Inside The Mind of a Hoarder...

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I feel like this is a freaking gimmick honestly like what is this supposed to do why did I purchase this kind of movie was I on that day anyway hey slot family it's bunny and I'm gonna turn some lights out so you don't blind myself and we can have a more casual comfortable atmosphere excuse me I feel like I'm in the best of moods you can just tell by my sassy bun it's like those old weather predictors that your grandma had where it's like if it's frozen it's cold outside did anybody else have like an aunt or grandma it had that maybe that's like a really old thing my great aunt and my great uncle had one of those things and I always loved it I feel like my sassy bun is like an indicator of what kind of mood I'm in and like the sassier that it is the better of the mood that I'm in so let's see sassy sassy sassy sassy sassy I'm feeling pretty exhausted today I have been doing a lot of behind the scenes Halloween preparation for bigger videos pumpkin arch that I talked about a couple of videos ago is happening but I have basically been running to every leg Michaels and Target and Walmart in town to get the supplies for said pumpkin arts I don't know what it is this year but you guys I feel like Halloween stuff sold out in five seconds flat it's wild obviously I couldn't just go to like one Walmart and buy 60 jack-o'-lanterns anyway that is another video for another day we are gonna make a video that I have wanted to make for a long time and I don't know how interested you guys are gonna be in stuff like this we would just chill hang out have a nice easy simple day so I got um what better day than to start talking about why I'm you know just a nice easy quick casual conversation I do feel like I could make an entire series on the well maybe not a series on this but a series of taking you guys with me to help me like clean out and organize my spaces last vlog oween we actually did a video together cleaning up my office slash filming room and you guys really seemed to enjoy that video so I would love to do one for like my closet today I thought we would talk about like one of the more fun sides of hoarding what's the difference between hoarding and collecting I feel like if you say to somebody I'm a collector then it piques their interest and they're like Oh what do you collect I collect something too like I pretty much feel like everybody collects something then if you say you're a hoarder people just think that you're swimming in a sea of maggots and there's like a cat in your couch or something like it's the difference like an A&E television show like if they would have made one called the collectors like would that have had as much of a negative connotation like I feel like that is kind of an interesting topic on a whole is like words and how we define things and then thusly how like society starts to look at those things do you know what I'm saying if you like it's just sort of been like a running gag on the Internet as long as I've been on the Internet um then I'm a hoarder and I do believe that maybe that's like partially true I do have a hard time letting go of things but I feel like partially that's because I can remember things or certain periods of my life better if I have objects to connect me to those times or any of you guys like that out there I was gonna share with you guys like my hoarder notebooks today as like a specific example but I feel like anything I can see like a tangible representation for time traveling is a silly word for it but it's almost like I can look at this pencil for instance from Ikea that I have stuffed in this little book here and I can remember exactly the day that I went to Ikea last year with a couple of my friends and I can remember the items that we bought like these cat curtains and this long like table and some rolling chairs like I can remember everything because I have this pencil from Ikea stapled into a notebook but if I didn't have this IKEA pencil like there's many other oh no there's many other days in this little calendar that I don't have filled in as robustly and it's like I almost feel like I've lost those days in time in my mind somewhere but the items that I do tangibly have trigger a lot more very clear memories for me definitely feel like that's part of it I'm also like very sentimental I'm not sure if this is a good portion of my personality but I love thinking of the past and remembering the past I love treasuring things from the past I feel like that's part of the reason why I love hoarding or collecting antiques then I feel like it gets compounded because like not only do I want to keep items from my lifetime but also all the antiquey things like I like to keep items from other people's lifetimes as well definitely this ties back to like the paranormal video that I made the other day which a lot of people were like well you buy all these old dead people's stuff like what do you expect which it is true and a lot of times like I do buy items that I feel I've had a lot of love put into them but I will show you guys right now like one of my favorite dolls has literally been loved to pieces it's just a head and arms maybe that's why I have the mind of a hoarder because it's like I almost just don't understand how an item like this could ever be trash even though I do know that it as the object it was intended which is a doll that purpose has passed because it's obviously just a head with arms that sits on the shelf but I do I don't know I just feel like this is an object to be like remembered and treasured and loved and to be passed down