does this webcam really work

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oh my gosh so dark I don't know if this works is this working this is not working wait can you guys see this on the channel page I feel like I'm in no-man's land where is this on it's like I'm like literally gonna keep saying that cuz I think that just like many voices are gonna come back to me like you guys can just like live answer back to me this is so crazy cuz I can't see it on my own channel so I have no idea what's happening I've never done a live stream in my life wait hi Lauren I love you too I don't know what I'm doing but this is so exciting oh my gosh it's so nice to like see I'm trying to keep up with the chat I've wanted to livestream for so long but I don't know anything about it so I feel like that keeps me from doing it oh my gosh I want to type back something okay give me just a second I feel like I'm like trying to like wait where did it go dark angel hello I'm on like the worst webcam I wonder if there's any oh my gosh I'm trying to remember what this live stream I used to live stream when I first got on YouTube if anybody was still here for that but it was like this crazy split-screen thing and I could actually like chat with other swamp fam at the same time and we were like all on a screen it was basically like being on skype with a bunch of people at the same time it was magical here hello ok you guys we have a special vlog Wien project that we're gonna tackle today together cuz I realize I'm running out of time to accomplish everything I want to do for vlogging so today's project we're gonna try and make a Halloween candy cake today on stream wait blue oh my god y'all are like flying so fast blue Indra I hope I'm saying your name right and brandy hello I can see the highlighting ones I don't know what those mean miss Mirka oh my gosh I miss Texas toast - and hello Vicki's beauty okay everybody give me just a second I'm gonna cut open a hot glue gun I don't want to miss anything gimme one second I'll be back look I like come on live stream to just disappear immediately you guys see anything creepy while I'm gone let me know kandi over yonder does anybody else say over yonder oh no I'm missing things Hallie I just saw you I almost said squeak by I'm not sure that that's like terminology for somebody walking by um we got candy and more candy Melinda McLain hello oh my gosh wait pink Raider I just saw yours come through cuz somebody just sent me a bunch of skulls and ghosts oh my god simply Bonnie I see heart Anna Emma wait Emma and Rory's kitten adventures and I see one from Chelsea okay let me gather the rest of the candy in the gym I wish I was in Disney again as well I need to go back already I'm going in December it's gonna be my first time ever going to Disney during Christmas Melissa a shout-out to you and your husband Chris hello I feel like I need better lighting I like uh hello Karolina Carolina I never know if I'm saying people's names wrong Patricia Haley okay let me go get more candy nobody say anything wait I see somebody asking me to clap my hands oh my gosh wait I don't want to miss anything candy cake from Tabor Langley we've got one from Paige is that how to say your name uh let me give me I gotta go get more candy hang on okay I was about to say I can hear you but unfortunately I can't I wish there was like a voice thing okay Dre Mack from Canada who else did I miss Shelby says I love you I love you too look at all the skulls and the jack-o'-lanterns Mary did I miss anybody okay I hope I haven't missed anybody should I bring a lamp do we do we need lamp uh wait avocado okay that's like winner for best game I've seen all day [Applause] but no lamps look at what you guys can probably seek no you can't thankfully I've got my webcam tilted uh Asha McKinney hello sassy but wait I know who you are wait we are like the most mutual of Mutual's Belinda there we go um okay I have my alien baby hello Mason I don't know if I've ever shown you guys this doesn't this look like the one hello Peggy from I keep wanting to say monsters but I mean men in black um let me get a whirl all my lamps are like gone Wow I almost knocked a giant bowl of candy on you guys um bear with me this is my first time in a thousand years live-streaming Liz and Carol II Carolina I'm gonna say it the other way cuz I maybe set it the wrong way the first time Elizabeth um okay should I pause oh I see a lamp I see you lay up I'm so excited hello Rachel let me see your I hope I can like keep these chats diva ducks all you're sending me clockwork orange' quotes bonus points Hannah's blogs and crafts hello Chantal from Georgia ah Thank You Rachel for the super sweet message blue-eyed wonder I recognize your screen name I feel like you have definitely been here for years now I'm like pointing my thrift did escape that sounds like a fun chant look like down below now we can live Zara did I get your name right okay oh my gosh I love Gigi thank you for all the jack-o'-lanterns Victoria is also sending jack-o'-lanterns and skulls okay what's gonna get unplugged Stacy from Austin Lexi sins love okay we're gonna get going on the you know what no I'm not gonna unplug the computer that would not be smart hello Clare did it say you're from Scotland it sounds like that would be a fun place to visit honestly I hear it's quite haunted the sorry girl yeah okay did that make things better or worse hello Danny oh no oh my gosh Melissa Erica I'm trying to keep Jenna amk Hansen one I love this shirt - you know what I made this before I even had my youtube channel bittersweet beginnings I hope I can scroll back through you guys as chats once this has concluded blend Elizabeth oh thank you I hope you're having a really good day - oh Lisa is here from Pearland my neighbor I love how Evan sends a Yeats okay hi to your husband Kingston that's for Anna all right you guys I've got these caramel apple pops have y'all tried these yet this year the ones that are like the variety mix not just the green apple hello - small Channel Jerry Anne two girls one Skype okay so I still haven't tried the Golden Delicious version I tried of course the standard green apple and I did try one of the Red Delicious but no Red Delicious is not there's no such of an apple the snap attack oh thank you for the compliments on the sassy bun James Ward oh yeah okay I haven't tried the yellow one which probably doesn't look yellow on my web okay this Disney upset um okay I feel like I've got a really messy sassy bun today because you guys I've done it again hello Sarah it looks like you're from Houston oh my gosh wait who came from Canada you guys I have McNuggets a mule I love that name okay who's been here long enough to remember the days when I had my last lucky hair tie because I've done it again and now I'm attached to this one terribly stretched out gross orange hair ties but I won't let it go it's like ceased to serve its purpose wait oh no I've missed so many of the chat ease oh no the are I missed your first comment and now it's going by again what our dog man and I going to be for Halloween this year Natalie asks I am gonna do Lydia Deetz in the red dress like the wedding scene from beetlejuice and I don't know what dog man is gonna dress up as this year he got a really cool Star Wars costume and I'm trying to remember what character it is it's like captain I'm not even gonna say it the are AFV I missed your first comment I'm sorry hello to Megan hello to Joe in the UK Casper love that name oh my gosh we have Squidward SquarePants hello hello Joseph M girl five one seven I'm scrolling stick figure man okay I think I haven't missed anybody now did I miss anybody okay you guys I wish that I had a picture reference oh look here's my one little Dyson girl I had one little Dyson girl from the video we did the other day that survived and the rest died power of pandas I just saw you um look at the York Peppermint Patties wait I think this is like dark chocolate no no they are yeah dark chocolate have you guys seen these the wrappers are so cute this is now just like a Halloween can be like I'm sorry I don't know if you guys can see no now I'm just flashing the light at you can you see um but they're really cute they are I almost said orange how devastating would that be I'm just like this is orange um spiderwebs my brain I just had