Making Historically Accurate Princess & The Pauper Costumes | Pt.1

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princess and the pauper is technically speaking the best movie ever created for those of us conservative home schoolers who weren't allowed to watch Disney Princess movies growing up this was a godsend finally a princess movie whose plot line did not hinge on magic the one piece of princess pop-culture that we could utilize as a tool to achieve social inclusion and on the off chance that maybe you are a kid who grew up in a super secular family that only allowed edgy movies well there was that really questionable scene where the Prince ears fight on Erica taking a bath by the way your spide is short for listened to sliced syllables there's one thing we home schoolers are good at its knowing how many syllables certain words hippopotamus monkey princess in the popper now is princess in the popper historically accurate no but that's okay because it's a kids movie I know that if my nine-year-old self would have seen princess Anneliese with a pumpkin shaped hairdo hips wider than the Titanic and fake mole gracing her face I wouldn't have in a fan but I'm older now as are the rest of the fans of princess and the pauper and we can handle historical accuracy nay we demand it now my first task was making a sketch I decided to start with Erica the pauper my goal is to combine elements of the movie costume with real poppers of the day and if you're unfamiliar the word popper is an abbreviated form of the term poor person well I don't actually know that but it could be especially with a Boston accent like poor person pauper where alternately we can make the argument the Erica doesn't count at all and the movies actually called that because it's about the princess and her cat ha as in cats have those and purr as in cats save that anyway this is the sketch I came up with the bulk of this dress will be made out of a king-size bed sheet that I had on hand not because I have a king-size bed but because I'm a hoarder I couldn't find any chalk to trace my upper body and I don't really like measuring tape so I used a ribbon and some pins to mark the distance between my shoulder and hid as well as from the top of my shoulder to my armpit and where I want my neck line to hit as well as the bottom point of my bodice then on the fold I cut out a rigid angular 2 big shape of what I wanted my bodice to look like from once I trimmed and rounded to my heart's content and then cut it right down the middle by the way if you feel ill-equipped because you're not wearing the exact sweatshirt that I am in this scene here's how you make that simply take your fabric cut it do some things and you'll have give the excess to your parrot and voila and now out of a fabric you are not sentimentally attached to make four copies of the bodice three cut to cut this is what eyes are for just look at this pick and make sure you have what I have now break up the sextuplets into quadruplets then pair them together in two sets of twins grab some zip ties and trace them onto your bodice in whatever shape you please you are the master of this world of just the dress really I was trying to have a Bob Ross moment but I may have accidentally caused Anarchy stitch along those boning channels you just drew and remember that you are actually not the master of the world so while I was sewing garyun was making a ton of noises and I thought he was just being dramatic and then I looked behind me and I mean have you ever seen such a predatory gaze from someone other than Bill Clinton [Music] so yeah the evil cat was actually pretty nice and made me feel bad for comparing him to Bill before inserting your zip ties make sure that you round off all the edges so that they don't accidentally poke through and stab you and give you an accidental appendectomy because remember elective procedures are not allowed at this point then lay your bed sheet fabric over your now boned fabric and sew all along the edges except for one side so that you can flip it inside out to make the back you're going to trace the front so that it fits together you can do as many layers of fabric for this as you want I did - if you want to do you're not gonna do this Who am I kidding so let me take this time to tell you about my dream last night I had a dream that I wanted to start playing guitar so I went to a store and I got a guitar and then I got home on it my dad was like that's not a guitar that's a shotgun and I looked down and indeed it was a shotgun but he said hold on maybe I can make it work and he grabbed it and started playing it like a guitar speaking of my dad if you're wondering I did indeed move back to Ohio and I am currently in my dad's house because we live in very unique times and if you're from the future and you're confused as to what I'm talking about I'm referring to the pandemic you read about in history class you know the one everyone is getting that starts with a c no not canceled that was 2019 this is 2020 and my mother is at high risk for you know what me being around her in Florida was putting her at higher risk so I decided to come home and be with my dad who has already had it yep you got it all right oh and by the way my dad had no idea I was coming home I wanted it to be a complete surprise so I enlisted the help of a few healthy friends to help me drive my home from Florida to Ohio one of whom was a touch grumpy but I think I understand why what did you give up for Lent and before we knew it like 17 hours later we were in Ohio where I surprised mr. tours who by no coincidence has the same first and last initial