Can you BEAT Breath of the Wild using ONLY Zora Gear??

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[Music] there's not much that can outlive the legacy of the zora but can a hero of their own kind actually be the one to finally save hyrule i know said on was looking for a highlane to save them but maybe this time one of their own could be the key to finally do so so by only picking up their weapons and armor and nothing else is it then possible to get through and beat breath of the wild the rules to the run are simple one all divine beasts and the finale must be cleared two only zore weapons and gear can be equipped three the terror of the zora the lionel of plymouth mountain must be exterminated 4. mifis grace is the only champion ability that can be used and 5 force mandatory items like the vice set are still ok as the run would be impossible without them although zoro weaponry and spears are quite plentiful around their home region their significantly low damage outputs make them quite weak against all enemies and bosses that lie ahead which master mode in its region doesn't help with at all but with enough astute planning and tactful weapon usage i'm sure we can prevail in the adventure ahead this is gonna be really exciting and without further delay i hope you all enjoy the zora only run okay plateau done now we can make a b-line to uh zoro's domain so i'm pretty excited i think first thing for us is to uh get ourselves a horse we can make it there faster and be very quiet this time go in yep just like that no what why does not want me to do that get back here horse no no you don't get to get away with this come on get him i don't care we're getting him yes right there stuck on the tree he wasn't getting away blocked by the tree could have easily avoided it's okay i mean no harm he's a force stamina yes and this should make our adventure a lot easier blue horse zoro horse yes we're going to stop for this uh clock here though we definitely need a few quack seeds because there's going to be a lot of zoro weapons right away nice that's a four string three speed four stamina there's some good horse stats okay okay name for the horse well in honor of um the fish people oh we're out of letters i was gonna name it stealthin because it looks like a stealth and trout like i don't know um what's another fish wait hi rule bass hyrule bass yes okay this this is good enough just a slightly different color hyrule bass let's go and oh wow yeah it's master mode they're not going to be easy okay has to moroccan time don't have proper zoro weapons but bombs away yeah wait close enough [Music] get that one yep bye bye and get him see it's okay these are zoro weapon in spirits trunk and that was so close there we go they all died okay just landed on the raft this is a skateboat that one better than expected you know upgrade this weapon stash there you go it's nine weapons ten slots already two full rows so this will be helpful now we'll head up and actually make it to the swamp outside liner goats we'll just register the shrine for the warp point when we come back to use the ferry fountain to upgrade our gear later on which is the same reason we're going to be getting some little kills and uh gonna be doing some fishing gotta get some hyrule bass sorry horace i gotta capture your kind for this one okay that's a shrine and that's the one we need to enter for uh our first zoro weapon got a fishbowl it's a it's a fishing tutorial for later and we failed push button awesome down the hatch should be able to go down here and there's our chest and then the chest is our silver long sword first the weapon this is a really nice one i just love the curving on it and just everything pretty much it just looks badass design-wise definitely my favorite zoro weapon we're starting out with it so nice and for whatever reason that's just breakdancing on the button just infinitely i guess oh it's not stopping for whatever reason i don't know what's going on okay just one of hyrule's greatest mysteries oh boy uh oh boy oh boy guardian already okay he's not the smartest farthest time just making her own cover he's very confused we just danced around the pillars he can't see me uh drinks ah no little tail whipped okay i'm trying to get to the domain we should have brought our horse we should have brought high little bass this is not good ah we got the tree oh that's a high knocks ah i thought we were clear this is why we scrapped on random food of course the stealth barrel is right here oh my god he's what he just walked in the whole water he can do that you take the barrel i don't want it all right no it's gonna kick it into me i know he can go that far oh nope just keep rolling into the next enemy right away oh of course you saw me you know what plan b is a spear but we see elevation oh wow that's a silver guy he's gonna be taking his chest don't mind me he he really minds but hey we got a silver bow yes our first zora bow here uh let me just get away quickly bye-bye get that tower now oh and there's a boulder that just disappeared um okay thank you for not crushing me to death just a lot of chaos happened today we're just uh trying to get away from it it's a good start you know what lots of zoro weapons ahead and what is that you're holding looks very azor like to me oops they always miss so come and charge me blue guy there we go and a few good whacks okay you know what not very strong we'll we'll be taking this though oh no let me take it before he does before it falls and you did this okay wax for you and bow shot yeah we did that baseball nope that didn't work got him out of the way can't leave our treasures down there we need to use them zoro spear there we go these look cool i like the angled tip uh only do nine damage but you know it's another weapon we're gonna be picking up a lot of these probably oh he jumped off his platform no we died not going up the hill are you serious oh that's painful okay go to your hoppies no not again are you serious ah let's be more careful this time they'll run so fast oh my god see this is why we die here take the chest right off here that's good and the chest is a silver skill spear but it's long throw no out of all the modifiers we could have gotten okay there's gonna be a lot of zoro weapons on the road ahead but if you would like to follow along with the exact locations for all of them in the world like my other ones i have made a full map and key of