PROJECT BLUE BOOK!- Sassy Mail Unboxing!

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when I say bananas you say peppers and today I do believe we have the most anticipated banana peppers video of all time you guys have been asking where is plug plug project where is project where is Project Blue Book and today is finally that day I think we started this journey at the beginning of March I want to say and now it is the end of April and I had honestly intended to do this video at the end of March but so many of you guys have to messaging me emailing me and deeming me saying that you have been working on something really hard for this video and did you still have time to send it acceptor etc so I did want to give all the members of the banana pepper squad chance for their package to get here before we open all of the project Bluebook mail let's find out what the next prompt is going to be Oh green mailbox enriched us with your wisdom nothing I said enriched us with your wisdom what could it be okay he's not in the mood for enriching next theme is kind of strength um we're gonna say smaller than an eight-and-a-half by eleven sheet of paper you can send something that's tiny the box can be this size uh but basically kind of the theme is like small things for the first time ever we are gonna unbox everything before us every envelope every box every everything so let's just get into it two envelopes here in the front from the same person so these both come from the nostalgia hunter oh it says cloud9 feeling fine between all the camera closer is that too close hi 80s and 90s Goody's these envelopes was for Project Blue Book and one of them was just for us to share together on banana peppers this is the one that's meant for a project Bluebook we have a stack of vintage Valentines all with blue background oh my gosh I love the sonic we've got 101 Dalmatians is that Harry Potter thank you so much the nostalgia hunter if you guys remember we opened a special like mystery box from their Etsy store think a couple of months ago I think we did it in February let's go with this one which is painted so cool on the back it says do you ever feel blue this comes from Sarah in this is amazing so don't have to check her out this is from life of a funky awesome handmade jewelry pieces look at that awesome blue sculpted face keychain also have this amazing blue face ring look bad it's like a wearable canvas like I'm so excited look at this it's like a portrait of two faces this is so awesome thank you so much Sarah let's go with another envelope this comes from Chandra I love that you guys like really got in there with the homemade art she sent a blue picture of her puppy we have this little positive saying I think that this is meant to go like in your wallet or your purse then we have this awesome blue Halloween bats thank you so much Chandra another package we have one from Mary and look at all of the cute drawings on the side project Bluebook oh my gosh the whole inside of the box is Doc created you have blue homemade worm little miniature Care Bears ooh what do we have in here I love this like shiny tensile wrapping this is like a pen that you can wear and it looks like it has like uh I never know if it's pronounced Celtic or Celtic design that is so needs blue roll of wasabi tape he's clear they look like they're um what is it called when you're like like strong men you know what I mean oh my god I want to like turn these into wearable jewelry of some kind there's four of them in there and they just look so cool what are you doing oh my god that one is probably my favorite blue tube look at that it's full of all kinds of blue trim and jewels powder from you guys know like color runs oh my gosh I gotta save these for like a video we have all of these awesome old postcards wait is that calamity jane no when we got that's Billy the Kid thank you Mary up next we have sasha get this card wow that's so cool Sasha locks look at this awesome like blue cassettes and it's glittery shiny that is so cool oh my gosh look at this like octopus baby this is so cool look at that oh my gosh Lulla planchette a blue coffin and a blue heart thank you so much Sasha this box this comes from Katy and there are in fact vintage Lisa Frank stickers hey it's like marbled I love it something wrapped in this little blue cellophane oh my gosh it's more wasabi tape and oh my gosh it's like sea creatures isn't that doesn't that look kind of like a whale tiny pieces of blue stationery here is the Instagram eye and it looks like the Etsy oh my gosh it's like a little astronaut and it has like holo to it as well then we have I can't think of what these fish are called somebody's gonna be able to comment down below that looks like a little kitty I almost set a fox at first then oh my gosh it's like a cloud kitten these are so cute thank you so much it's envelope from Amy here we have a book that Amy wrote which is called love