christ and an angel for our emerging generations department las vegas's loss is new burst gain we are better because she is a part of what it is that we're doing to hoist up the cross of christ so that men women boys and girls may see that god is a living god i'm grateful for god's mercy and his compassion towards us and it is not lost on me that it is a national women's history month and so while it is that i celebrate uh pastor carriano turner i've got to pause to publicly appreciate our vivacious energetic and amazingly elegant first lady vanessa long an incredible gift to the body of christ i'm just appreciative as how it is that she raises the standard and always beams with confidence and integrity i read the startling data that 400 000 businesses that are owned by black people closed in the pandemic 400 000 black businesses closed in the pandemic in this national uh women's history month i wanted to make sure that we didn't just leave our seed sewing in black history how you remember every sunday in february are we sold into an organization that was doing the heavy lifting uh whether it was the naacp whether it was a black church food insecurity uh whether it was until freedom of this month i want to do something and unveil something that i am so excited about uh new birth is partnering up with the multi-millionaire mindset academy the millionaire mindset academy it is an entrepreneurship accelerator program that is going to join black women entrepreneurs with fortune 500 executives who will mentor them who will train them and who will equip them as a consequence we are giving scholarships to four of black women who are entrepreneurs so that their businesses might skyrocket and go to the next level this is a much sought-after program and women from all over the country are vying to be a part but we've secured a slot for four women here at new birth if you want to be a part of that program ask that you'll go to our website at new bur we are a new birth go to we are newbirth.org and you'll be able to go to our event section and get all of the information i will offering ten thousand dollars in scholarships uh to black women who are entrepreneurs who are trying to get their business and their idea off the ground i'm excited because black women have always been the cornerstone the benchmark and the backbone of our community and i'm excited sisters for what you're gonna do do me a favor right in the chat if you are a black woman and you an entrepreneur do me a favor please i want you to write the name of your business right in the chat write it in the chat i want you to write the name of a business that you are supporting our own pastor turner has her own business outside of ministry i want you to go and support that 180 west 180 west go and support that uh but all of the black women who have their own businesses i want you to please write it in that chat we want to support you we want to push you and those of you who are trying to get it off the ground we've got a scholarship with your name on it we're going to pair you into mentoring mentoring says one writer si lives a life that when you mentor your tombstone is unnecessary because people will speak of you after you have died i'm excited about what this is going to represent and what it is that we're going to do new birth is a church that gives because we understand john 3 16. for god so loved the world that he did what he gave you can't love god and not give to him god loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son and so here's what i want to challenge every single one of you to do we've been in the middle of a fast hundreds walked with me on yesterday around our campus for three miles i'm grateful for the last couple of days couple of weeks we have been drinking as a beverage water only somebody sent a room around that minister jonathan has cheated but the rest of us have been drinking water every day we have been reading the word every day we've been walking every day we have not been whining and we've been staying away from wheat i want you to grab something to drink in your home i want you to establish your communion receptacles right where it is that you are i know you've been in that fast but today you can go get a piece of bread from jonathan's house go get a piece of bread uh go ask that you'll get something to drink uh so that we can celebrate our communion together we are the only religion in the world christianity is that can boast of a savior who was born who lived who died who rose again and is coming back i'm so thankful that he brought the disciples into the room and he pulled out a loaf of bread and said to them this is my body and it's broken for you can you imagine that that 500 000 people have died of covet and yet god has extended grace for you to be able to live i want you to get that loaf of bread in your hand please get that cracker get that waffle get that potato chip get that pancake today is your cheat day while we were yet sinners he died for us he looks beyond all of our faults and he meets us at our needs for sinners like jamal harris and brian for sinners like you to know that the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life will you please take a knee jesus when he had the disciples in that upper room he pulls out a flask of wine he lifts it up and says to all of them i know you're depressed i know you're dealing with anxiety i know you're stressed out i know you're wearing it but i'm telling you this blood has been shed for you no matter what you did in the last 30 days you robbed you stole you misrepresented you cheated you abused your body this blood is your restoration for the blood that was shared for you and i would you please take and drink i'm