Dressing Only as Rachel McAdams Characters for 1 Week!

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no please don't leave you did not click on the wrong video this is not a Maleficent costume tutorial no this is about something else entirely an actress actually but not in Jelena Jolie let's get it through your head that this costume has nothing to do with the video I just made this hat a couple years ago and today I was having bad hair day and this was the first hat I could find so screwed on and thought it looked silly without the rest of the look but a pin find my pet crow so I improvised anyway so if you read the title if you read the title of this video you know exactly which actress I'm talking about if not my condolences on your illiteracy so yeah in the comments section of at least every video I've ever made there have been comments saying that I look like Rachel McAdams and do I see it a little bit up at the ambition you know go lucky Kaka but regardless of what I see I decided it's time to get some of the people what they find a once so without further ado here is the week guys dressed up as Rachel McAdams every single day that the idea on this clip is inedible or inaudible well I guess it's inedible too it's because this was taken on my old butt phone however to remedy this I will just voice-over the scene going to the BMD DMV we'll find out anyways it's the perfect day to dress up as a character from The Vow because she's at the Beauty nce when she meets Channing Tatum to start this look I'll be wearing a dress that I found in my friend's trashcan yes she bought it at a thrift store apparently when she brought at home it didn't fit so she threw it in the trash can I pulled it out of the trash can and I was like can I have this and she was like well I was just gonna throw it away so yeah and it's almost perfect for this character except that the skirt hem is hi-low and we don't want that so we're gonna chop it off speaking of chopping off this wig is too Dern long [Music] and now to accessorize our look did anybody else get spanked with a belt when they were little I mean I didn't hardly ever because I was mildly perfect and also just because that sound of the belt snap with replay in my mind anytime I thought about doing something bad so then I didn't remember that sound kids next time you think about trying a cigarette or kicking a homeless person whatever bad kids do these days the trendy mess I feel mildly self-conscious and outdated going to the bmd BDM with my friend buddy Josh he's driving said I don't crash while driving and bloggy blogg liveing is what they call that Josh guess where I got this lip gloss around yes the ground throughout this journey experience I'm gonna kind of tell you a little bit about where I live so you can find me and kill me just some arbitrary facts about my life in regards to some of the places will be passed for instance Taos right up here it still has some Christmas lights up kind of like a Christmas tree those two guys are actually my best friends buddy and Bob I wouldn't have used the word Bob I feel like that would have been believable Bob is just like the least believable name either waved back so there was a missed opportunity I saw this squirrel staring into its reflection in a puddle and I didn't get my camera out quick enough if I would have the scene would have looked something like this the squirrel is looking into the puddle you hear this song begin to rise I don't think there's anything else like funny or clever I can do the rest but since that ideal scene didn't exactly pan out I'll show you what actually happened that scroll is so dang cute there's Billy and Bob now The awkward fact of this is I'm very unobservant but Josh seemed to notice that the man on the porch that owned the yard that the squirrel was perched on was watching me intently I'm starting to think this is maybe like a bad day to wear a costume that involves a wig because I feel like the DMV is one of those places where you should look like who you say you are you see this big area right here possum attack my dog so we sent a live trap and then we released the possum over here in this area run away little buddy but at least I looked like her I decided it would be wise at this current juncture to reenact that iconic looking back at the camera scene trying to get those shots all the people who are looking through the big glass wall at me it's kind of staring why else would they be staring at me I have nothing to say in this clip but I noticed it's a pretty good angle me find that with me the lower the angle the better fun fact about this place where we're at right now there was a poster of me in this area and then my dad took it and now it's on our fridge to drink while smiling it's doable though we're on a walk there's a porta potti see if it's available [Applause] [Music] where two bodies have the best selfie lady I feel like all the cities should have porta-potties because then people don't have to feel weird like going into businesses they don't really don't buy anything and ask use their bathroom I have an affinity report of hotties I just think they're kind of ingenious or even take away the in Josh what's the difference between genius and ingenious times out so currently I'm just relaxing for a moment before I go to a stranger's house to buy