DO NOT Trust this girl (SHE'S MONIKA 2.0)

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welcome back maestro to another episode of you and me in her a love story now this is a game that took me by surprise alright I know some people get mad at me for comparing this game to Doki Doki literature Club and the only reason I did it is because I feel like this game needed more attention and you know it just makes sense to compare something that a lot of people said that it was very similar to Doki Doki so that's the only reason I did it I know some people don't like that and I totally understand why it's its own game yes I understand that last episode really took me by surprise it's very similar I can see why if it were saying that either way it was really good so let's check it out that crap had be it it gave me like the shivers so I need to see what the heck's gonna happen with them bookout I don't know how to say her name still it's probably mukou isn't it yeah Mook oh it's totally Mook Oh it's Mook oh I've been saying look out I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I'm so stupid I mean the game is so beautiful I love the arts I mean sure is crazy and the main girl is always talking about saxophone lessons I don't know why she doesn't just buy herself a saxophone that would seem like it would solve all of her problems but I mean I'm I like this game a lot it really needs a lot more attention like there's no videos online that have like a ton of views and they need it needs to be that way I'm not saying that I need to get those views sure it would be great but it needs it like it just needs more attention people don't realize what they're missing hey Ally so this is when she did oliver crap but she literally reset the earth she actually contacted god somehow and that was freaking insane like this is the anime seriously but a bit of shinee chi you dropped your phone again okay so also a lot of feedback from you guys a lot of you said that you like watching our listening to me while you're like drawing or doing your homework or whatever so i'm gonna drop the voices i don't want to do that i don't like to do that but i'm gonna do that cuz you guys want me to read it so and you can't you guys don't know japanese so i mean i don't know a lot either but i know a little bit it's just hard to talk over their voices you know and so let me know if you want me to turn the voices back on and also me talk over them because i just doesn't feel right their voices are so funny this can't there's got to be another way how about this i'll just turn their appointing the voice to stay a little bit I want to hear the voices because their voices really make it especially Yuto he's freaking hilarious it's all still talked though if you don't want to risk losing it you need to make sure you hold on to it okay just as always smiles what is that beat it's so cute whoa her body tumbles sideways oh dang she put it too much a little bit apparently you okay it's my battery dying yeah yeah so Colin Goddard takes a lot of PI G I could tell you weren't feeling so hot so let's call off our plans and always fine let's go to the batting cages there's no hesitation in her eyes she did mention she was really excited to go so excited she didn't get much sleep all right but you better tell me if he started feeling sick got it so does the main character know what she just did because it maybe she rewrote it and now we don't know what's happening cuz the intro kind of just started he didn't really explain they're like something weird was going on got it so she so she rewrote the universe so me and Miyuki could be together I mean that's really sweet I gave us a choice but I don't know I'm going with this because I picked it I need to stick with it alright let's go and find me Yuki hmm on our way to the gym I noticed an unread email in my inbox I opened up to find oh hey it's a group photo from before remember the one with you and me and Mookie yeah I remember that oh we claimed she emailed me she emailed it to me forever ago but for some reason I only just got it yeah so why does she have service now this girl's got some powers man it's been so long I totally forgot about it it must have been earlier when my signal went through all right I guess your phone does actually work on occasion not often enough to actually be useful though how he made a new save file too now there's no need to worry about any bad endings right i situ myself apparently her gamer brain isn't going anywhere fast Rodie I mean what is she gonna do with the safe although the she does she not a mod alright are we getting some DLC how much is she gonna charge for it life hello oh I'm sorry dude that music was scaring me right as I walked the door I get an impromptu apology from the first year girl I saw you walking over and it was all so fast I got scared yeah so I said but she got all scared for some reason when I saw her was it something I did no I was just so panicked you know it's being seen like this and I didn't know what to do so I was he equaling you no of course not see she knows I wasn't being creepy maybe she just doesn't like you that's not true so you do like him like you bad chance as if I hate him okay that was a little too far that's right I hate his guts I'm sorry to say a split second later she takes off like a bat out of hell ow she looks like she fell yeah she's a klutz yep hey what are you doing picking on how to chat again we weren't picky go to her if anything I'm pretty sure I'm the victim here man you sure a delicate little flower like her it could be handle into play she's actually really talented