The ending made me cry actual tears - Little Misfortune

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have you guys seen the voice actor for Little Miss fortune it's it's it's really crazy actually because she looks just like her and I don't know how she's capable of making such a voice if you guys haven't seen it look at that I put it back I bought a bus and don't know they actually like made her look like herds it's really crazy I was just bored the other day I was like I really want to see what that before when her voice actually looks like tell me she doesn't actually look like Marzia she even sounds like her in a way like obviously they don't look exactly alike but I just thought that was really really interesting look at this this is so crazy bad I love it ed Lavoie acting that's right gamers we're back with another episode of Little Miss fortunes I still want to call it Little Miss nightmares I don't know it's just ingrained in me I don't know why so as always be sure to smash like because she's such a little lady the last episode we cross this bridge from what's it called Franken something I can't remember like that amusement parks if you've missed last episode I'll be sure to link it right there but let's continue on I just really want to know well if she get her happiness because we all know she deserves oh my god there's a bunch of ways here okay she's just like her resume so you say misfortune okay it's getting really dark mr. Boies are you there hello there's something wrong here something very wrong I don't like that wrong mr. voice what do you mean it's coming hide hide I don't know what you're playing but if you scare me how close my eyes don't don't you do it don't close your eyes oh it's a friend here oh okay you forget his name check this out stormy this is your family from the world hello and now say bye bye babies only because we're leaving I'm so glad I kept stone too you know okay Oh [Music] how come are you talking okay I don't know I've just pressed a something okay yeah oh my god we'll just see if we could die that's messed up I know Benjamin would never do this I don't I've never trusted that voice at all bitching you spill bigots don't make any sudden moves like play-doh let me get up I trust Benjamin he's such a talented Fox don't touch her would your filthy paws you Beast Oh Benjamin don't stab me man you make a bank I need to know what's gonna happen need to tell you why did you actually wanna kill me he was nice to me trust me he's dangerous stop running please stop and listen to mr. voice or keep running after Benjamin I gotta keep running but what happens if we're just like you buddy I'm gonna keep running I'm guessing something's gonna stop us but I'm gonna do it anyway I thought for sure that was it you don't remember me saying if you keep running you'll end up hurt oh I know I could have been more specific like there's a bear trap up ahead stop or you will be huh I would have helped by getting straight to the point okay okay thank you who left a bear trap here anyway I haven't seen any bears while I don't want to point any fingers but it was obvious it's so sick of him blaming blaming everything on the Fox Fox my boy Benjamin whenever Fox with Tobia is that true yes I swear nah let's focus on the eternal happiness again all right you Benjamin alone I'll get me put some Twitter on net je I'm happier oh wait oh yeah we got didn't we like the other ones you think yes super your mouth yes doesn't say anything yes I'm like so proud of myself want to keep things that I need to keep okay so you can't take it out of by me will this phone the filth of my own Oh interesting Rollo okay let's go back okay it's just like every time he plays gamers wanna talk like her the games you enjoy' you can have them all rule number one of this game never read anything because she will read it for you and I'm just wasting my breath every time but I still do it because I'm just programmed to do so I don't know what those dolls do maybe we'll find out later so Miss Fortune I have a couple of questions for you more questions alright it's a World War II Ellis in the back room now just be honest and think about it before answering first question do you believe in magic do you believe magic No No that's all I'm gonna say the only money came from passing the only else's I know is what I like about that is huh second question have you ever looked at batteries I'm not I'm not saying you should ever do that but I did when I was little shocks you don't like batteries I'm not saying to do that do you trust me yeah absolutely not I mean I feel like he's gonna get mad at this this is life right no you're just a voice in my head mommy talks to herself a lot too she says it's her in our demos are you milady not a day-long me a demon no it can't be any month not with the silly boys anyway now for the third question you should burn them blade of dying yeah obviously don't want to die you know what if I can't bring legal it's her well I guess you'll find out when you die and that's exactly what I say I need to be a storm I hope it doesn't bring that much I don't like my fifth getting with my little lady your mouth yeah I think we're here thank you stay cool misfortune uncle I've keep an eye out here while you go inside I'm sure that Fox's in the eternal happiness here make sure doesn't happen is empty and if you see the Fox rum has gotta be where he lives he's gotta be she's like so in love with this fogs I don't know why but it's it's it's cute it's just cute you can do it okay I will look around we may I don't blame me out there no happiness if Benjamin hasn't I asked him to share that price with us and everything will be fine I mean she has such like great solutions for everything is he open attend o-64 I'll leave you player Oh movie I can't take this gave like seriously with her poison why is he recording it [Music] no that's what happened to my spider-man movie back in the day what I had heard on VHS I was so bad I really was very mad but this happened to me I was not very fancy go fix it oh yeah well this actually fix it did it actually work though so the Cloutier doesn't actually do anything it just she