Divine Beast of the Sands ⌛ ~ Relics of the Past blind playthrough

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[Music] all right hello everyone welcome back to uh some more relics of the past uh where we actually just got the master sword in the last stream right here we went through uh the rock forest lost woods area and we had to kill like the lionel and all those uh enemies on the trail uh so it's completely revamped but it was a lot of fun and uh yeah it also went pretty good we got a bunch more ancient parts got this upgraded but you know what i feel like this is a good segue point to go to our first divine beast and i heard a lot of good things about neborus in this mod and uh there was just a recent update for it so i feel like uh we should check it out which i usually don't do neborous for my first but you know what let's go for it uh that the hideout so it's gonna be a very deserty stream today we're starting on the plateau because our first is uh just closest four point but let's just go on ahead uh welcome to everyone for tuning in hope you're having a great wednesday as always uh okay i'm excited to see where it's gonna go so yeah we're around the area this is about the closest best way to get to the desert let's make a way for the stable uh get everything in our path and so there we go that was a nice pop and that's a guardian uh a lot of strugglers of that type on the plateau okay at least it's not too far away and yeah we'll be getting up our stamina more in hearts uh i'll probably still prioritize hearts and bets because our hearts only go to the max two rows where stamina just keeps going uh for like what like 10 plus wheels i'm not sure but i know it's pretty crazy in this yeah i'm prepared for the desert i think we'll we'll get whatever things we need along the way but i honestly don't know it's all changed i'm guessing this is probably the most changed area uh well they're just the most to do because it's the desert there we go embry take horse take dough okay we'll start with the full ancient aesthetic why not hey karoki thank you so much for the five good luck thank you i i think i might need some luck yeah let's try to keep the deaths low today also did my death thing save from the last stream i feel like we had more deaths than that and it just reverted back that's not supposed to happen uh wait because we definitely had more oh well let me sort it out while i am driving this horse so sorry i just thought no that didn't feel right you know but let me see i just feel like we have more guardian let's not add to it now that was a bad shield we don't like vinyl shields there we go the double parry let's have to do it again potlude first oh of course you would delay fire on me yeah good enough that's one and let's get a little perry practice anyways it's fine if it's not perfect oh the rip the fairy that we had okay oh yeah we had a lot more deaths i just saw on my end uh we were at how many 188 looks like yeah i'm not sure why it didn't save any of those deaths so i want to update that really quick i was like i feel like it just reverted like a lot it was just deleting all the shameful deaths i think sorry it's not dignified um oh yeah also yeah might as well show the weapons that we have because we have a decent amount uh you're welcome everyone tuning in by the way uh we just started so we're going to the desert uh we had a lot of royal swords a nice ancient short sword collection oh yeah and also part of the new update uh all your modifiers and other pages stay so it's like it used to be the thing where the modifiers would wipe on the extra pages which was i guess a bug of sorts but uh it's not that way anymore and uh the arrows are now in the main menu instead of quick select and you can access all the weapons on the quick menu now so just some enhancements there to fit the larger capacity of relics which is nice so yeah just a couple muff pairs to start with but maybe this will go better let's get ourselves a nice attack buff that double damage in there okay just like that this attack will ever be just a little and almost done at least so wait nah just a still head whoosh soloing to him okay not bad get whatever clubs he has oh they have modifiers plus 60 a diamond okay we're kind of just racking up for diamonds i know we have a good quantity 17 we're fine i love popping the bowl of time in you know just instant kill there [Music] i never trust myself with the flurries i like doing parry so much more oh wait set me up for disappointment there okay this is a pretty tame uh scenario for relics actually only one enemy at a time this is the ultimate warm-up yeah this is the slowest combat's gonna get today for sure but i like that second whack it's so fast sweep it's literally just a sweep attack with the two ended which is a lot of fun one for another and that is our oh it's a long throw we don't do long throw in this house no sorry there's much better that we can do i think that's just some brutal weapons maybe some rupees on these platforms i think i'll pass i do want to make a a really strict pass to the stable though so that's objective one because i want to get in the desert soon there's just a little meetup master will keep tiller's mouse around or we'll see it for the blights uh this wouldn't be a bad idea yeah knox kill let's see how fast we can mess him up that was a big uh nick in there oh this guy's like a basic mccobblin just a little bigger and real guards a five shot royal guard okay when the reward severely outweighs uh the risk but in a good way there we go give me it all for whatever upgrades we could use it for horses about to kick him give him the back okay i don't think there's gonna be guardians in the desert i know there are in the canyon around it uh i'm not sure there's gonna be any dynamically spawning ones so i guess we'll see [Music] yeah welcome to everyone tuning in uh we're just going our usual light goal for the streams is 800 so if you guys could help out uh that would be appreciated and thank you for everyone who has supported so far also hey shadow marth you can make it awesome just a slow little warm-up i don't like dealing with the horse ones i'm maybe let's do this camp you blocked my ladder oh uh i guess we don't have a choice for a second and yep we are out ah of course now we're gonna be overburdened for a hot second at least my horse get out of the way fine have it your way we have a plan b it's okay oh run i don't think you're gonna follow me here crap you're keeping missing we don't have that for momentum always okay you have arrows for me actually yeah we'll take them bombs oh that's really nice hey eric thank you so much for the five dollars make a video on how to get the lightbow uh well there is a glitch that allows you at the lipo i i don't actually know how to do it though if that's what you're referring to uh so i'm sorry when it comes to like exploiter like cheats glitches i'm not the guy for that like i i know like wind bombs and stuff like that i play pretty vanilla uh with exception of like a couple things but uh yeah there is a twilight bow if you have the amiibo for it but thank you so much joe and i'm sure there's some videos on it already the bowl of light there we go something we're gonna go without me you won't know what the numbers on the shields mean yeah uh that video was like my first like uh video to reach a lot of people like i i did youtube for like a few years before that likes all the stuff but uh you know it didn't have much of a reach but as soon as i started like the stat stuff and like the stuff on the shields uh seems like a lot of people found it so i'm very happy to be able to help like honestly that's uh you know just been really nice because i always want to help all the community that i spend a lot of time so [Music] that's an awful fate i'm sorry oh come on we're not gonna make it but i mean that was cool i can't deny that ah that was a really close dodge i'm just happy we got it and yeah we're just gonna get all these gems buy more good weapons i think he karaoke for the two dollars uh ancient ancient weapons only in relics of the past oh boy this is so hard i couldn't even imagine doing theme runs that can make it harder but i mean they are good uh but let's let me finish relics of the past first and then think of stuff i can do which i i could do more with it honestly because like i've been having an absolute blast with this mod uh it's been great so thank you for the suggestion that was a completely unintentional but pretty awesome sneak strike ah a little damage when it had shots but does nothing wait are you what are you doing stop running oh my god also thank you bernardo for uh the ten dollars super chat laughing pair i think the stickers are funny thank you check the cave okay sorry i was so distracted with uh this camp here they're just getting picked off one by one usually the cave has like nothing right or did it have like maybe a gemstone or two i don't know okay oh yeah this kind of melts you only need like 80 hit points to break through a crate which is pretty easy to get in relics with this i thought it really matters i'm so sorry why am i sorry i don't know uh see it's nice new update we can just go to all these which we couldn't before they all just knock them off it's like uh now they're in a different plane of existence here well i guess we'll deal with all them really soon diamond yeah we're racking in the money fast 50 arrows and five hours okay the best for first okay get a big slash oh when you get a horse okay first you sorry i had to really think quick there didn't want to get whacked even though i don't think we're one shot we might be in all honesty i'm just kind of going about it because i think i got it you know i mean they're pretty much one shot says this the damage we're doing to him is pretty unfair but i deserve that yeah few hundred rupees each camp okay let's check out the cave yeah so with all the comments i'm guessing something's in there and uh at first it's like what sort of treasures in there i'm like no what sort of enemies in here uh can't just assume this mods generous oh giant ancient core ancient oh engineers okay huh so it is a generous room that's very two diamonds okay it is generous whoa was it supposed to be like that i don't know oh wow thank you that is uh a very generous room okay what i think the money bugged out it's poking out i can't save my game ah the happened update please oh what's happening well guess we're not saving so okay dough let's go also i will get these shrines on the way because uh they're good yeah i still can't save oh there we go the cursor is going away okay it's certainly a diamond deposit relic i like that oh my god there's an archer on top of the nose and of course gold archers that was a mistake and that was a bomb oh my shield probably did not like that one okay what are we gonna do here um archer's first i feel like that's number one uh order of importance here okay they're still kind of weak just just to blast themselves so rather at least he's not picking it up okay yep okay this is where you run start i need to control the situation a bit more that wasn't me being in control of the situation okay well good thing we saved before i was like how do we do this um hmm oh well they just kind of blew themselves up okay so we see this i have to assume that the archers will be actual threats in this unlike before and there's no headshot modifier seems like right please turn your head okay thank you yeah there isn't which is unfortunate i mean you know i'm there did you alert your friends not really okay if we just trickle they're just going to regen so how do we go about this what the we like barely got shocked okay well i guess take advantage of the bombs for now whatever far enough in the archers they won't move forward we can take care of these guys so okay that's one and attack food we got mr spinney right there that'll help quite a bit actually okay i saw that coming oh there we go that one thank you zach for the membership by the way much appreciated oh they they comboed that together they really did okay well we had a good strategy going into it okay yeah they're just having their own mosh pit to start with okay i need to kite these guys over here is often blowing on my horse okay now let's do it here let's just reset our okay that's one assuming you could flirt we can get them