Doki Doki Literature Club was inspired by this Game? Lets Find out Why ...

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2017 was the year I lost my innocence I know that sounds wrong but let me tell you why that's because doki-doki your literature Club became out and then traumatized me oh wait no stop what is going on guys guys guys what the heck okay you're right and even though that was three years ago I remember hearing about one game that supposedly inspired doki-doki literature club that everyone kept talking about and the visual novel elitists what always say you've never played a real a psychological horror visual novel they would do you need to play this game called Toto know at least that's what people called it and I've heard that so many times but it's quite obvious that this game did not reach the popularity that doki-doki literature club did probably because back then there was no English translation and number two yeah doki doki allergic elope is free but according to people that have actually played this game the few people that have played this game apparently doki-doki literature club doesn't go looking for the boogeyman under their bed they go looking for this game under their bed because it's supposed to be that good apparently don't believe me let me read some of the reviews first of all may get a load of this one this one just says I honestly don't feel so good after reading this highly recommended okay possibly the best visual novel I never want to read again I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu from this game a sense of deja vu related to a certain literature club in my personal favorite if doki doki blew your socks off this will take your shoes with them as well it along with just so many other reviews that just will just really make you want to play the game now I'm gonna preface this with saying that you should go and definitely play this game for yourself before you know watching me play the game because obviously we're gonna start with the first episode every time we start one of these playthroughs of a visual novel or you know just any kind of story game I highly encourage you guys to go and download that game for yourself because that's how you're gonna get the Trueba experience you know I won't do it justice but I just want to experience this with the people that want to experience it with perhaps you've already played the game and you'd like to watch me do it so yeah just go freakin buy the game I mean honestly just go play it's only like ten hours long from what I've seen so that excites me considering that I'm playing Duncan drop it now which is like 80 hours long so if I could get through that we can get through this so get ready to embark on this journey with me we will apparently never be the same ever again life is like a staircase oh we just started it up like that you just got to keep climbing otherwise if you start to overthink it you'll have trouble taking the next step there are no branching paths no point in regretting the actions you didn't take they say life as a series of choices but that's nonsense cooked up by the old and bitter yesterday leads to today and today leads to tomorrow one step at a time what lies ahead you won't know until you get there very good message I would say I agree with that at the top of the staircase I step outside into the dazzling sunset this is the school roof most students are barred entry you think I'd be used to the view from up here but evidently a few hours difference is all it takes to make the world look okay that's obviously not right I need to fix this you think I'd be used to the view from up here I don't know why it's green now but it's great now but evidently a few hours difference is all it takes to make the world look brand-new oh it's probably what you've already seen that's really clever I like that you taro you up here no response the peaceful autumn breeze is all that greets me grass has sprouted between the cracks and the concrete's and the pile of desks on the far side is rusting from exposure to the elements up here it almost feels like a forgotten place to time I love it specifically I love the 360-degree view of the town below I've lived here my whole life every inch of this town is packed with nostalgic memories the longer I look out the calmer I feel when they randomly voted me to the campus cleanup committee I wasn't exactly eager but I note about this little side project sooner maybe I would have Ahlan tear for the job or if I known roof access is only granted to two groups the astronomy club for stargazing in the cleanup committee to holla desks in and out that said I'm told there are plenty of spare keys floating around if you know where to look the school roof has certainly legend attached to UC as a result every now and then other students will ask me to unlock the door for them which is why I'm up here today at the behest at the biessed I've never heard that word of my friend you taro unfortunately he seems to be running late god there's the first jump-scare hmm I looked down there's a cellphone laying down face down on the ground next to the door whose is this I crashed down and pick it up oh it's just God answer dude there's an incoming call from God from God you think he's got fried g2 before I can answer the ring stops admittedly