and the art of saying no thank you Amy let's open this like funky shaped one this comes from Iceland slash Jessica a I s ly in in and Jessica I'm really good at saying oh my gosh this is so cool it's got a big sparkly fry hatch on the front and we have sparkly lips it says pop and then on the back it's got this little Tokyo yeah it says Little Tokyo and it's like fuzzy sunglasses like sunglasses with fringy branch oh I love it thank you so much you guys why we open next how about this envelope right in the front from Jessica it almost hate to love it God oh my gosh I was just thinking how I wish I knew how to make these things y'all remember these awesome oh my gosh look okay so this one totally has to be for dog man because it's blue in Orange do you guys remember making these like lanyard things I don't remember what they're called but I love them oh my gosh thank you so much Dom man is gonna love this okay let's open this wine that this comes from gin all the way in Canada I love this paper and I feel sad to be ripping it got blue oh my gosh okay I love the blue feathers oh my god I wish I were to hide this for the thumbnail tada oh my gosh I think that's a chili pepper it's like a blue patch with a hand embroidered pepper oh my god hello it's a banana pepper what is wrong with me oh my god I literally named my channel I mean do you know what that's the funniest thing is I literally don't think that I know what a banana pepper tastes like I don't think I've ever tasted a banana pepper in my life we have oh my gosh look at this shirt it says anxiety display rules calm I feel like that shirt is part of a charity that's but not least we have thick big fluffy blue pin oh thank you so much Jen this one this comes from Janet oh this is magical we have a little blue thing of glitter which I feel like I should use on my nails blue mechanical pencils oh my gosh this is such a cool choker look at this it's like spikes with shiny shiny rhinestones oh my gosh that's so cool Halloween erasers so cute but then look at these there is like eraser pencil topper but they look like crayons that is so cool thank you so much it's envelope from Rachel and it says I've got the mail the mail so sassy mail the sassy mail really cool vintage Halloween stickers on the bottom you have a letter we have a bunch of blue stickers oh my gosh these look so old I love them we have some really tiny ones too it looks like a fish and some cars oh my gosh the camera doesn't wanna focus they're so cool and then we have a drawing of a hockey jersey for the swamp family so it's swamp family Gators I would ten out of ten where that thank you so much Rachel let's open this box from Sarah next blue male worms so man oh my gosh this is so adorable look we have a teeny tiny little blue baby and he comes with a pillow and his very own little blanket blank blanket blanket are you all tucked in with your blanket we have a letter I save all of you guys's letters for later because most of you guys like share really personal stuff with me so I don't like to just like read that on camera thank you so much Sarah okay let's open up this lemon envelope this comes from Jen and it is a quilt block that looks like a little blue bunny this is so magical thank you so much Jen let's go with this box right in the front that you guys can't see this is from DeeAnn we have blue snowman paper right on top Liu light-up ring looks like a little homemade three doesn't this look like a tree I love it oh my gosh no joke dog man loves these things he had a pair oh my god there they go seeing nothing chucks I don't remember what these are called but there's like you can like I I keep throwing them on the floor so that's what I do with them um but you like spin them around I don't know yeah a blue fidget spinner so peaceful thank you so much bury me and leggings comm are there gonna be leggings in here oh my gosh this is so cute bury me in leggings calm this comes from Amanda she's been a swamp family member forever okay there is gonna be leggings in here I'm a hundred percent convinced oh my gosh they are so soft these are like super SuperDuper soft and they look like the galaxy I love that that looks like blue lace I love it thank you so much Amanda let's go with this one next which comes from Pammy why sing peanuts peanuts are you hungry here have some peanuts oh my gosh someone with hair who do we have in there come out oh my god it's a mermaid we've got a beautiful mermaid a magical mermaid oh my god you're beautiful it's a blue Gator look at you oh my gosh I feel like this was hand-painted and he's a very majestic boy I feel like I should make a headband out of this oh he could sit on my he could sit on my hat we've got a blue book literally oh I love it got a box in a box and look at whoa they're a beautiful blue paper blue and yang where look at this blue bracelet why do I feel like my hand is not gonna fit in here oh there we go just grease it up