so grateful for his representation of us showing us what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like after valentine's day here's where it is that we do our part is that jesus laid down his whole life for you and i he didn't fast just for 40 days he was sacrificed on the cross and what he's asking for is that we would give a sacrifice of our ten percent a relationship is unhealthy if you are the only one giving something is out of order if the person in whom you're involved with is just receiving and this is where it is that god hones in the microscope that you have just partaken of my body what are you now going to render to me what are you going to offer to me we are a tithing church we are a giving church we are a sowing church and if you've been with us just for two weeks if you've been with us two years if you've been with us 20 years you know that there is not a church alive that gives more than new birth i want you to help us to give yesterday thousands of families were fed because of what it is that you give yesterday we were able to begin planting our urban garden right on our campus just because of what it is that you give can you imagine that we're partnering entrepreneurs with fortune 500 executives because of what you give in a few months we're going to be sending kids to college because of what you give we have sent 80 000 worth of support to texas because of what you give you can't beat god's given no matter how much you try a real relationship can't be honored by what they did on february 14th but in the words of janet jackson what have you done for me lately i want you to sow now i want you to give now i want you to invest now i want you to partner with us i met with our leaders early this morning and they said even before everybody else worships they wanted to sow their seed and so i'm challenging you to do that i want you to get your heart ready i want you to get your mind right i want you to get your spirit right because god loves a cheerful giver i'm glad to give because millions didn't make it but i'm one of the ones that did i'm glad to give because 400 000 people have lost their job and i still got one i'm glad to give because a year ago this month we were pushed out of our church because of a pandemic but we are still here by his grace and because of his glory you ought to be given right now all of the prompts to give are beneath me whether it's giblify text to give a push to pay whether you're writing a check and mailing it in but i want you to be a part of the flow of what god is doing can you imagine that people are going to be blessed all over the world that your money will be your missionary that while you are stationary your seed is going to keep flowing i'm excited because i can't wait to see what god is going to spring into your life as seasons change conditions change but the favor of god will never change prepare yourself for the word of god our music ministry is coming they're going to prepare us for the word and then i'm going to come back and share with you what god has put in my heart hey what's up everybody it's time for your video announcements oh and don't think it's over because new birth continues to stand with texas yes the snow may be gone but the need is still there we sent two tractor-trailers filled with five thousand two hundred and nineteen bottles of water valued at eight thousand one hundred and forty seven dollars and we need more donate online at newburgh.org give also are you following the 5ws for our lenten journey visit newberf.org for more information and come walk with a pastor every saturday from 8 a.m until 9 00 am right here at newburgh that's right and while you're on your lenten journey don't miss our weekly lent prayer call every tuesday at 7 30 am prayer call number is 609-663-5452 what do your dreams mean join us for service as dr bryant unlocks the mystery of your dreams explains the reason god gives us dreams and how to learn to interpret them also our call to conquer bookstore is your convenient source for uplifting messages gifts bibles and our book of the month soul care by rob ramer please visit the call to conquer bookstore saturdays from 8 am until 1 pm or online at call to conquer bookstore.com and don't forget our kings table offers free groceries every week to those in need if you need groceries please come by new birth saturday from 10 a.m until 12 p.m pull up and get blessed at the king's table where everyone is welcome hey help someone take a second look with clearer vision please donate your prescription glasses and readers collection bins are located inside new birth and the bell family life center visit newburgh.org for more information new birth you've been blessed by our pastor's cutting-edge leadership and it's time to honor him for two years of outstanding service a celebration begins tuesday march 16th 7 30 p.m our guest speaker is bishop kevin adams and it continues sunday march 21st 9 30 a.m with bishop randy borders and musical guest pastor runzell pretlow don't miss it and save the date for our exciting resurrection pull-up parking lot service sunday april 4th 9 30 a.m stay tuned for more details and that's gonna do it for our video announcements [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is the dean of admissions for a prominent university owned her own women's fitness center and on one holiday i took her home to meet my parents and i thought because she was accomplished because she had done so many things in her professional life that my parents would be proud i took her back to the airport came back to my parents and asked my mother what do you think just knowing finally this was it and my mother looked me in the eye without even blinking and