Swamp Family Mail!- 90's MYSTERY BOX Edition

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[Music] hey everybody its money and it's time for one of the swamp family's favorite type of videos today we're gonna be slicing open so since the swap family mail but for the first time ever today's mail unboxing video has a theme so so many of you guys ever since the 90s mystery debacle that we will never stop discussing on this channel so many swamp family members graciously amazingly since what seems to be 90s mystery boxes so I see at least six to ten which definitely probably should be enough for email and boxing video you guys we have got to get to this sassy swap family mail more often it is literally sassy swap family mail as far as the eye can see and I might actually move some of these boxes to the bathroom I wanted to do this video with natural lighting but it's raining today it's like the worst weather ever but you guys this mystery box behind me this 90s mystery box sent to small family mail is so heavy that I cannot even lift it laugh at me because all I have to open the mail with today is a tiny little pocket knife but I think this was one of my grandpa's pocket knives so let's open this let's open let's do that because this light it might die I don't know how long it's gonna last let's open it up oh there's a sweet sweet letter on top what's in this box was it on this box but you got some pic whoa it looks like we have an amazing collection of cute Mickey Mouse beanie babies oh my gosh they have tag protectors this is why look we have sorcerer Mickey oh all these came from the Disney Store I remember the Disney Store well they still have it but it's not it's not really what it used to be oh my gosh that one is so cute I read the notes Steve is requesting that I donate 90 percent of the contents of this box to Toys for Tots and I think my local fire department wait is this Zazu I was trying to think of the name is still doing Toys for Tots so that will be great oh my gosh it's like Liberty Bell we will definitely be donating most of these oh my gosh I love Caesar Mickey and I'm trying to Dipsy oh my gosh okay I hope Steve doesn't mind if I keep the Teletubby because you guys I love Teletubbies I saw something in here that is so near and dear to my heart it's getting a little lighter so eventually I'll be able to move it but oh my gosh I think that yes these came from Burger King oh I feel reunited I'm only gonna keep a couple of things but I'm gonna put this in the keep pile because I lost these years ago and I love them so much they were Aladdin little plastic tumblers that you got from Burger King let's see what year this is I think it's 1994 it is 1994 I see a lot of Hunchback of Notre Dom stuff in here I loved that Disney movie and I felt like it's one of the least celebrated of all time so we have that's really cool stationery oh my gosh it's called a study kids so cool they recently replaced the fireworks show at Disney World and they took away wishes thank God I know a lot of people are sad about that I never liked wishes it was always depressing to me and they remade a new one I don't know what the new fireworks show is called but there is a segment where the Hunchback it's like a hunchback of notre dom so long i don't know what song it is but i'm so happy because i loved that one or once back actually figures all of these are so cool so we have the little gargoyles we have what was his name Frollo I always like to call him Rolo but that's the Candy's oh my gosh and you guys if you haven't listened to this it was always one of my favorite things I think it's Notre Dom to Perry look at me trying to speak French but it is the French there's a French musical that's about the Hunchback of Notre Dom and oh my god I've assessed with that forever it's more of the Burger King glasses but this one is the Lion King oh I can't wait to see which one it is oh my gosh so cool and I've never had this I don't know what year 1994 I missed the Pinocchio ones entirely but that is so cute I love these glasses oh my gosh what is this this is so cool I've never even seen this before it's Flinstones trading cards but it's an entire binder full of Flintstones cards that's so cool I love these actually in the late 80s early 90s oh it's full of all different ones you know what maybe I had some of these I never had the Flinstones ones but I think I did have some of these Lion King ones that I loved these little trading card things there's also some Looney Tunes ones in here lighten up the meats a move oh my gosh I hope we didn't show anyone a dress okay we have oh my gosh I don't know what this is either but it's from Toys R Us I love the vintage packaging it's Kyle Petty trading cards it's some Hot Wheels new in package unopened so it's like the things I just showed you guys except for it's still in the package oh my gosh you guys I think I went there the year that these came out was I there for the 25th anniversary these are collector card sets once