A citadel of affairs ⚔️ ~ Relics of the Past blind playthrough

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wow [Music] all right hello everyone welcome back to some more uh relics of the past it's currently thunderstorming uh but we won't get struck because well with ancient weaponry we don't get hit by lightning fortunately and in the last stream we happen to get some pretty good ancient weaponry so uh well not the sword we got in this room before but this spear right here this is the ancient spear mark ii my head's in the way but uh it's a spear that has frost capabilities we have still yet to try it out but we did try out this uh ancient bow mark ii uh it's like a multi-shot ancient bow and it's really cool um we literally slaughtered two liners with that then the last stream so very powerful but today what we're going to do is just more uh stuff in a kalo there's the call of citadel with all the guardians and that's a pretty daunting objective but i think that can help us out a lot with guardian parts and getting more the cool ancient stuff and the ancient armor it's basically just a really advanced version of like an ancient run right now uh but it's been pretty wild so far and getting this cool new ancient stuff has been literally incredible like frost beer ancient bow so we're in the battlegrounds of the last line will be killed let's go to the shrine just so we're closer to the main center of action nakala and just sort of go from there you know uh still figuring out the combat more doing more of it and relics it's a lot of fun uh and just can't wait to do more so welcome everyone hope you're having a great tuesday i know we're doing a day early today but how to push it uh forward but glad that you're all here um thank you gangster gaming for the five uh the five uh hi quotes on thanks for being good background music and giving good advice for breath of the wild thank you i'm i'm background music off just no actual music but hey good background you know noise i get it thank you so much uh wait this is conducting electricity i thought it wouldn't uh donate weapons usually not or maybe this is a special i don't know uh regardless there's a guardian here i'm going to kill it well welcome over to the stream uh hopefully you're having a good day and our usual michael is uh it's usually 800 likes if you guys could help me hit it that'd be awesome as we just maul this guardian to death uh ah long throw but this is good weaponry so we'll take it so that's a normal spear uh let's test out this new spear that we got i think this will be a bit more interesting hello was that the same guardian here i'm in disbelief i think that might have been also the charge just more uh wait a second that felt a little i feel like there was something more to that maybe there are two different ones but i think that could have been the same but yeah i guess this attracts lightning so uh other ancient stuff doesn't so ignore what i said halfway about this sort of stuff yeah very broken though uh but you know against harder enemies it's not gonna be as good but still very good so i think that matters more thank you gabriel for the dollar much appreciated oh we got plenty of meat there okay these are the real foes of relics i like when the meat stands up like that okay and when it rains everything's just so like hard to see everything there's a citadel though did we just charge it right away like a lunatic i guess so uh there's a skywatcher do we have ancient arrows you have to check it through here uh we have six of them okay well that's about how many skywatchers are usually around it although i don't really remember one here ever it's okay the little wind bomb that could or couldn't let's not try to wind bomb off like a non-jump let's try to go for that guy though that could be fun and interesting our horses could have called it but also can't really use uh a horse or on the side at all too much charging right in yeah we're doing it let's let's try to keep the death counter under 100 today uh this is stream number five into it and we got this many deaths oh what are you doing uh you're shooting at oh the guy yeah the one who fights the moblin oh man yeah they're uh not giving them a good time okay for sky watchers never parry because it never lies in the eye your best bet with them is just give them a nice ancient narrow donation with an ancient bow yeah this usually works best okay i'll just donate one just like that good thing it's the one shots oh oh crap he's running he's very much so scared oh is he not dead i'm okay no you're not you are the exact opposite of okay right now wait i wonder if we can get in his way here i'll be your knight after we save i'm not taking uh yeah here we go there we go oh it's on the these guys normal timing okay one guardian and not multiples of breaking relics because usually you get swarmed uh us going to hyrule field was not a fun experience all right the rain stopped but look hm the mob on his arm guessing he died oh carl said it citadel ruins i think they're really cool like i know you really can't go inside them at all besides like the little top area i just like structure a lot i mean age of calamity but like not in this game hyrule met his doom here okay sorry i skimmed at the end what are you scared of i killed him he dad uh try to get across here hello oh my legs went floppy okay uh make sure we have our oh he's still trying to shoot him the wrong target mister the right target okay so we have some this is all good stuff oh no wow you really did come out of nowhere are these ancient parts oh i was like why is there only two screws and you get back mister nothing to one of you although we are very killable in the state so let's try not to meet nothing okay um around here should be good see there's something neat okay yeah welcome to everyone tuning in we just started a few minutes ago so you're not missing anything we're just going to raid this and then go from there here there's still a good amount of like it's maybe like the goblins and models and stuff that's still going to be an issue but getting that tower is going to be important that's why i want to do this first so yeah we have the good stuff and a