like a total brain okay here uh-oh thank you for still loving your swamp Queen pallets I wish that we still had oh I almost dropped the lamp hello Terry the sassy circle started your channel because of me that's awesome thank you let's see Oh No Priscilla Leanne it says I missed your comment I'm trying to not miss it let's see swamp family in Newfoundland did I get everybody did I get everybody Jackie is sending love from Arizona wait who said they wish Texas treasure I wish I would do another meet-and-greet as well I've got a I've got a plan that Christiane I see your comment wait who did I miss kitty am I saying your name right do y'all want to see more candy I don't like I feel bad maybe this is why I don't live stream because I don't know how I don't know if I should be like focusing on what I'm doing or focusing on the comment hello potato cakes from oak oh is that supposed to be Oakland California and then Tammy love back to you it just scrolled Oh Allie this is your first YouTube live this is my first youtube live hello Sabrina thank you for the love okay I'm seeing Leah alright to unbox candy or to read comments I don't know which to view insidious paper clip I love that too okay Emily Jordan I love your green background on your picture Christina Edwards oh thank you so much for that message Ariel Angelica Roy Oh Angelica finds out the gender of her baby on Halloween that is very exciting congratulations Davina I love that name you are from New Zealand I was reading about Polly Pocket and then the chat started scrolling again I'm like I feel like I missed an important Polly Pocket message um oh yeah okay Melissa no I did not hear that the new kids on the block are back you guys are just like filling my comments with awesome like 90s news color with Kelsey your name looks so familiar to me I feel like we've had a conversation before I can't open the candy um this is the rapper's oh my gosh it's a sheriff you guys are not even gonna be able to see this why do I feel like I'm just running on like 2012 technology at all time it's like I was left in an Internet long ago um okay we have these I think this is my favorite rapper for the candy cake which is Kit Kat with a skeleton and a rat I smashed my hand in a tripod the other day that felt great I feel like I've been so bizarrely prone to injury this month um oh it's blue blue eyed Wonder 87 again I'm seeing Amy can anybody just like spam the comments and say oh my gosh Lauren from Savannah Georgia I want to go back there as well Melinda says okay hi to son Hayden thank y'all so much for the love Kim C says Go Red Sox oh my gosh Vanessa hello Loreena from Maryland Oh Alonzo just visited Austin and went to uncommon I hope you had fun there Christine met me at beautycon Dallas gosh I feel like out that had to be a while ago Kayla is from Arkansas or is that Arizona forgive they are I should know my state abbreviations and yet I don't um I probably shouldn't laugh about that I should probably cry hello Lexus or chase Shelley I feel like I'm saying y'all's names wrong and it's crushing my soul on the inside oh my gosh in love with reborns I swear I just watched one of your videos like two days ago oh my gosh diva ducks is starting a channel scary fairy that's awesome baby Alice's Wonderland sending love to Mikayla and Alice okay Casper wants to know if I'm gonna go see the new Halloween of film and I think I will I'm kind of excited I heard now correct me if I'm wrong but I heard it's supposed to be like the actual Halloween 3 instead of like Halloween 3 that exists now which I know people hate that one because isn't it Halloween 3 is the one with the masks but I like that one I feel like it kind of like isn't necessarily Halloween kind of it doesn't really like fit in but I still kind of like it I don't know it's been a long time since I've seen it though hello to pop-pop Lina Marie did I catch you already Marie Kay oh my gosh Evelyn sent through a bunch of spiders oh my gosh Cassie gee I bet this is a comment you type twenty minutes ago that I'm just now scrolling up and seeing but I thought you sent a bunch of good a Thomas but it's like little chicks but it looks like gudetama okay Megan Smith oh okay Tyler asked what's the scariest movie I've ever seen I'm trying to think about what I would think the scariest okay you know what this one's really lame and probably no one can scary but you know what movie like really messed me up for a while was it called the fog but like the remake is something just really bothered me James I have not seen a star is born yet but I mean - I'm like one of those people that I will just hold out and wait until I can watch the movie via iTunes like I'm like hello Rachael I'm looking forward to your letter that you say you're sending shortly let me get a sip of my tea or that was a great armpit shot I'm sure everyone wanted to see that wait is somebody sending clown emojis little Cassidy I like the clown okay Sarah come to Virginia I have been there maybe twice but it's been a very very long time oh hey Michelle I would love to come to Australia oh my gosh I'm like honestly I would love to hug the Koala I feel like that's like a social media thing like you see everybody like hugging a koala and I'm like when will my day come to hug a koala but I feel like you've got to go to Australia for that I don't feel like they have like hug a koala experience in Texas anywhere pH P thank you so much for the love from the Philippines okay Joshua is asking if I remember the end of the fog and I don't I don't think I do I just remember I don't even know if it's called the fog but it's like they're all in this grocery store and there's a fog so I'm assuming it's the fog movie and there's like all these big bugs wait am i ruining it for people wait what's the other one that really messed me up oh you know what movie like really really really mess me up when I was a kid oddly enough was the sixth sense that I feel like that was the first time in my life that I ever saw a movie that I was like actually bothered by cuz I feel like I grew up like watching horror and like watching Tales from the Crypt and all kinds of stuff like that and I remember when The Sixth Sense came out and I was like I hadn't gonna Levis and like went to the movie theater with my with uh she's actually still one of my friends but I'm trying to remember if we were like maybe in junior high at the time the mist yes that movie messed me up so bad but so did the sixth sense like probably if I watch The Sixth Sense now like I would probably but it's like one of those movies where I and I don't know if you guys have like reactions like this but it's like one of those movies I almost felt this giant key on my computer um one of those movies where I don't know if it scares me or if it just kind of like makes me want to cry cuz like that's what I feel like especially all I'm ruining it like I don't know it's like spoiler should I say like spoiler alert um it's like the scene where they're sitting in the car do you see if you've seen The Sixth Sense you know what I'm talking about it messed me up so bad I'm missing everybody's messages oh my gosh Rita I did not hear that there is a new Pet Sematary coming out but that is one of my all-time favorite Stephen King books I used to have a tradition with myself where I would read a Stephen King book like every month of October but I kind of like ran out of them I feel like the soap I stopped that tradition um Terry has been watching me since 2011 that is amazing that's like when I started like steadily uploading to my channel um The Grudge that is true sorry girl I remember that that like I went to go see which I'm kind of sad I was talking to my friend the other day Chris about this if any of you guys remember him he used to do videos with me as well but um we were talking about how you used to like go dressed up to the movie theater at like the midnight showing and like everybody would get dressed up in these like crazy ridiculous costume I think we were talking about that cuz Sweeney Todd was on and we did that for Sweeney Todd we would do it for all the Harry Potter movies but I'm just like wait do people like not do that like the lamest thing you can do I don't know um I feel like that's like another big reason why I stopped going to movies because I was like the theatrical aspect