as mother Theresa are you surprised that was that everyone was happy well almost everyone what's that you're wondering why I'm hand sewing this bodice is it because I'm obsessed with extreme accuracy I'm not obsessed with extreme accuracy in fact I'm here in sewing not for a love of accuracy but just because I want to be outside with my chickens and duck you might be wondering why not just bring them in the house well I can do that with my chickens but not my duck because my ducks poop is noxious and slimy and frequent chicken poop is not gross I love chicken poop let me rephrase I love chicken poop as far as poop goes actual sewing advice here if you struggle with making perfectly fitted bodice --is the most foolproof way to achieve this is by cutting your bodice out too big and then fitting it and pinning it to yourself over and over before sewing it in place what's wrong Bozell de are you sick cat got your tongue wait a second do you want some whipped cream chicken No so what I keep trying to be I know you're sick if you're still here after that you're a true fan whether to me or princess in the popper I don't know now here I am not passed out on the table but measuring my armed for a sleeve we want our sleeves to be elbow length allowing for mobility and wait what's that I see through the window my gosh oh my gosh can I just take a moment to remind you that he said thank you to me for no reason he's out working during a pandemic and he's [Music] now nothing I do or say can compete with the awe-inspiring penis of that man so to set the bar low for the rest of the video I'm just gonna show you something really awful I found online this type of shoe where it's just like a shape that sprouts up between two of your toes and that's the only thing keeping your shoes on can we not make this a style back to the video my number one suggestion with sleeves is don't stress about it too much always cut them out a little bit too big and as with everything try it on about a million times before you sew it in place if you're not confident now the skirt for this look is going to be extremely simple you'll just need two big rectangles you don't even have to worry too much about the length for a costume like this because if it's too long you can hem it up later and if it's too short you can say something like oh she's a popper and she has been wearing this since she's 15 and she can't afford more fabric oh it's time for the really fun part now take a strong piece of thread and then every inch or so weave it in and out of the top of your fabric then at the end just pull like so don't knot it off until after you've pinned it to your bodice now to attach your skirt open up your new tube you know I've never really been a numbers person I don't understand them and they've kept me from a lot of things I've always needed visuals to help me wrap my mind around numbers and I've got to say this shiny gold plaque really helped me wrap my mind around a million of you fabulous people actually being interested in the things that I make honestly what can I say except you're welcome I mean thank you now open up your bodice and spread out the ruffles of your skirt evenly within the inside of your bodice then pin it and hand sew it in place if you're using a bedsheet to make your skirt you may not have to hem down the bottom but if you decide to I recommend ironing at first to make it extra crisp ready watch my first attempt at an 18th century cap next cut out the following pieces fun fact the term cap is actually short for Captain D's because you'll notice if you go to Captain D's most people there have heads and caps go on your head I think we're just gonna sew along here I don't know because I'm making it up as I go voiceover girl will tell you if that was correct or not voiceover girl here and honestly I don't know we can only hope that Carolina Zebrowski are someone who actually knows what they're doing has made a tutorial on this you know I know what historically accurate looks like but I don't have the patience to research how to get there just make sure you're making this out of a cheap fabric so that you can do multiple attempts remember that you only have yourself to please and any mistake you make will probably end up looking like a cap falling into some era or maybe just making you look like the Pillsbury Doughboy either way it's a successful costume piece but a great 18th century characteristic to give it would be a ruffle around the edge now we are going to pin in rough Euler fashion this strip all along the edge of our cap last idea let's have a little chat how many of you know I've always had a problem with young men who drive trucks or as some would call them boy but I am happy to announce but a couple nice yet not too nice gentlemen in Florida help shatter that ideology and now I am left with one prejudice okay please don't hit me for I just got Amish people and it's not for reasons you think it's not I respect them they're hard workers it's I'm fine with their lack of electricity and their ideology there I'm even okay with when I'm going 70 miles per hour and I get stuck behind a buggy that's going seven and a half miles per hour that's fine I love seeing horsies who doesn't that being said Amish Amish people stare a lot I mean I have never been stared at so much is when I'm in Amish country or Amish people are in my country that sounded really they stare the most and this is coming from someone who went to a village in Africa where there were kids who have never seen a white person before and they did not stare at me they actually turned their heads and sobbed in fear and said near