Can you BEAT Breath of the Wild using ONLY Ancient Gear??

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[Music] breath of the wild's biggest distinction from other zelda games is a formidable ancient attack across the land although these weapons of mass destruction are usually found in the hands of enemies what if we were to exclusively use this technology to combat them and beat the game for good well let's do it the rules for this run are simple one all divine beasts and the finale must be cleared two only ancient weapons and armor can be equipped three all 46 guardian stalkers in the world must be exterminated four all the champion abilities must be disabled and five force mandatory items are still okay which includes the main story armor and the torch for the mandatory blue flames although there is a huge variety of these weapons ranging from the different tiers of guardian ones to the powerful ancients getting to this point with nothing to start off with is gonna be quite tricky and also very harsh on the wallet for the ancient stuff but the payoff to eventually get powerful enough will be insanely worth it but without further delay let's let the crescendo to power begin and i hope you guys all enjoyed the ancient only run gotta go on our first shrine we're not really gonna find many uh guardian weapons up here so uh down below we go okay there's the guardians how are we going to do this without our weapons just like that that barely does any damage oh great oh no you already got us crap that was so quick no come on are you serious okay like that runs them over yes okay good give it to me yes guardian sword okay cool i need to get out of here engine core okay that's really good you can get good weapons and good loot so we can buy the ancient weapons later which for now uh crappy guardian weapons let's see i need an arrow to blow this up but i think our only other solutions to do this lift it up there we go perfect hop get it i can use those spears really bad please get in front of it yes we got one okay good oh my god great ah get in front please yes yes we did it oh my god the rock train strikes again look at that we have two spears and a half damage sword now but we have a good start just right there gives us a really good diamond okay awesome there's the tower right there uh a lot of lasers on me and i don't have a shield to reflect that so we should go to a shrine now where we can kill a guardian for a shield i do want to take him out there because it is a bit of a trek uh nope yes he got stopping the skeletons okay perfect oh this is a sick horse and guardian yes i'm an ancient person so i need a guardian of my own to do this this is what we're here for oh don't crush me you're almost dead ancient brittle yes increase the number of spurs so a nice power up and he's going to be extra fast and extra guardian like he's beating me in the aesthetic game i gotta catch up just below this bridge miner still not gonna be easy though okay good it's not worth trading weapons on this guy he just has that extra mastermind health oh my god just like that nice little bombing run yep why's just tornadoing no oh crap we didn't even start the fight yet that's awful just like that perfect flurry out of that okay you almost just snaked around and got me uh always cutting it close oh it's this one now stay safe stay safe stay safe okay good snake around last ones i think so yes that was it okay we got him guardian spear little bit of parts too and reward is an ancient core so that'll be helpful it was very much worth it for that okay to the outskirts of fairing we go uh okay here's our shrine another guardian sword and shield i'm coming for your shield oh no what oh my god wow he just whipped out the hair come on stop the regen get him yes okay that one's dead guardian shield can defect a guardian scouts beam this is gonna be game changing spring looks so good wow this looks like what we need though pop that out for an even better guardian error piece the ancient saddle which makes them teleport change the saddle to the ancient yes the full guardian look it's a nice dark horse cool beefy armor this is awesome gives away the full aesthetic before me all right but now with our shield we gotta take this tower come on guardian we need a support guardian for our own our first challenger this shouldn't be a problem yes perfect okay oh the shield oh my god we're doing it what are you thinking on a big one after all those smaller ones oh man it was a bit nerve-wracking honestly but uh we got it it's guardian down and look at that already a core holy crap wow that is awesome okay yes oh we got the far one gotta make the tower climb easier somehow okay just up here perfect tower let's get it awesome we have full reigns in the region now there's a lot of pins uh so yeah everything needed for this run is pretty spread out so to help with this i made a map with all the most important shrines for parts and weapons along with all 46 guardian locations as well although we don't visit every one of these shrines in this run if you want to go about this playthrough yourselves feel free to use the map to gauge where you want to go and what you most want to get but as of now with the shield in our hands our next objective is to garner enough guardian parts and rupees to make our way to the tech labs and finally get the expensive but powerful ancient equipment but in doing so we will need to take down a lot more of what's ahead more guardians will be good yes okay don't reach in too much there we go no oh no oh crap okay it's still hard can't be too confident that's very rare that i failed something like that wait no okay you had the delay there oh there we go a kill okay loose stuff gotta get ourselves some extra parts for these guys come on oh no what let's get anxious the fact that i have no armor to do this okay good now we're gonna go for the legs gotta get some extra parts through one shots wreck up his health bet yes dead and for extra parts wow that really basically doubles the amount