of it just kind of uh wasn't as prevalent so I'm like well if I don't get dressed in a costume um oh my gosh James that is so cool that your nephew is named after Pet Sematary Cassie is asking my favorite modern book that is a good question I don't even know if any of the books that I've read that I've liked or modern I don't know if definitely my favorite books are brave new world by Aldous Huxley I don't know how modern that's considered because I think it was written in like the 20s or 30s um that's probably not considered modern good night sassy bun bunny okay plague ski asked if I would ever come to Denmark that would be amazing like ideally I would love to go to Europe for just like a couple of months and kind of like I don't know if that would be called like living abroad temporarily or just like long-term traveling um but I think it would be so cool like there's so many places I really really would love to go like oh my gosh I've been like dying to go to Rome that would be so amazing um hello - Melissa's uncle si I'm scrolling through I'm trying to catch all y'all's messages like do they expire like I'm getting okay Jessica asked if I know the real story of Alice in Wonderland no okay now I want to know you gotta like email me or something I want to know what that means I have no idea um Alice Henderson did I catch your message I'm like noticing these little like buttons at the top they're like many neon color message oh no now it's like frozen wait is it frozen for you guys oh my gosh why I'm just clicking and nothing's happening why I was like wait look let me let me let y'all see but like y'all y'all can't see this cuz there's no way I can show this to you why is up there okay finally whew it was like frozen like I couldn't click on anything I'm just like clicking incessantly nothing's happening umm okay wait am i back okay it's going fast I'm gonna click on some more of the top ones because I can't kitkat games and beauty hello Mary dog man and I are doing great we are just preparing like crazy for Halloween it's like oh my gosh I feel like I'm so far behind and there's only so many days left before Halloween and I'm like trying out well you know what this is gonna be a video but it finally came in today I don't know if I said this in a previous vlog so just hit me with a rock if I did but for the first time this year I bought a foam bubble machine does that is that what I'm trying to say it's like basically the one sex clubs or whatever we'll get to do foam parties and so I thought that that would be a lot of fun and I think that I got the glow-in-the-dark or like UV responsive bubbles stuff so I don't know I thought everybody would really like that um hello Laura your name looks so familiar I'm missing things are know I'm missing things striving me crazy oh my gosh Marissa please recommend to me a good ramen spot I've been we've been looking for a good ramen restaurant around here to eat for a long time my favorite like soup spot though is little sheeps hotpot I don't know if you guys I don't know if you've ever been there why have I not started hot gluing things to a KPI this is just is that happening or is that another one of those things that I've got like the greatest intentions to do and then no success in doing it Oh Kaitlyn you've been here since 2012 that's awesome um love to Colorado and you're asking if I'm gonna show my Halloween setup this year and I definitely want to do that I'm always like kind of confused about what the best way is that I could because like I kind of just hate to like film other people's kids you know like without asking them but I feel like it's weird like when everybody comes up to the house to be like can i film you so I don't know that's why I'm always so torn but I'm definitely gonna show like a ton of the setup stuff this year and then I'm gonna try and figure out how to like film some stuff I think during the actual like trick or treater process but I'm still thinking it out look this was almost my throwback Thursday picture the other day but I picked a different one instead look at that glare wonderful I was from the same year that's like 2007 seems like a lifetime ago sparkler if ik survivors oh my gosh congratulations on surviving a cancer survivor Joshua I have gone back to Moon River and this is the other latest torture of my soul is I filmed this like super awesome super awesome in nine-nine like paranormal video all about Savannah Georgia but we filmed so much footage and like so much narration that I have not had the time to like do anything about it yet so I'm like I really wanted to get it up for Halloween but eight days left eight days left son of a pizza man I love that channel name um KP 3 1 2 9 asked what kind of art do I like that is a great question um I can't say that there's any kind of art that I don't like um my favorite is probably Andy Warhol definitely let's see who did I miss I thought that there was something where there was like voice stuff do I have to turn that on how do I just let y'all talk cuz that would be amazing just like where on earth it's like freezing up on me again I can see the chats going by but they're like all dark like I'm like why why is this happening to me like the whole month oh my internet has just been like just gross oh my god wait I just saw that message about Marzia leaving YouTube you guys like I watched that video yesterday and cried twice like it definitely like I don't know the world the world gets weirder every year doesn't it definitely like her videos will be missed like oh my god oh it's a wild world but what was I gonna say but just ending it with a butt butt oh my god why will this not stop freezing up stop it Oh somebody asked if I'll come to Canada I'm trying to see oh there we go okay I finally got it back I don't know why xx love 6 to 3 XX asked if I will come to Canada and I would love to go to I feel like I'd have to go in the summer though cuz I don't feel like I'd survive a Canadian winter I bet it's probably like really cold there in some areas I'm sure it's not cold everywhere there has to be like warmer portions of Canada I wish that I was more geographically knowledgable um Laura that is so awesome that you've been here since the first video that really means a lot that's awesome thank you Nicole is from each town but lives in Alabama that has to be funds like live somewhere new for a while Thank You Indiana Taylor I had a brain fart reading your name I'm just like staring why monthly Skype sessions they have that on patreon i I know nothing about patreon son of a pizza man asks what's my favorite pizza topping definitely black olives but I also love feta basically any kind of olive kalamata or is it kalamata I never know how to say any words just any words I don't know how to talk but basically any olives sweet basil is a great noodle place there's one in Beaumont huh I feel like I need a pin so that I can write that down I love noodles Orillia everyone loves noodles well some people probably don't like noodles but that was maybe the silliest thing I could have said on live streams everyone loves noodles teri oh no I missed you but you've been staying sassy since 2011 I also love the sparkly hearts why am I like so all about emojis like emojis just make my life complete um okay Jenny loves kisses asked if there's a movie or movies that I watch every year for Halloween every year she watches The Witches every year while we carve jack-o'-lanterns i watch the original house on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price it's like tradition like Halloween cannot go on unless I watch that movie but I also love the original 13 ghosts it's like from 1959 or 1960 um let's see djs djs good old days in Brady Texas jeez I need to like I need to know where that is I feel like I don't know anything about Texas oh my gosh please Tabitha forgive me Niva I hope I'm saying your daughter's name right but hello neva Sid Vicious Oh your 30th birthday is on Saturday happy early birthday okay Jessica just emailed when I get off of chat I will check my email you guys I'll now tell you how mal tell you the gory details a lot of people were wondering why I missed a couple of days of vlogging um which I feel like any time I'm like oh I'll spare you the gory details it means I'm like driving around throwing up everywhere um but I I feel like