lot of parts everything we can need parts for right now nothing too special around here which is a good thing i'll i'll take the mild sameness let's see what do we got yeah it wasn't long throw we just got a few long throw things but uh whatever and yeah let's just really prioritize meals yes extra little bit of hearts there it's nice having to start that one extra row this guy should be simple though sprite's attacking okay i gotta sweep him away a little bit and spins oh whoa uh that didn't look like it hit me i'm offended what he he didn't even like draw his thing back he just instantly spiked that first time didn't even look like one uh it he did not charge his blade either time mr coblin that is cheating i will all that but we are right back here so let's go for a good clean fight next time oh okay nope is he actually that thumb he is he's a little more on he got spiked anyways okay he's gonna catch up and then immediately spike forward probably that faster second attack is nice shockwave down see that's what he's supposed to do what were we doing last time not being fair that's for sure found that weak damage in oh hello uh what you see is just an illusion it's beautiful goblin that time really would have gotten me okay so flurries are pretty slow to kill let's not rely on them so do you see that we work to the side don't swing at me but i'm questioning that hitbox in the spear now i really am okay attack food up we even have that attack buff but they're tanky i don't have a tool to check their health yet so we'll keep going okay so they always almost always attack with that spear yep you can go into it doesn't matter it still counts as a flurry yeah floors are very slow way to kill than this this is faster way to kill oh spin yes there's a lot more damage spins are more viable and quicker does that double damage okay oh slightly less embarrassing now let's go on to the next guy oh the moblin is back i don't know where he was last time but he was not there yeah are you kidding me oh you picked up the cobbler no don't weaponize your friend how do we dodge that i don't know but look at the draw i guess also just barely watching him and i'm very surprised we didn't get smackled right there okay perry's worked really nice i like the multi-hit relying on it like it's no one's business at least that second attack's faster so it has a nice uh match up there i thought everything would be super slow approach always charge at you really fast is it is it panic moving again or is that an actual blood moon oh it's an actual blood moon uh we're not gonna kill him in time i feel like we just had one of these are you serious at least happening now or not we're at the top of the tower so maybe not a bad thing oh maybe it's an awful thing actually okay that's not going to help oh it got in his eye apparently damaged from that oh we got hit mr him back i think it hits the goblin nice turn you know uh that's my only words for that okay yeah at that point just like there's no faith in parrying it got in the eye that's that's a one million sort of chance [Music] oh now it's playing the music why does they be run up why does the weather change on saber load i don't like that at all ah crap it's on the box avoid please [Music] how many hours in this like oh boy uh like not even 15 like 10 something i would say there's only stream number five so whatever math needs to be done to figure that out okay they're all just going up the path maybe this is a good time to you know get them all one by one while they're just lined up you just back off oh that did not help in the slightest let's get ourselves a handy weapon here okay you go down that's a bit more viable let's just mash them in this pit here there there we go get the head in there too that's uh trying to get ahead of me hey you're you're just a gold focal okay i do have to worry about you the bull guys will always mess me up oh he's a bit high who who got me wait what was that i'm killed by stuff that i can't see was that a an arrow i couldn't tell there was an arrow or a spear a sword a swipe just i got swiped huh well i did not see the swipe because there's a lot going on so at least it's not raining we got the rng advantage there oh boy oh man they're always okay as long as you don't spare me immediately invisible lightning oh camera orientation messed up okay i don't get it man it's just gonna be harder like a death means you lose momentum and the more momentum you lose the harder it is to get into the swing of things so literally all because of that blood moon too ah yeah stay i guess we're saying after the blood moon i'm just trying to you know not die just don't die that's great advice i'm looking at the head it's like oh yeah you're coming back i'm trying to kill him just run through i guess so i just i want to make it to the top of that tower he spawned in right there or he moved right there i i don't even know at this point so much to try to save after a blood moon not that many wow guys i want to watch the blood moon cutscene again i feel like we're in a bad position if bombs didn't knock him off i was just trying to loot them because like i'm not going to get much damage from the fall damage here so okay there we go okay pick him up perry time oh wow picked up his friend's arm he just instantly went to the spin ah i'm not used to the enemy things he definitely does not do that in the base man see he does that that's not what you did last time my friend your inconsistencies throwing me off okay that time i just see that's what you normally do you know okay look at that no damage it did in the fall well the archer's up there so as long as we can get close how much hp do enemies rejoin in master mode uh it depends i don't know how it's changed in this but uh there's fixed amounts usually around like 30 more than what they just lost so they won't stop spawning oh it's an archer good thing we bolted it there we go and i do want to loot them so let's try to go for the loot here um that's one way to do it and he is just down there we're not gonna make it down because we don't have a way back up so you see we're gonna do is save now we have to just play it kind of this is insane though wow i am just so