Dollar Store Makeovers 2

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[Music] hey it's me and today today today we are doing the second uh installment of i guess technically a new series i add series left and right i'm losing track i'm doing dollar store makeovers once again i did this somewhat recently and you guys really liked it and wanted to see me do it again and had very specific requests i am here to accommodate i am at your service but basically i just went shopping at the dollar store picked out a bunch of items that i thought i could paint on or customize in some way but there were several of those options that you guys really wanted to see me paint that i didn't get around to first we have the popcorn container which of course you guys wanted to see me paint the largest and probably most difficult thing thank you for that let me put on my head i did it the first time and so i feel like i need to do it again it's still very underwhelming this was the other thing that i saw a lot of people wanting me to do we know who this is about georgie it's about him we're gonna do it today let's get into these dollar store makeovers starting with the large popcorn container it's made of shiny plastic and has that very traditional popcorn container design light roomy inside he's a he's a big boy but it's also pretty darn flimsy i mean i suppose you don't need like an iron fortress to hold some popcorn who is who is that who is this this is my mask i wear it when i sand things and right now i'm going to sand things i just want to scuff up the surface a little bit because in general paint no likey smooth paint likey rough so we need to get the surface so that the paint will likey okay please stop as you can see it's spreading the red design all over the place we are just trashing this thing and that's good keep it going keep that pinky up i'm gonna take a damp paper towel and just wipe up the dust see dust fascinating get all that cleared away so i have a nice clean surface to work with oh look at that now we've got that kind of vintage look going on i've just added value to this and perfect the surface has a nice subtle texture to it so let's now start with the j just so am i annoying going in and boom gesso this boy that's right cover it all up and just smell smell that fresh start the first coat of gesso did start to bubble away just a little bit that's okay don't panic i'm panicking just let it dry go over it with a second coat and that'll be all fixed see told ya now this is a popcorn container astute observation but you know what i don't really think that i need a popcorn container in my life i mean who does really you make the popcorn you eat it out of the bag and it's a fine day wait where was i going with that oh hold that thought the gesso wing is done and this is looking fresh except that what is that why did it smear and how did it get there whatever it's time to paint this i've got a nice palette of pastels here and i'm gonna go with the soft yellow for the background of this oh sorry i was just mesmerized for a second back to what i was saying before i don't want this to function as a popcorn container it's just gonna be a regular container so this popcorn thing get it out of your head get it out of there i can't try after letting that first coat dry of course we see the reappearance of the red stripes so i've got to go over that again to get rid of those there clean yellow background now back at it again with the nasty pencil someone take this thing away from me i'm sketching out my design which you may or may not be able to see how good are your eyes so it's a cat in a frozen yogurt cup and i'm gonna paint now i'm starting out with a very light pink on the frozen yogurt and then shortly after i began i decided it's too dark for some reason i had this idea in my head to do like extreme pastels like just tinted white almost it just had to be this way so why you may ask have i decided to paint a cat and a cup of frozen yogurt and why is it frozen yogurt why not just ice cream well first of all you ask a lot of questions calm down with that well i'm offended second frozen yogurt is healthier fewer calories come on you know this and the reason i chose to paint this particular image well that's a very good question now this is looking very light and airy almost too much so it's like about to float away so i'm gonna bring in some slightly deeper colors to give it a little bit more dimension a lot of the time when i paint containers and boxes like this i use the function of the box or the location that i keep it in as inspiration for the decoration a lot of rhyming words but i don't really have a specific plan for this container i don't know where i'm gonna put it i don't know what i'm gonna store inside of it so the design got a little bit random oh my phone is out what's the convo here will do leave the that's not juicy anyway even though this design kind of has nothing to do with anything i still really like it it's cute so let me proceed to describe it even though you can already see what it is because i can't help myself it's gonna be fun we've got a happy white cat kind of plopped into a cup of what looks to be strawberry and lime flavored ice out frozen yogurt with of course some little sprinkles on top and um yep that's about the end of it i'm adding my little signature here and getting out some gloss varnish oop got a boogie pour that out and apply it over my paint job now are we done yeah no that's just one side of it flipping it over i went for a nice mint green background on this side and once that was dry here comes my design poof it's another cat stuck in frozen yogurt we have to stay on theme here okay i'm not some kind of lunatic never mind i've drawn this cat in a different pose and i'm using a different color scheme here because she's got her own identity and not every cat in a cup of frozen yogurt looks the same you may notice i did kind of step away from the super light pastels i kind of already got tired of those i mean these are still pastel colors they're more lively pastels not those really wispy pastels so for this cat i went for a light brown color and i made her centered inside the frozen yogurt the last one was like basking in there and this one looks more like it's kind of stuck and the flavor of this one is lemon and cherry what wait a second i just realized my plan for these was to do one side strawberry