I Bought A USED Tomodachi Life Game and Played A Stranger's Save File

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I can't believe you're here it's been so long it's so sad they're like it's Nate he's finally back for us no it's me no freaking way oh my god somewhere in the world right now nape like something feels wrong okay so this tamagotchi flight video is gonna be a lot different than all my other Tomodachi like videos and that's because I bought a used copy of Tomodachi life from eBay here's the eBay listing just to prove it all the times I played Tomodachi life so far have been from a digital copy of the game that I downloaded on my DS this is the first time I'm actually seeing Tomodachi life packaging your friends your drama your life here's the inside even whoever owned this like kept this pretty intact now you can have the little booklet there's the game there's not much in the booklet but yeah I've seen other people buy used versions of various games to see what strangers save files look like and I couldn't think of a more perfect game to do that with then Tomodachi hi so all the characters you're about to see in this video we're made by a complete stranger probably a kid and I'm both very scared and excited also in standard Tomodachi life fashion I'm still gonna film this one from my iPhone I just have to keep filming it that way now alright let's let's see what's in this guy's I am so scared okay alright I I don't even know where to start I guess we'll start with the Town Hall and see what the island was named island name Omega land okay alright we're in the apartment complex somebody is in love which I'm really excited to see I don't know who any of these people are but I'm just gonna start from the beginning and we're gonna go through each character who's this so this must be who owned this game before me Oh No what's your name oh it's Nate hi Nate I'm not your look-alike but I'm your new mom what's wrong oh sure I don't know any of these people sounds great I have no idea love okay one of these people is Tom and one of them is Luke who are these people all right you know what it's probably way easier to just go through the list of everybody first so we know who we're dealing with this is Austin push creator Nathan okay yeah so Nathan must be whoever created this game I'm guessing it's a kid well see what is the ages when we get to a button this is Austin this is oh my god this is amazing either this kid is super talented or nice can somebody's QR code to get this guy but I'm not mad about it burger man Chris Larson I have no idea who that is but he sounds familiars that is that a famous person he's a hundred and nineteen Wow Christie Irwin Oh God Christie we have oh my god no freakin way oh my god I mean Dan it looks just like you Wow okay next one is Jess coming and guys I'm honestly really scared what is this did I buy a Tomodachi life creepypasta game like should I be scared is this thing gonna come murder me what is this he's also aged 119 I will put I think he just said everybody's aged like nineteen hundred if they were a grown-up not all grown-ups are elderly people Nathan alright next one giggle wired creator Chris who the heck is Chris he's also 119 i mercy means giggle weird he wrote wired but then his name is I'm just very confused Glenda urban there's must be people that they actually know cuz they're all kids so Glenda Herman oh we got Isaiah we got Katie Larsen he Larsen's got a bit of a chin there why is your face so far up we have Leonard poop yeah I can't definitely own this game oh it was created by Chris not even Nathan but his name is Billy I don't understand Leonard poop Louise Irwin but Polly they all have like weird other names all right well Polly 75 in this kids game you're either a kid or you're like a thousand years old we got Luke drench Mart fart but his name is action and his creator was Jackson what I'm guessing he let his friends like borrow the game and make care there's I have some puppies okay Bart fart Mueller oh my god you are Isaac Nathan Larson okay I'm piecing it together so I think Nathan Larson is the original owner of this game this is his little sister and this is his dad who he thinks is a hundred and twenty I'm just guessing but says he's 17 oh my god maybe he's 17 now Nathan Larson if this is your game please let me know in the comments below but this game was probably really old and somebody just decided to sell it on eBay and now this kid is 17 alright moving on we got Nick pick okay I I'm okay alien is his name all right we have Olivia B and we have Suzy Larson oh this must be his mom very confused by her outfit also confused why she's 60 I bet you I bet you the mom took the time to like give her son her full birthday and the dad was just again just but whatever oh my god guys what about songs did he write any songs please tell me he wrote songs all right we have dragon's fire which I don't think he ended live in the dream which I also don't think he edited real loud bark which I also don't think he headed it but uh here's poop oh my god this is such a little boys game I swear and then there's one called just try it on in all capitals uh okay yeah we have to see what this sounds like I don't think I'm ready for this so stupid oh my god what is this what is this is this what happens when little kids own games where you can make whatever you want oh okay this