focused and okay let's try pairing it let's see if it actually lands in the eye you have to get the parry first uh that would be helpful would that not wow kind of insane actually kind of very insane we got massacred hey shadow marth yeah are you oh it's just that guy okay we're not gonna be able to loot him anyways so let's go up thank you and thank you wait a second no i promise i just need a better angle oh and now you you're spawning in okay these guys just keep spawning they don't leave me alone ever quite literally okay if you're gonna blow something up blow them up ah i mean i was just kind of in the way wasn't i of course it's raining we're good charge a bit up maybe those guys will forget about me now they're too loyal for that come on no i died after the period it blew up afterwards how it went through my shield i was like nah link that was go bye-bye but i guess we're just trying to get up so it's like ah do your worst okay well i don't care this is bad angle we're just doing it i couldn't tell if it was just not firing in the right place or you know what probably just bad timing that seemed very much to the side of me reload that climbing in the rain my shield did give up on me we're doing good at the start this guy's literally killed all momentum imagine if that landed in my face and it very well could have at least didn't blow me up okay yeah that's not good i have no ambition for trying to parry them i'm not going to get anything this is why we just ancient arrow hey buster bomb thank you so much for the five do you need a wii u to use mods um the mod info is in the description uh any sort of specific mod questions i can't help with but uh you can't look up and we just died because yeah okay uh that's fine 99 deaths but thank you so much though yeah just got an inch and arrow we did it first that fine and then just like got stuck in the rut with the goblins but everything else was fine that's just our fault for spawning next to him [Music] okay i will just unlock him that's probably more viable because the damage especially for solo guys it's helpful and yeah topaz makes it semi worth it uh i guess yeah we can eat our food i just i haven't been because it's like i'm i'm getting one shot either way here it's like our armor isn't good enough after the tower i want to get a fairy fountain so that'll be helpful but still okay well so much for trying to be cool and parry um there's only one viable way and that is that please land on the platform though okay you're good usually they do uh surprisingly if they're just shot like that that is a good mighty pile of gears i am a fan okay uh don't eat general and don't use good bow those the royal guards bow even though we're just like ah they have a lot of durability so it's helpful thank you buster bomb for the two you just had to well i appreciate it yes okay okay you stay on my side actually yeah we have plenty of arrows in case we miss some here or there there's just a lot i'll take my survivals as uh mini victory here after all that 99 deaths i don't want to increase this to 100 anytime soon at least it will it's like you just never know when it's happening oh it might be now what do you know okay if only we had rivaled scale that'll probably be like the second divine beast we like root on uh med are like my favorite ones to charge because i like the abilities the most so okay um ancient arrow ancient bow let's just take this sort of uh flank dozer doesn't see me not yet okay well that's not too shabby it's all in the path usually some good gears or something okay yeah the gear is what i'm really after uh because just killing the stalkers i usually notice that whenever i'm trying to get ancient stuff like armor upgrades weapons i'm always short on gears but if you include a lot of scout watches in the mix you usually just drop more gears so it's helpful also they're praying right now here uh i would like a better weapon for this let's go just this really lp one it's my stealth striker this could probably two-shot him i assume i'm also going to take that weapon because uh worst case scenario we need it it's a long throw of course that was a one shot in fact that was yeah really really good wasn't expecting that not gonna lie that wow okay just a couple bull bops look at that damage difference what i like best holy crap oh man uh how much were the drop rates changed huh that's this doesn't even i don't know how much the drop rates were changed but i'm guessing either way this is very rare how do i have three diamonds that is all the luck i needed uh and none of the luck i deserved what that's insane wow you joined the stream to this hey judgment and hey viv welcome yeah well that was uh just a little bit you know just just a slight little okay uh mighty landlord sword or breaker that's good that's insane that is literally insane i have no idea okay well just break everything that time you know look doesn't need to be perfect every time but i will take that also i was gonna take that beetle on the tree that's a good shot just take some gradual pictures yeah especially in the sunlight it's really nice right now okay going up yeah uh i don't know really but that was really cool so uh let's see if we ever get that lucky again i don't know hello mr bird [Music] he's taking a few pictures we just got this camera we set up the two uh tech labs in last stream so hmm this looks different i see a baby guardian scout these aren't too bad to deal with what what types are these okay these are twos wow that's a good shot actually okay uh just save save before the tower climb because uh yeah okay let it deflect that's what the shield's nice for we don't have too many shields either okay yeah deflection is nice nice all these ancient weapons extra effective against the guardians yeah i like them all thank you so gear oh i forgot ah big jump okay that's a turret um i you really can't climb this in normal i can you there's a special way to do this tower that we must do too ah no he stomached me he broke my shield and i was staggered are you wow i was like okay yeah i got this parry literally my shield broke i did the flinch back thing and don't have anything so uh evil there's no one that's going to