Bijuu Mike Plays Omori

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[Music] hi hi everyone my name is bg mike welcome to a game called amore now i know that sounds kind of italian i'm already um i've been requested to play this game by so many people and every time i live stream every time every video i see a comment of someone asking me to play omori so you know what to do smash that like button if you want to see some more okay the only thing i've seen about this game is the trailer and you know what actually since we're playing amore i need to go switch it to something a little more comfortable that it's more fitting for this how about that does this art style look a little familiar it should all right that's much better we got it on full screen everyone keeps comparing this game to uh undertale earthbound doki doki my scrubs let's get it started [Applause] don't worry everything is going to be okay no matter what happens promise me that we'll always be there for each other promise me yeah i saw the trailer and it looks so good so like it's really artsy in a way like really cool welcome to white space see looking as boxers you have been living here for as long as you can remember oh hi that's a very fat cat history box wiping your sorrows away your sketchbook take a look inside [Music] wow what very artsy pictures he has yeah so i know this game was developed by omo cat which is obviously like the shirt that i'm wearing they did a doki doki literature club line so i had a bite it looked really cool i just didn't know that they were game developers too i for all i knew they just did close but yeah apparently this game also was in development for a very long time and it finally came out and it was like something that was really exciting and i've just been requested by so many of you to play it so there's got to be a reason why what would you like to do stare at the screen open your journal stare at the screen all day you stared at the screen what would you like to do okay let's open the journal today i spent uh time in white space everything was okay and it's like that for everything else amore's journal is my name amore is that is that their name [Music] the heat from the laptop warmed your lap it felt nice yeah that that gives hey i i crawled out of the room uh that reminds me of undertale which by the way i need to finish i know it just i don't know guys it just takes a certain game to really keep me excited so yeah i can't say it's really just whether or not you guys are like pumped enough for it then i'll like play more but it really depends what is this a hand [Music] a white door casts a faint shadow what would you like to do nothing you stared at the door how about this light bulb can i no i can't do anything with the light bulb okay well i'll go this way no get away from your hand it was a little oh god they chase you i will escape this white space ah that's not that's not fair man yeah surely if i go to the top of the light bulb there will be an end well why do they chase you anyway if you're just gonna get stuck well what a unique start to the game all right let's get caught again [Music] it's kind of disorienting just to be uh to have like nothing uh meow waiting for something to happen i was something fell nearby let's go find it shall we no it's gotta be this way oh there it is a knife yay just what i always want to see in these games you've got a shiny knife so i think this is also an rpg um much like undertale you know i'm not saying i'm not comparing it to undercell i've never finished undertale so i only know what i know but it does give me those you know those vibes oh well i guess we should equipped our shiny new knife no never mind maybe we can use this to get out wait i oh i pressed open i kind of skipped a little too much oh well i can leave now [Music] wow this game's adorable [Music] hi marty we were hoping that you'd come by soon aubry want to play cars with us we were just about to start another game oh whoops never mind oh man what the heck aubry you messed up all the cards i was winning too hey there kyle there's no need to get angry it's just a game after all don't give me that hero you only say that because you were losing [Music] why is kell always so mean to me you know the other day that good for nothing stole my stuffed toy and hid it somewhere in this room why would he do something like that he's so immature i mean what did i ever do to him oh i know can you find my stuffed toy for me amore pretty please okay i guess i will uh is your stuffed toy that big cat in the background i feel like we're on some kind of trip up in this game would i like to make toast yes can i eat it okay no it's just for decorative purposes apparently you got a stuffed toy that's a stuffed toy it looks like we broke the watermelon [Music] is that could it be [Music] wait you didn't look very hard it was in the corner so hey cal look it's my stuffed toy what the heck uh where did you get that i'm already found it lucky for me i've got some real friends oh burn serves you right kell you should know better than to pick others but aubrey started it and she was the one who was making fun of me for the mail uh mail yeah that does say mel on my on your what mole it said mole not male it looked like an a that makes more sense mole aubrey fine [Music] thank you amore i knew i could count on you you were the best ah any time any time i'm i'm so glad to do this i can't shape whole [Music] there's a movie on tv four boys are walking on railroad tracks railroad i've always had a problem saying railroad am i the only one uh can i go this way now okay well