of drops from him and we got a cork nice holy crap a good selection of ancient parts look at that oh just right out the horizon come on dodge okay good there we go good that's one that's two that's a delayed one oh my god and then legs okay good get the legs good parts it's a good uh exchange of parts okay the guardian by the peaks just sucks not having this armor buffer that we need okay perfect now the legs yes double perfect wait no don't don't reach don't regen don't slide what are you doing guardian yes okay good oh my god he's just spazzing badly damaged that's all right that's what the spears are for a giant core oh my god we actually got one holy crap that's incredible that's basically a free uh shield or bow plus all the rupees and uh extra parts we need but [Music] okay now the legs again so many free parts [Music] oh wait what no he just insta-fired his laser that's cheating they keep cheating they're finding new ways to deceive me like leg definitely not skipping leg day today yeah we got him no that's that time we're getting better ready seven guardians done 69 screws uh 49 springs 24 gears 20 shafts of course giant ancient core we have plenty of parts now to begin the rush to the two tech labs first one hiteno upgrade our chica slade a bit and then the big one in nakala we have the high ground going into kakariko now look at that the normal sheikah armor so we have to get something a bit more advanced this one reusing that was pretty fun in the past so i guess we'll sell a lot of this gem stuff oh my god 420 rupees nearly 2 000 rupees which is a lot for a normal run but honestly we're gonna need a whole lot more for this run i think there's one in our pieces like two thousand so yeah that's what we're dealing with here okay we have some mccobbles in here the guardian and push them off wait no crap that was my whole plan i'm trying to get jesus maracas here but yeah like that okay perfect only one way to do this bombs okay goodbye bye bye bye goblin we'll give him a seed can't make good use out of it now but uh weapon stash will be helpful two four rows as always there's a whole field of decayed guardians here ancient screw okay screwy too spring now we're springing give me some gears or shafts too that's what i'm after shaft wow at least we weren't shafted there i prefer the drill shaft though of course that guy's alive more risk okay but more reward yeah it still is weak because bombs only do 12 damage uh but that's why you want to upgrade them so we'll do 24 and they'll recharge faster oh wow yeah oh we're flying okay blue flame gotta take you to our tech lab so we can get our fancy upgrades i can't really do that just like that fire yeah good just lit it right by it all right i think yeah the remote bumps are gonna be highly effective three engine shafts that's really nothing we have plenty all right rope on plus it'll be helpful for taking down anything i can do a stasis upgrade but it's three cores and i really need the cores for the ancient weaponry and the armor so you know we even need more so before we can hit robbies we have to probably get some more guardians and parts luckily there's a pretty good amount around here so i think we'll manage but let's go to our closest score point and uh mad dash all the way there and then we'll finally get fitted with our ancient stuff head on up this run will be helpful there we go right back at you yeah let's go one more he blew himself up i missed but he blew himself up and good thing to lose buoyancy ancient core okay just get past them just like that okay this is all for a core anyways we got it and a spirit arm oh wow he just tried to nuke us no it's a stalking bokoblin again go away he's got a whole pack now ah why yeah they don't give up my horse is out don't give up horse no no no no no not now nothing really focusing on the vitamix right now because we just got to power ourselves up getting the gear and everything is a lot more important well here we are akala uh i'm not ready to take down that giant uh tower yet [Music] oh we parried the explosion that's the worst come on very good look at the legs more parts that's like almost around like 20 parts a kill nearly doubles your intake and spring take oh god harry my horse is just staring at me parry these guys yes horse was that amusing okay good gonna get better and boom like that just keep on going forward after this yes the parry power is strong it's got a statue still we can still pray to it so and we have four uh orbs so gotta get some more stamina that'll be helpful all right give the orb to the center pedestal that's kind of far and we're just going to try this come on get it oh okay that's actually pretty good no don't whip me okay no no no no actually yeah take it this way thank you okay yeah you should do that again do it again yeah um how about you do it for me oh no no okay okay push it in ah he didn't want to complete it but he helped no what oh no this was a good ordeal giant ancient core yes our second one we've been all across the far reaches of the world already just for our weapons and to slay these guys good no broke uh we're not dealing with too much left freebies ah so good the insta shatter oh and a giant asian core holy crap what here we go and another toss in yeah perfect got it we gotta talk to robbie that's right i am link all right three ancient arrows he gives you that's really good okay we're gonna use those with our ancient bow now we can talk to cherry get some ancient weapons okay so pretty expensive for some of the things this is the ancients of two thousand a piece now that's expensive uh we're gonna suck up all of our cores with just two of the parts so we can't get everything at once right away so we'll just get the most important stuff so i think exchange all right ancient chess piece and the money 120 our ambers that takes us just a little over a thousand that's enough for the bow all right cherry just enough rubies it's uh a good amount of parts it needs but you know what this will be very worth it yes our first bow