shoot at me right well that was 100 deaths i didn't update that uh there we go there's our triple digit death counter uh let's actually move it to the center now just hoping we wouldn't hit triple digits but we did so uh oops i was like yeah we probably will at some point and this is at some point what a combo right really working together well which i don't like uh 100 deaths yeah that was so early how did we get that yeah it's okay i'm not gonna shield bop normal way here let's get that loot first get it out get it out okay get it i don't want to fly further than we need to ow okay oh what oh no uh yeah the paraglider isn't good there it makes it go backwards okay figuring it out uh korok yay so at least it's one of these yeah getting past that triple digit dot though with a good kill i do want to go inside the room so we'll check it out also yeah welcome everyone still tuning in we just started it wasn't too long ago uh we're doing a bunch of color rating and then kind of going from there i just want to get this tower first and check out everything around and you know so just just see everything i'm gonna get the tower earlier for this reason though because it's all tricky but i think everyone who's been tuning in uh and supporting our like goal is 800 today so any help towards that is always appreciated start with a lot a lot of deaths oh okay they're shooting at the mob one again that was not there when i was there okay let's eat another attack boost and another food things were all running lower on now because just so much has happened we'll get some armor upgrades because there's a fairy fountain which is going to come very much so in handy okay see how we're losing our life here yeah very not so well there's that archer so i guess the trick for solo archers if you if you just unlock them i mean that's pretty normal but uh just doing those spin attacks it's good damage there's a chest there also yes screw it i guess that works too it was just there just for a helping hand that is too nifty chest at least silver nice a little bend workstation some pop thingies 100 arrows yes wow now that is incredible i don't want that archer seeing me freeze isn't gonna be good free sucks against gold nah he's a little too dumb just a step further but he's not going to do it of course he won't you're a dumb idiot oh you really are wait i was almost a dumb idiot there okay well you can't really get up there unless he jumps nah too dumb okay uh up here okay what are we gonna use slime down with a good weapon oh come on like that oh okay it's badly damaged but we'll get in a few hits i think yeah okay what's next a 45 a uh a 45 okay sure oh you go the right ways you're okay that connects a lot more which i do like and appreciate it oh good eyes arrows hope for the steamy areas maybe same tactic because even with the connecting more it's gonna be helpful to enemies that are easily stereo so rocks what is that going to do come on oh the one time one time we messed up the perry the daybreaker is nice okay good that should be a good finisher uh two yeah it was badly damaged these are weaker but uh good in damage just not so much in durability and that's okay i hear another one also let's check out the hidden room first apples more food's good okay just the normal stuff fire arrow break the pots with their likes like break okay when are we gonna get the hylian shield i should i'm guessing hyrule cast is gonna be hell so uh you know taking the moment by moment here that'll be nice thankfully we have more stamina here okay not an archer but we can be the archer oh didn't mean to do that oh crap okay uh um okay i think i hear an arrow flying it just saved just in case could be wrong though i was pretty wrong i think oh he's in the mud uh thankfully we have stacey's balloon that or magnesisable you know same realm it's a room i see a tof has an opal yes money is important because a lot of those ancient weapons were really expensive uh at least a few thousand each i think one of them was like six thousand some of them were like four thousand uh okay so not a bad clear i mean all kind of one at a time so i'll take that take it where i can't get it uh i don't care if we take a little damage just make it up a little more than a little damage we are almost dead from that but that's how you perch get up that's only like reasonable way i found besides like moon bombs okay we do need that ancient armor pretty bad can't lie there also is there a way to get the the divine beast homes in this because usually it's an amiibo thing i don't know if that's an actual thing oh yes we have this whole resistance thing on our head oh wait it's heat no not not cold resistance uh the opposite one so okay nice to know we don't have anything that relates to that somehow so we're gonna go and just not freeze yeah that's that's a good strategy but as long as we have the tower then we can go down the ferry fountain's like right there that's like the ruins of terrytown uh and then there's that whole like uh the little islands area with like the quarry we can check that out so that'll be good can we still get ambushed by packs of enemies here again okay mods can include amiibo items okay just curious thanks for letting me know and that's fair i i can understand why [Music] okay so the fairy fun they'll just be number two um ideally i want to upgrade the ancient art that's a lot more more important although it's expensive we don't even have it yet so even just some extraordinary points on this set would be more than okay um yeah we can equip the meter raw but i'm gonna go down anyways look at that recall we can technically get i mean i don't know what sort of challenges attached to just getting the base master sword but sometime you know we're getting hearts pretty fast so we'll check that out i don't know it's actually going to be the worst here and the hardest and just everything okay yeah the multiple campfire method on top get here works well too also whatever just happened there that is a savage lionel shield what do we use here let's use something a bit more callous that's a guaranteed one shot i can do it to the moblin so we sure won't have any problem that triple uh diamond was