This Yandere Girl Broke Down My Door!

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my brain screams at me to make a run for it so i dash out the front door oh open up open this door right now dude this is getting insane oh we're back with this crap oh oh no oh god we're back again i'm sorry i know i know we waited like two or three weeks for the final episode i know i'm so sorry don't go to wrap up the dungarapa grind doesn't stop that's a train that you can't get off of at least i can't alright welcome back ladies and gentlemen to you me and her and knuckles that's right knuckles is here now welcome knuckles do you know the way in case you don't know what this is uh this is a game i'm just gonna give it a little recap all right a little little recap for you guys just in case this is the first time ever watching this you might not want to watch this episode but hold up you might want to check out the playlist i will link it right here uh if you want to play a game and i i don't say this lightly a game that is the closest thing you could get to doki doki literature club and i'm not saying that for clickbait reasons i'm saying it because i freaking mean it alright play the game yourself find out watch my videos yourself and you'll see what i'm talking about check out the playlist first episode it's worth it it's a very good story and uh hopefully this is the last episode if you missed last episode it looks like this if you guys remember last episode we just have to go through all of our scenarios because we're trapped and through these scenarios that we go to because she gives us the option it gives us a clue on how to get out of this time loop that she has this in i remember we have to go to memories and ah it doesn't tell us which ones that we were at let's do holding hands on the way to school ohayo gozaimasu students wave hello to each other on their way to school since bukit and i live in the same house naturally we take the same route to school though sometimes we may take a little detour to a shrine what's up listen um walks by my side how do you feel about holding hands in public holding uh you say holding hands i've never held hands with a girl before her nosebleed no i can't be that way right now because she's literally the devil and she's holding us hostage so i can't feel that way i did at one point but you didn't have to go all out in the cat man not the cat personally i'm not crazy about it but to tell you the truth it's too embarrassing but shout out but i'll do it with you too but i'll hold hands with you oh move away i know what she's after but i quietly move away it's too early in the morning to get it clingy with each other hey you caused a lot of this you know hello there good morning i see so suzuki senpai's with you good morning good morning justin we interrupted by one of our fellow theater club members haru chan still one of the biggest swiss of any game man it's the prettiest boy i've ever seen in my life oh she grabs my hand oh god let's go she's forcing us to hold her hand now let's go i would love this but i'm like help i need owie where's owie she's trapped in the files essentially with my hand in miyuki's vice grip we continue to our way to school to school gates [Music] it's another time loop what the where am i so she's literally putting like sleeping pills and and every single like one of our teas every morning and we're just last episode we were just barely getting aware of that fact because we found our phone and we like hacked it essentially adapt okay now we have the option to either adapt to the new world or escape from the new world escape you promise me remember oh god we gotta get out of this well this is new we did work up appetite tonight so we're still in the same storyline as the sony thing with our with uh walking to school yeah your diaphragm really burns a lot of fuel let's grab a little something to eat well don't go near my drink okay you hear me that's how the wipers get you man [Music] oh crap criminal you taro it suddenly reaches for the panic button under the counter wait why silence that handmade thief the act of being a normally is a grave offense oh you think i don't want to walk hand in hand all night with my hot girlfriend oh that's right he's jealous of us because we're with miyuki well buddy if i could trade spaces with you or places get over here man she's crazy stay away from her it's not worth it all right so all i do know is that with all of these routes we need to reject her in every form and i think eventually she's just gonna break and go crazy and probably let us have owie that's what i'm thinking don't really know though you know guys i'm just like guessing i do not want to hold your hand i don't think we should oh i see too embarrassing huh it's not that exactly just die take her take her stop crying blood and take her we continued to browse around the store eventually we decided to buy some hot snacks off the grill oh i missed the i missed the snacks in japan man i really wanna i really want them all break a lake out there thanks man doing what for some reason you tower sheds manly tears as he hands us our purchase what's going on with him gigi can i have some chicken sure you can have some of my chicken i guess as we stand outside the store i open the bag