Historically accurate Princess And The Pauper: Annalise

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Micarah is seriously one of the best!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/A_Rose_P 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love Micarah!!! Her holiday Barbie transformation was outstanding. Tulle is tricky to work with.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MewlingRothbart 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
the unique and incredibly believing thing about Princess Anna Lisa's dress is that her movie actually includes a tutorial about how to make it design looks so complicated oh but it isn't really so let's jump right into this thing my tutorials are bad I know I've been guilty of oversimplifying in the past but listen birdie songwriters it's not that simple like you don't just pin some fabric down sing a little song and then suddenly it turns into I don't if you haven't seen last week's video but you want to make this dress I recommend watching that first because I actually explained how to make the bodice this one is pretty much the same except it laces in the back instead of the front and if you really want to make this you can go back and watch my snow-white tutorial because the bodice is pretty much exactly the same as that but I know you you're just here for entertainment and to that I say hot joke's on you because if you're about to watch me but make trim for ages honestly though I highly recommend making a dress like this just because this trim is so gosh darn fun to make and there's such a vast variety of different ways you can do it or a thicker ruffle alternate the direction in which you fold your folds but if you'd like a flatter easier yet equally striking trim just fold the folds in the same direction over and over if you're a one-armed person no worries you can make sure and here's what those two types of trim look like right next to each other now as soon as you feel you've made more trim than you will ever need make a lot more have to take a quick break because I noticed something out the window not a count this time it's at my own chicken not that one but if you're using a fabric that phrase a lot make sure you use pinking shears or ziggity zag 'ti scissors to cut out the trim or if you don't feel like cutting out strips at all you could just use ribbon and here are sleeve bell bottoms bottoms to whatever I decided just one ruffle along the top and bottom was not enough so I'm gonna add another directly on top of that ruffle to make it really you know you know and I'm gonna try to go really fast I mean I try to pull like my Project Runway being competitively fasting you know something I've been thinking about a lot lately is why isn't there a Project Runway for costumers you know stage movies music I would do that I would not do a Project Runway or next install or Tim and Heidi's excellent adventure whatever that's called you'll notice on those shows people are often saying that's to cost you mean everything I would make would be to costing me because I love costume fashion it changes too fast whereas costumes can be timeless and iconic regardless of what year they came out like the Star Wars costumes or Elvis's jumpsuits the Rockettes or cats for example the cats was a bad example like this costume look this is actually my brother Micah I made him look fantastic just think you could do like different time era sci-fi stuff host apocalyptic Jones superheroes by Dancy princess mermaid I want this to exist because I want to be able to watch it if you would watch something like that we'll start a petition comment that you would and maybe a producer will see it and then this time next year we'll all be sitting on our couch watching next costume Murr sorry I got distracted what's the goal there now machine so hand sew staple or glue that ruffle on to your bow bottom now turn your attention to decorating the bodice this won't do we need a stonker I fiddled around with a couple different fabrics but upon realizing I don't know how to play the fiddle and I should stay in my lane I decided on this fabric now careful to avoid your chickens feet cut out a shape that's a little bigger than you think you'll need then hold it up to your bodice to get the exact shape cut out too late then right sides facing each other sew them together at the edges leaving a little bit of space open so you can flip it inside out then iron it down now get as crafty as you want with your stomacher there's really no specific right way to do it just make it ornate and very decorative but if you want to make it like mine cut out several Hershey bar sized pieces of fabric flip them right sides together and then sew along the edges flip them right side out and now it is time to iron these down but if you don't have an iron you can sit on them for about two years and it'll have a similar effect anyway don't mind this it's I was painting when outside the lines see whines now pinch each of those little strips right in the middle and make a bow shape it should look like that bow shaped pasta except we don't want to our pasta to have any tomato sauce on it so if you prick your finger make sure you wipe up that sauce right away now pretend your stomach er is a fancy man with a very long neck who needs lots of bow ties in them all in place and then snip off any bits that are drooping over the edge use your sewing machine to adhere that stomach or to your bodice all along the two edges now grab one of your many little ruffle snakes now mess around with where you want it to go on your bodice remember that in the 18th century there really wasn't such a thing as too much especially if you're royalty and in this case you are or maybe in every case you are if there's anybody if any of my subscribers are like related to the king queen any any royalty whatsoever you should tell me even if it's very distantly I'm related to American royalty Abraham Lincoln I have a friend who's related to Benedict Arnold now it's time to make your sleeves look like 1970s pants I recommend hand sewing this because at this time the sound of the sewing machine will be getting on your parrots nerves then head to the kitchen if you spent the winter in Florida and missed your chickens first birthday you can make up for it now don't feel bad about using your chickens own egg in their cake because it's not fertilized there's no babies in that it's just there if we're not gonna get into what it is just trust me I feel like something's missing the chickens chickens JJ if you know how many of my subscribers of us for you to do this to them [Music] now to make the skirt cut out two big panels that are as long as your waist to your ankles and as wide as the length of your whole body now let's talk about undergarments have nothing to say usually when I just kind of throw myself in front of a camera with no plan just kind of works but this time nothing came let me introduce you to my pocket hoops this is pocket hoop one and this is pocket hoop two I made these about two years ago and I would show you how to do it but it was a horrible experience that I never want to repeat so pretty easy though straight forward here I may do a diagram quick take a screenshot mine were initially made out of a bedsheet but they weren't long enough or stiff enough for the dress I needed them