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hey everybody it's funny and it's everybody's favorite day of the week so today is a week when we ask ourselves does this thing really work and today we are drinking more drinks I don't know why I've been on a drinking kick for the past month and a half reviewing various drinking products we add those weird 3d printed drinks we did SodaStream and now we're gonna go a little bit healthier today by drinking water for once in our lives it's sort of like flavored water that I think possibly contains sugar so how much of a health kick is this I don't know also it's summer and you guys know what that means I'm an elf now today we're gonna be looking at a very expensive kind of crazy water bottle the starter kit for this for the water bottle and a couple of these flavor pods was a hundred and nineteen dollars now I guess that's not exorbitantly expensive for the smart water bottle world because a while ago I got my mom another smart water bottle called hydrate spark it doesn't inject flavors or anything into the water but similar to this bottle it has an app and you hook the bottle up to the app and it keeps track of how much water that you need to drink a day and I know that the hydrate spark glows to remind you when you need to drink water which I guess is I don't know do you guys think that that's silly or not long overall has said it's been helpful for her to promulgate her to drink more water now I'm not sure if a flashing light would be enough to convince me now maybe if they made it make some sort of like crying sound have you guys seen that absolutely torturous and lately where it's like some sort of video game with a fake and it makes these sadist whimpering crying sounds see now if you gave me a water bottle that cried if I didn't drink out of it enough I would totally do nothing pulls in my heartstrings quite like tearful inanimate objects open it up you get this fancy water bottle you have these couple of compartments in here one says charge one says cleaner a standard charging cable right now it's flashing glowing red it looks like some sort of angry since water bottle and two is clean because they give you this special little brush that fits inside these pods here and helps you clean this motorized portion of top also you get these flavor pods so that's really what sets this product apart from other water bottles and other smart water bottles you load these pods into the bottom of the water bottle and then you can cycle through and it will inject flavor into your bottle this is like a very health oriented health minded company each of these pods they not only have flavors but they're also supposed to do something for you so for example we have the flavors orange tangerine today which is supposed to help you with immunity it has vitamin C and zinc we also have blackberry lime which has antioxidants with vitamins A C and E and grapefruit extract we have a cranberry raspberry which is supposed to give you electrolytes with vitamins B and C sodium and potassium is sodium not salt and then lastly we have kiwi strawberry lemonade which says electrolytes plus B and C vitamins and once again sodium and potassium and I think that there are other they have like a ton of different flavors we'll just go ahead and scroll through them on the side now there are two things right off the bat that I think are a little bit gimmicky with this product a is something that I'm sure I just did notice because every website now has this big-ass page of terms and services which I'm sure if you're anything like me you don't really want to read like five pages of information terms and services just to buy a freaking water bottle somewhere buried in the checkout process slash Terms of Service when you make the initial purchase of this product they sign you up for a subscription service they charge my credit card again and sent me a real of the exact same three flavors that I ordered the first time which I don't really like stuff like that I think that it's kind of sneaky and it's basically like charging you around like thirty two dollars that probably aren't really aware that you're signing up for I don't know well we'll assign 50/50 blame I just think that they should very clearly be like hey do you want to sign up for an automatic subscriptions are good cuz like why would I want the same three flavors necessarily like why wouldn't I want to pick out different flavors you know so not crazy about that luckily I did catch it like before they were about to bill me for the third time I cancelled it the other thing right off the bat that I think is a little sneaky that I'm not that like fond of is the expiration of these products seems to be like lightning fast and they sent me like I said the reason on April 22nd i just opened the envelope and all the ones that they sent me on April 22nd I received expired in May what if you just wanted to drink water out of this one day and you didn't want to just like squirt all the flavoring in it I only actually have one bottle of this stuff in front of me that is not expired the longest expiration date is like June 30th but technically every other flavor that I'm trying today is expired already needless to say this stuff does not have a long shelf life at all hopefully it's not going to cause me to fall but I'm 100 20 dollars into this so we're gonna do it this is what the app looks like right now it says awaiting fuel pods and I need to add water so they recommend to me for my weight and height which is something you put in when you are setting up you know the app for the first time they calculate and tell you how many bottles of water you should be drinking a day just four bottles this size does that look like on par let me a lot of water for me to intake in one day I'm not gonna lie if I drink one bottle of water a day I'm like super proud of myself also I'm gonna say the pods on a whole need improvement they're also sticky pretty much every