I DIY'd Kendall's Met Dress

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back when i made my jared leto dress costume thing i said this when the call went out for us humble civilians to recreate our favorite met gala looks because the matte gala was cancelled this was undoubtedly and indubitably my first choice actually this was but i couldn't find orange feathers turns out there's a trick to finding orange feathers you'd get on the internet and look up orange feathers the wonders of this modern age will they never see but anyway a lot of people commented that they wanted to see me make this dress and a lot of people also commented that they wanted me to make kylie's dress which was never on the table that i never even said i wanted to do that now let's begin originally i thought i could get away with making this whole dress using only tool and fringe but then i concluded that it would be too difficult to adequately cover myself with this combination considering that the fabric tool has also been famously dubbed as demonetization and i wouldn't want to infringe upon youtube's community guideline rules so i used a combo of tool flesh colored fabric and this really fancy mesh stuff then on top of it i plan to pile flesh fringe and feathers but as you can see there was a bit of a discrepancy with the shades of orange so so my goal is not to make the trim match either the feathers or the fabric but to make it sort of an in-between so that it makes the contrast between the feathers and the fabric a little bit less daunting did any of you guys ever see the prince of egypt this reminds me of when the magicians turn the water into blood [Music] these are colors homie or are these oh no that worked way too well too fast thought products these days were supposed to be shoddy at this and just like that the fringe was out of the running no longer fit to be part of the dress so i decided to dye the feathers to match the rest of the dress this involved a very particular process of dipping the feathers in just long enough so that they'd be a slightly darker shade of orange and not red it also involved putting my fingers in boiling hot water every once in a while which admittedly was probably good for my character speaking of character i have an awful one it's far too optimistic i thought i could just wing it without even drawing out a pattern just cutting on a flat folded up piece of fabric and expecting it to just fit me which it did it did this time but it very well could have not that is why for the back i decided to drape it on a mannequin if you're working on a project that you're nervous about i encourage you to do what i'm doing and make a mock-up with a fabric you don't care about then you can save that mock-up and cheat on future projects by tracing it though for this one i decided to actually sew it into my dress as a base layer so that i could have two layers of fabric through which to put boning here i am cutting it apart so that i can trace the individual pieces now we are going to lay these pattern pieces on top of our ah i love wearing my hair in a ponytail but i hate these little hairs i used to just shave them off but then i kept accidentally going higher and higher just take your finger take a piece wrap it around and then just and then you just do that with a bunch of little pieces all over until you're bald on the bottom half of your neck yes it hurts but it's like a good pain like acupuncture or like if you were to be hit by a car but beyonce was driving now as i traced the pattern pieces onto the four layers of fabric i would use to construct this dress i got to wondering what makes the kardashian jenners so fascinating to the public and how could i make my video as entertaining as they are having never seen their show before i decided to look up a few clips and i found that a common theme is basically them just bashing each other especially in terms of what their siblings wear or how they act but that'd be impossible for me because the only sibling i hung out with while filming this was my brother micah and his outfits are always perfectly on point and he literally never does anything even slightly worthy of ridicule so i was out of luck now remember we are making this out of four layers of fabric we're going to take the top two layers and set them aside oh never mind we're not going to do that we're going to glue the glue the two top layers together i should have watched that clip before voiceovering over it now set them aside and lay out the bottom two layers of each pattern piece sew each one along the top and then flip it right side out now sew all of those pesky little panels together along the side when you've done as many sewing tutorials as i have you'll begin to get bored explaining the same processes over and over so instead of voice overing something instructive right now i'm going to tell you about a dream i had the other night i was at a party at a friend's house which should have been my first clue that something was wrong with this dream because parties don't happen these days and my mom was there who in real life is quarantined up in florida or down in florida if there's no where you can be that florida is up well mexico i didn't mean to insinuate that mexico doesn't exist i fully believe it does so suddenly at this party everybody starts talking about my teeth and how i need to get them fixed and then one of my friends pulls out a projector and brings up a slideshow of reasons my teeth are awful and i realized it was an intervention everyone was trying to get me to get invisalign so i have an issue i'm late to church like frequently like i don't think i've ever been on time to church and the reason is i want to be in the comfort of my own home for as long as possible so to fix that today i'm going to bring the comfort of my own home to the church parking lot an hour early wait here i am at home but also 30 feet away and so there i waited in the church parking lot i took a little nap drank a little coffee fixed my makeup up did a little dancing oh now might be a good time to tell you if things look different it's because i read that i can't lie in a church parking lot i bought another rv i might explain more on that a different time but don't worry i didn't get rid of my old one i still have it it's still gonna give you a tour of it oh crap i'm wait i bet if you were to ask one of my subscribers what type of church do you think macaritus goes to they'd probably respond hmm i don't know probably some type of chicken church haha and they'd be right now take your already sewn together top panels and sew them on top of your already sewn together bottom panels look at what you have so far and be displeased with it scold yourself over how the top looks all jaggedy but then forgive yourself and decide to fix it cut out a bunch of individual strips of this sparkly fabric and then glue them cascading over one another like a like a like this be pleased with your work then look in the mirror and say you are not a failure now fuse a couple of these things inside the top of your bodice i'm not sure exactly what they're called but i have heard people call them chicken cutlets which just makes me very uncomfortable because imagine putting a chicken cut you know where chicken cutlets go they go in traps when you're trying to catch a raccoon speaking of i need some advice does anybody know of anything i could do to like keep them off my property permanently because i love raccoons