oh my god let's pull it out 44 damage compared to everything else that's crazy a lot of durability and fire is basically straight also means one other thing we can win bomb our main method to travel as an ancient soldier all those skywatchers these guys can get us a lot of parts too just like that and yes oh decor yes okay perfect we need a lot more the armors are three apiece and most of the weapons are two apiece besides some all right we gotta loot this place pretty thoroughly and looted of guardians oh hi man there's our first one shield is basically carrying this whole run and yeah these guardian weapons are too i'm happy we have them giant engine core yes wow right now it's actually the normal cores that are a problem how funny is that loot gems please ruby sapphire ancient core okay no i'll take that there's some guardians down here but this is what i really want the tribal medallion we can put this anywhere for a war point it'll come in handy stalkers okay good get the legs good it's just so helpful we get so many zombie stalkers yes oh of course okay good yep and we do the legs at the end because uh we do the likes first then wait for the parrys he's going to regen as he's charging up his laser so it's going to negate the 100 damage leg that we're doing right now what no come on give him bops oh yes okay we can't get the legs anymore we need something else to break guardians down and the guardian armor we need more of that the main thing about to prioritize is rupees the first thing we can do though we can head straight to the fairy fountain and uh at least unlock the first fairy fairy fountain and fairies well we can do our first one it's pretty cheap huh we're gonna need to get all them to level two though just so we can get that ancient proficiency eighty percent plus attack damage with all of our ancient stuff there's some luminous stuff here we can get we'll mine with the rock prevents it from spreading everywhere there we go luminesce okay crap uh topaz though we just have to get what we can i guess dodge those guys well we can just mining loose ores with bombs isn't gonna be our best plan forward but there is one thing we can do there's one area in the world that we can't actually go to where we can get much better things and that is farron 1500 that'll be good for one weapon which we'll really need that's uh to do our final bits of a groupie gathering might as well buy our first ancient weapon since we're all out we can more than afford this okay and look at that 40 damage i love when you just pop it out yes the durability on this thing's way higher it's like around like 50 something so what am i going to sell to make money a lot of the stuff i make in the jungle so uh some good ores but mainly the dragon parts what's this picable wait a second i need some arrows actually we'll be stealing yours this boat lasts forever it's got a 120 durability so i think we're fine arrows okay up the tower this will work whoosh okay good pokemon bats don't get me we're so close no you oh my god evil bats thankfully killed these rocks earlier oh whoa holy crap that's never happened to me before but i guess i locked our way up we're here here we go this is where we want to go it's not a whole heck of a lot but there's a good amount of gems we'll be needing all of these we can get them you know there we go a whole rainstorm flint's rubies uh amber's okay i do need the flint for what's up ahead though so the flint is actually good wood flint hit it make a fire and wait till morning and just like that whip and get the horn one arrow a piece a horn is 300 rupees so we just let him build up gotta avoid the thunder stuff though it'll just keep falling around these areas huh this is a good time to loot all these though before they despawn first one was just a scale because the first one's always a scale but this shard of ferocious horn 300 a piece all those were 300 and our ones over here that's six already and a scale all right let's go get a couple more look at that pause it we have 15 horn shards oh man so all of those 4 500 rupees yes oh man took us to 5 000. holy crap okay this on top of all these little loose jumps we just got took us to 6 000 rupees we can have the two pieces of ancient armor buy another weapon and also just some leftover rupees too look at these banana trees bananas there's a whole bottle a lot steal bananas i'll make tons of attack food with this it'll be really nice there we go more parts we have a blade to do this again and give me all the parts gears yes and a core yes okay bop those oars oh of course that one didn't get hit for a diamond though well that was worth it sword toss yeah it worked oh my god and we got flint guardian booms time we're getting good at this though and for another car okay well we're really set we're so sad but we have a lot of parts though so we can finally go back we'll buy the ancient helm first more than enough parts for all that and for the grease we're short two gears we can just loot a couple things that's fine i think we have exactly one more inch and arrow for you just a little donation right to the eye oh please fall there thank you okay that was close fallen yeah gears whoa intercourse both a lot of gears all these legs okay more free parts i'll take it all i think we can afford it now that is uh oh yeah we have nine more than we need wow by the pants we have the pants back out oh look at that the full ancient look oh that is so sick okay we gotta buy another weapon now to go with it yeah a lot of stuff requires gears which we will get but i think a blade saw will do just fine for us the blades off 55 damage look at that it's literally a sheikah chainsaw that is so cool just rips through things the only next thing we got to do is uh get this set upgraded though so we can age efficiency and do 80 damage extra with all these weapons they're we're literally gonna fry through these boxes like it's not even gonna be funny well this is doable these are all the parts that i have plenty of and the funny cone head too