I kind of have like a sinus infection going on this is just the grossest thing okay how many for saying sinus infection on live chat how many people just clock out not here for that but it's like the craziest thing it's like every time I get on the computer like right now or I'm like scrolling on my phone like it's making me so incredibly dizzy and so I was like you know what I've just gotta like take a couple days off and then when I wasn't like on the computer in the phone constantly for like two days I got a lot better and like I didn't edit a video last night and like all day today I wasn't feeling dizzy at all and then like literally just like an hour or so ago like I got on the computer for the first time today and like it it just makes me like so dizzy it's so crazy like I don't know if it's because of like all the scrolling that like is involved with editing and then it was like doing it every single day was maybe like triggering some kind of like dizziness within me but it really sucks because like I had zero intentions ooh I set these on the laptop and now they're all melted I had zero intentions of missing vlog oween any days of vlog wean this year but it's just like really suck so that's why I figured I'd livestream and now I'm like so upset because there's so many videos that like I have I'm ready to do and I have all the supplies to do it and it's like just for Halloween like after October 31st like doing these videos doesn't make any sense anymore and so it's like I I don't know it just makes me like really sad because like if I sit in front of like vicks vapor rub and a humidifier and just like lay very still and like only watch the TV or something then it's okay but like any scrolling on the phone or any anything like it's just a nightmare hello Alice thank you for the love from st. Louis wait why are all the little neon ones going away I felt like I talked too much and now I missed the chat and now I feel bad but yeah I don't know it's like I can I feel like congestion like all along here and so I think it's just like throwing off it's like just mostly with this ear but it sucks Chris hello to you and your daughter but Katie oh my god I do remember you I still do want to learn Japanese you guys I wish that like my brain was just on a USB port so that I could just download knowledge to my brain that would be amazing so many things that I wish I knew that I literally don't Sean is cool you've been here since 2015 yeah long term swamp family member sassafras and lemons I love that name hello to Oklahoma City I'm sorry you had a bad year last year and so far this year I hope it gets better I'm like right there with you like last year like sucked so bad oh my god what this year has definitely been a lot better Priscilla I still call avatar baby blue baby like it's I don't know if I'm ever I was gonna name it spaghetti which is such a suitable name for a child not at all I should have brought him in here he could have been our live chat mascot Jennifer hello - sassy Cassie and Mama Ginny wait I remember your package the Gator bookends are doing amazingly we have them sitting in our little library room library room is that the room Dogman has a room where we like keep all of our books and stuff so that's where they are living allora leza sending love from tennessee Joshua I feel like definitely lots of crazy paranormal experiences I'm like oh my god do you guys know although I feel like I can do this video any time of year but once again I was like I'm just gonna do everything in October I'm gonna suck for the rest of the year but October it's gonna be great um I actually bought possibly against my better judgment but I bought a k2 meter again and I wanted to do you know how everybody is like oh like I let so-and-so like pick my makeup like I know like James Charles did like I let zoo animals take my makeup and like you know there's there's been other ones that's the only like good reference that I can think of right now but I was going to try and do my makeup with like letting a k2 meter pick my makeup so basically being like oh I'll let it go spits my makeup but I'm kind of like oh do I do I jump back into that or not Sabrina shoutouts to Anthony Elizabeth and Sophia happy Halloween Lia s oh my gosh you have dere stuff I'm always on the quest for new dare things oh my gosh Elora fellow x-file yay oh my gosh you've been here since 2014 so shocking how many years ago 2014 is now hello - amber amber your name looks really familiar I feel like I've seen you in the comments before oh my god stop freezing comments okay trying to click through here Oh finally I don't know why it gets stuck like that you guys I kind of want to try one of these caramel apple Golden Delicious ones so I'm gonna do it I need to plug in the hot glue gun I haven't made any progress with anything it's amazing how I always have intentions and then accomplish nothing it's amazing Danielle I have not watched hocus-pocus yet this year but I did see the live show it's like a really cool thing that they do oh my god I filmed a video and I haven't even edited yet at edited yet could have had a freaking v-8 um I actually filmed a video one of the party nights one of the Halloween party nights that dog man and I went at Disney oh my gosh my computer is about to die all right we're gonna sacrifice the printer cuz I feel like we can't sacrifice the lamp is that gonna ruin the printer forever will I be able to print later it's like not important at all I feel like I print like three things a year heaven help okay scrolling to see what I missed now that my computer won't die you guys this has like a different like dare I say peanut e flavor um this is the Golden Delicious right isn't it Golden Delicious Golden Delicious who gets to name apples I want that job I should not be entrusted with that job I would name them something stupid hello Claudia I feel like I've seen you before in the chat in the comments mmm peanut lollipop wait is this rude to eat candy on livestream I feel like I always do that too like I will stick a piece of gum in my mouth like literally right before I'm about to start filming a video and I'm like what are you what are you doing what are you doing with that Joshua I should have new merch coming out very soon I've been in the designing process but I feel like I get really picky with stuff and then I just like create nothing hello to Deborah I don't know why it's it's like hiding some of you guys's messages saying like show or hide I don't know what that's going on with that Christina in the making ooh you're trying to make a haunted air B&B and Savannah happen that sounds like very excited that's like combining many of my favorite things Becca Rose oh my god James Charles just did Ouija board picks picks the makeup that's like in the same vein great minds think alike man I had like so many videos like I feel like this year I'm gonna start filming for Halloween in like January like I feel like if I did that but does anybody else like it's kind of I don't know I feel like it's hard to get in the son of a pizza man I ins hey I inspired to start your YouTube channel over three years ago that is awesome oh my gosh Alaura is meeting the x-files cast I am dying of excitement for you that is so I keep on it you know what Malcolm McDowell who plays Alex in Clockwork Orange he was at a con I think in Dallas a couple of years ago some no excuse that I didn't make it to that um but yet I didn't make it lexy oh my gosh I feel like I need to do more swamp family mail so that I can open all of the packages on camera instead of some on camera and some behind the screens the last mail video that just went up there was actually like a part two to that that we still need to get out Kyra says we need another mukbang but with weird Halloween candy I actually did order some candy from Japan this year but I don't know if we're gonna get it in time because there's only eight days left only eight days right isn't it eight days can we get a countdown in the chat I'm missing what am I missing has anybody else tried these Golden Delicious ones I swear it just tastes like peanuts weird are this bat I'm just like I've got a bat like nobody's ever seen a a rubber bat before just showing off an assortment of the most boring things here on livestream vamp vivid Happy Birthday Twilight oh my gosh