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oh we're just we're just jumping right back in ladies and gentlemen out there welcome to another episode of you me her and dante from the devil may cry series all i'm gonna say is that uh if you missed last episode it looks like this and you really want to go take a look at it um i i don't know how else to say it anymore guys i i really don't know how else to say this game needs more attention because i i know that i've been uh saying that this game is like doki doki but the reality is that doki doki is like this game and every sense of the word and allow me to read you some of the comments from last episode ddlc we have the creepiest visual novel girl in the world you and me and her hold my baseball bat that's good that's good she opens the door oh and counting your veggies can be whatever this language is i love to comment said forget ddlc this is the real deal i even went out to take some fresh air and think about what just happened i'm not even gonna play with you guys okay uh some other people were telling me they had nightmares about this game after watching me play it i i couldn't stop thinking about it the entire night i was just laying down in my bed honestly i couldn't sleep for hours i was just like thinking about what happened during this game so how else can i say it either go play the game yourself or go watch my series all right i will link the playlist as you completely see uh this is different there's a good reason why that is so for some reason for some reason i'm restarting i just said that for some reason we're starting the game i don't know why i don't know what it means should i skip i'm obviously not going to reread everything but why why am i stuck in a loop again i knew this game was gonna have ddlc vibes and i only say that because i played ddlc first but this game did it in such a way that it was so unique okay you guys you guys also like my my choice of shirt today i thought it was appropriate you know okay all right so i have a theory i think what we need to do is because now we can place a phone call right what we need to do is enter the code i don't know if this is what we have to do for sure but in last episode before things went down and i mean went down like they just went all the end of the joker movie down that kind of down like it took such a turn boy i can't even explain it to you i just want people to experience this the way that i did and i just i i can't i i want to somehow get this out here this game deserves attention it's it's it's an actual crime anyway we got a code last episode uh from from uh owie no no wait yes owie god she said to injury if anything bad happens to her yeah well it did uh we'll just say that so let's let's i have a picture of my phone i'm gonna look it up i ain't never gonna have a birthday the same ever again my god can't never listen to the happy birthday song ever again thanks you me and her and all right so the code is i have a right here 999. i should really be calling 9-1-1 but okay 0-5-2-3 can i even enter this entire number i don't even know if i can zero five two three oh i can okay i'm making sure nine nine nine zero five two three zero five two three oh okay that's easy okay i'm gonna call it what the did i miss dial no wait even if i did it it doesn't make any sense whenever there's a problem connecting a call normally you're supposed to hear one of those automated messages right it's like this phone is broken or something before i check the call that's mine the door opens it's miyuki wait a minute did this happen last time miyuki oh god i'm actually scared of this girl so much really i didn't know you had a smartphone i thought she had one of those old clamshell phones i found it over at your house what you did maybe you forgot it it was a long time ago after all but it's just so tacky looking you know so i got myself a new one she takes out a shiny new smartphone out of her pocket it's the latest model with a much bigger screen as long as i got the sim card i don't need that one the old one would you go ahead and toss it for me what throw it off the roof yeah just throw it right off the roof yeah do i do it don't throw it what if i don't she wants me to do that just trade it in at a store somewhere i want to get rid of asap don't don't be hey wait she takes the phone from my hand yeah why she really tossed the phone was that miyuki's phone or uh owie and flakes it over the safety fence oh man the phone spins through the air if it flies up in a perfect perfectly straight gravity defying line until it eventually advantages from sight that was a pretty good throw high almost too good i know this crap ain't real gotta be changing the freaking theme and everything at that speed i almost thought of my shadow the fabric of the universe shall we head home then but you totally said i'll have to turn him down i'm the one who he invited up here after all oh i see and we haven't uh told the rest of the class we're dating yuki looks at the we're dating yuki looks at the floor bashfully or that we're living together we're living together and it's already been two whole weeks just been two weeks we'll have to tell them eventually i guess and she's like and that we have a baby i just hope i'm good enough for you just don't hit me with a bat you are you aren't ooh what if we say you aren't not quite i see guess i'll have to try a little harder don't force yourself all right you tend to get tunnel vision over these things don't worry trust me i can see it all just fine should i be skipping this wake up you dummy bro if they start playing saxophone