and she's got the looks the booth so should Ichi you're upset you got turned down you can't turn down a confession I never made that said I wouldn't mind seeing her before sometime yeah okay that girl is that relevant I'm sure right I don't think she's really gonna matter so this is where the batting cages are sure is it's all rundown it's been this way ever since we were kids actually that's true come to think of it got it you two used to come here together as kids I thought she said a kiss I was like did they well like she did she would drag me here but yeah yeah I guess you could say that we'd always run out of it allowed some money but the guy in charge took a liking to us and let us play for free now and then from there the batting cage just quickly became alright aren't usual hangouts now then let's get started okay okay that's cool I think I've been kids like once yeah uh-huh hit him with the bitter but it is those bitter bitters can hit me all day I'm sorry just adorable what can I say the back cuts through empty air how he tilts her head in puzzlement how he missed air watch me I'll show you how it's done showoff Meucci takes the bathroom how he says she basically shows up oh and the next second she sends it rocketing into the safety net can you tell me what I'm doing differently Vidia Betty Miki you're so cool boy I always not pull at all Yuki heaves a sigh okay so what do you think it is you're missing height oh he's too short can't compete with mucus beauty the blood she's like you she you can see now that she's actively trying to make herself look bad in order for us to be with me Yuki would you say that she's a simp I I don't know is she doing this for us because we were nice to her because we gave her tomato juice her favorite drink of choice she needs you help me out here let's see if we're starting to try to keep her eye on the ball keep my eye on the ball the Bowden you're not looking at it when you swing this time try watching it see what happens was she sick end up with her but is ready I would take the bat it hits the batter box I think she missed again I watched it you have to do more than that you goo like you just look at it it just it just automatically it gets hit we want her to get comfortable with the ball why don't you start with the bun just hold the bat out in front of you like this did yeah okay so I am the ball master to match the trajectory she hit so she'd see how he hit it so did she say that was she's excited too it wasn't much of a hit more like world's weakest ground ball but hey I'll take it see what did I tell you got it she needs you you're a great coach thanks I guess let me try again keep my eye in the ball but imminent amazing another hits this time how about you try swinging so every so I'm gonna guess like every time that something goes bad she's gonna change it for us and I got a feeling she's gonna do anything to make sure we are together I guess but why that's the question Wow the ball graces it gets her ungainly swing foul ball she's so definitely making progress though you've always been a great teacher you know I know I know I wouldn't say I'm anything special it's a talent you've had since grade school you think so trust me I remember I've read my diary countless science truth be told I remember it too looking at her now and you never pictured it but back when Mookie first started she sucked even worse than Ali I was the one who taught her how to swing they in that connection though the connection of the characters ooh that was a homerun it flew yes it flew it sure did I saw the whole thing I always smile is genuine and pure see that's the thing I don't know I don't like it when she talked about saxophones and all kinds of instruments I don't like that because she doesn't see it like it's just not right you get it I vaguely remember Mookie smiling like that way back when have you had to taught me baseball here all those years ago I would have never landed this role hey come on you got that part through your own efforts not true you're the one who gave me the opportunity as usual years of diligent hard work and look where she is now we may start off as equal footing but now we're miles apart all right yeah I see that whole thing still around hmm what my grandma my grandma's walking by hey come on I'm so stupid she points to the safety net the net is adorned with a series of targets hit elbow trippin homerun hit these targets and you'll win free coupons just like the good old days so we're reminiscing about the old days when they would challenge each other you know it's cute but what is it not gonna be cubed anymore but Mookie says I if you guys are just listening miyuki says I shouldn't say that every time I should were like this you take a swing like old times her voice is a whisper but I don't answer her I don't have it in me I can't I swore I'd never touch the bat again after the bat killed my mother a bat yes only the bat no one was holding it instead I stared silently into the distance deep down something tells me if I respond to that request I'll destroy everything three of it the three of us have built why to swing unless that was code word to take a swing it heard you should what be hit with the bat very confusing this relationship see you guys did you hear that it is say like like there's no way it's not fair and you need to hit the dentist there's suddenly a fast learner huh all thanks to my master coach Yeah right she's freaking pull of Monica right now and altering the save file all right you tell me that it's not related like at least like similar come on maybe you set a chance of beating Mookie