RELICS OF THE PAST BEGINS ⚔️ ~a blind playthrough

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all right everyone welcome uh to a brand new stream and uh this brand new playthrough of breath of the wild which is relics of the past uh this is known to be a very hard expansion mod for uh breath of the wild so it overhauls a lot of the overworld um adds a lot of new just like features around makes it a lot more difficult it's kind of just like a massive overhaul i know a lot of you have heard of it because it is basically the most popular breath of the wild mod out there in expansion so i've been maintaining on this for a while i know a lot of you are recommending it to me uh this is a mod by shadow marth and i have all of the information for the development of the run and just you know what it's about sort of in the description but beyond that i only really know the basics of this i didn't really watch much footage before this because i kind of wanted to go in blind i thought it'd be a lot more fun so let's do it uh we'll start a new game this is gonna be pretty interesting uh actually run pretty well there might be slight hiccups because it's the mod uh or not even really the mod it's more so just the fact how the game is emulated so uh hopefully it should be good uh but i'm really excited so new game i don't really i don't know what to expect besides just little minor things i heard and just when i like played tested for like two minutes so let's go new game and voila so uh welcome everyone to the stream this is going to be exciting if you guys can help me hit out 800 likes on it that's our usual goal that'll be appreciated okay we present to you i'm excited a fan made mod project okay oh first time legend of zelda overall looks of the past yes okay i don't know what to expect in this plateau there's a lot of cool ancient stuff in this and uh oh man a bit nervous i heard it streamlines stuff on the plateau too so like there shouldn't be as much like king dialogue and stuff so the tedious stuff on multiple playthroughs is gone so that's nice open your eyes open your eyes okay what's this going to be about so i don't know if anything's going to be different in the shrine resurrection here i'm just taking it and mentally preparing myself a bit because oh man my death count is going to go up really fast okay all right i'm going to use amiibo i don't know how to use amiibo for a pc so if i get it working maybe i'll try it out it's running on 1080p just with a different uh with a different color shader so just to make it a bit more vibrant okay so i'm guessing here it might be the same uh here's just yeah me mentally preparing because i know it's gonna be very hard oh new game plus mode which enables max scaling from the beginning of the game this makes the game more difficult okay so yeah everything scales in the world uh but this just bumps up that scaling right away also vastly improving the rewards uh this is already hard enough i don't think new game help or new game plus will be helping really uh i'm sorry we're gonna do no i think that's i think that's pretty normal and uh here we are okay we're at four hearts so uh i wonder where that is that's interesting let's look at her okay so nothing as usual uh okay yeah basically the same oh look at this yeah it's the only new thing uh hearts guessing an extra one won't help us too much so i think everything's gonna be pretty uh damaging [Music] okay it's very scary when i start playing oh boy the first iphone chica slate okay it's pretty normal i'm going to get the clothes at the beginning assuming they're still there money i literally know nothing uh i know of like one kind of enemy feature because i played tested it for two minutes like a random file so but just in one little area so i only know that oh what's this there's an orange thing huh let me see the chest first okay old shirt well i do need that so i guess the clothes are the same here well we're in trousers okay let's go there and let's switch what i do uh you may go across the paraglider and top of the temple of time oh you get the paragon right away okay so it kind of streamlines the intro i guess he's definitely the shrine though or maybe i would still do him because i want those runes wait throw a barrel that yeah i guess so okay let's see if i can aim my barrel well yeah what'd that do uh okay you have an expansive inventory whenever you get weapons with modifiers you want to save it is vital you keep it on the first page uh or you lose them on death or safer load fixing is currently not possible okay uh interesting so you have multiple pages what wait wait wait no no what is this this is the moscow plot is this allowed what's going on here you jump off we can't jump this is a this is a troll it was a pretty bad troll okay well are they gonna fight us they have their bows out right away uh they're screaming also thank you ray for the membership by the way honorary crouton okay uh we're not falling for that troll right away we're not doing that and what's the place dirty i see it's just just a little funny okay so that's just like a killer button or i guess we can come back to it if we're equipped to take on a gold lionel or two you know uh also thank you ray for the five dollars cortana you've been a fan for a while you just want to say that my streams have been a big stress relief hope i have a great stream well thank you i i appreciate that uh this stream only just may be a slight but it's just for me uh just in the context of this uh playthrough but you know what i'm happy you're gonna watch and you know ultimately it's a lot of fun so i'm glad you're having fun and it's always fun to be playing so thank you so much uh master mode moment i wish this was just master mode link you are the light okay i'm late that must shine upon hyrule once again i know there's like different types of weapons or like altered weapons uh i look i'm pretty blind into this i just know it's a big mod like but everyone's been uh requesting this oh or rusty claim what it it has 12 damage did they always have total damage me trying to remember ah fairies oh that's that's that's nice of them oh how neat i put fairies at the beginning and i have a sword to start off with so okay hyrule this is exciting that's uh that's it decade guardian uh i was always told damage okay my bad it's gonna question my judgment is that a guardian on top of the tree the big one and uh the plateau uh i don't want that guardian to come to life next to me i appreciate the sport in chat though thank you so much owen yeah i hope you guys have fun uh this is gonna be really fun uh i'll start michael's 800 so if you guys could help me with that that'd be great okay uh is he gonna come to life he's gonna come to life isn't he let's let's read the sign first welcome to rolex in the past this modpack aims to give guardians more presents and add challenge to the game do you think you have what it takes to overcome the challenges ahead get out there and give it your all scavenger hunts there are 10 giant intercourse hitting the plateau there's 10 whoa what is your purpose though oh it's just a normal decay guardian it was just there to freak me out and just look cool i guess well it does look cool oh bye bye beetle that is a night shield knights broadsword oh okay yeah where do you full yeah full thing of weapons and uh just the sloths so there's durability up ah i guess i didn't really need this stuff though no it's giving it to me right away hey nova duck thank you so much for the ten dollars hey crow finally made it to another stream will rolex stay on the channel to watch later might not be able to tune into every stream uh every single vod stays on the channel it's just in our playlist section uh i just like making them unlisted and putting them there because uh it just clogs up where you know you find all the videos but they're always in the playlist section uh or in the description of this video there's an area where it's a link with all the past streams it's always in there so it's gonna be in there and also in the separate relics playlist uh but yeah everything else is in the description including the modded info uh the credit to the creators and everything okay thank you though it's a triple hearty radish that's neat beetle tree branch yes okay most op thing so far um hylian shroom okay this is normal stuff new stuff sprinkled in but i'm excited to see where that new stuff's gonna be okay why am i so worried i just think something's gonna jump at me i've only heard uh amazing things about this mod in terms of its uh grand difficulty there's a blue thing on there it's a rupee there's a blue rupee chill up there huh it looked bigger than usual that could just be me though whoa oh my god i was like i have to check this cave the flint's gone but uh great flame blade durability okay neat uh wow the blue rupee was not always there they're usually not just laying around the world travelers claim or attack a plus 10 okay we have a lot of slots so shield surf shield surfing or anything whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it does something all right is that a glitch or wait why did i spring like that okay there's a korak rock it should be a nice okay simple korok that has to so i wonder if uh quack seeds do since we have max slots uh a green rupee i'm completely useless in relation to the past so leave me alone please but what if i want to make bank though wait i just got 20 rupees that wasn't useless 21. uh there's a fox i don't have a bow don't hit me i don't know what's going to happen why are we being scared by the animals i think i think they're normal piling shroom truffle look i'm actually playing the plateau like i first did we're just scared by everything okay that's a big tree it's not the big tree though eggs are nice oh yeah there's uh the paraglider so on top of the temple of time i might as well get that along with this loot um there's usually a bow here right we got the arrows i'll need this it's a soldier's bow nice i think that's a little better than what usually spawns the shield jumps an exclusive ability so is this just a travel thing man it looks funny also i know this is the korok but uh yes we're getting anyways what is that a glitch or was that supposed to happen because like three useless i don't know okay oh it's a silver i mean we have okay weapons but not like hmm he's not going to turn around is he hmm okay let's give him some beats got a nice broadsword beats okay uh come on just keep cycling we got this still strike chaining do sneak strikes not to eight times or is there sore just weak i don't know it feels a bit weaker though yeah because these guys only have like a thousand health usually unless he has more health well i guess when we find the champion tunic we'll know or whatever else shows help in this mod come on we're so close there we go we got him nice uh was he dropped oh okay yeah just normal stuff shouldn't be surprised by that okay so is it really worth killing him it was just a trade-off and i see the oct rock there yeah the region was