all the types and locations for each most of them are within the confines of the linero region but a few of them also lie outside of it in random spots across hyrule so i'll save these two maps for download in the description below but with this in mind making our way to zoro's domain to collect all the responsible ones will be our best option to hopefully provide enough firepower for the fights ahead including the grueling fights against the lionel he's got the rock oh i'll take the rupee thank you very nice you to give me that run go okay we're dodging them oh there's arrows there's a lot of everything we just accidentally dodged that okay give me arrows that's all i want thank you taking that okay whoop and that's zoro spear with durability up okay that's nice thank you it's not a long throw so anything beats that at this point oh wow they're sharpshooters the zigzag wow it was close gotten pretty good at the art of dodging octorocks here just barely turn in at the last second take them out perfect we're gonna be taking all this stuff because we we need it for the zora armor and you know arrows are nice and this should be a zoro sword with attack up 12. oh wow that's actually really good uh yes please thank you okay didn't expect that to be my immediate weapon here they're pretty cool looking there is just so many around these parts thank you master mode for once i'm thinking a silver shield with durability yes okay that fits really nicely we got the bow the shield yeah it just compliments everything we're very shiny now we're gonna heal up so we stopped shining red okay i wonder what this could be could it be another zoro weapon there's just so many which i am okay with an attack up silver ball tech of 11. wow that's nice i'll always take the attack up stuff over like everything silver bow just a normal one but more is better because we have three silver bows a silver shield a good selection of weapons coming into another camp though oh there's a sore spear yeah you know i will take that thank you that's a freebie that's a lot of shock oh that's a lot of random climb uh we're flying fish now oh no not the bridge anything that could have blocked us the bridge was just that little there's the domain but a little wind bomb won't hurt no oh just barely hurt okay uh oh we'll smack ourselves but we got it yes my weapons match so nicely too the aesthetic is evening out it's only gonna get better once we get the zoro armor there we go and there is our zora armor wow it looks really good especially with all this uh very nice and even the shorts fit perfectly like honestly like it actually fits like insanely well with this outfit this in itself kind of looks like a complete set like a swimsuit version of the actual zora armor get at least 20 we'll get way more we're getting them all after we kill this dude but while we're in town of course we're gonna stock up on our weapons because we're here oh we got it okay give me my spear yes another one basic spear but effective spear let's go back oh a beam no not the beam no there we go okay nice and simple pattern a real reward going to the back and getting another long sword so we have two of them now and yeah almost full in these slots just right here just laying right here we have a sword and shield so that's really helpful um oh there we go there's one in the water see it's uh technically better than the last one because it doesn't have a long throw yeah long throws yucky it just makes weapons worse i think our bow oh there's our bow okay they're just kind of laying around so very easy to mess just hidden off to the side that is a silver shield good we needed another one so we have quite a bit of things now three shields so that's pretty good almost full thing of bows and a full thing of weapons so nice diversity a few swords a lot of spears yeah this is really nice okay i think we're all set so now with all this weaponry we can finally go up the mountain to the lionel area and actually slam this time no running around just getting arrows we're gonna kill them for good let's see how this goes oh boy judging by everything else i don't know give a good shot there we go okay the altered arrow gravity is kind of nice perfect okay i think that guy has something we need though so i will take it that's silver with durability okay aha the shock arrows these lead the way we're not taking a picture because we don't have the camera room so uh we'll have to do that at a later time to get the pants all right doing this with all pants we just got the minimalist zoro static going on this will be enough for this okay that was uh hmm we gonna redo uh oh boy yep redo no not off guard this time we're gonna get him gotta melt him go up just lay it into him shots head boom already a nice chip in there he's flying up for that okay not gonna let him uh prevail this time just like that got the strap oh a lot of stamina oh wow no attack food but we're going for it oh gotta get him every time the sweeping attack no i'm gonna sweep with my shield first i'm so happy we have this 27 damage sword it's laying into him pretty good he's almost at halfway oh he just kicked me i don't know how we're beaming him like this oh okay this is the run phase we're not good against that one there we go just bow shots attack him on his back it literally doesn't take up any weapon durability this way this is so nice we can keep just keep doing it not breaking our shield getting the parries as long as you get the parries line up the head shot up i think we'll be fine let's go only a few more oh it's badly damaged that's okay we expected to lose a bit on this oh okay we almost got the head okay yes come on we're so close you're so insanely close oh it's broken okay we have plenty though oh we actually got that that that could have been it come on just a few more he's only had a sliver yes we did it we actually did it first go basically first go pretty much we're not going to pass fail but technically but i don't care we did it that's all i care about oh my god wow for lionel hoof a lionel horn and the pride that we did it's because we can't pick those up in a zorro run that makes me very sad and upset but you know what it's okay because now we can actually get the shock arrows uh without fail shock arrow yes yeah there we go oh what the there was three in that tree there's occasional ones up high yep they're all just very odd spaces there we go we have the 20 shark arrows but