single one I've opened if you guys can see around the cap it's like leaking up in there which I don't know how big of a deal it is for you guys stuff like this I'm part of the like no seal No Deal cult I like all of my food and drink products to have a really secure seal I don't want the bottle to be like sticky and leaking when I receive it there's like a bunch of like dark brown dried stuff at the bottom and this wine which I had the most faith in because it's technically the only one that hasn't expired yet kind of looks the nastiest on the inside it's like cloudy in there I don't know like I'm shaking it up and it seems to be better now but this one is still like super sticky so you know I mean if you're about to like dump 120 dollars on some frickin flavor pods and a bottle of water I think you guys should know exactly what you're getting into so let me pick which three tasty expired flavors we're gonna get into today I think I'm gonna load up cranberry raspberry oh yeah that doesn't even like click or anything when I remove the cap and there's already product like welling up on the top there do you not like I don't like that I'm not crazy about that let's try kiwi strawberry you know what maybe I should like be shaking these up they say to consume within 30 days of opening hopefully you guys will be able to see once I lift the glass off let's load up cranberry Roz first and you're supposed to just turn it oh my god it turned pink so you push it in and turn it until it clicks and basically locks in place and oh my gosh look okay now it's showing me on the app that ran berry raspberry is loaded it also tells me that I have 15 times that I can press the button strawberry kiwi lemonade did that shine a different color and then this is the last one which is black berry lime so I think that that would glow a different glowed blue all of them are now loaded in the app here and then you of course put that case on there which I mean I will admit that looks pretty slick is it a hundred and twenty dollars slick I don't know thirty minutes into this process and we finally get to test the water bottles let's push the button on the front you can just do these quick little presses I'm cycling through the flavors so the first one oh they are three distinctive colors so the first one is like kind of a reddish pink then we have like a purple and then we have like a bright pink so I don't remember which flavor is which okay did it just dispense I don't know I don't know what happened didn't take down any of the I don't know if we call these like doses or what but it acted like it did something so I am confusion okay let's uh press that again and see okay I'm trying to get the first flavor okay we didn't see it do anything okay it did take a dose out of the Kiwis strawberry can see when I last dispensed and what flavor I don't know I'm kind of sad because I was ready to see like a like a swirl of color into the drink I thought I was about to be super impressed but the water looks same I'm gonna go ahead and unscrew the cap and take a sniff it smells like nothing it does not smell like the explosion of flavor that I thought we were gonna happen with like like I thought we were gonna be able to see the bottle wash basically looks like pee pee in a cup let's take a sip now this was meant to be kiwi strawberry lemonade maybe it mostly tastes like Kiwi I don't taste any lemonade and I don't taste any strawberry it's like kind of a weird taste it's like one of those tastes where like yeah it tastes like vaguely like fruits but I cannot really pick out a distinctive fruit there's no lemonade in this 0% lemonade I can actually like click through the app and click on that so this is supposed to have the ability to help hydrate you after intense activity like sitting on my ass and crimping my hair for the last two hours it has fully loaded potassium sodium and B vitamins also electrolytes oh my gosh okay so that's kind of cool like I guess if I wanted to dispense this flavor again you can swipe this down here to dispense the flavor as well as push the button and then there's three flavor settings so you can choose light standard or strong ina has more of like those like kind of fakie fakie flavors and it tastes like you know if a vitamin is trying to disguise itself as something delicious what I'm gonna do this time is try and swipe on the phone and dispense the next flavor like that and see if it's any easier than like pushing a button which shouldn't be that hard but I don't know you guys I just did not want a dispense for me last time I'm hoping we're gonna see a magical injection of flavor this time we're gonna go with blackberry lime and that's what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna say swipe to dispense it's gonna dispense standard amount of flavoring oh my god okay I could kind of see something you see something like floating at the bottom here does just look like the flavor is like drifting still at the bottom there it injects the flavour up but I don't feel like that's enough to really fully mix it and it did give me fake credit it's gonna think I drink all this water cuz I'm pouring it out of the bottle I'm lying to the algorithm alright you guys this one which is once again blackberry lime I like the flavor of this a lot more obviously that's like super subjective this one tastes more natural to me maybe even on the cusp of tart a little bit which I normally like like bitter and tart flavors a lot more than like sweet flavors especially when it's like a healthy thing like I don't want it to just be like super like fake Vicki sweet which we talked about that and a bunch of videos like that's the same reason why I hate like diet soda I don't like that like super fake sweet kind of flavor this one I could see myself drinking again this tastes more like healthy more watery to me now what I wanna spend like a hundred and twenty dollars or even twelve dollars to like refuel this flavor I don't know it's