down just to death oh okay so that's one we can kind of pick them off but make sure there's no spears always have her shield out okay good one at a time to do some looting uh what okay so i guess we eaten going for the noms okay we're taking i guess i don't think there's any spear so i think we should be fine for like at least a hot second here right yeah assuming they're all the same weapon type i can easily just get them together bunch them up take them out you have to go away there we go that was good come on okay ah they're just gonna blow up the loot doctors will be a more fun time also thank you the ancient duck for the 279. she played monster hunter rises on switch i don't even know much about monster hunter to be honest uh or if it's my cup of tea i've only heard about it but thank you though yeah i was hoping to look into stuff but it's like sometimes i can be picky with games but otherwise it's like oh try to give things a try if i can especially if there's like a demo that we got a one and three accuracy but he's coming close so maybe mission accomplished in a sense please come closer the head hitbox is often smaller than it appears so what do we do in situations there's got to be a better tactic right i'm just not seeing it um maybe this is just that and like you know just that's what we just save our better bowl for i mean i guess that works although there's a try shot if you use bomb arrows to get him off yeah we have a lot i don't use bomb arrows enough it's all about knocking him down he just tailed me it's okay he's trying to blow my cover now okay he's gonna miss okay god yeah that's one way to do it just stay in uh cover all the time oh that was necessary but we did it anyways so that's good i'm not too bad of a clear out i would say [Music] you have 20 bomb arrows from rejuve we got more we got 10 right there so not bad okay we did it just the royal shield ah we'll break it on a guardian laser later so okay so where is horsey i think i see a diamond out of all things i can leave behind there's a diamond and a sapphire like how nice okay let's go on ahead um yeah we'll be okay if we book it let's get this shrine though oh lizards oh come on the teleporter back on horse sweeping is bad okay oh went the wrong way is one like a three shot four close enough not bad triple sapphire what's going with that even these weaker silvers are giving us a lot of rupees five six hundred a piece we're gonna get money faster than we thought honestly he runs up fast i love how this little two handeds are like the quickest attackers just like the instantly just go for it that's nice and the spin attacks and quick spins do double damage so that's nice 200 deaths i want to avoid 200 deaths today but let's assume we get less than 10 deaths across whatever change with the iga hideout and well the divine beast so yeah i guess we'll see yeah too many jump stones but i mean is any amount too many gemstones they're just one to pick up you know i'm gonna sell them anyways uh i like them on the move yes we are i've never been over here before what is over here might as well use the relics tools to just break things a bit ah okay so we're gonna do this puzzle today there we go that's what i can't do ever so i'm just taking advantage of um thank you shield surf jump but right now is a total wind bomb moment rubber legs and where are we going have a nice scouting view that's elevator wait and all honesty where are we going here darn or a little bit of ways of course we are if only we knew where it was we could just instantly get out but i mean it was pretty close wasn't it actually thank you yeah look how easy that made it for us i lost just like that pretty simple i was like half convinced we were gonna get it so uh i'm happy it didn't work out that's like that that's how much we need right can we do this i don't remember if we can oh we can okay that's one easy way to do it oh you kidding me okay yeah it's not very vertical uh well when the alternate routes are just not doing the best for us but they have been fun so i will give it that oh that time of course stop stop stop stop okay there we go that's enough yeah not bad you can crotch cancel uh the recall animation and links shield source into the wall that's good advice i might help uh maybe during some tough fights so thank you yeah of course all the times i try cross canceling like in a pinch it's like those are the things you can't crouch cancel i'm like oh wait but it's okay [Music] yeah so a couple shrines along the way uh i mean there's some that are a bit further so i know we'll probably just get the one by the stable for that 4.2 uh then we'll go into the desert so good thing we have rupees we can buy the set assuming that's needed oh yeah i don't know it's all different i really don't nice water bottle thank you my chica water bottle it just again fits with the outfit [Music] okay where did doe go uh oh yeah on the wall oh he's running into it what was that nay instead of a full nay he did like two first halfs in a row yeah we got the sheik of water aka the liquid that comes out of the the terminals and the shrines that's the sheikah water it's very uh very tasty and gives extra hydration [Music] i don't think there's no i don't know if i should be expecting guardians but oh okay more of like a talus there uh that's the person you could sell a horse to is there anything on these pathways no okay it's actually gonna be calming right i think well that'll be nice i don't think i have to worry about guardians too much maybe i'm excited for what the divine beast holds but i literally have i'm completely in the dark i guess that's why i really enjoy doing relics too i just like i know there's been some stuff released and videos released and stuff but uh i've never seen him before so approach everything i've ever seen in relics has been new to my eyes so i like this i'm excited for the hideout too because uh there's that new type of ego and uh i only saw one of them so far but i know i'll see more okay i didn't want to push those boulders i know the stables like right around the corner so it's like oh okay never mind the guardian comment just be right there he's misfiring those oh he almost did it again before he perished still helpful in case i miss a parry or two but i i do want to get the parries when i can oh no i saw his his line first i mean when a random event happens i i you could just get me you know i mean sir come on ah oh there we go carried the explosion and went back to him he's like okay you get all my business no no bullying he's not even going after me what am i supposed to do oh it does 110 powered up wow oh that's nice it was dirty unpowered up yeah that's that's quite the buff it actually makes it uh fair to use in comparison to the ancient stuff otherwise it wouldn't be a strong person everything so that is nice the guardians like i will destroy you i mean i guess they're trying to destroy just everyone but me right now where'd that guy go did you just spawn well thank you so much uh ojoji for the five i appreciate it also no he didn't go away he's right there i like your drug here taking picture you sell bugs cool i sell everything but just nothing now is he is he doing all right oh oh uh he's done better okay anything special up here i think so more like interesting huh are you you're kidding me we actually missed the parry i huh i'm a little confused actually just a little okay of course it didn't hit the eye let's get close uh yeah he's on the side he doesn't give up okay you need to match his resilience level he didn't go again okay it's always just the legs this guardian remix is pretty awesome ah i feel like that might damage her shield a lot okay this is got a fair fairy at the end not just a lot okay what'd we get no cores but just more parts now it's the cords that we really need that's okay there we go thank you buddy brother for the two dollars getting 120 shrines in breath of the wild nice uh hope that goes well it's it's fun i i think uh it's worth it just for all the hearts and stamina and final rewards always fun so i've done that several times but it's like at this point i've done this shrine so many times all i just want to do is just cheese them which is especially useful in a relics so i'm just using all ancient weapons because like we have so many most of the lynels have been using these so it's like i have plenty okay well six burgers after this that's enough for like three upgrades which is nice also yeah thank you for nearly 300 likes in the stream our goal today is 800 so uh yeah we're we'll definitely hit that because we just are not too long ago we're just about to make it to the desert so we got a long bit of stuff up ahead and yeah thank you everyone for tuning in though yeah i was really excited to finally tackle divine beast because uh well at least get the chance to to see what it's like because i just heard they're really tough uh but we do have the master sword so you know what i don't think we'll struggle too much [Music] this way yeah i don't think i have a good win by opportunity nice maybe we do though nah not with all those pillars let's just we'll just be normal for a hot suck thud but this is fine [Music] just just not quite see what my impatience leads to oh we got a blind but not one is right in front of us of course it's of all this thing is just so slippery when a shield surf or just do any sort of hop look at that just surfing on ancient rock concrete material with ease hmm not bad um we'll use up the long throw actually just one hit with this because it looks cool nice i'll take one of those those are nice especially when they have an attack buff there's a rare instance where i'm solving a shrine pretty much normally isn't that something oh i see i see what i missed i think there's a weapon in here but the shrine stuff's unchanged so it's like it'll be a very base weapon yeah right there in case you want it i think that's a uh a similar i'm not too sure i'm yeah i'm pretty sure it's grew up in it the very least also didn't mention this but i did get a new camera for streaming it looks pretty much the same on stream but it'll avoid some of the little focusing issues we have here and there sometimes it'll get pixely or the lighting will be off so uh the image quality is pretty similar a little better but it's like it's mainly just to prevent any sort of hiccups which i had a pretty cheap webcam before not gonna lie uh or not cheap cheap but you know did the job sort of thing but there's a decent upgrade at least so um yeah so i literally just set it up the other day so i also want to mention uh in terms of streaming and recording stuff this weekend we will be uh actually streaming our next challenge run so we're going to be doing that on twitch like we always do uh it goes from saturday to monday because it's usually like a three day event so it'll be the next themed run and probably the last one for 2021 uh because we'll we'll do some other streams and stuff like that but in terms of the theme runs it'll be the last i mean the year's almost over so uh i guess that makes sense but yeah a twitch link is in the description so feel free to check that out and also discord i put announcement on there yesterday about it so feel free to join and follow both uh what time we're on 2 p.m eastern uh every day all three of the days i like to do my weekend streams earlier to accommodate for my audience across these so and just everyone yeah we're good we got it all into the desert away we go long throws good it's a fast way to remove and keep it far away yes that's all it's good for it's still good use unless it's on the throwing spear uh it means nothing but just uh you know a long throw quite literally yeah that was such a fast sheriff i love this shield so much the only other mark twos we didn't get is the uh the blade saw i heard that one's really nice but i think we need like a din roll chart or something which we don't have okay wow it looks so good in the emulator just the colors are so crisp how long the stream gonna be usually go for about two and a half hours on my uh streams so yeah we're at least doing this so and then whatever else follows long throw equals get this away from me literally that that's all it is to me it's the joke modifier it's funny even the white modifiers are consistently better because there's no long throw at least uh and you can get critical