helping a bit i think for his case oh what that's a guardian turrets oh no shoes a lot of random stuff here there's a silver okay so the temple time has a lot of guardians by i don't know if any of them are going to get active whoa did this roll at me whoa oh my god that was massive oh oh oh ish okay please don't come to life guardian or any anything that was very scary okay silver lizzle i don't know if you have any new moves he has ancient weapons uh no i'm not gonna die right away am i they're gonna swing at me get to that ladder okay okay okay that's a baby guardian i don't like that wait yeah whoa no wait how do you do it that first time i don't know this is even this is a million times worse than the plaza normally and he's moving fast what's going on okay i want my paraglider yeah how do we do that ability i don't know the jump has a cooldown okay there it is there's a chest up there i do have fairies but uh i don't want to use them not yet ancient chest okay so the paraglider is in this chest i'm halfway got it now that's good and for the bow okay that's that's gonna be helpful it's like a survival game basically let's save up yeah we are going to the shrines uh i'm just trying to see everything around that guy's glowing extra is that is that different from normal i'm not sure okay nevermind there's a chest here i don't think this is always here oh highly in tunic oh oh yeah it's dirty fabric uh yeah it's already increased by one that's kind of nice i like this set too it's red [Music] oh that that draw time is uh heavily reduced he has a lot of health i'm gonna not not iggle right now i saw the speed he's capable of what he protected us from here i think we still need to get the tower though so let's get the tower first otherwise we can't get the shrines whoa that's a funny ability whoa okay i don't know how the recharge works or anything about it uh so a lot of just everything and uh bomb arrows a nice of cool hidden stuff okay that's a good invasive maneuver it's funny looking though oh don't even tell me uh save up he's not gonna work like normal i know that multi-parry oh my god no both my fairies oh my god that was my only shield wasn't it oh no oh no multi multi laser ha i'm screwed i'm i'm still screwed whoa oh oh maybe that'll be good maybe it's maybe it's a shield uh it would be nice if it's a shield oh it's one of the giant course okay uh yeah let's see if we live past it uh oh we can't shield surf ah you can cancel on the the thingies the what's it called i don't know uh stop stop how are you not sad i don't know oh where's that coming from uh let me find another shield let's all electric uh please no please do not multi he's going to multani isn't he oh i think he hit the lizzle that's kind of funny okay good tower um wow uh yeah i don't have that shield do the shield surfing thing it's so wild okay i don't know how we didn't die yet this is uh using whatever breath of all skill i have it's gonna last me a bit longer before that first death okay this is pre-rendered so yeah the game does look really nice though uh on my pc so i usually run my gaming pc uh i do it a lot when recording videos like not for streams this is actually my first time i've ever done a stream from uh the pc version of the world so but if i wanted to play a mod is about the only way so and yeah switch controller still yeah the cutscenes with this tunic is a little uh different that's that's for sure the guardian rapid fire is proximity based okay oh boy there's a map legend of zelda death of the wild yeah sorry welcome to everyone tuning in uh sorry i didn't see all your messages earlier that was a lot to take in so uh remember try to remember nothing new is going to be in these cutscenes so okay i hear guardian noises is he on the tower or something there's a sky watcher or i just hear them oh okay he's he's watching the sky though kind of um i guess the shrine oh wow that guy was going there's a mobbling at that camp uh what else is around here just a shrine top of just electric lizzle right there oh i heard that they have laser vision oh the dlc chest is replaced then uh is that a skeleton army it is dragon nation corps okay we found two let's try to find them this is the shrine platform okay let's go on our first shrine magnesius yeah so i guess the only thing i do know about this going into it because i i like playtested for a second uh actually let me read this first getting next to this buff is game changing relics uh okay level three but yeah i did uh i did see the coliseum that's the only area cause i had a save in the coliseum when i load the mod in so i know what the colosseum looks like and i i knew of the multi-fire guardians that's like the only thing so that's why i wasn't super surprised that just more so you know it's happening that's all i know that's because i played tested for two minutes make sure the mod ran and that's where i was in that file so all right magnesis lagging uh it could just be a oh that's definitely a youtube thing because my stream labs uh if it doesn't say like it's just youtube doing a little hiccup so we'll take a second wait for the like to kind of fix itself uh youtube could just be having a moment which it happens uh let me refresh and let's see if the lake is there because i don't want there to be like fix for you oh i've heard that okay it looks fine on my end now so it must have just been yeah if you guys refresh or something okay it's good just want to make sure so let's go [Music] what's here okay magnesius um nothing too new here or the shrines changed i don't know nothing new yet no shield hopefully there's a shield in the shrine out i would like a shield please uh wait no i'm just seeing things okay down the waterway yeah i'm just looking at everything because there's so much change so it's like i don't know what to expect nothing new in here okay what's through the wall oh just a guardian ah you gotta kill him with this i want to kill him with this rather huh come on push him in push him in the water nope we didn't quite get it he's not rejecting health either oh there he is i don't know i don't want to pull him some funny business is pretty vanilla okay creative death because it's funny i gotta finish them i guess oops right into us um screwing spring i just want to see if those giant core chests are in the plateau or in the shrines and plots all right there because we got two of them already oh there's a chest headphones are back yes because i need to hear more huh okay that's pretty unchanged actually yep try and see vanilla let's suggest this one okay um skip this don't let me skip it i just can't skip this part i think okay spirit orb let's get those hearts and salmon up okay so that's very unchanged i don't know if the other ones uh are like that but still gonna be helpful the second swing is now faster and more efficient dash attack now multihits and chargement connects more frequently okay yeah that's nice because charges didn't always connect as frequently because it's always a big circle the second's more f it's faster and dash is different let's check that out okay oh whoa it does like a stab that's so cool oh that makes a lot more sense too and then yeah the swings are different look at that the first one hits from like behind there's like a vertical one in there kind of the third one i like that i like the animation change [Music] okay yeah welcome to everyone tuning in though uh the information uh or the loose information uh is in the description along with all the all other stream info so going to a blind this is pretty neat so far i like this but we have this stuff so break it i need all the loots i can get ah please thank you yes the plank uh is it the same i don't even know i have no idea what's going to be opal okay so love yeah a lot of these bass chests are the same just kind of like the off to the side ones oh blooper goblin i mean easy peck wait what there's a bit more health the first one misses my bad though huh was that ball always spiky i don't know i don't think so whoa oh i dropped the chest mighty bananas yes we have the power of bananas now so the little rewards for the cox seeds i i think that's super cool actually what a great way to replace that you see i don't have cryonis yet so we have to do it the alternate way i don't think stamina has changed at all uh is there running a bit faster or just base move it faster see it's like these little subtle differences will be a little bit hard to tell because i'm not playing this on a switch so the game just runs a little differently like it's basically the same but it's just like sometimes it'll be a little quirk i'm just not picking up on because it's not my native platform okay yeah we're gonna have to shield the shield jump right now uh just getting all the space stuff because i need kind of everything even if this is basil right here oh i'm dumb yeah okay it's still firing nice arrows which is nice so i could use them oh shock arrows and there's ten of them that'll be more helpful honestly fire arrows okay so the ice got replaced i'll say the movement feels slightly different okay and this is another co-op so what do we got oh rupee okay so some of the rupees some of those are chess red rupee like that other one there is a sword under the swamp thingy i don't think we can get or yeah we can't really get to unless we can get it from the platform or maybe not the tree that should be enough distance come on what sword is this i can't tell it seems rusty though oh never mind not rust far from it royal broadsword durability yes okay so you really have to be observant i think the plateau is going to have like the most like unique stuff honestly was there a cha that's another okay i think we're good here i need another feel i can't really go back to those guardians without them the whole map is changes like this i'm excited uh i'm giving me tips and i'm like okay where is everything uh oh get back i guess i could use the food oh whoa that yeah that bullet time goes away fast uh hit the tree though that wasn't my target yeah that ball time drains okay make it worth it okay god just one shot robo's pretty good [Music] so much has changed everything but the shrine pretty much i'm gonna check these walls there's gonna be secrets in the walls uh maybe any secrets hopefully no titans uh okay yep i think nothing's maybe nothing's gonna be there uh oh he's he's fire hunting at oh no poor get away i'm selfish i want to hunt him okay that still kills we're gonna take out a silver maublin uh i mean we do have this and this oh does he have a boomerang he does i want that please don't get distracted by the board it was a little oh if we still start training the lizzle might just what time is it 7 45 oh it's still gonna be a bit before they go to bed so um okay that's a pretty good hit lizzle don't see me please i don't know where it's gonna turn around okay we're doing all right come on still halfway okay no oh oh that's bad that's very bad uh we messed up the chain we'll come back to it he's still he's still following me get away please don't don't is he