really nice so earlier oh shield guard up oh that's gonna be really good for disarming i'm so glad that wasn't me here let's actually wait here let's cook up some hardy stuff [Music] we can wait so it's not raining maybe um oh that's right yeah uh highland shields are also just a shield upgrade in this too so not just like that one time thing so that'll be nice yeah there's some weak ones just like here and there uh it's looking good time though because like when we do that three four ten minutes so the dragon horn method yeah it's not as powerful because these are just ten minute ones that are like nice so we're not wasting a dragon horn every time as long as we have this stuff though it's fine okay good now let's wait just till maybe morning cooking speed run literally so fast with this i i like the the timer cut out because like rolex really isn't meant to be a first playthrough of the world so it's like anything that can streamline it helps a lot which i do appreciate a lot too just someone who goes back and plays the game a lot obviously like not accustomed to the difficulty and that like that's what really keeps me hooked uh cause even despite all the deaths it's like okay you know it's a learning curve and i like that very interesting i like the dynamic replace enemies too spices it up a bit okay as long as we speed through more shrines too we can easily get those orbs just along the way of doing another crop so uh like killing anything let's see a lot of ways will take us to our deaths that's just the guardian field um i say if we get a really good wind bomb you can make it to that shrine let's just try to get a really good win bomb you see i kind of need a bow to win bomb so uh not gonna be a good one is it i am not good at those midairs i i really can't vouch for myself there but look at that i think we're catching ourselves a break here if we can loot this platform and then get some good midairs we'll be in an okay boat well so much for that guy he's going down with the ship so yeah this attack's slightly different so it's going to hit those platforms and so is that okay so don't see me please i don't know if he's gonna lift the platform at all or do something funny no funny business i just need to get on okay now this gives us an opportunity you see and a good weapon what do you think you're doing no okay with him at least yeah you can whim off that platform or at least lose his platform i don't know why i did that i almost broke the platform yeah sorry a couple arrows there uh ah it's hard to win about if you can't lock on or lock onto nothing oh well when bomb off cronus pillar it never works but we're gonna make it work so you go off don't ruin my targeting um okay that time it did that's an easy climb from here we got like uh some of those platforms at the very least with the rod so i'll take it just like that okay whistle sprints are very good for this and more stamina would be nice we could scale stuff fast yeah i don't think going to hyrule castle right now is going to be the best idea do you want to check out this akala stuff first so there's also the kilton spawn uh i don't recommend getting spring-loaded hammer just in case just for shaking enemies off it could be kind of fun uh i don't know if there's our place in the world in this mod at all but i just like that weapon a lot shaking enemies around but i feel like once i get used to fighting more packs uh it'll generally be better uh especially just taking advantage of what weapons are buffed for this so like anything with spin attacks or uh jump attacks like charge attacks rather and jumps that's stuff i can take advantage of also it's good the apples here sometimes the cork rewards are better than like a rupee if you get them you can go to hyrule castle but you're no longer getting in for free oh no what does that what does that mean it's a green but i'm taking apple's compensation then so can't wait for me to try relics of the sword oh no troll the sword her that's a lot harder okay right you're going to use the relics of the past and want to go back to normal breath of the wild i forgot how to play because of different mechanics if anything i'm still kind of like playing like i am playing like the original just like sometimes using the benefit of rolex i feel like that's never going to fully go away it just like you know ingrained in me a bit so it's more so adapting to this and uh you know what maybe a slight adjustment every time hello this is gonna be trivial watch us he's gonna attack slow with that so we're going to attack fast i i just feel bad even using ancient spear mark 2. because like we can just do that already with 15 damage so like nothing more was necessary but we did get a better lux plus [Music] there we go i'll see how this more we kill stuff more stuff's gonna scale anyways so it's like it would present those challenges uh differently more upfront maybe that alone makes it worth it very much so okay too easy it was an easy one i mean even if it's a major i feel like i feel like we're pretty okay for that this ryan's just more just to breeze through uh this so i mean we have nine spirit orbs if you get one more soon which we could stop at the quarry for that because there's that one and there's some uh camps nearby then and then we can go to the terrytown ruins and you can actually interact with the goddess statue early so that's five upgrades we can do um put all of it to hearts maybe four hearts one stamina to max out that wheel because i like having a nice clean set of wheels you know just whole wheels divine beasts are the most impactful okay maybe i mean obviously i like to pace all the divine beasts through all but if we started a divine beast maybe next stream it'll be tricky but i feel like you know just even getting there we still have a lot to do before power ourselves up more at least we have the ancient weapons so i feel like that could be a good time to attempt a divine beast maybe rudolph i feel like something spiked behind me but nah we're good ah one shot regardless yeah the shield would be kind of fun i'm happy with that daybreaker too i can take multiple guardians oh yes wow fairies i am happy with this i'm very much so happy with