their phone because I need a new one Josh do you dare me to lick this money I do so many people are gonna say this is gross i'ma say do you know what's on a doll or do you know that every dollar contains 90% human feces that's why everyone's going to do that you just get lip stuff from the trash I mean just get lip stuff from the trash it was like 2 years ago I got lip gloss from the alley that's actually really salty oh don't let the money blow away cleaning the car behind me her faces [Music] she's in a black I think she meant that metaphorically she's in a bleak stage of her life I just watch this place where you can build your own pizza and guess what I told him my name was so dude yes after midnight that night I decided I'd wear whatever I want because it was indeed my birthday sorry did this point but for the next 24 hours I was just McAra I spend my birthday wearing things I wished were in style and forcing my friends Ruthie and JJ to perform dangerous acts just to please me so here are the pieces to my Irene Adler costume I made all of them except the corset if you are one of the outrageously unique Souls that actually intends to make what I'm showing you how to make you may want to watch the next 20 seconds in point to five speed but to all my sedentary friends who only watch my sewing videos to feel some twisted sense of productivity by proxy this one's for you [Music] so today I am going to be wearing the Irene Adler costume and ironically or should I say Irina Klee this is the character for which she wears the most makeup even though it is the most historical character that she plays yes Hollywood is just so fun like that we've got this kind of smoky look dark the lips all the things just thrown into one look not altogether pleasurable but starting with the Kardashian later aka the bustle tab you'll want to tie it on and then shake what your mama gave you of the fabric to make and now the over skirt complete with its front flappity flap I used a bedsheet on the middle of the back so as not to waste my fancy fabric knowing it would be covered up by the bustle skirt it took a lot of strategic strategy to make this hang like an elegantly loaded diaper but I think I succeeded I pretty much cheated on the bodice making the hand-painted buttons in front merely decorative and putting a zipper in the back well and now we've reached a sort of awkward point where no one else is home but me pretty much all my friends are at work I guess I could ask a neighbor but I still don't know the neighbors that live on that side neighbors that live on that side aren't home neighbor that lives diagonally right over there just called the cops on me last week don't worry I didn't do anything illegal it turns out it was a big misunderstanding we're good now but still we're just not at that zipper place of our neighbor ship yet in the neighbor back there we used to be kind of close but now due to Alzheimer's I am not recognized by stead neighbor so at least I got it on camera well due to recent events I look ridiculous so everyone's gonna stare at me just sad cuz this dress was kind of pretty kind of proud of it right I'm gonna go get some pics of this hot mess of an outfit and then get some food probably my goal was originally to leave the house as little as possible today since this is the most extravagance of all my costumes but then Courtney texted me and she really wants to see them Abby Tolkien tonight I don't know how interested I am in this but I kind of blew her off going to the movies last week so do you want to be in the frame yet [Music] so that's in this outfit the bustle is actually extremely comfortable for grading your lower back I mean you're sitting rubs against the car ceiling it's kind of like silly without it thank you anyone else agree that McDonald's has the best sprite on the planet I don't know why I took a drink while I was still chewing I'm gonna be cinematic for their thoughts on the sofa no breathing in a course that was already a little bit of a complex action but eating in a corset oh she's full-out tricky my hot tip for you would be the further you can lean back the better my primary objective at the location of Walmart was to retrieve a pop socket for my new phone because I abide by the belief that absolutely everything in life could be improved upon by a pop socket it's amazing how few people stared or said anything my dad even ran into an old friend of his and he said to me oh you look so tall it just goes to show that Walmart is the place to go to not get noticed no matter how outrageous you look no if I'm going out in public and this costume is nice because with the wig I'm not really recognizable so even if I run into anybody I know they won't know it's me just kidding if anyone I know sees someone in the Victorian costume like from a mile away they're probably gonna assume it's me further notes on this dress it is insanely destructive it knocks down everything that I passed that's like to have a big butt hashtag thick it was a good thing that I had also made the Irene Adler pantsuit so that I could wear that to the movie theater except the plot thickens considerably the plot I mean the plot is back I forgot this zipper is broken my dad left so once again I'm the only one home and the movie starts in ten minutes so either I have to cut off this thing that