okay seven now we have 21 armor points yeah in order to get the level two parts uh we need a couple more gears but a call citadel is looking pretty uh ambitious right now looks like we got to reclaim the citadel as a guardian here hey big guy perfect shot please don't miss oh just barely just sliding down give me the goods oh that's triple core what oh my god that is incredibly rare that's amazing oh there's another no point in pairing because it's never going to land back in the eye oh yes it's barely making it okay good stay on the path please oh another car this is fantastic look at all those good parts yup there not anymore whoa look at that just long neck again [Music] oh yes so much of the good stuff silver sneak strike yes oh this is powerful it'll become way more powerful but for now that's good ten nicer 20 ice arrows and gems holy crap so awful what is he doing he's spinning in circles what are you doing i'm right here he's so entranced no get back get back you want to fight sounds good to me any good parts in here some more gears okay yes that's what we're really after oh no oh my god this actually put in work though we didn't die okay good that was all worth it good legs oh yeah oh do not distract me oh no this is bad we got everything still dodge it i don't like the bow guy at all oh come on everything came at me why okay good just fry up the legs yes okay good just barely double hit are you gonna shoot me he's about to shoot me isn't he ouch okay good done with him done with this crap now we can actually go to kakariko uh and upgrade this get our step bonus and make ourselves so pee all right it's very i'll pay the fee more than afford that well look at that only just a bit of springs and all of our gears seven to twelve okay that's one again one more being total piece and pretty soon our bonus there it is all at 12 and then yes that bonus age of proficiency this is going to be incredible 80 damage with all guardian ancient weapons on top of an attack buff of 50 we're just gonna slay through anything in the entire game now we're finally at the point we can dominate all these deaths will be avenged and all these guardians will be slaughtered so now it's uh divine beast time looks like i know where our first stop is whoosh get the legs yes chop them off when the hunters become the hunted yes right and that shrine there that shouldn't be a problem for us a minor test of strength oh come on there's gonna be nothing like the last two look at this baby dude he's got a shield though oh yeah our attack buff oh my god we just too shut up we literally just two shots fantastic yes there was no chance there was no chance in hell yo make it up oh that was perfect whoa holy crap that's like the best one we did this is ancient travel that was too quick zoro's domain oh yes it's uh the goddess statue another upgrade please stamina of course this will be really helpful with the ancient bow because that is a really a long draw speed so when using bullet time uh it's going to suck out more stamina so this will supplement that okay we have plenty we got to do these or maybe three in a thistle that gets the same so yep see those three waterfalls that'll take us to the lynel where we gotta get our chakras before the divine beast we gotta face the real beast should be trivial hey look at this dude he thinks he's tough doesn't he yep no not the bow you actually are told with that okay no damn it you my friend have already be outclassed okay boop and give him some beats oh man already half doubt nice oh come on just fire fire's nothing to me fire arrow though good for him yep and a couple more he's down no more messing with him and he can't mess with us that damage is insane just for some lionel parts let's do this cake walk aw hit this with the shield oh it's unfair and the nice and easy double pop one two look at that guardian how cute and how dead one smack one death oh hello you're a tall one you still go down very quick uh freebie sword that's we can actually use these crappy swords to hack off the guardian legs once we get out of here took us a couple seconds but uh we're finally down to terminals i don't think we really need this but just to see how fast we can take him down triple attack buff he's not gonna see what hit him ah we'll just do this maybe he's about to scare me no just like that and it went away with two shots see what he got down in the half that spear almost whacked us this isn't fair we're gonna evacuate because uh i don't wanna die still i'm gonna let him regen like this doesn't feel fair what okay give him the beats goodbye just the bone and an upward slam up to his face one device done this is this is gonna be just incredible okay here's a stable checkpoint but before we go to death mountain and do that divine beast which we'll do quickly uh it'll be a good time to scan in our amiibos appropriately so is the guardian one so maybe a fun guardian weapon have the crates okay and okay loose stuff so not too shabby okay so still a little shabby but that's a free weapon uh still it's something i'll take it next amiibo so we can make it up the mountain is uh deruk is backwards for the ancient helm please oh we got it yes okay that is moderdanian divine hell with flame guard that is awesome this is going to be helpful okay look at that it's so funny looking but it will help us get up to the volcano at least until the very top then we'll have to use the level 2 stuff to rodania we charge after we take on this guy though make my day and chop the legs all that damage though that's frying him only just one parry and a couple wax and he's done before all the legs even get cut off bats bye bats oh horse trying to get them yes this blade saw is the best luminous badly damaged that's okay wife's taking an ancient lap stop oh it broke we got good stuff though i do want another one travel medallion time we're back we'll just have to get you uh another or oddly enough uh the sword's a bit more expensive uh that requires springs this one requires screws the blades the cheapest