aha which in Swahili means it's a ghost which I give it staring staring is fine as long as you do one of three things you either look away really fast and pretend you weren't staring or you throw one of these or you smile I love being stared at by people who smile but honest people they don't smile I'm not trying to tell you how to howto honest but believe it or not I actually read the same Bible Amish people read and there's no commandment in there that says thou shalt not smile so it's really it's just that and admittedly this is a fragile prejudice it all it takes is one Amish smile to topple the whole thing and maybe this is just the people in my area maybe the Amish and say Pennsylvania or something a lot smiley ER and I'm sorry I don't want to be offensive if you're watching this and you're Amish you are bad at all machine you shouldn't be watching YouTube okay so the only other prejudice is Canada not Canadians not not even Canada as a whole really just it's really hard to find gas stations in Canada okay so I guess it's just that oh and people who call the cops on other people for really dumb reasons but honestly I'm starting to think maybe I don't actually know the difference between prejudices and pet peeves but like they both start with P and everything that starts with P pretty much means the same thing and now for the floral part of floral skirt I'm making a simple two rectangle elastic waistband under skirt now allow me to escort you into the next day and introduce you to the way that I wake up every morning now that morning I ironed and then sewed down a channel the width of my elastic then joined my rectangles into one big happy tube leaving an opening for the elastic to slither into speaking of slither did I ever tell you guys about the time I had a pet snake I honestly can't remember if I have but it would be awkward to tell you the same story twice so I'm gonna not just it ended badly now let's hastily and hath Hazzard Lee make a shift or underdress as with basically everything else I do we're making it out of a bedsheet also I'm pretty sure that princess in the popper is the guiding force behind my narrator voice because I always loved the way that the narrator in that movie talked you know the same lady that played like every other voice in that movie all right instructions when making your shimmies cut it out to be double the width it needs to be then make an elastic channel not all around the circumference of the neckline but just the front and back half then cut out a strip of elastic the length of a fork and use a safety pin to lovingly guide it through your channel sew it up the side and voila you have a chamise except a chemise should have sleeves but okay I lied when I said this was historically accurate now because I'm not allowed to leave the house obviously I can't go shopping for anything but luckily be quiet I can't go to the store to get grommets but luckily I have historically always been a hoarder so I did some digging and I found the grommets that I need if they were right behind this sour cream bowl that is actually filled with pistachio shells upwards of 200 of them each one was a hole drilled in it I think my goal was like to paint them and sew them all onto a dress to look like scales or something I don't know I also found this I don't know what it's for but I'm gonna try to poke holes in my or maybe piercing my chickens ears just getting piercing a chicken's ears required the basically piercing through its whole skull as usual grommet holes should be a fun size candy bars with the part remember those shirts that said I'm not short I'm fun sized well I used to see those and get a little self-conscious plate cuz I'm awkwardly tall but now I've gotten older embraced my height and I kinda want a t-shirt that says I'm not tall I'm boring sized by the way that metal device I found earlier did not work for poking holes in fabric so it really must be made just for piercing years oh by the way one of my favorite questions to ask strangers how do you feel about piercing baby's ears mine were pierced as a baby I just sound off well that's janky as all get-out now due to a requirement for volume in the hip area as well as a lack of supplies to make a bum roll I decided to make ruffles out of some spare tool to add to the inside of each hip now as much as I absolutely love historical fashion there are a few things that really drive me nuts like for instance the zig zag way that they laced thing instead of Criss crossing two pieces of ribbon they took one tied it in a knot at the top and then Zig zagged it down to the bottom or vice versa I don't really like it but I did it then I made a pocket the importance of this is I have a phone and I like having somewhere to put it next another very simple project you can do to make anything look more eighteenth century is a fee shoe it's basically this long piece of fabric that you just tie around your neck now at this point I realized I was very unsatisfied with the shade of white of my under dress it didn't look like it was worn by a sweaty seamstress for years on end so I decided to bathe my dress in some DIY human filth [Music] [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,395,293
Rating: 4.9850097 out of 5
Keywords: Princess, and, the, pauper, micarah, sewing, diy, 18th century, peasant, seamstress, funny, comedy, humor, dress, gown, hat, cap, barbie, tewers, part one, one, part, erica, dad, surprising, rv, quarentine, mom, florida, ohio, chicken, parrot, cat, singing
Id: 2CfolgJ9Fik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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