and midnight you picked out really amazing names oh my gosh and you have a Halloween born baby that would be so awesome to have a birthday on Halloween I feel like you could have the most amazing costume slash birthday parties all in one I feel like I can't eat a lollipop and in live stream dad life choices have you guys seen these yet I kind of wanted to put these on as the toppers for the Halloween candy cake there are actually little tins oh you guys the lighting is the worse I gotta figure this out before next time look I'll show you guys I keep meaning to put this in a video I have a giant pig to give away to you guys oh my gosh it's a five pound squishy pig but I don't know what video to put this in okay I'm gonna throw this away it's tasting less like peanuts and more like apples though the more of the caramel that I eat so that's promising I have nowhere to oh there we go oh I don't know what this wrapper is but I'm sacrificing it for my dirty candy ooh Kaitlyn is making fried Oreos that sounds amazing I read a comment the other day somebody said somebody in the swamp family gives out 500 hot dogs every Halloween and that sounds so amazing Minnesota's best yet your sister is getting married on Halloween that is awesome see I feel like that would be fun too then you could like have your anniversary slash Halloween celebration that would be fun too best friend in your thread Breast Cancer Awareness Month there's a corn maze outside of San Antonio she's gone Maddie I need to go I've always wanted to do a corn maze okay Candace I said Candace oh my gosh you know why the glasses that reduce eyestrain I thought about I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna commit to buying those I hope they have them on Amazon Prime because that would be helpful because I think that that might help I'm starting I don't know if it's like the blue isn't it like blue light filtered glasses do that um Seifer Boyce says a Halloween collection that would be that would be amazing I know best intentions to get that kind of stuff done and then never do okay oh no comments are frozen again stop it Wow I'm just clicking in vain right now oh my god we've already been here for an hour you guys I feel like this is so fun I feel like time flies when you're live chatting Julian oh my gosh a clown horn that sounds scary that sounds terrifying what was the year of the clown was that 2016 for 2015 when there was like clowns everywhere in the street I remember that that was like a terrifying terrifying time for us all um Joshua Galveston Island Cemetery you know what I literally have not been there in years Galveston was remarkably less affected during Harvey then our area was it was odd it was like we were like right in a pocket where there was just too much rain I think Galveston definitely did have like less damage but unfortunately that cemetery I feel like is just in like general disrepair all the time like I wonder if you can just volunteer to be like a caretaker go make stuff look pretty there mysterious Shellie hugs from Michigan miss Benson your birthday is Monday you say you didn't quite make this the cut to have a Halloween birthday I know the feeling I'm like so far off but what is the astrological sign for October is it if I say this wrong I know people are gonna be mad oh my gosh James that is a great suggestions call the baby po that's adorable Elizabeth just watched Kiki's Delivery Service I love that movie I'm glad you did too oh my gosh a new favorite movie now now you're gonna be addicted to Studio Ghibli that's how it that's how it all begins oh wait Scorpio is that what people are saying yeah I don't know what the character trait so the Scorpio is you know what I should finally end my curiosities and like actually get a chart done cuz I'm curious to find out what my um what is it called like rising and then moon all the difference like how you have like one so you have like one major sign and then you have like other signs that play into your personality like I kind of want to know like can you be like a triple Leo like can I just be like a Leo and everything cuz I feel like I am like just Leo across the board I did read Caitlyn I did a I did a whole um T blog last week about the if you're older than twelve you can be fined or put in jail for trick-or-treating it honestly just blows my mind like I still don't even understand that I feel like a go on a rant forever and then I like tweeted about it but I feel like people were thinking that I was like advocating that people shouldn't be able to trick-or-treat past a certain age and I was like no oh I'm like trick-or-treating should be for everybody that wants to trick-or-treat like I don't I don't I don't understand why anybody cares like I still don't understand why anybody cares um Oh Dre Mac hello - Vicki I'm sorry that you had a bad week I hope it gets better only eight days till Halloween it'll get better the closer we get to Halloween everything gets better right I hope Stephanie I'm glad I can make you feel better hello - Middleton what is WI is it Wisconsin I hope it's right I'm sorry if not I was just bad to your state wait okay Joe sent kisses from Italy good night I just saw your comment for some reason that one stuck out to me whew somebody's here from Tasmania what time is it where you guys are at I don't know if this is the most terrible time to livestream or if it's like a good time to livestream I just got bit by the livestream bug I was like you know what this sounds fun okay 9:30 10:30 ooh 2:30 a.m. is that oh my gosh is that in England so this is clearly like a bad time for Europe to be live-streaming this is not a good time for that okay oh yeah okay j bj h b h IH eh look I knew I was gonna get that name out that's your best friend's mom at twisted Beanstalk I just unboxed a special monster baby I did that video I recorded that video two days ago and I haven't been able to edit it yet but I will do it I will persevere persevere is that the word I'm looking for I can't I kept saying something earlier which was I was getting like self conscious self aware I was like trying to say some word and I kept like saying the exact opposite word um happy birthday area oh my gosh she's been watching for two years and she's eight that's awesome you've been watching since the lavender wig oh my gosh that was for a bear in heaven concert which i think was like 2011 long time ago oh hello to Megan good night does anybody say don't let the bed by that sounds kind of creepy honestly Oh No I'm frozen again I don't know why it keeps doing that to me look I bought sparkly glue sticks just for this occasion I've never seen this before and I don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see the sparkle or not oh my gosh I just saw somebody say hello from Galveston the chat is like going by so fast and like this chat is all like dark why why are you doing this to me okay here we go yeah I don't know if you guys can tell there oh look you can maybe see the slight grain of glitter I've never had a glittery glue sticks in my life but I'm excited to use them today maybe I can actually get started on this cake Oh oh my gosh I saw somebody is going to uncommon objects very soon I was just there three days ago now that's where I went on my designated day off I was like you know what I'm gonna go to Austin I'm gonna eat all my favorite food I'm gonna go to my favorite places and I think it was their 27th birthday anniversary but it was like time for the annual uncommon birthday party good night Lily I see your message I hope you have a good day at school tomorrow feel like I'm missing something okay time to cut open this glue gun hi Dylan I don't know why like some of y'all's messages are orange and some of them are blue like don't know what anything means and then I see like some things like it's showing up graveyard girl in orange on the side I don't know if just I'm seeing that chord it's like everybody can see this stuff like what's going on you know why I should have worn these during the stream that would have just made everything I could wear these pumpkin glasses oh my gosh ah I swear I had scissors in here but I don't see them oh it's all so many from Santa Fe when am i coming to Dallas I hope soon because my friend Haley lives in Dallas and now Leeanne lives in Dallas and there is a really awesome