D&D players, what have been some of your favourite moments in a campaign? #1 (askreddit)

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ladies and gentlemen let's get right into it D&D Player's would have been some of your favorite moments in a campaign part one I created an NPC werewolf character that was supposed to be a major villain in the campaign and stock the players it was a higher level than the PCs so the idea was that they would need to flee every encounter and take measures to avoid being followed having someone on their tail constantly tracking them that could and would actually kill them was supposed to inject a sense of urgency into the game on the first encounter the werewolf was shown methodically slaying a large group of town guards and a high-ranking paladin the characters were around level five or so the NPC was probably combat rated at 12 and would scale as they leveled they interrupted the combat and the idea was that they would attempt to fight the werewolf who didn't consider them a threat initially and so wouldn't just murder the whole party seeing it killing a high level character and go oh [ __ ] we'd hate to run from it while it slaughtered the rest of the guards so at first they rush in to help and attack the werewolf doing little damage because they don't have silver weapons and I gave this particular NPC a regeneration ability only stopped by silver I have the werewolf attack one of the players with a secondary bite attack which should put them to fairly low health without killing them outright that player pauses for a moment and then asks if he can try to block the attack with his hand I'm not sure what he's getting at but I humor him and say that he can do that with a dc-10 dexterity check although it won't affect what kind of damage he takes he succeeds he then asks if he can Jam his hand into the werewolf's mouth I say sure but he's probably going to bite it off and you'll need a new hand he says even better I described the werewolf doing so the rest of the combat continues until the players turn who seems to be undisturbed by the loss of a hand and on his turn he says I activate Qualls feather token to make a tree oh this is gonna be good this token is a magic one-time use item that creates a 5 foot diameter 40 foot high three it's a handy utility item that our playgroup was fond of previously we'd use it to do things from just making bridges and crossing walls to providing a druid with a way to use a particular spell in plant 'less areas that require trees it didn't seem to have much use here I asked him where on the board he's activating he points at the werewolf I say that the most that's going to do is knock the werewolf Prum and he gets a fairly easy save to prevent that he smiles no it's in the werewolf what how I was holding it when he ate my hand me and the rest of the party are kind of silent for a second I'm trying to think of a valid reason why this won't work I fail the werewolf now has a five foot wide tree growing out of him the fact that he has regeneration doesn't particularly help when little bits of him are plastered on walls 20 feet away the entire party celebrated and they got a reward from the town and an ally in the Paladin who was supposed to be dead I had to make a new NPC clever players are awesome I was a bard my team of people and I were sailing to an island when out of nowhere a loud noise alerted everyone a giant crack and emerged from the water menacing and ready to kill I rolled the lowest initiation I don't know why that's funny the first turn my team prepared spells readied their bows and prepared to fight as the Kraken approached our vessel slowly and then it was my turn since I was the last to go and so far away I decided to distract the Kraken I say hey Kraken look at this and proceeded to do the cheap magic trick of pretending to pull my thumb the Kraken frozen looked at amazement I continued my trick and we sailed past and then my DM and everyone busted out laughing he tried to set up this epic battle but it turned into a joke the Kraken rolled a one I was playing at Roode and wound up missing a session when I returned my beloved forest had been burned to the ground which sent me into a rage while I inflicted vengeance upon the orcs who did it the DM even gave me bonus stats in my beserk state the party decided to not tell me that they'd actually been the ones to start the fire I ran a game with a bunch of friends who never played Dungeons & Dragons before some had to leave because they moved but I added in new players to keep the party at around the same amount of people going from levels 1 through 7 the party had beaten everything that stood in their way at level 8 they were exploring some ancient ruins and finally got to the boss fight a clay golem without specialized weapons they're difficult to damage so the party slowly withered it down when the golem out of nowhere got a crit on a very low health party member they went from okay to dead and that's when one of the players turned to me with big bright eyes of horrific recognition you can die it was a beautiful moment when we used an illusion to make the rope sweet I'd abandoned up with to look like snakes and convinced him that he had come down with a bad case of the snakes we cured him in exchange for information and fear of coming down with the snakes spread throughout the countryside I don't remember exactly how but my character had begun to hallucinate of course my DM knew this fact but my was oblivious I walked down into this underground passageway and start poking some boxes I meet a dragon a very nice dragon that isn't jiying to kill me so I tried to con the dragon into telling me where to find the artifact fast forward about 10 minutes and I'm caught attempting to seduce a gas lamp does it have to be D&D I ran a Cthulhu game where I did a pregame to teach everyone the rules and as a general warmup I pre generated the characters for everyone they were idiot cultists out to steal an artifact for their masters the players came up with an elaborate heist managed to get the artifact and returned it when the real game started the characters were mostly investigators and their case solving the crime they committed with their other characters it was great pointing out how sloppy their heist plan was there were cameras everywhere witnesses fingerprints etc of course the cult leader turned them all into zombie minions so they even had to fight their former selves at one point it was a nice surprise for the players and a lot of fun ok I have to last spring my friend ran a pathfinder campaign and at one point we were gearing up for a big fight against a werewolf before this we kind of just slid by on dumb luck and sometimes me setting things on fire so we're freaking out and our swashbuckler just starts talking to the werewolf a few rolls later and the werewolf just got so annoyed that he