i gotta ask my friends to go with me apparently hey morning i'm glad it's all settled uh those two always seem to be bumping heads mario and basil invited us for a picnic at the playground uh do you want to go see them yes all right everyone let's go and mario and basil [Music] going out murray he's uh here is your allowance for today you got 50 clans sweet [Music] bro they on some shrooms up in this game oh yeah fresh air at last gotta love that nature well let's go so why were we getting we were so we were stuck in the white noise place right and okay i'm just gonna assume all everything in this game is a dream hey wait a second help me out guys i'm stuck if only you say please cal stop messing around and get me out of here okay okay fine holy crap took you long enough oh sorry princess okay well uh i don't know where i should be going so we're gonna go down [Music] what the heck that doesn't look human at all it's like hitting him in his face look at this little cute guy on the swing mary basil basil's a funny name who would ever name their kid basil oh hello aubry hello everyone how are you all doing today kel's being mean to me again oh no not again how could he i'm not being mean aubry's just being all whiny well kell you've just made a very convincing point now i don't know who to believe believe me no believe me settle down you two why does it always have to be like this chin up hero look at you being all responsible i really like that about you come on mari uh not now oh here you know just i'm just teasing you're so cute when you get all flustered [Music] while we were waiting for you guys basil and i were going through the photo album did you want to join us of course after all we're the ones in the pictures aren't we basil get a little this [Music] come on bazel take a picture of me sorry kell i only take photos of people when they least expect it you like to take photos of people acting natural when they're not in front of a camera right basil yeah there's something special about everyone living their own lives those are the moments i want to capture i like that i like that so like we just have to pretend you're not there yeah i guess you could put it that way sure i can do that did you want to show us your photo album now uh okay but it's nothing amazing stop doubting yourself i'm sure they'll be great you're right aubry sorry i'll try to believe in myself more here uh that way we can all see so this is them living their lives in bushes or anything well they all they all look like they're having a wonderful time drinking milk and crap and that guy is like completely black and white we're not gonna ask why i mean this is just sweets but it doesn't make any sense he says he was never here right the guy uh a morty all of our feet in a circle can you guess whose feet there are well i can't guess that mine's the black one okay well these photos are also charming you really know how to capture the moment thanks i didn't take them all though mary likes to steal my camera sometimes only sometimes hey i have an idea did you all want to come hang out at my house i just finished planting some little sprouts and wanted to show everyone come on they're really cute yeah sure that sounds fun let's go uh it's south of the playground right yep that's the way okay i think i'll sit this one out you all go and enjoy yourselves but if you're ever feeling weary you can always stop by one of my picnics i'll always have some refreshments today and you could even save using my picnic basket oh okay that's the safe spot ah thanks mari you always done so much for us bye mario we'll see you again soon run along and have fun now you know where to find me [Music] well i think i should probably save the game so far it's a cute game i'm going to swing to the moon mikal it's mchow it's me hey morty guess what i got some plans today big plans just stay put for a while you'll see what i mean soon enough okay uh barely talk so fast when she's excited it gets really hard to keep up all right so why is there humans and wiser monsters so this guy's got a puzzle going on hey wait just a second where do you all think you're going you can't leave without joining us for a game of hide and seek stay and play with us the more the merrier you want to play hide and seek again but you know how this turned out last time yeah it's already barely i think we're gonna have to pass we're going to basil's house now so we'll catch up with you later [Music] i like that i like that that music that's so fast you guys trying to avoid me again what's up with you two uh is it my face my rough and tough exterior at least i'm not as bad as boss it's a good thing i banned him from the playground after what happened last time i wonder what's uh that [ __ ] is up to now uh good britain's so you want to play hide and seek basil i can go either way there is no rush to get to my house after all i think i'll leave it up to omori what do you want to do i'm worried my best friend come on you know how to play hide and seek don't you uh yeah well that's what i thought what's stopping you then come on let's play i'll round everyone up i guess we're going to play tin hood all right maggots here's the rules we're going to be entertaining ourselves with a little game of hide-and-seek here in my hands i got some straw see everyone here has got to pick a straw the one with the short straw is going to be it and we'll have to find everyone else easy enough right yeah i know how to play does he have candy stuck on his back it's gonna be me isn't it i am the odd one out even though i'm not a monster no we all got our straws good now