it which is not available uh yellow sadly hello mr beetle do you want my beetles we'll be generous rugged right now vegetable omelet that's an amazing trade oh yeah it's got like that ketchup on it and the the mint leaves and the piece of pepperoni let's that's looking really tasty thank you that'll be some nice breakfast for later oh actually let's talk to him now okay sorry i can't have another beetle just uh what have you got just it's usually stuff we don't need uh he is very zoned out of it she's got the barrel just a suspicious barrel my barrel bring it on hit her shield wait wait i i'm going for the follow-up here perry yeah he got hit me this time come on there we go i love that you can do that you can parry so many things in this game it's really funny also there's a swarm and a horde of electric stuff you were just barely out of my you're a little annoying dude aren't you they're all shocked ones i i don't approve of this but you know what what the hell wait no shotgun shock will not work well stealth what okay somehow somehow the stealth was working i just call that a stroke of fate or something good fate who knows these guys are some of the dumbest lizzles i've seen in my life [Laughter] or maybe it was just like the most tactful positioning i've ever accidentally done uh i don't know you tell me honestly just screw walking we got the real hoverboard [Music] i see but i guess they just spawned right in the edge then ah i just thought my stealth was that good darn but that was kind of funny oh [Music] fresh okay um must have been yeah right in the edge there still neat though also i don't know if it's changed but you can't get the device out until you go to the outskirts of town and talk to the person then go back the memory i don't think we have the memory do we we do don't we might as well get the memory actually let's see when we go back you just was not focusing on memories and there's a guardian and it is a little cold but also angel efficiency is awesome so hi i wish this guy's multi-fired i like going against multiplier more risk what can be a quicker fight then again yeah still not that bad fright time just maul them up a bit nice palms yeah that can never break up regardless of how much damage you have so i guess we were too close yeah it's so pathetic in damage ah but we are very low outside of the viking it's like a different type of uh attack when you're out of stamina and try to do like some sort of cool attack i think it's just fun to see i am freezing to death you're right maybe would be nice to have a little culvert or something also we did that without uh any sort of attack buff that's okay what's this garuda weapon silver rupee it's practical then that's kind of nice oh never mind not nice does that hit just slam against the crate and beat down oh almost fully oh no spit gross we don't do that here we're more uh tech savvy and modern because you know it's an ancient camp because i guess they uh their leader was the cave guardian that is the new lore and i just made it okay um what a single gold cobbler gave me three diamonds that was some nut stuff huh i was like just jaw dropping all right the giant metal boxes are one shots uh which there's not too many i there's some around like the tower though so be fun to try out are you spying however okay that's the normal dialogue yeah we'll we'll get ready and stuff don't worry and we'll get that tower we didn't get that tower either i just want to make it to this part of the desert first uh we'll get that maybe after what oh as well see if if that was a stalker that would that would be something that's for sure well that was a very uh predictive but well well timed i guess it's been just to do like what five damage i don't know the point it just looks cool let's cook a couple things see it's like we're taking very slow damage because we're barely going to be out in bad weather it does hurt come not like this we just have so much i'm like uh i'm not too pressed we're going through pretty fast always uh what do we have for hearty we have these big hearty radishes i just love that you can cook fast so you know we're making those crispy hearty fried greens or whatever i don't know they're good so yeah just a couple of those from the road um we'll leave it for the spot okay um ouch let's go take a nap and uh to cozy in seeing a sneaky guy oh yeah if you need help finding people oh you're who i talk to i just want to take i don't know a nap i don't think there's like the special what makes it so soft uh and crafted from cuckoo feathers that's amazing just revenge to the wait did they just pluck them off them i don't know oh i don't know they got chickens here in the morning so now it's gonna be spicy out cooking was satisfying it is even though it's just like so snappy but it's like huh well cuts the fluff out huh because i mean i i like the streamlining for this it's nice thank you that one guy for the dollar donation much appreciated now we can go up here though ow we're not ow but yeah that's a better route who needs ladders besides this one just looking off to whatever that don't you look at how is that uh all the divine beasts are just you know stationed in their own zones when they can just like tower the whole world and just topple it i always think about that with guardians in hyrule field it's like there's one even outside like one of the stables like they can easily just rampage but it's like they're only after a link and just keeping their ground so i guess how nice of them because people hyrule aren't ready to take on more out of that there we go i do want to dye this one there's a few that i want to die because i just like dying to clothes some of them i keep as is uh i like dyeing the flame burger stuff right away because i'm not a huge fan of the way it looks it just kind of i don't know i always dye it gray because it just takes up some like the weird vibrant colors and then just kind of tones it down uh for that one specific because it's just you know like a clunky astronaut looking set uh i don't know how else to describe it but sometimes it like eliminates the cool color so like the zoro set it looks cool in some other colors but i always kind of prefer the blue uh and yeah there's you know it's it's just customization which i do appreciate but sometimes it overwrites on the cool accents which i don't like so to each drone but of course we always got that though because it looks nice okay um yeah we could go to the shrine this better i swear laser vision quite literally laser uh a little off there bud i'm not worried but i am curious how you're still uh oh not anymore a little blocked off okay just go right into town on a hoverboard there we are forbidden city is entered nice i'm not even gonna question the tech well that's better for me okay well we're really close to the hideout we just wait i need to do that again i'm sorry what was that did we just spring up those stairs ah okay it's it's a one-off sort of thing but those need to what we did i appreciate that most of the cutscenes are rendered in real time in the game because when you have an emulator and you can upscale everything it looks really good the only ones that aren't are like the memories and some others how did you get in here what did i easily mini urbosa is your first time watching one of my streams well welcome uh yeah i noticed a lot of new people today uh so yeah this is just what we do every wednesday relics of the past i think this is stream seven now i wanna say uh but you know we got a lot of good armor weapons uh master sword and first divine beast today so it'll be nice i do like the shield momentum thing it's rolex exclusive but uh it's a nice dodge just when everything gets crazy and you know nice to just shield scoop around okay we will skim this okay yeah then we just go we'd have to talk to a couple select people then we'll just be right there so uh yeah i the only two things i know for sure changed are uh the high doll itself and the divine beast i don't know how um guessing structure they're probably pretty similar just uh i'm not sure if it's gonna focus on stealth still or incorporate a lot of other stuff i'm not sure if coca's gonna be changed uh i'm just not sure the extent i shouldn't say i don't know if it's gonna be changed i just don't know what things specifically or how it's going to change the overall feel uh the grinder are so awesome though like just uh i think this is the first time i've ever been here on a stream where i'm playing just well the p just on my pc where everything looks really good uh because yeah just the lighting the colors like compared to normal breath of all it's not the same but i like this a lot so i'll miss that when the sequel comes up but i i still think the game's very artistic and looks good in sunlight yeah sorry we're just skimming [Music] sorry i'm just really going off okay yeah no we got the right thing it points to the hideout we're good so it is what is your quest oh is it medicinal muldugo did we get i don't think we got one obviously we didn't fight one before uh i don't know if we just like picked up a loose one if there was something i know there's like a thing of guts in like the castle uh hyrule castle i don't know if there are any other ones and just relics i don't know random blue just yeah i can't think back to every single piece of loot i got before um you know yeah we'll do sand seals i was entirely debating something else but hello 20 rupees that's a bargain let's seal the deal just outside talk yep talking in puns that's why link's relatable look at the thunderhelm i should uh also that is a uh that is a royal guard sword that is a lot better than the rusty that's usually there challenge try to put the sword back in the handle [Music] what was that what was the modifier of that 111. that's insane okay [Music] okay look out for more fun stuff i guess because i don't know which bushel uses many puns yes love patricia here oh that that's a rusty i i think it was okay you're you're serious right okay no you can go back out they're a little smart like that also yeah what just happened we lost our way and we're in sandstorm i always have this habit of going so far off course when like you can pretty much see the opening to the valley just by avoiding this dust cloud but no it's there i always have this habit of going way more west into the desert i don't need to okay so did the surprises start now or oh spoke too soon okay well you know screw uh buy clothes we need real clothes and uh this is about as real as it gets i think still the sand seal okay no i think we're pretty fine i guess i'm early offended okay uh that that's a basic guardian how are you messing this up it's like that time where i i guess i was too early but i was too early like not visually like i didn't do the full parry but it was still like two oh well whatever no excuses excuses are dumb is it excuses or uh explainative reasoning who knows uh let's just parry him and we'll have no need for either our parries are so when we get the parry we didn't actually get the parry okay that's that's upsetting hmm i i guess we're i guess we're stop this this is the go right the angle is bad he's got the uphill we use the rock to get around him oh maybe not it's still kind of a bad angle but screw it and that's just me being bad i guess i am early it's like just i'm not that early i'm just early enough i gotta fix that no we can't hit 200 deaths and that was just a single guardian no more funny business was just bad angle that's okay our skills went to waste not bad at the end that was a bit of redemption just got two really good parries after the auto box ah that wasn't the part we should have messed up on but it's okay because we're only going uphill from here quite honestly rip the sand seal though i i will say that and this is helpful rock bad expecting some yigas outside what type i don't know three death story core worth yes easily i don't know the exact cooldown but uh every maybe two seconds yeah i don't know what where oh oh wow unicorn's really working with the guardians now okay nice the hitboxes are still there okay well it's good for one reason because we cooked up lots of this stuff so we should be okay also very happy you got the ancient arrows earlier because a repairing skywatcher no all the way here okay where's it gonna land oh conveniently pretty close okay just nice selection