this and yeah i'll get you two bud okay let's get the door characters they're always here somewhere sound princesses here and endure carrots i just know they're always by fairy funds i think well yeah it's sound princesses and there are cats like they're always in like sacred locations in the world which is a neat little detail should we do this one one two three four and where was the final one is it just gonna be for a green rupee i don't know this tree is tall so let me scope out where that final one is well let's see because quite frankly i don't know which isn't helpful i get that ah there's a slightly bigger fatter tree here they did not see did we get something better than green rupee ah zero arrows thank you wow that's that's the best reward we've gotten it's clever sure okay uh 500 yeah you're good we have plenty yeah with the guardian parts we're racking up too we'll we'll be fine we have quite a bit even just from uh the sky watchers those are good high tier ones even if it's not course also hey minecraft bone thank you so much for the twenty dollars hello well hello to you too hope you're doing well thank you so much wow yeah we got our ferry friend on top of the three fairy so that's like three potential deaths we saved that's awesome the fairies in the shrine and resurrection they might still be there i'm not sure if that fairy spawns just one time there was that one lionel area though uh if you hit the switch i did that right when i started playing i'm like uh oh why is there two gold vinyls right in front of me yeah enhance the way so we're gonna do you know just a quick round to like each of these just because it's there and it's like why not so it might make us not a one-shot in some cases that's the reason why and plus i just like getting these up because it's like i like this kind of standard look you know wow uh enhance the way the the circlip thingy was we just don't have sapphires yeah that's okay maybe he'll switch to the hud sometimes and we have this stuff but it's like the ancient armor is going to supplement that in case we just need to be a little bit tankier so i'll take this over anything i like at least trying to get those hyaline stuff maxed out bye bye like 95 of everything in relics adds responds in blood moon okay that's good to know thank you shadow also here is under our carrots i'm like where were they again they are here also yeah i saw uh asking about like any sort of like like guides videos like beginner guides for the game i guess i just haven't been focusing on that sort of stuff because like so much of that has already been done and the game's just so many years old so it's like stuff like that will make you know once i understand the sequel and stuff coming out but like you know the stuff that i've been making content-wise has been stuff that's more interesting years after a game's release so that's sort of how i've been gauging my uploads for those wondering that's why i've been liking to do a lot of challenge runs in like the stats videos so but any sort of videos that you know would be helpful to people the masses of people playing for the first time i'll do when like you know the sequel comes out which you know you know i'm going to be binging that like as soon as it comes like i'm really excited [Music] uh he's too busy howling here hey truly sam thank you so much for the three dollars uh hey crow love the streams thank you well thank you for watching i'm happy you like them so thank you so much bird yeah stab him on midair oh it's gotta be raining of course well that's just not fair okay let's make it fair ah trip up they designed the shrine or this cork in a very bad place it's the nikola and it rains every five seconds is it even worth it i doubt it are we gonna do it anyways yes no okay it's gonna be a green rupee so who am i fooling myself however this one could be fun yeah go down whoa pro skater over the wolf's head and down here and crap i didn't turn fast enough turn crap yeah it's hard to regain that momentum or lose it rather i can only do the spin got all the shield syrup here okay just there this is basically where we have to go anyway so it's like let's see do i get one rupee zero arrows or 100 rupees 100 rupees see it's not too awful now step two is just giving ourselves a nice crafty stasis it goes all the way that's perfect well to an extent what do you mean that isn't that isn't awful there's some lizzles but they're a bit far off oh and no no octarok also hey linky thank you so much for the ten dollars well thank you i appreciate that all for the dots okay don't slip and go under the block at least that's not happening balloons give me give me give me yes like making stuff float that building better days uh i think he enemy watcher for the dollar much appreciated and yeah thank you guys a lot okay well what we're gonna do here uh gonna move fast just like that that's it's kind of in the right direction it's gonna go whoosh yeah okay you go it's almost right where we need it also where does it connect on the map i think it's right where the bridge is like the invisible bridge yeah it's literally like on it well how good is that okay we have our shield it works half the time and another half time doesn't that's okay thank you for the 10 linky you've returned because yes well we'll come back then yes that's a good although good reason to return we're just going to put that in our pedestal and after this wall of 10 so terrytown's like right by maybe we can get a good uh fly up if not the teleport works too um yes this one is tricky look i'm not used to this difficulty of breath of the wild so this explains the deaths um but you know what no death cycle is going to be as worse as the first stream so i can say there is improvement it's just improving off something that's already really tricky maybe not in parts like this but when when the craziness does happen which i'm just surprised we haven't run into anything crazy uh besides you know the areas that i expected to be a bit hectic and also a lot of that sue just because that one shot and it's like that's going to go away for a lot of other enemies soon with armor okay we'll get a nice core i think dry initial core yeah i do