what's wrong sorry uh take this help yourself i'll be right back okay we're actually able to leave i haven't make the crispy chicken tinders and head back inside hey what's up shinichi the heck is this i pull out the box of oh he gave us some condors why would he put birds in our bag i'm just trying to help you out dude putting birds in my bag come on hey he's just being a broskies he's just being a broski all right we're back in the loop again all right i'm probably gonna speed run through some of this because it's kind of more of the same thing we don't really need to know but when it gets serious i'm gonna let you guys know okay there's just a lot of routes and i don't want this episode to be so long that way don't get through it i want to beat this game i need to know that you're winding so as always go play the game yourself if you want to see all the things that i couldn't show you escape from the new world god she won't let me go don't kiss her i'm not gonna kiss you okay she's stuck on a time loop time loop no no thank you i would not like any no thank you all right crap which memories have we not done i literally have to follow a guy it's so insanely complicated that i have to follow a guide or else i'll never pass it it's literally telling me i need to repeat memories at the bookstore eight times who would ever do that this game like realistically expects you to who figured this out like sorry for dragging you along with me nah it's fine with our shopping done we meet up outside the bookstore i wanted to buy a book myself anyway please help me go in there help all right we need to get cooking 101. i guess that's the that's probably the thing we need to do that she doesn't like muci musee who's mucy miyuki's expression dark and slightly you know like my cooking i hate it i should start being mean to her oh that's not it at all i just feel bad having to cook for me all the time that's why the kitchen is like my sanctuary anyway but you stay out here mister just eat my cookie could be happier so she's like that typical housewife no shut up shut up also she bought a book too all right this programming for dummies programming programming i'm on to you missy making a video game or something yeah something like that ah i'm on to you like a hawk so what's in the middle of there nothing there's nothing hidden in there now what sort of book would she want to hide from the store clerk oh that reminds me you mentioned something in class the other day a book programming white booze it's it's so similar man it's so insane something about this month's issue of some magazine featuring a saxophone a sexy photo collection i never buy something like that of course not you never buy anything like that [Music] her face blushes bright red i'm a merciful man so i'll let her off the hook just said miyuki turns away mutters under her brush just loud enough for me to hear next time i swear [Music] she said something bad to me fight miyuki ah it's still stuck so apparently i have to do this eight times i don't know why but i'm gonna do it how is it gonna change oh it did change cookie 101. again huh you just bought that book the other day i did oh it's all the same i'm gonna raise owie's affection points i love secret get so mad all right oh oh whoa we're back at the bookstore how many copies of cookie 101 can i buy that's the third time what how many times are you gonna buy that stupid book i don't know every time i see it i just have to have it for some reason she's gonna get mad you're never gonna want to see a book in her life we have to do this eight times it's ridiculous oh cookie 101. oh for crying out loud what are you gonna do with four copies of the same cookbook are you just messing with me no oh wait till i get five ah very funny fifth time's the charm huh look will you quit screwing around already i'm not screwing around i feel like we're on that episode of freaking uh steamed hams good lord what's going on in that kitchen good no no he says good lord what's going on in there aurora borealis that's all i'm doing miyuki it's aurora borealis i feel like i feel like i'm skinner and she's prince principal charm charmers what's his name charm charmeles charms lucky charms cookie what a what it is listen why not mix things up and buy a a bad magazine or something why would i want to buy that don't be ridiculous i love cooking i can't help myself does have a bookshelf full of cooking 101. i wonder why it wants us to repeat this one specifically cookie 101 that's your seventh coffee now you'll have one for every day of the week why would i do that that makes no sense i don't know what i'm doing you thought that was crazy wait until it's eight eight times oh no forget it i'm done playing this game with you what is she talking about okay so that was important to the story apparently all right so now we're doing the memory where we found the cardboard box i guess i didn't do that already but i'm going to guess that owie's not going to be in the box this time like she was last time so open what's in the box still it's worth the pink don't you think i take a step forward with the boxes reach out you stop it there's nothing in there how do you know i just do okay she glares at me viciously oh she programmed it gee why she cares so much about this box what's