thinks it does go see gosh is that bad I'll read it oh the right thing to do obviously would be respect Benjamin's privacy but is that what I wanted you now really I mean he's not gonna kill us over this right right but this we can find out the truth this way by Benjamin Juho you handle this red box why what if see what did I say I freaking did it I did I I broke my rule reading anything in this game she will read it did you know that and then he has an accent I love books oh wait you mean so Benjamin is not from open films and then he doesn't like them oh now I got a read it after I just grilled myself for not reading things or for eating things I must make Dinge dangerous mission mission must be done is what I trained to make nervous but is okay I has study and bigger confidence I travelled from a senior CD to Pandora when Fox appears attacked things and food no information on how long stay I rent cabinet all work done my task importance boss told me many victims in town I need courage see he just wants to save people after a long walk in fog I arrived city called open hills tiny town has good forest cabin very nice has TV kitchen kitchen kitchen I sleep sofa i decorate cabin fish balls smell 58 mushrooms hahaha mushrooms in woods I've refreshed after sleep try pine parasite did not find it day one bill so is that like the demon thing I'm gonna read it first and then I'll do her like a little blow voicing many victims gone missing in parasite game I can't help you sad I said message to bossy some victims not coming to senior CD I see parasite it scared me also not eat much more mushrooms stomach ache and much gas is no good don't eat this mushroom again get all that lore mushrooms serious danger not feel good danger mushroom I stay home Cawood and duty and root soup good taste I do dolls for victim in pictures if she sees them good parasite recognize more girlcode p 0 1 0 1 2 2 zoo it likes to play i has guide poor steps courage tomorrow now reso tell stomach good so he's the one putting the pictures up warning people he was to warn me why does he just talk to me oh you far differ in the mushrooms feeling no stomachaches only gas I go help Missy victims in town more gonna more go no I'm here more go play old trick many times now but they make mistake one victim can hear it's voice inside her I freaking knew it it's him he was it they this is even on the cover of the game to you I was like thinking that but I didn't while I say it but now I truly believe that thing is what's talking to us she's trying to guide us that everyone's watching the gap we know we know you're the only one that really didn't know I I knew it victim code misfortune is nice code Margeaux can't have her say bus she must be rescued but I follow steps I saw more go take shape scary oh that was a lot that was just now he just wrote this now oh so what is she gonna say about this boss and me misses her bus every message watch victim house I sleep outside house hide in trash I felt fine parasite it did not come today big trouble miss warship watch me strange why she see me she big eyes I've heard away felt warm and stomach maybe mushrooms tickle again Oh does he like Oh does he like her - that's adorable I actually think that might happen I see more girl play old trick again victim don't realize this all again all this again all this again most courage is that parasite this time I said many victims to senior CD it's the nurse CD I got level to protect her i confident now i has prime primeval lumination came I try primal illumination came in woods fine I feel courage practicing to help Miss Fortune I see she makes too much talk I think she fun and strong more go confused by charms of misfortune I did video picking wood and parasite came but I'm courage shall I scared only a little I message boss I'm doing it today all steps follow prepare breakfast tea funny feeling with tea herps from woods are fine encouraging competent today I ready then I can be married to him he's already doing better than your dad likes to advocate himself I like my books the meaning of love the fun stories of a boring man but this is someone else's house right this is all of us enough all right Oh obviously but you don't the eternal happiness it was promised to me if I beat the game I really want it back we can totally share it if you want you notice how the Dima is like your diary I'm sorry if you're upset because I read it but I was curious you're afraid it's like trying to say it boy am i doing this hey do I owe you can't hide oh yeah no no well for Benjamin I really want to know all the bad decisions I feel like we should do a whole playthrough we're just both bad decisions like if I was a girl in trouble go Miss Fortune she's just facedown bang your mu why do you go what is this place he's behind the picture I can't wish it I know I know I know Miss Fortune you're a little lady just get this clump of hair surely you shedding it's for the winter okay stop you gotta stop that misfortune there's always so much I could take I'm literally dying over here [Music] No so it was fun gameplay Cyndi's but bünyamin seems so nice maybe he put them for the monster so I was like to ward him off I or something I don't know like sushi balls oh my god Hiro's down here - what does he say key thing about Duncan ESCA huh it's look hey I keep going Oh a picture of lucky interesting it's like one my meager senses are telling me to climb up on this chair oh well this is obviously a lady always touches everything a secret Babu they had a lot of time to do all this press it yes horse all right them I pushed the bottom this game isn't exactly the hardest game I've ever played but it is the cutest anything on my mouth oh my god you slammed your head on she's just something I have the power so we all need to tell ourselves this yeah yeah I'm talking about this no no you didn't you got right back up who's a little lady huh girl because say it she's gonna say yes I'll say it so say it I knew it now let's get let's go beat that demon yeah feel like I could do anything with life now yeah anyone here Thank You mr. voules so late you got like Benji and you got like the other animals but then you have