one's called just try it on I have no idea what this is about also the group's he made I don't understand Oh was that a radio made saw was that you guys let me know it didn't sound like it was written like a Tomodachi song alright now that we've gotten to know all the characters Oh Oh his mom's in love I hope it's with his dad oh my god oh she's already wait oh she's Dan it she's dating Dan TV and wow this kid's mom was dating dantdm yeah sure why not no worries somebody else's mom okay it's time like going to propose this looks like oh my god could you imagine though you made your mom in Tomodachi life and your favorite youtuber and then they just started dating how awkward okay well I just ruined it again I'm so bad at doing this okay I was really excited to bury off this strangers mom darn it okay it's Avia's catchphrases what catch oh my god his catch phrases video games because I'm happy I hate farts oh my god this is such a little like boys game it's amazing oh let's see what kind of food was his favorite apparently not regular food he's got like normal amounts of that 12 olives he's 10 banana splits alright well we could see we could see what Nate was really wanting in real life chocolate 11 chocolate no Nate doggy with the sugar uh what about anything oh my god did you really like peanuts what the heck why do you have 99 peanuts I don't even have 99 peanuts I don't even have 99 of anything in my game and 14 waffles it's got a muscle suit a ninja suit HUD's I don't have that oh and that's cute steal these outfits and some hats some oh I don't have the Christmas interior I like I want it's can I steal it from this game Oh God a death character thing wants oh my god [Music] okay whatever you want please please just don't come for me it's so freaking scary I'm saying he's a Tomodachi creepypasta character he somehow infested this game why does he exist okay good they made they became friends you happy good good good please don't kill me okay I'm thinking this is his little sisters so let's see what he what he gave her it's so sad they're like it's Nate he's finally back for us no it's me a youtuber and not even dantdm shoes you might have meant to say Susy oh my god her catchphrases I love everyone this is so wholesome oh my god our boy nate is in love who you in love with okay hey who's that again it'll be romantic well you're a kid so I'm gonna say it's cool oh my god is anybody gonna stop it oh that's Glenda wait I thought she was dating somebody else oh yay I don't know any of these people but I'm happy for them oh look how happy nate is he'll never get to know like the real Nate he'll never get to know how happy he becomes oh my god that phrase is that way honey where's pop is her catchphrase I am Groot why honey where's pop I'm telling you this is Nate's mom Nate mom is about to propose to dead I mean I don't I don't personally know Nate but I assume that he would love if his mom married his favorite youtuber so go for it let's see if I can actually do it this time oh my god I did it guys I did it yes Nate's mom Oh clapping for Nate's mom yes good for you Nate's mom I don't know any of these people I'm excited I'm so emotional even though I don't know the I mean I know Dan congratulations Dan oh she's radiant Nate's mom Nate's mom has got it goin huh huh oh my god somewhere in the world right now Nate's like something feels wrong somebody's definitely playing my safe oh my god baby was that her husband is Nate even there does she know her son or her husband like her real-life husband or her daughter somewhere in the world the Nate that owned this game before his heart is just hurting because his mom just buried his favorite youtuber okay so they're all having a barbecue and there's a couple things I want to point out one the fact that this death guy is the one barbecuing it seems like he's barbecuing like human these are the people he murdered also there's a hamburger man eating hamburgers yeah yeah eat yourself cannibalism I just realized Isaiah's sad and I think that Nate stole his girlfriend oh my god Oh memories okay okay I have a feeling that Nate's best friend in real life is Isaiah I didn't know we were stealing Isaiah's girlfriend I don't know these people my bad I'm sorry Isaiah oh my god they were so happy see I just came in didn't know any of the backstory of these characters didn't know anything that was happening in the game then I just ruined people's lives this is what happens when you come into other people's Tamagotchis it's dangerous how long were they together uh-oh I thought she was like I don't they were together a long time Christmas your best friend stole your girl my bad Isaiah I didn't mean to ruin your life I didn't know you guys were dating oh my god it's Nate's mom and Dan TM won't have a baby already it's been one day oh my god already Oh God all right well Nate you're gonna have a new little brother sister yeah it's cuz I'm not neat it would be like oh no not my mom [Music] [Applause] this is the end of the video like subscribe to me [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,610,531
Rating: 4.9646468 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, tomodachi life, used game, ebay game, bought a used game, save file, bought game off ebay, funny, ebay, mystery
Id: CYeEUjCZ3hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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