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hey everybody its Bunny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work today courtesy of swamped family member Heidi who sent me this to my p.o box we are gonna be testing out the wonder wax this super amazing product is supposed to be a complete new fabulous way to wax your legs or your underarms or your face I just I've never been brave enough to wax anything in the past except for my legs I will be the first person to admit that I've never really had a positive waxing experience in the past I always think it is horribly painful and kind of gross and I also don't like like the preparatory nature of it like you can't shave for usually at least a week before you can get waxed and I just personally am a person like I cannot go more than like a day and a half between shaving it's not that I grow like hair like a werewolf it's just like I like the feeling of having nice smooth legs I I did a read the little instruction manual that comes with it because I wanted to make sure that it didn't have like a different preparatory time schedule like maybe I could shave because it's that wonderful that it just rips out the hair follicles I have no idea but I did say in here that I was supposed to wait a week to and boy has it been difficult to not shave my legs for an entire week I feel like a cricket like a hairy legged cricket cricket mating calls you know crickets like rubbing their cricket legs together and that's how they make that chirping sound you can quit going to school now because you have all the education you need I did it because I love you guys and y'all have been requesting me to do the wonder wax so today we will wonder together we will stop wondering we will know if it works or not I don't know how this is going to work out on my skin it does say that you need to be really careful if you have really sensitive skin which I do that's why waxing has never really worked out for me in the past it leaves me really patchy and not very smooth because I think some of my hairs are just so fine that just waxing doesn't work I don't know but this is supposed to be like totally new more successful type of wax so maybe it will work I did not see anything in here that said it is not for use for people with fair hair fair or fine hair am I saying that right I don't know I didn't see anything in here glaringly here or on the box that says like don't do it in this package you get this thing which is the wax and you are supposed to put this thing in your microwave for three minutes and it's supposed to turn out to be the consistency of honey you also get the sticks which you get three large ones for large areas like wigs and then you get three small ones if you are brave enough to put wax on your face which I am NOT I love y'all but I'm not smearing this on my face although I did have a nightmare the other day that I did test this on my eyebrow areas and that was fun you also get two of these finishing wipes which this is water benzalkonium chloride and alcohol so all right so what is supposed to make this so fends heavy lessly different than any other waxing system is that you do not use this and then apply it like the strip which I guess is normally like some kind of flexible fabric II type material because you know normally in traditional waxing they put the wax on and then you lay the strip on your skin and then you rip the strip off you don't do that with this this somehow forms its own little thing you just apply this purple stuff directly onto your skin and then peel the purple stuff off you're supposed to do it at a rapid pace it says but you're not supposed to like rip it's you're ready to be you disturbed are you disturbed for me I am disturbed for me not only am I about to do this but I have to go to jury duty in the morning and my life has literally been like a panic for a month about jury duty because I have not social anxiety I'm not afraid of people I'm afraid of like things I don't even know what you would call this I'm afraid of like having to be at certain places at certain times like that's something that really spikes my anxiety so I just ah look I think I'm just gonna be like late there something bad is gonna happen and then they're gonna arrest me I'm gonna be in jail it's gonna be really dramatic are you gonna bail me out if they arrest me for being late that was a fun story look she looks like she's having so much fun on the side of this box just do you trust somebody with wax on their face that looks that pleased about that because I don't I'm gonna go put this in my microwave for three minutes so go get a beverage it's intermission short status update I actually messed up you were only supposed to put it in the microwave for two minutes and this stuff do you hear that uh it is not melted at all like it was I was able to mush it in a little bit over here but it's not at all the consistency of honey so I'm gonna go back and put it in for another couple minutes it says you're supposed to try and reheat it in thirty-second increments but let's be honest here thirty more seconds of this like I can't I can even like touch it everywhere like it just it's not it's not even it's not even water so I'm gonna go try and reheat it some more so that we can actually get some wonder wax and not a wonder candle which is Oh could I use this as a candle mmm all right I'm back once again and it is liquidy now so I put it in there for another three minutes and in some places it's still chunky it's actually a little thin right now you're