like real animals so it's very confusing look like a baby you gotta get some Lyme disease but in the baby there yeah you deserve some glitter I don't know if you could even if anything happens but here we go yes you can pet the deer in this game [Music] are you he must be in trouble [Music] I'm very didn't have you seen man you mean they think he's in trouble didn't you hear what I just said I'm very disappointed in you mister voice please stop playing games you have lights on me all the time and that's very sucky that is I couldn't trust you what are you talking about I read with Benjamin wrote in his diary all of it you're no one taking the children and I I'm not the hero of this game right I guess the eternal happiness was all that's about this nonsense we have to keep playing my game you can't make me yes I can oh no don't you do it sad then play with me you need to find your eternal happiness I'll give you a clue it's at home waiting for you I'm sick of that eternal happiness I don't want anymore you can't say that that would break the rules you harm me I don't want the eternal happiness anymore I won't tolerate this being you hurt her I will be waiting for you at home no tell me what a banger - what do you do to him Oh God you know I didn't consider you would have thought she would have said something I was considering her language before but this doesn't warrant that I guess oh boy have another dog at the end of the road you will realize you already signed the deal oh that doesn't sound good I don't know guys I'm just I just gotta read it I guess I don't like it oh my god why is everything this game adorable what does he have this why does he own that I didn't a three step guide to exterminating parasitic beings from the beyond okay after the ultra war thousands of beings were discovered as byproducts of the war they created for themselves a new realm we referred to them as the beyond going on the beyond is in simple terms a place of extreme parity with no logical laws of physics we can't allow such beings inside the free at the moment see since the foundation of our reality is based on the energetic and ethical values of the ultra-reality before the ultra war schemes free crazy the few powders you recognize are the behaviors of some visitors also known as parasites they normally enter the third reality aka Pandora and seek fresh meat to lure into the beyond and that's why we need the protectors the protectors are the only ones in the with the capability of seed the imbalance between realities and using the tools available inside the ultra-reality protectors will help victims and guide them into senders CD all right so basically he's helping people right and here's the list here's the checklist if someone needs help I guess the victim seems to have forgotten his or her identity the victim is already dead but doesn't realize it oh my god are we dead the victim believes the illusions of the beyond are real yes check the victim said oh my god it are we dead oh that would be crazy the victim sympathizes with the parasites oh crap that kind of checks out I just don't know for dead and she knows her identity unless she forgot it's Malik's checklist a parasite deforms reality into absurdity parasite seems friendly yet it lures the victim to play dangerous games check the shapes of the human animal creature it quickly learns about the environments wait its shape shifts into a human animal creature Benjamin that seems like he would fit that it quickly learns about the environment language and culture not oh my god wait large flocks of blackbirds will appear near the pier the parasite these birds are the eyes amor go giving him an oar okay it's all about the birds is just like hello neighbor man use the surroundings to help the victim become aware of the parasite which we have already did okay the protector can for example write the paint simple messages in public spaces okay so basically tell them prepare for direct contact with oh my god are we about to beat this game curious Oh can't forget the glitter all better okay what the heck now I'd really don't know if we can trust him alright I guess I'll take that dream back home Oh misfortune Oh could I could I have kept walking the other way wait can I go back out no okay this is aware tried to warn me about I know it is very obvious boy he's a boxer boy indeed what okay oh it here way them way talk to myself okay okay I have this like weird as a monster I saw those I saw Benjamin and then I went to the zoo and everything was everywhere and then I realized mister voice had lied to me a lot and he took Benjamin and now I'm alone I don't like being alone Wow sounds like you had one hell of a day misfortune the train is here it was a nice chat misfortune I'll talk to you later he'll go girl this it's kind of sad and scary and I don't I don't know you know she's got our imagination there's nothing wrong with that is there like more to Hyrum ah I wish I have my coloring book with me somebody get her coloring but I didn't recognize the ocean such a coincidence that you're on the same train as me you know I had a big fight with the silly voice in my hand but I don't think it's a voice anymore I'm sure it's the monster I saw it in a book have Benjamin's place really gripping how many other heard voices in your head oh my god you I know Hannah what does it mean duska Tammy tell me well help him before some help him know you know yeah so messed up man even still in ghosts hide your child hide your kids hide your wife sorry I had to this is the last voice in my head if me was here he will walk with me very long sigh you kicked that can alright well I mean I don't think we've already done all this right [Music] no no don't say that misfortune you're not a silly little lady like it's so messed up like she was the demon theme like just preys on like poor innocent people with awful lives and so of course they want happiness so messed up I mean he did that was fun for her right like that why would he do that if he was so evil okay I kick the can the whole way oh I bet you this is a pivotal part of the game if you don't you'll die something I know I can kick it let's kick it the other