of higher value loot yeah that drop off was really kicking in i was like oh no okay let's watch we keep doing it early no okay oh okay what give a hey rito bow oh that's cool okay but you know more dangerous what oh my wow just right out the side there like i guess we were early but it's like hmm i gotta fix myself quick and that time i was late hmm i don't get it why does the timing feel so tight right now hmm it's not i don't struggle with guardians really besides occasionally huh the timing feels really tight i can't even see like me open the parry like when i get hit there so i'm just a little confused i should get further you're right change that's oh he's back easy it does auto parry but i'm not gonna rely off it all the time because like that just breaks the shield down okay oh input lag that's what's doing it i was so wow like click with the play rod input like that's what's happening right now okay i need to restart my simu uh i'm like i i i know i goof on the parry timing but something just feels so off uh let me just close it right now yeah because hitting the a button supposed to parry instantly not wait a second so let's do that sorry about that i was like i know i'm i know i'm not that bad at parrying why i was like why was i struggling that bad for once a leg excuses true i'm like yeah i just it didn't feel right i know sometimes just like you just have to restart it until it works sometimes it'll be a little input leg a little audio leg uh one of those two or sometimes just like a little stutteriness uh or sometimes with the gyro you just most of the time it runs just fine but sometimes it just doesn't work properly until restart this is fine because it's like we need we need the parry to actually work to actually have a fair a fair challenge i would say it feels like there's this very slight bit but not as much as there was i i don't know if it's my controller i don't know it's it's not what it was maybe i'm just being very analytical right now but it yeah it feels better okay so again we're just going early okay why does it have to be like this like this is fine this is pretty normal even just like when you're playing like on a tv or something like there's always that little bit of delay but it's the fact that parry timing's so precise it's so much harder yeah not the worst okay get the bow get rupees and banana they're close enough his ear gonna spawn yep not this time you go how what even happened there he was scooting squid in a lot i don't know i i really don't know what to say to myself well okay i can say to myself that i am improving yeah just beating him in the grave okay but look at that well we're not dead oh they have ancient bows as long as you don't have like ancient arrows they don't okay we're good okay just really beating him down ow ah they can't hurt me too bad can they not really oh just trickle damage oh he's more than dead this guy is the most killiest guy okay 40 triple yep okay i got the attack up not bad not too awful there we go it is save time i'm ready for this hideout soon six whoa 64 times two that's impressive okay i do like that i don't care we're just using durability we have plenty of arrows and bows i know which one it is i just want to see if there's anything different there's the bats yep demon carver i like my demon carver they just look cool okay silver okay so yeah 30 arrow bundle neat star fragment okay so this is uh very worth to do good rewards before probably a hard challenge i'm not sure if it's even gonna be stealth based i really don't know not just where i am with this not good enough oh my bats i know i'm using ancient stuff but it's like ah i know i'll get more i'm just a little reckless with it but that's fine plus we have a master sword when we need it okay oh saved we're good is it the same of course it's not banana whatever beats dying just gonna crush it with my foot okay thunderhome yeah what huh wait what are you doing we didn't get caught was there like that's not it inquisitor oh no uh it's shocking the other guy this is just doesn't seem good right now i okay what got us did he okay uh that happened too soon after i paused it we got hit by something whatever that something was it was something it sure was oh that was a lot so there's stealth and then whatever just happened there okay well it's an all-in-one sort of thing it beats anything else that could happen whatever might as well they're they're actually pretty weak wait i don't know if this sounds any sort of alarm it does still okay so there's stealth and not stealth oh uh well lucky that wasn't me right just bouncing around the shield and this is out of range i am by a lot oh okay he's off this is my hill king of the hill oh oh yeah maybe this is a good time to talk okay i'm keeping my distance because that seems a bit safe for this okay what type are you um not a good type that's for sure well we got it but also not so we cleared the vanilla part i guess so is it a one shot how is this working i don't know am i inclined to actually go down there and figure it out oh no uh you know what let's hit him with a little funny business because i know i can't parry elemental stuff so uh this seems safer okay i think he's elemental immune just based off that well that's something we yeah that was only okay well he's dead and we didn't get hit so i feel like that's the way to do it just bait them yeah the bait seemed pretty effective okay more fitting relics reward for that also is there still banana yes there is banana thy strength oh okay good something sees me i don't think they're supposed to be anything that sees me you know what okay you win [Music] back to this or back to the damaged one rather we cannot am i enjoying this version of the world i really do enjoy it although this stuff does uh ah wow it can be very tricky sometimes i see interesting i hear lizzles too is this how you're supposed to do it okay uh yep that's a moblin i don't know if he was going to see me if i just walked across but oh well i know we did an okay thing there he he will not know what hit him watch this uh out after i know what i'm doing okay uh no that's my mark two spear no that's my mark ii uh i want it back i want it back uh okay you have a better edge than i thought on me stop no get out of the kill pit stop give me my damn spear back this is not good this is i just want my spirit back look you can you can do whatever doesn't mean you should cannon shoulder different words and have different meanings uh but i'm just going for the spear so also i know there's archers and there's a lot of things and okay he's still going the same way oh come on we were right there why was he was waiting he he knew how valuable that was ah it's okay round two we're good just don't don't do dumb stuff we we could easily done something to not get jabbed there but we got jabbed it's okay thank you eric by the way for the two dollars how do you get rolex to the past all the mod info is in the description actually so feel free to check that out and uh yeah there we go it keeps happening oh that was a one shot we're good just let the shield bouncy do the work we gotta go for the bait or rather we create the bait and that kind of does the trick what in the world was that oh i don't even know that was pretty funny that's what that was don't know if i want to repeat that's some powerful lightning that's some really powerful lightning okay let's deal with them secondary is designed to not be stealth that makes sense okay well that's that's more that's more of a fine way of doing it just at this point we're just going for it this is funny too i need to see this again that's kind of fantastic ah that's against what i was intending on uh that no i think the region stopped itself honestly whatever someone's uh jamming well he's gone no strictly that he he is gone that's fine you know what loose stuff we can get later uh because if we get it now and spend the time on it and then we die later it's like that wasn't worth it and i want everything to be worth it you know what it's a quick way of doing that why we did that earlier i was just trying to get out of line of sight they're shock proof uh this one's really trying to get the spirit we have arrows uh let's use arrows that'll be nice of these varieties of course hey this doesn't have a horn that's not enough time is it are we gonna do this oh i can't jump off the whales hoping come on i am stuck like this wait no i'm not oh of course i'm not what am i even thinking no just come come closer or you know what stay distant why not no oh stop okay he's finished he's not a threat anymore he's in debt uh life done okay we gotta disintegrate this guy just with the most op strategy possible doesn't do as much damage as i hoped he definitely has a very uh loud horn that will just alert everyone oh never mind well i guess we'll just lay like two more shots into him and then go from there uh let's make sure we don't have a wing cleaver guy uh that is a lot of wing cleaver guys just spin attack you died in the banana room okay so it seems like the first part's really just uh we should breathe through it because this is the part that we're actually gonna be stumped on so let's not worry about everything we do everything we do up until then is irrelevant and what is relevant is actually getting to the second part and instead of even trying stealth let's just slaughter immediately also nice do your magic okay you're fine well you lock yourself in there so uh i don't know yep maybe this doesn't mean just more spawn honestly not quite too sure uh i guess the timing was all right there is mr spear what got us just an arrow just an arrow wow thank you logan for the two when in doubt use a bomb to get out uh not not bad advice is that already 200 that is okay 200 yay so i'd say we take care of him i guess i think it's gonna come for us until we uh it just tracked me around the corner that's not fair um we are toast ah offense is the best defense it is and that's what we need okay let's eat the food before we save or next time we'll eat food first then save again i'm just going for it i don't care it's whatever works and this works that works so we're just doing it so what happened last time i don't think we killed him but he just stopped coming for us the best offense is a good offense yeah so this needs to be good that was a nice follow-up but look sadly that was not an actual uh stealth strike what what okay three so three sets that's a takeaway here so we're gonna go in the past area just for more room maybe i don't know it's just a little less threatening and we have this nice handy area only the ego falls here and not everything else oh well yeah yiga following is not always the best idea because you see they are pretty tough and uh how we like to go about this is i like giving them the shock treatment that was kind of nice though oh you get away sir okay take care of these guys yeah get rid of the guaranteed one shot guys and then well we're still gonna go against uh one shot guys but not gonna give the ego the satisfaction here we just kind of want ham oh no okay god come on it wasn't flooring there we go okay good we at least did that [Music] well nice can't save okay uh if we can make it to the end though yeah if we make it to the end we can at least save and i think that's good excuse you get together was honestly a good strategy there still is well no we got done a lot of things just not don't get alerted by all the enemies oh wait no we don't have them okay so what we need right now okay [Music] x y x the hour would be useful here yeah the instant bowl time that's true thank you krookie for the two we're just trying to avoid that one shot i say when you blow your horn that's a good opportunity to go on i don't want to use a spell more uh it's very good but also no abuse that's perfect we accidentally won the wall okay get out of here you get out we were stuck on that oh okay save point where's the save point fairy that is so nice and cooking stuff that is wow legendary diamond okay that was pretty nice i really had to do tactful positioning every time i'm in a position where i can't save it's like i'm i'm gonna try to figure out get to that point while making just the enough progress necessary but also going back so i can do it in chunks i'm just hoping this is the case here uh okay part of me says that we will get messed up and i should cook something