trying to attack oh he was trying to get me i think he killed us uh the boar though it's extra scary at night time oh yeah this forest makes it mad dark but when we have lights a bit better okay what was that also oh a torch yeah let's explore wow korok okay just straight up ah diamond oh wow that's really good one corker gun let's get some of these that's all to take care of i like all the hits swing differently too oh the lizzle's not asleep yet it's 9 40 so maybe soon 10 o'clock okay so the marbling fell asleep okay i don't know if the durability of the weapons has changed so i'm playing as if they aren't but also you need a dializzle that had a bigger impact than the moblin come on just like seven of them maybe three four that regen's okay might need like eight or nine five i need so many six uh seven this is so wow so i'm guessing they all have more health then because that just must be it one more nine hits wow that's a lot okay triple topaz though critical hit okay like critical it this camp's worth it because i want to get that chest uh i want to get the monster chest yeah we gotta sell strike chain otherwise we're gonna waste all of our weapons on a single one because we'll be using eight times more durability without sneak strikes assuming sneak strikes still do uh eight times damage in this okay lizzle fork boomerang just because it's it's cool oh okay uh we're just gonna see critical hit one make critical at last we can just bully him around i love critical let okay so yeah they're just as durable lack thereof uh are we gonna do this need a plan b here luckily we're right by the ledge okay take him to the ledge okay gotta give this guy his uh eviction notice come on right here you're very close come on you're so so close there we go just like that we got him off yes die goblin i thought i was trying to be resourceful there uh uh okay so i think he's just back yeah he just don't respond back but maybe that gives us another opportunity to stealth strike chain yes i guess the glider void is gone or i guess the plateau void is gone rather all right are you kidding me he did it again and wait a second is that his weapon we just picked up his weapon again what's going on should i push him into the swamp i think we're too far from that okay i like the guardian on top of there though um why did i take his weapons i didn't know i didn't know there's gonna be an issue okay go just like that he gets back up oh no stop okay there we go keep getting them racing our arrows take oh that's not enough parry power crap disarm there we go we got another shield okay so it works sorry this is uh hey there's one more thing we could do get him off please no we're so close there we go hmm because there's water down there if i can push him off again there we go oh no you cheater whoosh okay okay moblin you see me earl kingdom no no get back we're never going to get this guy okay let's reload our state um i don't want to reload i'll rather we re respawn somewhere so let's respawn there okay so yeah sneak start chaining the enemy like that yeah it's a bit annoying but maybe we'll be more equipped after this or you know attack boost will be nice i feel like there'll be a better way to shave off some health okay okay well we're partnering ourselves up uh yeah it's taking these guys float up with me they're just a blue guy yeah what sword is this 36 okay yeah so these guys definitely have a lot more health and he's he's in the river and swiss feeds a bit faster bo oh mr electric man is coming for us no the olaf arrows oh okay uh this isn't gonna be our first death is it let's see one apple that's gonna help oh no no no that's a lot oh uh oh man oh man oh man we just struck them he chucked them up by me no they lunge and they have bomb arrows okay i know that's gonna be oh no we got sniped by a mob one of all things man well that's our first death who would have thought it would have been by that though death number one okay good we didn't break the plot from this time so maybe we can take some stuff what's in here nice spots are okay hold up good thank you for stalling give me a quick window there oh no oh no no no no no we will die to that yeah i'm not even gonna we're just getting that these vocal enemies it is 4 am go back to bed was that water always what they just charge at you with a shock orb oh wow they literally are doing that okay those are worse than the the chew shoes i mean rightfully so okay you know let's let's play this a bit differently let's climb the tree [Music] my knowledge on this game is an advantage for this mod i'm hoping it comes into play a bit thank you uh i'm just trying apple yeah it does help just knowing the base game stuff so you know exactly what's different or at least try to figure it out herbs [Music] we break these for yeah nothing right you know screw it i have a better time to sneak sneak starts training once uh they're not sleeping at least the mobile specifically so use box and bokos it they cap it like 100 damage at least base game so what if we double get a korok is it any different in this mod okay yeah so you can't get it or get the reward rather yeah we're going back we're getting mr moblin this is really fun though uh thank you to everyone who's been out tuning in so far it's been a really really chaotic but energetic stream at least for me just uh dodging everything only dying twice but still okay good thing we got his friend earlier it this feels a bit more my speed okay gonna need a good like 12 hits maybe at best oh i hate going in from the side ah makes it awkward for me okay good about halfway and you slide around a lot so it's like not fun okay even in normal master mode though this is pretty much what you do in the plateau plateau is just way too hard uh for normal combat so you have to do either sneak strikes or environmental pills die moblin please please you're so close mr moblin make it easy for me okay the chain's working nice though it is one of the most overpowered techniques in the base game so i have to utilize it oh wow that was funny okay but we got another boomerang too and the chest let's see what's in the chest hopefully this was nice and worth it because uh i need something that's going to really change this up also all these shields are nice so um okay what's in our chest here it is okay a diamond we got those before but uh we know the loot's a lot better than what you usually find here let's see how the price has changed in this version now just a random uh little guardian i want to check out that guy he seems kind of fun [Music] oh faster climb oh that's nice it's to get the same stamina uh it's like 40 faster feels like a level three but buff which is 40 oh look at that oh real claymore attack up 12. that's that's very worth it that would have been nice for the sneak strikes uh oops oh well we have it for the next ones that's funny though i like that he's posing so the korok is gone oh that's that's the trail oh it always just spawns the final one so i guess there's nothing oh silver rupee huh okay tree branch yes the base weapons i do want to check out the shrines though what's by the talis first this looks a little different ah [Music] no [Music] okay okay okay okay oh i got intimidated oh man i got really intimidated i messed that up well number three ugh it's just a guardian stuff i can parry them but early game no i still have major guardian anxiety that will never change oh you know what yeah let's do this all for one no it's not that much different from a normal guardian i just i just oh boy [Music] these are gonna get me i hate being i hate just knowing i'm a one shot to like guardians like that makes the parries just all the more just uh hard okay mr guardians just don't parry early don't do it there's there's no point in it you're gonna kill me just the same they all they're all too far uh so i tried switching shields was that a bad idea to do um because it got like the first two i don't fully know am i supposed to switch shields um okay let's alert two of them one at a time there we go one at a time there we go that that's not bad oh you don't die in one oh you monster okay one at times more manageable for me uh i really want that chest that might be the giant ancient core it blew us up wow it broke our shield oh wow i don't like this you know i was flying through them pretty well until then hopefully the chests are worth it okay we're gonna try this i don't care if this costs a bit of deaths uh so we're gonna just cycle oh man it broke a shield i don't know what's to do though wow that is brutal out of everything in the plateau this is the most brutal thing like by a long shot ah this is worse than literally anything even even the forgotten temple in the base game [Music] that's just too much to take it's there's no sign of me doing it early it's just there's too many lasers happening i oh streamlabs don't freeze on me right now uh uh oh it's doing the glitch oh never mind okay sometimes it just freezes on me i can't change an overlay seven deaths okay so luckily there's a solution to all this the shields are pop yes there's another chest too chinese decor okay that's number three come on oh an ancient bow oh that was so worth it oh wow i could really use that let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go whoa through a tree through a tree it got me through a tree it's just the explosion i don't care we got our spoils wow now we get all of our dots oh it doesn't auto save after the chess okay well god damn it i'm back at it okay laser didn't start yet gination core okay gotta be really really fast it was not made to be able to be escaped oh wow that zoom we got it oh we're still not okay oh come on i love flying for him though but we got the loot oh piss off okay i probably will have to take advantage of cooking pretty well here also i haven't been reading the tips i probably should be just i'm so used to not reading them because i've seen them blue rippy under that nice oh we can't even get that can we we're running it's been all very neat to see but let's go be safe right now here i need to get some of the shrines i feel like that's uh that's a bigger priority right now let's probably try to get that bomb shrine even though it's uh also heavily guarded okay [Music] [Music] hi birdies bye birdies it's okay armarin okay oh double axes there i didn't see that and what are those things oh those are guardian legs and they're just sticking out that's funny sword in the stone let's pull it oh soldier's broadsword critical that's that's actually kind of nice very good stuff if we we messed up the korok we just barely didn't have enough distance uh stupid dive animation try and do a shield hop let's see if this works no the shield up isn't gonna work because the dive animation's gonna wait one more time yep the swim speed yeah it's very nice oh wow i should have been doing that uh that's very nice swim speed like zoro swimming uh back off lizzles i i'm not prepared for you uh chest though i'm prepared to take some goodies right uh please don't hylian hood oh yes oh that's cool thank you