almost like they should have teamed up with kool-aid and if I could like inject kool-aid into my water then I would probably be a much bigger fan it's like I can taste the black berry flavor but I don't taste any lime so I don't know I think that this concept so far is really interesting but I think the pods like for multiple multiple reasons probably need like a lot of work so I'm actually gonna see if I can take this little box here and stack this up so hopefully we can see zoom you guys in the actual important part flavor injection town all right I'm gonna go ahead and just use the app I actually like that a lot better than pushing and like cycling through all the buttons so the last thing that we're gonna test is cranberry raspberry once again I'm gonna leave it with the standard flavors I'm gonna swipe to dispense you guys my bottle is just sad it definitely did dispense it says it's down to 14 now versus 15 but it's just not like shooting it in there it's just dispensing and then like basically laying on the bottom surface layer panel down there if that makes any sense it's kind of impressive that you can just squirt flavors back-to-back and the flavors don't really seem to be like mixing with the last flavor that I had in here which is great because who would want to like wash the water bottle multiple times a day also I think that I saw in the setup video or something maybe when I ordered it on the website that they also say that you can of course like mix the flavors together so if you want like one pump of raspberry one pump of blackberry you can of course like do whatever the hell you want why is the freakin cranberry one also this PP yellow color that's not a good go I don't like that I don't know it's almost like I can understand why they wouldn't put any dyes into the product because like I said it is like a health healthy driven vitamin E kind of product but to me like cranberries are naturally red so why wouldn't it be kind of like red ice whereas the same color is the first one I tried now I think I like this one best once again same as last one I just said it is much more natural than the kiwi strawberry or whatever it is also like more tart not sweet at all tastes very cranberry once again it's like all these flavors I don't know if they're just like naming a bunch of stuff like orange tangerine rhubarb star fruit but you really are only tasting the first oh my god it's always the first thing the first one was kiwi strawberry lemonade I thought the strongest flavor was Kiwi the next one was blackberry lime I thought that strongest favorite flavor with little it was blackberry and then the last one is cranberry raspberry and I really only taste like a cranberry flavor I would repurchase the blackberry and cranberry one but not the Kiwi one and I probably should stop drinking these cuz technically they're expired but needless to say I do keep grabbing the cranberry cup and usually if I'm just like compulsively grabbing and drinking out of something it means that I actually like it I'm kind of on the fence with this one I feel like I really did honestly enjoy two out of the three flavors they have a lot of flavors to choose from but there just are like a lot of cons for me like I think with such fanciness like I wish you didn't have to like shake it afterward like I what is the point of that at that point like you can just put drops of Crystal Light or whatever and shake a bottle up yourself like I kind of did think the point was you push a button and it injects the flavour and that's kind of like mixed enough like right probably more than anything more than even the flavors and stuff I would use this to hopefully promulgate me to drink more water fill it up during the day try and drink it use the app to keep track of how much water I am drinking I know a lot of these like healthy measuring water bottle things like hydrate spark and stuff you can also sync it up with your Fitbit which right now I'm wearing an invisible Fitbit down here but that would be cool if I could like sync this app with the Fitbit app and like work in tandem to become a healthier person so yeah I would probably use it more for that than I would for the flavors also I just think like a subscription service it's like kind of overdoing it they say each of these flavor pods is 30 servings I think are they set up to 30 servings which would make sense if you put it on the weakest flavor setting you would get double the 15 doses 15 servings so that's a lot that's a lot of flavor if you in essence have like 90 flavored dispersions down here and it's meant to last a month or you're supposed to drink it within 30 days like that's a lot of flavored vitamins being in ejected into your water very fancy love the aesthetic of it I think it's all like really interesting like I'm a sucker for stuff like this like technological health fitness II kind of stuff but I think the flavors and the pods could use a lot of work you guys have to let me know in the comments down below your thoughts and opinions like I said it does have a pretty hefty price tag what do you guys think about having to shake it yourself the whole subscription thing I am anxiously awaiting you guys as thoughts and opinions down below if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a member of the swamp family and given alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again very very soon
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 284,825
Rating: 4.926867 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, wish, wish shopping, wish limited time offer, wish 50 cents, wish free item, wish haul, trying on from wish, follow me around, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, look, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, palette, mystery box, makeup mystery box, fake makeup, 2020, wish makeup, reality tv, TLC
Id: 04Wf1qU6tpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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