DIY Snow White Costume from Thrifted Materials! Ft. Love in a time of Quarantine

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my fellow mckarrick heads we had recently experienced a phenomena a couple weeks ago there was a time change and now for the first time in human history everyone in the world is in the same time zone that being the twilight zone now you may find yourself unable to leave the house to buy materials but I'd like to offer you some alternatives now I purchased these materials all from a thrift store back before we entered the twilight zone but you could probably rummage through your house and find something usable oh look I have nothing else to say almost immediately upon entering this store I spotted my skirt fabric it was a big golden tablecloth I also found a blood-red pillowcase suitable to make those little accents on her sleeves listen now I just need to find something blue and two waiting gown I've never had one of those this is tempting but little cheap looking okay this is nice what is this little mother-of-the-bride action yes please I'm trying to convince myself to like this pillow so that I have an excuse to buy it really all I need is this cord right here you know I'm gonna recover it in her fabric at the time of this particular shopping trip there were only a grand total of three cases of you-know-what in the United States but I had a feeling that things would get worse so I decided to stock up on fabric it's to not have to leave my house very much so I got this in case I needed to make a Rapunzel costume now here are all the items I have to work with during my social distancing project now since you're in a vulnerable state of boredom and have no choice but to wash what I make you watch watch me try on this mother-of-the-bride outfit and now let me style it a bit cuter before I cut it to shreds I sincerely think your eyes for their service now fold your tablecloth in half line your heels up with the bottom hem and then mark where your waist is use a book ruler or any straight object to trace a straight line and then cut across and with that excess fabric you're going to make a waistband I love the term waistband because I tend to think most bands are a waste except the Jonas Brothers obviously fold both edges of the waistband into the center and then fold the whole thing in half and iron down cut the waistband to fit your waist exactly and then pleat the skirt until it fits perfectly inside that waistband I recommend pinning down the two edges and the middle first and then working on all the pleats in between now push those pleats to take a ride down the hazardous highway that is your sewing machine now hooks and eyes are usually a bad combination which I learned when I was 12 I had to go to the ER long story but in this situation hooks and eyes are perfect for closure that's two separate words for and closures not foreclosures foreclosures are never good now slice the outer seams of your pants and then separate both pant legs leaving you with two large quantities of fabric now some and all the perfection you have inside of you and pour it all out into making a perfectly symmetrical bodice trace it onto both layers of fabric and cut it out now ideally for this bodice you will want three layers but the innermost bodice can be of any fabric you choose just a scrap you have laying around perhaps your brother's pillowcase now take the scrappy bodice and one of the other bodice pieces and layer it layered them is on my foot did I use my foot for that now layer the two pieces on top of each other and so multiple straight lines onto your bodice if you struggle with straight there's a great community I mean you can use a cookie pan trace that pan multiple times to make channels for your boning and then if your tripod falls over pick it up and okay hold on this would make a great like meme like a nice meme like not funny though when my best friend at rock bottom if you're struggling with how many channels to make I made about as many as musicals I've been in so maybe you could try that and then I noticed about me you I tied him to jump hurdles play Scrabble Bananagrams I hope Catan oh now I typically use thicker zip ties than this but this was all I had on hand and I was not about to leave the house for something arbitrary so I shoved these in and it worked fine and then guess who came crawling back and when I say crawling I don't mean in like a humiliating derogatory term I just mean like crawling is a bugs primary form of transit now take your remaining fancy bodice piece and to smother your boned piece with it now we have pinned the boat layer to the not boned layer right sides together and we are going to sell all around the edges no time for some deepest thoughts I like social interaction I have lots of friends needless to say this quarantine has been a little bit of a turd as it made me lonely know I've found plenty of ways for social interaction without humans now has this quarantine made me a tad psycho possible hey I don't know if you're aware but a little bit of your brain is seeping out of your head it's a bald eagle you can tell it's a bald eagle because it has a dark body in the light head it's definitely a bald eagle or a competitive bodybuilder I mean he's trying to dunk there buddy you know I thought this one here was trying to bond with me but turns out it was just trying to steal my Starbucks hashtag fake friends black swans hey have either of you guys ever met Mila Kunis or Natalie Portman you have I do not believe you I think I speak turtle um hydro flasks like a dog for Bros these are desperate times times are tough that's more now I meet at the audio for this because I was obnoxiously screaming this was like one of the most exciting moments of my life I saw an owl in person and I was blown away I literally called for people to tell them after this none of them really cared now so all along the top and bottom of all three of those bodice pieces and leave the sides open so you can flip it inside out now I took a pretty long break from sewing after this because something happened when I went on a run other than playing in the sprinklers I just went on the run it was a successful run you know how I know it was successful cuz I feel like there's steak knives wedged in my kneecap which is irrelevant the thing I've been trying to get to is the fact that all my way back from my run I noticed that this little scooter I have clashes with my camper didn't match my or my lawn chairs it just looked really out of place of course I painted my camper to match it not my whole camp remind you I decided that