supposed to it's it's out of the microwave for one minute before you apply it to your skin I just did the stupidest thing though because it was in the microwave and it still looked solid and I just tipped it a little bit and I was like I bet it's still solid and I spilt wonder wax all in my microwave and all over my phalanges so this stuff is definitely not idiot-proof so while we are waiting for it to cool I am going to tell you the instructional process it says that you are supposed to make sure that the area of your skin that you're going to be doing it on is you know free of products it's not supposed to be wet like if you wax after you get out of the shower you have to make sure that the area is completely clean and dry that you're not wearing any lotions or products yada yada and you are supposed to spread the wax on your skin it says at an eighth of an inch of thickness which their comparison was the thickness of a banana peel that is wonder waxes system of measurements is banana peels once you put the wax on your skin you wait for one minute and I guess they're saying you can wait a little bit over one minute but not as long as two minutes so I have my iPhone timer here so we know how long it's been on my skin and then you're supposed to pull the skin taut so that it's not like all loosened jangling and you peel it back and they have a diagram here you're kind of supposed to peel it back onto itself it looks like and not at like a 90 degree angle you don't like rip it up and out that's another reason why I'm horrified of waxing because I do so hate ingrown hairs I don't think anyone likes ingrown hairs they say that if this doesn't work the first time that you do it you can't like try it again immediately you're supposed to wait at least 24 hours they say your skin is going to be red and irritated after you do this doesn't that just sound like a barrel of fun so they kind of already pre caution you to that I am horrified also it smells kind of like really weird bubblegum that's like bubble gum that's been chewed for a really long time that's the only way I can compare this I think this is pretty much the consistency of honey now so does anybody want to try this with me I wish that this was like a giant sleepover party so that I don't have to do this alone look I'll just I'll give you some of the wonder wax here hold out your hand test it with me mmm I'm like stirring air bubbles into it great somebody say a prayer I should maybe move the camera down just is this better probably not for the lighting but maybe for the leg view this is so difficult excuse me I didn't think this through okay yes all right nope nope all right uh this is like going to the circus isn't it just strange things everywhere okay all right I'm gonna apply it just like this stirring the wax to make sure it's still the consistency of honey yep all right let's spread it on the thickness of a banana peel I'm gonna try a small area where I am the most hairy this does not feel good actually at this point it doesn't feel bad either it just feels like something I'd rather not do oh is that the thickness of a banana peel I really don't know all right ah time to time it I will also take some footage this angle on my iPhone of my hairy leg so that you can see the wax and my hairy leg real up-close I know that's what everyone wants to see um it feels dry who's ready to watch me do this okay you're supposed to start peeling up the end of it I think I was supposed to like leave an end part done this is painful already oh I do not want to do this okay I'm gonna do it Oh oh I was never the person that liked rip the band-aid didn't do it couldn't do it didn't want to do it okay oh oh don't like it don't like it oh oh my goodness okay okay oh it did kind of work though is do you guys want to see my hairy wax I know you do cuz we're friends like that so you can see that it did surprisingly remove some of my hair do you see the little baby hair follicles on there do you see them do you see them because I see them it's like petting my own disgusting furry leg I can tell just on this piece of wax and also where I just waxed it that there's still a lot of hair that got left behind maybe it's because I did not peel it up fast enough my leg is surprisingly not as red as I would have expected they say even if it does cause redness that it will go down within an hour or so like normal waxing they say that you can also use the technique of putting ice on the afflicted area I'm going to try another patch and I'm going to try and be a little bit braver and rip it off a little bit faster I think that it's still pretty much the consistency of honey so I'm going to do like this upper part so that I don't accidentally relax the same area twice like they blatantly told me not to do so I'm gonna put it right here so I'm realizing I just did this wrong both times because you're supposed to brush it on in the direction of the hair and I've been putting the wax on against the direction of my air like a total so now I get to do a third test patch of this isn't that great let's wait for this to dry give me a minute literally a minute alright alright I'll just go ahead and film while I rip this one off cuz isn't that everyone's favorite part anyway pain and suffering I don't know it's just kind of like breaking apart though which is kind of horrifying how I don't know why this isn't studying right this time it's like only coming off in teeny tiny little shards and it's not removing any hair either this is actually a nightmare at this point ow ow ow ow oh oh this