the fiery area yeah let's do it come on we're gonna use the crappy ones we got though so we're not wasting uh durability on our good ones very much worth it this way hello goron mines goodbye zipping up here arriving in style ah run that wasn't good quick wind bomb over we just gotta save yennebow we do need our weak heat resistance there we go we're good let's go kabloomy to this camp all gone just shatters the whole base i love that you can do that what did we get here ice arrows nice i do kind of want to do the shrine actually because it's probably my favorite in the game yep just right here hidden blue flame yes we have a torch now like we need it though this bow is really good for it really just too simple with this all archery no problems get it from here please [Music] it worked oh my god that was such a long shot who needs ancient weapons and he got the most ancient thing of all earth or metal kind of there we go i'm loving this a lot there we go quickly get a bit too easy now they're all going to fry whoa come on spin to win oh man we got launched there [Music] oh that massive damage so good oh no got them all look at those parts they're weak things but that's okay yeah we literally have a full thing of weapons now yeah we can use the guardian weapons as ore breakers though a little jewel shaft cave just for the honor just for the respect said we can't use the most op weapon here just the second best of everything let's go on and equip our normal set and our one needed uh level two fire resistance this will last us to the end okay late flurry what effective and wow he's already melted what and he just whipped back okay harry okay nice melt him get his friends loot oh never mind it actually does pretty okay damage there'll be a lot to hit through though stupid goron he's spinning again first the boko has now you following you are at his own uh comfortable speed gotta do damage there we go killing with the sheikah crates this time ancient chica crates oh oh nice that's a good catch and that was a good death more sheikah crate action yeah infinite damage goblins who had the chica credit this time we have our own op weapons though again the meltdown just like that and one more ah goodbye good don't burn up anything free if you work for it i guess so we'll take advantage of the torch what we can here take some fire he's he's immune that was uneffective torch no it deflected it bounced it back oops oh we picked it up and got the blue flame from it that was funny armor does look so cool in the dark fully agree look at that wait can we actually shoot through that and get the crate out first [Music] oh we can how cool not that we need to sequence breaking we're so fast at this can't waste time with a low flame resistance we're just moving the fire over the classic way not wasting any arrows and then shoot it in easy so easy with this bow perfect okay get that one down there only a few more arrows but that's okay managed with bombs too ancient core okay that's good that is really good fire blight come on even without an attack up we can do this okay well we got the ancient bombs it broke our shield no wait crap okay avenge the shield now oh very easily we were due for a replacement anyways already halfway good such a stupid thing to lose hot on let's chuck it in and boom so simple he only has 200 hp the way it's scaled this isn't bad at all and he's almost dead come on one more please yes come on wow it feels too pathetic and i'm feeling sorry for him uh it's just an absolute slaughter that's all it says that's all it's going to be i want to say i feel bad but it's just too funny it's too great so it's crazy to think that we're already uh two divine beasts down but we got another objective to tackle honestly all these guardians here they all have to die phil ford has some pretty good parts to get us even more weapons uh okay it's rampage time we'll kill guardians on a guardian of our own and this is our first contender hey guardian smack wow okay smack him just smacks he's almost already dead what oh my god that was too fast [Music] okay good smack him down okay stop running away he's stuck on the tree good the trees always save me oh it's all broke that's okay stuns and dead okay all that stuff another core okay bow coblin ow the bull couple got me and i got him back off yes horse thank you bye bye oh wow yeah these are all on the verge of defeat here well now we definitely need some more weapons the ancient oven uh where are we gonna get this spear though is really really cool i want one of those yeah we'll go with the sword for now this will be good i love this one and we'll get more once we get more parts then so all right let's charge them charge yes oh knock them off love the twirls this looks awesome yes oh man that's brutal holy crap i love this sphere it's fantastic the perry's are a bit more durability efficient oh if you can get them at least we're not dying oh he missed he doesn't see me does he he really doesn't hm spend time oh yeah oh flipped oh amazing i've already broke the ancient axe but that was worth it some of these guardian weapons to burn through use the weak ones to get the parts oh his friend just hit him oh fantastic bye-bye oh oh i wasn't paying attention do you hit me now ah fire arrows because we have not many normal arrows bye-bye okay another sky watcher ancient boat broke crap we broke a lot of things giant core oh my god the replenishment how clutch well we can get a lot more weapons in here eye for an eye pops give me a free weapon thank you oh three gears okay perfect of course there's a long throw guardian sphere of of course literally nothing else okay guardian order to back up only i could back into you just like slice and time sliced and diced wait no couple more good i can take you out with a basic sword i didn't fully mention this off but the guardian weapons against guardians do an additional 30 damage uh the ancient weapons did 50 but still very helpful so oh we didn't get caught the full blast there oh yeah the drop down