lessons i'm gonna i don't care about music i just don't what the where am i [Music] why are we in this room this was haru's room miyuki's phone is sitting on the table with the game still launched it's not healthy to pass out right after eating you'll get fat and if you're going to sleep at least sleep in a proper bed why do people say that it's not even like real you don't get fat from eating then sleeping oh right sorry anime characters always say that crap though i collapsed into the bed with my consciousness rapidly fades [Music] of course you can't [Music] and the prologue was a little different this time around wasn't it someone's missing aren't they yes that's because i mess with the branch code and you wonder why people say this is like dokie you need to be punished you see or the the other way around really is what i should be saying god i'm so scared what are you gonna do to me she comes knocks on my house good morning i'm actually considering guys to make a separate video talking about the relation with this game in doki doki because it needs to be talked about more it's almost i i can't make any statements right i can't like claim this or that because i don't know what's true and what's not true but i mean think about it if you've gotten this far in the series and or if you've played the game yourself do you really honestly believe that dance lovato has never played this game or didn't even know about it it's almost really hard to tell i'm not trying to spread any rumors or start drama or anything like that because i don't really care i think i love both these games in their own way but at the same time they're so similar it's insane and this game came out first and it's like it's not fair for this game because you know it didn't get the it deserved the pop it deserves more popularity to be honest i mean even though i've experienced doki doki literature club and you know when i thought that was mind-blowing even at the time i still think it is it was a great game for this game to be able to do almost essentially essentially the same thing in it but it did it in such a unique way that it got to me it really gave me chills and scared me it's just a shame that more people don't know about this it's and i know why it's because it's not free i'm just saying i got to talk about it more i would like to explore that maybe in a separate video guys i don't know let me know if you want to see that she greets me as she cooks breakfast uh what should we do today let's see first i'd like to test you test me out the thing about me is i don't like liars so i want you to tell me how you truly feel so tell me do you you love me don't you could you could you confess your love to me after all after all eternity no i'm not giving in no i can't come on don't be like that nothing good will come up rejecting me you know you should reconsider i implore you to reconsider i implore you to reconsider god i love that movie i want to reach through the screen and slap freaking uh shinichi because first of all i hate him now by the way after last episode i hate him i hate him so much no i can't come on don't be like that nothing good will come over why why is it repeating no i can't come on don't be like that come on don't be like that nothing good will come and reject my god stop what do i do what do you want from me lady welcome to welcome to this episode i'm literally skipping like a thousand words a minute look at this what do you what do i do she's forcing me to confess i actually don't even have the i can't even i can't even confess to her the whole backlog is just this what do i do i thought that that was the way to enter the code hey are you listening no i don't love you i don't love you like i did yesterday that's a famous line from a song all right clearly we're stuck in a loop i need to figure out how to break this loop i'm just saying like monica the loop that she puts you in at the end of the game after you realize that she comes sentient and people are hating on me for saying that these are similar come on are you kidding me where's your head at why wouldn't you think that how could you not think that these are similar just saying it it's all there bro if it tells me i gotta go in the files and change things come on all right all right what does it say status launch menu can't access error no such uh file or directory license to miyuki oh no okay okay think think critically here what do i do configurations there's got to be something i can do in here help where's the help button okay maybe we just need to try pressing uh this code right right here let's just try doing it nine nine nine zero five two three zero five two three no okay well okay let's try exiting the games no shut up i'm gonna leave can you hear me are you picking up my signal did she get my signal she's trying to reach me i'm coming for you owie i'm coming she's hidden somewhere how do i reach her bro i'm getting these files open you never know right okay what have we got here what do we got here well i do have a text file here i don't know what it's what it means let's try launching the game again and see what happens ohio no no ohio oh i'm stuck in the loop time loop okay so what if i say yes what if i say yes that's funny you said you couldn't earlier oh she knows i've retraced my memories i can't remember ever say no to her all right that wasn't you that was a different view from a different file what file hey you i know everything i have the memories from other rounds i have the backlog from the old save files she knows all about the music lessons and i know everything that will happen next