that's just really strong right now just to give extra potency for whatever sadly we don't have other hearty foods do we party salmon hearty anything no we're not doing good on that so i just say we eat the number one hearty food we got just for those extra bits of life because that may save us well i don't know what to expect here but also do we get the save point if we clear out everything here i just don't like dealing with archers he's quite dead oh i see okay you're just kind of chilling up there aren't you not anymore do something okay good i don't care i can't mess around right now there's still the inquisitor i think loose nice parts by the way uh thank you there's his stuff okay um all right well it's gonna be good are you guys ready for uh koga or whoever is gonna be beyond that door or whatever it's gonna be i would like something simple but simple is not always the case also an ancient core i don't know where that came from but thank you yes the secret loot room is always really nice was just like laying there just as is oh wow okay they know me well do you know i like weapons i do indeed also oh we had the fourth page because uh the master sword took up a slot so that's probably why i just that 60 that's fine [Music] 300 rupees there's three chests this time oh it's under the big barrel that makes sense 100 100 arrows rupee that's good stuff we're going to kick his tail we sure are so oh to see sue go there we go i love suga also i didn't realize this was here until not too long ago oh it's a star fragment that's i think that's different from what it normally is though oh nice okay that's almost perfect distance away i'm going all or nothing i really hope it goes well so we don't have to do this all over again uh yeah this is not gonna be like yeah welcome to everyone tuning in we just cleared this out hopefully we don't have to again hopefully we hit that save point but uh we're going to the koga room thank you for teleporting away you are very very nice you're a very nice man we are getting away i am not dealing with that right now i'm sorry we killed him before in dollars what one funny timing for a spawn okay what are we dealing with here at least we killed everything i think it's a sugar right colgate okay i guess see how skeleton spawn in there thank you cassie so much for the ten uh you're afk for my uh 100th death 200th and my 200th uh well here's for 300 no i don't want to hit that high uh but i can't guarantee it it's okay it happens uh they're not the best milestones to look forward to but it happens but thank you so much it was the last stream in the first room that's like 75 percent of our total deaths across the series because the double lionel fight was i mean it was practice so i was just kind of going ham but also yeah deaths okay [Music] of course oh like no we can save okay and it's a blood moon or is it just turning red it's a blood moon okay there was no time to engage this is more so a process moment oh this is certainly something coke is not difficult but i do want to take care of him because he's like you no do not get me in the cutscene that's not fair allowed i guess but not fair oh you gotta actually kill them still the normal ways uh we might yeah we'll probably die yes okay well that's one way to do it i think we can power through those phases [Music] what's going on with them yep okay god [Music] right now there's just distractions coca first he brought his bodyguards and his pets wow the fight was actually like this okay no i saw it coming i just didn't want it to happen then we just got barreled around his friends aren't doing anything they're still look at all that okay woolies are on there hmm lionel could jump down the hole just bait all the enemies into that pet so for a same fate as koga or everything's in the cutscene view i actually found a way to make koga vaguely difficult put a bunch of other stuff but the weapons do the trick don't die in the cutscene though i think it auto saves after this but i know for sure that yeah we can save now because the boss i mean we could but i'm not sure if it was gonna work properly i don't know i just feel more confident right now because obviously the meatiest enemies out of the way okay they're camping the chest actually i want to open the chest first but guess who's camping it they just like beam that stuff around and we're safe well it is a single lynel so i think we're okay well what are we gonna use i i say we go with spear tactics do we have we really don't do we oh we just got this night out this feels appropriate to use oh whoa no bad okay i was so i was trying to go under the legs again no no more okay well this might allow the window to get that helmet yeah that should be an autosave or if not that works ah that did hurt thank you bunny brother for the two dollars you did the dlc for breath of all nice hope you like that it is fun i love champion spelled especially when quizzers are gone which is excellent okay no don't that sound cool that is so uncool he did four in a row uh you can't you can't counter that there is still yeah imagine if there's a secret cave in hole hoping for the sequel so anything's possible also enough inquisitors are back that wasn't cool i kinda wanna try it again does this kill the inquisitors nope not anymore i guess just sometimes he went away too random measures so we're probably going to die because lionel has bow and also it's got a blood moon which is whatever okay you know with that stasis does does it actually stop the i guess that's fair this close okay so most of this is spent just loading what no well that kind of works so i think this is more of a fair fight here it can go in any direction though you can't you can't flurry that you can't you've never been able to flurry that that was the most like boring like two minutes i think i've done just because all that fight was was falling into a pit and waiting for the cutscenes and waiting for the bull blood moon die for all i care okay it's whatever it's just when you play something for so long and then you just the fatigue of it of like doing the same thing okay we're doing something good shock i can't focus i really can't yeah my focus is just okay well we did discover that he blocks the lightning so i saw him doing i was like okay yeah just let me jump out of the way and i was not fast enough with those inputs okay i have days like that all the time yeah it happens smack him in the butt he's going to spin move so let's spin ourselves out of the way we knocking down pretty well again do you see what i mean underestimating the range of a attack that i know very well throw them in the pet just pick them up just where's my golden gauntlets here okay you want to hit me shock this that's an easy one to parry that could have been very bad [Laughter] the co-op though okay you just get that good rhythm it's just the hard part is like almost always the one shot because whenever you get an advantage with the fairy like you chew that up and then you die past like that save so it's like you're almost always at one shot so it's like yeah what is the name of the phenomenon where it just gets harder and harder the more you do something where you think you should be getting better i don't know the name but breath of the wild and especially relics brings that out the most with me they got burnt up pretty bad though right we gotta use good strats here he went to a charge after that i feel like i don't see that when i'm point blake enough to predict that we'll be here for the 10 000 stuff i guess we'll see nope nice okay bit of timing but a lock [Music] shhh the fight got better as it went at least i don't know what happened but it got better and the real challenge is going to be the divine beast that's that's some good warm up i don't know what to do in situations like that i really don't the universe is working in my favor it's like don't stress yourself out on this you got something bigger coming up so you know what at least that final goal is going a bit better uh i don't know that's fair i i don't like backing onto fights ever i just heard a ego spawn i think but i don't know oh well went outside the culling area added to fix the blood moons causing them to spawn i see interesting well i guess it was good practice because we got koga ultimately uh and technically we killed the inquisitor dude before uh also thank you old gamer for the twenty dollars uh congratulations now it's time to kick thunder blight's tail yes uh that's okay thunderblade's like in the base breath of the wild which is something i'm actually a bit better at than this surprisingly uh you know like breathable by itself isn't the hardest game ever like i've obviously masterminded difficulty but out of all these boss fights like thunderblade's still at one boss that'll always just he just always has that bite to him that just like there's something i always mess up like regardless of how many times i fight him across how many runs like it just i'll always mess up a thunderblade with the exception of like rare occasions like i think of the drill shaft run was like the only run where we didn't die to thunderblade maybe one more uh but he just i mean it's always on master mode too so that doesn't help but still that's just space thunder blight too whatever's going to be in this divine beast i'm not ready for the riddle or the the rejuve battle hasn't changes oh boy ah yeah speaking of drill shot that was fun though i know that was overdue but we did it uh it fit well for 150k video and uh thank you to everyone who got the pins by the way i decided to make a bunch because it's like i know i got requests from but uh i actually have them right here they're the drill shaft pins uh it's in the packaging but it's right there it's a golden one we still have some for sale it is limited so uh if you do want to check them out it should be in the merch shelf uh just selling out until you know i sell out pretty much uh there's there's still a few left though so feel free to check those out i didn't say anything about that since but uh yeah that was a fun run to do drill shaft we still have the one uh not the best in relics but hey we uh we would have more deaths if we didn't have the drill shaft you just got yours it's awesome awesome yeah i have mine on my backpack and it fits nice should be called legend zelda breath of the kaizo it it's very kaizo it's a something about this okay sounds good judgment well yeah we don't have anything shock proof uh but i just this age refresh is gonna do well and so is this sword yes uh that was a random find i wasn't playing going up here i don't know what we have that uh also drop i don't really need the boomerang but we have the spot for it it is a 72 okay i'm excited i just say we uh go on over [Music] and i'm not gonna waste time i really want to check out what's up ahead but also attack food do we need to prioritize that we did get a bunch of bananas i'm guessing that's what that cooking pot was for that we didn't do anything about boiler guards i guess there's a lot of goodies you can find maybe i'm foolish for skipping at all right now it's a long throw which is yucky but also i decided that i don't need to cook stuff with dragon horns it is helpful for the 30 minute boost but uh having these uh well having a level three both with just four ingredients it makes uh a ten minute so the duration's drastically buffed as is so not worth farming out dragon horns because this usually would be like what three four minutes uh let's do two more i find some thistles on mixing one thistle instead of the banana to you know because that's the minimum amount the banana extra banana is a little overkill but we have plenty okay also i'm pretty sure this is the only set in the game uh that's you can buy that's died already because this one's dyed white i'm pretty sure they're all undyed besides that one pretty sure at least i just think that's cool i'm loving the content gameplay on the channel glad to finally make it to his stream well happy you made it too cause uh we're in for one hell of a part right now we are about to take down the boris and whatever is different about it in this so i'm excited and welcome and welcome to all you tuning in uh we have just over 550 likes in the stream and our goal today is 800 so if you guys could help out i think we'll hit it by the end and i appreciate it too so we're good i could restock