I'm a little relieved seriously whose phone is this oh we actually have a choice oh my god it's one of these games I love it when they give you a choice but it also like I don't want to make the wrong choice check the call history that listen OOP I just altered my fates I decided to check the call history God God God God what the heck next I checked the address book there's only one entry yep you guessed it God a burner phone for God there's no way this actually belongs to the big man upstairs right mm-hmm now loading with the Haeckel loading screens I should be like every guy a boy off the enemy what do you do me why are your clothes falling up I really hate this you're my crush but oh no babe that's not a perfect example of what happens in every enemy ever a girl looks back at me then she oh I know that who they got Japanese voices I'm actually really excited for that I just I even know this gave me a voice acting at all so that just makes me happy my battery is dying I need you to brush up on that Japanese anyway what battery he'd see oh when I get zapped II so is she facetiming me I I was a little confused they're not gonna lie I think I pushed the wrong button by accident looks like I lost one of those visual novel games oh dang that poor slob break I could see it already a visual novel in a visual novel this has never been done before I've seen some friends play these handheld game consoles wouldn't be surprised if they made the jump to mobile mobile - they did Duncan drop action just came out on multiple - I never played one myself at least I don't think I have but I feel like I recognize that uniform do I know you it's so cute I could hear a strange voice oh there she is my phone have you guys follow that Twitter and human anime girl sounds or whatever this is should be on there if it's not already there's a girl on the roof upstairs over the stairs raising her hand straight in the air her expression totally blank just staring vacantly into the sky bro this artist like yeah like dude staring at whatever lies beyond huh dude her body starts to sway her voice is fading oh oh no somewhere charger batteries dang man these androids getting crazy now whoa let me guess oh my god did the exact thing that happened on the phone just happened in real life you all right I did her eyes locked it to the end to mind my battery is dying what battery her face is so close to mine I can feel her breath on my skin her lips are inches away according to the school legend if two people share a kiss on the roof who their love will be eternal when I get zappy oh so that's what that means get zappy I would like to see what it means I whatever happens don't worry yeah it's it's not gonna be in the video something travels through her body across my skin the frying all sense of reason to a char pulled in like a magnet my lips are drawn to hers oh wow is nothing sacred oh we got the Sundari we got the Sundari oh here we go what exactly are you doing here on the roof of our esteemed Academy oh she's more like a class president huh Meucci what am i doing well she's recharging let her recharge with her lips what did this girl just say she's saying she's having some saxophone lessons why what what kissing triggers the event flag but she's acting like this is a visual novel I've heard enough Miyuki swings her baseball bat don't treat Shinichi like your plaything yeah I'm not your plaything she is nunny I put present with Sony Meucci since we were friends actually I've no idea how to say that or not at Sony or Sony I've got a guess giving how a Japanese is usually pronounced at Sony Meucci since we were kids in elementary school we were used we used to play together all the time but we grew apart as we got older happens to a lot of people while I've just been skating through life without any hobbies and she's quickly proven she can master anything she tries with her looks smart athletic ability and natural talent for acting she became the school's queen bee practically overnight rumor has it she's received a dozen love confessions with her first within her Persian about the school dang wow I've been told they were from girls all of them for a job thing it's that bad huh and one of them was even from a teacher supposedly she shot them all down well let's hope she shot the teacher down at least but they say one of the guys refused to take no for an answer she was forced to fight him off with a baseball bat explains why she has it she's so famous the student here can't seem to stop talking about her then there's me it's total nobody it's just I gotta admit I'm getting pretty tired of these freaking like tropes like why he does the main character of every anime the main character of all of these visual novels gotta be like oh it's just me and nobody but guess what I have all these hot girls that just love to surround me for some whatever reason jump on top of me and their clothes literally burn off but oh please don't do that you guys asked me why I'm able to predicting so well this is why I'm so invisible I'm so invisible I practically air blind an offensive barely even there an utterly forgettable NPC character in the RPG of life all that's so deep I'm hardly even worth of worthy of breathing the same air as her that sounds like simp talked right there just being around here is making me kind of