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you're probably wondering why why we care so much about what celebrities wear on the red carpet why are people going to liberal prison for bribing their kids way into college why is there a why at the beginning of the name Evon well today I'm not going to answer any of those questions however I will answer the following why am I making this video well my goal is to show you that the sky's the limit on what you can make you don't have to be rich or a celebrity to look like a rich celebrity why this dress specifically well let me take you back about a year ago when I made the holiday Barbie dress and I thought this is about as nightmarish as a project can be so much tulle then when I saw the Grammys red-carpet pictures I thought yes I hope no one asks me to make that no one I said I'd let my followers decide which Grammys look I would create I realized they have some sort of vendetta against me or just greatly overestimate my abilities but they voted on the tulle monstrosity that has Ariana Grande's dress don't get me wrong I love it I think it's gorgeous I just questioned whether I'll survive this experience you also may be wondering why I'm filming on my kitchen floor well I don't want you all to get stir-crazy but there are only so many places you can film in a thirty-foot home which brings me to the last why why haven't I done an RV tour yet well I haven't done a makeover on my bedroom or my bathroom yet because I'm very indecisive so prepare for several Instagram votes next week asking for RV decoration and just hope I just need help let's start this thing [Music] this is 80 yards of tulle how is it that 80 yards of fabric does not look like it's enough I'll tell you how because this fabric is extremely thin and thereby reasonably see-through that is why in the small yet thriving world of YouTube comedy sewing tutorial we call this fabric D monetization wait let me give you an example acceptable D monetizable so what does all of this mean well it means they need a base layer something to go at least under the tool of our bodice preferably a solid gray fabric now in order to keep the budget as low as possible I didn't want to go to a regular fabric store for this so we're at Goodwill I'm gonna try to find a base to dress for me Arianna Arianna Brian and Greta don't see a dress that will work but you know what I do see adult diapers adult diapers Hoban okay for anybody else who's colored Easter Egg Malter out there life you know that napkin that you dab the excess dye off onto I found it in dress form now I really did like my outfit this day which is a dress I thrifted and altered a few years ago and some high-heeled boots I also thrifted but I wanted something that felt more comfortable and casual because I had a lot of errands to run on that set of sound so I got this t-shirt and purse which didn't accomplish anything but I also got this t-shirt which makes me feel really smart because it says Westminster College on it and I also found these shoes for ten dollars that I know have a name trendy girls wear them a lot I just can't remember what they're called mystic school transportation that is the most intense generic knockoff of the Magic School Bus I've ever seen after that purposeless pan-roast Josh and I played a little pool there are a few notable things about this clip want my friend josh is super supportive to my victory dance is cringe III do you see the door do you see that let's do a slow-mo instant replay Wow painful bad idea but look what no I'm not scared of ghosts because one I know Jesus will protect me and two I like to think that it's always one of my dearly departed pets but it must have scared Josh because he went back to Ohio so I went back to my RV with the base dress I found at Goodwill which was this no unfortunately when I tried it on I found out that I loved it and I really only needed a little bit of the fabric so I decided I would just cut off the bottom third of it then I would use the scrap of fabric from the bottom to create the under layer of my bodice now for the under layer of your bodice you'll need about as much fabric as it would take to cover two cats I was going to try to drape it really nicely and professionally but then decided to just wing it because apparently winging it can get you an Oscar for best costume so I'm I'm so sorry I really need to settle down with sticking with the cat method of measurement cut out a piece of tulle that as long as a cap from tail to nose and how many of these should you make well approximately as many as there are kittens and a litter bunch these pieces up and pin them to the top of the inside of your bodice then sew them in place after conquering that step flip the tool over so that it hangs like a curtain on the front of your body spin the layers down until they meet your standard of prettiness and then top stitch across admittedly bending over and pinning this much does take a toll on your fingers and neck so if you find that to be the case I recommend moving to a retirement community that offers anti arthritis water aerobics that class left my joints feeling loose and relaxed for my galentine's evening I planned with my mom after dinner we went to Walmart where I gathered supplies for my impending Valentine's Day alone it's called so Flo Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday and even though my mom was going to be out of town and all my friends would be several states away I was determined to have a fantastic day now you can prepare to accuse me of being wrong but I have found that the recipe for a perfect Valentine's Day is to just not think about myself at all to focus all my energy on showing love to others now this presented a challenge for being away from anyone I knew on Valentine's Day so I spent my afternoon stuffing gift bags to hand out to strangers and now it's the time of the show where I make you sit through