yuki looks at me as she whispers but it's like she's not really seeing me at all oh my god you guys you guys freaking actually did a really great job at explaining to me uh apparently she was using a different u i cannot find the comma right now i i favorited it i don't know where it's at right now see this is what i mean this game has done such a a unique thing so apparently someone pointed out in last episode in the comments i i can't find it but shout out to whoever you are you know who you are they have pointed out that sony see i actually want to listen to this let's hear her talk i want to hear her say something just so i can check it for myself she should be addressing us differently than anyone else in the game addresses us and it has to do with the way japanese is so it's really important and it wouldn't work in english as far as i know in this world there's only one ending and it's with me accept it i'm not gonna give up see that's the thing too like once you start learning a little bit of japanese you realize that they don't say exactly uh like exactly what they say like she said i give up she didn't say accept it but it means the same thing and embrace it [Music] wake up wake up you dummy [Music] oh we're back in the loop we're back in the loop we're just falling asleep she keeps hitting us probably with the baseball bat every time but someone take that bat away from her think about it watch let's let's hear what she says i want to hear her say you and hear what she says that way i could see for sure oh have you figured out how this world works is she saying something different now just so you know i remember everything about you yeah so she says which means you that you pulled it owie's route still it sucks not being able to save your game huh yeah it does yeah i bet it does well i'd hate for you to ragequit on me [Music] so now she's unlocked she's i gotta save dlc now nice i'm so glad but don't be shy go ahead and use my save data oh but i deleted your saves though this is her save data it's all gonna be nothing but good memories with her isn't it oh wow okay that's interesting should i click one she just wants me to say i love this world i never have to leave it it's amazing i love it let's go to happy birthday and see what happens although i think it's probably something i can't i don't know i don't know should i okay what about a date at catnip because always was supposed to be there except she's calling it a date hmm whoever owns this place must really love cats oh miyuki your face oh she loves katsaw of course she loves my cat over here too i bet she really love it look it's got a little butthole have you guys seen it is that blurry no wonder why she likes me it's my cat oh my god see i'm like destined to play this game seriously so don't you buy anything in here just the other day too oh just the cat video compilation dvd who would buy that apparently her she's going to stay up late at night when she like something like that comes on at three in the morning buy now for three easy payments of 19.99 we'll send you all the cats buddy cat dvd right have you always been this much of a cat fanatic what's so great about cats anyway i don't know how to explain it they're just elegant you know yeah i can see that katz has this little loop wait we're in a loop right now shut up get me out of here so this never happened but she says it happened wait what just happened oh miyuki glares at me snatches the onesie from my hands so i picked the onesie is it because she reminds her uh it reminds her of you think i can actually pull something like this off well i mean you never know right fat chance yuki puts the onesie back on the shelf oh she got mad because obviously that's what ali would wear oh this is so cute she points to a cat shaped hairpin on display so in her eyes we're going on a date with her me me uh honey i am married okay my wife ain't gonna like that but you know what she has a bat so i'm scared so you know i guess we should go with it i want to hear her say you okay so she likes this the pin obviously there's two why is there two we're gonna i'm just gonna pick everything to make her mad yeah so what if there's two of them well it's fine but but what i have no answer even i'm not sure why i care how many there are uh well well what they're not exactly the same see which one do you like what was that what was that this one sucks oh okay i don't see what makes that one so much worse because it was always i grabbed her over to the register so she must have hated it when i gave it to her before here's the token my gratitude for everything you do for me each day she'll treasure it aren't you gonna wear it no it wouldn't suit me besides [Music] okay so she didn't say you i know it says it right here but she didn't say japanese i'm just so happy you thought to give me something at all her smile was bewitchingly cute anyway all i was trying to say is that someone pointed out anata uh is used mainly by wives addressing their husbands kimi is used by very is used very rarely i've heard it at used at daycare where my kids go to nannies but it's also rare and they will normally use the kids names which is true i i've watched animes and you know even from a person learning japanese uh that's usually the only time you really hear anata is usually with like close like usually people that love each other so any other character in the game uh i haven't like went back and checked but i'm pretty sure it's the case uh they pointed out that they use uh like kiwi or they'll use something else uh but not and not that because the only reason why miyuki's been