let's see who's gonna be it [Music] well well well looks like uh the one with the shortest straw is all that crap man that's that intuition kicking in oh wait omori is it but amore doesn't like to be alone are you gonna be okay with mori i can take your place if you want i don't mind really hey i hear you're plotting over there uh the straws make the rules not me come on don't be babies it ain't so bad amore will be fine when you're ready to play walk up to this other ball and close your eyes and no picking or else okay i don't know what the point of this is but we're doing it five four ah i'm still looking i'm cheating i'm oh wait wait i'm worried i'm right here okay whoa you found me i can now i can help you find everyone now just don't tell barely about this guy you think i need help look how big he is nose goes what the heck if you're too loud don't hear us nose goes bind goes be quiet knows we're hiding remember you've uh we found you bunny nose nose nose goes oh you know i can't stay mad at you let's play patty cake okay it turns out there's not many places to hide for a guy my size but this was still fun as long as barely is happy i'm happy that's wholesome darn you found me it's the easiest game of hide and seek i've ever played uh are you one of the ones okay well wait where am i i was dreaming that i was on a private beach with servants fanning with me with palm leaves on every side when suddenly wham and now here i am i must have all sleep while hiding i guess that's game over for me man dude these people suck at hide and go seek let's find everyone else together maureen they're like not even into it okay well they're not even hiding at all oh hey you know i found a really good hottie spot but shawn and wren invited me to join them in their exercise routine it's fun and good for you you guys really should try this it's a really a workout man i'm so tired wow you really don't know how to say no to anyone do you hero come on hero we gotta help him morty find everyone else all right i'm coming uh bye sean and this was fun yeah let's do this again sometime see you later hero [Music] we're not playing we're exercising okay ah okay no words no words necessary whisper you probably should disturb this and daisy well i guess they're not playing who's hiding in the grave or oh it's a mailbox i guess my mind is a little dark i assumed it was a grave eternal banana why is there fried eggs on the ground and you can step on them boing it's me happy you found me so that means i gotta do something else now oh i know i'm gonna count the alphabet backwards z y x w v u o can you do that i can't do that if i were to be stopped by a cop i would just have to like tell them arrest me uh you know assuming they thought i was drinking which i wouldn't do that while driving but i'm just saying if there was ever a moment i had to do it i don't think i could do it be like just take just slap the cuffs on me there's a straw on the ground pull it out that wasn't that bad of a hiding spot at least took you guys long enough i thought i was going to suffocate in there how'd you like my hiding spot pretty good eh it looks like you pretty much found everyone else too unexpected but i like it let's do a final roll call what if someone's missing tin hunt van here zoe's buddy charlene here michelle [Music] oh what gives i like me cal i don't know why happy here browse ah bangs here bun a a ron nose goes hero presents presents john you really gotta do this every time barely hey that wasn't called aubry here i am she's a little spin where's basil that's strange i thought i saw him go hiding near that tree over there basil where are you can you hear us basil you can come out now you already won oh hello basil basil oh no i think they're in that tree hey there's basil basil are you okay are you stuck oh [Music] that's not a tree at all it's a boss boss i should have known it was you you good for nothing scoundrel like basil go yeah what did bazel ever do to you baseball is our friend don't you dare hurt him let's go uh let go of basil boss he didn't do anything wrong you stupid heads oh you did not just call that's fine words right there you think about you think this is about basil don't play dumb you know why i'm here how dare you not invite me to hide and seek i'm the one who showed you all how to play in the first place hey how can you do that to a person how could you do that to poor boss he looks like a nice guy you know you're not even playing it right how can you call it hide and seek without any body slamming no oh i thought she i thought he threw the girl my flower crown hey that's a flower crown we made for basil how could you let go of him you bully no if i can't play with everyone then no one can this is a boss only zone now and you're not invited oh okay well here comes the rpg elements hey look at this art style though can we appreciate that it's like really interesting all right uh well we have toy skill attack at snack i'm assuming a snack is probably healing and stuff let's just attack because i don't know what else to do we're all just gonna attack it's oh crap wait ah is this like uh undertale where you're like you're supposed to spare people i didn't see anything about spare though you weaklings you call that an attack [Music] boss takes 16 damage he cracks his knuckles so god how does he even do that with his so we can run but i think wait what a skill sad poem let's play a sad poem pep talk i don't know what this does i'm just like doing things annoy and then we'll just attack that's so cool wait wait they have like emotions are you sad huh boss cracks his knuckles what