*NEW SERIES 2.5* Unboxing (Never Seen Before RARE) TINY REAL GROCERIES! - Realistic Food Miniatures!

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when i say bananas you say peppers and today we are going to be unboxing something very very exciting it's something that came in the mail right before all the really horrible weather happened in texas this was like the last package that i got and i'm so excited and i'm so grateful that we have once again been blessed with fresh new mini brands so this is wave two i thought we already experienced wave two i guess it's like i don't know i thought like series two i thought was already like wave two i guess it was like series two we had series one and then we had like one and a half series one and a half where it was like they added to the current like season of many brands do you do you follow and keep up with the mini brands lore so i guess that's what's happening now is these original balls that we've made i think like three videos with that were series two these say um 70 plus to collect and now on this box that i have been given it says 50 plus new ones to collect so i don't know is it are the balls once again gonna say um like one uh one 130 you guys my brain is not working um 132 collect let's just look let's just look and see 130 plus whereas these said 70 plus and there's like some other words there that you guys can probably read better than me so this says like unbox all new ones blah blah blah and then this newer packaging just says unbox all new you guys oh my gosh i feel like so silly because um okay this is like a magical pr package that i was gifted and there's like a giant roll of magnetic 3m tape in here and i don't know why but thank you this i we're we're gonna do something with it i was like just feeling around in here and i was like what what is this it's 3m magnetic tape i just i'm i'm gonna explain i kind of freaked myself out because i just filmed like the last video which is hopefully up by now and then i was saying i'm gonna film another video because electricity and internet has been bizarre so i'm using it while i have a little bit of it but in between that everybody had been asking me to test the ripple filter on tick tock like i've seen a bunch of people tagging me because it's supposed to be like oh like shine it in your room and if there's a ghost there and so like people were asking me because i've seen people do it on like troll dolls and something else that somebody tagged me on a while ago and i was like so i just tested it in this doll room like slash the filming room where there are many dolls hello to the dolls all the many dolls yes um and there was like so much random like ripple that came up and i don't know what the gray ripple means but there was rainbow ripple and there was gray ripple and honestly it was just very shocking like what was just rippling in this room so let's say hello let's pass on all the friendly feelings and let's just open some mini brands i was like trying to film today to relax me from you know all the texts and chaos that i've been experiencing for the last seven days and now i just i was i was trying to be soothing and i weirded myself out so um what i'm going to do really quick is just open this older series 2 so we have a checklist and we can see i chopped all my nails off like at valentine's day and i gave myself a gel manicure and now i can't open anything uh but let's go ahead and crack this one open so we have a checklist and we can kind of see like what are the new are there going to be new sections are there going to be new products can i finally get the cheese wedge that's the thing that i have been on the quest for now forever there's like a i think it's a baby belle cheese wedge it looks like a little wedge of cheese but no we got this one which we've definitely gotten before it is the stubs barbecue sauce very delicious but i have definitely gotten this so many times before i want to see some genuinely new ones once again it is organic paprika i don't even know the brand of the organic mccormick mccormick organic paprika let's open this section oh okay it's one of my favorite ones and i think that there is a metallic option for this but unfortunately i've never gotten the metallic lunchables but i love the lunchables i feel like the pickles and the lunchables and the kool-aid have been some of my favorite ones this time oh okay oh no okay i thought it was something different but it's just caramels once again definitely one of my favorites from series two but i've seen it quite a bit but now we have a checklist and i think we have one last section you guys the rares are so rare this time it's crazy um we have the almond breeze and once again this is the only glow-in-the-dark one from this first launch of um series 2 with 70 ones to collect this is the only glow-in-the-dark one but this is not a glow-in-the-dark one so all repeats it's kind of great i wanted to open some more of these balls with you guys because i do have some more of these like original series two laying around but i stopped filming those videos because i thought you guys would just be literally so bored with it because we've just been getting nothing but repeats literally no not a single new one so let's go ahead and open one of these new 130 things and see i feel like they could have made the exterior plastic like a different color like what do you guys feel about that like for the like 1.5 and the 2.5 don't you feel like that would also just make it easier to spot like in stores i miss just like going to target and finding like mystery box items but i feel like when you're