oh oh no no stop spitting stop spinning stop swinging whoa okay launch uh bounce off and die okay we just got spat on uh what a gross way to go out although that's happened now also careful the beginning by careful i mean lucky uh man i got the hood still okay climb speed help me out oh oh that was that was bad don't shoot through the wall okay what do we got for food apple munch it's gonna come in handy this is gonna come in handy hi take that okay guardian shield feathered edge nice i like the feathered edge uh just take what we really need i really wanted that the guardian shield would be nice okay save right there um it's just a single guardian so shouldn't be as bad oh yeah is it as bad this guardian anxiety is killing me literally um we should not have been able to get that that was super uh early we were in like the closest millisecond there okay but we got it okay confidence in myself that's always nice hello black mccobblen we're gonna use the sneak strike weapon 64. oh that's that's really nice we need for the next one there we go nice nice fire arrows okay let's do mr guardian i like this method of travel oh this meth oh the cooldown we could fight the lionel that should be pretty okay oh it's gonna have extra health i just thought of that how much extra health though oh i'm curious my curiosity's gonna kill me but oh wait that's a guardian oh i didn't think of that did i hi how many arrows we have six that's not enough is it wait stop okay oh you can mount it okay it's got to be quick takes all your stamina yep i would have been okay without this oh wow okay it was a lot uh we're not gonna get him are we no i don't know how putting up a good run i guess no time no state or time at all okay he just stops okay floors might be a bit better here honestly okay belly damage that's okay i don't know what to do else oh no fire oh we died to the fire of all things so we put up a little bit of a fight though we were definitely not ready for that fight but uh that wasn't terrible that wasn't half terrible i'm actually part of a death once garbage monster it doesn't it'll save before the fights that's okay we'll get more or situates of this i don't mind okay that's fine for this guy say the bigger one for the bigger hey lucas thank you so much for the five dollars do you think i'll have some sort of anxiety or uh some sort of anxiety or panic or be kind of tense on the elden silent realm uh oh for skyward sword no not at all uh you know what when i've played a game before i'm pretty confident at it uh i think all my anxiety is saved for the release of the past playthrough though skywards are okay but that was a lot of fun streaming on sunday though uh so thank you so much though yeah after playing the scout swords it's gonna feel even easier but yeah i thought you meant the album running this and like wait there's an elven trial i was like oh yeah um okay so let's put our efforts somewhere else for now somewhere more manageable there are the guardians there hello see i don't have much utility in finding it right now i don't need a couple loose parts at least i don't think guardian parts are probably used for more things and uh this but i don't know okay shrine though oh the extras is there is it still a sweatshirt yeah okay good souvenir to keep this will be nice bomb shrine uh i don't think anything's gonna be different here but i guess we can see um i don't know welcome to the stream though uh this is a lot of fun those dots yeah those uh those all came really fast for me bomb trial i would wear it but uh we gotta get all the armor we can even if it's only like 10 points right now wind bomb through it i don't even want to uh i mean method of travel i'm liking this ancient shield jump i wasn't expecting that i got like five deaths in the same enemy i know uh i no i even in base breath of all that's a bit tricky for me to take on because i'm not really experienced with like mass guardian parries at all okay little glitchy emulator stuff uh boom that okay it's the same weapon so i'm guessing nothing in the shrine just changed because same as last time we just got like a traveler's bow wait did we not count that last stuff i want to make sure there's been a lot of deaths so uh let me check the replay really quick you're right i want to make it 100 accurate so if i did not cone it no i definitely counted it okay making sure i saw somebody saying it but now we've counted everything yes these are unchanged let's do that amber yep okay cranes are just normal oh don't kill me ball there oh so close we're going for the cheese there look how fast the bomb meter fills back up oh yeah that's like a bomb plus plus if that were to exist oh nice that's crispy mega crispy okay so i guess we can do this kind of differently uh i like this bomb maneuver okay i heard you saw me saying that uh it's only two spirit orbs to upgrade so uh what do we do this time i usually go for stamina but hearts could be really nice uh there's three one shot in a lot of cases so stamina i i like my stamina okay rolex combats guardians here in ancient weapons have received an overall increase in damage output uh didn't see the rest something about a triple though it's okay sorry i've been like just not paying attention to those because that's just how i've been programmed with this game because usually they're the same ones over and over so so yeah we're gonna skip combat with those guys just for now because it's like don't need it there is a core rock down here i believe the paragliding seems a bit faster isn't it amber was that the rock rock i believe so i don't think i'll just some random rock with an amber also the shield this sword i know that's here but that's a royal guard sword oh while you replace it with something nice i mean durability on a glass weapon but that's okay also wait a second 49 is that normal i guess maybe me just thinking back uh you know some things are changed maybe maybe not who knows i don't there's a rock yay okay anything fancy it's the bottom of the plateau um so i guess we skid past the lynel i do want to make that climb to uh the uh the stasis shrine oh wait we checked the surfing friction he missed is your last surfing friction or is that just me no that just gives the momentum okay never mind i can't forget when yeah i guess we can do win bombs be a good way to get up to that shrine first i want to check out what's over here what do we got okay so there's the camp that i remember i don't think anything seems too different does it yeah i mean you haven't many arrows would have never been able to take down atlanta oh these are just black ones that shouldn't be too bad here you take the bomb no stay away they'll never find me i'm not going off damage alone though do they have a bow i think he just picked up a bow that's what i didn't want to happen okay we have to get rid of the bow guy here you get over here mr bo going back to dancing not going to want to dance after you see this okay take care of the bow he's got a spear though okay good got the bow guy oh he's close blow it up oh we messed oh i hit the crotch spot and i i goofed oh my controller like leg for a second oh oh we got him off we're not the void okay i forgot the plateau void's gone darn they're not following me oh they're following me yeah that's not gonna be viable honestly ah we're trying to take so many fights but we just can't with this weaponry plateau stuff axe okay spicy pepper we do want to survive the cold you want to try to at least pot lid okay i'll take it some of the unchanged stuff is here that's nice that shrine well oh that was a good wind bomb you know it wasn't good that okay everything else about that wasn't good but faster climb speed we'll just we'll just use that to get the rest of the way up it's next to the most important thing in rolex okay we just don't have much to cook with so i'm not i can't really bother with it too much right now because those are pretty low tier ingredients uh i know where some tier three ingredients are because that's not tier three stuff that can make tier three dishes rather um there's a lot of different tiers for stuff like restrooms are okay but really for speed you want like the fleet lotus seeds uh those give you the better effects uh and for like attack up you can find like thistles but ideally you won't like bananas uh for defense you don't want like beetles you want like iron shrooms pumpkin stuff like that yeah the one mom was pretty close i'm not gonna just restart that one bomb though because like they'll take just as much time as doing this so this is okay i'm just happy we made it up there's a couple hops i know that skeleton spawn up here no skeletons okay that's nice thank you yeah okay well um at least we'll get these then we can do a couple upgrades to our health and stamina uh to feel like we're making just general progress stasis trial okay pepper stress those are the best strats yes i will have to use pepper strats so it might come in handy uh a wood damn shrine the cork leaf yeah that could be good and they got stables addicted to russians yeah i wonder if that quest has changed um okay also thank you for the support in the comments guys i i do appreciate it it's been really fun for this first stream uh it's first stream of many for this i'm gonna get through a lot of it uh hopefully this should take us to uh the sequel's release we don't know what that's going to be though oh look at the drill shaft i would love a drill shaft okay we'll do this pretty vanilla like i'm able to see the info you post yeah uh only as much as possible chat's moving pretty fast right now uh if you send me something directly in uh dm i should see it in shadow shadows the creator of the mod so welcome i know you've been here for a bit iron sludgy okay yeah so it's pretty vanilla um like three hits will do oh whoa whoa wait yeah it's a lot faster and different well that makes it pretty powerful yeah it's on par with like one hand just can't use a shield [Music] okay neat stuff [Music] wow yeah this is just this is so cool i'm really liking it so if you guys want to know my thoughts on what i love this i've never played any sort of mod for breath of all it's always been vanilla uh so this is really incredible to say the least that's you know been this long but also you know what uh i know this mod's been being worked on for a while and just updated a lot so i'm happy i'm playing it now uh so it's a lot more developed version of this mod and yeah it's it's been really really nice um what's this guardian tier ancient weapons uh no wheeled effectiveness against the regular monsters while damaging three times the guardians and okay so in base breath of the wild you're guarding your enemy or your guardian weapons deal 30 more damage to guardians and uh ancients do 50 more damage guardians so assuming it's just three times instead so or three times on top of that i'm not sure i'm guessing just three times instead uh cold do we die faster in the cold because i might just book it because i did not cook stuff and i or you know what warm do blaze up there at least