now beating her in a fight are they gonna fight why don't we make a little bet mu key points at the targets with the bag please take her swinging the bat and the person who hits the ball the closest to the target gets to tell the other two what to do oh I know where this is going and don't know if I like it Mookie's gonna win this is she's we can put a handicap on the ball speed to make it fair how about wanna give it a try if I wins Shinichi and Mookie have to get to know I shoot her down verbally oh we aren't you tired after all that I know you won't feel like 100% today but let's call it a day and go home what you chicken I see you if it's another one of your convenient excuses to get out of it sure whatever let's go with that it's not whatever huh it's all I'm ukee just scream like that you know you never used to be like this Shinichi what is it you're so afraid oh it's love I'm not afraid of anything I just don't like pointless conflicts liar she's absolutely right I can't even find a I can't even find it in me get mad about it back to the matter is ah he isn't feeling her best that's not that's not how he tries to argue about stack her sideways see he told you she frowns to herself alright let's get out of here okay so she could see that we're hiding something Mookie still doesn't look at bins but I ignore her and leave the lead the way out of the building fine don't be mad I'm not mad this is your idea of not mad I didn't okay I know how he's not feeling good here under the starry night Oh a gig how he gate is even more a gaze all right so there's a few spelling errors in here but hey whatever I'll ignore it fine whatever I'll stop being mad if you give me some advice I have really bad feeling about this is it about the thing from before somewhere in that ballpark I guess boy troubles how it cuts in mookie flinch is an alarm to play about the kiss all those years of watching client head has taught me words they always say that they always say the word club our play about the kiss what wait no no don't say that don't say that sure you told her didn't you promised you wouldn't tell anyone how could you I trusted you I'm sorry thought it'd be okay since we're all friends Mew Kia looks like she's ready to explode desperately I look to Iowa for help she's not paying attention there's a box sure a box yeah what about it just then we hear a tiny male from inside just like that mucus Ferdie evaporates time to open it wait don't you oh is it a kitty sure that sure is a cat yep I'm now looking meet that night a tiny a teeny tiny little black kitten oh wait there's a streak of white on its bread looks like a thunderbolt don't trust that cat that's gonna be the end of all of us you don't have to describe it to me let's show Mookie your little face oh god don't do don't name it Mookie shrieks her face braids it buried in her hands as oh he looks the kitten in her direction don't you want to see please don't look at the cute kitten hey cute is justice your rights I don't what you I told you see it oh she sneezes hard is she allergic uh she saw Mookie's white-eyed stared and transfixed is transfixed on the kid and she looks like she might tackle at any moment it's so she sneezes are you sick I'm just allergic that's all I guess that's a really common thing for people to be allergic to cats I heard about it all the time but I don't get it cuz I'm not nuki sniffs sadly I could never own a cat come on Cece let's go but wait she got in the box won't mean she doesn't live anywhere she could live with the cat so you problem solved I take my eyes off her for two seconds oh she has ears what the heck and now she's wearing the cat ears for the onesie I'm the mommy cat nice try cats don't talk they meow Luke oh okay cats don't go but of it alright they probably should but they don't how are you friends headed herself for a möbius I remember this the same exact thing happened at that game too yeah that's right it did I was like yeah that's why you're going to help me Mookie put a she's burning every fuse Luke is showing is surprisingly I see do you have a place for this castle live the manga cafe doesn't allow pets you know are you going to back to your parents house did will you beg for them to let you both say but Miyuki if we choose not to rescue the kitten will trigger the bad ending route and I'm warning you now as your friend Yuki's counter can't countenance contorts viciously okay whatever that means this isn't a game oh but it is I bet if you try to adopt the cat I'm cutting ties with you what that's a little much just like that Mew key turned smartly Underhill and walks stalks the way I guess that's the same thing as walking how do you stalk I don't know her long hair flutters in the moonlight if she disappears but kiddin me I was after her but she doesn't turn back moments later she's gone how could you be so heartless it wasn't all so suddenly I had no time to react all I could do was watch her go meanwhile the memory of our conversation floats through my head I want to help her to come and I want to help her come to terms with reality and I think that's the best thing we can do for her cutting ties I always gaze wonders in the distance that she takes off her cat ears but this isn't her usual absent-minded gaze it says she seems to be searching desperately for something she can't quite track down you all right Shinichi explain to me what does cutting ties well I imagine an enemy she'll stop being friends with you or maybe stop talking to you at all she's gonna stop being my friend does she hate me [Music] she don't hate you but if you're gonna if she's gonna cut ties