will maury and friends do i'll just keep attacking i think we were doing pretty good i don't know what we did to him wait she's angry hey that kind of hurt this isn't fun anymore oh hit him right in the heart i think uh the poem worked oh crap we missed i i hope i'm supposed to be doing this i don't know if i was live streaming this you guys would be telling me i'd do everything wrong or something now you've made me angry it's time for my special move body oh don't you do it not basil oh okay oh they're toast oh it's pretty funny though oh okay well amore dynasticum boss huh how are you still moving boss cracks his knuckles what will more your friends do should i keep fighting let's do the last attack i like i like how they're actually toast that's freaking funny oh we were victorious i'm assuming that was supposed to happen and we got 22 [Music] clams this isn't fair rematch i want a rematch oh he just smacked him base are you hurt uh don't worry about me i'm just fine not gonna lie i really expected that to take a way more darker turn and it didn't i don't know if it's that kind of game to be honest i'm assuming there are there are i mean there was a warning in the beginning there are some serious tones like you know fair warning assigned but uh other than that like i don't know if it's that bad you know it must be hard to see people have fun without you but that doesn't mean you can ruin other people's fun hmm i know that yeah we're gonna teach the big bad guy a lesson there does that feel better basil are you sure it's okay to do that wait what was on the side i don't even read it boss is bad news it's a good thing that mori held on during that final attack or else we would have all been toast that's literally the cutest thing i've ever seen like toast it's okay i trust him when we were all fighting he tried really hard to make sure i didn't get hurt is that true boss oh he's he don't want to say that's a little baloney i don't need to hear these lies [Music] this is my spot no one is welcome here ah that's kind of cute though well he probably won't become a problem as long as he stays like that i guess that means we can all go to basil's house now that sounds good to me we're leaving now boss don't cause any trouble okay he's a tree okay i'm ready let's go no one will ever find him under the tree so far i'm getting some nice little vibes from this game i like the art style and just the battle mechanic in general is really cool hey you uh you over there oh the mailbox is talking to me i'm already i think that mailbox is talking to us maybe we should go check it out you need to stop smoking yes hello value customer welcome to my shop please buy something so this is the shop well i well i could i should save up for the present i have 72 clams it's not what you wanted it likes anger on a friend or foe why would i want that then why would i want to buy that um i'm not gonna buy anything because i don't think we should we should probably go save though after that battle just in case i mess up this girl wants something i want to give flower to someone but he's only interested in puzzles if only i could power if only i could find a flower puzzle or something maybe then he would notice me oh okay wait was that under one of the things that i could buy i didn't check [Music] no i mean it is a present but i don't think it's a flower puzzle i like puzzles i like turtles all the pieces are blank that is a pretty tough puzzle [Music] oh yes some nutritious candy would you like to eat some yes you and your friends feel like new okay so that's how you heal okay cool i know i don't want to have a picnic crap oh that's nice that's just lovely oh you could sprint holy crap the grass here feels nice here wanna join us sure i don't want you guys yelling at me in the comment section that i didn't that i missed something so i want to do everything the stars shine brightly overhead you don't have a care in the world [Music] uh i learned observe oh so there is a point to do things with people you get like moves and stuff nose is my best friend she can't say much but she's really smart yeah we kind of figured that out all right i think we can finally move on [Music] south right wait what does this say train station pin will force basil's house okay did we get into random battles it's like pokemon a watering can those are sunflowers they're called that because they always face towards the is that true i literally didn't know that i just learned something new and you probably did too don't lie to me i'm not the only one that's stupid out there that's what i want to be like someone who always sees the bright side of things i agree i agree why is that bush different okay that's just a bush i can't uh get stuck on everything oh these are sad flowers the lily of the valley it said that they're able to ward off evil spirits that can help people see a bright future i guess that's why they remind me of mari i could always count on her to help me stay positive wholesome whoa what the heck what's that ugly plant creature hey that looks like a scrub all right scrub chan doesn't appreciate that uh do you know kel that's a sprout mole sprout bowls are highly intelligent creatures but become dangerously vicious when they are lost please mr sprout mole stop that they're stepping over the flowers holy crap dude oh he looks angry that's exactly what it says like us problems are also i also feel emotions since this sprout mole is angry its attack is higher but on the other hand it lowers its defense so what are you saying is so what you're saying now is the perfect time to strike come on amore let's