in the box what's more important me or the box the box my xbox i want to know what's in the box [Music] to me i just said the box oh she hit me i think what the out of nowhere she swings her bat and crushes the box she kills the cat again what have you done crush the box what does it matter what do you want what do you what do you mean what does it matter i actually open the box wait what but it's empty that's where i could have sworn i heard a little meow must have been hearing things i wasn't oh she sneezed yuki there was never any cat in there okay i never said anything about a cat and her allergies are acting up have you heard of schrodinger's cat oh yeah so it's a whole quantum mechanics or something yeah it's the whole thing where like if there's poison or something or like dynamite or i can't remember it's like you don't know if the cat's dead or alive it's like a it's a quan it's a conundrum sort of deal and you don't know you'll never know until you open the box and check it why did they use a cat for that do you think so you could hit it with a bat if you were doing animal experimentation wouldn't a dog or a rat make more sense she has a point cats aren't explicitly suited for scientific research i have no idea do you know why well cats are strange little creatures with mysterious powers powers like what like esp the heck is esp but miyuki doesn't respond cats man all right how was that okay so now we're going through the memories of cooking apparently we have a cookie memory and i told her i want to cook but she's being very suspicious about it don't get me wrong i appreciate all of her effort but sometimes she can be frighteningly thorough she doesn't want us in the kitchen for some reason that's why she was so mad about us buying the cookie 101 eight times even though that was weird sure but look shinichi can you even cook can i even cook i can make a mean bowl of cereal give me some of that reese's i don't have a lot of experience experience but i do have this i woke up to the bookshelf and pick up the cookbook through the other the other day you mean the eight cookbooks that you bought i've been planning to make you something special just for you girl i see ooh if we're gonna like make something bad for her well then be my guest sweetheart no problem just leave it to me okay now i know why obviously because she puts the special magical sauce in our uh and our drink to make us fall asleep so maybe we're gonna do that to her i head into the kitchen with high spirits miyuki what she's peering over my shoulder like a helicopter mom why don't you let me uh take care of it and you go take a load off somewhere why don't you crack open a brewski so you don't trust me to handle this not at all figures all right so we need to kick her out i think i'm sure yeah kick her out not that i blame her for worrying of course but if i don't get her out of here then ultimately this is hardly any different from having her make it herself this is for her own good i know you're worried but you could you just trust me on this let me handle it come on can you do that don't get me wrong i do want to trust you but then there's still some doubt left in this world in the world what it's nothing what i'm saying is i want to cook with you please uh i can't possibly deny here okay fine let's make it together then ooh dang it we were almost we were almost out of here so miyuki and i spent a lovey-dovey evening together cooking in the kitchen and it wasn't what i'd planned but yuki seems so happy i guess it's a wash i guess that means it's all good all right so the next one we gotta go to the corner store and don't hold hands although i think we already did that all right so i pretty much said all the memories now so now what we need to do is go to the cutting class memory but we need to exit the game so i don't know why there's no way i would have understood this by myself it didn't say that we needed to pick anything we just need to exit the game that's weird so let's do that oh crap okay this again yeah my my quality is going to go bad on that part because of all these pixels like it's oh we could see owie in the background oh i didn't [Music] are you at the center of the universe i don't think we've seen this then you should be able to hear be loud and clear are you okay oh he can't hear you can't hear your voice [Music] but how we trust that the signal is reaching you it's here it's right here in my heart this is always ghost the ghost of always being killed by miyuki or the ghost of owie after being killed a fragment of god's auto-save data anywhere else but this is the gap between the game and reality this is the one place we can talk oh this is freaking trippy man why did miyuki do all that i don't know oh he doesn't know but i always been thinking again it's my fault ended up like that oh my god how could you blame yourself but miyuki was making a mistake the universe needs to be rolled back ah i miss you too owie wants to see you oh he wants to see you again and talk to you touch [Music] and hold you and tell you how he loves you and so was she also like aware of like me as the player too no it's over oh my battery is dying no we gotta get zappy help me oh he's still has it made it to the happy ending oh so proving that we definitely don't have