just a little bit beautiful that smells very good the blue candala got like a little blue army man in here little blue box Oh what my gosh it's a necklace and look at the charm it says I want to believe all Bluebook things represented in this one box we have a literal blue book we have aliens which is Project Blue Book blue eyeshadow palette with all blue shades in it I love it thank you so much this one is from Amelia something someone in bubble wrap and I'm unwrapping in a man rip okay oh my gosh you guys this this is magical oh my god you guys I'm gonna hold this up so y'all can pause and read this whole thing if you want can you can you read this okay pause if you want to read but oh my gosh you guys have got to check her out it's doll underscore doc on instagram and then just doll doc here on YouTube but look at how cool this is it actually lights up it's like a capsule with a doll inside look at this this is the temperature gauge that is so cool look at that it keeps our colder or warmer oh my gosh fasteners on this side so this is how we get her out Oh what my gosh this is such a cool experience oh my gosh and she even comes with her little uh documents about everything she's been studying so far oh my god this is so adorable and imaginative this is so cute that is so amazing look at the hair and the face and the outfit this is so so cute like I don't even want to untie it it's so cute oh my god you guys oh no it says top secret it even has tiny little handmade paper clips and it's got a bunch of information blacked out actually like four pages long with real words I'm trying to show you guys oh my gosh there's like information written on each page photos oh my god oh look there's even blue baby Project Blue Book research oh my gosh and it's like all of these it's a dictionary you guys I feel like we'd seriously it'd go through this like in an entire video to find earth words and its words like banana girl family this is too cute earth state facts Texas oh my God thank you so much like open this envelope this comes from Ali she says that she does not have a website yet but um she has an email which it's hopefully okay to share with you guys because look at all of these adorable handmade charms that she made for me it's a blue alien a blue skull a blue star he's so cute and then we have a little blue ghost and a little blue doll that she said his name is Victor so what's so cute thank you so much we also have this little box it says Gator inside oh my gosh oh he's a little charm oh my gosh he is so adorable thank you so much Alli whoo lemundo envelope from Rachel have stuff wrapped in paper oh my gosh look at this like homemade DIY vintage e shirt it says bite me very appropriate for a gator Oh what my gosh wait this is American Girl buttons that is amazing look at this skeleton sticker he's like three dimensional we have all of these really awesome Halloween stickers look this is like the words that you can put together to make your own stories you know what I'm talking about an awesome book of a ton of different Halloween stickers ooh they're all so shiny thank you so much Rachel we have this envelope blue mail I love that we have tons of blue it looks like scrappy goodies inside look at this beautiful blue charm it is original Victorian ephemera all the way from the UK look at how hold that is I've been meaning to show you guys like a real Victorian scrapbook for a long time but we have lots oh my gosh I love these blue arrows so it's basically for DIY scrapbooking it's just all of these different stickers and labels and papers that are all different shades of blue oh that's so cool I love the rain dropping one oh my god I've been wanting to get back into scrapbooking again so bad I used to do it forever ago and I don't know why I stopped maybe this will just be the push I need to get started on it again you have another envelope from Diane oh I love this letters and right in here we have a awesome blue bracelet oh my gosh I love this I love it let's open this box from Sidney hi bunny and also a hi to dog man look at that I love this home made home painted card there she is Syd herself I got the mail oh the Saffy blue mail bloom Hale this is so cool look at this it's like a homemade little blue like zipper container it's actually made out of zippers that is so neat I love it either in the heights ooh oh my gosh I love it so much it's artwork it's already on a little canvas that is perfect thank you so much Syd love seeing all of y'all's like homemade art and stuff it's so cool next envelope comes from Thomas look at this it's oh my gosh this is so cool it's a postcard with fishes all on it but it's actually a postcard that can be sent in the mail but it's fabric that is so neat Thank You Thomas up next is from Bria whoo look at this this is so gorgeous it's like a glass bracelet Thomas socks oh my gosh it's a pair for me and a pair for a dog man and they are Loch Ness monster