knowing her she just snapped and lashed out a little harder than she meant to how he falls silence but her emotional reaction is noticeably different compared to the time she tipped it to blackmail us with that photo I have to do something we could keep the kid name my place yeah it's a big house and my parents aren't around it turns out living alone has its perks but Edie would be left alone whenever we were at school so I guess that's the cassadines that's not safe yeah fair point admittedly I wouldn't feel comfortable doing such a small kid defend it for itself for hours at a time got it I would quietly races ran it took a long time but now he's Micah's friend now and now he doesn't want to cut ties so the kid will have to stay here no take the kid I don't care about the humans take the cat so I remember what Mookie said wants you back at school she admitted that she saw her old self in Howey so yeah maybe that maybe that's why she's being like really harsh because she wants to like teach her a lesson that say hey you can't be weird yeah she would have just smiled and played nice no matter what and yet when it came to album Yuki didn't play nice you sure yeah as the kid rubs to gets her lay how he gently scoops it up that's so sad but I mean it is normal for cats to be out in the wild too so I don't know she bets to get in sadly someone nice will come along and adopt you for sure I'll be so sad if we come back if it's not that way you'll be happier that way don't worry you'll see she continues to pet the kitten over and over evidently she can't bring herself to leave Howie it's okay bye-bye Eddie with that how he sends up and turns her back and sure enough her face is soaked with tears oh that's so reflexively I stroked her hair it's so weird I always not happy so what are these tears for well they can't be happy tears you know back in the classroom how he never used to show any emotion whatsoever but once we made friends with her she learned to smile she learned to cry sometimes you cry when you're sad to you but this isn't a bad thing she's changing for the better I'm sure of it hmm you and me and her loves thority kimi token Oh Jo token token no Jo no koi but then I started thinking what if Ali was alone what if he weren't there for her what if Mookie hadn't been around to scold her sorry I just kind of skipped a little part she would have tried and failed to seat the kid into the manga cafe then the manager was thrown around and then the rainy it's like getting louder this she would have spent the night in the streets I can picture as clear as day how he would have had anyone to turn to and the kid would have frozen to death out the cold God are you out there so our God has to exist it's the only way she could feel validated in the way she chose to deliver choose the liberal life after all I just God will surely show favor to good people that do good things if you really just did one quick phone call away or if he was a phone call away when he answered her prayers is he waiting out there somewhere beyond the sky wait the sky oh crap it's raining oh the cat is he going back to the cat the night gets pretty chilly in the fall one music cargo box is it aw he's so good here the main character at least he's like really nice though right the kid's gonna be freezing out there helpless he confused that's so cool where she's run into it and the second how he puts two and two together I was no she's just gonna run over over there I find the cardboard box wilting in the rain opening it heads to appear inside ah the kick el it's gone I thought it was like covered hopefully just meet someone else came along and adopted the poor thing bite should I swing by the manga cafe just in case just in my thoughts are an awesome iPhones with you I thought my actual phone is ringing right now that's hold me hello shitty Java at the manga cafe right now Oh Mookie what you are of course Meucci must be looking for a hobby - that's kind of reassuring actually so she went back and checked with the cat - dang the character started to really love the man she must have reached the same conclusion as I did where's Aoi assesses she both it outside just a few minutes ago and on her way out she asked them if they love pets I knew it I'm at the cardboard box the cat's gone thank you now wait hey come on don't get mad at her nobody in the right mind would leave a kitten out here to die in the rain I know that just stop shouting okay chick breath do you think I always fit to look after I count all by herself to be fair I was hardly a child she could probably look after herself an echidna semi she then I remembered the side of her standing without an umbrella yeah I remember that we need to fight dirty I'm worried now but where do we look not sure any ideas her parents house maybe I mean I certainly hope that's where she went but the implication is clear and I can't deny it where else my ally go the first plus second figure was on top of the school but there's no way how he would want to be outside right now at the kitten in which case where does that leave us the batty cage it's no use I cannot come on we like what are the two places that we went I don't even know where to start I don't the first food god I'm so useless she does you don't you dare someone out you call yourself I always Brian don't you think you ought to be there for her oh yeah right let's do it I mean I don't know I don't got no GPS signal on her how we use the self process transceiver I weighed the girl with just one entry in her address book the two of us are her only friends and right now we're the only ones that can help her