do this alright well i guess i'll do that i think it's really interesting that there's like emotions like that's the first time i've ever seen rpg do emotions like that oh that was extremely easy i'm already grew to level two ah most of the flowers are unharmed that's a relief hey amore now that we're getting the hang of battling here's a journal where we can keep track of any neat foes we come across okay it's like a monster list yeah i know i've been around the block when it comes to rpgs okay well here's the menu so i'm missing something let's keep on going let's venture on these are roses can you tell uh can you guess who they remind me of they remind me of hiro did you guess correctly roses come in many different colors and have their own unique meanings pink roses symbolize admiration orange roses symbolize passion yellow roses symbolize friendship and the list goes on hero doesn't remind me of any of those in particular or any rose i think hiro is like all roses because he's versatile and universally loved okay these are the type of flowers called uh gladius gladialis fabulous and gladio what gladiolus are also known as swordflower as you might guess it represents strength of a character someone who is honest with strong and normal moral values who stands by their convictions a gladi a gladiolus reminds me of aubry because she's always true to herself ah i see so what you're saying is that aubrey is really stubborn hey no i'm not okay let's move on oh no oh not again he doesn't look angry though stop twirling stop you're gonna get arrested you're destroying all the flowers oh oh i see this sprout is happy in that case it has higher chance to hit our weak spots and do more damage this also means it has a higher chance of missing i'm still going to attack it i don't think it matters they can't be that strong oh okay so we attack first [Music] okay where's this health bar oh okay yeah that was easy [Music] bye-bye we seem to be running across a lot of foes with emotion in case you didn't know emotions can determine how strong or weak an attack is happy beats angry okay all right so this is what we gotta remember happy beats angry angry beats sad and sad beats happy oh so i should have been sad that's why you oh okay that's cool here i even drove a guide on how they work i'm no artist but i think they'll get the point i'll put it in your pocket so you can check it out later okay uh yeah let's look at it cool yeah i yeah it's it's in a way it's like pokemon too but instead of like emotion instead of like elements that would be in most rpgs it's um emotions which is uh unique so that's cool what is this a cactus they're cool and spiky actually kill this is a cactus it's more of a plant than a flower and it's funny that you ask because they remind me of you is it because he's a prick hey well that's too that too but mostly cacti are very sturdy and resilient plants by nature they don't need much care and could survive even in seemingly impossible conditions i guess what i'm saying is that even you could take care of a cactus cow whoa neat cacti are awesome cacti cacti what did i just say ah these are white tulips plain and simple bulbous just like amory i don't know i just think it's cute hey you think i'm cute you think how cute oh no not another one okay all right so i'm gonna try to do it like like right this time [Music] okay this problem was a bit sad see how it's cooled up in the fetal position yeah yeah totally that means i won't do as much damage as normal but it'll also take less damage to heart and will lose juice instead how sad let's put this out let's put him out of his misery just because he sand all right let's just attack again i don't think it's gonna matter [Music] oh wow we are not doing very much damage though he's losing juice [Music] yeah we're not doing right damage at all well that was easy amore's party was a victorious you gained 14 xp [Music] i hope i'm not really doing something wrong by just like oh i learned massage i hope i'm not doing something wrong by killing these people [Music] i have no idea i mean that's the normal thing to do in rpgs right hi everyone you all came just in time for the lovely picnic feel free to rest here oh okay everything is ready and all set up i even brought some fruit [Music] i'm guessing i can heal [Music] you and your friends feel like new [Music] lunch munch munch thanks mario you're the best and it's nothing i'm just trying to look for look out for all of you ah mario i wish i could be more like you you always seem to have everything under control that's not true at all it just seems like that way from the outside either way you all seem to make everything look easy yes i agree mario's so effortlessly graceful don't you think so amore yeah ah i guess i'll have to believe it a little bit if you all think so my house is right this way are we all ready to go i'm ready when you are i'll catch you later mari let me know if you need anything see you soon [Music] okay oh i'm going oh that doesn't sound good at all [Music] oh it's a big boy is it another boss looks like the deku tree from zelda oh i should have looked at the the notebook again is he angry [Music] i wish he told me ah what was that we do observe [Music] it's a yi old sprout all right let's just see what happens all right nine damage is not too bad [Music] he rolls over amore took four damage oh okay that's that bad weak emory focuses vision observes them uh what one more okay oh god we barely took anything though [Music] what happens if i just i'm just gonna juice that bone i'm still not used to like what emotions are which oh dang 27 damage