lemonade and the other side cherry limeade apparently i mixed them up and did strawberry lime and cherry lemon you dummy well whatever that's fine i'm bringing in some of the last details now you can see that this cat is a little more on the serious side we need someone to keep it real and i'm finishing up that paint job applying the varnish fantastic i'm not gonna paint anything intricate on the sides of the box because i already did the front and the back and i only got so much time here so solid colors on the sides it is and from the dollar store popcorn container to a custom cats and frozen yogurt container i feel like this turned out just so cute i mean look at them gosh i really like how it's double-sided so when i get tired of looking at one side i can just turn it around and display the other side although that's what i said about that paper holder and it's literally been facing the same way for like two years i think i actually like this side better we still know in our hearts she's back there and now we are breaking out the georgie box well it's not georgia yet but just give me a second so this is clearly a very simple and cheaply made little box but we can definitely still work with it the only real problem i have with it is the crown georgie has a rounded crown not this sharp statue of liberty thing going on so i'm gonna have to change that i'm rolling out the wax paper getting my water out and breaking out my air dry clay oh you know it i've been using clay fairly often here i'm starting to feel like a like a like a clay person all right got my hunk let's wet it up real good and gooey i had an idea in my head about how to make this work i was kind of skeptical but i decided to just give it a try i'm thinking that i can build a three-dimensional crown over top of the existing one and just kind of like mold it onto the box so i'm creating my nice rounded leaves look at that scoring with my fingernail kinda gross and i'm continuing to build up a nice full crown for my georgie then i noticed that it wasn't sticking all that securely to the wood so i decided to wrap the clay all the way around the back so uh things are getting real thick real fast here it's just a little bit bulkier than i would have liked but i'm just gonna spend a butt ton of time smoothing everything out i'm kind of cutting in the bottom edge to clean it up and just making sure all the leaves are smoothed out and well formed and nice and defined and this is looking pretty good but then i turn it around to the back hello failure we got a lumpy train wreck back there at this point the clay was starting to dry out a little bit i mean i kept re-wetting it but it seems like the longer the clay sits out the harder it is to get it smooth even if you try to keep it moist well you don't like that moist moist moist um even though i keep applying water it's not fresh you know it doesn't want to mold as easily is that just me or is that the truth of air dry clay i really don't know so this is how it ended up the front looks pretty decent the back is a whole other story it's lumpy it's not particularly good at all but the clay no longer wants to work with me we are no longer friends it's being mean i have no choice but to just walk away from the situation and a few days later it's completely dry now did it magically become unhideous no it's still ugly that's alright i'm happy with the front so let's just get painting i was still kind of stuck on pastels at this point so i decided to paint a pastel version of georgie maybe it's like baby georgie you know before his colors darkened what that's just i'm making things up but since i've created georgie in several different forms at this point i thought it might be fun to do something slightly different here i go painting the back side desperately hoping that the paint hides the situation it didn't and just like that onto adding his little features so you guys are the ones that requested that i make the georgie box happen but honestly i was kind of glad about this one because this was pretty easy at this point i know georgie okay i'm very familiar so i can just quickly whip up a georgie in no time aside from the whole crown reconstruction thing that was a little tricky but i really didn't even have to do that that was just me being extra so i was able to answer one of your requests with very little effort which is not typical because most of the time you guys like to ask me to do the most time consuming things this is almost done at this point but i absolutely hate the way i outline the top ew no oh my gosh that is so ugly so i went over that and also fixed up a few more areas around for the rest of the box i really didn't feel the need to put that much effort into it especially since we already kind of have an eyesore back there i'm definitely not going to take the time to do anything overly decorative also it minorly bothers me that the back pineapple crown still has those points they're like mismatched and that just messes with me not perfect and i don't like it if i could go back in time i might have tried to like saw off the top of that but at this point i didn't want to attempt something like that and risk ruining what i've already done here me and saws not necessarily a good combination whoops so yeah let's just stick to painting in orange alright the painting is done of course i'm throwing on a nice little clear coat and here's the transformation from plain wooden box to custom georgie themed box oh this is really cute i mean it's georgie he's like a cheat code to cuteness i think the clay leaves look really nice from the front and i'm happy with the soft pastel version of him it's just so adorable no clue exactly what i'm gonna use this box for either but i'm sure i'll figure it out at this point i've painted so many boxes and different vessels i feel like i have more places to store things than i have things to store i guess i need to go shopping for more things that's the logical solution to this problem well once again dollar store makeovers was really fun i hope those of you who wanted to see me paint these two items are now satisfied i think they came out really nice and i really enjoyed painting them thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 5,192,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EbK4PsROmqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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