new key thank you for helping me look for her of course I'd help somehow like a picture of that exactly her exactly expression I know her I know she likes to be friends in Maui Frankovich right now man please Dave don't ruin this for me don't ruin it I really need to see them happy the visual novel is he actually starting to realize that baby if he checks it it's like actually late to real life wait what did you just I got a sweet back my place I gotta go play some games I'll be back yeah is it a good one at least no clue but it's got to be better than searching at random all right I'll meet you there the girls could be to my house I expect her back like that oh my god that's kind of scary though you know what's gonna happen right all right so we will home then I both have the stairs in my room and grab the lunar phone that I had on the charging on my bed Maui yeah we yeah I'm the mummy cat I need to get to the next scene as quickly as possible the man goes home to play visual novel while girl is in danger right now I'm skipping through the past to line up with the real-world present-day but what if but what if I read further he's starting to understand I mean this is one of those dating sim type games right which means the protagonist does he not know that's it looks exactly like her I'm just saying like oh whoa I said I said it sound effect catches me off guard my hand slips I absolutely decently deselect the skip button wait is this coming oh my god this was part of her freaking plan I just realized it she's oh my god this is all part of her plan we've been had met yoki Shinichi do you know where she went Meucci asks through the gasps for breath and i-9 thanks for coming with me as if I wasn't going to she's extremely predictable you know so like obviously I had to do something anyway do you know where she went yes yeah at least I'm pretty sure where did she actually go what if we're gonna tell her about the visual novel as well it's a visual novel section though the school and I blame her for being skeptical despite I always find a son on the roof I told myself there's no way she's gonna trespass on his school ground that night see look oh she opened it sure enough the franchise is open as well I sent my dog the janitor just forgot to close the doors the school's building is completely deserted hey where is she I don't trust this girl there's a trail of water droplets leading in the opposite direction towards the gym how do you know well you said you had an idea oh yeah so she doesn't know well I'm honestly not sure how to explain it to her the whole reason we're here is because it's a scene in the game where Howie is soaking wet she takes cover in the gym but I know Mookie hates Comic Con playing video games with reality oh yeah that's right she does really hate that it's fine don't worry let's just go just tell me later okay I get scared how are you Mookie's voice echoes the faces of the darkness the gym is pitch black and only there would be a soul here or would it be a soul here at this hour I know you're here Howie Tammy did you hear that yeah that was definitely her it's cute though I thought I was gonna be scared for a second silence Howie doesn't answer why are you hiding come on now he got you my Meucci shouts but how he refuses to respond it's not over here is a muffled sob she's crying why what's wrong stay away don't come any closer what are we about to see right now why are you crying I can't help it because how he didn't listen oh she's she's scared uh Meucci cutting ties with her because of the cat - what Mookie told me not to but all we couldn't stop thinking about it couldn't abandon the candid wanted to be a hero but now Mickey's got to cut ties - stop being my friend well that was definitely the threat she made at the time is that why she won't come out probably she already chose you over the kid once before come on Mookie I get it all right Meucci sighs the frustration I think your back okay I'll take you back uh you take it back I don't want to cut ties I just want to stay friends now please get out here and talk to us Ali you sure you won't cut ties with me I always wavering voice cuts through the darkness you promised you take you back why else would I come looking for you in the middle of the night when it's pouring down rain outside Zilla goose I wouldn't do it unless I was worried about you obviously you mean it I wouldn't lie to you about something like this I mean we're friends aren't we then thank you so much how he dashes out for backstage dude I can't but it also has a really like curse side to it at least the person I'm playing this the version that's on Steve normally uh it's probably not as cursed but again I was told that you you missed some parts if you don't so yeah that's why I did it I don't want to miss anything yogi you were the best thanks I'm just glad you're feeling better I can hear a tiny squeaking mucus voices always flying tackle hug threatens to nearly send the both of us the both of them toppling to the floor wait where's the kitten right here come on you two is it in her like jacket or whatever Jesus yeah I did it came out of her Jackie or her like pouch or whatever Jesus the cuteness levels are off the charts they've even got me reading I could die happy I mean seriously right like you gotta have a heart of stone not to be just like just smile like this but if it in me oki eyes she falls afraid it'd she's hugging the cat what happened to of what do you repeat of last time history is always going to repeat itself she did you do you have a facemask why would I why wouldn't you don't snap at me when it comes to