about 10 seconds of deepest thoughts it took me a while to realize that focusing on myself was what was making me so unhappy I think that's because we live in a culture that promotes self love at every turn and that works for some people it is extremely helpful for some but for me I've always naturally tended to take care of myself to put myself first so when I focus on making choices that will bring happiness to myself I always end up less happy focusing on others brings me legitimate joy so I know controversial this day and age but that's what works for me it's still a struggle I do find myself getting caught up in myself a little too often but I'm trying this looks very low-class but you know it's the thought that counts so I have 25 bags this is neighborhood I'm not coming back home until I get rid of all of them I suffer from excessive holiday cheer and I'm just trying to make everybody's Valentine's Day a little better so I made those baggies to try to babe really does anybody want some guys want some happy Valentine's Day okay so I saved three of the last bags of candy because I decided I want to give them to some people that have to work on Valentine's Day I remember back when I worked my career all I used to just fantasize about somebody showing up and bringing us like cookies or chicken sandwiches weird things happen when you're on your feet for nine hours scrambling around in fluorescent lights I want to go somewhere there the workers always seemed kind of exhausted and are always standing like a pizza place would be good for that so I also like wings at Dom nodes so I'm gonna go there I did it but it was a little odd because out of all seven of the people working there they were all men so I felt almost like nervous and uncomfortable saying anything about like Valentine's Day they didn't want them to think I was advertising that I was single it was just so uncomfortable that they gave me my food I was like here's some candy happy Valentine's Day buy and I laid a bunch of candy on the counter and I left did I pay [Music] okay I checked him I did pay anyway the next day before I could get back to work on the dress I went with my mom to the dumpster where she dropped her trash can and like almost always the things he believed outside of the door no obviously we can't have these little pearl things sticking out we're gonna fix that with this one guys mama that glue stick being the little guy that glue gun being the mama and that girl being the one who had to explain her own terrible joke not to keep the top from slipping slouching or slumping we're going to haphazardly throw some zip ties on it and then glue them in place I recommend using as many zip ties as there are members and your immediate family so for me for instance that was six next I decided I would film a rant video about why I didn't think the costumes of Little Women should have won an Oscars but I didn't like the way the blinds looked in the background so I put up a curtain Hammacher not good morning good morning to you good morning to me except those two boys that tricked me into drinking pee out of a juice box when I was six why do I look like this well I now I have over half a million subscribers so there's this thing that happens once you've made it you're supposed to get some form of plastic surgery so I was thinking I've got a little bit of a nest egg set aside to improve myself so should I get something that sort of defined my nose maybe get a nice to find a job then I realized the most economical way to define as many body parts as possible is to get LASIK eye surgery because then when you look in the mirror everything's a lot clearer and more defined yes I packed the system no plastic surgeries for me just LASIK and I can't wear my contacts until the surgery so I've to wear glasses oh and if you're wondering about my hair I forgot to bring rollers with me to Florida but I really wanted curly hair today so let's see if this works I kind of just wanted to look casual for my pre-surgery eye appointment that day but with the curls and the glasses I really had to put on a vintage outfit and then I just looked like an exact replica of my grandma not exactly casual but I liked it here for the LASIK surgery but I wish I was here for the cataract jump in the cataract what a cute funny little joke but just moments later McAra was about to find out she had a cataract and then she watched a cataract surgery and it wasn't so funny anymore also during that appointment they gave me these drops that they told me what numb paralyzed and dilate my eyeballs making it hard to focus on anything and also making it so that I didn't feel anything look how big my pupils are but once again the thing that I thought was so funny moments later was very unfunny when I could not even see a foot in front of my face thank you anteye focus aya medication but if you have full eyesight while making this dress I recommend that you take the full 54 inches of tulle and honestly play fortnight that was the one thing the whole time I was blind I was like I just want to play for game but if you are truly heck bent on finishing this dress I recommend you take the full 54 inches wide by 40 yards long to bunch it up as much as you can along the top creating a skirt I hate tulle I don't even know what is happening and I really can't see the foot is stuck somehow in the tulle you know I did work that piece out of the tulle but due to my lack of eyesight I accidentally clicked slow-mo instead of time-lapse when I pressed record I was doing so lousy that night that I threw in the proverbial towel and picked up my work the next day I started in on the bottom ruffle and then I got hot so I changed my shirt and then came back and started back in on the bottom ruffle while bunching up the 35 yards of tulle that was left on this bowl I left it folded in half so that it would be more voluminous and short then to make it sturdier also to