just doing a quick scan on the shelf for these like mostly sold out hard to find items i feel like it would be more easy if all of a sudden they were like a different color other than gold but at least the exterior packaging i can understand what they would probably have like made a bunch of these like interior balls already but i don't know all right let's see what are we going to get in section number one is it going to be something new something new no it's jello and it's strawberry jello again i've gotten this like literally a million times i feel like this is one of the more common ones i kind of wish that they would separate the list out a little bit more if i'm being honest so we could know like which ones were like super common i don't know i don't shopkins that's who used to do that where they would have like super common and then they would kind of be like oh it's like kind of rare or like epically rare or like what is this oh this one is like so fascinating okay it's definitely something new so i'm off the bat very excited have you guys ever in your life seen mccormick root beer concentrate what the heck is that what have i been missing out on my whole life what is rude beer concentrate i mean i can guess what root beer concentrate is but there's like a recipe there's an actual recipe on that i should like make the recipe uh which is easy homemade root beer oh one and a half cups of i can't read that water i don't know root beer let's make some it's something new i'm excited okay one repeat one new one what is next what is this oh okay so this is the list oh this is so cute oh my god this is just packaging that i absolutely love in real life every time we buy marshmallows i'm always just gushing over the adorable marshmallows with faces on the back look at that they're on the back too they're so cute oh my god okay jet puff marshmallows that is definitely new and in my excitement i dropped the list so let's go ahead and look at it and compare oh oh my god okay there's so many more like special ones so we have many many more gold in addition some of these are gold that already existed like the blue diamond almonds and i think the a1 we got the french's mustard is on there but oh my god golden monday shampoo bottle and golden apple pie spice i want that okay um now we have two glow in the dark still the almond breeze and also the honeycomb cereal which that one is new entirely there's kool-aid jammers metallic kool-aid jammers okay so it looks like a lot of the metallic ones are the same except for the kool-aid jammers and then oh my gosh okay no all right oh my god oh my god okay do you guys remember in the very first brand new mini brands video i made i said on the packaging i saw that they had the little like scanner like the price checkers and i was kind of disappointed when i did not see that those were like actually available because they were like on the box and stuff they were like part of the branding but they were not but now they're there um so we see several more of those items two scanner colorways and it looks like some credit card machines um the bags and the carts and the shelves are all the same and i got excited for a second because i thought that they had separated out like common and then listed some and then they were gonna like make them like a little bit more rare a little bit more rare but unfortunately not they still just have every other one listed as common front and back but oh my gosh please can we get a scanner today i'd be so excited oh my god okay um yeah see that's how much longer the list is almost like double in size wow okay um so let's keep going i think i still have a couple of sections in here guys i'm just too excited what is this cool whip we've definitely gotten this one before it's adorable and it was one of my favorites like the first 500 times i saw it but um all right let's see what's in here it's almond breeze and i think that this is new as well um which is like a box of almond breeze milk i don't think we've seen that i think it says like unsweetened so that's good hopefully they balanced out a lot of these new balls we got three new things and two repeats so so far i'm feeling good about it okay up next ball number two we do not have many of these today um we have nine so come on scanner i just want a price checker what is this what is this cinnamon toasters what is this i feel like um i don't think i've ever seen this cereal but i think it also says it's from like oh malto meal i've definitely heard of malto meal but i don't think i've ever seen this particular cereal but it looks so dang cute i'll take some brand new cinnamon toasters that actually sounds very good right now okay up next we've got what is this it's something else that's new okay this is something i've never heard of in my life leer dammer original what does that say nutty and mild i think maybe this is cheese what is this i don't know some of these i think are like a little bit more like regional specific because there's a lot of delicious stuff you guys that we just do not get down here in texas um like i've seen eminem's coffee creamer we haven't got coco pebbles coffee creamer we haven't gotten that here oh my god yay okay oh it is it is my lucky day you guys look it's even the colorway i was hoping for beep i feel like i need like a scanner sound effect right now look at that it's so cute i love it i love it it's so cute the only way that it would be even better is if there was like actually a little light in there and you could like scan you could pretend to scan something um okay i think oh we still have two sections in here section this