using that is because this entire game she's been talking to us and to her we are the husbando i guess i'm the husbando here okay i feel special so it's just like little stuff like that that it's like it's so cool man it's so freaking cool but how do i get the heck out of here how do i get the freak out of here let me out oh stop stop i don't mean to skip oh god i didn't mean to skip guys i'm sorry i i clicked it in it okay i could read back what she said though oh hey you why do you ask me why there were two hairpins of all the bizarre choices porcinici had a heck of a time keeping up with the conversation after that oh she's like scolding us like a true tsunderi yeah i know the real question you wanted to ask is why were there only one hairpin in always route right there were originally two after all though my route was so long you might have forgotten by now tell me why do you think one of them disappeared deep down you know the answer don't you because i hid it i figured it might come in handy later and back when we stormed into the apartment if i hadn't planted the hairpin there as evidence you likely would have never have questioned your faith in owie oh so owie actually never did that oh we never left the hairpin there but that's all in the past i suppose so she did set it up but in reality she did cheat on it so she kind of didn't do a bad thing oh so i have a choice now i can love owie or love miyuki please give owie back oh ooh i just want to make her mad but i also want to say give away back love owie you're wasting your time i'm the one who gets to choose you know let's see what scene should we play this time yuki bites back a smile as she speaks meanwhile i pick up my bowl of miso i'm just here eating my miso i'm just here eating my miso i'm scared oh gosh she picked it this time sorry it took so long oh hey got some ice cream yep here's yours she hands me a vanilla ice cream that's my favorite where'd you get it miyuki pulls out a fudge pot for herself i like to get these usually you sure you won't get fat i can eat as much as i want i have a high metabolism that's because your pixels you do since when since recently how did that happen i figured out how to cheat the system yeah you could do that when your video game those got dang video games how much do you weigh these days you really want to know yes uh now i'm good i came under the intensity of her glare you know who that's directed towards right you know it's really nice walking up just the two of us could you imagine if someone tried to interrupt this wouldn't it just piss you off not really i just want to make her so angry well i wouldn't like it miyuki declares flatly i prefer it when it's just us i won't let anyone else ruin that oh here we go again what the where am i it's like it's like groundhog day let me know if she does something weird the question is when's it gonna stop there's keep making choices and keep saying we want ally back until she breaks eventually she will right oh she greets me as she cooks why is the music changing what should we do today uh oh choose always routes oh dang so we i'm sure surely we could stay in miyuki's rap forever so that's why you need to play this game to see like what else what else is all available obviously i want the true ending so let's do howie no you never get what you want why won't you just left me it would be so much easier for you that way dodging the question i take a sip of her homemade miso soup i love this as the bowl touches my lips my fingers brush brush my chin what the since when did my beard get this long oh oh it's it's insane sorry i took so long oh we're doing the ice cream one again can i pick another one let's pick another one i don't want the same one if i'm gonna have to go through this with this oh there are my precious memories choose whatever which one you like happy birthday let's do that one hopefully she doesn't bring her bath this time [Music] ah the flashbacks [Music] we sit across from each other at the table between us it's a birthday cake with four candles uh it's not much of a party with just two people but it's more than enough for me man how long has it been since we last celebrated my birthday together not as long as you think really from here on out we can celebrate as much as you like thanks her words implies she'll stay with me for the rest of my life and it makes my chest heightened it's because i'm getting all these gains man it feels like i'm dreaming or something how so uh it's hard to explain feels like i'll wake up and it'll be gone i always hope things would turn out like this i'm gonna say this like i'm just hallucinating again don't have to wake up no she said kimi though so was i wrong about what i said earlier i know i know anata is used by my uh wives though i read shinchan and the wife would say that she'd say anata anata all right so this is actually a lot better so kimi used by men towards uh people of lower status but obviously girls can use it too it's essentially really direct uh oh my what you guys all know oh my it's very informal so i guess you probably i would guess you'd only use that with like friends or people you really know and if you're just messing around you know and uh anta or nata highly informal and generally rude or admonishing in nature so the japanese is kimito no i is that you say that uh koi koi yeah koi okay yeah i i didn't know how to say that so really the game is called you her and her love it's really interesting i don't know this is this is not that important i just wanted to i was just curious what is reality but an undiddy dream just stay with me always the