a happy ending i did nothing what huh i don't know what you're talking about stop accusing me all right all right whisper she can dress all right we need to go to showdown at the batting cages again who figured this out like i seriously would love to be the first person to actually figure all this out i already did all this though i don't know why he wants us to do it again so i think i don't know for sure but i think we did every single thing so the whole point was that you were supposed to go through some of these routes some of the memories multiple times to get different outcomes each time and so now that i think we've done every single one of those things we can now escape the apartment now this is not the only thing that we could pick but this is one of them that we can pick if we did everything right and so something new should happen now that we do this we should get out of this loop all right escape from the apartment you promised me remember oh this is new okay so i just kind of skipped through it but okay now that we're here we need to pick feels like i'll wake up and it'll be gone crap now what did i miss i need to go back where's the log yeah it feels like i'm dreaming or something how so it's hard to explain okay all right all right so feels like it'll wake up i'll wake up and it'll be gone oh i guess i already picked this oh maybe i was more ahead than i realized so she's just saying the same thing we did this last episode oh she's saying something new it's been a whole month now do you know that gosh time flies i've been here for a whole month especially if you hit the skip button what skip button i know about the skip button hey do you remember the first time we kissed oh i don't remember that all right well so we woke up again what the music is so cool have you not been getting enough sleep i can't believe you conked out right after breakfast like that well is that all a dream did you have a weird dream about me or something no of course not all right then come on it's time for activity it's time for our activity of the day okay oh god i i can't hear that she ruined happy birthday i'll never be able to be sung happy birthday to and not think that someone's gonna hit me with the back all right so we have another memory with mu with ali this time we actually launched the game apparently on her phone when we messed around with it we have to say that she won't betray us okay and that's all we have to say which is basically like reliving real life like you know we ended up trusting her even though she was kind of like you know cheating on us all right so you know without getting too into it no all i'm gonna say guys is just do yourself a favor and play the regular game that's all i'm gonna say this game could be a little extra at times uh but either way her whole thing is she was trying in the game trying to see that oh man isn't ally awful right isn't she awful and we just say nah she's kind of cool she really gets on my nerves there's no way anyone could fall in love with her don't you agree oh definitely it's impossible to fall in love with the 2d character in the first place some people would agree i disagree with that obviously so miyuki interrupts us late at night and now she's saying that like you said do you do you really think that ally cheated on me now now she's referring to the real route when when you know that whole crap was going on no she never cheated on me i think she did but i guess i don't know i guess the character wants to believe i don't know the truth maybe she really did it because she did claim that she never actually cheated on us she was just like this close right no she never did you're so stubborn fine but i just have one thing to say even if aoi and i showed you in the game is nothing but fiction or even at the owie that i showed you in the game is nothing but fiction the truth is that you knew the other word was exactly like that she would be with any guy who so much has looked at her if she she told you that much herself didn't she she did and that's why you know how could you possibly love someone like that i don't know the main character likes what he likes i mean it kind of messed it up for me personally but like it's kind of not her fault she was like made to be with other people i guess i don't know hey shinichi uh mukey suddenly my consciousness returns it's evening now and the sun is starting to set what was i doing just now why why did you betray me why do you hate me so much oh i've never seen this what i don't hate you i'm not asking you what who is she mad at them i'm begging you just kiss me you want me to kiss you if you kiss me right here right now i'll overlook your recent attitude problems let's set the affection meter back to zero delete all the event flags and start a new game all right back at the beginning up there on the roof yes i'll remove all unnecessary side characters and it could just be the two of us oh this is definitely the real ending i think affection meter vent flax new game well you you'll kiss me won't you don't kiss her this is too sudden i just can't kiss you right here then perish what oh there she is again i'll start the day over again oh that's so creepy as many times as it takes over and over and for all eternity until you kiss me i'll program in the