said to me jamal do you realize you have never brought me one woman who has hair texture like mine hear me this is not a debasement of other hues this is an affirmation for the splendor and the beauty for all the tones amazingly match.com said that the category of those that are least viewed least liked and least engaged are dark-skinned women james brown said say it loud i'm black and i'm proud sojourner turner writing tales from the declared on behalf of all dark-skinned women and ain't i a woman that somehow or another our men have been conditioned that we want something that is exotic as long as it don't look like our mamas how is it that we've come to such a place that we don't even love what we have come out of it has become such a problem of that in africa the mother continent that the highest level of cosmetics that is sold is skin lightening tonic so that our sisters our daughters and mothers can emulate that which colonize them it's draining it's a draining reality hear this to be visible and not seen the brutal truth is some people will never be able to see you not because of cataracts but because of conditioning because of their limitations they won't be able to see your boundless brilliance the melancholic truth is that what you just see depends entirely on who you are you can't have world vision with a peephole perspective people can't see your power because their own weakness stands in the way your strength is blinding for people who are insecure trying to get a view of yourself through the eyes of other people is like trying to taste the food in somebody else's stomach how are you waiting for them to see your beauty when you don't see how stunning you are i've discovered that when people are telling you what they think about you they are really echoing what they think about themselves it was in fact that great jazz singer billy holliday that says it's not what you are called it's what you answer to so many of us are answering to the wrong thing because we don't know what we call ourselves i'm not talking about audibly i'm talking about what do you call yourself subconsciously that you will settle because you think this is it that you'll allow yourself to be disrespected because you don't see the honor in your own virtue that you lower your standard because you never had high expectation to be complimented you think is a courtesy when it is a right it is not your trophy it is their acknowledgement so i don't need you to tell me how great i am because i already know it for you to speak it it's just a confirmation that you have a modicum of sense and anybody who doesn't see what i bring to the table is committed to starving to death because what it is that i have you will not be able to get it at a smorgasbord of other places because who will really get fulfillment with fast food when you have an appetite for filet mignon the shortsighted the shortsightedness doesn't just happen on dating apps sometimes it happens on deacon boards i remember this time when uh when jesus was 12 when jesus was 12 he got separated from his foster family and he got lost of all places not at disney world not at linux mall he got lost at the church what you've got to realize to put in the context is after being born in northeast africa and having been hid for 12 years in egypt this is his first time jesus's first time integrating into mainstream the teachers who saw him at the church just saw him as a black kid who was asking questions they saw him as black but they couldn't see him as savior what the world sees in you has nothing to do with who you are in the world words of james baldwin i am not your negro not your slave i'm not your tap dancer i'm not for your entertainment i am not your side chick i am not who you call when you're bored i am not available cause you have no other options i am not your last choice i am what you should have prayed for and if you would have just realized that that i am an answered prayer you just missed what i just said i am an answered prayer and because i am an answered prayer people who don't like me are satanic because i am god's gift i don't need you to unwrap me because i realize who it is that god is in my life i will never lose myself for somebody who didn't die for me i cannot live in an alternative universe of you promising me what you never had the capacity to deliver i refuse to allow myself to be broken by somebody i showed my wounds to i cannot allow you to take advantage of me when i loved you on credit there is no way in the world i'm gonna be vulnerable when i covered the areas of your nakedness that you could not face there's no way in the world you're gonna demean me when i educated you on things your parents should have gave you there is no way in the world you can take me for granted when i was raised and you had to grow up there was something that god put on my life that it takes his grace to make me humble you just miss what i just said it takes grace to make me humble because you don't know what it's like to be great around people who are average when you've got to hide your brilliance your intelligence your beauty because they can't handle what you didn't buy y'all didn't say nothing to me how do you have an attitude with me when i got this with no surgery how do you have an attitude with me when i accomplish this with no degree how are you threatened by me and you married and here i am doing everything by my dog going self i got a right to value who i am so jesus doesn't go to the temple to find himself he goes to the temple knowing who he is he knew his value hear this without the church's validation when he got there all they saw was somebody young but they didn't know that he was what the earth had been