antique store that I love to go to there which is called curiosity's but it's really big it's a really big cool antique mall and I love going there Ranger Rick is in South Dakota are you near Deadwood I keep wanting to go to South Dakota so bad that's like kind of my dream place to go I also want to go to Salem I'm never there there's like honestly so many places that I would love to go and yet I just never leave Texas it's amazing Laura it's 232 a.m. right now in the UK I need to pick a better time honestly this is like crazy this is not a European friendly time gosh that means it's got to be like crazy late probably in other places in the world or uh hello to Kentucky Kelsey yeah what time is it in like Canada are you guys like same as like New York time oh I just saw a message from mini uh I got your name right I saw it like flybys cutting openness glue guns there we go oh you know what I wish I had any pictures I've made a candy cake one other time a million years ago I can't remember if I did it for a dog man's birthday or for one of our anniversaries but it was pretty cute and I put like toilet candy as the topper and I was trying to find toilet candy again do you guys know what I'm talking about probably not I just sound like a crazy person being like toilet candy um but it's like a lollipop and it comes in like a plastic toilet and you dip the lollipop in the toilet bowl cuz there's like a sour powder in there but I thought that that would make a perfect topper for a Halloween candy cake and now I can't find them anywhere oh my gosh and then there was this other thing which maybe if you guys have seen it you can tell me in the comments it's a trolli I think it holds gummy worms but it's like a plastic skull and it's got some kind of fuzzy hair on the top I've seen it on Instagram but I feel like I've been looking everywhere and I can't find it anywhere oh my gosh Lauren you turn 18 on Halloween that is so awesome happy early birthday Emma and Rory's kitten adventures oh the colored the colored shots are super shots super Chad maybe could have researched this before I did rob has been watching for seven years that is awesome that is like long-term swamp family member membership Charl Charl I bet that short for something is from York Shire Shelley says hello olivia is asking how long it took my hair to grow out you guys I feel like my hair has grown faster this year than any other year I've ever got it cut like I was like looking forward to having shorter hair this year but I got it cut when guy came and did our hair in December and like look it's so long again already I think this year when he comes to do my hair I'm like literally gonna just like chop chop chop like I miss having all of those like um super crazy layers like I used to have but like I feel like we cut it look I feel like these pieces in the front we're like really shorter in December and like they're already so long like look at my hair it's out of control um I don't know if it's like an old wives tale or not but um I heard if you cut your hair on a full moon it grows faster true or false can anyone confirm or deny well look okay so there that's what's left of my little dice and curl holes um but I will say like even though it didn't like work a hundred percent for me like I've been wanting to try it again Casca cat burns makes music w-why is Wyoming oh my gosh I did say it wrong hours ago wait w so then WI is what Wisconsin I'm trying to think of the other W States Lisa I'm sorry you had a bad car accident I hope you're feeling better oh that's the worst I hate to hear that hello Sharon Kathleen sends love thank you see there's somebody P no P I and O oh my gosh is it if you just type at graveyard girl is that when it turns orange I'm trying to figure out why some things turn orange I don't know Jade says it's 537 in Alaska does that mean 537 a.m. that's like so like whoa it's 840 here already oh my gosh you guys I'm trying to decide what to film for tomorrow I don't know what it's gonna be West Virginia that's WV right I should not admit this stuff on livestream that I just don't know any state abbreviations public school oh my gosh trying to like do sassy fun again see you guys this this hair band is like extinct it's beyond the point look at that oh my gosh like goofiest sassy but of all time like look it's like a slinky oh my gosh I look dizzy for days let me just shake my head around doing things that don't make any sense is my specialty okay we're gonna plug in the hot glue gun oh look at this I'll go ahead and give you guys like a sneak peek I got this item from wish and it's called what is this called a grinding skeleton Bank I cannot wait to open this up and see what it looks like I feel like it's gonna be hilarious yeah wait what I wonder if Dogman opened it cuz the tape is like quiet oh my gosh you know what I should not I see screws in here I should definitely wait for the video oh my gosh look it's like I've got a couple of screws loose me and my lame jokes okay I'm trying to find something that I can put the hot glue gun on I feel like I need to what do I need to do get started on this cake it's 84 Shh see it CR I'm trying to say your name C CR is OS t1 asks if I'm a fan of Halsey I don't feel like I'm like a super fan but I also don't feel like there's I don't know there's like not really any kind of music that I'm like oh um except for like I said this before and I'm like oh my gosh I shouldn't say it again I just I'm not personally a fan of country like nothing wrong with it but it's just not my bag of chips it's not my baked potato so I feel like that's kind of the only thing that I'm like man Pass which is kind of crazy because I feel like when I was a kid I like really was into country music but I feel like I feel like that was just like the power of suggestion because I was you know riding horses all the time and I feel like out at the barn they were always playing like country music and so I feel like I was just like listening to it all the time I don't know oh my okay you guys are telling me that the different amounts is different is what creates the different colors I'm definitely gonna learn about chat before I do this next time George a wild Lily Rose says it is 942 in New Hampshire I think I've been through New Hampshire before Natasha says we need a where pup review oh my gosh I have seriously been looking for a where pup for all year um but unfortunately the people who make them I think that they're still on a hiatus because any time I checked the website like they say that they're not taking any worse whoa who just sent me a bunch of toilets there's a good way to get my attention look I'm just pulling all my hair out on live stream see if I could have titled a live stream something I could have been like graveyard girl pulls all her hair out in a live stream Oh days hippie says toilet kandi is at Spencer's I need to go to Spencer's um I feel like I haven't been dispensers you know what I went to Spencer's this summer to get the gigantic backpack I was gonna be like I feel like I haven't been dispensers in forever um but I did I just ran in and ran out dude Spencer's always kind of like has a delightful instance he kind of smell is that just like worldwide Spencer's just smells good and I learned a crazy thing this year that Spencer's and spirit Halloween is like the same company and if you work at Spencer's you can work at at spirit Halloween I don't know that's just what I heard just fun facts oh my gosh Jessica Campbell said cake I'm glad you said cake because I need to text somebody about a cake I almost messed up again today I'm like trying to flip my life schedule right now to where I don't I'm not like awake like a vampire at night and then just like sleep during the day Jess dorks a lot is a fellow dolly lover that is awesome hello - Alana oh my goodness it's frozen again I saw somebody talking about vampires oh my gosh and I just asked on Twitter about people's favorite um conspiracy theories there's so many conspiracy theories that I want to talk about but I feel like I love all the freaking boring ones like I'm just only only here for the boring conspiracies but oh you guys I feel like I could go on an entire like diatribe right now all about like phones and how scary phones are becoming to me like I'm like what is going on here and then the