infinite loop until you choose kiss her then you'll finally give it won't you you understand you have no choice but to be with me what are you i hear a shrill metallic sound oh no she's picked up the baseball bat again could you maybe stop messing around like that please i know you remember i know you know i'm not joking now behave yourself it's submit to me her form is captivatingly beautiful as the bat swings towards me i decide to bite back there's no use fighting me oh it's so scary the noise is so loud i'll never forget that noise about to exit the game oh i think i do wow crap yeah we gotta exit the game i don't think i want to play this game anymore i'll always ghost his back the ghosts of owie have to be killed by miyuki it's kind of the same thing a fragment of god's auto save data all right well well let's do it again she's gonna start the game with her lips puckered that's the first thing you see when you get in the game hey did you really think you could escape me now kiss me we'll start this whole world all over again i'll keep doing this i told you it's no use submit to me miyuki brings her back down but there's hesitation in her swing reflex reflexively i lean back dodging the bat but oh we're actually dodging it the table breaks my untouched miso suit flies in the air no the bat flies out of her hand and onto the floor my brain screams at me to make a run for it so i dash out the front door oh holy crap that is some luck dang but by shoes right here there's a box somewhere that's scary that is some scary crap though and there's a heavy padlock on the door i'm not it's not to keep intruders out is to keep prisoners in dude she's gone mad dude i won't let you get away her shadow looms over for me but from behind i can see she's holding her dented metal back thank you quickly i deflect her bat with an umbrella that was hiding near the door a dual impact resounds through my fingers but i don't have time to care about that right now i slam my body into her and send her toppling backwards miyuki's always been the athletic type but as as a guy i have the upper hand i pin her down on the floor then i use my free hand to root around in the pocket searching for the key to the padlock let go of me i will if you calm down i am calm liar what the heck are you so mad for anyway you'd never understand what makes you think i wouldn't this is me or this is you and me we're talking about how have we known each other all this time me and you yeah so just calm down would you just talk to me tell me what happened yuki's eyes light up with some sort of realization her lips twitch faintly so faintly i can i can't hear a word even though i'm literally on top of her what was that i leaned in close to placing my ear near her lips oh she bit my ear i regained my balance meanwhile my ears hurt so bad i wonder if she can she bit it clean off the bat's lying on her feet if i if i find her one on one i can i don't stand a chance but i have a trump card you stole it i have blue eyes by dragon i couldn't find the padlock key but i did find her phone you tricked me hold it right there sorry toots toots no can do toots i ignore her dash full speed into the bathroom open up open this door right now dude this is getting insane what are you doing on my phone nuki yells at me through the door obviously i'm not about to unlock your door for her if i can't escape my own then i need to call for help to buy some time till i get here i quickly navigate yuki's phone no service i can't get through to 999 there's nowhere to run now be a good boy and come on out if you don't i'll make your final moments heck on earth was it mistake to lock myself in here without any service i can't call for help i didn't plan for this i don't think i'd be able to slip faster if i try to run for it so what are my options just pick a god and pray i decided to check the address but all i get is the lock screen it's a fingerprint lock too i test it with my index finger but naturally my prints are rejected i see there's an unlock via security questions option should i just wing it whoa what the heck was that the bathroom door just oh my god here's milky imagine you're kidding me i won't let you is that a hammer the bathroom door creaks loudly miyuki's wedging a crowbar she is so insane before my eye she starts to uh work the door open oh you think you're ever gonna call god over my dead body oh my god bro this is so much scarier than like oh never mind i'm not gonna say it but like it's scary bro that's scary it's crap her eyes are purple she's got full yuri shinichi calm down miyuki all just need to calm down here calm down and how would you suggest i calm down well you know maybe breathe she tore the entire the entire door off its hinges she spots at the crowbar for a bat the positions positions herself in the doorway i'm trapped why won't you return my affection i love you so much baby so much i have to kill you i have to kill the person i love over and over and over again i'm losing my freaking mind over here please won't you help me oh my god oh i think i see your face that is so crazy dude this game is insane do i have to exit the game again i think i have a choice crap i think we need to exit the game again hey this game knows how to get you on edge man so pretty visual novel come