up and left the second comes from a campaign my boyfriend runs this past Monday one of his players decided to rob an apothecary he never cased the place this dude wasn't a rogue the place didn't have any windows so he decided to go down the chimney grab his things and get back out as a normal sized human does while scaling a chimney he caught stuck so he bangs a potion against the wall took explosive damage and now he's on fire so he's freaking out and breaks another there's another explosion and now he's covered in acid so he picks up one of the potions and drinks it gains back some health then takes acid damage he drinks one of the other potions before remembering he has water in his pack so he puts out the fire and washes off the acid but he's still stuck he decides hmm maybe I'll bang my head against the wall to try to kid takes damage time for death saving throws crit fail this 10th level character died alone in a chimney half melted we got together the biggest group ever to sleep over at our DMS house within an hour our party had entered a dungeon complex in the first hallway I examine a large strange-looking mirror surrounded by sculpted demon faces or something without even a moment's thought I announced that I'm going to try to step into the mirror DM tells me to step into another room then informs me then I've stepped into some hellish dimension where my character will reside for eternity we walked back into the game room and I grabbed a calculator smiling and began updating my character sheet within seconds the entire party had jumped into the bear game over this is going to require a bit of backstory to bring this particular moment into context I played a half-orc named grim gore and my cousin played his brother named Golgotha now early in their adventuring career the half-orc brothers had been in two situations where they had been drinking out of tavern when said tavern was attacked by a horde of zombies resulting in the rapid fortification of the tavern and its eventual destruction via fire fast forward several years real-time grim gore and Golgotha find themselves drinking at a bar on a space station after mucking about in a palace within which every single door leads to another world the half works are veterans of such things and thus no [ __ ] are given to the fact they're in space they decide to look around before heading home and this particular station isn't a well-traveled sector of space so the bar looks like something out of the Star Wars Cantina scene lots of aliens of different species so no one bats an eye at two armored half works packing swords and battle-axes because honestly they don't look much different from any other alien so we come to the event grim gore is at the bar and like any professional drunk is working his way through an array of alien drinks when in walks a zombie which in this space universe is a person who had their body reanimated via nanotechnology as a cheap means of immortality grim gore has flashbacks of those times when his favorite taverns got destroyed during zombie attacks so he cuts the fella down and starts yelling for every to fortify the bar good now this unfortunate lad happened to be a part of a pirate crew that didn't take kindly to this alien cutting down their friend so a huge fight breaks out between the half works the Pirates and the by standards station security is called in so now we have a four-way battle being fought with laser guns plasma swords magical weapons and a whole slew of magical goodies high-level adventurers keep on their person at any given time during the battle fire suppression system no the station catches fire and during the chaos grim gore and Golgotha make their escape back to their world just as the fire reaches the reactor and the station gets blown to hell this event forever left poor Krypton core with the constant paranoia that any tavern he is in can be attacked by zombies and burned down at any given moment posted this before but it was too much fun saw repeated I ran a campaign which had thinly disguised analogues to real medieval countries and religions so we had a Christian Muslim and Norse paladin's in the same party oh my Buddha was that a mess fun though okay upon closer investigation the obelisk an altar appeared to be some kind of shrine to a local forest god I adore a hideous a check there all the to crap huh you're not quite sure if this is heretical so there is probably no god but God and His name is likely Allah he slept through Quran 101 okay they do a heresy check 214 you're a polytheist doctrine is to respect local gods heck this shrine might be for Odin under another name Oh to worry boys this checks out I want to do a Haris a check too and natural 20 this altar represents blackest heathen evil human sacrifice unspeakable rites forbidden names you feel a sudden urge to start a crusading order and claim this land for the one true faith this Weiland will group scoundrel wanted to permanently silence a public critic of the group's methods for saving the town decided to give him a moral test when he snuck into the man's house so I gave him a wife and newborn baby thinking it might make him rethink things does he think about the lives he'd ruined by murdering this man and sneak back out new kills the wife kills the man abducts the baby steals a horse rides four hours into the desert drops the baby into ravine and then makes it back to his friends without anybody knowing what happened the end what a [ __ ] loony story hey there everyone Bryan here if you like the video slam that thumbs up home and let us know if you're new to the channel then drop us a subscribe and say hello as it certainly helps us and we always want to expand this community as much as we can we truly love table top stories not just D and E but Pathfinder call of cthulhu name it and we want to tell all the tales we can so on that note if you'd like to share a story that you have consider checking us out on the subreddit there's a link in the description and leaving us some stories on there for us to tell or you could throw a relevant story to the topic of this video anyway in the comments below we're always reading and checking both the reddit and the comment section for new stories we'll see you next time bye for now everybody
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 136,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #DnDStories, #DnD, #DungeonsAndDragons, dnd stories, dungeons and dragons, ask reddit, dungeons & dragons, askreddit top posts, reddit stories, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dungeon master, dnd campaigns, dm tips 5e, dungeons and dragons online, best of reddit, dungeons and dragons cartoon, dungeons & dragons florida edition, gm tips, role playing game, askreddit funny, d&d beyond, reddit funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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