for so I added buckram to the bottom a little anecdote when I taught Sunday school to preschoolers rule number two was always underwear stays under there yep believe it or not there are enough incidences that that was a rule that had to be repeated however in the 18th century underwear was not meant to stay completely under there so the edges were often trimmed in a very ornate lace or something that was supposed to peek through this lace here may have been attached to the chamise or be shipped and this one I will show you not how to make one this one won't be quite a tutorial so much as a tour the things I've already made so without further ado welcome to McAra tours tours this is a decently accurate chamise that I made a couple of years ago this here is a dual-purpose costume piece it can be used as a great quality bum roll or a poor quality Dumbo piece you're on McAra tours tours we call these Kardashian aiders now in order to drape the proper shape first you're going to have to start with the undergarments that would have been a really great thing to say after let's talk about undergarment I wish there was a way I can like go back in time and make it so that I hadn't said that but that would render useless the magic of editing at this point abandon a plan you briefly had to have a string and a channel at the top of your skirt remove this string and then just pleat the front it doesn't have to be perfect but make it look something like this okay awesome news I can't take this curtain on this dress form because other dress form from out of the RV and I'm just gonna do that good work ethic is overrated right actually good work ethic is not overrated because if I had good work ethic this video would have been out two days before it would it would have come out on schedule and out well and I have to make up for it by locking myself in the bedroom of my RV for a whole day well yet so a straight line across the top of your pleats on each panel now lay the front panel of your skirt directly onto your dress form followed by the back panel pin in place the next step is a kind of unique one in the front and back squares together all along the edge pull up the top corner then trace that top curve that your pocket hoop or panty a makes cut away that excess little corner of fabric and voila you have yourself a knot a finished skirt you still have to finish clean up that curve that you just cut it's always good to clean up cuts it prevents infection and in this case ugliness lay the front and back panels on top of each other right sides together and pit along the edges when you're sewing up the sides make sure you stop about four eggs width away from the top then on the four corners the front right back right front left back left you're going to attach a little ribbon now to dawn this dreamy skirt you're going to put it on and tie the back to ribbons in the front and the front two ribbons in the back now walk around your house looking under mattresses and tables until you find a singular fake rose sew it on the front middle of your dress now sew a strip of lace into ruffler fashion and since we're nearing the end of the project and you'll probably be feeling lazy you're gonna want to hot glue this into your sleeve and take another little bit more scrap of lace and glue it onto the inside of the top of your dress because you didn't add it to your shimmies like you were supposed to now take a few of your trim strips and glue them or sew them together to make one very long strip be sure to feel somewhat lost about what to do with it and then research ultimately you should decide to make two of your ruffles snake down the front of your skirt speaking of snake many of you wanted to hear the story about when I had one a few years ago I had a ball python named Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Holloway tours he didn't have much of a personality but we like to let him slither around the kitchen one day he went missing we never saw him again but a couple months later we found a skin of his next to my brother's pillow being that it's been four years and he'd be six feet long by now so he'd be hard to miss I'm not very optimistic that he's still around that way every once in a while when I hear strange noises around the house I get a bit hopeful and terrified now what i'm doing here is cutting out smaller strips of ruffle and gluing them on to try to make it look like it's weaving in and out of the first ruffle piece a detail no one will notice but i wanted to take the time on anyway and now it's the time you should set to work on your hat that you found for a dollar ninety-nine at Goodwill last year throw some ruffles on it then look to your book for inspiration wait what search as I may I'm not seeing any feathers Jerry and I got you some extensions at an ostentatious amount of ruffles and fake flowers to your hat and then my friend you are done okay no I like go to bed and some hair rollers wake up next day get glammed up and then you're done [Music] [Applause] ladies of the day had barely any eyebrows thin eyebrows were the styles [Music] I'm your mom's yearbook photo [Music] unless you're well stocked and buffets you're going to want to spend about 20 minutes teasing your hair I'm good with this like for like obviously not an 18th century look but in everyday look this is like not your mom's before you use hairspray move your Burberry side basically just pile and pin all the hair onto the top of your head every year after Halloween and these are on clearance for like 50 cents a bottle I stock up I have so many of these Oh better yet go outside when you do it better yet yet just hairspray your hair and while the spray is still wet dab some baby powder on it draw on a fake naturally-occurring polka dot if you want to look like a rokoko Marilyn Monroe have a sip of coffee out of your Barbie mug and then get dressed if you're making this dress my final thoughts and regrets would be definitely put boning in an or wear corset underneath and if you're you know in the future and have access to fabric stores this would be great and something lighter like a silk organza than that I'm pretty happy without her now alright I should probably show you how it turned out what's that you already saw it at the beginning I wouldn't put that in the beat [Music] it's going down the road so many people have haunted this girl right in front of me singing following videos they were filmed like a week apart and I thought I could just go off of memory to make the conversation work and to remember how it lined up I'm editing is no way to make them line up the one you're wearing story I have no right to be a youtuber by the way if it seems like I have like no eyebrows it's cuz you just saw I and Soma kara and McAra lived happily ever after along with her many many many selfies well it was someone likes my hair like this
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,934,197
Rating: 4.9819655 out of 5
Keywords: princess, and, the, pauper, annalise, micarah, funny, humor, tutorial, sewing, rococo, 18th century, historical, historically, accurate, barbie, chicken, birthday, jj, courtney, dad, cake, dress, easy, beginner, diy, sew, make, how to, hair, marie antoinette, fancy, ball
Id: 2xK5HC6gfAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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