sweetness of the cake paired with miyuki's sugary words they're too sugary they're almost deadly together they create a magic spell that robs me of my energy to think oh that's right time for your presence [Music] do you remember what i asked you um what do you mean you know the one thing about the love the turtle thing you know the one i do uh care to enlighten me oh god you don't remember i asked you if you were into madoff oh oh that present wow hey i i do remember that truth be told i still don't remember i do this shinichi does not remember though oh my god she's saying if you prove to me you love me if you convince me your feelings are the real deal i'll wear it for you look i just want to get the heck out of this groundhog day i don't care where's owie really on your next birthday i promise my next birthday it's too far away she's too embarrassed she won't wear it as far as i know we only get one birthday per year i don't know what she's saying until then your best convinced me okay then she puts on her business smile there's no use arguing [Music] i'm breaking it just goes on and on and on and on all right what's she gonna say to me this time nothing oh yeah i guess i gotta keep picking different ones oh oh oh escape from the apartment oh my god okay all right let's do that no you'll never get what you want why don't you just love me what it's happening again [Music] oh that's right today's a special day for you and me i heard it do you know what i'm telling uh uh i checked the date on the calendar myself no clue yeah i would expect you to know shinichi she wasn't this close before was she i'm just saying i'm pointing that out today marks one week says you arrived here today how do you like it you have acclimated acclimated to everything yeah i guess when we first started living in the same apartment it got fairly awkward at times but at point i'd say i started to get used to it gotcha well then [Music] i'll give you a little present present [Music] you're right you're right girlfriend boyfriend after all i'll kiss you and then i'm freaking jumping out the window isn't that right shinichi she gazes at me passionately and draws close i just know how soft those lips are i can't possibly refuse ah she said dyski okay oh we're at the batting cages oh i don't like that oh god seriously so scary miku's ball lights up tracing a lazy arc in the air we smacked us to the double target uh sucks for you well somebody sure sounds confident do you think you can beat me maybe guess we'll find out won't we i grabbed the bat wrestling against the ball tonight we rented out the batting cage just for ourselves our home run competition is officially underway uh the loser has to do anything the winner says okay huh you're on wait you're gonna pitch to me what you think you don't know how to throw the ball miki definitely has the talent to pull it off anything she puts to her mind and that includes pitching but these cages are better for batting and besides she's still got her school unit whoa what was i supposed to do with that fastball that was a submarine pitch give me a break as we so she's super strong too as with her swing her pitching form is efforts effortlessly breathtaking naturally her speed can't compete with pitching machine but she's still quite impressive honestly it might actually make it harder to hit a home run the ball gazes past my cheek if i'd even been one split second slower it could have struck me right in the face sorry my hand slipped oh my god she is so scared what's wrong your legs are shaking so she's just like throwing super fast she winds up i'm done for this isn't this miyuki we're talking about she'll want to finish this once and for all i'm at the end of my rope but that's when i realized all the time we spent together has given me clues i need to predict this last pitch she's a perfectionist and so far her final throw she'll choose her signature pitch a forkball yes we hit it [Music] yes home run how did you know when i was planning for the last ball i thought you pitched that way back when remember ooh we taught her everything she knows you remembered mom all right you won fair and square i'll do whatever you ask so what do you want from me whatever i ask huh well it was a narrow victory surely i can get away with asking for something a little ballsy and in case one thing comes to mind oh i want owie so if you're really like a miyuki fanatic this would be great you wouldn't even have to go to the other ending you'd just be good with this i want owie oh you mean the girl from the visual novel yeah her obviously always a heroine in a game called you and me and her and when i say i want her what i mean is there's this hug pill i've been wanting to buy you're kidding me you actually like those things of her so now what what the heck so now they're talking about like her in a game a hug pillow really i don't own anything like that maybe i'll let you get away with like a life-sized cardboard cutout but she looks pretty scandalized do you really have any idea how embarrassing it was to ask come on don't look at me like that sinichi please it's not too late to turn back don't be a weird obsession just fall in love with a normal human being i can't i am i love anime it's pretty soon i'll be on dr phil come on don't be ridiculous when i look at her it hits me she's not joking her eyes are swimming with tears so i'm so confused she was always like against video games but like why she is a video game am i really that repulsive to you i love you so much so so much would you really choose a 2d character over me you are 2d that's it i just uh it's