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let's kick this video off with some apologies at the end of my last video i cut off my own sentence because i really wanted the video to be exactly 14 minutes by the way if you're wondering how i got into this vacant house to film and the people they went wild no one could figure it out on youtube or instagram not a single soul i tell you i'm too sharp for you guys but in this video brought to you by gloomedic i'm gonna finally reveal it's because i bought a house surprise and i'm gonna talk a little bit about that at this current time the audio in this house is trash you will hate it your ears will bleed i hope you don't mind i semi vow to fix it in future videos i really wanted to make this video like a house hunter style video where i took you guys with me to tour houses and you had to like guess which one i was going to choose and then i choose and you're like but apparently in ohio it is illegal to film or photograph houses that you're touring and i'm very particular about which laws i break now some of the things that i was looking for i feel really awkward and like i should confess and explain here's some of the laws i've broken jaywalking mild trespassing defacing federal property slight piracy watch princess diaries free online please don't give me a virus this time okay before you judge me everybody's broken the law just a little bit you hear about the semicolon that broke the law they gave him two consecutive sentences this has been a joke now back to mccarrah for more on crime also there's this great area about whether putting costumes on roadkill is completely lawful i have had the cops called on me for it but in the end the cop couldn't do anything but recommend counseling and even that he took back once i convinced him how funny it was and how a dear in a way could brighten somebody's day and i'm really skilled at losing track of what i'm supposed to be talking about now this whole thing started with a snowballing zillow addiction i know people think that the addictive media culprits are tick tock and instagram by the way have you seen the tick tock or the guy like has the bidet and you won't try the bidet and he finally tries the bidet and it's like [Music] that's my favorite one but anyways as my friend stephen markley once said it's the instagram of responsible adults and it gave me a pretty good idea of what i was looking for so here are some of the things i was considering when buying a house number one cost there are a lot of tiny grabby hands reaching out of the abyss to pull away your dollars and the process of buying a house which is why this video is sponsored by magnetic lashes and nails glametic is a viral magnetic lash brand known for its ease of application and glamorous transformative powers for instance back before i started using glamnetic lashes i said this i don't own any real diamonds and now wouldn't you know it since wearing glamatic lashes i am now in possession of seventeen diamonds disclaimer i cannot guarantee that you will come across diamonds upon using glamournetic lashes my barry also cannot say with 100 certainty that you won't glam netic offers 50 plus lashes to choose from and no i don't mean lashes made exclusively for those of us who are aged 50 plus though they will work on 50 year olds i mean they have over 50 styles to choose from how about we try on a few we're going to go in first with our magnetic liner now you're going to apply this just like you would a regular liner remembering that it's always good to use a one-liner while applying your liner this morning i woke up and couldn't remember which side the sunrise is on then it dawned on me i wouldn't say it had to be a good one liner and you can use this liner to magnetize the lashes too or just wear on its own now i'm going to take my current favorite lashes the omg lap peel the lashes from the case and before applying be sure to remove these cute little anchors bring the lashes down as close to the lash line as possible and let the magnets do their job morning no matter how many times you do this you may be shocked and excited every time i'm sorry that was so quick you probably missed it let me try to do it slower oops it's just too quick and easy before after these lashes are called idc which i think probably stands for i drink cake that's the beauty of these letter titled lashes you get to decide what they mean to you these ones are called omw which could stand for oh mark william which is my dad's name for extra double extreme hold you can apply these included lash anchors at the bottom of your lashes they are so secure that now i'm just hurting myself but if for some strange reason you'd ever like to remove them peel them off starting at the edge and it won't hurt a bit then pop them right back onto that stylish reusable magnetic lash case and don't forget about all those colorful glamnetic liners which have an equally strong hold and will make you look like you have a fun personality glamnetics liner is latex free and paraben free oh that's wonderful it's also lead-free cyanide free and kryptonite free aren't most things these days maybe but it's still worth mentioning oh i guess that's nice but my absolute favorite thing about glamnetic liner is how incredibly waterproof it is waterproof huh yeah want to test it um i don't really swim i was just born 12 seconds ago let's go wow yeah so waterproof it could have survived the titanic rose never let go i'm gonna have to let go jack but these lashes never will but wait there's more more glamnetic also offers nails nails how perfect i've been meaning to find a way to hang this up not those nails silly these and beads and these oh even better these press-on nails are far less damaging than the acrylic