again like the things that I just showed you guys but these were for the Walt Disney World 25th anniversary I know you guys busted me when I open like the Furby and stuff from the eBay box that they sent me but you guys I just love I I don't know what to say it's not out of disrespect it's out of like genuinely wanting to put batteries in the Furby and enjoying it so I don't know I never try and irritate anybody I kind of just want to enjoy this stuff do you know what I mean so I'm gonna open up one of these and we'll see the top one is from the Honey I Shrunk the Kids movie playground set that's not even there anymore I think that's part of the new construction oh my gosh Splash Mountain but I think that they took away I don't even recognize that right oh it's for interventions they don't have that anymore really at Epcot either so crazy so I think the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground is gone as well because they are reconstructing most of Hollywood studios they are taking most of it apart to add a lot of Star Wars stuff and add a Toy Story land so I think that's that Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground is gone as well oh my gosh I don't even remember these either 1995 we have Tigger it's called tiny Kingdom I'm gonna save this one for my dad because he loves the Toy Story aliens so they look like they're actually these little metal figurines that is so cool look at all these Smurfs action figures oh my gosh venture that store sounds so familiar so so many Smurfs in their packages so I'm not gonna open any of these I'm gonna donate them oh my gosh okay this is gonna be a keeper item it is a vintage I'm trying to see what here but I'm assuming it was the year that Toy Story came out it is an A that's so so cute I love him there's a woody with kicking leg action and he comes with a snake I guess that we can say there's a snake in my boot it buzzes metallic suit I almost said buddy it's like I could bind Buzz and Woody well there's Rex how amazing is that am I even showing into you I just keep digging in the box so we have a lot of stuff in envelopes oh my gosh it looks like a Time magazine from what oh let me cover up the address so this is from July 26 1999 it's gonna be so much fun to flip through these magazines so we have to time oh my gosh it's Michael Jordan that is definitely like some of the most nineties stuff ever we have another envelope oh my gosh this is amazing look at all of these vintage stickers oh look at these Batman this was when Jim Carrey was the Riddler look at that Batman logo Hercules we have more Hercules we have I saw some Bart in here oh my gosh Star Wars look at the dark mall ones we have Flintstones oh I love that movie with um trying to think of his name you also have two packs of Simpsons stickers oh my gosh look at this 1990 that is incredible they are puffy stickers we have Bart's we have Lisa I'm tempted to not open these I'm like do I not open them or do I use them it's like 50/50 we also have some newspapers which this is going to be so much fun to flip through once again we have the Michael Jordan commemorative section and I'm actually decided to read this article about Al Capone like I don't know why I have such a fascination for gangsters a bad guy oh my gosh low do you guys remember the ELMO craze of the 90s look he looks so up friendly and we had it looks like oh my gosh I would have loved this when I was a kid it's Thomas O'Malley the alley cat and dare I say that this is a VHS box set all this I'm tempted to leave the way it is this is actually like pure magic video and plush white what year did this come out this had to be right at 1990 oh my gosh I was so excited for those when I was little where you got like a stuffed animal and and the movie it was like the greatest date ever oh my god yo quiero Taco Bell I know I didn't say that right why did they get rid of that mascot he was so much fun oh this was stuff I loved too when I was a kid these like cups that you got in McDonald's and I don't even know who that's mom buddy must be looking for me and every time I move I have bubble wrap that I'm sitting on so it's making these nice little party sound effects but they were like all these cups that you got with your meal at McDonald's man Steve must have been a serious collector okay I have to keep the Michael Jordan one I feel like that's so 90s but it's like Looney Tunes and basketball little buzz and a little woody oh my gosh you guys remember these this video is 90% oh my gosh but you all remember when you could get from McDonald's these miniature Thai beanie babies so there was a set of four this was in 1999 oh look at his face he's trapped in there flick yeah he's literally like he looks like he's fainting he's like I've been in the box I've been in the box he had two more mini boxes in the bus oh my gosh this is amazing we have a beanbag plushies that are Buzz Lightyear oh my gosh and just look at the TLC with all of these protector tags I feel like that's