TIE DYE WASHING MACHINE - Does This Thing Really Work?!

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when i say bananas you say peppers and let's make some slime today oh my god am i am i a slime channel now i don't know why i'm so like like my soul is being sucked in the direction of slime horrific on multiple levels uh but today i have a device that i've been excited to try i think the company is called so slime i saw this on tik tok of course i did so it is a slime washing machine and it's supposed to somehow make tie dye slime it sounds like there's a lot going on here let's find out how much of it is true the main reason why i was so excited for this is because it reminds me of the beauty blender washing machine oh my god do you guys remember when that went totally viral and it was like a toy washing machine except for it was like a top loader and everybody was sticking a beauty blender in there and like swirling it around it was very fun it was very fun to look at it was very fun to try and so i think that that's probably where this company got the inspiration for this kit i love when like internet trends you can see them like influencing products let's unbox and see what we get in our kit i think that this was 20 24.99 and i think i actually bought this one from target because much too much i can't talk much to my dismay it was not available on amazon i feel like lately all i do is complain about amazon and then shop on amazon i have pliers i don't know if i can open a box with pliers but hey if there's a will there's a way oh i i did it also everyone please leave shrek some compliments i gave him lash extensions yesterday for tick-tock i think he likes them oh i see on the back of the box we're gonna need a screwdriver and some batteries because of course batteries are not included but we'll unbox first batteries later okay give me the cardboard oh my god i could be an unboxing channel wait i kind of already i already have oh my god is this what okay we can get one packet what is going on here can i just yep this is what we're doing now i'm a child and it's christmas morning um oh i'm so excited okay okay we don't need that oh i'm sorry kermit did i just bonk kermit okay let's take a look here is our beautiful washing machine la la it looks tray elegant okay i think we're gonna have to open it obviously and there's like cardboard taped inside of it you know like every real washer and dryer okay it oh my god oh there's like ugh like flaps like rubber flaps okay um so far so good washing machine obviously the ps the resistance of the entire kit okay we also have a laundry hamper which i saw this on the back of the box so i don't know why i'm so shocked and pleased that they have provided us with this adorable hamper and also this which is a bottle i think there's oh my gosh okay it's a slime container oh and does this come off nope that just spins kind of calming honestly new age fidget spinner okay and then this is our packet which actually includes some pre-made clear slime god bless them because it's been way too long since i've made clear slime did i ever successfully make clear slime i feel like clear slime is like the boss of all slimes it's like the hardest to make in my opinion to get it like super super crystal clear you guys talking is a challenge for me today but to get it like completely crystal clear like this um it does take quite a bit of slime knowledge and effort to not just like get a bunch of like thick foamy bubbles on the top okay um it we have some leakage here captain these are our three scent what do they call them scented colorants that is very why am i about to say scented colorants sounds very advanced okay well you know what they give us gloves that's what this is but i don't really care i kind of like when i'm doing crafts or painting or tie dyeing or something i like to just have it all over my hands these dots gloves we've got gloves to clear okay thank goodness i have child hands fashionable my god i could be like slime joker where was i at before i got distracted by gloves that i'm not even gonna use i was gonna examine the slime colorants oh i can smell them from here so they are three different colors three different scents you know what i will set a glove down so i don't stain my own tray here so we have purple purple yes focus on the purple and we have pink oh look at that we're getting stained already okay pink ooh yes pink welcome to the party and we have yellow and uh that looks like a pee pee okay oh my god my hands see look i'm a crafter now i'm an artist let's smell purple i don't think it tells you like what the scents are meant to be no i don't see that i don't see that anywhere okay i'm trying to like unscrew oh that's actually blue dye okay so as you guys can maybe see they actually have these little dropper things at the top okay let's smell okay i know this is gonna sound crazy this just smells like a snow cone to me like generic snow cone flavor pink let's see they literally smell the same i don't know i don't smell any difference between pink and blue i thought that was purple yeah okay i don't know if it's because like i have so much of this stuff on my hands already or what's going on but all three of these smell the same okay so the last thing that we have in here is what i'm gonna do really quick which is all of these cute little stickers and three of them go on these um slime bottle colorants oh look okay that actually has little pictures on there that tell us what the scents are supposed to be so yellow is supposed to be vanilla red or pink is supposed to be strawberry and blue is supposed to be pineapple but i'm just gonna be honest like maybe