way I'm kicking it all the way home I have to Oh can't kick her I got an achievement for it how can I can't kick it more to that yeah okay well achievement run home kids oh my god she's dead yeah I am really scared that she's dead though because they said it in the paper j-man no the crows this isn't gonna be good it's her dad the devil I'm a gotta ask myself this we got red lights like no matter what she just finds the best everything congratulations you reached the end of my game there's no eternal happiness for you I don't even care anymore of course you care you know your mummy needs it it's your responsibility yes you're right good good ready for a new game if I play also scary you give me Benjamin I guess I will but only if you truly commit to the game okay splendid you will love my new licence boys doing that now wonder why her mom never answers she was never there this is misfortune she's a wonderful child from a not so wonderful family what no you're not doing this correctly we just totally not you by the way wait stop talking please are we going to play another game Horace if you can reach the end of the game I'll give you can don't you don't the literature Club is wonderful fantastic ready to wait what just say Jojo character you'll say this what if the Fox wasn't waiting for you in the hallway sure sure I promise you know the way I don't know how long is this the end of the game or should I weigh like okay that yeah I fell put it back together there's the scary picture of me you promised you would have me like last time that was a beautiful example of cause and effect you lied to me I don't want to play this game anymore fine let me come up with a new game to play new game knock knock who's there I don't want to play with you anymore stop not oh my boy so creepy I run home run go go go all right are you open this door right Stoney's gonna save me right we have a new game to play I told you already I don't want to play with you anymore ah slowly teach me how to be brave so now we're playing hide-and-seek it's gonna be very easy to find us all right just so you know my game is the only thing keeping you alive is that one moral for your life we will live forever with Benjamin and there's nothing you can do about it will you please stop talking about that Fox he's been trying to take you away from me all the time you know what I'm done with you I want you to live right no he's got it that's the rules Kulu about what's going on he's gonna leave now is not the last game you play with me misfortune this is only the beginning another toy for my collection is hehe man it's kind of like the other thing right boolie you'll see Benjamin will come back and save me no you made a deal you crossed the path and now Oh [ __ ] if I knew it I knew he'd come with this staff thing oh my god where are they not if I have anything to say about it this is what the Fox says I mean quality this game's amazing this is gonna be like Dragonball Z oh my god it is he killed her too I did it [Music] is that it is that the ending I don't know it's always just a see here like that save me monkey are you around did you go outside [Music] is coming open your eyes he's the voice in your head driving you mad well now I know what to call mr. Royce mom are you drinking your juice oh she's gone [Music] hmm we don't need an army are you angry because I couldn't get the happiness for you this must be a hot dream woods I know [Music] this is exactly what I said in the beginning the only I said oh no no don't get it by car her glitter that is awful we need to go alright okay I'll go I think we're close to the end but I just don't want to stop it like are you taking because I am nothing against it but I have to talk with my mummy first okay I'm going to go somewhere else with bengi okay he's the folks that I like okay dang David that's so sad but you need to find your own happiness Oh God oh let's get it to be okay keep on going we're not gonna think about it okay just keep on going ten dots oh man I didn't expect this game to be actually like give me the feels like that wait what are we going who's the dog I think the dog did die okay Hank some pinecones walking together is that what I just saw okay little tiny Grim Reaper okay what is this why his mouth do that this isn't a good place to go would you die maybe we're just passing through I don't know [Music] oh oh oh I did that I miss two three every three them wait no no how does that change things oh I gotta play this game again there's different endings in okay the sands of time thing deep inside the fog you defeat him - mister voice game is over now thank you I got a C oh wait no what does it mean let me do it okay there was an icon there but all right lady Miss Fortune yes you're good say that good step in front are we gonna find out her real name expecting I always thought that was a weird name to have so I think that makes sense she doesn't know her name she doesn't I don't think she knows it right somewhere else I got an achievement what that was no ending why was that okay it's clearly obvious now that I didn't do all the things we're gonna we're gonna come back and get the good ending and get any other endings if we really can oh damn this is yeah this is a good game that was such a good game guys thank you for recommending this to be you guys are telling me to play Fran bow because this is made by the same people I really want to play that game now so let me know if you want me to do that it's been a while since I've watched something they made me cry like that but anyway guys smash like and yeah we'll come back for the other endings buh-bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 503,668
Rating: 4.9684906 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, little misfortune, bijuu mike little misfortune, little misfortune lets play, cute horror game, little misfortune game, little misfortune gameplay, bijuu mike little misfortune 5, little misfortune ending, bijuu mike misfortune, bijuu mike little misfortune ending, bijuu mike cries, bijuu mike crying
Id: 0Z7ZpINtrQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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