tense all right okay so yeah I'm like the furthest thing from okay what we're gonna do some subtropic here gon see please work you're editing magic somehow or maybe I just won't show this which is supinated I'll read yours let the listen there's just some interesting angles I'll just say that much your boyfriend you better be quiet she's got Shinichi and I are in a relationship I'm afraid you don't have a chance with him so did you leave already that's not true you're not dating excuse me how would you know I'm a transceiver God sent me a radio transmission from beyond the universe I literally don't know how to get to the settings so like I would turn down the voices but I can't I really just don't know how to do it I seems like she's too corndogs short of a picnic Oh God well the English translation is pretty good so far it's pretty funny whatever it talking to you is a waste of breath listen here's tonichi I have known yeah we've known each other for a long time so as his girlfriend I got it she raises her hand interrupting me Yuki OS I know najimi do you hear that that means childhood best friend in case you couldn't figure that out I know you guys know uh sorry no sana Nagi me possibly from a certain other game you're the childhood friend of a character your true feelings are mystery a staple of visual novels see even she knows visual novels oh and you mean like this one I hold the cell phone that I found out earlier whoa what's that a stack Shaka Braille just now theif the phone falls for a bet might now might numbed fingers she definitely snatches it from that she just takes it away okay I didn't still it was like at the ground over there on the ground yeah so I owe you a favor Oh what is this getting to well I wouldn't go that far but I'll make it up to you no please don't this is a school for God's sakes let's get zappy nose a pea nose a pea hold it right there Yuki is now visibly trembling with rage what was it you called me the childhood friend of a character are you seriously comparing me to a character in a video game well you kind of are yep get rude she's hit her in the head she slams her bat down hard on the concrete life is not a video game you hear me my feelings are the real deal some video game characters cannot possibly compare to you I got it oh she's mucus tone is dripping with fury but the girl raises her hand like she doesn't even notice can you kiss him if you're really did he can you kiss him right you can kiss him right it's nothing to do with kiss him right now should be easy right mucus face is so rare I can't even compare do I get a say this like okay come on what's a kiss between lovers practically nothing I can do it I can kiss him but if we listen if you're opposed to it we really don't have to I'm not opposed to it gosh to tell the truth I was always waiting for this as kids we were two peas in a pod and when did it all fall apart I mean when did I start to distance myself I'm really happy you asked me to meet up here nuki her voice is barely a whisper this will be my first kiss but I'll give it to little over the top aren't I is that what people is that what that's not what people usually do when their first kiss you they don't scream do they no I just prefer to keep private matters private that's all yeah yeah we're dating yeah yeah I guess what I don't make it clear you're the one who put me up here after all your actions pushed me to make up my mind and wait wait what I did what now goodbye dumb I know you wrote this hi write a note she pulls a letter out of her pocket to miss Sonam Yuki I'll be waiting on the rooftop after school there's no signature I've never seen this letter in my life why would she there's no signature why would she assumed it was me it could have been literally anyone and it it already said that she had a bunch of Myers wait this is your handwriting he's captured the boys in the dreams club of course it was this idiot here we go competition something tells me this is not gonna go very well this is what dreams are made me the gallium prince what so so then that son I said that right business by struggling to contain herself Miki strides to the door and slams it behind you nothing nice going genius nanine what was it something I said I must have let all my dreams go to my head yeah I don't think that's it forget it I better save the explanation for later we're gonna be standing here all night hey you our expression is still completely blank I don't have the first clue what she's thinking that whole recharging thing from earlier charging my zapier oh yeah well what's this Appy oh it's saxophone lessons that's it you guys are no we weren't doing anything man no we weren't doing the saxophone lessons almost what are you driving he's crying blood we should give him ambulance for God's sakes it's not cool no I can't believe I had to explain this but you have to trigger the event like you need to stop you need to raise your affection points this is not a visual novel this isn't a video game got it she raises her hand straight into the air how is a romance option in this world is a video game there's a term for people like this gamer brain I thought it was weeaboo but I guess I was wrong I'm not sure what the original definition was but these days it used to be someone who can't tell the difference between games of reality