fairies but like see here's a conundrum i'm in well i would just burn through them you know what no screw it there's a ferry fountain we can do armor upgrades and we can restock fairies that is good advice i'm gonna stop taking the quick dumb thoughts that i have and actually take good advice that'll last me the long run can't rush it so we are rushing it just give me a second also i know sand seal is a bit slow when it's a wild one and that is a guardian in the desert my goal is a fairy fountain right now but i don't have a way around this goal so we are gonna have to tackle it that was a lot you just blew up all your friends but thank you actually i i couldn't do a parry because they're hitting my shield at the same time they're no they're human shielding for me which i actually don't need right now you are doing extra work that is not helpful but thank you i guess oh that's good okay two three and the leg in there oh no yep okay good let him burn up and die roasted hydromelon nice that's good okay i think i see e4 over there i want it in case anything bad happens wait actually no there's a better way to do this just just stop for a second okay good good good i don't know i'm using my demon carver but i am it's just cool i like carving through these enemies so carved through oh we don't have attack buff which usually is pretty helpful but oh my god ah it's spotted well i have a second to thank might as well do something weak because it's like i'm quicker by a tad okay this isn't being fast with this [Music] go for the bomb go for the bomb i forgot how that works ow okay rude i think he's pretty basic though oh we cannot hit the belly right now you're gonna be deprived of that for a second at least it's weak yeah a lot of those overworld enemies are not very much changed which is good for this i will say that we need multiple guts so music is vibe yes hell bread uh that could be good actually or okay at the very least so let's sorry demon carver this guy watcher action i think we lost uh our loot there is whole pack animals of these guys okay well we know where we're going it just passes camp and this is just as fast as like the slow stance seals guardian out run you know we aren't doing it it's a full run we are going fast muldugo versus guardian this is going good right you are so fast actually hit me yeah good get that buffer good no invisible wall got us that is the worst way to go out an invisible wall stopping us i'm just like oh well that ruined my whole plan uh i guess we're yeah we're more east than i thought we were at least yeah i'll say about arbiters at least he won't be a threat but still there's been more warranted deaths than that that wasn't amongst the most warranted of the bunch it was the wall it got me imagine that okay we're good we can tell we're back after this a little more back to grudo time because also i realized i can do a couple heart upgrades which will be good we can do at least three so it's just past this skeleton camp this is just annoying and they're all gold archers that's a lot oh wow surprisingly pretty good shots luckily that wasn't me though there we go we desperately need those fairies and some armor upgrades and yeah that's a one two three and a four oh there we go if boarding the beast is hard uh i wanna make sure i'm fully stocked up here come on come on fairy get down okay that works risky but works okay this is what i call the fairy plunge okay good yeah i haven't noticed that the whole desert is now filled with death it is filled with death uh lots and lots there you go imagine if i didn't have the rupees that would suck i didn't even check to be fair we should have enough release some uh at least one possibly two and possibly maybe three um okay nice water bottle thank you i get tons of compliments about the water bottle uh because it looks nice uh it was my girlfriend who made it for me and i wish that they sold stuff like this like i don't know like i really do appreciate like even just going to stores and seeing like uh zelda merchandise like i used to always just love uh especially even times just like i remember like going to target as a kid just like seeing like the few like zelda items they would have though they would rotate every few months like i don't know i always appreciate stuff like that and like i wish i saw more breath of the wild merch honestly so uh besides creating your own stuff it just like i wish there was more cool stuff out there honestly but there's there's still some nice stuff mainly in the shirt department though so i have like two breath of the wild shirts and a hoodie yeah gotta get that zelda swag okay so we have enough for one that's five cores that's a lot but uh that is a heart and a half it'll save why am i doing a helmet i don't know at least we know what we need uh seven more cores no everything else we do won't be as good well good for a little bit good for the fairies because hopefully it should save us from from someone shots so just extra armor is good okay the more chords we get the better and those sculpts are good you know what uh there's a lot of scouts inside divine beasts and the scouts usually drop a chord each so uh after this divine beast we can i'm just guessing assuming the skulls are still there the current solution well this is the current solution for me you just go like bop bop and then skip or not come on top of the gear though that's fun i don't know what happened there yeah i'm something's happening i'm doing a pretty awkward angle aren't i i'm just this is very vertical to go for a win bomb at least more than what i'm used to let's uh give ourselves a little slack just because if it does work if that's so vertical for me just do the shrine yeah i don't blame you i know that is possible just yeah [Music] okay that way that way and that way this is a fun shrine i love the electric theme shrines a lot i just think they're neat i needed that cutscene very important oh my god i was trying to like wall jump off that and go up there i've been playing too much hollow knight recently so i'm just like trying to wall jump around and like oh oh boy let me stop i think that part's funny nice okay that was uh not a mistake we make the gun we got shocked too oh no no uh i'm actually gonna eat in a shrine i really am okay got the walking parry just just barely but it didn't work wait oh well that batch was kind of nice yeah you know what that's good we're just gonna use the the bash that it has also there is that thingy wait i don't really know how this works again what did it hit his current it did okay let me just let me just not for a second i'm just gonna deliberately pass a trust i'm like no how convenient actually i was like no that's actually something good there's actually to do it here okay let me stop momentarily stop this is the base vanilla shrine i'm just okay let's go through here and then see we're good we know what we're doing we know how to play this game kind of oh that was a nice little pop-up tony hawk pro skater moment gold rupee yes this is a good shrine for luth so one of the few good ones that's actually viable in relics i would say what was that one again you need uh crank them and then you gotta move it over or oh yeah yeah i got into this part don't you i remember this that you go like wait it wasn't moving huh yeah i didn't see it move the way i wanted to at least we go that's what we need to do yeah just a little bit that's okay let's get the right thing done this is going to catch boom noise and just kind of slaps on weird seeing me do a shrine regular i know just these few i guess the ones that are a bit hard to just skip over [Music] yeah i guess after so much playing breath of all the regular it's like i'm just all used to either doing modded or doing skips or challenge runs so but there we go seven spirit orbs let's warp back to town because like that's even closer to where we need to be uh while we're in town we'll just nab three heart upgrades i missed the chest that's fine uh i know those are the best two chests in there i don't know what the other one was but probably grotto weapon maybe okay i love the fairy music at least we have the third fountain in lock so we can do upgrades whenever uh are you too late not at all uh we're actually just about to go to uh boris so i'm excited uh welcome to everyone still tuning in actually about like a little over two hours two and a quarter into this so yeah this will be our final objective for today [Music] think that's the eager noise again i'm sure while's going off happens i think that's just the golden bow when this was changed royal though okay that was changed i know some of these theme weapons just because the theme runs be dead so there you go posture among us yes just hidden that's what took the thunder helm that's one you see that's the thing i i can never just have one heart in the new row i gotta always have at least two because just that one it's like no there's gotta be more so we stopped at 15 i'm just like okay and then we do stamina upgrades we're going to do it all five at once uh just because i like the even circles so just when i can obviously go okay now we're going to be going and this way i attended college or high school uh not high school i just turned 22 actually uh the other week so i took some classes like before quarantine uh but then haven't since so um let's go up here and yeah we didn't need the same seal that was a lot quicker than any sort of steel mission we could have been on because we'll we'll get a seal so happy later birthday thank you i also just want to ask you guys has my camera bring good this stream because it's my first stream with a new camera should look kind of similar it just ideally should cut out some of the uh sometimes there's a bit of blurriness that happens or just like it gets a little hazy or the background shows uh so i don't know if there's been anything like that any skipping or anything just let me know because that's stuff i wouldn't catch right away yeah this is the final part thank you for over 600 likes in the stream by the way uh 200 from the goal i don't know why 800 always been just like the like gold number just like ah that just felt like a good number uh there we go it's another webcam it's uh it's elgato's new webcam they just came out with one and i i already used a few elegant products like my capture card and uh some of my lights so those are both elgato i think oh yeah and i have a stream duck so they're just they're nice products you pay a bit more for them for the smaller stuff but it's it's pretty reliable i've i've had some other stuff for years and it's nice and it's specifically appeals and targeted to like people stream and stuff so yeah go there we go enough of this let's try to get through whatever's up ahead these graphics are good i i really love uh just how much more colorful and vibrant huh this is and you can just see things better the black little bring things out more okay so ideally uh we would go duplex bow because you would have to hit the things at least twice uh i don't know how different it no are you you're you're kidding me right we can't stop i guess so can't save right now keep the fight we got one perry okay here we go might as well uh we're not having him mess with me and there's no shock yet so where's mr seal mr seal's over here okay perfect well he's not going to be an issue at least and yeah armor will be nice very much so anything we got 42 armor so that is ten and a half hearts uh it'll walk out of course there's guardians the shield's doing a lot of work for us which i'm okay okay with uh there we go that's that's okay let the shield do some work let me do some work too i don't want my shield to take all the beating but yeah i'm guessing this is the way to do it just kind of slow slow my way through crap now we gotta stay in i wonder if thunder properties are blocking here okay little bam bam i guess you can just stand still huh well we're chasing them for this final one at least okay i'm happy i noticed a circle i didn't know it for like so long honestly circle pulls in on me and it's like right yep i see another boris please yes okay we got it okay well uh that was just a lot but uh he kind of was you know in our well in our way see you have to stop can you just use that strategy just for the base i mean i kind of did that before but it was like i was i was just stopping for a little bit