on let's stop all of this miyuki hangs her head you know you'll never escape from me so just give up and kiss me i will not come on don't be like that please just kiss me don't kiss her come on don't be like that please just kiss me don't kiss me come on don't be like that wow she's just getting even more crazier please i'll beg you just kiss me no my lips are for my own my face only come on don't be like that please don't beg you just kiss me just gotta keep picking it until she gives up i'm oh she's she's really getting more desperate as we go please just kiss me already please can't you see how desperate i am and yet you still refuse you really want to be with owie that badly well in that case if that's how you feel then you two can play at that game i'll change that i'll alter the world just like i altered the game i'll erase owie completely uh yuki ignores me and dash is out of the house how'd she get through those locks what's going on with her why she burst into tears nothing she said made any sense i decide to oh god i think we need to look for oh we need to look for miyuki okay that's different after all that crazy stuff she said i'm worried about miyuki and so i followed her out of the house wait what the my shoes are missing i hately dig through the shoe boxes of the claws and eventually i find them all the way in the back i can't believe miyuki went over a way to put them all the way back here as usual she's a total neat freak oh we actually got to leave all right i'm outside but where do i go from here i have no destination set of mine perfect timing have you seen miyuki anywhere i just saw her out front of the school oh god thanks buddy what about your injuries what injuries i'm fit as a fiddler what about the car accident start what what hey i don't remember that now time to no time to talk right now i gotta say i probably shouldn't be out of this i i gotta say i probably shouldn't be this out of breath already i need to start an exercise routine or something as the sun sets it's because we've been trapped for so long we just haven't realized it as the sun sets outside i dash down the hallway to the classroom but she's not here which means mukey i opened the doors of the roof there you are you came after me or are you just here for this oh the phone niki holds up her phone yuki what's gotten into you you're actually kind of weird i'm not talking to you who you be quiet at this i fall silent as commanded do you remember the night owie rescued a kitten in the rain you've already read my diary so surely you must she looks at me sadly and i find my gaze drawn to hers that's right i discovered how to modify the universe a sudden gusty one picks up i'd look up to find the dark clouds oh so she knows how to do it too it was my first time programming anything and i needed time to figure it out so i started by taking you captive what i can't begin to process what she's saying is miki starting to blur the lines between fiction and reality with god's help i made a drug that could blur the lines between fiction and reality remember all those times you suddenly get sleepy i missed the events of the game for events in real life and you believed ali was just a video game character this is crazy talk normally i would have just laughed it all off but something's not right something's happening something beyond the rumble of my understanding we can be happy together just the two of us we have nothing to fear there's no way the world is a video game there's no update patches in real life i was a character in a video game i'm not being held captive yuki just can't tell the difference no no this is true let's step inside the game oh she said her signal transmits far beyond the furthest breeches of the sky all i could do is stand up watch oh down here owie the door opens someone staggers out it's howie i click the catcher before she falls over i can feel her full weight against me i can feel her weight my sight works the world spins something's off something's not right this is impossible i mean she's she is she just isn't she just a video game character isn't she just a romance option how could she be standing here how this is a dream that's it it must be a dream otherwise you know this makes sense i mean if if if owie i see before me isn't in a video game character if she actually exists yuki give me back my phone it's too late i've already transmitted the files in a few moments you will be erased from the world then that means miyuki's trying to erase someone who's real so i pitched my cheeks as hard as i can i want to wake up from this nightmare this is real life and miyuki's trying to erase away for real always struggles to support her own weight she gets me to stay upright where was she you're vanishing yeah yuki you gotta help her it's too late this is game over bye-bye as she whispers i realize her voice is emotionless as if she doesn't care you can't give up this isn't right what makes you say that well i will use the heroin in a visual novel and this is one of my bad endings that's all there is to it i just gotta move on to the next route this game is confusing what the a glitch why why is are you crying uh a single flats here rolls down her blank top stoic face oh he's like he's like screaming ah my waifu dude why is she dirty is