okay all right well this is not very strong wait what oh man this fight is pretty tough but don't worry we can all do this if we work together looks like we're gonna have to teach you a little bit about teamwork let's try again amore we'll get him this time we're gonna die oh wait you notice anything yeah i see i see the bard you should see a new bar at the bottom this is our collective energy by using our energy we can defeat this foe together just attack and you'll see so i'm guessing we could do like a special attack if it builds try it wait trip what [Music] wait what is happening i'm just trying to understand [Music] did you see all the bubbles that pops up when we attacked that's called a follow-up after you attack for a limited time you can use energy to perform a follow-up move just press any direction and arrow and see what happens all right trip climbs up my trip oh he fell what uh pastor amore why did i do that uh look at here okay oh i don't get it man you guys this guy really accept when he attacked us did you notice that our energy went up when we take damage we gain energy think of it as a chance to make a comeback okay i'm still not following attack again [Music] uh pass to a mori look at hey okay i gotta get the hang of this nice we're full of energy this is the birthday to use our special attack i freaking called it rpg logic after you attack press uh okay [ __ ] you're already come on everyone let's show this big guy what we're made of unison attack wait how do i do it watch that attack first i'm pressing the button it told me to press or maybe it's not full yet maybe i'm just assuming we can do better than that i'll show you oh they feel angry okay why is she why are you so mad oh he's almost dead anyway we got this i'll just keep attacking screw it oh we know i should have released energy ah no i saw that okay pastel morty oh he's dead dang it i didn't get to do my special attack i hope we save it we learned stab [Music] okay it's gonna take me a little bit to get used to that i wasn't sure exactly you didn't explain why you need to do those things and there you have it here is battle tutorial 101 and i'm sure that as we fight more battles our teamwork will improve over time you guys it was so amazing that was nothing i've taken down way bigger guys than that i should teach you some of my skills one of these days basil i know you're not the type of that likes to fight but it's good to know how to defend yourself too you know i've actually been working on a book all about battles maybe we can all study together next time i'll give it to amore to hold on to for now you guys got are you got self-help guide as we get stronger i'll update the follow-up section of the self-help guide so be sure to check it out every now and then amore you should know when we get xp though okay we get more skills skills are powerful okay yeah we know after you learn a new skill don't forget to equip it from the player menu oh you actually have to equip them okay that's new i didn't know that i thought we would just have them okay well i should uh equip them [Music] okay so you probably have to replace it maybe you could do four at a time it didn't say it's a freaking shoe [Music] basil is in a shoe she's named after a food and she lives in a shoe say cheese hey we're not living our everyday life it came out kind of blurry oh it's okay that gives it character hope you don't mind the photo that's what everyone says when something goes bad that's what i say of course we don't mind i want to see it oh sure thing we all look so cute how's my hair i want to see i want to see [Music] oh hey maury do you want to look at the photo too [Music] you can he has the main character look doesn't he it's too bad that it came out kind of blurry but you all still look so cute i should add it to my collection [Music] another shot from the photo bobbum move over aubry i can't see hey stop pushing you already had your turn hey get out of my way kel wait hold on there's no need to fight me first no me oh god there they go again ah stop it you guys are knocking me over ah she dropped it there you did it again to poor basil whoops oh my gosh basil ugh i'm so sorry are you okay basil you two are in big trouble now this is why both of you need to learn how to get along i'm sorry we didn't mean it hero please don't tell mari it's okay don't worry about it accidents happen oh she dropped like all of her stuff i don't even see that here's your photos it doesn't look like any of them got damaged let's put them in your photo album together thank you hero let's go inside my house first remember to wipe your feet before you come in always gotta wipe the feet before you go in the house always basil's photo album uh his most precious why did i think it was a girl i mean you can see why i would think that right are you ready to put the photos back amore yes yay let's get started hmm darn i don't think i remember the order of all these photos don't worry about it why would you care about the order amore has a really good memory so i'm sure we'll figure it out in no time do i really have to put them back in order how am i supposed to remember i didn't know i supposed to remember something like that [Music] okay why do i feel like this is gonna be extremely important to the game wait should i can i read the description no i can't [Music] but this is gonna be super important i already know [Music] oh this sounded like this i don't like this [Music] uh there good as new [Music] i'm really sorry for pushing you over basil even though at least half of it was kel's fault yeah i promise to never fight with