but your childhood friend with the long dark hair is the main heroine she will hurt her route we'll have to wait okay so I can already sort of see the way this visual that was gonna go just due to the mention of visual like I I think I mean I think we both kind of know right how this is gonna go it's all simulation it's not real hey weights but she ignores me and runs down the stairs I'm sure you're not gonna matter dude so why even talk to you he's asking why the girls stormed off well it because it's like you're just not Nicole Nicole is how you say her name to boot the Punky are you anur me are you a frickin Normie wait a second do you know her are you serious that did that was a week moo-cow I say it again she's in her class dude all right got it so she's kind of the weird girl kirito-kun dojo kanojo no koi you and me in her a love story McHale oh we the name doesn't ring any bells whatsoever to be honest I'm not much of a people person I'm pretty socially awkward like it's been almost six months and I still don't know the names of the girls in our class well obviously you don't if you don't know that girl but the grade but that great age space cadets it's hard to believe I should forget someone I could forget it's the one who's unique is her that's what I'm saying like you you know the main characters in the anime would you see them and you don't know that like come on haha I crawl in a bed want to get sappy oh that just I can't stop thinking about it everything from her posed to her appearance and everything she said it was all identical to the game from the Bulldog art from the mobile game it's like she jumped right out of the screen and the prog net and the protagonist name was Suzuki Shinichi - no it can't be I don't have the power to turn videogames in a reality do I your reality yeah I mean I can see like it totally makes sense now just based off of what I've already seen from this game I can see the similarities between this game with Doki Doki Doki literature club before from what I read from a really credible reddit post apparently according to it a post and I have read dan salvato said that he actually never even heard of this game until he finished development of Doki Doki literature club so maybe it's just coincidence but I can see why people make the comparisons so far I mean they mentioned your reality and I got flashbacks whoa there buddy now I'm the one with a gamer brain that visual novel was on Buchanan's phone she probably has all the dialogue memorized she was probably just acting it out and she also cosplays it but why forget it I'm letting my imagination get carried away I pulled the blanket over my head and squeezed my eyes shut that night in my dreams I see Miyuki and we kiss you and me and her and me and you Wow the start of a new day man that dream I had last night was pretty weird but I know today will be just the same as always just another ordinary it's not gonna be it's not gonna be huh a letter tumbles out of my shoe Locker I take it to my desk and open it careful they have terrified to discover what's inside meet me on the roof at lunch Oh God not you again it's alright were you peeking first type out of your old friends with so nice on and then I find out you're not only did you try to cheat on her with McGowan on top of that you also get the old-fashioned love letter he's jealous your ignore your scribe this guy actually just wants a girlfriend come on God may forgive you but as the captain the poison dreams Club iocai Bono you tato will never will keep your nose out of people's letters sorry but you know like the stuff like this will affect whether the beaded Club lives to see another day I guess the boys in dreams Club don't worry it would make sense it doesn't make sense to me either your tower describes this club is for boys who wants to pursue their dreams personally I have no idea what that means the club actually around for quite some time what's the name like that I can imagine many people would go out to out of the way to join it and surprisingly he's the only member of the club really and in the end he convinced me to join in name only purely to keep the club alive so I'm just just that I don't even attended I'm just there it doesn't matter what I do as long as I stay in the club right hey my friend you can't pursue a dream you're already living moment you achieve romantic fulfillment and become an oldie your membership is Nolan boy this is the oldest one by the BD boys so basically is the cloclaw loners okay maybe disbanding is for the best I'm sorry - think so - he's so sad he said something on my desk Oh what's they that's the game I saw yesterday after macaw had left you taro demanded to know every last detail of what happened obviously I couldn't tell him about all that stuff Miyuki said but I did tell him about the bishop knob on her phone I barely gave you anything to go on how did you find it Ryu Joo boogy boogy no there was a lot about these games whose rear dude oh my kid brother he looks dead on like moo-cows so I showed him a pic of her that was all it took her name's hard to say I'm just gonna say that I look at the girl on screen oh oh hey that's why other wife would chant too I think it's hard to tell her she can't look similar then I look at her city view deskaway they're absolutely identical a perfect 