literally so amazing we have woody we have oh my gosh why can't I think of the horse's name Rex and I always loved him when I was little I don't know why dinosaurs freak me out but I guess if he was like a scared dinosaur so I thought that that was cute oh my gosh and then we have all these Thai beanie baby McDonald's toys look at that we have Bongo the monkey I remember smoochy the Frog look at all of these this is amazing oh let's open this one his name is scoop and this is scoops okay please don't get mad at me don't get mad at me okay I know it's been sealed since 1990 something but I want to enjoy it okay 1998 until now but scoop thank you so much Steve so I'm gonna donate everything except for I'm gonna save the little cups cuz I will use these but all the toys and everything I'm gonna donate thank you so much for that generous gift guys this is so hilarious because I was like I'm gonna move to the bathroom to film the next boxes but this one this one is also too heavy for me to pick up this nineties box comes from Ashley and Stephanie it says nine hundred and fifty dollars how about free and it also says drama queen on the side which is accurate oh my gosh look love always look at this adorable card right on the top 90s kid redemption okay I'm gonna open I'm gonna open and read the letter in just a minute look we've got one Minnie Minnie iridescent in my mouth one warheads warhead extreme sour warheads that is definitely incredibly 90s oh my gosh I am so excited for this look at this cute book bundle that they put together you guys should be on ebay Goosebumps book reader beware you're in for a scare is this literally a choose-your-own-adventure oh my gosh I never even had this one there are 20 different scary endings that you can pick from so you like choose your own adventure do you guys remember those books I love those this one came out in 1995 we have the cat dog joke book when does cat dog go to a baseball game when it's a double-header animorphs do you guys remember that I loved these books and then yeah mystery files of Shelby woo oh my gosh you guys this is stuff I have not thought about in a million years is the camera focusing at all and then we have two mystery card packs so this is music cards let's see with facts about your favorite rock pop and rap stars let's see what year this came out this is 1991 oh oh my god right on top I got Led Zeppelin okay that's seriously lucky one of my all-time favorite bands how about a little focusing there we go oh my god crosby Stills and Nash literally Madonna this is great then we have in Volga okay here's one I don't even know perfect gentleman okay I don't know this next guy either Paul Young somebody help me out whoo-hoo-hoo look more Knight who are the Hoodoo gurus then we have electric boys look at this so many bands I haven't heard of kings X whoo Oh Dave Edmunds he sounds familiar new four and I didn't know eight but it's fun now I people to research it's got the Powerpuff Girls it's a puzzle Oh oh my gosh look at this Lisa Frank it's a glitter art set look at that look at that that is so adorable I'm working oh my gosh you guys dog man is gonna die he loves these he seriously has so many oh my god is that dr. doom I love dr. doom dog man kept all of these when he was a kid he seriously had some of the same exact card sets it's gonna be so much fun to see if any of these are ones he's missing cuz then I don't even know who they are but I'm excited how to draw Donkey Kong and Friends the milk mustache book oh my god do you remember when this was a thing because I do I always wanted to do this this was like when I was a kid and I pretended I was famous and I would like to do a milk moustache oh look it's Phoebe and what was her name Rachael I remember wait who is that who are you Matthew Fox who is that oh my god I remember I don't even know what Olympic swimmer that is but I remember that exact ad I used to think it was so cool the married with children 3d glasses book this is amazing oh my god I always loved that show it does I'm so excited oh my gosh I feel like this is like non-stop excitement today and we have a nice sealed up never used a postcard I feel like I'm gonna give that to Sydney because I feel like her puppy looks just like that oh my gosh is this what I think it is I think it is well I remember I was so into this when I was a kid it is the Dare dear bracelet you guys remember do you remember these it was like they gave us ribbon and sometimes they were these little ribbon bracelets that my camera is going to refuse to focus on oh look at that magic magic magic magic where do you even get these things I also remember these stickers sandy liens stickers do you guys remember oh you guys this is like reliving my childhood look at these oh my God look at this one it's all makeup stuff and there's actually a false eyelash sticker these are so cute I actually had this one when I was little it's like the fantasy set with dragons and wizard it wouldn't be the nineties went out