just different i guess i don't know how to explain it i just don't get it let's see oh i know it's like when you finish eating dinner here comes desserts i'm not your freaking dessert oops forget it i'm going home wait miyuki but she ignores me and leaves guess i won't be getting what i want [Music] oh here we go again yeah i'll be back we haven't picked that yet oh you want to see owie that badly do you yes i'm begging you i guess if you're that desperate i'll let you see her later really what i lied to you now finish at breakfast she admonishes me gently as i do as she suggests well we saw her [Music] we saw her and um we done played the whole marching band having fun whoa i heard a sudden voice behind me and i nearly jumped out of my skin don't scare me like that wow rude much and here i let you borrow my phone so you could spend a little time with owie oh so that was all on her phone i'm so confused so she let us spend time with her okay whatever i'll let you off easy today now you understand right oh he's just heroin a visual novel she's not real where does that come from so she's trying to just just say that she's not real i see that's her plan ah i trust you she smiles and pats my shoulder there's gotta be a way to get out of here how do we do it it doesn't give me a chance to pull out like put a code in oh somebody said hey kimmy oh hi hello hey nemo are you mad at me right now i'm just a little scared how are you a gamer you think always more than just a fictional character in a video game do you think it's possible to actually fall in love with a video game character well apparently you do you do right that's why you made those choices isn't it well guess what i believe it too i believe you can fall in love with me you will won't you you know at this point like part of me wants to choose her because i did not feel right with what they did with uh uh ally she did love us though so in a way i kind of like feel sorry for her because she didn't want to do those things but she felt like she had to because that was her purpose she wanted like her purpose was to be with other people but she actually said that she really did love us so i guess i have to explore that you know like i don't know do nothing forget owie remember ali remember her i'm just gonna keep her over here it doesn't work it's all the same okay now we're doing lunch i'm not gonna read all this you guys can go get the game if you want to see it all my guess is we're gonna be able to pick tomato juice and then like she's gonna be all mad there it is i seen it coming which would you rather drink this or tea your baileys give me some you baileys makes you feel all zappy's happy i thought you hated it i could still drink it though and it's probably good for you i see you trying to be healthy are we yeah that's it i'm just trying to make you mad and she's the one that brought it though i didn't even have it i don't know anyone who likes this stuff okay god how much we're going to go through all of this man is it going to make me go through every scene escape how come i can't escape all right so now we're hanging out with owie or uh yutaro uh let's ask about owie i'm talking about owie obviously what give me a break i mean sure she's a super cute routeless side character and you and me and her like crazy cute i'm talking dojin's figure my guy if i had the money i i wouldn't buy anybody obviously no sir of course not right of course not don't look at me like that you would totally buy those mouse pads she storms off did you make him mad apparently what do you why not apologize we're just screwing around i never understand guy friendships well what are girl friendships like she pauses to think kind of like a world record i guess how so no matter how impressive it looks on the outside it exists to be broken okay i have a feeling i need to do something but what do i what do i do how do i get to the phone wait wait wait what does restart do i don't even see that wait i have an idea i have an idea what if we go back to the rooftop is there any way we can enter the number again she threw the phone though so we don't even have the phone anymore i think we have to exit the game i'm following a guide i still don't know it i didn't want to do that but i really we're really freaking stuck in a loop oh are you the center of the universe then you should be able to hear me loud and clear i've just been playing horror games this entire time i thought like maybe we could do something at the side of the game we just got to keep exiting i guess are we still in the loop i'm still in the loop still then loop oh okay so apparently we have to go to study session all right i don't want to look at the walkthrough anymore because i want to see what happens nuke and i sit across from each other between us the notebook slides open we're busy working on our homework about this question uh oh that one upon first glance miyuki appears to have mastered every school subject but in truth she has one weakness biology so i'm helping her out for this one this one goes here and then you substitute that oh i get it i've always been pretty good biology sucks but my guidance miyuki solves the problem in a flash switch switch our pins fly over the paper i could feel our breath from across the table i wish this moment could last forever it's her perfect little fantasy just felt like saying it trying to focus all right i know she shoots me a guilty grin i need to concentrate a bit harder time to time for something sugary so that's what she's after she jumps to her feet her phone tumbles from her pocket oh we're going to grab her phone aren't