there's still so many more to grab we can actually do in the safety of uh this lionel free zone you know it really begs the question why is just so many shotguns and trees like valeno is doing target practice you know honestly that could be it to be fair we have 28 of them yeah not that we need all 28 but we're getting them and a lizard too apparently just chilling by the shock just hates trees with the passion that's why they're there the mystery will never be fully solved but we have 33 shock arrows so let's go you know the lynel is a real challenge this is kind of like the micro challenge after it so i think we'll be fine enough shock girls we have plenty inside on if i could give you some i would but yeah i don't want to kill you i'm the only zoro that can handle this stuff apparently so okay just shatter them all easy target practice this is just a bigger stupider lynel pretty much that should be nice and then like that and that one too boom bop easy done okay we did it once again after the landlord is going to seem pretty trivial we deserve that i don't know how we got that little fight after all those stupid deaths today i'm gonna crank this up and before we get the main terminal night nice try shoot down the eye oh shoot on him first then the eye baseball a double we're looking flashy though just in the light wow sorry i still can't get over the look of the set let's go hop on our ferris wheel here [Music] okay i saw that coming oh okay all the terminals awesome now we can face off water of light you know it's appropriate that we're avenging the zoros first avenged them from the lynel now we're going to avenge mifa from the blight whatever oh cover his eye yep awesome give him the beat down yeah a good spinny yeah this is this is pretty cake come on i shot distance and he always covers his eye after that first one but we got him so it's okay gonna be an easy squashing here there we go so the one part i don't appreciate about this he always covers it and the flurry is like impossible so we're going to do our own flooring with the bow there we go and shoot while the sky yeah you flipped around awesome yeah that was good yes yes couple good eye shots the third one there we go oh we're out of stamina though come on not that much badly damaged and the long sword come on we got this a few more no it's gonna be just a little too yep [Music] oh we we missed we messed it up really bad oh that did some damage okay that could've been really bad not right at the end oh no okay we have only a couple arrows left there now's my chance we're not messing this up this time get back here one more hit just no i did a dumb hit i'll try and do a finisher [Music] no no yeah in midair that's what i was trying to do we got that midair slice that helm splitter oh my god that was great almost got us there you know i was a little worried burned through a bit of arrows but it was water blight so i'm fine with that i'm just fine that he's gone so our first stop after um defeating water blight would be to actually get the full zoro look so to get the zoro legs you need to do a quest we need to talk to her but you need the camera room first because you have to take a picture of a lionel uh we don't have the cameroon so that's going to be our first uh big step so we have to go all the way to heteno for that just for the pants but in the meantime yeah we can quickly get the hood though going up these waterfalls i still love this a lot i'm so happy the zoro set actually has like unique properties to it that aren't just like a buff hello funk and nope i'm the faster draw and yeah we need uh more arrows too but luckily these guys pretty much always drop arrows either five or ten only the zoro's the main zelfos they're all special like that right here oh come on i got that there we go annoying but he had a stack next to him we're replenishing but here we are and oh just right there actually well conveniently placed and lock it from the bottom bizarre home there we go some extra swim speed and uh the spin attack that's not very practical but there we go it's a it's a funny-looking hood we look more fish-like but yeah with three parts uh your swim speed is doubled from normal poop in the head good bonus damage and break it yeah okay bye bye give me arrows yeah ten arrows that's so good these guys drop a lot all right before we finally make it to hitano though um i will be scanning in the mifo amiibo so hopefully get something kind of fun just kills fish nice amount of fish which we need and we get a zoro spear but with critical hit so that's that's kind of nice i'll take it the one nice thing about getting a white modifier is that it can be critical it so for spears it's actually the worst one because you're only getting the double damage on the final hits of the five but it's still better than that i don't know long throw so enhance away we can do that and uh yeah we need just three horns which luckily we got plenty of horns from the lizzles we just killed there we go okay and fight for that too so ten defensive total i think for the next one we're gonna need um some more of those and also some hyrule bass so speaking of hyrule basso hyrule bass he's back blue armor bluish weapons bluish horse i'm not uh super excited for what follows because taking the blue flame up to the tech lab is going to be a bit of a pain it's a random horse hey a very random horse why are you not on your horse i need to buff my set wait a second wait a second that's not right pretty sure they're not supposed to be like that you do your thing you hit him off to the side that's so amazing okay uh see you next time bud but now we're here in a tenno and uh i'm sorry for speaking so harshly please enjoy this apology egg yes the apology egg it's not a pass through the chicken coop without getting the apology egg first okay but here's the fire and yeah we don't have any sort of wood weapon so basically have to carry it on our bow like that and make shots it's gonna be tricky it's gonna be pretty tricky full game pretty strong okay yes ah make up for it get a better one yes okay that's good starting more fires we fail these shots it's arson time you're right about that oh no worse in time awesome get a bit of a closer shot when i can yeah there we go okay it's nice with the silver bow because the arrow gravity rate um is a little bit lower than normal it slightly disobeys gravity which is kind of nice there we go that's easier but