I worked so hard on cancel my plans or go to the movies in this that was pretty long thank you my corset isn't a knot well this day never end this is kind of a look this is like the costumers of the greatest showman were the costumers of Sherlock Holmes so today have several errands I have to run and I want to go with something sort of quick easy maybe professional-looking so I'm going to go with one of her looks from this movie called Morning Glory which I'll admit I've never seen has any one but I wouldn't have to wear a wig I just want to have to spring my hair brownish for this look she has bangs and couldn't find any haircutting scissors and I don't want to use my sewing scissors so we're gonna use some Betty Crocker neat scissors I don't want to do this so we have to do it fast this is such a bad idea oh that's really crooked too dang oh shoot those aren't so much shorter than I intended it look like I bet this doesn't look I know I would have made those so much longer had I thought about it why didn't I think about it at this point I was too angry with the world for me cutting my own bangs that I didn't explain what I was doing which was sprang temporary hair color on my hair so this is okay next I set out on an exotic journey to recreate these two Rando pictures that I found on Google Images I found that the Salvation Army parking lot was the perfect spot I'll be it a little crowded but at the end of the day is it really so awkward to stare longingly at a tripod well in a professional outfit in a crowded parking lot so I just went to Salvation Army I'll do a little haul of everything I got think I got short I think I got a skirt well you're wrong yeah and right it's a skort I think this is just a regular shirt well think again and you'll realize that you were right the first time in that it is a regular shirt and then I got this because how could you look at a thing like this and not buy it it's kind of expensive honestly I also got this shirt that I'm going to decorate and wear later in this video honestly in this costume I got stared at way less than I do on an average day which is making me questions my general style choices I don't know I feel dang smart with this brownish hair - like I want to say words like antidisestablishmentarianism I don't know what it means but it sure feels right saying it we have a problem everyone in their loved my hair color so now I feel like I have to keep it this like because I've gotten all their hopes up also one girl said I looked smarter currently I met my dear friend the Marc Lee's house and I just challenged Ruth to respond to the next three texts or snapchats she get with prove it no matter what they say what was the last one somebody sent you on the return the classes are going to be taking at Owens and you responded with prove it I challenge all of you watching this video right now please respond to the next text you get prove it and then tell me what they said hi it's an hour and a half later and he still has this mask on well because I have to be a brunette again tomorrow for the Doctor Strange character I am running low on this brown hair spray I'm going to have to sleep in this hair since I don't want my pillow to look defecated upon I'm going to have to sleep in this you know what I look like I look like a jellyfish I feel like I'm sleeping in a trash bag this is what it feels like to be a raccoon directing them to sleep in trash bags probably the great thing about the blonde hair color is it rubs off onto my face and I look really bad right you can see it right through one nostril to the other side you should get like up here to get a root put a ring through it or something here is my outfit of the day and wow I felt pressure to sound smart is just a brunette think of how smart I need to sound as a brunette surgeon I put those surgical skills to good use when operating on my first victim or patient whatever doctors call their inferiors these days anyways I certified a dress can you guess which character this dress will be used to implicate next I went shopping for some materials I need for some other rays from Academies costumes and consequently I had to pay for said item I mean what is this world coming to you know physically I haven't been feeling super well today so I haven't filmed a whole lot but besides the feeling slightly sick this is the most comfortable I have been clothing wise in a very long time I didn't feel necessarily stared at but if anybody did it was only for a split second and then they looked away as if maybe they were basically all that say I understand now why people spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical school it's so that they can basically wear pajamas and still be respected my take away from this is that I'm going to wear in public at least twice a month now because you sometimes you want to wear pajamas out in public but people judge you if you do oh solution that's that's today to make a routine the gorge tank top you will need a wife-beater a tube of hot pink fabric paint and a hand so steady that you could be a sniper if you didn't oppose murder it is Regina George Day and obviously I am regretting cutting these bangs however I did discover that they are easily and yes I say cover up a bull which is not a word but I can say it because I'm a blonde now don't have to sound