manicure you'll get at a salon they take less time and since you'll be staying at home you can watch your favorite movie while applying them if you'd like to purchase any of their fabulous lashes or nails you're in luck i got you a fantastic discount code use the code tours for 20 off and what's so fantastic about that well it's really easy to type all the letters are right next to each other so you can quickly type in that code for 20 off any of the fabulous nails mink or vegan lashes glamnetic offers vegan that's right no way i love that these are second hand from an antique store by the way thank you for your time back to the house now let's tackle the big question why get a house well every couple of months i put on fake tanner and after i do that i don't like to just stand in the bathroom and wait for it to dry i like to kind of roam around and when it's not your own house you don't feel totally comfortable doing that i came up with some more reasons who i wanted a house free i really wanted a space to decorate and make my own and hopefully host regency and victorian tea parties at four i was tired of looking at that christmas tree every day and reason number w gary and really needed some higher ceilings to fly around it so like if you were worried that i was moving for safety reasons because like my dad's address is kind of well known and you think that maybe guys have been following me to my car sliding notes under my door and sending me messages saying they like that's fine by the way i won't be showing the front of the house that i chose just because for reasons now here's what i was looking for in a house one oldness the house had to be made before 1910 because everything after that garbage i mean look at the titanic that was made in 1912 and very tacky decorations size it had to be more than 1800 square feet two stories i hate when things don't match and i'm tall so i need my house to be tall too and then of course cost one of my lifelong biggest fears has been death i've always been pretty frugal i didn't get a phone until i was 20 i didn't get a data plan until i was 24. i always rate you the same piece of gum for at least four days those dollar 27 cent packs they add up and if i ever needed an evening gown for something i spent less than 13 making it also controversial statement warning i am a strong proponent that you should live with your parents until you can actually afford to leave i know that not everybody's parents are cool with that that's not a possibility for everyone but if it is do not let anybody shame you for living with them until you are completely comfortable with and capable of leaving you probably won't regret it i know that i wouldn't trade a second of the last few years living with my precious father like maybe i'd trade like a few seconds he used to obsessively offer me eggs 17 times a day have some scrambled eggs how about i make you subscribe make you some scrambled eggs it wears on a person but anyway i knew i would do everything within my power throughout my life to not go in debt even if it meant only buying crappy old cars which so far i have and not going to college which i didn't and maybe living in a shack someday which i thought i might like that's how personally terrified of debt i have always been i would rather live in a paper mache igloo with a bubble wrap mattress then have a mortgage hanging over my head i know it's irrational but so is your fear of clowns they're just men who are insecure with normalcy let me have my fear so as you can imagine with this fear of loans and debt i never thought that i would buy a house at least not one that i actually liked until you guys came along a few years ago i used to think about how my future as an uneducated scatterbrained person was pretty bleak i thought my options were very rich or be doomed to a life of stifling my creativity while working retail you you you you have given me more than i ever dared to dream well that's not totally true because i can actually dream pretty big like for instance that mansion that i wanted and i said in this video that that was my dream house i'm home well i tried but but real estate agents in the city where i live it's more like a club like you become a real estate agent so you can hang out with other real estate agents and say i'm a real estate agent how about you yeah i'm a real estate agent but they seem to express little desire to actually sell houses i spent weeks trying to contact the seller of that house and get a tour or even just get her to call me it never worked but in the end that's a good thing because it's so recognizable from the outside that anyone really could have found me and also it was privacy but skipping ahead of it i found a real estate agent that was actually interested in like doing his job and he did it quite well he first showed me a house a few streets away from my dad which i liked but there was something i couldn't put my finger on that i just didn't like about it it was really big but the rooms were split up into a bunch of small rooms instead of a few big rooms also i can show you this footage because it was being airbnb out at that time so i guess that's like that makes it legal i hope it is it is just didn't have a lot of character also didn't have enough parking space for two rvs which i mean people need to think about what if don't you want to appeal to people who have two rvs house builders keep that in mind the next house he took me to had all the things that i didn't really care for a huge built-in bar with like beer on tap which i've never had alcohol and don't really think i will anytime soon a huge celebrity level kitchen which i don't really cook and don't think i really will anytime soon and this freakishly state-of-the-art playground in