remember this one so good reward on both fronts [Music] we do have the fairies so i'm just happy about that that is ten so i say one stamina um four hearts one two three four five six seven eight yeah and then maybe at the next goal when we deposit a few spirit arms we can get uh all 13 hearts needed for the master sword maybe have that and just see where it goes from us maybe not to trial the sword right away but at least make it to the forest and do whatever hey henry thank you so much for the five uh please don't kill any more wolves or foxes i can't promise that because i am a carnivore in this game and i do like my meats so i'm i'm sorry but it's they're tasty only in breath of the wild i'll probably see that so no animal kill in real okay let's see we're gonna vote on is it gonna be the arrow i think it's gonna be the zero arrows oh okay you can craft you with me i like how it's a little reward though not just the corox seed like helpful one uh okay so we're not just wind bombing everywhere let's actually just go closer uh the war points just there really close to terrytown we'll fly in get the crapper that we need uh head out even like the core area that has camps and uh all the bridges leading up to that one shrine on the island so that'll be helpful luckily i know perfect for all the shrines are so we're getting extra points and extra orbs so just doing all the challenges that are nice i look very fun this way we go yeah that'll work i guess this time we can start with a little momentum boost yeah that's kind of nice if you don't win vomit it's like put my shield away ah i'm gonna go right away i just feel fast when i fly um yeah i'll rock nothing is here until you do like the quest of nintendo that's kind of neat i was talking about this once before but it's like with the goddess statue or doesn't mean that terrytown was once a town uh but just got crushed or like is the stat is the town just built around the statue because i guess it was once the time because of all these boulders but i don't know it's still like oddly carved so like it must have been in town at one point and everything else was for on but like the highly statue theory territory i guess but uh i don't know food for thought stamina vessel that's one hearts yeah okay all hurts maybe not like terrytown in the past but like a town equivalent to it i guess like just a town with buildings all around so not the same look because it's clear that that look came from hiteno with like that uh those like test buildings outside link's house nice water bottle thank you chica one okay our container it's still rocky town not terry town yeah what's the name guessing the gorons loved it here uh it is close to them anyways okay well that oh that's not what i meant to do but we're okay yeah so it was just 15 so i like having the nice even row it's always a thing in zelda games where it's like i i love having that even row of like 10 or 15 in this game's case uh but as soon as you get that one i shot another one it's like i immediately just want to rush and get the next heart container or like four pieces of heart or whatever because like i like having just more fences on the bottom row i know i'm not the only one like that for sure yeah well except for the temporaries in this case that's all right um to the quarry we go just like that and lift off slightly stuck by the tree well we're good the singular extra heart in the second row is a bit triggering i i get that so that's why we come back well the couple at least as soon as we do six more shrines which obviously this is very fast with the cheeses and just powerful weaponry so we will have 13. um everyone is telling me to get the master sword but i don't not have enough hearts yet so i i apologize but we will get it clearly when we have the hearts because it'll be nice uh and then we can tackle divine bees too don't i know we we will take though i just kind of didn't because we're going to set it all first and i want to go back and that's a guardian yeah hello mr guardian okay he's so speedy all those bats don't mess me up bats firebat of course okay uh just don't speed into me that's all that's all i request back oh you stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh my god stop firing at me that is so bad is that to the fairies i can't even tell there's another one taken it was wow well thankfully we have that at least so here uh there's only one other tactic we can do here uh let me get my guardian sword um no stop multi-firing why did he do that i didn't get any closer okay good get the legs that's all i could do i know i had to do it stop ah come on die ah wow that was i was evil focused mom like he burned through all my stuff one guardian one guardian burned through everything i just made everything i was worth we got parts but wow ah it's those cheeky uh multi shots i do not like those wow yeah i'm happy he stopped at least that needed to happen he was doing too much full auto guardian i know wow that's a good all for one okay now let's make it uh return to zero oh nope okay okay okay okay uh this isn't the best situation oh is it get out get out you two okay my horse taking you back hey we didn't die oh these fairies came to aid there i still get used to uh hopefully pairing those multi ones instead of you know getting absolutely burned by it whoa okay i was like that's not my hair was it it most definitely was no not being tracked yeah they're gonna be extra bothersome i think this is where we need to go yeah and hopefully the bomb arrow will work in our favor it is raining but just kind of like under it so it's kind of matter if it wants to or not yeah because we're way under there nice one good jump and we'll be fine we just barely have enough to make this whole ascent thank you daybreaker for lasting me quite a while it is nice that you can uh recover from the any sort of explosion or ragdoll right away these videos are awesome thank you so much for making them you really enjoyed them well no problem uh i like doing this little by little even though it's really a lot but in a fun way wait a second i just read that get it mastered yet have enough hearts you know what trip me up because mess with 13 hearts and