to someone and I do feel like once I bring some organization into the mix or some decoration once I have time to do stuff like that or to organize it manageably like this then it's more of a collection than a hoard somebody help me out on this does that make any sense I wouldn't keep like cans of cat food or like sonic cups or bits of food on plates like I don't have those sorts of tendencies you do have it in here see okay I'll show you guys literally one of my prized possessions out of everything that I own like one of the most important items in my life go ahead take a guess to you guess what it is you're never gonna guess that it's um spooky Halloween windsock I have had this since probably the late 80s if I had to guess like 88 maybe my parents bought these and we used to have a ton of them and every year my dad would hang them in the would like ceiling area of our front porch and then one year they were like these are too ratty and gross they've gotta go and I was like okay well I have to keep just one and I have kept this thing ever since it has moved to every room and every house I have ever lived in and I guess to some people this would be trash but this is one of my lifes greatest treasures in my mind there is such a difference as like good trash and bad trash lately the problem for me has been PR but I feel I feel like a lot of the stuff that they send is so interesting so it's not really a problem it's just I love stuff that looks like this I do I got this roomie rad I even really a hundred percent know what it is it's a purple circle full of balls and it's just been sitting up here on my makeup counter for probably three months but I love the look of it but I don't know I prefer honestly like when I get PR like and say like this how how am I ever gonna throw this away I am never gonna throw this away this just came from Urban Decay to launch their new cherry palette I think it's called naked cherry actually I love when they do stuff like this because at least this is like really a nice usable like sturdy container that looks really cool and I love cherries I don't know my mind sometimes I do feel like I keep too much and I need to get over it and let stuff go and then sometimes I'll let myself cheat and what I'm probably gonna do with this is keep one of these little purple Dingle dangles and then just let the rest of it go which I think this can be recycled I feel like if I actually just like sat down and like went through certain spaces then I could just get it clean and organized and then it wouldn't be a problem with my hoarder notebooks my hoarder Diaries which I brought to share with you guys today I feel like it's all okay because it's basically like flat paper items or small plastic items that can be compressed into a reasonable amount of space I have a little churro on here and he's getting torn and now I'm like distressed squishy churro with a face I'll bring him closer so you can share this magic moment with me I do feel like this is like an area where I'm able to compromise the most and like get rid of a lot of stuff because I'll just keep a tiny little piece off of something I swear this will make more sense when I show them to you but I also do feel like this is where I get a little crazy because I'm like oh there's trash and then like capable trash like I know I've mentioned this in other videos I call these lots of different names I call them trash Diaries trash journaling hoarder notebooks hoarder journals I just call him a little bit of everything I keep a ton of stuff and it can really be anything you can be like special little notes or cards from like PR companies or sometimes you guys will send me like special little inserts with the swamp family mail or like little stickers on the envelopes that I like or this one has like glow-in-the-dark fangs hanging out of it like it can really be an assortment of anything as long as pretty much it can be glued or stapled down and I really feel like I have been doing variations of this throughout my entire life it started with me cutting out pages and pictures that I liked from magazines and I pretty much have done that as long as I was able to hold scissors by myself like I've always you know what is so crazy is uh I always did this kind of stuff when I was a kid too like if I was like taking a walk at school you know and like somebody had like dropped a sticker and I found like a sticker on the floor like I would pick it up and like keep the sticker and I had a little notebooks like this all throughout my life and it kind of sucks and I'm kind of figuring it out through process of elimination that I think I lost a bunch of these little like journals and notebooks we had a storage unit that got flooded last year during Hurricane Harvey and we lost everything out of there which sucks but I'm also not complaining because we were extremely fortunate with some of the devastation that happened around here but it still kind of sucks to just like lose stuff like that that has like personal memories that can't like be recreated some examples and I also brought this which I don't know why but see this is something else like I could never part with this did anybody else have these in the 90s they were from Sanrio and they recalled a friend's file and there were tons of different characters when I got Keroppi I've always been a Keroppi girl it was like little categories like most talkative and then you had these little like of bullet points and like friends would fill this stuff out like through the whole Journal favorite musical group I picked steam Sugar Ray Backstreet Boys I started making like folders like