we i quietly appeared to the dining hall apparently she stopped by the rest the restroom on her way to the kitchen so this is like her universe isn't it no wonder why this room is so white and crazy it's just her like layer this is her evil layer it seems like she's been gone for a while mess with her phone okay this is where we gotta put the number at night bet i sort of petitiously go through her photos i kind of want to see your photos though launch the game go through address book i cut i come back right let's just see your photos most of all most of the photos are both of us but there's some photos i don't recognize offhand there's another folder in the thumbnails this tile diary i opened it to find rows of photos of her diary entries i'm going to think about i remember miki saying she's always kept a diary oh today i met with muko on the school roof it was my first time speaking with her but as it turned out the rumor about her being a space case is totally true she can't she completes video games with reality and treats me like a romance option in a visual novel it's absolutely unacceptable my feelings are my feelings for chinese are not something to be trifled with i would like oh so she just document everything i would left the muggy cafe to rescue a banana kitten so shinichi and i went looking for her we searched the whole town so we found her at that point i thought to myself maybe it's okay for me just to be honest about how i really feel maybe it's okay to tell shinichi i thought but then ali interrupted me before i could she collapses shinichi ended up walking her back to the manga cafe leaving me to go home by myself then i heard a phone ringing in the distance i followed the ringing wouldn't you know i found owie's cell phone oh she yeah that's when she was so salty it was a call from god looking back i'm not sure why i decided to answer that call but i did in that instant i did something took root in my heart i decided thinking maybe god really does exist i couldn't believe it what was that visual novel it was clearly it was really it was nearly identical to the real world with those same events play out in real life too even the ending i decided i'd ask shinichi about it at school the next day so i went home and downloaded the game on my phone then i played through it just to check but the game isn't a reflection reality reality is a reflection of the game going forward i had to forget everything i thought i knew that's the only path to my happiness and the only way i'll end up with shinichi in the world how to preserve memories call god equals save aoi is an event collection device as avatar she requires energy what she calls battery power to maintain her existence likewise saving the game also requires energy as it involves calling god no energy required to receive a call i always write the roof gets the best reception as a human i don't need energy to exist it still cost me to save the game but it's not too devastating the key is the sim card the sim is more important than the phone itself the sim card allows for my photos to carry over as long as i take my photos of my diary no matter how what route i end up i can keep a record of events yesterday you betrayed me what the heck she's so jealous today i killed shinichi you probably hate me for that but it's your fault you pledge your oh my god okay i've been living with shinichi for two weeks we flung that tacky looking phone off the school roof and now we started a new life i know what i'm doing is sick and wrong truth be told i don't really want to have uh to use sedatives she's oh my god i really don't want to mess with routes but if i don't you'll leave me you'll abandon me so we can get out so we can leave what is this [Music] uh my photos no listen i didn't look through it it's okay i don't care if you did it doesn't make any sense anyway so she doesn't know about the diaries still i can tell everything i wrote had an intended effect isn't that right [Music] i'm going back i'm going back okay we obviously need to place a phone call out of curiosity i opened her address book what the i may have tapped the wrong thing let me try again no matter how many times i open it there's only one entry god a burner phone for god i mean i know miki has two phones so it makes sense she'd resolve so she kept always phoning through her phone is that what happened placed a phone call so obviously okay all right we about to get to this guys so we place the call okay i thought i was gonna be able to dial his number and the line connects uh hello hello can you hear me affirmative what connection established uh hi um is that really you god depended upon interpretation i am an out like i mean alma galatian oh god it's so hard to say i'm an amalgamation to every visual novel heroine alternatively an abstract an amalgamation an abstract what is this person even talking about it sounds like the kind of nonsense aoi babbles about you and me and her time is limited transmitting only required information you are currently imprisoned prison backlog analyzed the universe has already been partially modified miyuki has developed a narco a narcotic that can inhibit one's perception of reality it is stored in the small paper bag and added to food in a state of sleep drunkenness you are forced interpreted video game scenes as real life advance it is likely you fall unconscious immediately following a mill or it is likely come to think of it i seem to remember my mind getting all fuzzy every morning when i wake up when i drink my miso soup can you surmise the corresponding event nah this is ridiculous she can't possibly