cats I swear the scroll can't stop thinking about all right this girl stops thinking straight and al we don't encourage her why are you even wearing that well my clothes got all away what happened to the umbrella I gave you oh she completely forgot about it didn't she somehow I'm not surprised okay so it's that I stopped raining basically maybe we share it back home now while we can got it Mew keys missing wait what I look around sure it up I can't see her anywhere is she really go wandering off the school at night alone ah what is that sound did I scare you Yuki turns up the direction with the hallway smirking looks like she's holding something foreign chowder it's cool tonight drink it's just steel that's probably a vending machine is it what it was like is it those drinks I had in Japan like I don't have it oh I know that they I don't know if I've had it but I know that they have these like hot corn dreams that just sounds disgusting I guess that's what they're drinking we're all getting along and now and they're feeding each other like good old pals all right I just know those games try to set me up and ruin me okay she gave her some tomato juice II thought think of us way the stuff is actually good / ill yeah way better than I was expecting at least yeah she gave a little bit of spice of like code in there it's full of my love I love this so much is the a12 what does that even mean what is 8:12 mean anime I always be trying to find a different April 7-eleven what are they gonna run out oh this is Utah rose parents stores apparently they run this store okay so I see a little big it's not really that important to the story guys like they're just getting cat food and apparently you thought it often ends up working the register you thought it was probably my favorite character of this game though because he's so freakin hilarious he has the most messed up family situation I've ever heard of in my life so now we went inside the store to get pasteurized milk they're not sure if she's gonna get the right kind so she might kill the cat we don't really know but did Ally leave us alone together on purpose another customer heads inside a chime plays is the automatic door slide open you know I gotta admit oh we might have a doctor that can't really on a win but I think she's just doing what she thinks is right it'll only ended suffering you know well sure maybe she can't tell reality from video games in her lack of forethought is cause for a concern but honestly I can't say I just like that about her I mean come on we all need some imagination you know is it really that bad to think that that way I mean yes with something yeah it's really awfully kind of cringe when it comes to some things but you know I think the lesson is don't take life too seriously say um what about how would you feel if I were to do what I think is best for myself what do you mean well yeah if I were to be honest with how I really feel dude just say you love us already okay come here oh god take it every time we get close we turn to find are we standing there shopping bag in hand blatantly spying on us guess you manage to buy it huh sure did good for you I'm proud of you for buying milk you did it does this mean operation alo time was a disaster I knew it she planned this she's so evil that drink up whose house over here at my house where's my parents did he ever say it what is seriously every anime characters parents are gone somehow where are they there's they're no parents in Japan at all are they always on a business trip every parent just saying alright so they're feeding the cat right oh so was you thought about working nope but that klutz was what class the one from the theater club oh she worked at roque oh my god that scared me someone just knocked just then I heard noise from behind me journal it - look whoa his Meucci melting eyes she's probably fine probably I think she's just pressing her face right up against the glass door that's all are you sure mostly seriously she like she belongs on the set of a b-list horror movie as she not like does she not want to be in the same room as the cat but more importantly there's a look in her eye that says get over here so I better not leave her hanging anyway I'll be right back okay I'll be careful I mean she's not actually a monster from a be less horror movie right so I guess she had like her face pressed up because the glass what's your thing it's not fair I can't believe you get to a hug control for yourself so she's jealous because she wants to be with the cat you're all having fun without me look what it's just like affordable pet the kid - out of nowhere her hand still he touches mine I start to panic then Mookie leans away and I realized her cell phone is now sitting my palm take pics close-up shots she wasn't good pictures of a cat so they all just had a wholesome moment with the cat yes nice what do you think perfect thank you bukey checks over the kitten pictures and puts her phone away what are you always this much of a cat fanatic I guess you could say that I want what I can't have man you should see the faces you make when you go out cat crazy you look like cross between I feel like that for your brain now fine sorry but there's no way I'm gonna be able to forget that monstrosity look at them fast asleep in there almost like they really are mommy she's doing it again she's doing it again she's mid late letting us being alone right now following her lead i peer into the living room from beyond the glass door bro are they gonna get together or what like I just needed to see you now Oh more well alright I guess we should call it a night