i think so i'm gonna fight those guys although i do wonder if bombs do more damage we're gonna take this and run ten arrows nice do need every single one of those yep okay oh okay well the burning damage needs to be the same just four for me okay so there was like a blue cobbler up there uh it seems to be a gold now as much as i do want that chest i do want to live yeah i know i should have cooked something i have hearty food but we'll just eat a stray mushroom or two you know let me just take your shield bomb arrow nice you don't have crownus blocks so let's just yeah keep going flame blade oh my god yes uh we have the flame blade wow i totally forgot about this it's been so long already yeah wow thank you for reminding me uh all the chests all three on the shrine crap i forgot about that oh not you there's harrison enemies and gold in the spot oh no [Music] okay potlin yeah sorry too early yeah a little too early there i love how the mistakes we're making now are just like vanilla ones uh there's nothing special about these besides bonus health okay well i guess we got a little bonus health so whatever that means good and maybe you'll get through without breaking the shield um okay god where's the peak you're gonna have peaks right there um we're going to find all the gynation cores i'd like to if i were to guess one's probably in the waterfall that just seems like a likely place for a dry nation core because it is like the secret of the plateau there we go nice good little extra speed there don't get death there hey just chumps thank you so much for the five dollars hey krypton thanks for the skyward sword video it's totally worth the wait here's the goat man hope you're having a great day well thank you so much yeah uh we we took a bit of a break from scarlet sword our streams until uh well this sunday we just did a uh one we did my favorite area in the game which was the sand ship and uh i i love that area the whole sand sea but yeah we will do more and finish the game and that whole hundred percent so i have a lot of fun with skyward sword always so feel free to check those on if you haven't played the game play it skyrocket sword's phenomenal so oh amber and a frostbite that's such a cool place for one oh i wonder if the thunderblade's here too on the plateau oh we also i did want to say because i noticed a lot of new people here if you guys do want to join the community and uh just get all their updates and just you know chat when i'm not live and stuff like that i do have a discord server it's linked in the description and i'll also link it in chat too so uh you guys can all join there if you're not part of it already it's a lot of fun and i'll probably be chatting in there for a bit after the stream too so uh let me put it there um so yeah it's in the description also in chat so yeah feel free to check it out guys also thank you for uh over 650 likes we're only 150 away from our likel of 800 which i think we get honestly we could probably hit a thousand so thank you so much and all the help is appreciated i wanted to take a second to say that while we're just uh at a very chill point right now it is very chill up here and i like this and hey viv yeah i am having fun this is a total blast actually uh nice to see ya we're we're fighting random loot like a chest giant ancient core okay protected by the korak circle that is number four out of ten huh surprised we got so many so fast they're like hidden but not super hidden yeah ignore the twelve deaths please uh most of them were to guardians uh oh he's about to draw his bow on me what corak let's get that just the green rupee okay that one was a green rupee and hey whitney thank you so much for the five much appreciated well yep i was trying to both time bouncing that's not how you do it but uh i just want to land on them just for the silliest okay i think we're good um also i see us in chat no asking for mod guys we already have a bunch of mods to do a great job here and uh the begging for mod won't get you mod so i'm sorry yeah i saw with the quarks it was the same thing i saw other ones yes just this should be bomb arrows uh assuming it's not changed yeah so this doesn't change that's okay at this point it's almost rare seeing something hasn't changed so it's like whoa a normal thing it's familiar that's nice nice break yeah i don't want to kill them unless there's a monster camp chest because it's like i want something new you know and the one had a diamond in it so that was nice again and right after the plateau you're funny totally doing that um trial okay how long this stream got um quite a bit it's gonna be longer than our normal ones which usually go low for two hours because we're about an hour and a half into this one i still have a lot of uh a lot of energy in me for this i mean coffee helps but uh no like really i just really want to play this today so a lot of the monster chests are different there's even newly paced place monster chest okay cause like the original like what 56 monster chest i'm pretty sure so uh okay there's new ones uh that's neat and yeah we saw the one with the diamond uh by like i don't know kind of by the tower a little bit west of it i hear that guardian running around okay that's that's strictly horizontal but can we take advantage of that with uh i don't know not one for shrine cheeses really but uh this could be kind of neat oh no that's it's not gonna work i don't think okay we're getting a little bit of up we were close i maybe you can do it with like you know perfect frame inputs which i don't know okay we're just cool though oh wait wait i really want to do this let me do this now i'm intrigued i just wanted something i don't know funny let me let me do the funny please it's not gonna work from there uh but if we do this i think yeah we did it okay that was very worth it oh that almost don't even tell me you almost died to the basic shrine guardian that's just a spear we don't need it so we literally almost died like an idiot traveler spear yay also thank you lucas for the two dollars uh do i play smash just very casually and i only really play from playing with like friends so something i won't do for streams or anything i'm not very good so it's like more so just a chill friend party game but thank you though same with mario kart [Music] yeah wood bombs work too but i want to do the new thing you know i thought it was pretty fun i need to go to robbie's asap okay that's a bit far unless you just move closer i i doubt that uh i don't know it's all changed okay that's one night that's a change i doubt but i'm guessing he has new stuff uh that just seems like it might be a given mind you my expectations for this mod just they're not really expectations they're just more so like thoughts like is this going to be changed is it not so yeah because really i think anything that's changed it's like i i'm more so taking it as like okay that's interesting so i'm not a person that goes into like games blind just like judging them i'm just like more so just intrigued by what it has to offer so and right now i'm very intrigued and this is very very fun ancient shaft in the little pool that's cute thank you just chumps for the two dollars thoughts on donda certified loverboy uh what is that i'm sorry well thank you though i'm missing something um there is that oh yeah let's melt that it's kanye's new album i'm sorry i don't know wait no i know nothing about it my bad i only know like some old kanye that's about it thank you meatball man for uh the two dollars four fifths of the map has changed do all major quests i'm looking forward to it i uh i saw like the map where it's like it shows like all the changed regions and like a lot of it is uh yes i just saw like very very minor stuff uh about this like not even like a lot of enemies or positions but i still like that map so thank you i will check that out okay so i guess this is the uh you know okay wow there's two pages of weapons yeah so there's a lot i forgot the exact number but i heard it's a lot so uh that's neat let's let's go fire this yeah i don't want to waste any more let's just give it to five seconds or six or seven whatever i'm just happy with this ancient bow i haven't used it yet but it is my most powerful bow as of now okay completely useless it says complete useless but somebody's give good rewards i got i got like a was it a diamond from one okay that's just a green rupee see it's like i do want to get these because there's some rewards for them so it's like i don't feel like that's useless maybe most of them are green rupees and just some of the plateau ones are better i don't know but one thing i do know is that we're gonna skip over this guardian because i no quarrel okay perfect skids away this is so much fun oh nice and too nice paraglider pop is gonna break really soon yeah i i just have a feeling that uh whoa whatever happened there uh i have a feeling there's going to be that giant core in the cave i'm calling it now oh oh we're going to break it oh wow we just canceled out uh yeah so b cancels out the uh the rake doll instantly there's that which is kind of neat i do kind of want to get those chests okay this cave looks a little different i i think that's a giant ancient core is it just always these chests or let's see it is a giant decor okay that's number five we got half oh my soldiers brought sir with oh attack 35 that's that's so nice revolving modifiers agent arrow wow you'll see what's inside the chest same it's also different and fun whoa oh that's a huge bundle of arrows a bundle of 50 common arrows wow very wow okay that's so cool big bundle ah mighty lionel bow we actually have really good stuff you know what with this stuff uh i think it's just another step closer to being able to take on that lynel i think the only thing we're gonna have to do is uh just make sure to uh take all that guardian in the background first we have those arrows you mainly needed oh okay that one i'm gonna blame solely on uh this controller i'm using for the emulator i know i don't like blaming hardware but it's like it's a bit touchier like just like this was never possible so sorry it's not the controller just uh i'm not used to the jumping like you can pop paraglider instantly and stuff so i'm like not used to like the little functions of that so like that's why we overshoot stuff sometimes so yeah that wasn't a dumb vanilla stick uh that was a mod mistake i don't like making excuses but i just want to explain that at least because i didn't notice that jump difference because sometimes i know it's like press the jump button twice or like it didn't affect in the base game but okay uh okay so there's some uh guards around here push it up yeah didn't even notice that that's kind of funny wait it just abides by physics could you always do this oh what did something uh that's one way of taking it on he's on the pillar oh yeah we're gonna shut you off oh that's that's really funny okay let's solder shield you know that's fine outside of that please let's go liftoff to myself this is funny ice arrows yeah and yeah