2d recreation if you told me the developers model her carriage on here I wouldn't doubt for a second because it's silently at her desk she doesn't try to talk to anyone replying her phone she just stares an empty space well everyone is chatting about their morning with friends and space around her is perfectly quiet like a vacuum illness that she's forcing her tired being on picking up the fanciest faint hiss radio ways from the farthest reaches of space got it just then she thrust her hands up through the air transmission received development schedule confirmed broderick she's an Android and they're updating her real-time man route in progress she's like living out a visual novel in real life and then she announced that she's made a choice kind of interesting I like that no one finds her baby surprising at least that's the sense I get what is what are we this is very watery she's one giant headache waiting to happen I never said I was interested in her like that then why are you asking about her she tried to kiss me the roof obviously gotta be a little curious to know but that's all it is for your sake I sure hope so I hear some pretty bad rumors dude dude some shady stuff dude such as they say she's a total bluesy oh not that I bite obviously I mean she's I mean based on what she's already done I mean that's probably true like I mean she's impossible to talk to me us anything else after what did I see her game your brain game bro brain ants accessory I agree she seems like she's off in her own little world at least Bradley's totally oblivious to people around her she can't carry on a conversation to save her life hey you [ __ ] oh is this game available in the App Store can I like get it on my switch you can keep it what the phone yeah yuujiro got himself a new one recently there's no SIM card so you can make calls with it but you can download games no problem dude this is a cool classic in TR games and TR what's that heck if I know it's visual not with terminology in TR in TR I gotta say I don't know and I play visual novels but I guess I just don't know what that means but I'm getting some Biddy vibes from it I see oh there she is Yuki's voice brings throughout the classroom just like that the girls start to gather around her at a giant circle they start asking her questions ok so that wasn't that girl over there I'm out of the topic she answers each one with sophistication and grace and a smile just like that she lights up the room drawing attention from quite a few guys at the class - this happens every morning and every time it makes me painfully aware of the distance between us well she always like it's so plain his freakin day that she likes them so like what is he worried about like there's obviously no competition she already like tried to kiss him so name Yuki is the queen bee and I'm and nobody I'm just Chuck's nobody she's just so beautiful yeah my queen here in the classroom she's the star of the show but I know she's just playing the part as her as her old friend I know that she's really like fussy and plain-spoken so she acts differently with other people okay do did you see that Redis so he obviously wants to be with her like it's no no it's like you know yeah yeah you know you're like I'm rooting for you gum gum bat day a gum buddy my show whatever I know every time I speak Japanese I just like really do come off as a weeaboo whatever and yet even as I speak I can't but glasses in Macau at the corner of my eye amid the cheerful chatter she sits perfectly still the very picture of loneliness but she don't act lonely she just acts like she's playing a game during class using my textbook so he starts plays playing the game during class okay now loading well I guess if we're gonna we can find out you know hey no spoilers her eyes locking in mine my battery is dying what battery she says the exact same things holy crap yeah this is definitely the same game from yesterday the conversation plays out a little differently and the game but for the most part is exactly the same this can't be a coincidence she must have been intentionally trying to recreate the scene from word-for-word is she really interested in me whoa there buddy I muttered to myself it must be too early to be drawing that kind of a conclusion part of yesterday's moo-cow ahead and I had never even seen each other or spoken to each other I resumed the game okay but in the cheat codes wait the heck are you doing thanks she doing it a box man I'm the mommy cat oh what kind of game is this dude nice try it is nekopara or whatever yeah I know I did that was called I never played it nice try cats don't talk of a meow I'll be friends down at herself for a moment I'm the mummy cats that's not what I meant the C strikes me as familiar it definitely seems like the sort of thing the real world macaw would say at least and knowing her penchant for oddball antics I can't really be sure she wouldn't do something like this in IRL I shoot a Pirtle glance at IRL boo cowl but there are certain mark pose again she's not taking notes in fact she didn't even seem to care about lessons at all yeah she's a blank maybe she's got some special contacts looked like a game in there I want some of those gave me some even an ottoman after news sent as harsh as ever my vision engulfed in a white haze eventually after