is not fun ladies and gentlemen it's like taffy at this point okay ah so for some reason that didn't work out quite right I still have a lot of disgusting little patches of residual wax also for some reason it's starting to get stuck all over my fingers and underneath my fingernails which that's just a thrill a minute so that really did not remove any hair it just agitated my skin and I'm having to scrape it off I'm gonna go try and reheat it again before I do the patch of putting it on in the right direction because maybe it just did not peel off correctly because it wasn't warm enough so I'm gonna go throw this in the microwave for 30 seconds and I'll be right back for the last testing this time I'm going to not mess up and I'm going to apply the wax in the direction of my hair growth only which is how you're supposed to do it and not go back and forth so let me position my chair and get a brand new leg because I think my other leg has had enough torture for the day can you guys see probably not I wish I had a tilty tripod a but I don't all right so it looks like the consistency of honey after doing this video I will never want to eat honey again and I'm not sure if this is going to make it more painful to take off or not wouldn't that be great good thing I got this coffee here to keep me going I hope that this comes off in one piece like the first one did and not in many tiny painful rippy chunks that are still adhered to my body alright it seems to at least be peeling up a little bit easier oh okay oh oh oh whoa I hate waxing okay so this you can see hopefully still did remove some hairs I'm not sure if you can really see that or not I hope my camera is focusing I don't know why the first time I did this I had like at least a little bit of success like this has far fewer hairs on it than the first time I don't know I feel like it's like ripping out 20 hairs once again around the perimeter it did leave the wax on my legs and now I'm having to rip that off kind of piece by piece which is a extremely uncomfortable process bottom line I don't know if I'm just an incompetent waxer or if it's because my hair is so fair and fine maybe this kind of like traditional waxing is better for people with darker coarser hair in my opinion I would not use this to replace like my current shaving routine I just don't find shaving like that difficult or time-consuming it's not a big pain to me it's just kind of like second nature I get in the shower I've shaved my legs it's like a minute long process maximum I also kind of think that like traditional waxing this is pretty messy overall as you guys can see it kind of like drips around outside of the buckets as you try and scoop it up with this spatula thing it's also kind of a pain because it seems to cool off pretty fast and I think the cooler that it gets the less successful it is like the second time I put it on I feel like you constantly be getting up and going and heating for 30 seconds and then waiting for a minute just to get your entire leg area done it hurts like a little bit less but it's not like I mean it doesn't hurt it all to shave so like why would I choose any method that hurts when shaving is painless also they're saying that you can you can't like remelt the wax that you already used obviously because that's disgusting but you are supposed to be able to like use this for multiple treatments what is left in this little container but like just as it is I would not want to store this anywhere in my house it would be totally dirty and disgusting and they don't give you like a lid or anything you just get the box it doesn't seem very feasible that you want to keep this around your house and use it multiple times it is 10 bucks so I don't know maybe if you just wanted to do it once and then throw away the remainder I don't know I'm not that jazzed with this one you guys in my opinion I don't really think it works that great but thank you so much anyway Heidi because this video was fun to make as always I hope you guys still love this series and if you do give me a thumbs up so that I know you're not sick of it also be sure and leave me a recommendation in the comments of what product you guys would like me to test out next I've been looking everywhere and I want to order and try that tat over stuff that's supposed to conceal tattoos I can't find it anywhere so if you guys find it can you link me to it on Facebook or something like that thank you guys so much for being here today and for watching and I hope that this video was at least amusing if you're not already and you'd like to be hit that button down below subscribe become a member of the small family and give an alligator its wings also if you want you can like me on Facebook facebook.com slash graveyard girl or you can follow me on twitter tumblr or Instagram at graveyard girl same way it's spelled here I love you guys so much and I will see y'all tomorrow bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 9,925,953
Rating: 4.8245254 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, hair, long hair, infomercials, infomercial, work, does it work, easy, fast, commercial, crazy, weird, funny, strange, grav3yardgirl, best, favorite, new this week, review, hot buns, styling, random, as seen on tv, silly, 2014, food, mascara, Cosmetics (Industry), no no hair remover, does the no no really work, scary, secret extensions, makeup eraser, wonder wax, does wonder wax really work
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 08 2014
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