the other ones won't be as as easy here yeah this is the tricky part that's all the way there and we are all the way uh here so let's try to figure this one out um all or nothing yeah why not just like that and oh i feel like we were so close there come on get it get it get it no we're definitely a little bit too low what if i tried by horse i didn't even think of that to be honest there we go we got it okay just like that yeah we still actually need to get it fully yeah we can definitely get a much bigger gallop going before we shoot it off oh [Music] oh come on you did it before the fire is being aerophobic i see nope this time the horses there we go got it and just run it across and start it's raining okay oh my god why does that have to rain there we go go go go there we go and did it not get it it was so bright i couldn't tell yep hey went right through it look at that it just didn't want us to get that it really didn't that's unfair that is so unfair i feel like mechanically the flame went out uh before it did visually gotta go gotta go gotta go just like that all we can do come on get it get it yeah we got it oh the long shot we still got it yes okay finishing this one off nope and torches there awesome yeah we got the cameroon click snap don't worry i'm going to take the sunshrooms too or the one that's such a weird staircase like the way link climbs up it just like it's as if there's other steps in between like you're just literally like walking on the sky that's funny we have the room now we just gotta wait for a blood moon for the lionel to respond but until then you know what we're going to make progress towards the next divine beast uh we'll hit whatever's close to home so the closest one will be divine beast vaudania so been to the spicy zone but i think we'll be able to manage let's get some potions stock up and uh be on our way fireproof lizards alone won't be enough we need the butterflies which beetle sells at the stable over here and the one that's in northern color oh there's hester yeah while we're here we can get another slot weapon stash just three awesome yeah hyrule base i just killed my horse's cousins oops from this beetle we can buy some smoldering butterflies uh three for ten each only i've seen a few more it's peaceful i kind of like it like that just in this area that fish just uh got elevated here it is open it up and we have silver bow yes we didn't need another one yeah we have four again so that's pretty nice kick it stubbor toe just to get another silver belt yeah okay and get our final reward which is a silver shield we'll pay our little fee 500 rupees yeah okay enhance away five bass five uh of the lizzle parts there we go five to eight more defense okay nice i'll take it i'm beefing ourselves up what have you got you must have the smaller butterflies i need so thank you i will take them all nice place to start our climbing to pick up those uh initial potions just the level ones so we can make it our way up to the city europe who we need to talk to for temporary potions at least three we should bring okay i'll take one we're mad dashing this one six minutes that's plenty let's not regret this decision let's go fast hyrule bass let's go oh there's the guardian uh reset arrow he just spazzes out that's fine better you than me he doesn't see us by mr guardian oh never mind well they do call them guardian stalkers for a reason let's have to bomb our way up just like that avoid that guardian like entirely wow that laser stayed on me pretty well through that is he actually gonna fire it he is wow okay that laser vision before we're just going to the volcanic areas as a fish you know a water thing a lot of lizards into mine literally pick up any rock get a lizard there we go three lizards a lot of free lizards here [Music] gotta quickly find this cooking pot where is it there it is flame guard descended uh before we burn up let's go cook some stuff yeah one lizard three butterflies and i think a tail would work let's put that all in there 18 minutes oh boy that's awesome let's do it again yes that that's really good okay 13. yeah that that first one critical um i don't think we need any more chug one down go on our way we are now fireproof for a very long time holy hotness oh uh the rock snow what are you doing oh my god i broke up it broke open the drill shaft cave yes rodania that was amazing pay your respects though and move on another time drill shaft it wouldn't be free there's those guys with yep the enemy drill shaft hello i gotta take these guys down come on ah no flurry okay one at a time drill shaft guy is gonna be a little bit harder he's got the op weapon here do a scale beat down oh got a bull yeah okay oh we died in the fire [Music] whoa i'm gonna casually pinch this guy too yeah oh that lineup's so nice here versus spear whoa nice it broke on it but that's good really does any damage just for these two guys just charge us up yeah he has a lot of health oh wow no we almost got him kicked me for the finale there arrows are nice though yeah these zoro spirits aren't really the strongest especially against a lot of them but we'll still manage because we have numbers on our side push and crush nice bowlers always block this path get them out when the owner can easily do this he's big and strong but i have to always push the boulders there we go bombs do the trick hit him bonk the one guy who named their horse the uniball so it always says gunnable can't hear you oh no that's funny what's that is that the blood moon in the horizon it is yes that means we can get our pants well after this divine beast i guess it'll be our reward for finishing can't hear me just follow i'd go too far maybe i did actually i did yeah you know bo hello moblin one hit oh wait a second it's gonna come back the blood moon uh yep the first one oh well quick and simple death again come on wave wave wave get over here yeah oops just crushed all the gemstones oh wait back up this one we can avoid we're just gonna go up there actually that was close that was really close yeah all good right uh there and there hope that one only half killed him there we go fully killed very good launch time instant yes shoot him over yeah after that pass torch stuff there's nothing easy just run them all across like that and it is right there nice start with the easiest ones here ah a little too far off very good hop on across and we get it just barely touch the malice so it's