blinking a few times my site finally registers a lone figure Oh Shinichi no no that than so named Yuki herself with a baseball bat in hand no way you are the one who invited me up here no genius did you forget my handwriting well my handwriting looks like oh right on top of everything else she's the master semester of calligraphy too as such her handwriting is extremely distinctive wait then how did you know that was a written invented invitation because I got one too she holds up a sheet of paper I can tell it's the exact same stationery is mine then that means can't imagine that she hopes to achieve by doing this hoo-hoo indeed let's just wait to find out we stand there in silence side by side gazing out at the town the clear autumn skies she seems to stretch endlessly I feel like we need to talk about what happened yesterday yes stop Kabaddi but at the same time it feels too personal I never it never used to be like this in the past we had more of a playful relationship we had no trouble teasing or joking with each other but we can't go back to the way we were thing I love the ambience and the distance I hear a crack of a baseball bat that reminds me why did you make the back to practice my swing it's time for my next performance the plays about the softball interesting come to think of it she was carrying one yesterday - you really dedicated her so she's in a drama club not literature but a drama club I'm impressed yes she's so talented I closed my eyes and the past we ought to play in the local indoor batting cage I remember her long hair fluttering with emotion the most of her perfect beautiful swing you're lying aren't you about what needing to practice you're ready a pro I think you overestimate me doubt it you had that bat with you yesterday too didn't you there's no way she bring about it to a romantic rendezvous just because she had more than text than that I can't show this actually now is there to think about I remember hearing that she used to bat he was about to defend herself from a perfectly aggressive admirer so she just keeps it for self-defense it's pretty easy is it for self-defense I mean partially yeah all right well it try not to kill anyone with that thing shut up you keep outs I'm only human I get scared sometimes I don't blame her for keeping her guard around random guy his rooftop doors the only exit if I got locked she'd be trapped in just like that her perfect reputation would be destroyed overnight or if it got locked linking out her face I could see traces of the girl I used to know sorry you haven't changed a bit I can't really tell if you're really smart or really dense my bad my bad it's fine I give up on you yeah I gave up on you years ago it's true we gave up on each other a long long time ago funny our mystery letter writer sure is taking their sweet time to get up here she can't imagine why we exchanged our cast of quips I feel a bit more comfortable now that makes it easier to work to the courage to talk to her come I do it say it say how you feel dude hey listen about yesterday yesterday oh that that was all an act right to help me get out of that Jam of course yeah you look like you really freaked out yeah I totally threw me for a loop I mean barely yeah I even barely know her thank you for showing up what you did seriously oh no need to thank you thank me I heard Lee did a thing she stares at the ground letting her guard down I have a feeling this is all bull crap it's like she was the kiss to me I mean come on that was an act let's all be real here I pause for a moment there once she's calm I asked her again that la confession it was just that love confession it was all in Act right right it wasn't real just forget it oh well let's just take it seriously yeah it was an act no all right I will there's an unspoken agreement between us to push our old friends and nothing more I happen to maintain my distance from her that much is crucial anyway that moo-cow sound sure is something else I know she's steering the conversation back into safe territory she doesn't to care about anything or at least she never seems to pay attention honestly it infuriates me Mookie's the tact to always put 100% into everything she does so it makes sense that she wouldn't get along with someone as absent-minded as macao come on man don't be so hard Norman he didn't say man whatever haven't got poor grip on reality can't be exactly easy for either you know that's not true oh she actually talked to us Moo Cow just like yesterday she's standing on the roof above the stairs have you been there the whole time how I can tell the difference between reality and fiction this world is a game always a romance option not this not since again let's see you're proofing she just glitches my Mikasa tester head tilts her head puzzle supposedly I said tip helps then she puts her hands under her skirt he starts to pull oh my god okay she started to play the saxophone again I don't know why they're so obsessed the saxophone of this game what are you doing I will get naked at the intentional watermark will appear she's not gonna do it right she ain't gonna do it about right she ain't gonna do it all right she didn't do it then okay different proof then she takes her cell phone out of her pocket god yes the god of visual novels this world is the video game of program and programs