Michael Jordan so it's like a glass kind of lithograph with Marvin Martian and Bugs Bunny amazing okay also we have something wrapped up in this paper so we're gonna I don't even remember what I don't remember what his name is scorch he was born on July 31st 1998 but he is an original beanie baby and I remember I loved this one because he has like different kind of textured fur it's not like normal beanie baby fur it's like magical beanie baby fur oh I've been reunited with a childhood friend we've got a - oh my gosh no way oh I love these and I've not had these in forever and now my hair is short enough I can use them wear these called banana clips we have to and I have to buy one I've been meaning to get one for months cassette player so we have the Friends soundtrack and Monica I remember the song the boy is mine for Monica and I had a pool party for my birthday the year that that came out and we listened to that song I'm not even joking like 800 it was like all we listen to at the pool that day was Monica and Brandi look at these adorable earrings no way look at this Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the movie on VHS your oof you lose we also have the Dark Crystal no way oh my god I'm like so excited and we have Matilda oh my god we just watched this the other day I forgot hunka this movie is and Danny DeVito yes gotta love Danny DeVito this is all wrap - I am loving this paper look at that it's like I want to recycle it I think I should put some of it in my scrapbook oh my god it's Independence Day it's a sealed copy of Independence Day this is amazing I feel like I should convert like a bedroom into a 90s appreciation room wouldn't that be amazing oh my gosh okay what is this you are so off my buddy list oh isn't it sad that freakin AOL Instant Messenger they just discontinued the service the other day and it honestly made me feel so sad because that was like the thing the thing to do and and and now it's gone forever it's like it's like MySpace look at that wait it's like a is this from a movie this is one thing that I don't know it feels flexible and fluffy and OH oh my gosh look at this reversible dress this is the most 90s thing I loved this print I thought that this was like the coolest look at that oh love it love it you guys remember this stuff like when the sport look was all the rage and look at it it has like hibiscus on it that was such a 90s thing and then we have what do we oh it's a halter it's a halter tank top oh my god it's le I jeans that is so 90s too and it has this braided detail look at that and then like the flare leg so 90s oh look at this pin this is the exact kind of stuff that I would take to school with me Mirabeau feathers yes yes yes if I don't order a new camera off of Amazon today hit me with a stick Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle postcard book greetings from the sewer that just sounds like my house oh this is amazing wait did I open I thought I opened it to a shredder page but Oh be still my beating heart I love shredder I want redder and I wanted to be shredder what's that about me growing up it's like I love you and I also want to be you oh my gosh my best friend from high school is coming home from New York in a couple of days for Christmas and you're gonna look at all of this stuff and cherish it together dare I say that this is a three pack of CDs now that's what I call music 3 I was just joking the other day about how these literally are still coming out it's like now that's what I call music 500 Lenny Kravitz American woman blink 182 what's my age again in tariqa and Lysias a bottle of mousse now that's what I call music - 1999 Britney Spears baby one more time you two sweetest thing garbage I think I'm paranoid 98 degrees because of you this is cherishable oh my god this is the original one you guys this is just math and they didn't even call it now that's what I call music they just called it now and then stop look at the cover breaking Backstreet Boys as long as you know me oh my god Harvey danger flagpole Sitta my friends and I that song and we literally thought we were so edgy and not to be trifled with because we listened to heart beating oh oh my god I need a VHS player right now I want to watch spice world so bad thank you so much Ashley and Stephanie you guys are too good to me I don't deserve you you're moving to the bathroom we're gonna do a couple more boxes I know this video has been so long already so many good 90s memories you guys I don't even know what to make of this I was just gathering the 90s boxes and then there's this one it says a fragile a Johnny Depp enclosed Johnny Depp says let me out I'm dying what is this there I say I've made an executive decision to maybe open some other ones of these way how can I cover that that's a 90s box these couple ones are also extremely big 90s boxes I think maybe I should split up these 90s unboxings into more than one video so we're gonna open a couple more of these smaller ones this comes from jandi candy