smart I'm also wearing these Bellamy hair extensions I did ask if I could ensure that are up to ten thousand dollars to which there was no response oh well by the way today the goal is to look as much like Regina George as possible while acting as least like her as possible I want to fill my day with doing things that Regina George would never do firstly I'm going to check the mail because I don't think Regina George would check her own mail was anti-climatic there's no mail oh maybe the only reason there's no mail is because it's just so hard to open like this thing is just so small and hard to grab I think we could fix this boom pop sockets you're welcome mailman I just made your job easier because I'm a nice girl and now put the daily half buttered attempt to get a picture looking like the character I must say upon seeing this film I just thought it was very strange that all these girls wear high heels to high school I'm going to go into a gas station and get a coffee but in order to be a nice girl and not you'd like Regina George I'm going to just say nice things to everyone in there except wait that's what she did is she was nice people and then said mean things behind their back so I guess I have to say mean things to their face then come back here and say nice things behind their back or I could just and I'm just gonna be all around it's just nice let's talk about that little gas station trip oh my goodness I thought I would be stared at maybe the least in this because it least cost you many looking's just haha anyways I didn't think I'd get stared at more than when I was in the bizarre Victorian dress with the gigantic bustle I was wrong I got stared I don't even know where to start every single person in there stared at me and it wasn't like up I'm looking at your face it was a what are you wearing any sort of thing it's like people see me in a Victorian dress and I think she's in a costume people see me in this they think is she serious is that is that her style and the guy the register I just said as little as possible made his little eye contact as possible and he still talked to me a lot if there was a long line of people behind me and he just kept trying to talk to me and I just didn't want to come off you know it's a good thing Luciana pooped on this skirt just now because I don't want to wear it anymore one thing that neither she nor anyone would do would be sit on you don't look like the mailman just hasn't come out to that because I see him in the distance he's on his way let's see you too okay so we didn't use the pop socket but I'm not that mad because he kind of looked like the guy from Mean Girls but like with his hair pushed back so this is what I'm wearing now because the skirt who knew that dogs who I mean you can't expected me to know that when I put the dog on the lap of the skirt that I didn't wear any more like 18 years which is not even my whole life so I couldn't find another skirt because these sweatpants are all that fits me right now I almost forgot if you're making a regina costume you need to go to Hobby Lobby and get a little letter in a little chain so something that is very anti Regina Georgie that I've been wanting to do this week anyways is something I've done before which is Instagram prayer requests I post on Instagram do you have any prayer requests people submit so I spend an hour to a few hours praying over them and by the way just so you know I pray for all my subscribers slash viewers even the ones that don't submit prayer requests whether you like it or not gonna have to deal with that oh why is my tongue yellow like a disease dad are there any diseases that make your tongue yellow okay okay so yeah prayer time buddy Josh and my dad and I are going through holy see how many references I can make in the meantime wondering why standing up so slow it's cuz he's favorite video how about we take my pink car get in ladies ever going oh wait we can't this is the government stole it from me she's wearing padilha cute you know how much more spectacle she beats you're in scrubs and stuff 12:12 more respectable at least you can't sit with us you can sit with us in this outfit I should go to the mall because this in fact was her mall outfit in the movie note that those people it's like the person that puts their hand on your shoulder while you're wound up and says calm down it has like the opposite effect well friends it's the end of an era hey les is going out of business and I was trying to decide between getting these shoes and these shoes but I think I'm actually to get both pairs so that I can wear one on each but that could be a trend soon never has been so it's passed do you guys talking about Foothill I really want an occasion to wear them on the way home you pass a wedding reception so I think I'm gonna put on something slightly nicer and then hit that sound good pajama pants this is where the reception is going to be place I'm pretty sure there's our second room now it is time for wedding crashing 101 pay close attention for you can never anticipate the severity with which you'll be received at a stranger's wedding step 1 locate the resident drunk aunt or uncle every wedding should have at least one now make sure your every dance move is at least two degrees less bizarre than theirs rule number two do not show up empty-handed a