nice random shot look at that still slays through oh this is 10 damage spear oh the critical though yes okay good here we definitely need that shield ancient shield we have plenty of parts make exchange yes we finally have it and another ancient bow too that'll be helpful all right let's try it all out though ancient short sword ancient shield and ancient bow oh yeah oh they won't see it coming at all guardian got the ace up my sleeve now in case he does shoot it out it's not going to insta-shatter he's just scared now got a bigger threat to worry about oh yeah he's rolling around crush the skeleton please ah i'll crush him before you a solid kill oh it didn't damage him ah so good even we missed the parry though yeah we just wanted the shield to do the work that time be your worst get some bobops very nice and more pure slaughter just one hit flip some there's this extra knock back get up the hill he's charging fast he's not going anywhere horse go let's let this gal up the wind wow i've come to put you to an end by sawing up all these legs talk time double shock that's all that's a good tradeoff for an ancient weapon that'll last like a guardian kill at most so come on i want an actual fight and it was a minor well we should be going to that one though i think that one's a major so so there's a guardian up there it's like the only one in hebrew uh so it's just a whole track just for that we are more than well equipped now uh make our way to tabantha through the rito divine beast and uh become even more powerful i will take all these arrows he sells them for a bit more expensive than other vendors uh we need these a lot for wind blight though okay we will need something to help with the cold though so uh perfect time for the revolution evo to get the divine beast helm and valmetto divine helm yes cold resistance awesome now we'll be equipped okay look at that it's pointy it's funny hey guardian let's head on in you see me i see you too flight mode i'll pick up all these free parts for later and surprise attack oh not really okay good enough he's dead though they're crushing everything almost just barely oh i didn't even see this but uh the axe we got was long throw the only two modified weapons we got both long throw the curse just continues it was the blood moon that did it all the cool advanced tekken zelda's blue time shift stones ancient tech all right dorito village trot on in i'm a mock bird right now this is the ancient dorito run until we actually do the rito run though we're just pulling up in style here let's head on in oh nice cutting break buy some more coal resistance and arrows of course all practical what's nice this time is that we don't need as much cold resistance as uh we once did just a level one and then we'll stack with our current one and just throw in some peppers uh yeah just get some weak stuff but we're fine it will use the level two one for the fight so flight mode we go i think so whoosh all the way there yeah if we're trying to get there quickly uh moon knobs are the best most practical way that bomb and zoom gloom okay good there's mr guardian and mr guardian over here that woke him up bonk time one bonk okay that's good it's so fun it never gets old doing this i think there it is just a little opening shrine yes surf down rock surf because the shield is so good and hop basically just the ancient hoverboard so nice oh yeah major test of strength is going to be a major challenge though oh a nice variety of weapons one of each of the melees make sure to swap into ancient proficiency and attack buff fortunately this isn't much of a challenge not anymore oh look at that melting he almost melted me with that he's still tanky he has like a few thousand health okay perry perry oh yeah it's doing nothing in return ah no trying to get the rapid terry okay terry perry oh perry practice come on doing nothing for damage just pride your attacked me nothing inching closer good okay give him beats [Music] yes he's charging up his big laser now oops the auto deflection did it i didn't know the timing for that ancient core okay good and all the weapons flew everywhere guardian sphere plus plus guardian sword plus plus that's 40. and they're just everywhere 60 damage okay these are a lot weaker durability than the ancient stuff probably like half uh but they're still very good in a diamond okay makes it extra worth it but now with the four orbs we can uh give ourselves more stamina again it's gonna be very helpful for meadow so that's looking really good ah quick bops the bow still has a long draw time so i can't get them all at once still easy seven seconds not even okay time to face them bottom arrows thank you tempo but i got another method for this okay get in bomb arrows that's some lame real stuff i'm gonna mess with actual bombs chica bombs look at that i love how we can actually do this we just found this out not too long ago wonky there we go again dead just by sheikah bombs yes ancient tech op just like that bomb delivery it stuns them too you don't screw it a one shot for that it's almost an instant kill with this bow so bombs the finisher there we go just barely [Music] what was that pathetic that's what that was how does metal screech if it has no mouth that's a good uh point just speaker systems i mean i guess they're advanced enough too it's absolutely bluetooth speakers yes metals hooked up with the fancy tech and parts like this really aren't a problem in this run just easy shots don't drop me no wait what oh we got it just barely the gate just closed right after it went through okay good i'll just try to avoid those guys all right that was the last terminal before the boss let's see how this goes just to get a fully prepared angel proficiency back can't have attack buff but we do need a level two cool resistance i think we're set okay wind blight what's up your sleeve i can't i can't i'll reflect those crap what deceitful well i can't parry those so that works oh conor me the damage was crap though this on the other hand will not be okay no