lips isn't that a mouthful but look at this cute little Gator that she drew for me I am loving it and what do we have in here we have paper and policy what is this this is so cute this is also it it has a soft vinyl face look at this it is a four inch little blanket baby that is adorable does this have a year on it 1992 you guys I was a wee baby myself we have a Wonder ball do you guys remember these I feel like these are slowly but surely coming back well this is definitely a new one it's because it's a shopkins one which makes sense and you probably don't want to send somebody candy from the 90s it might be kind of all this one is so heavy Oh actual 90s in close look at this I feel like my faith in 90s kidz is restored I hope none of you spent any money on this stuff though I hope it's all stuff that you wanted to clean out of your closet and your attic or you were tired of looking at it but I do appreciate it so incredibly much it has definitely brought so many smiles to my face today I'm just in love oh my gosh okay I already see this and I'm so excited I'm amazed look at this it's literally all these 90s oh my god there's a comic book on here - wait what is this it came out on top oh my gosh you guys I have to get a VHS player now because look at this pop-up videos from the 80s culture club Duran Duran this is amazing Wang Chung love it love it I am literally I have to get a VHS now okay this is a little card okay gotta save it gotta read it um okay not bogus that makes me feel so much better it's Bill and Ted's bogus journey oh I am living I love that movie so much i shamelessly watch it all the time so it is more of those trading cards you guys I'm gonna have a blast to look into these I'm gonna have to go get some of those cards protector sheets from Amazon I'm gonna have so much fun like putting those in sleeves and looking at them all it's been so long since I've thought of those but look at this it is a stack where is my knife where does my knife feel like that's the next swamp family song we need to create is where is my knife look at all of these Batman oh my gosh Donna and I are totally gonna have to read these together Robin and Batman look at these entertainment from May 20th 1994 the men of Melrose we have Trek oh my god how many times have I done this today okay Holy Grail Holy Grail Holy Grail it is and entertainment david to company on the cover all I'm living I'm living and dying exposing the x-files thank you oh my God look at Terrace and Ford a hundred greatest movie stars of all time I'm trying to be careful because her address is on the bottom of these magazines look at this cuz of course my parents were like you were too young for that look at that that Rolling Stone cover with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson I know what I'm gonna be reading tonight 1967 to 1992 Rolling Stone interviews the 1992 yearbook it's got the Red Hot Chili Peppers on the cover you guys I am literally living and I know this is like a smoking ad so don't smoke but look at her fashion thank you so much ji an Jeannie how do you say your name everybody has to sound it off okay do we do one more or do we do two more one more two more one more two more I don't want to stop I wish this was a live stream so we could just keep going and going oh this is this one's a heavy one you guys were so generous and I'm so weak oh is that some of these address I hope not on gross real life 90s box no bugs mold dirt flash in thank you so much this comes from Laci and Marley I feel like this is kind of a big one I'm kind of slow with this one this one might be the last one of the day because I know this is gonna be a forty minute long video it's so slow because I'm having so much fun okay Lacey mascara Martians is that your name that is amazing that's your youtube name I wish I would have been that smart and this is from Marley and look at this Gator illustration I want to frame it so cool okay we've got it's more warhead I love warheads no joke okay when all that that's a freaking all that sticker seriously okay open this two treasures inside okay I feel like I shouldn't cut oh my god it is eight Hanson no oh my god this is treasure this is shred Leonardo in today's hottest hunks yes thank you twelve giant pullout posters what is this movie what is this movie what is this magazine I'm trying to seize it like Tiger Beat teen beat teen Bop oh my god AJ Brian Kevin oh my god what year is this what year no authority I remember them who the Spice Girls look we have Hanson on the back weren't they just on a Christmas special and they look so grown up I was like 1998 that was my year that was my year to be alive okay I'm just trying to find the Leonardo DiCaprio poster oh my god I'm so gonna read this though Backstreet Boys Hansen oh look at that Oh oh my god I don't know if I had this one but I'm really like a baby wasn't that like one year after Titanic didn't Titanic come out in 1997 if I'm remembering my history right oh this says 90s Holy Grail