when we mix it into the slime we'll be able to smell some kind of difference and i guess like vanilla is what i'm smelling like a cotton candy kind of smell so they all smell really good but they just don't smell like three individual specific scents kind of feel like these little dye bottles are kind of messy like they keep wanting to leak everywhere i was just thinking to myself it's kind of funny that i feel like this is messier than some full-on tie-dye kits that i've used before i don't know what's up with that you guys all right it's battery time so i have the batteries and this cute little baby screwdriver let's push the button there is an on off button here wow okay is it also glowing in there that's crazy you guys that's actually spinning [Music] it sounds crazy i think that that's meant to actually be like a sound effect oh there's the glowing oh exciting okay so i don't think that that is motor failure i think that that is like it's supposed to make the sound effects of a washing machine which that is like a crazy sounding washing machine oh you can open the door and turn it on i was kind of wondering if they had like a a no no you can't do that you know so you don't like stick your fingers in there it probably wouldn't hurt you okay step one read all the instructions before starting follow step by step to ensure good results for better result divide one slime bag into two halves leave one side in the resealable plastic and then the other side in the washing machine because they show actually like stretching the slime like across like this and across like that so basically laying half of the amount of slime out in an x formation oh smells like nothing all right it is probably glove time because i'm thinking i don't want to get the staining from my fingers onto the clean slime although does anybody also just find like doing basic tasks with gloves like next to impossible especially like thick gloves like this all right let's try and grab half of the slime see now i also can't feel what the slime feels like oh but look at it whoa okay i feel like that's half but that doesn't feel like much i guess they just want to encourage you to use less so that you can make like more color combinations also you guys look at that the slime just kind of keeps breaking i thought it would be like more stretchy so i'm gonna try and just like make it longer by molding it into this beautiful turd like shape so they say stretch it across i'm trying to kind of press it down let's see ah it does stick in there pretty good why do i feel like i'm making this way more complicated than it needs to be trying to press it across the other it keeps tearing oh i don't think my turd was long enough all right there we go beautiful x-like formation okay no more gloves thank you very much my hands are sweating so now is finally the fun part when we get to add the tie-dye laundry detergent so they have these slots up top so that's where you put those little nozzles of the bottles so you don't kind of like cross contaminate your colors they do have the blue slot labeled the pink slot labeled and the yellow slot labeled so that you don't go like blue yellow whatever and then kind of like make your colors more muddy so they do give you this handy dandy color chart here at the bottom so first i'm going to try and make some purple and so for that we need pink and blue they say it's best to only mix two colors at a time so that you don't make your slime like brown or too dark or something oh my gosh okay so the next step is to actually push the button and start it mixing up did i not use enough i don't know we'll see okay so now we are supposed to pick one color and put a few drops into the corresponding hole and then you repeat with another color so let's go ahead and start with blue and let's put it in the blue spots [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh okay i can't tell if i'm using like a huge amount or none at all do you guys see okay yeah i definitely probably overdid it i feel like using half a bag of slime though is like not enough you know i wanna i wanted to see the slime like like churning around in there so now let's try and add some pink oh that is way too much okay and now i have the sticker over the bottle so i can't see like how much is in there oh way too much but i mean it's not mixing like i kind of don't understand the point of like potentially leaving it in the machine for longer like if it was actually like mixing something that would make way more sense to me let's open it let's try and take it out of the machine and let's see okay yeah i just added way too much color it is really pretty it's like almost a stained glass purple it doesn't really no it definitely does seem to stain your hands i don't know how long the staining effect would last because i mean obviously the point of slime is to like touch it to feel these soothing slime sensation so if it's like oh like always wear your gloves like what is the point of that i don't know like this slime like it feels nice and smooth it's not like a sticky slime but it's not very stretchy at all which is like kind of the weird thing right like i think slime should be like not sticky so obviously it doesn't like stick to your hands or whatever but like i want to be able to like stretch it do you know what i mean okay so i'm gonna temporarily store the purple slime in this container here until we make our other color now goodly they tell you that you can twist this and then like lift it out so that we can oh way too much colors you guys oh look at what i've done oh no thankfully um this does pop out so you can wipe it off and you know start out making clean colors