one what is this oh have we had this before i know we've gotten zadaran's but i don't know if we've ever gotten the zadaran's red beans and rice this is so cute so cute okay i think i think that that's new i'm gonna put it in the new pile and then what is gonna be in section number last what is this oh okay i think that this is different and new as well philadelphia cream cheese my battery died right as i got to the dang cream cheese here we go cream cheese cream cheese philadelphia cream cheese i don't eat that much cream cheese if i'm being honest i feel like i'll put it in something like a dip but like i know some people just like scoop the cream cheese and i'm just not i don't know i'm not i'm not like a big cheesy kind of person except for like nacho cheese i like like cheap stadium cheese from a can you remember when you were like 15 and at a football game and you went under the bleachers where they had the snack emporium and you would get the cheap like two dollar and they like just put the cheap cheese on the tostada chip yes that is like my favorite kind of food if only i could become a juice person uh all right oh this one is like oh like coming undone aren't we all okay um section number one let's open this one first it's a pure vanilla we've definitely gotten this i think it it's so weird it looks the same but also different i feel like we've definitely gotten vanilla like a million times i don't know why this one looks particularly different to me is this like pure vanilla it's like different than the other vanilla we've seen before i don't know what is this relish i love this one but we have definitely seen relish before we've got almond breeze and this is weird is the label always oh i've never noticed that how have i gotten this a million times i never noticed it has like different labels on the front and the back this is from one of the original balls this is the new one still not glowing in the dark um but yeah that's so weird why don't i notice the little things um okay up next okay we have definitely gotten this one quite frequently as well it is the blue diamond almonds in the un i almost said unscented unsalted variety okay up next oh we got a baby boil and no this is the laughing cow i honestly don't know if so leave me a comment down below was this part of the original series to launch i feel like the cheese items for whatever reason are like the most difficult to get like all the laughing cow all the baby bell anything that has anything to do with cheese is like impossible to get except for there is like one laughing cow product i think that is like a boxed like a paper box one and i've gotten that a couple times all right ball number next let's open it up time to open up this thing you know that's the only way they could make these better is like if you could like hit them because they look like those orange things to me i know i always say that okay this one we're like opening from the center up how how weird okay so this i feel like i say this about every single one this is one of my favorites i love all right a golden crinkle frozen fries um but we've seen this a bunch of times but i do love this one i like these little like puffy packaged ones they are very cute okay i thought maybe there was like some cryptic meaning with the fact that that one was gonna be like super rare because it peeled up what is that oh look it's the monday shampoo i've never tried this brand and i've honestly like never heard of it but yeah it definitely is a shampoo bottle it's all pink and the word monday is actually like pressed into the bottle you guys this one like shocked me when i just opened it because i was like wait is this just like a misprinted one like i feel like we would see that sometimes with shopkins um where you would get one and it like wouldn't have eyes all the way or something so i was like wait is that just like a blank one very weird okay what is this it doesn't want to open water you'll reveal yourself okay reveal yourself i'm having to just stick my thumb in there what is this oh all that work for a extreme repeat these the artesian and i just noticed the other day i was i was saying this to dog man these are nut fins is that like a joke nothing's nut thins no nothings i don't know because i think they're like a healthy snack so maybe they're like so healthy it's almost like you're eating nothing and they're made out of nuts nothing's i don't know oh what is this what is this oh it's so exciting it's deli meats oh my god is this my new favorite one i love it just because it's so cool it's like an entire clear plastic thing and you can almost see the deli meats do you hear the deli meats you can almost see them shaking around in there but it's like deli meats like just in there do you know what i mean i love ones like this because you guys know we unbox remint all the time which come from japan and these are just some of the most detailed advanced miniatures that you will ever see and that's one of my favorite things about remix is they really incorporate a lot of different looks to their product so i love to see um many brands kind of going in that direction where you can actually get like packaging where you can see the product inside like i don't know that's just so fun i mean granted like a lot of these products are not like that but how cute would it be if you actually like i don't know saw some little like flaky cereal moving around in there or like little marshmallows in the marshmallow am i being am i being am i am i expecting too much i don't know i don't know do you guys agree or like i guess there's probably not that many products