but they are predators to chickens and i'm getting a little bit sick of this catch and release thing happening constantly as i'm sure you guys are too it's in like every other video now even when he's free he's still complaining i took a break from the dress to go to a baseball game and really quick i want you all to write a very angry comment about how i'm not social distancing okay ready is it posted ha i was actually in my rv the whole time that's an egg on your face this is some trim i got it joanne i'm trying to figure out if for the straps i should use the trim inside out or right side out but i really can't focus to make a decision because this channel that i like to watch called internet analysis just put up a video about me and i'm too scared to watch it so i'm just gonna sit here and let it consume my mind for a little bit while ruminating on that i sewed up the back when sewing up the back leave a space open at the top that is about the length of two raccoon heads also leave some space at the bottom don't sew it all the way down you want to be able to walk freely so really you should only be sewing it up over the butt and upper thigh area the girl in the video is doing it wrong um sorry she seems to be quite preoccupied with something i'm watching it [Music] hello my dudes my name is tiffany welcome back to my series internet analysis good news the video was positive and my focus was restored she didn't roast me at all which she totally could have but i'm glad that she didn't because i'm a big fan her videos are great and very informative i actually learned a lot about myself and my channel watching it now to sew in the hidden zipper i highly recommend you use the method of getting on youtube and looking up a tutorial specifically about zippers around this time it dawned on me that i had a whole other package of feathers that i hadn't dyed that needed to be dyed but i was out of dye i don't i'm not comfortable saying die this much i need more dye garian and i went to the store for some more dye but they were all out of dye i mean they had dye even bulk packs of dye but they didn't have any dye so i decided to just mix in the dyed feathers with the undyed feathers that sounds wrong undyed undead alive the alive feathers i put the dead feathers on top then slowly blended them down into the alive feathers creating sort of an ombre look after that step you've earned a few weeks of doing whatever the heck you want including hoverboarding while sweeping the street taking a one-day rv trip with your friends to a location only an hour away because times are desperate and there's really nothing else to do well except you know maybe actually be productive and finish that dress in a timely manner but you know yeah thinking tomorrow or another day i earnestly pray that you all get to experience rv life someday it's especially helpful during a pandemic when you want to feel like you're eating at a restaurant but you can only get takeout in fact it's even better than a restaurant because you can shamelessly take selfies with your bird from the comfort of your own table hi and welcome to three and a half weeks later yes it's been about three weeks since you just since the that hey just a ponytail holder you can't kill it they don't have souls you just i'm sorry you're just being a little bit distracting a lot has happened in the past three weeks including me getting this shirt are you okay anyway this is cool because you can't actually put a parrot in your pocket i think i haven't actually ever tried it why have i not even touched this dress in three weeks well because it came to the hard part which is the you know the i have this stuff but i need it to stick straight up and not flop down i need it to sort of have that real like like see kind of how that is that's that's kind of what i'm looking for so i'm probably going to have to utilize some 20 gauge wire don't know where it is but probably in the basement let's go hunt okay so i have not been successful in my search for 20 gauge wire but i did find something arguably better so not at all helpful to our project do you see what is this if you can't afford an rv i'd say a whip is the second best option in terms of fun okay i didn't get it on video but courtney whipped herself in the back oh by the way i found some wire if you very closely dissect this picture right here you will perceive a seam going down the inside of her arm leading one to deduct that she is wearing a mesh sleeve luckily i have just the fabric for such asleep it has some stretch but it's pretty oh my goodness there's poop on it who got poop on my fabric dad now take your fabric and cut around the bird poop or dad poop we still can't say for sure then make a sleeve sorry if i don't explain this very well but if you watch my greatest showman tutorial i make gloves basically just like this and i also don't explain it very well in that either so just be sure to make a little loop of fabric at the end for your finger to go through then i took my 20 gauge wire and fashioned it into a bunch of loops going in opposite directions hot tip try embarking on this process by a fire it's only a hot tip because fires are hot i could totally be like a prosthetics maker i could replace them with spine now hot glue all the top loops to the bottom of the back of your monstrosity leaving the bottom loops out in the open so that they can rest against your back and prop the whole thing up then tie on a couple flesh colored fabric loops two banana lengths apart send your upper extremities or arms through those loops and try on your sleeve i was gonna pin it and then hand sew it on but i've been wasting too much time already so we're just gonna glue and then stick it uh where we want it this is really thin fabric okay so this is a lot like moving into my arm full speed ahead so that hurts really bad but it is the most effective oh it really only hurts for the first few seconds okay now trying to get this off might actually be pretty hard because it is kind of glued to my arms i have to peel it off my arm that was not so bad was it if you're doing this at home probably don't do this at home this will probably leave lots of like red marks maybe some burns but the sleeve will cover it so it's fine then if you can figure out how to remove the monstrosity from your body i decided the whole thing wasn't quite as tall as i wanted it so i added another whole layer of this feathered trim and then some various individual long wacky feathers pointing in all sorts of different directions i wanted the layout of the feathers to very closely resemble the way my teeth looked according to my friends in that dream i had i'm still a little bit hurt by that has anybody else ever held a grudge because of a dream okay i'll take it [Music] zelda we're twins bye stay tuned until next week to maybe see me make kylie's dress but it probably will will look nothing like that if i even get a better view of that next week's really soon that's a complicated i
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 914,740
Rating: 4.9832029 out of 5
Keywords: met, dress, gown, feather, feathers, brother, tewers, micarah, kylie, kendall, kendal, jenner, kardashian, gala, galla, makira, tours, makar, micara, red, carpet, celebrity, diy, sewing, easy, hot, glue, orange, baseball, rv, make, making, made, funny, comedy
Id: AYTJeIxThik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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