so what i'm gonna do is clean the machine really quick and we're going to make another color and i'm going to just throw the other half of the slime in the machine next time and i'm not going to put it in that like x formation because i want to see if i just don't listen to their instructions if it will actually make the slime look like it's spinning around and being mixed in there because otherwise what is the point actually pleasantly surprised about how easy this machine seems to clean the color does wipe up really well now i wouldn't leave this sitting like this is something i would always like finish making the slime and then um clean it immediately after because these colorants do seem to stain pretty bad so i would see like you know if you don't want your machine to just look all stained like the plastic and stuff i would definitely always immediately take it apart and wipe it down really good i end up taking tweezers and a paper towel and i was like trying to um shove this paper towel in all of the little crevices that is kind of the only thing that you have to watch out for and it's still i mean it doesn't look a hundred percent but i think i did a pretty good job but you know the dye gets caught in these little like i don't know wheel crevices i don't know i just i want to make green now and i don't want it to be stained another color so i'm gonna go ahead and just use the rest of the slime in the bag i'm gonna do it my way i'm not gonna like put it in an x formation i don't really see the point of that um i'm gonna just drop the slime in there and at least my dirty hands don't seem to be staining the slime so that's good i'm trying to get every last slimy morsel out of the bag it's kind of just sitting in there as you guys can hopefully see okay so turn on the machine not flopping around in there either okay let's try and make two balls of slime i just wanted to spin around oh too much slime maybe that oh it's spinning a little bit but the motor is kind of struggling maybe that's why they tell you don't do that all right yellow your time to shine but look it's kind of moving around in there now see that's what i wanted i wanted to use the product as not intended okay is there yellow in there i cannot tell i think a little bit of yellow is being dispensed it's like so dark in there [Applause] i feel like i was dumb at the beginning because i was like oh are these three points here lights like no that's where the dye comes into the washing machine chamber but also i feel like they're they should have put this light like inside okay i'm gonna stop it really quick because i didn't clean it up perfectly so oh that's kind of cool though that really looks like super tie-dye there honestly you've got a lot of clear some yellow some purple and a little bit of blue but i am gonna go ahead and add blue maybe with the lighting here i'll be able to see a little bit better anyway yeah okay i definitely made an oopsie because i hear the bottle like gurgling already so that means i have used way too much of this but look at how much better that looks you know like i feel like now it's all con we have leakage oh my god okay maybe it's because i was just like tipping it forward oh green look at that see that's more washing machine action i put way too much dye so it's just sliding around in there but yeah i don't like that whole like make an x cross formation oh it's like very green i mean the slime does turn out like really pretty but it's just i don't know it's kind of weird like i feel like the slime formula could have just been just a little bit better do we agree so now what they say you do is you're supposed to swirl the two colors of slime together that you've made so let's open up our little thing here which this is pretty cute honestly and we are gonna have way more green than purple and obviously i used way too much pigment so [Music] that looks cool though but yeah see even when you have the whole bag of slime it just like kind of tears this literally feels like do you know like a couple weeks ago when we were looking at those other crayola slimes and some were called like bouncy slime and some were called like super stretchy slime that's what this feels like to me is the bouncy slime let's see will she bounce it does you guys can't see that maybe but and now my slime is on the floor what artifacts did we pick up off of the floor it's probably like really hairy now let me see if i can get that bounce you guys see that oh okay so yeah i kind of want to make another color um but the cleaning process is honestly like so time-consuming with this i feel like you kind of do spend more time like cleaning this than you do like making slime okay let's put that in there i wish they gave you like two containers because this little basket is really cute but obviously you couldn't really keep slime in this because it would dry out see look at that look at that now obviously i did use way too much dye so that's probably why it's so messy i was trying to like collect the color but i'm just maybe making it worse i don't know worse better worse better maybe better oh my god you guys i literally spent like no joke 20 minutes wiping this off and i was just about to take the thumbnails and like look at it again like this die just keeps going everywhere luckily though it does look like it always cleans up with a little bit of alcohol so that makes me think that the dye at least on like plastic surfaces would only stain potentially so badly because there was a bunch of pink like on the outside and actually wiped up but oh my god why all right you guys i think it's final conclusion time overall i really like this i would definitely