whole I feel like this one is just kind of like fun and I'm probably gonna like talk about on banana peppers because there's not like there's probably not that much to go in about but in that last video that dog man and I did together I said interview with a vampire and I swear it was interview with a vampire and then everybody's like there's quite apparently a hole is it mandala effect I never know how to say that Hudson says it's 7:46 in Colorado Madeline says hi from Illinois Illinois I'm saying stuff wrong again oh my gosh you have a pup named olive that's the cutest Oh somebody said unsolved mysteries - see I know I'm almost like you guys I'm kind of tempted like I'm like wait like I never know what's like the right thing to do because it's like I feel like I want to make all these videos which would require like a lot more research like unsolved mysteries or like conspiracy theories like stuff like that but then I'm like I hate to just disappear from my channel like 4xyz - like do these other videos so I'm just always torn but yeah I don't know I feel like definitely I would like to just touch on cuz I feel like I want to do a poll and I wish I could do a poll right now in my live chat live chat livestream whatever we call this um about interview with V or interview with a vampire cuz it's like you're on a different timeline if you remember it like interview would be vampire interview with a vampire dude the vampire just doesn't even make any sense to me like they are talking to more than one vampire wouldn't it have to be a I don't but I don't know um but yeah like the phone stuff is like so like does anybody else just feel like the internet and the phone is like too creepy like and then I'm scared to talk about it cuz and I'm like then they know you know they know you figured about see I just sound like too much of a conspiracy theorist right now but I just need to be sh t i J thank you so much for the support that's awesome yeah I don't know I feel like like what was this one thing that happened oh yeah it was so creepy okay like this happened a couple of months ago actually but Dogman and I we like went through this phase where we were watching Elvis documentaries I can't remember if it was like an Elvis movie or an Elvis documentary but we never said Elvis outloud like never like search for Elvis on a computer or it was nothing with the phone that's what it was it's like we had typed in Elvis or something into iTunes or like whatever Apple TV you guys know what I mean like we were watching on Apple TV and then what's so weird is so we watched these couple like documentaries or shows or whatever about Elvis right and then like I kept being shown on Instagram a bunch of accounts like related to Elvis like I have no idea how stuff like that happens but I feel like it was like something that would happen like occasionally but now it's just something that happens constantly it's like if I look at something on the TV all right watch like I guarantee you like we watched today we watch like 90 day fiancé and now I'm gonna be getting a bunch of like I guarantee you it's gonna be like stuff about like are you getting engaged like wedding rings are like TLC like it's just so weird like I'm like how much like stuff is like in these devices and how are they just like communicating with each other cuz it just seems so weird like I would understand if I was like looking at it on the phone and then was suggested more like Elvis stuff via the phone but like to search for something on iTunes via Apple TV and then just be shown it constantly on Instagram is like so strange crazy but see that's that's like a boring conspiracy theory right like they're showing me Elvis stuff like worst conspiracy ever I'm being bombarded with Elvis fan pages like oh my gosh Katie the ghost inside my child absolutely like and another one of my failed missions many failed missions although I feel like I can do that video like any time of year it would have been cool if I would have gotten it done during October but a video about reincarnation I think I'm finally gonna do it I'm just trying to like find a bunch of clips cuz like I loved the way that we edited like the ghost stories video with Shane and friends but that took two weeks to edit and like find all the clips and so I want to do it right what was that I want to do I want to do it right I guess this is like the want to do it right dance um rainbow Queen Megan I did get a schoolbook that was that was last year uh did I end up opening that I feel like during the hurricane Harvey time there was like a while um before I was opening the mail again okay I keep getting distracted cuz oh my gosh okay you're sending me um all the abbreviations oh my gosh Taylor said good night that's just one random comment that stuck out to me like why wait who saw something move in the background I heard that um Tasi is having some paranormal experiences why does everything just look so dark like is this making everything worse okay no now I'm just like I don't you know what honestly I wonder if it's because I've got these lights in the back let me see if I can make things better it'll even forget better or worse you guys will have to tell me better or work better oh my gosh much better why well I have I've just been sitting here for an hour and 22 minutes like literally with the worst lighting for ever having a light shine in my eyes for nothing just blinded by the light for no reason Oh see like if ever I like spin around really quick it like makes me like super dizzy where did this come from oh I feel like things start to happen when I go from like 0 to 90 well Thank You Shay that's so nice somebody said it's vertigo yeah I don't I don't know if it's like vertigo because I feel like more like swimming I don't know I don't know if I should say like I feel like swimming or dizzy but it's like whenever like I don't know Oh what are we gonna do with me wait what did I unplug oh the printer we'll worry about that later somebody asked if I've ever eaten Gator I have hello robert I have eaten Gator I didn't 100% like it it was kind of like chewy chicken and I felt like I was like eating my own family so I don't think any more Gators in my future at the Renaissance Fair they have like Gator on a stick though and dog man always gets it every time we go but wait I just saw octopus emojis well I feel like the chat is like really going crazy Oh what are we seeing I was trying to like get the chats like slow down son but now I'm just staring at nothing blankly the greatest livestreamer ever um okay I don't know if I should like glue the cake portion together first or glue the candy onto the cake I don't remember how I did this a million years ago um I have all of these I wanted to do like a row of gummi bears on there I feel like these are so cute they're like these tiny little packets of bunny bear got gummy bears gummy bear guys let's see I have so much candy I was gonna show you guys I didn't get to it like is that how some people do it I feel like I need to like observe live streams so that I can live stream better I feel guilty if I don't read the chat it is 8:58 here I just saw somebody oh and I did hear about goosebumps too coming out I think that's pretty exciting okay these I thought would be cute for their - there's like Reese's peanut butter cups with special Halloween wrappers black and purple and orange those are really cute I'm missing everything thank you for the love Dennis and Caden ah Josh yes I do plan on doing the ghost story series I need to like get brave enough to ask other youtubers if they want to come tell their stories like I feel like sometimes I'm like I'm not I never concerned myself a shy person but then sometimes I get like shy in the stupidest of ways and then I'm just like avoidance um I also have candy eyeballs which I thought these were really cool y'all can see she's such a bad glare gotta figure out the lighting and then I have all these Halloween coins which are really cool they're like green on one side and they've got witches and then on the back it's like a black foil that says Halloween and then I've got a bunch of little tiny orange ones why do I keep wanting to call orange purple all night long like what am i doing oh my gosh Oh a live of making tree bags that could be fun I could do like a video and then like livestream