Challenging Me Without Knowing I'm an Expert | People Stories #425

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has anyone ever challenge you to something you are an expert at without them knowing it if so how did it turn out for them you not me but i remember a story of a kid whose dad was remodeling their garage until he was going over the drawings with the inspector who had a chip on his shoulder and was saying that the designs wouldn't work the dad was disagreeing saying that it was going back and forth the dad then asks if he would improve it if he had a pay sign off on it the inspector agrees and the dad goes inside and gets his pay stamp and stamps the drawing i can't wait to do this myself my garage would promptly fall over source chemical engineer had a bbq last summer my friends nieces kind of bratty little things were playing on the trampoline they were doing front flips and things they challenged me to do what they were doing little did they know that i had 15 years of gymnastics and six years of trampolining history i launched him with a straight double back somersault that simultaneously impressed them and reminded me of the value of a good warm-up back surgery ten thousand dollars double knee replacement twenty thousand dollars looks on their faces priceless i bought a house and had a guy offer us a 20 lows card to give us an in-home demonstration of water filtration technology he came in and set up and started his spiel he asked me what i do for a living and i replied that i am a chemist at a water treatment plant he stopped for a second and said you probably know more about this stuff than i do he then asked to talk with my wife who refused he packed up and left without continuing the demo never got my 20 lows card that guy could have taken that as an opportunity to learn from you and up his game i sort of did that i was jokingly challenging my philosophy teacher with a one meter ruler sort of like a sword he grabbed a pointer and completely disarmed me apparently when he was at oxford he had done fencing and for quite a while after that freaking british classrooms owner of the restaurant i work at brings in this jimmy kia scene on tv vegetable dicer the kind where you still have to use a knife to get the food small enough to dice i laughed at him as he tried to tell me how much time it's going to save us in the kitchen he challenges me three onions small dice winner gets a case of beer i've been cooking professionally for close to two decades so long story short that was some good beer in all fairness those things do help old ladies with arthritic fingers i was at the gym at work and there's a fit looking older guy running on the treadmill there's also another guy there wandering around not really working out but trying to talk to everyone and offer advice what is it with guys thinking girls need help in the gym haha just being a pest in general he wanders over to the guy running and starts asking him what he's training for running guy answers ultra marathon in a few weeks annoying guy is impressed but jokingly and says will you win rg probably ag oh hahaha yeah you've always got to be positive right rg well i've won it for the last three years and the closest person to me was 50 minutes behind me so yeah i'm pretty positive i surreptitiously checked out his name on the sign in register and went back to my desk to google him yep multiple records for ultra marathons 24 hours road and treadmill races 48 hours treadmill races comma 48 hours treadmill races madness late to reply but years ago one of the goofiest friends of mine had a pair of those fricked up teeth made by a dentist so they looked extremely real and were extremely messed up he would wear these and talk in a hillbilly drawl acting pretty much functionally [ __ ] he could keep this act up for hours in reality he was a scratch golfer who had a full ride to a university with a nationally ranked golf team he was wearing his teeth and scrungy clothes when playing a round of golf with a friend and they had to pair with a couple of older ceo-type snobs who were wannabe arnold palmer's the elder gentleman decided to take advantage of my friend for some easy money friend accepted and then convinced them to raise the wager to a more serious amount of money it did not end well for the decked out pair of ceos for the record friend kept in character the entire time leading the men to believe they got their asses kicked by an illiterate redneck keep this friend around forever he is a true winner so i enter a round robin pool competition in cairns australia at this point in my life i look well a little scraggly i'm also a bit more than half p and my first match is against this very snazzly dress bloke with slit back hair who proceeds to screw his very expensive cue together as i sit on the bar stool nursing a jug of beer with a mate the crappy house hue resting up against the table this guy has clearly watched the color of money a number of times and arrogance wafts off him like so many dollar bills from an easy mark now i'm not the best pool player in the known universe but i did get my own pool table as my 10th birthday present and i played that crappy warped sucker every single day for years i then spent most of my life from 16-21 playing pool in bars in new zealand so you know i'm alright so anyway tom cruise over here makes eye contact for the first time and i say hello and compliment him on his rather nice queue he responds by saying don't worry buddy i'll go easy on you coin flip it's my break i down the rest of my beer and sink two off the break and proceed to have a dream run i'm in that wonderful place between slightly buzzed and rather p where everything just feels right and i'm sinking every shot with perfect weight and spin to bring the white into position for the next shot five down six seven i'm on the black and mister shark over here with the etude hasn't had a shot the shot is actually not that hard and being one of