we'll take the wood ancient screw after that of course um rusty claymore that's just a crate breaker seared steak wood might as well it's all free also there's a nice campfire later yeah we can cook okay uh let's cook some meat together oh i forgot to install the new patch uh okay something that makes freaking faster um okay he did the lump it's like me when i cook okay i shouldn't do like a few of these uh cook my diamonds no i like this happy humming after he cooks uh [Music] we go what don't get away oh yeah this frost beer uh okay uh quickly dodge and then shock these come in oh what they're completely immune the gold ones are completely immune used to just take less stun time but no okay okay bye bye bye bye bye we're gonna take these peppers and run i think all eyes are on me wait a second i wonder if i go to uh there's a place i want to go to well first uh there's a rupee on that guardian i did not see that he's immune and he's a tank i'm not looking forward to that oh it's like the loose rupees it's kind of fun no guardian okay i can't open these things now which we couldn't earlier i guess there's new stuff in them um ancient era okay wow there's another one by uh the towels area which i do want to check out because there's some more camps and stuff hey thank you so much for the two uh should you get a halloween themed mini waffle maker that would be so much fun uh i love i love like pattern waffles i say 110 recommendation for that engineer was the one shot oh boy it is raining pretty heavily ah mr guardian i have a surprise for ya okay i'm gonna save we gotta keep saving we gotta make sure we're constantly okay okay can i break my shield um he's gonna do spin attack oh no he oh wow he tried to get up to me hey meatball man thank you so much for the two try using an ancient arrow on a lynel okay we'll do that we'll see what it does i'm guessing it's not gonna one shot we know that uh great power i've claimed two spirit orbs just two uh so hearts we have four we could go six hearts you know what for like the first time ever i'm gonna prioritize hearts over stamina because everything is scaring the crap out of me and i i need to have more life for this wow pumpkin one two yes i i vote on that part container number five yeah i'm sorry going back in all the the stamina vows i took that's i need that the guardian eye in the window what do you see a guardian knight in the window oh right there i i didn't even catch that [Music] okay nope that's really fast okay if you mess with the wind bound that's just awful whoosh we have more life i guess i'm not going to save us from being one shot okay we have a lot of tree branches i don't know why but we have them change shield to pot lid because it's funny can't even cook there okay guardian sentry uh because i have no choice we gotta take you on ah charge them okay god he messed he messed oh oh no oh no no this is bad oh no no no no no you just wasted through all of our shields oh wow well that was the worst chain of events it just the death is the cherry on top of course we were so close too i'm not ready for that rapid fire okay we got another shot just rapid parry that's how we counter ain't going to work chief oh yep it didn't work wow what a blow it worked ffff for each shield and one of me oh he didn't rapid fire so i guess it's this yeah it is distance maybe is he going to start again of course oh of course he's doing this bull crap i don't know we just did we never shield out okay that's that's what we didn't do that's number 15 now now isn't it wow wow wow wow one okay rhonda billion early i have that luck where if i mess up the the first time it's just contagious no there's only one laser i just it's that intimidation you know okay come on please let this be the one it's not the one it's not the one it really ain't the one my hands are so sweaty right now i hope you know okay please okay let's get it we didn't get it it's it's so contagious like it's hard to it's hard to screw up or hard to redeem yourself from a mess-up chain and this is a big big mess-up chain thank you lucas uh the five reels using brazilian reels i didn't even know the name of the currency uh not dollar stop thanking me for dollars thank you for the reals well thank you for the reels i appreciate that and now i know and thank you for telling me okay we just doubled our death counter pot lid please perry the explosion oh oh we didn't even parry or didn't lock on up we should have locked on okay yep okay that glitch will still always exist the explosion parry at least that's just what i call it i don't know if it has an official name but it's when you make a parry but it's just like nah we're just gonna trim off your life anyways and not just me the guardianship at different times i know you can't recover you can't recover ah it's my worst nightmare main stick was just at least due later than earlier because it's like oh you break my shield but i live but uh no this is no out of the almost two hours i've been streaming this this is the worst i've been doing machine gun guardian strikes again i guess what am i doing wrong it's like no i'm adapting to doing it the wrong way so that's literally what's happening this is no different than pairing normal guardian right now it's just that i'm adapting to just all the freakishness that's what happened so i'm like okay crouch cancelled the shield breaks done oh that's good advice we thought rapid-fire lasers were an okay thing to add not me but we have to deal with that great i don't know this is this is whoosh we were like in the single digits for the longest time the longest i know i'm one shot the more i'm gonna fail this because like i do so much worse when i know him in one shot i'm crouch cancelling apparently we did too early was the timing change i've never messed up this many parodies in a row and even baseball i think it's just literally it's just guardian anxiety i think it must be that and just making me not function cognitively like that's what's happening i this doesn't feel right i've literally in all these years playing breathable even my first playthrough i've never messed up this many parries thank you lucas for the two wow this is a very wah moment the lasers okay so the lasers are a bit faster so that's that's where i'm getting uh a little messed up the cantaloupe pair okay i've just never crossed a crotch cancels a pair because i never had to so i guess i'm just not used to that timing in that cycle when we get the pairs just what a break there we go only took a few of our shields ah 240 no i'm i can't even type the numbers in my death counter i don't want to stop because that means all the time i spent doing this was worth nothing and it had to be worth something did i just think something back will help me yes please just do it now it's going normal i'm so done with them i'm so done oh we did it yes we got him oh after all that time and those deaths uh yes all those losses just remember 50 losses in one win means a win we got it ah no the pain's over uh we have a scar of 25 deaths total from that well from everything but mainly that so i don't know uh no we're not dealing with them we okay i guess we're dealing with them i i just oh what do we do he has a bit too much health for my liking yeah so we're gonna we're gonna play the game of run from him not even the 24 damage clubs we gotta like laugh like these royal weapons okay but the lionel see i feel like we'll get some good modified loot from him and if he has any extra drops but he'll be the first lionel let's kill him the guardian's no longer going to be an issue but now we have a lot of arrows uh of course i'm using a little bow wasted some shield that's okay but we'll use uh just a one in one doesn't even matter okay let's go it okay gotta quickly go on him you know how this goes okay wait what am i saying we need the most powerful attack weapon okay uh okay never mind never mind never mind we're good um let's see what the loading screen tip says uh three monsters are not only okay uh i barely could read that but that's okay because that was just tricky but okay right for the line at least that auto save this time vicky lucas uh for the membership honorary crouton awesome i appreciate it uh here get him in the eye and not enough time to react and he didn't hit me so he hit the ground i can't couldn't parry the ground with the same timing wow my brother is watching me fail right now so i wanted to join in and say something but you seem very concentrated and i do not like i know how tough this is yeah i have this thing planned with a mannequin head and just nice being funny and then i was just like watching you die two times in a row i'm like oh oh let's hold on for a second he has a bone arrow oh okay let's scoot whoa okay he didn't get us was about a window oh yep okay why can't i was just like beaming this guy earlier i just didn't have enough arrows and yeah he eventually got us but uh now that we're actually prepared we're not prepared uh this is the issue okay so let's actually get prepared let's pull out everything we need before the fight is saved just in case so weapon bow shield not the right bow okay let's get the right weapon bone shield hearts aren't even going to matter or one shot this is the gold vinyl who are we cutting okay now we save up we have the right stuff okay so engineer the guardian i got a recommendation to do that so we're gonna try this oh yeah it's just a waste okay funny okay get him in the head he goes back down so fast okay that's actually some good damage i just want to stuff we fought how many ladles before and we don't have an issue like at all ever oh [Music] the luck has been getting worse and worse you know the right arrows okay good he instantly gets out of that uh recovers he just messed it up we paired that so well earlier like we just kept pairing and i was like ah this is this isn't hard this isn't hard you know this is this is easy this isn't any different than a normal masterable vinyls have a 1.4 times damage do they i'm sorry i didn't read that maybe use that maybe maybe i should okay i'm sorry i'm so used to like they're not being new tips i'm like oh there's a new tip good shield jump out of the way but i'm here to actually get them i hate that when you put your shield away and you can't actually floor you just like hop and it's like okay that's you know just like 15 minutes ago we were in a single digits of deaths like we were doing so just yeah great fantastic hi okay get you down how are we missing these these are not changed in this mod two-handed weapon i want my shield but i guess yeah i didn't communicate with the game properly aka didn't hit the right buttons that's what that means no that it does 1.4 times extra okay ancient blood uh movement change as well as acting like a real saw that the ancient sauce changed okay that'll be great to know as soon as we kill this guy in a couple days yep that's no okay nope again again okay quick we got him okay okay okay okay okay this is hell mode no he moves so fast he's like just like on just a million spicy peppers