a big swirly streak along the side would be enough to tie in the pink I think there is how you say no going back now [Music] really [Music] alone again surely now in a more somber tone make the back of your bodice by completing the same steps as you did for the front of your bodice but slice it down the middle then add boning on each edge now lay the back panels on the front panel right sides facing each other and pin and sew along the edges oh quick break to share with you another project I've had during this social isolation is this denim top that I made off of the pant legs I cut off of my Harley Quinn shorts now pin the straps together and try it on yourself making adjustments if needed then sew them in place now for a donor transplant this little rope will be transplanted from this stylish Lee deceased pillow onto our bodice but first the sleeves cut out two pieces of fabric that are the size and shape of a headboard that would be on an American Girl doll scale queen sized bed now draw some little triangles along the bottom and top so that it looks like the mouth of a baby shark doot-doot now pinch pin and sew the edges of those little triangles to give your sleeve a puffed appearance the nice thing about repurposing old garments when you're sewing is that a lot of the times there's already hemmed edges like the edges of these sleeves so I decided to be a little cheater and utilized them to make cuffs on my sleeves and I didn't have to hem my skirt either because the tablecloth I used already had him two edges repurposing fabrics is not only cost-effective and anti wasteful but it's also pretty convenient now go rip down your mom's curtains tell her it's for a good cause to make those little red teardrops on her sleeve like the feel weird saying red teardrops sounds like your crying blood which is possible Jesus did it wait I don't think you did no I think he just sweated it anyway that's why you should always read your Bible kids cuz he can't just trust everything a youtuber tells you I digress I used heatnbond ironed it onto a strip of fabric then cut those strips into teardrop shapes then peeled the paper backing off due to the rounded shape of the sleeves I had to be a little creative to iron them on then I headed over to my window and noticed that Alvin was ready for his morning snack which consisted of a pretzel today and I realized I should really get him some squirrel feed I just smiled I'm smiling so I geared up and ventured out to Petco where I realized I don't think there's such a thing as squirrel feed but I had a good time anyways yeah this is making me think I need to do a Rapunzel costume it and confused about what I'm seeing right now all alone in a cage I know how that feels this really expensive parrot according to some of the employees had been alone in there for almost a year I guess all of his siblings were bright colors like blue and got bought up really quick leaving him by himself because he's not an interesting enough color so long story short yeah we all need companionship during this difficult time so when one of the employees came over and asked if I needed help with anything I said I have one of that parakeet yes we're not going to talk about how much money I spent that day because I felt bad for that bird and also for myself but quarantine when you live alone in a little RV can drive you to do unorthodox things and I think this bird which I named garyun is going to ensure that I don't try to socialize with swans anymore which is great swans are kind of dangerous after attaching my sleeps to my bodice I sewed a strip of red fabric into one big spaghetti noodle then cut it up into multiple macaroni noodles then I folded them all in half then pinned and sewed them along the inside edges of the back two panels of my bodice then I laced a ribbon through which was great not my first choice but you know I'm not leaving the house anymore and then I was done until I looked at a picture of Snow White and realized she had a caller after rummaging through my supplies I realized that my options were this ribbon or some toilet paper shreds that I still had left so I used this ribbon so I pleaded garyun I'm trying to do a voiceover honey I plead it pinned and sewed it into a semicircle then pinned at the front two edges to the front two edges of my bodice then I took a break to get some sunshine and also make garyun a new toy it's sort of my new addiction making him things to climb on and finally to add volume to the skirt I found this little scrap from my ariana grande costume cut it in half and put a little bit on each side of the inside of my skirt then I thought I was done and I guess I left time-lapse running I was literally just about to film the grand reveal and I realized that I never made a bow for my hair so cut and fold a piece of red fabric the size of your small intestine so it inside out then flip it right-side out and iron it down now put on your dress dye your hair black and cut it short or put on a wig wrap your head in a bow like you're the Christmas present you are and practice your snow-white mannerisms now to make sure it's extra secure we're going to add another closure to the back well you work that's what I need you for well after horsing around for a little bit with my tiny flying horse I decided the wick was a bit too long for my liking so I cut it then I used a blush brush to remove all my newly found chest hair then I opened the phone book picked the first address I saw and mailed the rest of the hair to that address just kidding I would not do that here's the grand reveal quarantine style [Music] now here's me trying to recreate the iconic snow-white and bird pose with Gary he'll love me soon I swear just gotta wait for Stockholm Syndrome to set him [Music] now there is a really sweet moment in the woods when this lady happened upon me and she worked at Disney before you know it closed down and she started crying then I went to a different area and tried to get a squirrel to come to me but then this gentleman showed up and in the spirit of social distancing I decided to call it a day went home rode my scooter around and made this little memorial video for secretary at the stinkbug [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,646,717
Rating: 4.9859676 out of 5
Keywords: disney, diy, upcycled, thrift, store, thrifted, transformation, sewing, easy, funny, parrot, bird, pet, micarah, tewers, Gereon, snow, white, princess, quarentine, parakeet, love, crafty, creative, prom
Id: mFgIhuXD_Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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