those perfect moments i can't play game by lining it up and then look up at him to lock eye contact as i hit the white watch the black drop in my peripheral vision smile and nod my mate meanwhile is p himself laughing old mate doesn't even shake my hand walks out of the hall without saying a word drank too much beer afterwards and didn't win the comp drank too much beer afterwards and didn't win the comp what a fitting ending not an expert but i was invited to a christmas party last year they had a dessert competition not very many people knew i'm going to college for culinary arts one unanimously he told me that he wanted a rematch next christmas i'm taking my baking class this semester good luck mister if you crush someone at making dessert of course they want a rematch that means they get to eat your dessert again at the county fair i was on the receiving end of some unnatured heckling from a couple of farmhands a real good ole boy types they were being dong heads to everybody who signed up for the skid loader rodeo smack talking anybody with how crap hot they are and how anybody else is just embarrassing themselves for whatever reason they especially targeted me with their llama source rural iowa smack talk it got to the point where the one got on my face to make a boring story short i manage an agricultural business all i do is said business is operator skid street tractor i won 10 bucks and made a pair of brothers eat crow this is the most country thing i've ever read somebody challenged me to play a round of age of empires 2 medieval strategy computer game against him i used to play that game on a competitive level so i just proceeded to play at roughly the same snail's pace speed he did sometimes attack him with a weak arm is to make it look like i'm struggling to beat him while in reality 90 percent of my traps were tucked away hidden in the back of my lands it was closed off arena map that made it really easy to hide them from him so i continue to act like i'm struggling and slowly start to give into his siege attacks making it look he's actually going to win the game at one point he asks in a victoriously smug voice so looks like the game is over right to which i reply looks like it and before he could say anything else roughly 100 fully upgraded elite teutonic knights emerged from my side of the fog of war and proceeded to annihilate everything in their path his reaction was priceless it went from complete disbelief where are all those units from to denial you cheating a shot and various other emotions while i just had a hearty laugh i was 30 yo around four or five years ago i went to a family house party of my gf where a bunch of her teenage cousins were playing rock band it was a kinda if you fail the song you have to give the controller to the next person situation this one kid kept being a douche to other kids because he played on hard so he had the highest scores and never passed the guitar around he was annoying and didn't let other kids play making others feel bad because they played on easy or medium anyway at some point he said that he could beat anyone in the party one of the younger kids said i bet badalin could beat you i played with him once when my gf was babysitting him so the annoying team started mouthing off and they called me over i was sitting with the adults and faked ignorance oh yeah i know this game guitar band right so we had a plastic guitar rock off if i won he would let the younger kids have the console for the rest of the evening the best score would win same song of course he selected ac dc thunderstruck on hard on my turn i changed the difficulty to expert he said i think you made a mistake and i said no i didn't then proceeded to whoop his butt score and percent wise i became a rock god for a bunch of 12 year olds that day you're my hero i had an athletic scholarship in college i swam but after college i went to graduate school biochemistry and proceeded to lose the swimmer physique however you don't lose technique so the wife and in-laws and i are at a resort in puerto rico one day and i swam across the pool to meet them and some guys started talking up their friend to go challenge me to a race the dude came over he was ripped all i can do and challenged me to a race across the pool and back and the loser had to buy the other group a round of drinks there were about eight of them and four of us it was about 30 yards or so so nearly a 50 meter freestyle and i was a sprinter in college i had a high 23 seconds time in the event so i agree and watch him swim and touch the other side that's when i turned that mother on and underwater kicked to a flip turn and then burst out beast mode on the return i hit the wall when he was a little over halfway back needless to say he bought us all a round of beers and we actually ended up seeing them several times over the next week he was a really cool dude but was obviously really embarrassed now that i think about it i hope either he or one of his friends are a redditor and see this my daughter started swimming competitively when she was seven when she was about 12 we were on vacation and she was challenged in much the same fashion minus the drink bet by a couple college kids she beat them badly was a great moment in the marine corps they do a lot of wrestling grappling as training and exercise well for a marina i was a pretty unimposing looking person little did they know that i had been doing jiu jitsu a form of grappling for about four or five years before joining also more than a few times i would have these big weight lifter meathead types challenge meter grappling only for me to wipe the floor with them it kind of became a joke once people caught on and when we would get new guys to the unit the guys in the know would trick them into grappling against me i'm giggling just thinking of that i was pretty good at gears of war gears of war 2 comes out and the kid at school was having a tourney at his house the weekend after the