this part of the scene weird really weird this is my first time meeting you or is it no god what the the zappy the signal is all mixed up owie doesn't recognize this are these memories from a different route remember friends we were all best friends together me and shinichi fell in love and then oh this ain't fair man i always scream shakes the entire world no no don't erase me oh he doesn't want to disappear after meeting you i will learn the meaning of true love she clings to me but her words are fading fast snooki there's no going back why the heck are you doing this this is freaked out man sure and i'm freaked out too but so are you i messed up you pledged your eternal love to me that night but you've broken your vow i pledged my eternal love why is she talking what is she talking about i don't remember anything like that do you still remember her voice is barely a whisper it takes everything i have just to make out the words remember what my code number oh we finally get to put it in put it in miyuki's phone and bring me back wake me up bring you back what are you [Music] i always struggles to open her mouth she's trying to tell me something but her voice is vanishing along with the rest of her her lips twitch slightly how he loves you of course she's gone just like that i thought she was already gone so that's why i was confusing but ali no she's just gone [Music] this is my only option this is the only way we could be happy together is it what is this happiness to you of course it is i mean liar your acne skills won't work on me your voice is shaking no it's not yes it is i quietly climb up the ladder miyuki averts her gaze i walk right up to her i don't know what to believe i have no way to discern the truth but there's one thing i do know yuki step by step i approach her another step then another what are you thinking i will my heart not too pounded out of control shinichi gently i pull her close okay go ahead yuki closes her eyes i snatch her phone up her head [Music] get curved time to make a run for it whoa let's go quick while she has her eyes closed i run until she can't find me day anymore gonna be mad i pulled full speed down the stairs dude oh dear you tricked me i didn't trick you for the fun of it believe me but oh i just keep thinking about it miyuki is messed up but she's an old friend of mine and my girlfriend which means i have to be the one to fix this seeing as you tricked me i guess that means you'll need to be punished i'll pass thanks i know these doors won't open when i came in but now they're all closed for some reason where do you think you're going please there's nowhere to run sure there is if i can get through the front i'll just have to found you oh she can teleport now i'm ready like my life depends on it but she's not even out of breath how how how does she catch up to me so easily i dash through the twisted world clutching miyuki spun in hand but i can't escape this would make a good 3d game like imagine running for her that'd be scary i back i i'm mad because there's not more like like 3d games like this you know all right now we're in the gym the windows won't open either there's no way out it's no use i've sealed all the exits that's impossible and yet i'm sure i'm trapped here oh my gosh she's coming i told you it's no use i hatefully turned back miyuki doesn't seem to be the slightest hurry and yet she beats me to every punch at this rate i'll never escape her my code number put it in miyuki's phone well obviously that's what we gotta do so i just need to buy some time until i can make a phone call a half open door catches my eye i dash into the classroom and carefully close the door so it doesn't make a sound this isn't our classroom it's a first-year classroom it doesn't matter that's not important i know you shinichi and i can predict your every move ooh how does she know i hide behind the teacher's lecture and i take out miki simone before she disappeared she told me to use her code number and that number is okay all right i have it on my phone but i also have it in this guys i'm just gonna put it here all right so it's zero five two three zero five two three whoa i wonder what's gonna happen right i'm sorry to leave you guys at a cliffhanger but it turns out this game is actually a lot longer and there's a lot more that's gonna go on and i don't wanna overwhelm you guys too much so i'm gonna stop it right here plus i just don't have time to record the entire ending i was like wow this ending is super long but this game is becoming one of the most like one of my favorite visual novels that i've played and it's so creative and it's a thing that did anyway guys smash like if you want to see more and uh because it gets crazy all right that's all i'm gonna say and i'll see you scrubs in the next episode bye-bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 141,899
Rating: 4.9732161 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, you and me and her a love story, doki doki literature club, bijuu mike doki doki, doki doki bijuu mike, doki doki, kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi, yandere miyuki, miyuki yandere, you and me and her miyuki ending, yandere, lets play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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