candle or a picture frame will always do nicely rule 3 studies say that brides prefer not to feed strangers at their wedding so don't eat any food well W don't hesitate to participate 9 out of 10 medical professionals agree that wedding crashers should indeed sign the guest book and leave treasured advice rule 44 if anyone questions your existence be sure to inform them that you are Matt state the name Matt is so common among Millennials that there's bound to be one there and no one will question you further we noticed these organized [Music] since there would have been a dead body here [Music] not to drone on about the porta potti subject I know I'm not the only one it's like hair people like to act like they think hair is gross when they find a hair somewhere that like oh it does anybody really think it's gross or is it just one of those things we all think we're supposed to act like we think it's gross oh yes third or is it fourth rule of wedding crashing always leave once the bride starts staring at you for more than five to eight seconds at a time I feel like no because tomorrow I'm having brunch with my friend and ex-coworker Kylie she texted me ahead of time to let me know that she will be looking frumpy not her best I was talking too slowly in that clip so here's a voiceover I said in order to honor in respect her I will compensate for her drab ulis outfit by looking my utter most best tomorrow for our brunch at Waffle House cue the making of the shirt from married life a very peculiar movie with Ferrell McAdams in it fun fact currently while I'm doing this voiceover it is 9:00 12:00 p.m. nine twelve being the last three numbers in 1912 the year the Titanic sank Titanic is a movie and so is married life so as you can see I have a lot in common with Rachel McAdams maybe just slightly too fancy for waffles but like honestly there's nothing anyone could wear that wouldn't be too fancy for a Waffle House projected wearing a tan coat and a scarf that is alarmingly similar to the one that she wears in the movie [Music] so josh has been helping me try to set up the perfect look-alike selfie roughly an hour later and we decided that one of the first ones we took was the best now it's time to embody a character from a little movie called The Notebook or as I like to call it the not a healthy or properly functioning relationship book I asked Instagram like forever ago which of these dresses I should make and by now you've probably guessed that they chose the red one congratulations you guessed it you victorious little Victor you the dress I was finishing up while I was clad in my luxuriously comfy scrubs was the notebook ice cream scene dress this hair reminds me strangely a lot more of Dorothy than of the notebook think if my hair was shorter I'm done enough hair cutting someone video don't you think the dress turned out well and in it I made a big mistake and I committed the crime of jaywalking now I'm making a bigger mistake by posting the video of me committing a crime to YouTube next I wanted to recreate that famous scene from the notebook where they fellowship over ice cream so Kourtney and I made a special secret ice-cream handshake so that was cute now that scene wasn't really true to the movie but obviously I wasn't gonna do the accurate version with Kourtney so I did it with a wall and it turned out pretty good there was something missing though so in the next take I added a hat I couldn't put my finger on it but something about this felt very wrong and my suspicions were confirmed when the cops came for me oh but then again maybe it was because they had received reports of somebody jaywalking now to get that bathing suit shot we are going to distant and exotic Lake Erie are you trying to hide there not in the distance there's a bald eagle and they try to get closer how can I approach it maybe I should like call to it in its native call Oh can you see Walker wish there was a specific spot along Lake Erie that I planned to get this picture but alas when we arrived the walleye festival was happening like okay just to show you what it is in comparison to my foot they don't call it the wall so we wasted a lot of time at the festival because I have been procrastinating and getting in that water partially because it smells like dead fish there are a several dead fish around here but now it's time to put my money where [Music] [Music] if you'd like to see a tutorial on how to make this bathing suit I did film the whole process but I didn't put it in here because this video is just too gosh darn long already I'm so sorry well friends thank you for joining me on this journey one week of rachel mcadams costumes and not a single person recognized who I was supposed to be that was failure anyways I hope you had fun let me know see you later you [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 2,397,634
Rating: 4.9732599 out of 5
Keywords: Rachel Mcadams, rachael, macadams, sewing, funny, vlog, micarah, tewers, landon, the plot in you, landon tewers, micarah tewers, dadcarah, payless, The Notebook, swimsuit, dr strange, morning glory, the vow, irene adler, sherlock holmes, channing tater, costume, DIY, dressing, as, for a week, married life, wigs, style, fashion
Id: m_b4i8aPwaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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