girl you already spent it what is this what is this what is in this oh my God look I have to show you how its wrapped because it came in a magic camo bucket hat I'm living for it but look at what it is I'm so serious about the home for Furby okay it's happening I am now a nursing home for furbies I love this one I never had a spotty one you guys I am a class with Furby is oh my god please still write this is amazing look at this see does it so it does it's a Christmas miracle oh my god I am in love with this it is a rainbow fuzzy pin that is going directly on my desk there I say it's more VHS space sham and Wayne's World you guys have such amazing taste Dr Pepper smackers I remember this this is good at the past present and future okay we've got in oh we have starring Robin Williams blubber the book do you guys remember this when they like tried to entice it oh my god do you guys remember true 90's kids will remember do you remember when they sent you it wasn't the book fair which is an amazing expect do they still have Book Fairs but it was like those little two-page things that they sent you home with from school and you got to like pick and order books I lived for those days oh my gosh and then it's teen girl talk you don't say a guide to beauty fashion and health 1990 your clothing personality is showing clothing styles can be divided into fashion types both your figure and your personality will help determine which type is most like you some fairly standard categories are sporty / natural romantic aunjanue what does that mean Masek what does that mean fashion types are not absolute you may find you fit more than one keep your fashion type in mind as you select your clothes makeup hair style and accessories you guys I'm loving this oh there's a workout routine lord knows I need that Booya and is this what I think it is oh my god it's TLC look at that let's see what this disc looks like taking me back all the way back to 1994 Ring Pop cry-baby gum I still buy this all the time I love it Oh 600 Lisa price stickers oh these are gonna go on everything could the cheeseburger rainbow spotted Dalmatians sharing a cheeseburger I was totally not pointing at that okay oh my god you guys remember mat balls because I do and the baby-sitters club Mary Ann saves the day we also have the baby bottle pop the truth 90s staple and oh my god I can't even believe anybody else remember these are bad knees because I love these oh my gosh puffkins I couldn't remember the name but looking at me like a little Valentine Victor's so cute we doesn't have any arms you don't need arms in the 90s just cute little fuzzy feet you still have one two three four 90s boxes that I know of and I know a lot of you guys once again said that you were mailing some 90s stuff please don't feel obligated to do so don't ever feel obligated to send me anything or spend any money whatsoever I feel like I will always say this and I will always feel this way I seriously do not deserve you guys you guys are always coming in to save the day and just all the love and support that you guys show to me is incredible the fact that anybody would send me anything especially after literally buying that bucks on eBay I've said it a million times it was my own fault it was my own stupidity but the fact that you guys care enough about me to gather this stuff from around your house I don't know maybe for thrift stores I guess and I hope nobody like bought this stuff and spent money on it I hope it was just stuff you intended to get rid of anyway thank you guys so so much for showing me such incredible love and kindness and like I always say just thank you so much for your support just by being here just like being here and interacting with me and saying hello on Twitter or leaving a comment down below all of that is just so precious to me and I am just attached to this pin already I'm holding it but thank you guys so so much for hanging out today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit that button down below subscribe I'm literally going to film the rest of this tomorrow might give it a couple of days because I know so many guys have been sending me emails and leaving comments that y'all were going to send 90s boxes to swamp family mail so I don't know I'm kind of kind of 50/50 but I feel like definitely I should just open some other swamp family mail anyway I want to know what the Johnny Depp box contains what is up with that that's exciting I love you guys I'll see y'all tomorrow bye
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 1,653,665
Rating: 4.8778529 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, howto, style, fashion, summer, spring, new, clothes, clothing, bunny, mail, po box, haul, letters, packages, open, opening, opening my mail, cosmetics, mail haul, grav3yardgirl, new this week, fall, po box haul, cute, crochet, alligator, bubble wrap outfit, 2017
Id: bchSpsdNvWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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