gonna be the fire carrying segment so i've done this playing times before without a wood weapon just hold it like that shoot it that make sure to pick up the arrow just like that over and over again not as stylish as doing a trick shot but it's a lot more effective and we can actually do it here uh this way whereas it is right there yep that's so much easier torch the head one more bomb like that yeah okay nice bombs coming in handy there okay that's good made it nice and safely and that's the last terminal there's your center area click it and all right take on fire blight pantsless still but the pants will be the reward uh we got this quick arrow to stagger then the bomb method knock him down yes use everything we got in him good chip damage final hit for the spear good use cheap zoro spears for now these are expendable bombs for you the bomb delivery method is pretty nice just two bombs knocks him off his ass and then a few good charges we can even more first phase is going to be a cakewalk just a phase to break all my weapons though there you go broke another zoro spear wow yeah that's fine for now uh go burst them out of there okay bonus hits as long as you don't let him regen this will be a quick fight right by the bottom okay dropped off a present and followed up with oh the lebron was back there we can't do it crap now he's gonna fly that's what we're trying to avoid but we got a good shot no another one we don't have too many arrows no only when we missed the bomb it gets dangerous oh last arrow couple more oh zero spear broke we're gonna finish him off with go with a long sword screw it nope big yes big hits no don't fall you weren't allowed to do that kicking it does nothing okay gotta use your final arrow that's all we got yep right there smack him down and no no no no no no no no no it was a very we're so close i thought we got it right there oh come on we got him with the bomb on midair come on that's it we got him with bombs oh so good oh that was so so good yes the bomb heads we had no more arrows excuse my poor planning on that one but you know what so good so so good gives us a fifth one it's awesome so we can get our actual true reward now just up there he's waiting back home ready though what do we have here lionel with his bow drawn on me i think we're going to teleport away nice safari but uh i'm fleeing immediately but at long last we have the zora so i can give us our pants very shocking not very dignified at all it's okay and now we get pants yes zoro pants oh finally that took too long but it's okay we already had the zoro shorts but now we have zorah pants yeah the full look okay it complements everything really nicely though just the silver just all throughout with this we can finally go to the last two regions uh the bird and the zap sav camel so we'll go to those then finally take down ganon sizzlefin trout will be very good for uh the cold area there we go the sword and shield respond so that's nice we can't even pick up the shield yet uh yeah we only have four slots for that those are very expendable but you know the more the better there we go silver bow take out the silver scale spear again that'll be helpful slightly better one but i think we can do even better there it is look at this guy the ceremonial trident 14 damage so nice step up uh more durable yeah okay be elite way to getting the actual version later on so we'll save that one for the finale though it looks so good with this yes there you go easy archer that's that's pretty good what okay there it is the loot was just a little late to the party there bird what it's all spawning in late why pick out this one at least yeah oh stealth strike i forgot those exist what arrow's ten of them nice these guys are nice too yeah always died of one head shot oh and goodbye to the loot i guess and the arrows silver shield that we don't need again uh last couple of arrows dr schum so they stay on the platform very not so good okay oh hey there we go nice well we're going down there anyways silver long sword it has long throw though no why why are we being cursed this play through ah okay we dropping there we go that wasn't that bad of a fall i mean we can do this last short and to get uh another partial wheel stamina so that'll be very helpful for meadow and wind blight get our arrows 10 nice okay yeah so meadow first and the boris it's gonna be a bit tricky because the blights will scale so we'll be fighting thunderblade with 2000 hp again but uh we can manage um take horse hydro bass yes no need to face them just got outrun like every single one shoot your friend yeah i shot him i lined that up perfectly they never give up we always take a route straight through hyrule field every single time but it's fine hyrule bass is very helpful you bombs at me i'm pretty sure they're bottom ones they are bomb ones they're all bomb ones on these bridges i hate that we're gonna start this quest for the extra rupees the dude just gives you 500 so yeah and yeah i'll take your entire stock beetle thank you and yeah some peppers right there you can mix that with the coal resistant stuff for an even better effect because we need at least level two okay nice right over and you can see it right from the distance okay meadow and wind blight we're coming for you they're looking not like they're gonna hit they always mess pop them down straight down the cliff side there's the salmon yeah no come here fishy yeah salmon gotta get my salmons just collecting all the fish appropriately so statue for spirit orbs stamina that'll be so nice for both times because you gotta get three eye shots in a row for one blight to knock them down and only having the fifth of wheel doesn't help as much uh two-fifths so it's a lot more helpful sunshrooms like always buy them all out yeah take the arrows too over a hundred yeah we're fine it's a little bit of chef time now we'll go one of these the sunshroom and then load it up with the peppers and that should give us a nice 12 minute 30 second one okay that's a lot of time sizzle fin peppers and a sunshine for another one just for some added duration in there 10 minutes you know i think we'll be good that's over 20 minutes for this whole section which is plenty of time medal's pretty fast we're not gonna get this are we yeah we are okay fly fishing time i call this a fish fly okay cold air we gotta do something about that let's just eat our 12 and a half minute right away okay i