the actual process hello Anna oh that's so cool that you started your own channel I'm always so happy to hear that the more the merrier on YouTube okay I feel like if I don't glue anything down then I just failed you guys but also I am like getting hungry I feel like I need to eat thinner I feel like that would help and I feel like then I can sit in front of the humidifier more and start to feel better I hope I'm gonna be able to like actually film and edit tonight but we shall see look now I can do ASMR which honestly seems like so amazing like I just fell down I wish that there was like that would be my first reaction video ever is like reacting to like weird ASMR like I literally saw this one the other day and this girl is pretending to be a nun who is like taking care of you because you have the plague and that's like her ASMR like setup thing I'm like that isn't a for creativity that's definitely like a very different like ASMR plot okay Bella diary says some live streamers take questions oh my gosh um ask advice for a long happy relationship that is a good one I feel like the best thing is like learning to be a good listener like listening to each other which I feel like is obvious and maybe not really helpful at all um but I definitely think that like um learning like I don't know you know learning to like give and take and I feel like it gets a lot easier when you live together is that not good relationship advice but I definitely feel like I don't know but then again for a lot I've heard that that's like what uh can make things harder so I guess it's just different for every couple but I found it like easier oh my gosh in love with reborns when to build a demon baby now that's a live stream that I want to watch oh my gosh a lot of people are saying they're surprised I'm still on I don't know what like the normal length of a live stream is is this too long people asking me about discord you know what I want to start a discord I feel like I've gotta get with the times with technology you guys I feel like I'm like so far behind like I'm like what is a discord look I really I don't know I just never like branched out beyond like discord patreon I tried to do a reddit then I just failed to do a reddit but I feel like everybody is on discord now but I don't know is that like a paid service or is it a free thing cuz I have no idea is it like reddit I also don't know that I need to learn Spencer is asking if I will do live a lot more now I would like to I think ideally it would be fun to do I'd like a couple times a month I forgot how much fun this is Oh Sam says it could be dizziness could be from throwing off my equilibrium yeah see like I don't I feel like I've heard this happened before because I wasn't dizzy until I rode Sauron when we went to Disney last month and normally I always sit like right in the middle like the front middle rows but this time I was like yeah whatever and I just like sat on like the side seats and I felt like it was like so much more emotion than like normal and I don't know it's just it's been weird ever since um dizziness could be from anxiety as well yeah because there there is a part of me that's just wondering like why it's like only when I'm doing online stuff like I'm like I don't know um sometimes I'm like do I just need to take a break for like a week or something like I don't know like part of me is I'm just like wait is it just like every time I'm like logging in and I'm like oh yeah high blood pressure that could be it - I'm kind of scared to think about anything cuz it does like freak me out like if ever I'm like start googling your symptoms on like WebMD or something like I feel like that's like the quickest way to just give me an anxiety attack like honestly saying WebMD outloud is making me nervous I'm gonna try and not wait did somebody just type ear Propst oh no inner ear ear probes I was like oh dang well uh Christina has a Nickelodeon guts necklace that sounds amazing I know this time of year I wish that they way to frickin play are you afraid of the dark like why does Nickelodeon never show any reruns of that I don't even know if they do that like nineties night anymore I feel like they started that a couple of years ago and I felt like it was like really really popular um but then they just kept playing like the same four or five episodes like every single day so I feel like people kind of stopped watching it as much oh my gosh Alice says a phone they play a phone game each person says a word and then opens their phone to see who got an advertisement about that word or something like that and at least one of them will I start getting a lot of Elvis stuff again oh now I'm gonna get a bunch of like stuff about like medical stuff cuz we've been talking about like getting dizzy oh my gosh I'm not I'm gonna butcher your name and then I'm gonna feel really bad about that Lanie did I say it right should make I should make my own hair dryer curl you guys I feel like that's why you never see like dupes of Dyson like I feel like they are like really like beefed up on there what is it called patents because I feel like you never see like you never see any like knockoff Dyson products you know right somebody just saw um I just saw like a mouse emoji oh say hi to your son Kim I love the mouse emoji I've never seen that like in the chat so far it's it's amazing um okay somebody said do a sassy bun tutorial okay I'll do that and then I'm gonna go eat dinner because I feel like I'm hungry and I feel like every time I sit in front of the humidifier I feel better so I'm gonna do that oh my gosh I'm seeing so many mouths emojis now that's amazing I don't feel like maybe I did a sassy bun tutorial like a million years ago but it's super easy first of all get a better hair bun than the one I've got now or a better hair tide and the one I've got now and then does this make any sense what I'm about to show so I just kind of like put my hair in a really high ponytail and I put the hairband like once around and then twist it now that I'm trying to explain it I can't do it and then I pull the hair through again but not all the way I just stop and then you've got a little loop whatever that would be a little sound effect and then I just take the tail and tuck it back through the band like cold a little edge through and then tada and then sometimes I like pinning or fluff it or whatever like depending on how stylish of a sassy bun I want but I feel like that's like the easiest hairstyle in the world stardust e'en gaming a DIY doll for halloween you guys I wanted to do five testing out five Halloween DIYs I'm telling y'all this coming year I'm gonna start filming for vlogging in January like as soon as we get over like vlog which I don't know am I going to even try vlogmas I feel like I feel like I just can't say that I'm gonna like do anything anymore cuz I feel like the moment I say I'm gonna do something I don't do it and then it's like I don't I don't know if I said last year that I was gonna do vlog we never e day but I did all 31 days last year and I was surprised I got through it but I feel like I uploaded a lot of days like really late and this year I was trying to be like more consistent with like the times and it didn't work out but I'm gonna scoot I can't believe it's been an hour in 40 minutes oh my gosh but I love you guys thank you all so much for being here and for hanging out I feel like we have to do this more often it was a lot of fun I love all the corn emojis the mice oh my gosh they have oh you know what I'm gonna take a picture of that this Japanese store in San Antonio that would be a lot of fun to go there I'm always looking for places in Texas to get like good snacks like that Thank You breadsticks well oh I see the red button now that says in the stream I'm like how I'm here now how do I go but thank you guys so so much for hanging out and I love y'all I'm gonna try and have a video up tomorrow we'll see hopefully I'll start feeling better cuz I'm like I've only got eight days left to put up all these videos that I want to do but I love y'all [Music]
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 272,957
Rating: 4.8542166 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 59sec (5999 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2018
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