hold me prisoner a rollback is needed for this universe only miyuki and now we have uh initiation permissions by ao you mean the character from the visual novel always exists in reality the mobile game is a mirror image of your reality the universe is also true miyuki has inter interfered with the program she has recoded the game in order to designate how he is fictional currently always only fictional within the game but ali exists in reality through though you believe otherwise however should mukey finish reprogramming the game and transmit a patch the real world will update at which point our's existence will be recoded as fictional and she will disappear from reality oh so she's trying to get her out i don't know what else to say how am i supposed to believe this you must escape your confines and deliver the smartphone with sim and sell to owie with her help the universe can be rolled back to a restore point prior to miyuki's changes two methods are available raise milky's affection and lower her guard or lower her affection and incur her wrath look are we done here real talk i don't understand a single word you alway is in existence any alike unlike any other she has experienced love countless times populated with countless protagonists she was merely an empty vessel but this time she learned to perceive unique emotions she holds a romantic affection towards you she does source unknown unable to process confirm bug connection and memory sync required to investigate hints we ask of you deliver the sim card to owie and perform memory sync restore the universe to its original code you talked with god didn't you why would you try to lie to me you know i can just check the call history all right let me guess you think she's telling the truth of course not i never believe that yeah i'm not surprised you feel that way i suppose in that case i'll let you off the hook this time but let's see miyuki looks away and mutters to herself her gaze fixed on some distant world only she can see now that you found it i'll have to come out with a countermeasure oh she knows that we know okay we gotta go back what is even love i love owie you promised me remember which means you need to do exactly as i tell you you you'll be happier that way won't you agree i'm begging you please don't look at any other women dodging the question i take a sip of homemade miso soup [Music] just then dark curtains fall over my eyes is this my hair dang he's been there that long [Music] boy all right we got to go back to study session maybe we could we got to be able to enter that code somehow oh the lock screen appears she has a lock it was a fingerprint too i tested it with my index finger but naturally my uh print is rejected i see there's an unlock via security questions option but you oh she has security questions oh god i better study up huh do i really have to figure out the security questions oh my god and she knows we're gonna do that why does she keep leaving the phone right i can hang out with myself this kid's getting crazy all right let's try going through her photos again how were you able to do that if she has a lock i'm just saying plot hole that's the same though is there anything about security questions if you insist you hate real girls that much then i'll just have to rehabilitate you oh my god so this changed how i'll make your wildest dreams come true really of course i'll give you everything you could want ever and more i don't think that's a good thing is it just you wait and see oh it's howie does she come with her saxophone today i guess i'll find out wake up she's in the room oh hey is that you am i dreaming nope this is real life after all i'm just cosplaying huh i'm so confused bro there's even wait wait wait that doesn't even look like her yeah i'm doing this in hopes that you might fall in love with the real human life being instead of a video game character oh my god cosplay but how does she make herself shorter and less curvy okay so she brought her saxophone okay well that was interesting um can i escape now when are you gonna leave do you have a job all right guys uh i think there's actually a lot more to this game but uh we gotta break out right i i don't want to keep going because these episodes will be way too long but guys especially if you want to see the end of this game i i honestly thought we were gonna be able to get through here but it's so much longer we gotta break out uh owie can't hear you can't hear your voice [Applause] but how we trust that the signal is reaching you okay all right yeah guys that's all the time i have for right now we've been playing uh too long but uh next episode i'm gonna try my best to break and beat this game but dang it's so unique i love this game i i hope you recommend this to other people guys because more people need to play this today's script of the day goes to [Music] lukey's art [Music] i freaking love that see i love that support for this game ah that's amazing what an amazing art all right guys smash like if you want to see the the ending uh i got to see what happens i mean it's so trippy but anyway i'll see you scrub to the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 156,454
Rating: 4.9778743 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, you and me and her a love story, doki doki literature club, bijuu mike doki doki, doki doki bijuu mike, doki doki, kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi, yandere miyuki, miyuki yandere, you and me and her miyuki ending
Id: J0ROgZcncTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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