that they've made that are actually like that but that one just like oh my god that one just kind of like is perfect for that anyway uh we got more blue diamond unscented almonds lightly salted whatever you want to call them all right another ball and this one is particularly hefty so i wonder what is inside ow oh you know when you like shove plastic accidentally underneath your fingernail bed um because that is the experience i have just had next we got something it is honeycomb and correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't this just actually a product that got re-released i thought that this was like a cereal from my childhood i thought 90s i thought it was like a 90s cereal honeycomb right wasn't there i thought that there was like three discontinued cereals that i at some point read that they were like bringing them back and they were like three 90s kids cereals and i thought honeycomb was one of them but maybe not okay what is this what is this it is oh original taco seasoning we have definitely seen that one a lot oh my gosh you guys i wish i could have tacos right now it has been a week of chef boyardee um i'm like craving a taco experience okay it is a cool whip once again cool whip i don't know why i'm like singing everything to i think i'm just so happy that we have electricity um okay what is this oh i've never oh i think i did i think we've only gotten this once and that's why because now i remember seeing the brand frank's red hot sauce um so i think we did get this one other time but it's kind of like one of the more rare common ones um okay just one section left i feel like we're like breezing through them now what is this yay oh my god i'm so excited i love kool-aid jammers oh my god see i'm singing i'm singing everything again i'm so excited for the kool-aid jammers i wish that there was like a little baby kool-aid jammer inside or i wish that that was like another option um to have like just a single kool-aid jammer oh i would love that so much did anybody else get kind of freaked out a couple years ago though where they supposedly were like do you know there's moles in the bottom of those kool-aid jammer pouches or it was like some brick capri sun or something was that an urban legend somebody please tell me that was an urban legend because i still do buy kool-aid jammers so i don't know i love the kool-aid jammers am i am i drinking mold i feel like there's just so much gross stuff everywhere and i just thankfully don't know about it or i don't think about it what were those other things though squeeze it i miss the squeeze-its although i always swore as a kid that like the grape squeeze-its and like the grape kool-aid there were there was like kool-aid that was like in those little squeezable bottles i think squeezits was an entirely different brand because i think squeezits were the ones with faces on the outside of the bottle which i i loved those uh but they were they were like a punch drink that was like kool-aid but then i think kool-aid actually made like a squeezable bottle as well uh but i don't i don't know if they discontinued those for some reason and they just make jammers all right it's our first new repeat we have more root beer seasoning up next we've got ah we've got another i think new repeat which is the laughing cow spreadables i don't know what that is i don't know if that's just like a cheese and crackers kind of thing we got oh the chunky garlic i'm sure you guys remember this if you saw any of my other videos we get this one constantly chunky garlic paste in a tube and then this feels like something large large marge no it's just more almond breeze and i bet you're not gonna glow in the dark are you no see i feel like the glow in the dark you can feel as well and it doesn't feel glow in the dark um what is this oh this is something different yeah see i've never heard of this brand in my life either better oh better oats i keep wanting to call it oaks better oats classic instant oatmeal with flax seeds maple and brown sugar wow that is like a fancy expensive sounding oatmeal look at that all right only three balls left okay what is gonna be yeah what is oh what is this this sounds like a baby is this a diaper rascal and friends diapers well uh that's fascinating i really actually like this though um because it's something completely different and i've always said and i'm honestly sure they're probably gonna do this at some point because they have to right it's such a good idea and i feel like everybody like me like some of my favorite ones ever to collect even in past seasons or like the more household items like i loved like the cleaners the soaps um a lot we saw in series one that i was shocked was like missing from series two wave one entirely was like any of the household like no shampoos no shaving creams i think there was like deodorant in the first series and there was none of that so i'm glad to see that they brought it back to some capacity i'm trying to even see yeah so it looks like they have like several varieties of diapers and only like i think the monday brand shampoo stuff and i don't see any other so it just looks like diapers and a couple of things of shampoo so i really wish they would have done like oh my god like they had like wet ones last time and those of course are some of my favorite ones um country time is this a repeat or not it seems kind of familiar but maybe it's only familiar to me because it is the same like shape as the kool-aid um there was like a blue flavor of kool-aid that was like a big a big thing like that what am i trying to say um okay oh i keep almost dropping