socks oh my gosh you guys I'm sorry if I'm out of sorts I kind of just had like a panic attack so we went for a walk it's 4:00 in the morning now and I'm trying to finish up this wine got a little opened on the bottom so I hope nothing fell out so this comes from s it's just an abbreviation s baker in Canada Sara Sara sent us this amazing pile of it looks like vintage stickers oh my gosh look at this one that's s'mores you have this limit that's cars and it's all holographic have another envelope from Alana I'll get this it's pieces of blue origami paper I should totally try and fold something you have another envelope from Kirk I like that name it reminds me of Captain Kirk whoo look at that that looks like a comet oh I love it thank you so much Kirk okay this is from Brooke look at this it's a blue bracelet I love beaded bracelets like this it's got a dolphin and it says March it says I made you a bracelet out of blue of spare parts please give us more projects like these we love you Brooke from Ohio thank you so much you have something any envelope oh gosh it is vintage Keroppi stationery I love Keroppi so much because you guys know I love frogs oh my gosh look at this okay this is from Natalie pipe look at that we have skully holding a bunny oh my gosh look at this art I love this photography so much this looks like the doll keychain that was in my beauty con box from so long ago oh my god is it thank you so much Natalie 20 is from Abigail no kidding Dogman literally just came in the room and asked me for some of these perfect timing Abigail pins and a blue lollipops she just got married congratulations she also sent a yo-yo so I feel like I should yo it a couple times isn't there a way that you can like yo to the side yo no I can't yo at all look at that why I'm gonna do it just once oh there we go ooh I'm going already okay I don't feel like this is how you yo-yo you guys can't even see my fantabulous yoing action I'm like never quite getting it back hold open this big bad boy um this comes from Blake and Jerrica Oh oh my gosh look at how adorable this is it's a little baby Gator we're of zombies look that's perfect for that on the waiting room oh my god I'm dying look at this the x-files circle of truth look I think that this is a game literally but I opened it up and it's like a Dana Scully badge oh my god wait is this a game this is literally a game oh my god I have never seen this but I am so excited then we have this beautiful Journal look at that thank you all so much it's this is a hefty envelope this comes from boo Zuri that is such a cool name all wrapped so up beautifully ooh this smells like soap oh my god I love this so much soap for introverts and on the back it says great solo activity respects your space won't ask you to an event that hilarious oh my gosh and it smells so good too look at that that is so cute she's wearing a little carrot crown yours Zuri and here's her dogs Pippy and Surrey oh my gosh so cute hello everyone still have two beautiful boxes to open look at how beautiful these are this one almost makes me think of grapes and then there is the portrait I'm gonna assume these are for a dog man we have two delicious blue wrapped chocolate bars thank you so much something from Julie oh my gosh it's a blue bb-8 look at that thank you so much Julie getting down to the nitty-gritty you guys okay we have one from Maria it's a oh look at that why can't I get it to sit on my hat oh my god I actually want to tie that to this hat now this is so cute oh my gosh how are you today xoxo you're amazing oh my gosh I skipped one what love your vids oh my gosh so encouraging and so cute keeping yourself thank you so much that is so cute so sweet now one more envelope after this so this comes from the shell look at this paper that is so cool it's all like blue insects oh oh my gosh all the way from 2008 we have this wonderfully worn in shirt I think it's from a high school thank you so much Michelle last envelope this comes from Kim have a bunch of blue bunnies those are so cute I think they're stickers oh my gosh and then we have this adorable handmade waffle and syrup card that is so cute thank you so much Kim it comes from silly SID glam this is so cute it's like a charm necklace and it has a gator he's so cute it's a necklace and it's made out of a jar lid and it has the little illustration of me on a flying Gator from my channel intro this is from silly Sid glam thank you so much other box is from Amy you have something homemade right on the top oh my gosh this looks like a blanket for one of my little blue babies this is so perfect the 15th Blue Book and it's all about dolls and their values so that is so cool I wonder oh my gosh wouldn't it be so much fun to go through here and see if there are any of the dolls in my doll collection in this book thank you so much oh it says do not crush and this is from Jessie you have a card with a little hand-drawn bunny