here and uh wait what do you want me you want me to take some more pictures no that's not it you want to crash here for the night I don't think it's a good idea but nope oh there's something I want to tell you what's that Yuki I'm done clinging to the past oh hey hey she pulls me closer way whoa whoa Meucci pulls me close until it neither of us can see how e her body has turned towards me and yet her face has turned away so soon dari we're too close way too close time slows to a crawl kiss ever since if you tell me about the climax of the play I've kissed her countless times in my dreams my love as this all drinks you if so I need to wake up fast wow that was random no it's not random actually or let's switch with the whisper I can't let myself fall in love with her don't if we kiss I definitely will which means I know what I have to do I know I need to get out of here don't you pricky do I'm gonna slap you but my heart won't let me I could fill up pounding my chest yes follow your heart I'm scared I don't want my first kiss to be on stage so I wanted to get some practice in first practice yeah like I want to get the hang of it you know is that cool with you heck no what go practice with your acting partner this isn't my problem whoa dude my man just grew some cojones what it's not but you said you helped me forget ouch so it worked up all my courage to ask you to be your practice practice partner okay look I know what I said but what am I your guinea pig day my managers earned some self-respect he's not a guinea pig he he's an actual GF someone that will actually love him for him that's right yeah Minn deserve rights to know you've got it all wrong then why would why the F would you say that to me do you have any idea how I feel spending all this time with you Wow dude a freaking puss right now I can't wait for once the main character is actually not stupid oh stop the Gloucester oh no she's gonna have to change the game again doesn't she she jumps in in between us no fighting allowed you to oh hey just when we're finally getting along you're not allowed to fight what that she topple sideways I quickly catch her my arms like freaking spider-man we catch her her eyes Wonder and focused what's wrong you feeling sick I always battery is dying wowie the second we walk outside ow he loses her balance acting quickly I pull her arm over my shoulder to keep her upright I'll help you get her back to the knot today sorry hey see you tomorrow bye bye Miyuki I walk up with Ali leaving Mookie standing there in silence with one arm around my shoulders Ali's hubble's down the street on to a newly dried uniform you sure you want to go back to the manga cafe you can always stay a couple of nights at my place you know that would trigger a risky event flag I get it okay what about the hospital ow he needs to recharge the hospital won't help with that she needs her anime I've assumed she watches anomie then at least let me call you a taxi oh it will be fine I swear what she puts her mind to something she refuses to be swayed thankfully she doesn't seem to be running a fever so I think she's alright Shinichi what's up why did you make friends with me well I'd Emily retrace my memories back to the day I first exchanged email addresses with her that was the day we officially became friends and then she took a photo of me and Mookie I don't I didn't want you to spread the photo around that was your whole reason well I mean I I had to do something right but you don't have the patience to deal with other people she's not wrong she ain't wrong I guess you remind me of Mookie when we were little Miki had trouble fitting in so she was a loner just like you Yuki so that's it you wanted to help Yuki huh one minute she's staggering along on her feet on her two feet of the next she collapses to the ground you okay I was like she's okay hold on a second I pull out my cell phone to call a cab no thanks this is where we say goodbye I'm not just gonna leave you here it's fine I always speak softly her gaze distant once you're on a route all the other girls fade into the background so you'll forget about me soon enough and you'll forget you left me here over my dead body oh I need to already see the Buddha bruise I crash to the ground at the side of the road hop on oh we're giving you a piggyback ride I'll carry you what for well you won't let me call you a taxi besides it's faster just to walk there but Aoi I said hop on that's what friends are for right yeah friends okay bro this is so wholesome it ain't even funny how it climbs on my back we set off under the moon nights look at that that's some cool art isn't it she's so soft and warm in small digs my man over here I gotta say I like him as a main character really do like him well you ain't like nothing are you even eating it she drinks a lot of you Bailey's you need something with more calories you're gonna fade away to nothing at this rate but it has love in it love I always been having so much fun every day all those long forgotten emotions have come rushing back and it's all thanks to you I like you to meet you I like you a whole bunch I love you I don't know if you should be saying that she needs you your face is all red did I always sound like your girlfriend just now know how he feels so happy now super happy being your friend is the best thing ever maybe there could have been an alley route what'd she say she died but not now this is Mookie's route I told you stop playing like we're in of it you won't get she keeps using that word she did she excuse me oh we already patched the universe to make sure I'm starting to wonder if she's actually