and he took all their effects in and just like is just running around like a madman hi at your front door okay how how i don't know it might be the rain we'll blame the rain there we go that's a pretty normal one oh yep mr lynel is not happy right now mr lionel is very upset that i uh intruded on his turf uh he's very fast he's just very snappy and like constantly at it thank you lucas for the five you're a twitch streamer celebrates prime gaming some more than normal uh i guess it's cause it's like an exclusive sub sort of thing so like you only have one of those so it's cool if you do that oh so that's kind of funny we messed up okay okay yeah lionel's on crack okay yeah there's no recovery time there's no recovery time at all oh no okay we got the flurry but that means absolutely nothing like there is not a thing that that means i hope you know that it's only been this fraction that's been like this we were doing pretty good up to this point before this and the guardian we were just it was no it's not even enough time what why can't you for that that was a very good flurry i think it's just unfluorible my streaming software froze one second i can't have to the dot connor for a second um it does this once in a while where it just kind of stops and i can't update the death counter for like 30 seconds so the solution is not you know in the streaming software it's just not dying but you know obviously we don't i did this when we're streaming the ancient run not too long ago and it took a second oh yeah this is completely frozen right now great is my stream still up we're gonna hope it is it's been talking to yourself the whole time no it's still up okay now it's back now i can update my death count 35. wow [Music] trying to make a 36 okay oh yeah i was going to use this for something funny thank you thank you that's okay we're not dead we're not done somehow he feels normal speed right now and not just me but still okay please do normal things okay nice oh not nice i'm so used to that recovery usually he's just like he gets shot he's down then he's up and he does next attack he doesn't do that he's just very angry okay bye bye my brother says bye you made a 36. yeah we made 36. okay okay that's an easy one to parry so i'm like okay there we go ah i want this to be it really bad yep okay the multi-shot does help though that's an easy one to parry oh he's down for that one good okay oh a new high score almost half oh charging up fire okay that's gonna be easy to do no that's he pee back hit us it was like a second after the slime down ah i'm not used to this it's so unexpected sprint attack for that i mean spirit attacks can be kind of pointless because i need to get in the back because that's literally the best attack for lionel's okay yeah this doesn't take a weapon durability we need to do this okay good yep oh wow oh okay that was that was very fast ah chop them up that's just a crappy attack of his the dash tag is i did hear uh i mean i did see it too it's really cool but is it with the two ended wait so you're saying dash tags actually better than attack on their back that's no different guessing with the uh one-handed yeah just to start with wow okay this is fun thank you though viv thanks for stopping in we'll try just gets one hit or unless you did it wrong i think we did awful attack i i can't i can't tell him he's so hard this is not your average us white lane it's a white line it's only one the hard ones with two ended weapons i i didn't see anything though okay do it anyways though i guess ah he's gonna dash attack first wait dash attack oh whoa that's what you meant okay there was no like actual like animation differences so that's what's going off of but like ultimately that won't be too different because attacking the back doesn't take up durability that assumably does so we get like one extra hit but we'll be absolutely wasting this weapon there's no up animation we messed up an easy one we're dead okay whatever don't even try oh maybe maybe try [Music] attack of food it's are the buffs changed in attack up see i'm going very much off my knowledge of the og game so it's like this thing's changed it's like like attack up just feels so pointless because it's like 50 yeah it's helpful but we're not even gonna get 50 we have a banana like one time i was ready from he missed what he broke the shield then we died like a second layer that happened before that literally happened before go and break weapons will be so many to find that's fair little harder than gannon just so okay we're gonna die oh he's trying to get under his legs but i couldn't robbie is needed way to focus on durability dash attacking his premier strategy for big damage in the game okay we need to trust the people who knows way better than me i'm trying to go with what i think is right i don't care it's that spin attack i i pretty much have to say i don't know what's better dash attacking or actually be playing defensively attack food change from 1.5 to 2 okay that'll be uh helpful but we won't we can't even get that right now because we have like a yeah mighty banana and okay uh attack power elixir yeah so really not the best attack stuff okay okay stay under okay hiding straps will work probably fast and then multi-attack okay seems to work okay okay there we go well the multi-attack kind of worked so uh that didn't work but that's okay that didn't work and that's not okay oh man but i think we have the strat now i think it's just a matter of just going under him and not worrying about you know anything else durability screw it we'll find more of these insanely great weapons okay wrong weapon okay we'll go no okay we perch have to get under the legs that's priority legs first then find a window but if we keep doing that then we should be okay also hey bird pirate plundering bread no i don't have any bread though right now so okay do your worst not your actual worst okay like your what you think is gonna be the worst but actually not really do that much damage okay here we go get under that's a super effective strategy okay we gotta be quicker about it though oh wow that was really good that's good okay spin yeah do your spins oh no we were doing so good uh it was all just so all right to plan but we're doing better drum attacks also do extra damage can we cancel with the paraglider okay i appreciate the help this is just really hard oh wait no i wouldn't do that why did i do that do ball time yeah it's not going to be the best it drains very fast in this so it's like okay let me get underneath you'll do the spin so the completely new lynel stride looks like nope no it's it's so touchy under the legs you got to be right in between so this is basically i know it's okay keep doing it there we go just keep doing it oh he kicked us out no we were cozy down there i guess you can parry it but it's like that's such a quick one to parry [Music] okay i think this should get us better if we kill this guy we're gonna have so much more experience at this i think right now i'm playing for experience ah that was a bad experience okay we got him down a nice sliver okay mount get some free hits in that's not bad oh free hits for me oh wait yeah okay expect the unexpected here oh no that's actually helpful we should use that more okay like that that oh okay god oh wow run i don't care yes very very quick still okay so we get distance we'll be fine no okay he's just moving and grooving here okay we need to get under his legs okay under the legs spin around that was bad okay no no oh i knew you he stopped by the tree and he ah he got his window he got his window this is so hard this is the hardest thing i've ever fought in this game because technically yeah okay oh yeah okay so now we get under that was the closest we ever got though okay keep doing it lionel's mega man right now okay wow that that rapid attack okay i have to get used to that i'm not used to dodging like that usually okay gotta get close got a speed okay there we go yeah always do the charge parry because that seems to be very effective let me go under we're gonna do the rapid head okay quick again come on oh that's a really good one okay okay good ah as long as it doesn't spin around good okay now getting under well please okay we gotta escape i wasn't ready all okay he's catching up oh my god wow wow wow wow uh better shield i i don't want a broken thing oh that almost messed us up okay get under nope that wasn't working don't keep charging me where is he where is he where is he ah okay he's regening oh okay just a fireball firewall's a weak fortunately for me oh i can't even shoot him that's all not good we're doing yes do that one make it a bit easier for me okay spin spin spin spin oh it's badly damaged that's okay no no no no oh oh 50. that was that was we're doing so good okay those were the best two ones like by a long shot who's there's do yep okay that one okay now we do the rapids okay we badly damaged wait oh we got a bad auto save i i don't want to keep that because it kept a lot of the arrows and uh weapons away or taken away getting much better thank you yes i am i'm trying to get better i feel like i'm not doing the worst now because we're actually lasting more than like two seconds into this fight okay okay there's a bit more finicky than it looks so that's why i'm not having fun okay good uh beat down with the uh ruler guards i don't care he's gotta put his good use in there we go i want this to be the one it was yeah that that always gets me okay ah okay this is how we do it so as soon as he gets down then we crouch under him crouch well attacking oh we mess ah i can't get a good flick shot whoa he's hopping i think that was just a unlucky hop around okay he's under half though okay oh we buried it okay now he's got it going back to the royal okay there we go back back back back back okay good we messed up a charge perry the tension is an all-time high we messed up a charge pair of all things okay okay go under yep that's our strat we're getting better uh charged ones though okay zip around if we feel like we're gonna fail it yep okay that's our new that's our new uh dodge okay okay that's fine that's not fine not not fine okay dodge just charge instead of pairing uh because the shock wave you can't flurry the shock wave i was a triple only now we gotta go into the side okay it's like he looks at us while we're attacking okay god well that's about a third if we didn't mess up the easy one that time nice okay do inky slime down okay okay good good good uh good okay ah badly down but that's okay because we can get on the wood smacks okay now okay back up a bit this is like a big training moment for me wow ah wasting a bit of arrows that's fine okay good oh right in the face get under get under come on do spins oh we almost got caught in that i got too early okay good i can't see his health bro i don't know what he's at uh he's at a low amount that's all i know come on couple arrows please this could be it okay it's gonna triple please i can't see him oh he's so low he's so low please get him i don't know what happened