more monkey business just death oh that's my spear too no time to use a long throw for its intended purpose here throw along yeah halfway one of the few good uses of a long throw okay more basic arrows though too simple don't throw that thing at me we'll finish them off with long thorax thankfully with the extra stamina for the flight we get them melt them and goodbye that's it didn't even have attack buff uh even the guardian scout we face was a bit harder than that they just pay back for all the punishments we once received and i am for that very much so three beasts down one more to go all the way to the desert gonna find these uh four guardians too a little strong not gonna get you now don't shoot my horse okay we just gotta find the guardian nuts here some of them were kind of higher up rocky shield surf it barely takes away any durability with the shield it's so nice oh look at that our first guardian come on right here bud [Music] just for alertion uh you see me he has too much sand in his eye i think or in his ears or everything [Music] put him back in the ground long thorax use it for its intended purpose and uh one more rock too that works the core there you are wake this one up too or maybe not okay i thought that was supposed to be alive honestly where's the one i pinned then oh he was sheltering for his friend hello sea metal octopus kill metal octopus profit okay oh there he is he's climbing on an angle wake him up whoa whoa we got the leg oh what such a good shot go oh man no don't use the fairy it glitched it did the explode thing it's not supposed to break it oh no are you serious we have to buy another ancient shield that's awful make it worthwhile ancient shield and i would like her blade saw back that'd be very nice thank you okay now we're gonna wreck through him no don't okay good so long farewell don't want to see you soon so just one more that's a bit of the ways up there but then we can move on to the desert just like that pop on up oh perfectly okay good decayed guardians we're getting close like oh that's how you can tell soon enough you'll see the actual one down there oh he sees us game time [Music] bad game a strike two strikes no oh we paired the explosion stop with that no explosions okay good only death oh good all the desert ones cleared and a core final little reward only 10 more guardians after this that'll be a good final task after uh the divine beast oh he's coming towards me uh i'm just trying to pass on by i've never been this close before no no no get out no don't get me i'm trying to leave i'm trying to leave no this wasn't the plan of action don't kill me do not kill ah thankfully luckily that wasn't super powerful ah back out oh good okay so that's what happens if you go by divorce early uh didn't know that that lightning time okay time to speed through and go to the hideouts oh you got people should be fun one shots not bad oh look at that a whole parade of them just weaklings up two for one i'm the better archer still and you have a twice firing bow i don't need that extra crutch i just like the crutch of a infinite range so oops banana tactic oh wait nope oops disregard my comments about the bow oh he caught us i mean not like that the problem in any capacity really isn't an issue just a couple shots we can kill our way through still one shot though arrows blade master there we go can't even see the smoke but still getting you long draw time not helpful yeah much for this way of getting through it see as a chico we stealth killed our way through this place but now we're gonna kill kill [Music] yep kill oh my god he can alarm them that's all you gotta do oh okay alarm that one though oh shock yeah that's a better tactic so long a couple of normal shots yes okay no damage done okay we'll finish you off room for the head oh come on get up get them quick okay god no smacks they didn't have time to attack there oh yeah this guardian sword is nice okay koga bonk him down still even low damage like all my hits feel like nothing against them not even a point the fight plays out the same every single time regardless of what you have take seal bonk regrab let's go head on over take on the zap zap camel two per leg yeah the drops really nice or the lack of drop no no no thank you we can just snipe it from here know keep up the fight ah bummer [Music] just like that and don't get zapped don't get zapped we're gonna get zapped because our bulls is not catching up oh yes thank you mini or bosa we're wasting all of our bombs okay uh drive by one oh he stepped on us now what crap that's never happened before wait stand still blind spot no get on my blind spot what no keep the fight i know what i'm doing i know what i'm doing don't interrupt me yes this range that was awesome uh well that's a new way to do it i love this like no drop off all right reunited with the ancient kind now just these guys easy good stuff pop wait no i should have waited i was impatient i was impatient i always screw that up somehow can we take that up we can do this puzzle actually yeah let's do this this time uh magnesius first then bring it over and then when it's ready instantly take us up that's a much better way of doing it and we're there this time yay oh hi guardian we'll come for you in a second oh no he came for us first crap down the hatch and look at these guys oh one shots are you serious that's it there is no challenge to that i expected a bit more of a fight in a fight it was supposed to be the mini boss technically come on face your match [Music] just four that's no fight it's a long throw yeah at least other two weren't though this is the ancient ascent to the final terminal right before the final flight i think we're ready for this let's get fully equipped here with our attack food and you know ancient battle x plus plus 60 damage we got to use that come on let's do this thunderblade we're gonna destroy you now whoa okay good uh still a bit freaked out and look at that damage oh man okay this is good he's still tanky and we missed wait what wait