than going uh i don't know maybe just the pathing was good but we got those first couple of guys i'm just like okay so that wasn't bad because yeah otherwise just would have been out running uh but they're way faster than us so okay let's find it this is like my favorite cutscenes it looks so amazing unfortunately i'm just fussy with this oh look at that i have no choice but indiana jones temple vibes okay well no doubts but those are trying to get past okay boris it is my favorite divine beast then honestly yeah uh just out of the five even the boss it's like it's gotta be one of my favorite zelda bosses still too like thunderblade i know people complain about the blights for all looking so similar but it's like if we just look at them as all individual fights and designs compared to other zelda fights it's gotta be one of my favorites i love thunderbite a lot it's always a stiff challenge and very enjoyable look at that a sky watcher oh boy well well well divine beast first one i'm not sure if her boss's furious change it might be because it's only 150 damage like a shock thing uh but some things take more like guardians stick like 500. that is a fire shed lizalfos and a turret and uh hello gold moblin uh with wood bow um forrest bow it's locked okay what wait you guys weren't in the promo uh oh yeah these really are hard aren't they how did rolex in the past make their logo looks pretty legit it does look really cool who's responsible for that as i just follow it is a really cool logo sorry i i need to actually get prepared and equipped uh yeah we have attack boost ah we're resisting it okay these are dumb dust i'm assessing situation right now okay you get off and he doesn't see us that's good i think we'll get a core from this guy so it's only a 40. we have better ones and the ancients yeah but nice last hit that's always satisfying double core okay we can get that next armor upgrade so when these guys are on fire uh they heal damage also this is going to be really good yeah this is why you want to start using the sword because assuming durability is unchanged we got 188 hits off that thing we can use so we'll make good use of it what do we drop wing cleavers are so neat i love throwing them and watching them like go straight for a bit i like how when clues can do that i will always point that out because i just think it's cool even though it does almost nothing it's cool we'll see you after every fight oh i didn't see the lynel it's a silver but it's a lionel still [Music] um where's our weekend one i should probably have this sorted there we go don't pull your bow no you want to put that i know there is a fairy okay we broke our shield we're not we're not dealing with that i'm sorry when they have the boa that's like okay i'm not i'm not doing anything so bombs i say get a war shield my analog was definitely not in the right direction for what it was worth yeah the master just went powered up it's really powerfulness so so we're going to use that and let's get powered up for the situation let's get that sorted up and let's get i need highlighting let's just get disposable shields the attack's different and interesting if we get under i think we should be fine that's totally my bad i oh he's not actually that bad at all yeah he's kind of like a normal enemy that just took away a ferry yeah no ancient narrow funny business we just have honestly like i hate throwing away good weapons but we have so many of these like it's just like a plethora of unneeded just everything it's going with a 45 that turrets run me the wrong way he's a multi-shot okay that's the bomb guy that's who kind of messed us up last time thank you uh look so using the bombings are good uh kind of warding them off for their posts [Applause] okay literally uh it works pretty well okay okay um situation assessment time that's what i came up with and that wasn't the worst plan because we got cover from that oh we're using bombs against the fire shed enemy how smart of me yeah fire heals these guys so there's only one way to do this and i apologize but i'm an opportunist you see no wait get get in your cave okay no not yet just like that okay well that had to be done uh he's not done for where are you oh what the bye-bye okay you're off so he's dealt with uh there we go we got it five ancient arrows okay we gotta get these divine beasts chess yeah the good thing is like the bombs themselves were doing too much damage to us to just the arrow impact that i was worrying about um there we go that's the one way we could possibly get him down assuming he falls the right way okay no jukebook oh there we go he is nothing but toast now just batting around instant okay 30 30 bomb arrows aha now it's guardian time isn't it how many does it take well now we kind of messed that up but perfect so it's just five arrows assuming yeah that's very powerful you know we're going with all really good stuff but ah better than getting bonked there okay let's use ancient against the ancient enemy and what better way to do it than with uh um we got that's crispy oh the strongest one from my arsenal but it is one of the coolest so there we go plus plus yeah it's a good exchange for parts and we get that core and that's blocked off oh what do you mean what do you mean ice keys no oh i remember you this yeah this is not the ideal weapon it's it's a has the interesting hitbox though it is an ice key spawner that is awful and then that this one's for you ice cubes and still that one and so is that one we'll just switch between back and forth to and throw well that wasn't too bad and we got replenishments for very good ancient stuff that's durability much needed oh there's the eye good yeah it is so unique i love how uh just anything come out of anything oh come on last second it's okay what was i doing what was my thought process there really it's okay back i should have just took in the plunge but no peace of mind okay let's get terminal and i guess the outs let's use that ancient shield just for that surfing and yeah rolex of the past i'm doing a master mode but uh i was talking uh i was talking a shadow earlier but there's technically four different modes you can play relics on you can do just normal mode master mode uh normal mode with max scaling like it's like the plus version or mastermind with max scaling from the bat so it just like kind of emulates late game but just right away uh i don't have that on i just have normal master mode i i think it's just called plus i forgot the exact terminology for this but yeah so you could have it so the scaling just maxes out right away so the world's really crazy um but i don't have that i wanted to be more gradual new game plus okay i just was like it had plus in there okay whenever see the red stuff i'm like blood moon okay so i think this will be pretty straightforward i have done this so many times uh i've literally lost count it's running at 30 frames i prefer playing in 30 frames because that's just what i'm used to i i personally like game playing games in 30 frames because i just like how it retains the cinematic aspects a lot so uh and plus uh playing 60 frames from the animations are like i think it means just like some of the regular physics are slightly changed because those were for according to my knowledge just like based on the frame rate a bit uh it's sort of like how if you change like the frame rate on like ocarina of time withdraws mass when the enemies move faster so it it's something like that um let's actually look [Music] it's so funny looking that's one let's see the other interior one i am so bad i'm abusing just this really fun thing yeah there was a skywatcher i just don't i'm i don't like pairing them that's why i say my ancient arrows for always maybe that wasn't the best definitely wasn't that worked okay um so let me refresh myself which way was it again [Music] i'm gonna keep turning it till i get it right and i think it was a scoop yes what is this i don't know it's long gone now though usually i do a shield surf hop but i'm gonna overshoot it so that works don't wanna like skid off it there are three three terminals i do want to check out some of these chests because and there was a one that was different i can't even hear it i i don't know what i was doing i can't hear the beep beeps that just makes it really hard it is being still for me yeah i don't like no skill waiting for it but i got the sound so it was a bit tricky for me [Music] [Music] there we go yeah i don't if i need a load of trust difference i usually don't focus on them too much and this one i like never grab but that's probably different maybe still good still very good okay i don't remember how to get in there but yeah there is like the optional next segment maybe we can do that i think you have to just [Music] i don't feel about the top or the bottom i think it just if it's powered at the top right i don't know if it's a special position [Music] yeah i think this is right look at all the move in unison there's another chest there i don't know if i've ever gotten all the justin divine beasts before because it i don't know if there's an indicator uh okay yeah it is who cares ah stealth complete and it's i'm not sure what this actually i forgot what it was crap but here it is 100 arrows that's very good i'm happy we came in here oh wait ready for this basketball no no i want to get it yeah wait again we only have a small sliver we did it the first time screw it we're fine i just want to make it through [Music] like that we whoa we did some uh magic work there that was really good talk about divine beast parkour it's an agent well we were in need of that so yay uh [Music] let's keep doing this about spin city i love long spins no messed up spin city okay um good that's really good that that and then just like that go like that oh i don't need to because it's not even full yet on that end good stuff and we're up with that bye-bye oh there's like the skull camp stone there um oh there's okay those guys that was there i saw some chests though and maybe that'll be kind of neat to have what's the thought what is that okay the hole it's one of two let's break all this open yeah i could use this loot um why not right there's just skeletons in here we need skeletons in the basement we can have them in the attic uh okay i don't need bones so where was the chest it was on one of these aha i was mainly susable oh well okay that one's not too different looks like oh that's where we are that wasn't good wait a second i wonder if we get them through here you have a lot of hit points uh this calls for a plan b come close to the door because i think the door can open yeah but that's just a lot to get through with but i'm pretty sure we killed those guys the door will open for us but let's just take the normal way here so i'll be finally able to catch a stream you love the zorro only run thank you the zorro run was a lot of fun uh all all theme runs are always a blast so glad you enjoyed it though yeah we're doing a new theme from this weekend i announced it earlier uh but we're gonna be doing that on our twitch that'll be saturday through monday so feel free to follow there if you're not uh already because that's where we do our theme runs that was pretty good i hear you go oh no i'm enjoying this a little bit of chillness right now though like it was just a lot of crazy so of course it's one of you you don't even have a head shot i just kind of now realize that for some reason or fully got a chance to at least was that it he just had a little fight in him damn inquisitors well that works right okay well now we're going in that and mess them up actually you might as well screw it couple yeah whatever hit just takes a noticeable notch off it's satisfying oh he's under the spin attack he was wasn't he okay what are we getting rid of uh i like leaf i don't like that uh i don't need another meteor rod boom boom wait you are get rid of sort of thing somebody's safe it's gonna get me that was really good and finish off with that what a quick combo to die from so long um and we have our three elemental swords sorry long throw although i do like the moonlight um so many chorus that's two from that okay you definitely in our next stream i'm not sure what we're gonna do next wednesday for this uh we could tackle another divine beast or do something else entirely uh i don't know yet but we'll definitely do those