yearning for when they got there they made assumptions that were tied to stigmas because they just saw somebody young and black but they had no idea that their assumptions were wrong because 2 000 generations were waiting for his birth and every virgin israel girl was hoping that their womb would be the therapy that would usher in the savior of the universe they had no idea that in their presence was somebody that never had university training but knew the universe in his right hand and walked through hell with his left pinky they had no idea what was standing before them there are a lot of people who don't know who you are and that's why they look at you funny you walk in restaurants and they take their time feeding you because they are ticked off because your inner spirit upsets their inner demons there is something about you that people who don't uh who have more than you get antsy at the possibilities you will possess even when you don't have ownership of it in it amazing that you always have to dim your light for people who are operating on a flashlight the evidence that they made assumptions about him without any facts is in the text the bible says that he came amongst them at 12. he's talking to them he's asking questions here it is uh it is out of that tradition that little jewish boys have the bar mitzvah they sit at the rabbi's feet to learn sacred text but jesus is asking them about what they think they know in the text is and they were amazed because he was young and black they thought hear this he wouldn't know the answers what's truly amazing is people who judge you without knowing you they'll look at your complexion they'll look at your weight they'll look at your height they'll look at your car they'll look at your ring finger they'll look at your clothes and they have no idea none of that speaks to my capacity none of it speaks to my ability and the reason why you can't figure me out is because you need all of that to make you but without all of that i steal who i am there is evidence that there is something in you that is a disturbance to the dark world jesus jesus comes into the temple with no ordination with no reserved seating without being the preacher's son he's the son of a carpenter and the bible says here it is that they were amazed i'm gonna say this and i don't know how many of you gonna be able to get it but i'm telling you god put this in my heart for you that in the month of march people are gonna be amazed at how high you soar after how low they tried to bring you down they're gonna be amazed by the success you got with no support system they're gonna be amazed how people try to block you but you still got to your finish line they're gonna be amazed how you built even when your family was broken they're gonna be amazed how you looked at good when in secret you lost your mind twice they are gonna be amazed how it is you ain't bitter after they left you for dead they are gonna be amazed and you still trust god when the church didn't even embrace you they are gonna be amazed how you look that good and they got no idea you want a fixed income they are gonna be amazed the bible says and they were amazed i gotta ask you this do you know how amazing you are there are no words adequate to define your strength do you know how amazing you are there is no adjective that is appropriate for your persistence do you know how amazing you are that you have been able to quit without the support of drugs and alcohol do you know how amazing you are that you should have killed two people but now you can speak to them do you know how amazing you are that you're not bitter you're better do you know how amazing you are that you keep getting up when everything in life tried to lay you down you ought to just say out loud i'm amazing i'm i'm amazing i gave 500 of you to just type it on the screen i'm amazing my daddy was never there but i'm amazing i ain't been on a date in three years but i'm amazing nobody compliments me but i'm amazing i was walked out on but i'm amazing i was cheated on but i'm amazing people always underestimate me but i'm amazing i'm amazing and the reason why i am amazing is because jesus is amazing he's not an average man but he's got the whole world in his hands do you know the god that i serve my my father is rich in houses in land do you know how amazing he is they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head and then he died but that's not how the story ends three days later he got up with all power in his hand amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved the wrecks like me i once was lost but now i'm fine it's so amazing to be loved i will follow you to the moon and the stars above so amazing so amazing so amazing so amazing hallelujah i'm amazing because he's amazing i need you right where you are to just type in that screen i'm amazing affirm yourself one of the first poems i ever learned was hey black child i want you to know how amazing you are langston hughes said i too sing america they asked me to eat in the kitchen when company comes but i just laugh and eat well and grow strong for tomorrow they'll see how beautiful i am why because i'm amazing when is the last time that somebody called you amazing when is the last time you've been recognized as amazing when's the last time you looked yourself in the mirror and said you know what i don't put on some pounds in this coffee but i'm still amazing my hair ain't dead but i'm still amazing this ain't the kind of apartment i need to be living in but i'm still amazing i've been used more times than i'd like to talk about but i'm still amazing i've been picked over for people who were less than me y'all ain't saying nothing but i'm still amazing god knows