game released and my buddy invited me over the kid was talking so much crap the whole time but mostly to me guess he didn't like me i finally have had enough and said the typical 1v1 me bro and we get to it execution mode on river my best map i was asked to leave his house by his dad after i won because i made his 16 year old rage and put a hole into their wall dad should have asked his son to leave and adopted you i had just come back from the ultrazone laser tag national championships when my office announced that we were having a laser tag team building event the 90s were a wonderful time honestly i don't understand why we don't do this still i occasionally encounter anti-nuclear folks to try to converse with me about how nuclear energy is the worst thing that has ever happened to the world what they don't know is that i have a master's degree in nuclear engineering when i tell them and then tell them that coal power releases more radiation into the atmosphere than nuclear they tell me that i am biased and walk away a friend of mine once said if nuclear power is a disaster waiting to happen coal power is an ongoing disaster i was at a training class in arizona a few years ago for people in a bunch of different industries one guy was the head of quality for a particular and well-known winery in california we all go out to dinner and this guy orders a fairly expensive glass of wine from his winery at a restaurant they brought over the wine and when he sipped it he let the waitress know that this was not the wine he ordered she assured him it was and brought him another glass again he insisted it was not the right wine finally the manager came over and our guy revealed himself as head of quality for the winery the manager stumbled trying to make up a poor reason and admitted they ran out and figured they would replace it with a very similar and as it turns out much cheaper wine the look of smug satisfaction on our guy's face was priceless was drinking with friends at a nightclub known for getting rowdy at times some guy and i bumped into each other no one's fault just the sort of crap that happens in a crowded and dark room we both spill a few sips of our drinks i'm just about ready to say no big deal and forget the entire event but he flips off tells me i owe him another drink no i don't he starts swearing at me telling me i need to buy him another freaking drink or he will just take all of my money and buy it himself typical story from anyone who's dealt with a [ __ ] drunk in a bar looking for a fight i work security in a hospital a big hospital with a busier and a psych unit we get in fights almost every other day at least once a month if not more we get into a really good fight i'm talking fighting some giant juicer monkey on methamphetamines who's fighting like his life is on the line we get one week 40 hours of fairly intense self-defense training per year counter strikes and takedowns mostly so this guy doesn't scare me i tell him one last time to drop it and try to walk past him he puts one hand on my chest and tries to grab for my wallet probably assuming i'd pee out and let him take it i grabbed his hand talked it around jammed it up his back pretty hard and gave him as hard to shove as i could in a crowded little room must have hurt his shoulder pretty good but no actual damage would have been done he stumbled a few steps away and then slunk off without looking around i used to work hospital security some of my co-workers who used to work in jails regularly commented on how much more violent it was a big busy urban hospital is a freaking [ __ ] chow mario card 64. this was back in college and i didn't actually realize how good i was i had spent countless hours in that game just messing around in all the levels finding the silly little tricks you can do to shave off time practicing my banana peeling and perfecting the art of the upside down question mark some guys in my dorm challenged me and i was just like sure wiped the floor i was flabbergasted they had been trash talking myself and each other and at the end of the whole thing they just stared at me like i was a monster before breaking out into holy crappies so they commenced in inviting their champ over to teach me a lesson i just idly chatted the whole time while i lapped the guild rainbow road to his and everyone else's dismay i don't even know most useless mastery ever not challenge percent but i had a guy start speaking gremlin to me in australia once so i answered him in kind i was working in a ticket booth at the time and i assume he was either trying to make me look dumb impress me or impress his friends my german isn't great but i have enough that i could reply to him his friends laughed it felt good for a while i thought cremin was some strange comic book language just the other day we lost power to the building and my work computer subsequently and it won't keep the date said it was 2004 so i couldn't log on to the servers or anything time date sink error and the bias is locked so i can't set the date i build computers in my spare time so i am well versed in how things work so this is an easy fix replace the qmos battery but we have an it department and the computers are locked with padlocks that i don't have a key to i work in a school so i submit a work ticket over the phone lost power pc doesn't keep time whenever power outage occurs the it guy comes out and spends 30 minutes trying to figure out why it won't keep time but it keeps time while he has it turned on and working i am just watching with disbelief they pay this guy more than me to fix computers honestly after half an hour this guy pulls the power plug and plugs it back in is amazed the clock is off by 30 minutes but still in 2004 so i finally tell him replace the battery tells me there are no batteries on pcs anymore they use capacitor power from zeus to hold the time i am befuddled now as to how this guy got his job i tell him trust me change the battery set the time