upgrades because that'll be nice let's actually do this so i just realized um what's here oh my bad put that there and then let's go like there we go a little shock trap why not that's a fun way of doing it if it's there it's there so yeah the malta hits really nice oh what the oh oh my okay uh you weren't supposed to be here what are you also what was that i don't know that is a freaky moblin it's like a barbarian melis well that works right it's worth something isn't it okay oh what are you you're dead at least but that was freaky whoa this skeleton comes to life that's kind of neat that's no that's really neat wow world guard shield okay wow malice moblin okay it was nothing like the malice of zolfos those were so cool like i like just like the sort of like barbarian s clothes that has on that was so neat that was that was okay a very surprising and awesome challenge a little challenge there mel smablin yeah thank you karaoke for the two one mel's problem it is very neat i i like that he didn't punish me too hard there i was like crap okay time for the cranks and then just all the way to almost the end and then you push back the other way and it's kind of locks into place more that came from oh no also i did not say this yet uh sorry but uh in terms of mods for the streams uh platinum is actually new uh they actually mod on the discord you scott uh so yeah welcome um i appreciate the help i know we just talked about the other day and stuff so thank you i know you're normally in here too so whoosh might need to nerf the ancient armor you never use it yourself that's fair i i would be fine with that i'm just using that because it's like my early game sort of like crutch a little bit but [Music] because the 80 is it is pretty opie it just like you know the times we're just kind of rampaging through things it makes it a little more trivial than it could be so i get that this way okay i might have another chest or two but we got a good majority of them and i want to say we're good honestly we'll just spin everything back to normal positioning save up and see what thunderblade's about in this so i'm pretty excited very nice that's what that ding ding was for whoa impressive thank you another one that's a freebie huh and another one oh that's attack jackpots i don't know if that's going to be good against thunderblight uh because he's a boss and he'll take elemental but okay sorry boomerang you served me well by that i mean did nothing but thank you for being there for me um wow that's pretty awesome you know what selfie with this we got the sword on like the third stream but still have it so mainly just for like sneak strikes but i think we're gonna go master sword you know i don't know what to expect i really don't uh but ancient bow i like it a lot and has good range and we'll go with the normal shield and maybe top off for health who knows if this matters or not but uh guess we'll try all right the final challenge of today let's see how it goes i already struggle with uh thunderblade as is so who knows did i delete the into the the cork woods episode no all my past streams are in the playlist tab so and my i have a relic to the past playlist and a past streams playlist and that should be in the description too so i just unlist them giving op stuff means it's gonna be very hard yeah if it's before the fight just dodge and weave okay i don't see anything else huh doesn't seem quite right all right what's the come oh he's vanilla oh i thought that was the trick i'm like yeah funny okay one hit well if he's vanilla he'll only have 600 hp so that makes sense because we did a spin attack with attack buff i see i see the blights are not changed i'm sorry for hyping that up like a challenge i just i just assumed there was going to be like i don't know like a lionel spawning in there too or something and you have to fight both i didn't take into account yeah okay okay well maybe we can fight something off elsa top off the stream because that was a bit of a trivial bit but we have a heart want to get the hyrule castle thing should be different okay well we did the divine beast yeah everything else about it was like tricky and yeah even that inquisitor showed up so i need to just like show up fight him for a bit get him down like a quarter then they leave thunderblade's the easiest and relics okay because enemies spawn the others okay um well that malice will last longer he dead i'm surprised we didn't get uh whap by him even with that rapid attack that was so cool but no i i was like i'm confident in the parry beginning charles i don't know if i have enough in me for beginning trials i'm thinking like a lionel fight or something because they're already three hours in so as well oh you're watching this because they're both cutscenes specifically and yeah i wanted to give you a little something i like this one please accept this gift which is cool they're both in raleigh cutscenes are so good i love the characters the most i love how just like the first zelda game was like voice acting just all these different characters just literally got it right on the nail like just with like actual like full cut scenes not just dialog box like it's so good uh okay that was made the part i just like the part a lot snap it's very snappy yeah well if it's just something quick just a little tag boss fight to end off on because you know thunder blight was just yeah i guess so because we did a spin attack so it that doubles the damage and attack with double the damage and the mass sword already does double damage pretty much or bulls is fury uh okay trigger with the charge attack by holding c-d-e-f-g-h-i okay thank you your muscles fairy um well that's it we got it um is there any special reward uh if not i'm just going to leave it there because i always do that because i'm like i don't want to break either way i think we're fine so i guess the reward was the equipment uh because if we go to one place there's divine beast that's what we can tell we're quick to the tower whenever we do plan on getting that um hmm boss fight i just want to kill one off coliseum will save maybe we can do that next time uh i don't know we'll we'll think what we're doing for next week next week so it'll be one of those things you know screw it we'll end off on the kala lanos i feel like that's a good tradition for us we like our colonels a lot but this time in relics and doing number rolex is fun so yeah um i guess after the stream though i'm probably just going to chill for a bit uh in the discord server so if you do want to chat more i've been trying to answer whatever questions you guys give me uh here but in case anything i missed especially during intense stuff i usually will answer in the discord when i'm on and stuff like that so feel free to join there i'll put a link to it in the chat also in the description uh yeah and then we put announcement about this the twitch streams this weekend for the next scene run so that'll be the saturday through monday 2 p.m eastern each time uh yeah we'll get that after we get the general shard i don't really need anything otherwise and we need to sell stuff first okay two solo lynels we're not gonna use all of our broken stuff i because nah we'll just we'll go in with our royal claymores have a more skill based match i don't know what i was doing there i really don't okay um well he's just over here and that master was really nice but yeah what once we upgrade it'll be even nicer i'm not even focusing on them i just i just want lionel i'm not for lionel blood today that's my mission and laid off only a torch oh boy ten hours later oh he's halfway done okay cool okay well there you are now what else you're trying to do it's still pretty easy fights it's not two at once either we still got those fairies so i was usually used to the other two types so not used to the lunge attack at least recently am not cricket got three hits okay we're doing good and whoosh there we go he's about to do something kind of fast but now can't have that he's done halfway try not to miss parries yes this doesn't seem that bad i get the spears not gonna be really punishing attack at all that's good perfect in the good multi whack him around a bit just yeah really oh and the dogs double dog double dog dare and triple ah we missed the multi i don't care get them and goodbye that was good line all one done and landl two is just on there i think with this strategy spears are probably the easiest for these two ended i don't know just with my playstyle just like rushing him he's better when he has the range on me kind of just charges and yeah okay um i say we drop what do we drop that is a long throw is it damaged give me an excuse to drop it okay that's pretty bad actually i mean that's not the strongest either but oh well take it over what i have i'm just on there we're just gonna use this attack buff just run this dry and go from there hello i love twirl move okay there we go just like that and just twirl it into him yeah there we go it's pretty slow way to do it also thank you uh egg for the membership honorary crouton yes i have no idea what just happened there that was not bad at all surprisingly i see yeah okay you don't have enough everything for this right now it broke my sh wait what broke my shield the guardian blast okay uh you know what this this requires special care right now okay at least take care of that stop the regen for him ah i don't know what happened oh we used a fairy that's what happened and that was not supposed to be allowed choke hour forgot him i guess we missed there we go i hit the leg loosely is not regening yet there we go got it right to his eye and where's the lynel okay i was a little bit overwhelmed and i was in very uh just i was i was doing a lot of focusing but we're good because look how that paid off not too bad oh right we have a fury which is just kinda there it's not gonna be you know the prime finish or anything but let's go with our premier strategy here there we go beat them down i like the quick wax we can do and a couple more coming up my shield is already at one durability of the blast that makes sense yeah okay no i couldn't think that quickly in the moment oh okay though just the warrants off whatever that's i think we're on our last slim here so the fact that we got that was kind of nice did we have a fairy okay we did so we wouldn't have died but still that was so close but we did it okay well that's one way to finally wrap this up so i'm not complaining we got a star fragment too no sell for big money and you know the pride that we killed another lionel so with you know some stuff in the way yeah i didn't want to go full with ancient stuff because it's like didn't want to be too op there uh but yeah probably gonna use stuff besides the ancient armor to kind of balance things out a bit more for myself too uh so i'm just not relying on it and i like other aesthetics too but yeah moving forward uh well in relics we have trial of the sword we have the other divine beasts uh we have a lot more to do so thank you all for tuning in uh it was a really fun stream today and i'm happy we got our first divine beast done that malice model was really cool too uh and you know it was fun got through the idol which is actually the hardest part by a long shot but in the meantime yeah this weekend we will streaming uh our next theme run on twitch so that'll be a lot of fun that'll go saturday to monday and then yeah just tonight it'll just be in the discord server so if you want to chat there uh i'll put the link again in chat and i'll be there if you guys can leave a like on your way out so we'll hit 800 that would be appreciated and just want to thank you all guys again for watching more uh i've you know just before we started relux i was really excited to finally get into it and we're already like seven streams in so this has been a joy and i really appreciate you guys watching too so just want to say it one last time thanks again for watching and hope you guys have a great night have a good one guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Croton
Views: 41,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Botw, Playthrough, Funny, Tips, Tricks, PointCrow, Smallant, Breath of the Wild, RotP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 24sec (11484 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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