like how it looks like a whole like a little city up there try using the bomb rune that's not to work is it i don't think the bomber is going to work against these oh my god the bomb room works what the bomb rune actually works what that is that is amazing not very practical but amazing yeah gonna be very close i'll probably do more damage once they're upgraded which these are not okay that's good enough bomb time yeah only needed one bomb all that to save one bomb that was so cool i never knew that holy crap [Music] like that okay no oh what oh come on you gotta be kidding me at least it caught me i've had the courtesy of that go up for it come on that's just enough okay quick pop around oh we're dying [Music] oh come on came at me right away dying bows broken we use another 15 bow just playing through i always take this route now there we go suck this right in it's easy from here we just go down below that's too easy honestly this piece takes seconds i think i've taken that rot before but i just found it and that was nice nice shot to the eye a nice shot into the eye i mean a nice shot into the eye there we go this is uh pretty fast more flying fish time three minutes and 12 seconds till uh we run out just of this one though okay this time wind blight gotta get some good arrow hits i'm gonna take the gus no got too close whoa oh my god okay yeah that's good one two and three we don't run out of stamina this time so we actually have enough time to hit him use spins here it's not insane damage but it's pretty nice you know i'm happy we didn't do a win bite last always it'll be a huge bullet sponge without the attack up a few spinnies here this is the longer one so i'm just trying to get rid of it there we go oh he's high up and i hate when he teleports away he just gets time to regen you're cheating he's rejecting a lot ah triple arrow oh he fell off okay so much for getting extra damage whatever we just took off from him uh he regained back hit it now got it yeah just hitting him everywhere already badly damaged okay where'd he go what he just keeps teleporting everywhere no quit moving there we go okay one uh long throw put to good use yeah thank you long throw okay simple i hit no why only on master mode no gun ah he's just an annoying one nope and a couple spear hits come on you almost won't throw tornado at me again nope i learned from the first time oh he's got the weird uh things now we're just stopping regen ah laser field oh how do we dodge all of them oh what how do we dodge all of them i have no idea oh we got our chance there we go oh nice barrage not bad at all thank you burb oh full resistance is running out uh take care of that 10 minutes we're fine where is he though where is he i don't see him just oh there it is just randomly in just the corner of the beast rejecting everything back from halfway oh good we stopped the regen there we go stop him i don't care needs heavy stopping power this time good come on okay broke already wow oh come on making disappointing plays on me and go use critical hit just for like a couple extra damage for volley it's gonna go laser mode on me oh come on what i thought we had that one i really thought we had that one oh he's so far he is so far ah gotta get good shots nothing that's easy in any way ah take it no it's all doing a lot of damage i don't appreciate any of it when blight this isn't your time to shine anymore though that's spearheads what's he doing little charge attack nothing bad i'm in your blind spot it's gonna get me there and now we can get you here right come on close close yes we did it oh crap oh my god i thought he was going to teleport away again he was actually being nice that time well thank you you're trying to use a power attack i was just right under him he found that window we took him down he took a lot of our weapons down though that's for sure let's see how this plays out for the last two bosses um oh boy well with metal out of the way we only have one more which is easily the hardest but i feel like we're prepared so next we'll charge naboris let's go ahead and teleport to there do the gerudo route we're gonna nab a horse down here this will be temporaries or a horse i'll take you no don't run for me i saved you i don't know he sees it apparently hopefully hyrule best doesn't feel betrayed more rolling boulders can't get past those here i'm gonna entrust you with this bomb move boulders this is partial animal cruelty but it's working come on get through get through push push you got it yeah come on yes we actually got it the strong might of this horse i want to see a strength stat new horse only one strength what where are the hidden stars he just moved all those boulders that was a very long trot into the desert and just like nope bye-bye okay horse over now it's desert time yeah i forgot we still need by the groot armor which is 600. we'll have enough stuff to sell right kazakaza bazaar very bizarre that gorons are here uh but you know what screw it it's hot death mountain's hot uh look what i've got you have plenty of stuff to sell right oh yeah three topazes that's a lot well the salt is opal and the ambers okay oh yeah we're doing good not gonna lie the zoro weapons kind of fit with that it just has that you know that glamour to it this is actually very fitting not gonna lie spa plan get some nice temporary hearts in the morning will be cool parts are refilled we have three temporary ones so we can talk to mini urbosa in there and then make another beeline for the hideouts link short the guru just like tower overlaying holy crap oh first digas that's okay okay hop away up shoot banana he didn't see banana uh will this work it does work oh that doesn't work oh come on it's still the sneak strike prompt clearly didn't work i'm just trying to get through oh i see what we did wrong we weren't a zorro my bad hit that now he's distracted it's a better way to do it you know deserve to live free banana cool before he just ate that one jump up there i'll just shoot it down we have a lot of bananas now just like that okay pretty good then open the mighty mighty banana chest it was double mighty because it had its own chest this is topaz i love my topaz oh we just kicked that open it's funny i like just stepping on him ruby i love all the gemstones in this game wait i want to try something what if we actually oh we can push them wait a second what okay yeah close the gate sure what's that gonna do the