gonna die or something so we did remember that then okay they're going to be Miyuki sprints or prints I can't believe what I'm hearing all of the words that she could have you subscribed me princess at one of them step-by-step we walked into the cafe oh you're welcome oh he hops off my back you sure didn't need to go to the hospital are you sure the zabi recharge my batteries all thanks to the events eg there literally was a siege II went see jeez she talking about the good news is she doesn't see was dizzy get plenty of rest you can hear me so like she literally gets charged every time we see one of those pictures that's like what she's saying I'll look after you do please do I'll be waves to me bye bye have a good night with that she she disappears i watch her go until the elevator doors clothes thinking back this has been one heck of a day I still got some stuff to process myself but hey there little buddy right now we got a cat and yet somehow sleep evades me I'm so hooked on this guy's holy crab n I know those games gonna rip my heart out just like doki-doki did this I'm sorry but it like it does it just it's it reminds me like you know dogged Rafa I don't think I can compare this a dog or a boy at all it just feels like that you know not that they there are two different games yes but still I just I just nothing wrong with saying I get the same feelings okay I'm so sleepy I didn't get a wink of sleep last night no surprise there warning man oh man stop shouting what happened to your family this time what's got used to working I worked up not in the least well you see don't ignore me it turns out my brother for you Jo has a crush on someone movie really really I just got an email from the man himself well that's good now he can have a more healthy romantic outlet it's yeah you're right why aren't you happy for him it's just that now that it's gone it's surprising how much it hurts it's your brother my said phantom romance he was your brother would think about a shitty G he was scared and he confessed to me does that sort of thing happen every day it does it it really does it so I need some advice she did she you've got a pretty friendly with moo moo cow moo moo Co yeah pretty close you might say and mukha is pretty friendly and with Sony's end there you see that see what the path to Sony's heart to not insert we should each I beg you please help me get to know so they said please no can do lend me your strength god of dreams find a different cud I speak of angels she appears huh can you hear me what do you want normally I'm Yuki all smiles whenever she walks into the classroom yeah cuz she always puts on that act right she just spoke to me the ultimate nobody all at once the whole room goes weirdly quiet I need to borrow you and go where just come with me Wow is she really gonna like confess confess God I don't want to stop it here guys but it's been like an hour I reluctantly follow her back stab her best users plates a song echoes okay now the whole class is going to spread rumors about you for sure this is the pits homeroom started you know that doesn't matter hey that hurts quick point be so hard instead of quiet here to the old gymnasium everyone Jane and she about to be like okay look I actually do love you so what do you want roll along by the stage it's going to be a kiss Jimmy Choo you're hiding something from me about how we aren't you she no hiding something oh that night that night in the rain when we found are we here you figured out something right what did you go back to your house for oh did we actually see something in the visual novel we weren't supposed to see oh right God if I tell her I was looking for clues in a videogame she's gonna kick my butt tell me this is since I went to play video game video game I always acting out scenes from a mobile game she's been doing it ever since we first met so use that game to predict the future I wasn't actually expecting her to be in here I guess she really is dedicated to the game script Yuki lets out a heavy sigh as she adopts the cat in the game yeah you know when we found her I swear it was almost like a 1:1 one-to-one reproduction reciting lines is one thing it can't yours aren't hard to come by but what about the cat that's right huh kidding well I was worried about leaving the little thing all by itself in the house so I brought him to school I'm letting him hang out up on the roof for now n-not that what I mean is how does she happen to find a stray cat where does she go out of a way to get one from a shelter just to act out a scene from a game oh well she has a point I didn't think of that either I can't imagine how it would go quite that far maybe it was a coincidence I don't think so acquits is really maybe God answered her prayers Yuki wait what are you oh I need to check something I'll call you later okay what is she checking out guys we're got to find out next episode today scrub of the day goes to mez pi oh it was just me with my mini waifu's guys that's all guys please do smash like if you want to see more than slide cuz I just want to play this ID to experiences don't take this away from me I'll see you the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 238,930
Rating: 4.9740133 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, you and me and her a love story, doki doki literature club, bijuu mike doki doki, doki doki bijuu mike, doki doki, kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi, you and me and her, you and me and her a love story game
Id: Z-lEnslXcUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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