aubry ever again unless she starts at first don't worry about it i know you only wanted to see my photo album thank you for helping me put it back together [Music] hmm that's strange i thought it must have been loose what is this did i take this photo something about it seems so familiar no that can't be ah oh what murray well this shirt took a turn didn't it all of a sudden these uh drawings seem more scary booted up your laptop what would you like to do open the journal today i visit my friends everything was okay okay so that changed i think uh stare at the screen what would you like to do okay log off the heat from the laptop warned your lap it felt nice meow not much to do around here is there his shoes that's kind of moving now i can't really do anything with it though what the heck happened with that photo what did it mean is there anything else i could do okay now i can i tried interacting with it already it's pitch black inside you can't see anything well i've heard of black lights but not quite like this you know it's boss advertising they're really blue yeah and one thing i do know too is that uh there's i think i i only saw it because of a thumbnail like you know i've seen this game around but i i obviously haven't like watched or played any of it uh but something about naming yourself amory i don't know what that's about but i i think i'm gonna try it whenever it happens i'm sure you guys will tell me all about it i don't know as long as you don't spoil me stab no no stab no i don't want to do that unequip the knife oh well i guess i have to do it guess i don't have a choice do i don't i'm sure it's a dream right look at all of us those are all of our memories together they're a little sad now [Music] but we should be happy that they happened at all let's make some new memories together okay so what happened dude i got chills you see a boy sleeping in his room what's his name i can't not do it now that i know about it i can't not do it all right i can't do it all capitals it's gonna bother me okay you can't let's try it all capitals oh you actually can't do it okay i hope i'm not missing something guys i can't do anything do i have to fill it up that would be stupid why would you need to do that okay what what what do you do you can't you can't name them anything i'm i'm literally googling how to name yourself omori you can't i can't name myself it's a glitch i swear i cannot name myself look look i'm gonna name him nuts his name is nuts there's no way to name yourself the game i'm stuck and look i acknowledge that i'm completely stupid okay at times it could really seem like i just have no brain cells i totally understand that but i think i am capable as a human being to name myself in an rpg game without having any problems so uh why why is it so hard i i've tried with the keyboard you press z nothing i named him nuts it doesn't work what can i name him ah no what why did that work are you sunny okay so sunny works how come i couldn't name on many of the things that i wanted to name him why gave me the option that you're not really going to give me the option i mean imagine i'm sorry for my childish ways i guess my name is gonna be sunny because i literally don't have a choice so wow that is the hardest hardest time i've ever had trying to name someone in a game it's not like it's an online game where i can't like curse or something like what i'm just i'm my mind is boggled by that but it seems like i'm in the real world now hey sonny it's mommy i'm still in the city setting things up for our new home did you finish packing yet the movers are going to be at our house in a few days so i left a few things that for you to do before they arrive also sorry mommy messed up i forgot to tell the electric company that we need a few extra days before we're ready to move so the lights might cut out sometime tonight anyway i know nothing i know moving to a new place can be a little nerve-wracking right now but i know it's a change but i think a change of scenery will be positive for both of us i know you haven't talked to anyone in a while but you might want to say goodbye to your old friends before we leave kelp kell has been trying hard to get a hold of you ever since we put our house up for sale he's been calling us every week for the past few months he seems a little lonely maybe you should pay him a visit okay that's it for now mommy loves you bye honey i think we're hungry yep are you sure you want to go downstairs why is that a bad thing yeah i don't think i'm going to save the game i think we're probably going to save it for next episode because i want to know if like i messed up with my naming of my character that's where i'm going to need your guys's help guys mom's bed the match is too hard for you to sleep comfortably oh wait is this a save point okay you know what we're gonna save in the second slot yeah okay so now we're in the actual world okay well guys i think that's a good place to end it if you would like to see more i would love to make longer episodes but it's really um if you guys want to see me play you know i i've been getting so many comments so i hope you want to see more and i'll love to do more it's really just whether or not you guys want to see it i want to see it scroll down if you haven't already and i'll see you guys the next one bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 526,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, omori, bijuu mike omori, omori bijuu mike, omori lets play, lets, play
Id: 0LeDf8bRUEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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