floating chest i mean okay it's not gonna affect anything i'm already here let's open i just want to see if it worked okay sneak a hundred yeah so he didn't get alerted unless he was damaged well keep that in mind do your thing come on simples pop and pop okay that worked pretty good sword time i like the zoro sword a lot though it's very cool it's taking forever come on coco yeah i'd be early with it oh what so what you missed okay the giant pit is gonna be it has to be like a dungeon or something and breath of the wild too just giving all the underground stuff it's like okay that has to be something more thunderhelm we got it all right now we can head back and actually take down the beast oh more lost gorons in here that's funny i still just it's all woman and gorons divine beast weapons ganon some good food lit the torch too uh i'm gonna make this attack boost food three minutes twenty let's make a few of these got more bananas yes okay banana party mighty carp okay with the bananas just all in one have a meaty attack boost okay or fishy one and might as well use the hearty salmon too that'll be helpful fish eating fish we are cannibal but superior fish eating smaller fish so i guess that's normal all right the nebora segment is a bit tricky more bomb arrows we used like all 20 last time on one blade but it's okay going straight in we don't need minnie or boss's help get back get back get back i said usually she catches up just fine come on there we go oh there's a circle that uh goes down to see when you're gonna get ahead i did not know that wait what how did i never notice that that is so helpful okay get the first one first one down that's good very helpful oh okay good okay going for it i don't care for some stuff screw it we got it it was worth it we didn't fully die but uh okay we're fine terminal kind of weave away around oh never mind we got it turn this column just twice let's do it right away and then uh twice more let's go full circle do it really fast parkour god yes link oh wait we can kind of get our way on top of there okay good i have to find a hook we can do this right just land on there maybe okay actually working kind of yeah we did it oh no oh you're kidding me time to spin again this makes it all simpler okay not bad okay eyeball gets caught there it is let's get you down ah no no no no we're good it barely just fell off go chompy yeah chop sh what time jump jump jump chomp shield there we go got a game with the parry like that get the terminal easily this time this guy's just going to know me in the elevator oh perry's work yeah parries really do work yeah sticker the crap out of him okay let's get him down from there there we go that works now we move down okay spin attack though take care of these holy crap anything's unexpected at this point ah break it okay nice yeah it's a long blade a couple whacks look at let's take stamina to push though that's so heavy apparently there we go that's the final terminal here it's awesome i guess it's thunderblade time now oh boy saved thunderbite for last he has a full 2000 hp this time swords are nice with the shield for the fights but i'm gonna use the trident because uh it has some really good damage for this attack out food ready this shall be fun let's go at it oh yeah very fast okay uh okay good let's try and should do the trick though okay not too bad better than uh the nine damage spears can't really dodge it oh oh what i thought we would have jumped over it we were so close okay we got that though some of the occasional hits he won't regen oh yes oh man a little too worried now it already broke only a third of the way through the fight sword and shield time i guess just right through his health a bit when it gets halfway though it's gonna be a lot harder this is just training mode oh wow so fast still throws me off every time we're almost halfway though come on so close yes halfway point now toby doesn't reach at all back um in the next part it's right there oh no don't don't shock me right away you shocked it right away now it's gonna return it back that's so painful okay come on rng be on my side thank you good good drain hell just a bet yes oh no no he's gonna go hell on me perry yes okay good whack him around to bed screw it get some extra damage anything at this point oh that got me no we stole bomb arrows don't reach on your thing back oh you of course you did [Music] oh we can't parry that yep fleury no double got me nope the parry and the slash wow why are you so hostile today oh look how much you reach end he batted me around like dead fish only halfway again though why we gotta keep getting less about our last hope oh what what got it everything chained i guess i don't know oh hit his shield oh wow wow just from the back there oh that's how it's gonna be that's how he's gonna be no oh wow so fast so so so fast throw it again yes okay no no no no no oh you threw everything you got at me um we're so blowing weapons okay good he's still rejecting a lot but oh no good i guess though just break through a shield i guess yep before returns back fully the beat down all we can do oh yes extra damage eye shot yes okay that's very effective actually come on just break that shield take so many hits without even worth it i don't know but his health is going down so much we're avoiding all just his worst attacks come on please please please come on another eye shot we just keep doing it now we're going to hit the beat down yes come on it's so close yes yes holy crap we just wouldn't stop chaining him down wow that's so effective with the head shot oh yes this time fish beats zap once in a lifetime event that headshot's so effective when the shield's down i'm scared for doing ganon though after that oh boy all right back in the domain we're pretty uh battle beaten here we need to refresh and uh take on the big baddie hello mr king i've come finally for the weapon which is the legendary light scale trident yes 22 damage for a spear that's going to be so helpful for the finale this alone will yeah just towers over all these spheres look at that a chest and inside the chest is a zoro spear with durability up okay you know i'll take that it's nice because it actually has a modifier now a silver bow with durability up yes all starting to have modifiers now i know late in the game but uh hey i wonder what's in the chest hopefully not a long throw open what are you kidding me how did we get log throw that's