i hit a thousand buttons at once okay get him get him get him get him oh he's gonna yep error distance iridescence oh come on yes oh we actually did it he's dead he's actually dead oh my god oh oh my god wow he's actually defeated we actually took down a relics final oh a 106. that's heavenly that's amazing bomb arrows bomb arrows bomb arrows lionel guts hoof yes all that stuff little bow most importantly that is awesome even there's no special rewards besides what was there in the base that is that that that just means everything i know it took everything out of us but the fact that we will do that's very very impressive i think uh so that's gonna help a lot now that we actually know how to kill a relics lynel it doesn't mean they're all gonna go flawlessly in the future but i think that's a good step in the right direction now wow that took a bit that was okay that that's rewarding that's it save yep you're right save the game wow now i can watch the sun set on a peaceful universe yes satori's going that's that's so nice that is so so nice i'm at peace and i am i'm okay okay well that took a lot out of me and i can't i can't go on forever because that was a lot and this has been a lot today it's been a lot of fun i know i died a lot but okay i i had to get kicked into gear like honestly like i'm so used to vanilla breath of the wild uh i need relics and i'm playing rolex's mastermind i don't know if that changes maybe this is making it harder i mean i guess it is uh i don't know the difference i just load up a new file builders in master mode so uh wow maybe at least find those other giant ancient cores i really want to find them because we're at five there's electric stuff in there okay well that's cool no guardian i had enough of you please now that's a bad wind bomb isn't it oh that's a good one bomb [Music] but uh not good placement of it okay let's just go around i'm uh another guardian i'm so exhausted okay we got him he doesn't rap the fire that's that's a nice little nice little break you know i tried [Music] okay well maybe you think i could parry or bomb nothing i just want to do it okay just like that that's a failed win bomb go away bats okay i don't think i've ever seen sam look so defeated i'm very defeated i've never been this defeated on a stream before i have never this is the first does seem to be a lot of good loot up there and that's why i really want it okay yeah shoot me guardians for your worst we'll just let the shield do the work we're killing the keys i guess what uh was that supposed to happen i don't know if that's supposed to happen okay these are brittle i don't know i think that was a glitch honestly okay let's kill the three wise men by that i mean the wise not so wise guardians was off please thank you okay that's not really worth it i don't need i don't need few ancient parts they've like a rapid fire i don't even know take care of him okay we got this right we got it okay we actually got another one we killed something wow teleport the tower and glide down probably yeah that would have been a smarter thing right okay now we got this i want to climb this really bad we climbed up i don't know if we were climbing that i don't think so yeah it's our shield there we go we're on top let's get this ancient loot nice gear spring shaft and core oh how nice of them and this is going to be our giants right i think they all come in these chests oh it's an ancient battle x plus plus well that's neat wow okay well that was pretty exciting if there's one more area in the plateau i should go today where should that be because i have about enough energy for one more area i have never been this worn out from a session to breath of the wild before but for all the right reasons 53 deaths will do that to you get the hylian trousers okay uh cold ancient we have to tell us area how about that like wind tunnel area okay this will be the last okay oh we didn't go we didn't go to the panzer oops okay okay okay okay okay we're gonna eat food bye bye keys yeah that was the easiest thing we got to parry today it was easy because i know i wouldn't have died if i got hit that's just a nice little safety nut turret has a good loot okay yeah guardian parts are probably helpful but uh i prefer living um okay we're just going to check out this one last area maybe the next stream we'll start with satorium on hopefully it's peaceful hopefully it's really nice i i don't know but i did want to check this out like i'll check out the pants later what is this i know i'm so intrigued to see this okay oh it's an ancient chest this the giant engine core it is okay yeah i was checking this out earlier so we got six of them i didn't have bombs when we passed that okay well we got six and i'm i'm quite proud of that we'll see what rupees do i can't wait to see a town i don't wanna check our cocker rico um you're you're crapping me out yeah i don't care about that cam okay we'll outrun him very easily okay the wind tunnel i did really want to check this out because that'll be fun sticks yeah just for the funds bye bye by goblins the wind is coming for you what's in here this might be a pretty good chess uh star fragment oh that's neat okay i'll see what that's for later on hopefully something really nice vocal clubs yeah i i think we can do better than that anything behind here no okay well i would say that's gonna get to the bombs aren't they oh he has bomb arrows his bombs going off everywhere isn't there okay oh yeah he's quite a bit of health it doesn't aim oh he doesn't even drop the bomb arrows darn yeah i can't pop the curtain out of that early oh the zone pillar let's go on top of that after we checked this out i just want to see if there's anything on the edge of the wall i don't really expect many things on the wall but wow i'm just happy we got a lot better today there's a lot we perfected you know what let's hope this is a stream where i died the most so i can't get too many more deaths 30 arrows oh nice okay that's good replenishment after the lionel fight i think we used about 30 on that just in itself they have ancient weapons oh that headshot multiplier so nice okay what do we have for time four o'clock oh i want all their weapons we don't have to put up the fight we only just need the important fight okay you are free loot for me oh okay um i'm gonna waste the shot girls doing this is it a waste we need to use them i would like all that ancient stuff oh oh he picked up a shield okay frostblade critical it yes oh he's near that water i don't want that okay okay okay make sure we're saved up wait till night and loot them yeah that's a much better idea okay we're going over here well it's a whole train they're following me okay well let's just take their weapons that'll be good and i think that's i think that's gonna be our final little objective for today today was a very vigorous stream uh it was a lot of fun but you know what i'm really happy we gotta experience this mod cause i am having a blast with it still even despite all these deaths it's that's worse than treating i mean besides those guardians that's like halfway through uh yeah that was that was frustrating but you know experiencing that new type of lionel fight and fighting in a different way that was that was a lot of fun still you know what took us a bit yeah we went to the towers already got the ancient bow let's actually use that ancient bow i like the quick draw there we go ancient builds are really nice almost wait for them to fall asleep yeah that was a lot of fun and uh thank you to everyone who turned out today uh that was really awesome and now thank you for almost 900 likes i know our goal is 800. so uh wow that's impressive before we wrap up if everyone here i'll left a like by the end i'm sure we'll even get close to a thousand so that'll be pretty awesome and uh yeah we will be sharing this every wednesday uh this stream was very important and actually figuring out where we're going from here so i'm happy we did it we started it you know took a dip in this so we can't know what to expect and we know to expect hell now so sing amazing never stop doing what i love well thank you so much i appreciate the encouragement because that was a lot i know i was dying a lot but i was i was just trying my best really wait they don't where's their weapons their weapons disappeared oh i think the game glitched out on me oh crap i don't think there's really anything else yeah i guess we're going to save makes them reappear but that's okay you know what thank you for all the tips and stuff like just i like the dash cooking stuff and i appreciate like knowing things differently because obviously i can only base everything off my base experience and uh has the discern between which advice is like helpful between people who've said stuff and just going off what we passed now so i appreciate that and thank you uh we're gonna actually just load the save just chill uh and yeah it was a good night ultimately but we'll wrap stuff up we'll keep this video on the channel because it was a lot of fun and it was fun going through at first and you know what we'll eventually play through a large portion of this maybe make this into a video uh after a lot has been done so thank you all so much for watching um their weapons are kept there okay you know what quickly get them never mind we'll get them next stream so thank you uh i have major like brain fog after that so um read deathcon i know some people said it's different but first time i heard that it was it was perfectly accurate so i'll make sure after the stream because it was a lot of depth so it's like could i miss something yeah but i'm pretty sure i got 100 if not we can make little tweaks after this stream because it's about a week until the next one uh i'll get some rest uh thank you shadow marth uh your mod is absolutely awesome i'm happy i got an opportunity uh you know we're dying a lot you know what it's it's still a lot of fun so all the info about that mod and his stuff is in the description along with everything else about the stream and everything so make sure to check that out every stream too because i always update it too with like just information uh so thank you all so much for watching i i'm gonna get some rest soon i think too um crazy day but we'll be back with this next uh wednesday and in the meantime i'm gonna you know do some editing this week on other videos and stuff i have in the works so that'll be a lot of fun but thank you all so so much for tuning in uh being the discord for a bit so if you want to join there i'll put the link in chat also in the description so thanks again for watching and i'll see you all in the next one have a good one guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Croton
Views: 159,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Botw, Playthrough, Funny, Tips, Tricks, PointCrow, Smallant, Breath of the Wild, RotP
Id: haiQoSIPIP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 37sec (9637 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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