everything today so this is a definite repeat it is zesty italian ooh lala two more sections left two more sections yes um stubs barbecue sauce again and what is gonna be in the last section cool whip again it's not so cool it's the third time i've seen it today up wow i keep like shoving the plastic underneath my fingernails you guys i feel like i always just chop my fingernails off super short because i cannot shape them to save my life i don't know how people like perfectly have like long shaped natural nails how do you do it how do you file your nails and i know that sounds so dumb and i've watched so many tutorials on youtube over the years like trying to explain to me how to properly file and shape my nails but i just i cannot get the hang of it and i've tried every kind of file too like glass files and fine files and it just i don't know i just they always come out so jagged and uneven and i'm like well i wish i had never done that so it looks like there was two types of lunchables now but unfortunately we did not get the new type of lunchable this is the same like pepperoni pizza one okay up next we've got more cool whip do you see what i'm saying like some of these are so much more common than other ones like they should definitely have like a ultra common category okay another mysterious bottom opening one oh oh what my god oh i love it it's oscar meyer wieners and once again you guys they've done it again they've blown me away with the detail because it does just look like the little wieners are all wrapped in there there is plastic but look at that we can see the hot dogs and they look so real just really tiny and i always love the oscar meyer weiner wagon even though i feel like kids did tease me about that in like elementary school with my last name being meyer and i feel like they were like oh is it the hot dog are you the hot dog family i wish i was the hot dog family how cool would that be to be the hot dog family um okay so this is something i saw right underneath the diapers and i didn't know what this was it's nude cat food have you guys ever heard of this brand is it like premium organic cat food or something it looked a little different it didn't look like i i didn't know what to expect with this but it is salmon first ingredient fruits and vegetables packed with superfoods and probiotics premium cat food for all breeds okay um that is really i also like is this like a large bag of cat food i don't know i've never it's like it seems larger than the other mini brands like the cat food is larger than the hot dogs but i feel like cat food is normally smaller than hot dogs i don't know all right one last section oh oh my god it's like in fact one of my favorite types of jello it is jello chocolate pudding and i love the jello one honestly i feel like i just got a little tired of seeing jello strawberry over and over and over again glad to see jello but just something different all right last ball of the day ow i did just shove the plastic underneath my fingernail again last chance for me to do that today let's see let's open it up and see what's inside and let's see could i say let's see some more times last ball section one it is oh i think that this is a different kind of crystal light i think that these are the little miniature to go crystal light packets what does that say like wild raspberry or something wild strawberry i should have known i don't think anybody's ever described raspberries as wild although why are strawberries always considered wild how is a strawberry always so wild okay repeat fries next section it is the different lunchables okay so side-by-side comparison this is like i don't know lunchables bologna or something lunchables ham and this is lunchables pizza so they look pretty much the same oh ham and cheddar okay there we go so cute glad to get the different lunchable as well because like i said those are some of my favorites so it's good to see new ones more repeat relish and last section i'm so sad that we're done with these for the day i wish we could see more oh okay it's different it is clasico creamy alfredo sauce so we've definitely had classico pasta sauce several times but we usually are not like um cream sauce kind of people we like you know just traditional spaghetti sauces so there was a ton of new ones and you guys this just makes me honestly more excited than ever to see what mini brands keeps coming out with what they keep coming up with i feel like with every wave once again it's kind of like the shopkins thing like i feel like the first shopkins that we ever unboxed a million years ago versus like the last series of shopkins we ever unbox or even the shopkins real littles i feel like just the detail just gets better and better and better and these already started out like even series one wave one so impressive so amazing just like these couple of ones that we've seen today that have really blown me away they are more detailed and more realistic than ever so yeah be sure and keep an eye out for these let me know if you guys have seen this new series anywhere in stores yet and my battery is about to die so thank you guys so so much for hanging out with me today and for watching let me know if you'd like to see me unbox some more of these and until i see you guys again which is going to be very very soon stay happy stay healthy stay sassy stay banana peppery i love you guys so so much and i will see you guys again very very soon bye
Channel: banana peppers
Views: 110,905
Rating: 4.9247589 out of 5
Id: w9KqGYLmUJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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