this where I cut stuff out of notebooks oh my god there's like pictures in here why don't they have these sticker machines anymore at the mall and then I don't know why I look like I'm crying in the air but it at least looks like happy tears and then this oh my god I used to have a friend and we would do this stuff called car wars which basically meant every other night we trashed each other's cars buddy dog moment right here and then this frickin picture like I took like photography 101 basically in college and my assignment was to take a picture with a pinhole camera and so I took this portrait of dog man sometimes I just wonder like where did all of my life skills go like I was out there just building pinhole cameras and then like developing the film myself sometimes I miss doing stuff like that and I guess that's like the crappy thing about once you're done with college like I feel like colleges have a ton of resources like not just for the major that you're in but also like other classes that you might be taking like photo labs and stuff I sure do wish I still had access to that quickly I'll show you guys this one that I had from high school feel like stuff is falling out of this one it's really really old and I'm also trying to not show you guys any of the rough draft letters that I wrote to my boyfriend at the time which is so cringy to say out loud high school was just such a weird awkward time Who am I kidding every time in my life is a weird awkward time but for some reason I was writing rough drafts of letters to mail for my then long-distance boyfriend and I guess I was like nervous about what I was writing to him so I would like practice writing a letter before I sent it work that I printed out on Hello Kitty paper and I've got just a lot of like my assignment folders and other people's report cards I guess that I was like hiding from their parents for them don't do that my god this is a Valentine's Day card from dog man like a million years ago long before we ever dated in our life here is like the form from when I ordered my letterman jacket I took this poster down but I like cut it all up so I could keep these collages so at one point in time in high school all of this was a huge like wall of posters on my wall and then I took it apart and I cut it in fragments and now here it is is that a freaking picture of Moby that's amazing I was quite apparent Lee really into movie oh ho it's probably the part I started making them into planners I guess so I could remember like month by month so this was called a happy planner which I thought would be great for my life because you can like expand it and buy like bigger rings like it came with smaller rings and you can like add and take out pages as you need them it's still got way way way too bulky so this only goes up through July just loaded up with a bunch of happy memories like I love to save items from my videos so this is back when we were doing 90s mail unboxings and I was keeping a lot of the paper insert things from those oh my gosh you guys stuff falls out of these everywhere this is when I was still doing like PR and boxing's like look at this stuff like some of the stuff that comes in here it's just so interesting and so much fun and that's like squishy packaging like I keep a lot like look at that how weird are these faces this was a bag from one of my k-beauty holes like sometimes I keep product packaging that I think looks really neat or is really memorable but like when I feel it I'm flipping through stuff like this like I can remember each box that I opened that had these items inside of them just feel like each one of these things has like a very strong memory for me that is basically what the inside of this looks like oh my gosh it's like when I got Leanne and grant save the date and hopefully you guys can see this like sometimes from banana peppers unboxings I'll like cut up the box so that it lays flat and then I can staple it in there here's some back passes from Disney and I feel like it just looks like a really trashy scrapbook and I feel like that's what's going on here but let me know I'm just I feel like part of me is just making this video because I want to know how many of you guys out there are like this like I don't feel like it becomes a problem until I stop staying on top of it normally I keep up with all of my little like trash items but I want to save in like little envelopes like this and I'm sad cuz this was like one from last year that I didn't finish I don't feel like it becomes a problem until I stop saying something roughly like this which is still from last year's ones that I have not finished oh my god it's a pearl I just found one of my pearls from Disney have you guys ever done that where you open up a moisture show and you get a pearl out wooden spoons like I've got all kinds of crazy like a Halloween video that I never did last year crazy crazy that matches probably shouldn't keep that around paper I've got ribbons from like Beautyblender things all kinds of really fun to look at interesting stuff in here but I definitely feel like when things get like this like I realized that this is a sign of something that's out of control but I feel like if I just spent two really good dedicated afternoons to it then I could like staple it all down I also feel like it was just a problem with the books that I was using last year which was a product by moleskin that I really liked and also didn't like last year was actually the last year that they ever made this style but it was actually a really good idea especially if you just used it as like a date book because you had a separate