i should be further along than where i am but i'm still amazing an incredible god deserves an incredible an incredible praise the only thing that i wanted to tell you if you don't remember anything else i wanted you to know how amazing you are i don't care how dark you are i don't care how big you are i don't care how educated you are not you are amazing what's gonna make you amazing if you know the god that i serve do you know the conqueror of the universe i want you to get saved now i want you to give your life over to jesus christ i want you to be connected to a church that will not be confused but will be clear that if you join this church i'm telling you the way we look at you will be oh there's somebody amazing i can't believe you joining this church from chicago can't believe you joining this church from saginaw i cannot believe you joining this church from corpus christi i cannot believe you joining this church from columbus i cannot believe you joining the church from charleston i cannot believe you joined the church from santa cruz i want you to be a part of our ministry all of the prompts by which it is that you can give your life over to god is available on the screen i'm telling you straight up and down i ain't got time to play with you i want to be your pastor but you know what would give me goosebumps more than being your pastor is if jesus becomes your lord if heaven becomes your home i want you to join the church you are amazing i'm telling you jim collins in his book from good to great said the enemy of greatness is goodness you get so good at something you forget that great is available i want you to be amazing we're doing some amazing things here at new birth i am so excited about our ministry about our church about our witness and the amazing people who are connected to this church this week we sent almost eighty thousand dollars worth of supplies to texas two sixteen wheeler trucks we sent into texas to be a blessing in dallas houston friendship west beaumont texas to antioch baptists bishop ashton mckenzie pastor freddie haynes dr marcus cosby we sent trucks of water the relief gang to be of support and assistance to them and i'm telling you in my two years of being pastor there's nothing i've not asked for that god's not exceeded i asked you in three weeks i wanted to collect fifty thousand dollars and look at you with your bad self we did almost eighty thousand dollars that we gave away we didn't keep it one for mortgage it wasn't for life god knows it wasn't for me but we wanted to be a blessing to texas and you kept giving you kept investing you kept sharing so you know what we're doing we're sending another two 16-wheeler trucks 18-wheeler trucks to texas on tuesday another two 18-wheeler trucks and in the middle of all of that i got a call from friends in mississippi dms messages emails they said pastor you're doing all that for texas what you going to do for mississippi 40 000 residents in mississippi since the storm two weeks ago have gone three weeks two weeks without running water those in jackson mississippi are having to get snow off of their roof put it in pots melted in order to bathe their children they've been calling and saying pastor thank you for what you're doing for texas what you're going to do for mississippi mississippi has had 80 water main breaks and you're not seeing it on cnn msnbc you ain't even seeing it on tv one and the overwhelming majority of the population in mississippi is black people who are struggling in silence but i want you to know outside of the four trucks that we are sending to texas we're sending a tractor trailer to jackson mississippi this week filled with water we're going to be distributing at pearl street amy church in downtown jackson mississippi this week mississippi we have not forgotten about you so here's what i want you to do every person who can help us i i already met my goal you've already exceeded it but here's what i want you to do please i've been asking for that same thing i'm going to ask every person to sow a seed of 41 want you to sow a seed of 41. i want you to do it right now don't hesitate don't deliberate some of you saying pastor i regain my tithe i ain't got much left you can't give 41 give 14. can't give 14 give four but i want you to give something i'm believing that god is going to bless us he's going to meet our need he's going to exceed our expectation he's going to give us the desires of our heart god this is the core of my theology god does not bless selfish people he bless his self less people when you do for other people god will make sure something happens for you get ready for what god is getting ready to do our pastor turner who is allowed us to break into her home uh this week come on pastor carey brought us all the way to vegas from atlanta she's gonna close us out on today's there's some reflections that she wants to give some information wants to share and there's still some more people you gotta meet we're gonna go on the back porch uh pastor turner's home we're gonna sit on the back porch have some lemonade have some iced tea and talk to pastor kerry's
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 5,857
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: I don't like the way you look at me, jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant azusa, jamal bryant responds to monique, jamal bryant 2020, jamal bryant 2020 sermons, jamal bryant 2020 sermons youtube, jamal bryant new birth, jamal bryant paula white, pastor jamal bryant 2020, pastor jamal bryant 2020 sermons, dr jamal bryant 2020, dr. jamal h. bryant 2020
Id: 6ksAucPr4lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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