oh he got the halfway okay i i didn't steals quite halfway yet my bad i'm gonna kill lightning yes not this awful part though come on it's not gonna work is it oh it did okay first go perfect uh bomb arrow blitz oh come on make it hard please oh parry time oh no we messed up perry time what he's shocked no shocks no [Music] oh okay good we got it even with all the failures we're just gonna kill him just with oh penis i was too overconfident oh that's harry come on are you serious the one time i didn't want to mess with perry but we got him so you know what four to four done that's it for the blights and that's a good thing in itself hyrule castle just right there all beams pointed on it charging him with some pretty op weapons here i think we'll be more than okay and this looks really badass yes okay the two side guardians first wow that flip holy crap devastating oh man we're just tumbling him around oh that's incredible no you stopped okay that was weak but wow oh i got the choo-choo thank you shoot your shield auto deflect yep moving around a lot okay no way not letting you live bye bye what a fairy good oh there's that one right by the cathedral he's a holy guardian he's gonna have to pray after this fight we're just not gonna lose what oh man calm down there get him beat down oh couple more oh you can barely move come on smack him to death oh no oh double laser mate triple laser mate stop you stop no goodbye flip up okay come at me yes oh the spins whew okay wait stop doing that hit the eye this time stop never to actually parry if it's going to be wasted okay good enough bye-bye final hit the engine blade sounds full and durability you know we don't have too many things left we can use all this to fight again and we'll easily cream them and two down get the legs again yes and die okay yes only a couple more extermination there we go we're doing it we have so many dodge okay good stop you gotta die done with you come on no more eyes on me die yes the opie arrows right the final guardian killed all of your other friends it's just down to us yes that's one come on make this a good rap [Music] that's two and let's go for the legs yes pop them over that's it that's how you're going down get him just on his side just whimpering for help and you're done with you are dead oh yeah yeah man try to help him oh 46 out of 46 guardians killed that's it killed every single unique one in the world only thing that's left is their leader calamity ganon let's bring us to the finale charge on we're using the sprint tactics now favorite weapons for calamity ganon okay hop around good thing we have extra stamina all this damn upgrades paid off very much so one last instance of ancient travel can't hurt us oh i mean i can't if it fails uh that's bad this is a lot harder without revolting scale uh i have a solution now just like that he's kind of stuck good come on just keep blocking him off too nope right there block it yes okay perfect cover okay okay so close uh oh a lot better than expected we're good yes sanctum oh my god we're finally here you're not gonna be an issue goodbye die in the water okay we're finally here this is going to be amazing we have uh both of our ancient weapons just want to come up with those our ancient shield ancient bow just with this alone we're more than ready just all of our ancient stuff ancient gear and attack buff food let's go do it let's go cream them i'm so excited come on ganon i'm much more tech savvy with those ancient weapons let's go okay speed through wow look at that you call yourself a boss [Music] buried the slam down let's go so you know i'm not messing around here goodbye yes halfway almost instantly too advanced for this cannon okay flurried that just one good barrage followed up with one carry the slime down and guess what cannon you are almost dead oh we can finish off with the blade saw one flurry hit bye-bye he's gone wow he was no match that was the most pathetic pathetic fight ganon i barely had any expectations and you failed all those fun time wait what are you doing don't get that bow horse no ancient narrow target practice just like that that oh we missed that first one we do well for the most part yes okay engineer will take that one slow laser that's never gonna hit us we are under you again and oh there it is [Music] barely damaged okay look at that timing oh we're just clipping through him all right ganon meet your maker oh there it is eyeball and goodbye you push we got him oh man with an ancient arrow what a send-off for this that's phenomenal we're eating bacon tonight boys yes after the most elongated buildup we were finally able to use the power of the ancients to crush this game's bosses and beat it in the end this run was quite the crescendo but the grand payoff and the ability to well up just about anything made it super satisfying and a ton of fun so i want to thank all you so much for watching believe it or not this actually marks the fourth ever theme run we have done for breath of the wild with the other ones being the zora run the gerudo run and the traditional shika run all available in the cards above and linked down below so feel free to check all these out as well but with that said thanks again so much for watching feel free to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't already to support the channel and i hope to see you all soon have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Croton
Views: 82,399
Rating: 4.9582219 out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Stats, Shield, Damage, Bow, Lynel, Tips, Tricks, Help, Botw, Botw 2, Sequel, Elemental, Level up, XP, Cooking, ancient, guardian, satori mountain, stasis, combat, run, special run, challenge, challenge run, special, amiibo, bokoblin, horse, gameplay, pointcrow, smallant, sheikah, stealth, yiga, Gerudo, Vai, Voe, Molduga, Link, Guardian, Ancient, Scout, Robbie, Sheikah, Tech, technology, ancient tech
Id: a6NRyYFPyD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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