the backyard which if i have kids i don't know about them so i'm just kidding i definitely don't have kids because i've never because i don't have kids the next house was just exploding with character i call this the quirky house it had been freshly redone and i wouldn't have changed a thing which was kind of sad for me i really wanted a house that i could kind of like mutilate and experiment on so while i was there at the quirky house i kind of settled with the idea that i would just have to pick a house and the perfect house would never come along then my agent said to me i have the keys currently to the house over on bleep street it's not actually called that safety and i had seen this how that house on zillow but initially discounted it because of the lack of square footage so throughout the day of touring these huge gigantic houses i started to think i'm only one maybe one and a half person do i really dare i say need a mansion so then we come over to this house that house i'm getting spoilers and i walked through the door and immediately said the words i'm home like like out loud the words were audible which leads us to our next sponsor i'm just kidding i don't know why i said that this house was old it had character but still had things about it that i would like to change it was also on the very low end of my budget and apparently had been on the market for a while because my agent said that most people didn't want a house with only one bathroom but i being only one maybe one and a half person only need one bathroom like i've literally actually never gone to two bathrooms at the same time and i don't think i ever will so yeah i might go so far as to say this house was made for me i went to chipotle got some food that's irrelevant it's got hardwood floors man and you need that for when you want to do your like risky business white shirt socks sliding through just take those records perfect i just knew i wanted it so i put in an offer and you want to hear the letter i have so far dear current owner of my dream home i've seen several houses in my quest for the one but none of them spoke to me this one however slapped me with a sense of nostalgia i somehow recognized it immediately upon entering whether from my childhood dreams or my prior life as an 1890s housewife before i was reincarnated when i stepped through the back door and saw the twin column and the honey-colored wood floors i was surprised to hear the words i'm home escape my own lips it would be my honor to purchase it from you and your honor to sell it to me do you think it needs tweaked yeah a little bit you believe in reincarnation no but they might then a few days later they called with a counteroffer which i accept i was giddy with excitement i gotta help i need to settle down there are a lot of cops on this street and just you know editing in my room and i just started crying thinking about how pretty my house is you ever just do like an excited stretch like and then break your ceiling it's okay because i'm moving out but sorry dad so a few weeks after that i'm getting a house today oh garion come upstairs hi i tucked my son lovingly into my jacket rode the elevator to the top floor of the bag then i signed for my house and then i went to my home for the first time and filmed this tour right this way [Applause] right this way there was a screen here but then some guy literally broke it off remember that time that echo that's my echo there are no rules not in my house shoes do i have to take them off i don't know my house countertops i'm gonna paint them these are my rooms i can coat the floors with a thick cushion make the whole house my bed this is where harry potter will sleep when he comes to visit i already bought a chandelier to replace this i also got this couch before i knew the house would be mine and guess how much it was don't guess too low it was forty room never dollars this looks like a remote try to kick this in that one's not very cool these are my stairs one upstairs this is my closet i got a red i'll have a closet inside my closet a little bigger have some condensation on the windows that's a flaw i love flaws if he likes perfection about this room like testing if you're a bot computers make you do that you try to plug something into there you're not a human i want to close by saying i know i don't deserve this i know this is a privilege most people my age don't have and i cannot express my gratitude i am so so happy i wish i could invite you all over to my house but i don't know which of you are the creepy ones and i don't want to risk it so just i hope you guys can enjoy it with me through video i've already done a few things on it i'll give you guys a sneak peek sometime maybe right now now please enjoy some just general shots of me enjoying my house i like to spend the evenings at my cozy little house on bleep street flying free about the house as does garion i'll maybe eat a snack lounge around for a bit just kidding i spend most of my time editing but let's pretend if you will i play music then when evening's gone and morning comes just kidding i wake up at noon i hurry to answer the call to any patches of sunlight that beckoned me then finally over some coffee or cocoa i recite my self-affirmations i don't believe in sidewalks i have a house you make me happy oh
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,434,940
Rating: 4.9839921 out of 5
Keywords: house, homeowner, first, time, micarah, mikara, mi, cara, tewers, tours, glamnetic, victorian, 1900, two story, buying, buy, 25, millenial, how, to, home, hardwood, news, announcement, moving, moved, dad, risky, business, funny, edwardian
Id: cOr2-k6lCLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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