can be patched what's that supposed to mean the world will change oh yeah show us a miracle then would you come on got it Makana it's absolutely erases her phone into the air I have a feeling I know who she's calling here we go again what are you doing nanny stenos nanny starin no nanny schtaron oh god practice on Japanese I think she's calling God since when does she have a phone number since never as far as I know yeah I don't think so she got no she got no 5g on that I mean we did receive a call this it does get calls here we go again as usual God shows no sign of picking up nevertheless she keeps calling he's like guys sound colleague at this point it just hurts the watch are you done not until he answers probably knowing because she seems obviously oblivious to the collision that would explain why she said the class yesterday I heard she has a complicated family situation that's typically out people are that are you know like that she does supposedly she never goes home sleeps in a different bed every night whose bed so I'm not sure and that back of my mind I remember will you tell her said earlier yeah he did say that hey week oh now I feel bad for her maybe your phone doesn't get service up there or I don't know maybe God's a little busy right now you think so maybe oh he doesn't have enough battery power she was the charge if again just get down you wanted to talk to us right breathe see what hey don't jump from there why not oh my god because it's not safe genius how would she survived this long without knowing these things just use the ladder got it she proceeded to climb down a little more recklessly than I would have liked so when's it gonna go down that's the question right finally the three of us are standing on even-even ground so why'd you ask us to meet up here what wait then that means you wrote those letters did you well first experts let me make this clear as you may or may not have already heard everything that happened yesterday was a total misunderstanding tradition and I are old friends that's all nothing more nothing less there's nothing romantic between us oh yeah it's for the best huh got it what is it plan a friendship mission what Howie and Miyuki and Shinichi yeah we've all be top of that GE okay let's be friends why not sure that sounds nice yes really maybe she had a couple of decent president hang out with she wouldn't act like this you have to count on me you'll have to count on me though all right count me out though they say man and women can't be friends but maybe you and Mookie could I refuse I feel that you and I are fundamentally incompatible looks like it's a hard no so she's right I can't imagine them two getting along very well I got it Plan B she holds her phone in the air what's that what exactly did you just do mission to the whole class are you blackmailing us is that bad the look on her face is perfectly innocent come on Miyuki explain to her knock yourself out in Makaha san are you serious I mean it's true sandy she and I were up here together maybe it would give someone the wrong idea but that I can clear it up for them no problems if anything being friends like somewhat like you is more embarrassing you know what let me say two things one you're free to try all you like but unless you make some serious changes you'll never stand a chance making any friends - don't call me Miyuki that's final what do you want me to call her then or will you everybody got a caller it's their name and but that beast rides off to her door down to the stairs meanwhile I feel myself in clinch I know she wasn't shouting at me but still well you really marched at the beat of your own drum don't you Macau tells her head she looks confused a regular occurrence for bye-bye where are you going okay she said I showing everyone that photo Yuki's here to get mad you know why she gave you permission uh-huh she seriously has no clue does she why are you trying to give me a Mookie together in the first place the protagonist needs to end up with the main heroine wouldn't make sense otherwise so I would request an update patch what happens is she gets deal see probably every way I think that's a bad thing I don't know will vice drugs I don't want to make this way too long I'd like to keep these that Alber under an hour unless things get really crazy bright just literally can't stop playing but bear with me I'm very interested in the in this visual novel I think it's really cool and again you know if you're interested in this go download the game for yourself and play it and go and get ahead and then you can you know have the satisfaction of watching me play later you know and all that but I know it's gonna go down some way shape or form that apparently is gonna blow my mind and I can't wait to see that so yeah guys smash like if you want to see more and I'll see you scrubs in the next one thank you so much for watching and bye bye now
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 565,638
Rating: 4.9725618 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, you and me and her a love story, doki doki literature club, bijuu mike doki doki, doki doki bijuu mike, doki doki, kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi
Id: hh9hg5wywU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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