keep it from flipping around and getting twisted I added a ribbon down the middle remember when I said how is it that 80 yards of fabric does not look like it's enough well once again the funny comment was not so funny anymore when I ran out of tulle and had to get more from jo-ann's and it didn't match the original fabric but plot twist it actually turned out even better because I layered to the new fabric over the old fabric and it gave it some depth outweigh dimension that's a smarter sounding word that sounds like something someone who went to Westminster College would say he's Westminster like considered a good college I honestly don't even know like I don't know anything about any College well except one thing I know is that it's wrong to bribe your kids way into college I do know that at this point I made another big long skirt to go over the big long skirt I had already made in order to make it match the ruffle that I would have to make in the lighter color of tulle if I seem distracted in this clip it's because that day I just discovered the show next in fashion and I was quite addicted and now I'd like to interject that you can just the tutorial right here if you want if you're sick of this and don't want to finish the dress you can just wear these various pieces as is I could totally see kendall Jenner in my identity don't steal my identity Kendall sure it's tempting but please don't I meant to say feel free to steal my idea Kendall [Music] literally anyone feel free to steal or copy this idea from me I am a flippin butterfly or even like this like I could totally see somebody on the red carpet wearing a dress event I would think that was cool maybe I have too much of an open mind towards fashion so those of you who saw my little women rant video I'll probably disagree and it's like a super simple dress like this why don't I ever have a warrants Jones to go with you there's so many look ideas ladies and gentlemen we've done I have found my red carpet because I look like a tumbleweed not to act the gigantic ruffle to the top layer of your skirt you're going to want to hang it up somewhere high and then pin it in place now seat yourself in front of an educational documentary and hints oh the ruffle in place if well hand-sewing you remember that your mom's birthday's tomorrow and you didn't get her anything perhaps you could set up a little game while out celebrating her birthday my mother and I spotted a lonely orange in the middle of a parking lot we circled the parking lot several times trying to run over it when altum Utley I got out of the car and directed her she found it to be quite fun so for your mother's birthday I suggest you find a lonely orange yeah then I returned home and made yet another ruffle yes there is a big ruffle along the bottom and the middle of my skirt but you can't even tell there are two there's just it takes so much volume just to I put in so much tulle there's someone in the end it was like 140 yards and it still doesn't look as big as hers and I so much goes into what her dress is to upon give noise spoiler take Ariana Grande's dress they said it'll be fun they said well last I checked fun stood for f is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me and is for anywhere and he's hung it all down here in deep blue sea and this is certainly not that thinner boost I'm depend the next layer of ruffle to my skirt and honestly this is when it started to look magical and I was getting a little pleased with it but that does not mean I forgive you for making me do this well we're not on the topic of useful uses for this dress I'd like to point out that the skirt acts as a natural coronavirus repellent you see the mere circumference of it won't allow anybody to be within 10 feet of you you lost find that it's very hard to fit through the doorway keeping you from ever leaving your house and thereby limiting your contact with other individuals okay so to make the lace-up back you're going to tie a bunch of knots about a walnuts width apart into a piece of ribbon and unlike your sewing machine pierced through all those little knots while you imagine they're the faces of the boys that used to bully you at this point it was time to sew the over layer of the skirt onto the under layer and I was so overwhelmed that I sort of collapsed and I hit my jugular on the table it hurts so bad I'm serious like my dearly departed grandpa always said accidents only happen when you're acting stupid then I ran both layers watching this clip I'm just thinking about how bad my neck I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that an integral part of living in an RV is downsizing downsizing the amount of objects you have the amount of cookie dough you keep in your fridge and the size of the projects you take on so needless to say I need to get rid of this dress as ASAP as possible by the way at this part I was fluffing all the tulle while watching next in fashion fun fact as a means of torture I mean encouraging myself I decided I wouldn't our until this project was done and now I finally get to show and now I'm going to transform myself from Meharry on a bland day to ariana grande [Music] you're a bingo game try to be casual [Music] why did the trash guy say thank you no one expects a business card for YouTube other uses for this dress include wearing it not hoverboard actually that didn't end well but to prom and for added believability I'm going to show you this dress modeled on my prom age friend Ruthie [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 7,790,998
Rating: 4.9412727 out of 5
Keywords: ariana, grande, micarah, grammy, grammys, 2020, diy, made, arianas, red carpet, prom, gown, tulle, dress, cataract, catarac, cateract, lasik, plastic surgery, yards, sewing, beginner, easy, hard, funny, humor, sarcasm, copy
Id: YxU0MTG-a44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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