little mini book for each and every month you can tell what my favorite month is right like this is October's and like this is September's like big difference there it will keep like napkins from this was like my joint birthday party with my fake brother Chris that I had last year and we did a Joker versus Joker a theme and so I kept some of the confetti and stuff that was on our table and a napkin and we had green and purple queens we had like money all over there and we were messing around with water levels and I stapled a little piece in here of one that we broke like definitely it does border on stuff that's really cute and stuff that is just plain trash but it just makes up an entire memory in my mind sometimes I'll keep receipts from like when I go out to dinner with friends or something and I want to like remember that memory I also loved these because I got to make like a custom cover like this is actually a little fabric cover I cut up a tote bag that I got in a jump and crate I believe and I wrapped it around and I covered this little mini-book like I definitely felt like I had more and less expression with these tiny books because I feel like for each month I got to create like a different color but unfortunately like due to the small size of the book I couldn't keep as many things as I wanted to last year was not the best year so I feel like I kind of fell in and out of it I definitely feel like that's why some years I've had these notebooks in some years I don't like some years I just consider bad years and I just try and like skim past them entirely and I feel like I almost don't want to remember anything from that year and so I don't keep as much I feel like that's why I have six of these little mini books around because like the last half of last year was decent but the first six months out of the year was trash so I feel like I just kept nothing from six months and then I was keeping a lot Halloween of course is like the most fun in my mind like I have a treat bag from last year do you guys remember these I had these gigantic skull bags that I thought were so neat I have a ton of wrappers from lots of different candies that we tried in different videos really cute candy wrappers I feel like this one is full of like little candy wrappers that I loved but of course I can only keep like the clean candy wrappers that don't have like stuff still in it I feel like I kept the ones that mostly like housed wrappers like other wrapped pieces of candy I feel like I did you guys this tripod is dead but see it's just another thing I refuse to let go I'm gonna just unscrew it and staple it down in a notebook but I feel like I am so attached to items and I don't know why it's like literally I've been battling replacing this tripod for months because I feel like it just kind of been on this journey with me you guys I'm just really interested honestly in the lines of you guys like are any of y'all like that like do you find yourself keeping a lot of things or do you love to like purge a lot of stuff are you a minimalist at heart some things like in my mind like even though they have ceased to be useful another good example is like I have every camera and every laptop that I have ever done anything YouTube related with in my life every laptop every camera definitely some cameras have been broken or like been phased out of their usefulness but I still have them and I feel like I could never let myself part with them but I also do know to some degree that has got to be hoarding tendencies because it is an item that lacks any sort of use to it whatsoever but I feel like that's like my history and my life story and I feel almost like I lose a part of myself and I lose a part of my story if I don't have these items to look at I do recognize that like I should just be able to let things go easier but also ultimately I feel like I just need to organize things and just put them in shelves and stuff like I've got these cabinets up here that I should honestly put something because they're all empty I just haven't had the time to tackle it yet I definitely meant for today to be a very very short video but we have some does this thing really works coming up some exciting Halloween products to test I feel like lots of getting ready for trick-or-treaters and getting ready for Halloween and all kinds of stuff like that so we've got a lot of stuff coming up but I just felt like kind of being more relaxed today so if you found this boring I'm sorry and also if you found this boring you're probably not here anymore so but if you see the whole time and if you actually enjoyed today's conversation or if you just put me on as background noise thank you guys for being here for hanging out with me and for watching and if you're not already and you'd like to be hit that button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and give an alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all tomorrow bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 331,852
Rating: 4.9155626 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, follow me around, target, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, store, look, silly, cute, eye, eyes, vlog, grav3yardgirl, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, 2018, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, reborn, avatar reborn, reborn baby, reborn doll, reborn unboxing, starbucks, amazon mystery box, amazon customer returns, amazon return palette, amazon, palette, halloween, paranormal, ghosts, mukbang
Id: aJTcdO2mEnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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