look at this oh my gosh how many times have I said oh my gosh in this video he is a handmade blue Gator he looks adorable and magical look at this troll I have never seen one like this before he has two different colored eyes it's like one red one green blue hair and a red star on his stomach I got look at this oh I don't even want to take it out of its wrapping because it's still in its original bag but it's a little doll look at that what does that say doll and plastic blanket ten cents that is so awesome it says not glue but I thought you'd enjoy these prints I found on eBay bunny doll and they look like little um his plans the word I'm thinking of what does this say creepy baby doll this is so cute or I think maybe they're supposed to be like patents and then we have creepy girl doll and she looks like a Little Mermaid doll I love those thank you so much this is from Kayla this blue glittery notebook look at these poops they're all stickers we have poops cactuses and skulls we have a blue card and a letter feel like we should open this right now together I've been wanting one of these little so these are the smoochy Moshe's which we have not opened in a long time but they made miniature baby bottle keychains and I've been wanting one of these forever got the little baby bottle keychain that is so so cute oh my gosh this is like a little puppy jam jar that is too cute wow he is really soft thank you so much this is from Florence gosh we have to look cute will plushy blue bunnies they are so so cute these candies look like little wrapped packages that is so cute a blue bag my gosh frisbee was a pterodactyl on the front thank you so much Lawrence you got a box from it says AJ G he is so cute he looks like it is tuxedo Sam oh my gosh I was like it looks like tuxedo Sam and then I looked at the back tag and it is tuxedo Sam he is so soft and squishy oh my gosh you have a doll in here ooh and she's in a beautiful blue dress and her eyes blink that's from a jade but they also want me to give a shout out to Sarah and Chloe hello Sarah and Chloe we've got a box from Joanna it literally looks like it is stashed full of blue objects we have this cool blue dice a blue pin we have a blue book the tasty taffy tail and super stretching the truth something that seems rather fluffy oh my gosh this is magical I know what this is this is everybody's ever seen the people with the super fluffy earring wheelcovers oh my god I'm about to do a car video and this is gonna be perfect for that so this is like a shift knob cover don't worry it's all faux fur thinks one of these items is like a seat belt cover and then this is actually a steering wheel cover that is so fluffy oh my gosh I cannot wait to put this on the car oh my gosh this is like a velvet shirt isn't there a song about blue velvet another shirt but in a different blue shade I remember reading of these yearling books all the time thank you so much we have a box from Ileana oh my gosh look it says worms worms we have an awesome drawing look at that oh my gosh a little Gator with a bowl a ona and we've got water Gator bracelet and it's covered in purple stones oh we have a little carved Gator also oh my gosh look at this we have a geode that is so pretty some Beetlejuice bracelets one says I myself am strange and unusual thank you so much Ileana who boxes left this one just says swamp family mail this one is for the regular swamp family now I think maybe the last one was too so hopefully they are a banana pepper of well what this one definitely says Project Blue Book so this comes from Katrina look at this blue paper flower I feel like so many of these items are gonna be perfect for scrapbooking look at this little custom-made ten it says bunny we have a letter have a Lego sculpture good path it's like a little double-decker creation here also have a heart-shaped glitter bangle and two tiny little squishy animals thank you so much all right you guys that was all of the project Bluebook packages thank you so much to everybody who participated who watched who sent something in I hope you guys are gonna be enjoying these mail prompts that we're gonna be doing on banana peppers so don't forget the next prompt is something no bigger than the size of an eight-and-a-half by 11 piece of paper if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below subscribe become a banana pepper today I love you guys so much and until I see y'all again stay happy stay healthy stay sassy ah stay banana peppery I love you guys
Channel: banana peppers
Views: 157,163
Rating: 4.9220152 out of 5
Keywords: haul, cute, pen, stationary, kawaii, unicorn, food, snack, suprise unboxing, surprise, miniature, snacks, lip plumper, botox, lips, makeup, cosmetics, tarte, vegan, ear piercing, piercing, tattoo, does this thing really work, gadgets, testing gadgets
Id: iSLNah4t0MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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