purchase this kit again i think it is overall fun i like the little machine i like the sound effects and the lights because i'm five overall i just i don't know i think it's a really fun concept okay so now for the biggest downside is it is really pretty messy to clean up they do like say hey throw down some newspaper or paper towels if you don't want the colorants to stain a lot of stuff which i totally get that that's why i have this like crafting tray because i kind of just don't care if anything happens to it but the downside of that is it's kind of oh my god you guys every time i think i'm done wiping it there's more mess on to the biggest downside which i've kind of hinted at earlier i think you spend more time like ultimately cleaning the machine than actually making the slime and i feel like it is important to clean it because if you're trying to make like tie dye slime or if you're trying to use clear slime or if you just really want to make a certain color and not just kind of make like a messy mix of colors it's very hard to like actually get the machine properly cleaned so that you can just make like one fresh color of slime at a time there are so many crevices in here that the dye will stick to that i didn't even think about the first time the back side of this rubberized area this like inside section even when the slime is tumbling around in there the residual dye will still be inside of there so i don't know i mean i don't know like how much like kids would really care about having like neat single color slime whatever they're trying to make i would imagine kids probably don't care that much um but i would just say like probably no kid or adult for that matter would want to sit here and like clean this machine in the way that like i've been trying to clean it which once again has been like tweezers and paper towels and i really didn't want the machine to look stained so i've been going in with these little sanitary alcohol wipeys and i've been trying to just like wipe up i don't know where this die keeps seeping out from i keep like wiping this thing down you know what i'm thinking it's even like this little locking mechanism like that stores dye in it i mean how clean you keep it is totally up to you how much any like color like cross color contamination would bother you the dyes i really do feel like they could give you larger amounts the bottles do go really quickly they smell really nice but it's kind of hard to see like how much dye you're putting in there at a time and so i feel like it's easy to overuse and then i feel like maybe they should just give you bigger stuff and also the slime quality is a little bit odd i would maybe like look up a recipe if you're gonna get them this machine like look up a recipe and try and make your own clear slime i don't know if they make like refills for this kit like if you wanted to just keep buying their brand of colorant or their brand of slime that's kind of the only weird thing is would be like how you could keep how you could keep using the machine like because these bottles are not refillable i mean i guess you could just use an eye dropper or whatever they sell those at like walmart and stuff they're like little i think it's to suck snot out of a baby's nose but you could probably make slime with it too overall i feel like it is fun like i keep saying but you are mostly paying for the machine in this kit i feel like you don't get that much slime and you certainly don't get that much colorant and so i feel like that is where they could like step it up a little bit and i also just wish the slime was like more like slime this is definitely more like putty they should call this the tie-dye putty machine but slime is definitely more marketable oh and i definitely don't like stretching it out like that's just a stupid suggestion i would maybe not put as much in there as i did so that the slime can like freely tumble around in there but that just gives it so much of a cooler washing machine something spinning around in there effect versus just like slime stuck to the back of a drum that's spinning that just kind of makes it a little bit pointless to me anyway you guys way too in depth way too in-depth slime review i don't know what's gotten into me this morning and i don't know why suddenly i'm like just obsessively cleaning this toy washing machine anyway you guys i would love to know you guys thoughts and opinions in the comments down below what do you guys feel about these crafting kits i feel like personally a lot of times you do get a really fun experience you get some cute little props but overall obviously it would be like a lot cheaper to just probably buy one of those beauty blender washing machines i think they're like roughly four or five dollars on amazon and then just like making your own slime with food coloring or whatever i feel like you could potentially get the same effect uh just like a lot less expensive but this is so it's cute and it's easily bundled together and i don't know i would definitely buy it again anyway that's it from me today that's all from the peanut gallery uh thank you guys so so much for hanging out with me today and for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit the button down below become a banana pepper today a member of the banana peppers squad and until i see you guys again stay happy stay healthy stay sassy stay messy and banana peppery i love you guys so so much and i'll see you again very very soon bye
Channel: banana peppers
Views: 127,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q8VRuBrHEeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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