unfair i mean it's still a silver log sword but are you serious how you know i've actually never repaired a weapon this game before and we broke the ceremonial uh this seems like uh a weapon repair man um ceremonial trident what do we need for this remake zoro spear and five pieces oh okay well we know that now i've never done this before uh there we go another ceremonial trident that's awesome well we have both of them ceremonial tridents meepo's light skill trident and a bunch of other nice assist weapons and a not so nice one but you know what screw it we don't talk about that but wow okay three bows that's gonna be plenty for ganon full thing of shields i think we're now ready to finally take our horse and make a way for the castle oh and look who it is waiting for me hey we're just about to call you but uh you're right wait a second wait wait what i thought that was hyrule bass no wait it's another sideways man what are you doing here i literally thought that was hyrule bass uh no well that really threw me for a loop okay hyrule bass sorry stronk we will we're bringing back another playthrough that's for sure this is that's for the fish guys no even better for side on we got to do it i just like this too much like these door weapons look so good come with the horse so nicely we're going for it this is exciting a little worrying because of thunder blight but uh you know what we got the double spear up guardians nope shooting late okay gotta get around this guy oh wow that was close he's stopping no you can't stop go go oh thankfully he delayed a shot jump over oh no oh not my horse only one way out no not that's my me fist grace gonna fly over this is not good ah fish out of water here go horse oh wow that was very dangerous you gotta rush through the gate too the flying guardian isn't nearby that's good oh there's the flying guardian a lot of lasers but here we are okay gotta skip our cutscene okay not the death cutscene oh something fired whoa whoa everything happened during that cutscene uh oh no no no no no they're all coming up run okay oh just barely oh my god the part that ruined speed runs yep we don't have any ferry wait do we have fairies we have two fairies that's not good there we go i had a pair yet get out of my way this is tricky we have a little bit of extra stamina nothing too crazy here okay up to the balcony have more eyes on me bad eyes uh what happened it parried and just it all exploded okay huh no justifiable reason but screw it we can get up here now oh waterfall yes okay swim upwards yes okay we can actually fight the currents pretty well with the nice swim speed yes my peak moment waterfall swimming oh that's not my peak moment yes okay waterfalls clutched it here we are though it's the sanctum we can do it avoid the guardians method grace still has yep a couple of minutes um gotta go attack up this is it ceremonial this is how we do it i think we're finally ready we gotta do it for sight on sync okay zora gannon see if water beats fire whoa okay yes good flurry to start us off with oh man just trickle damage though that's worrying nope slime down oh oh no the first land on goddess though no oh no another fairy oh you just shoot up both of our fairies are you kidding me okay we got the perry though that does pretty nice damage okay wow that's a lot no more fairies already okay uh uh this is this is going swimmingly as long as he doesn't regen we have a shot slime downs will get us right away can't have that bomb arrows good whoa okay oh that was so close okay uh can't risk anything oh wow badly damaged already what get some few acts at least oh that's not many i'll slam down no no no no okay wow well let's go in with our zoro sword attack up we're saving this for quite a while oh wow this'll be nice yeah look at that very very good damage oh no no oh so close i'm trying to bomb your face okay we have another minute for the mifa's grace recharge that'll be our only buffer these are all pretty much one shot here a little too close for my liking trickle damage oh did we get him to halfway oh we did there's no way [Music] we can do this yes bomb quite a few left we're good extra damage oh nothing there yes okay good three hits oh it's one badly damaged already wow okay well only one more option and that is mifa's light skill trident okay okay good good viva grace is ready yes okay just in case had to be very early there oh he was very off oh no no no it's smacked down oh he's regening oh we have to get this perry it'll be fatal yes okay that would have been really fail if you didn't get that yes nice charges oh amazing he's on the wall [Music] there we go perry right back at him do some damage good oh so nice para game good okay nice come on only has a bit left come on please we're so close now okay back off oh no oh man we got roasted okay good good come on this could be it this could be a dude for side on please come on we got it so close one more one more yes we did it oh my god as zora with the meeple weapon yes avenged mifa and wow literally spiked him to death as a fish how does that make him feel i don't care we did it that was awesome it was a bit of a slippery finish but the zoro only run through was quite the success as we were able to power through some of the toughest moments in scale of victory for good i'll spare you from all the puns now but this run was a total blast to play and i want to thank you all so much for watching this marks the third theme run we have done for this game with the previews featuring the warrior-like style of the gerudo and the stealthy nature of the chica so feel free to check those out in the playlist above and below and expect even more themed adventures to follow but thanks again so much for watching feel free to leave like and subscribe here to support the channel and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: Croton
Views: 658,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Stats, Shield, Damage, Bow, Lynel, Tips, Tricks, Help, Botw, Botw 2, Sequel, Elemental, Level up, XP, Cooking, ancient, guardian, satori mountain, Hyrule Warriors, Age of Calamity, stasis, combat, run, special run, challenge, challenge run, special, amiibo, bokoblin, horse, gameplay, pointcrow, smallant, sheikah, stealth, yiga, Gerudo, Vai, Voe, Molduga, Link, Zora, Silver, Lightscale, Trident
Id: aYhWEBI77pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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