and date unplug the power and see what happens he finds the battery says it's for giving the hard drives the power to park their drive heads after a power down and reluctantly replaces it it works fine but he still says it's the capacitor it holds a charge forever then unlocks the bars for me because i seem to understand computers enough to be able to set the date in case i need to change the time again if it happens again i have bolt cutters here and will open the dang tower myself next time i was at a software engineering conference in january and a colleague saw my terminal with pink text running vim a text editor for unix systems and said i bet you can't even exit out of that thing background vim is a tool that has a notoriously steep learning curve for beginners i'm a woman doing a computer science degree and i always make a point of not hiding toning down my love of doing hair makeup and dressing up so i'm used to the shock i get when i tell people i'm in cs it's not always their fault stereotypes exist some people are just bigger don'ts about it than others and assume i have no clue what i'm doing anyways the look on his face when i showed him what i knew was priceless after many large projects using vim as your soul editor you learn a few many things also inb for re max unfortunately yes it never turns out well because i make vaccines for a living people posting on facebook new parents discussing why they don't want to vaccinate their newborns friends and relatives talking about the latest sensationalist story they heard on why big pharma is a terrible evil conspiracy i've been in the industry for six years now have an education in chemical engineering i've worked with live infectious diseases primarily pertussis and polio been part of the manufacturing process and growing the bacteria inactivation lysing purification vial filling start to finish i know how they work what the history of how they used to be made is how seriously pharma companies take adverse events and i know firsthand how dangerous these diseases can be but it doesn't matter because that picture that someone shared on facebook with a sad story about their child dying obviously knows more than me even when i try to explain how it actually works their eyes glaze over and nothing gets through it's really frustrating having all the answers to every one of their concerns and not being able to reassure them because they're too stupid to understand basic biology this is the most frustrating thing in this thread not a challenge per se but i'm a cricketer and when i went to the new club i told everyone i was a fast bowler i don't look the part though five feet eight inches and on the chubby side usually fast bowlers are lean and will over six feet so naturally everyone thought i was gonna be a waste of time not only that they all let me know that i should try out as a batsman or a spinner to improve my chances the premier bowler in that club could bowl at speeds up to 135 kph on a good day my first ball after a short warm-up clockton at 132 kph no one has dared make a joke about my height and body shape again i have no idea what any of that means but you sure sound like an expert on it my dad is pretty much a pool pro and this guy challenged him to a game talking hot crap well my dad didn't miss one shot and when he sunk all the solids he started shooting the guy's stripes tl dr my dad is so badass he goes balls deep with other other guys balls best tl dr i've ever read i'm the boss owner at my company and mostly just work in the office every year we have a christmas party in the workshop with all of our rough tough outside workers lots of beer etc one year my partner hired a pool table and all the guys who played in the bars every weekend were surprised that i want their asses next year it was a ping pong table same thing the third year a table soccer game if we ever bring in a pinball game i'll have the quadriller ps i wasted my youth back in my school's anime club we had this kid i think the term is wee boo who wouldn't stop bragging about how good his japanese is and how the rest of us should call him sensei apparently he had been taking japanese since middle school i was actually raised in japan turns out all he could do was elementary level japanese couldn't even understand a single bit of colloquial japanese or write more than a few basic sentences i came across a great comic once about how we booz are viewed in japan basically it'd be like if a japanese person was super obsessed with spongebob and would run around all the time in a mermaid man outfit trying to imitate his laugh it's nice to know people in both countries both think the same kinds of people are morons i play star wars ccg collectible card game competitively yeah i know it's been out of print for like 14 years now but we still have an active community a few years back i was playing a pickup game online against a random guy he was playing a pretty traditional deck and i was playing a deck that at the time looked absolutely terrible on paper but worked beautifully the matchup was especially bad for him and i'm a pretty strong player as soon as i saw what he was playing i knew i was going to win and informed him of this and i totally destroyed him he kind of goes on tilt and he's talking crap about my deck let's play again no way will i lose to that pile of trash two games in a row i shrug my shoulders and win handily again he still insists that my deck is terrible then i inform him this deck just got second at worlds a couple months ago trust me it's pretty good yeah well who played it the deck looks terrible i did if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 99,603
Rating: 4.9371729 out of 5
Keywords: challenging the wrong person, wrong person, reddit challenging the expert, challenge, experts, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: ZUHMbywjEzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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