i was thinking of it as like the classic zelda standards of like 10 hearts in the first four and three in the next row so it's like how can i get the master sword if i don't have 13 hearts why is everyone telling me and i remembered that breath of the wild has 50 on the first row so everyone who's been saying that was completely right and i was completely dumb when i said that so i'm sorry we can't get the master sword i'm like why are people saying this because i you know i have people tell me stuff before i was just like yeah that's not how it works i'm sorry but no you're completely right about that i'm sorry uh wow yeah master sword is 10 hearts not 13. or the row of hearts is 10 not 15. you know what i meant okay everybody explained myself i'm not gonna say it again and say it wrong i'm so sorry i'm like why why are people saying that i don't get it did i really mess something up am i uh it's okay i think and freeze and okay let's go in with uh a bang okay i guess we'll do the normal way yeah that works we're low though he didn't have that much health we kind of just did it slowly wow i was so confused uh we got a core though man damn when you think you're just giving a normal answer but no we can't get the master sword maybe just not right away then because we're just in here we want to do these camps around so as soon as we fly upwards uh yeah there's like a camp or two and then we go to the islands i know there's like some enemies at least so we got an orb i can't get the master sword wow that'll be nice um heavy weapon reef vamp i like that uh so it's nice and speedy just even for knocking away the goblins too so i've noticed that it's nice sapphire circling oh yeah we can upgrade that is i just like wearing it it just looks nice also where's the nearest wind gust there is the nearest wind ghost oh i like color stops leading up to it sometimes we just see sides of cliffs in this game they're just very convenient stops there we go up there and oh hi they come from the ground to torment me always well i have to sort their stuff because we can just pick up everything in this so it's like sometimes they just have a bunch of crap he's kind of moving around uh that looks important is it no i know we're close there we go there's one camp there and one on the other side that's what i was thinking of very tiny head get that instant kill and meets oh wow bit overkill oh that was quick get that okay perfect little okay now we'll go in here now we shall again they don't stop existing that's all i would like to make the world a much better place if they were just gone this is one of those monster chests so that's why i really did want to take this one on hmm we need like an actual explosion to set that one off i had to say brute force firearms that don't work yeah so our rope bombs will work do we have a quark leaf i would love to blow those in we do it was not reacting fast enough sadly ah you can't hit the button fast it's like you have to wait unless we cancel it can we do that no i can't i don't i can't crouch cancel it sadly come on go to the bomb or bomb go there actually wait ah me trying to be crafty game mechanics no so instead come on fine be lame free branch it was only one no i don't want this to be an issue you don't understand we can't let it be an issue okay well no issue time starts now all hitting the shield no okay get him and he's going to attack so fast we don't have a way out of this we do actually we did good swap to him floors just worked well for this um spears will be more viable but electric's even more so so [Applause] there we go just go for it i don't know batman around we have so much electric stuff it's like shock dome that looks so fluid [Applause] okay good royal broadsword this will try boomerang these are all good weapons in anyone's book okay okay you take that let's loot a bit quickly diamond good stuff uh not good that he's hitting me shields though that's that's what we really need the more the merrier first time getting us okay now okay you get all the fight uh eightfold blade that's a bit too weak actually uh oh that charge it's good with spears good good good royal that melting's not too bad i'll give it that gotta break the shield oh it's getting ready to back up new is coming at me like no oh we had the shield there though okay we're so close oh get the two for one yes get attack up too uh come on we're so close and he's dead okay come on we're not doing too bad now so ludum quick loots he's by the bottom he's by the bottom okay so i'll get the chat in one second i'm just gonna finish this dude off ah okay okay uh finish off with the power hit there we go we're just trying to save weapon durability in this this is so overpowered uh but thank you the burning goats i just saw that right when we're about to finish killing that guy for uh the fifty dollars uh long time watcher and thanks thanks for all the videos you have made i hope this helps keep uploading and helping everyone in this community i know most of us have learned from your videos well i'm really really happy that you've learned from them uh because they're always a joy to make and doing stuff about this game is always a pleasure too so thank you so much uh it's nice to hear that you've been watching for a while uh because we have been doing this for a while and you know it's just been a lot of fun so anything surrounding this game uh i'm really happy you appreciate it and i really appreciate that so thank thank you so much wow uh much appreciated wow yeah i saw that right at the end of the fight there so just like okay one second let me let me finish this guy soon doesn't finish me first uh but thank you though okay that's nothing special uh this one isn't but you know nice nice camp to fire through nonetheless and still we didn't die so any sort of victory i take over our camper we're not dead considering you know we're still at the earlier game stages of like hearts and armor uh i'll take it yeah let's get the next camp though um for future reference i can swap cancel the correctly to freely dotnate the bombs okay that's helpful drug crosstangeline didn't work so in case i need that again i will try swap cancelling i never really did too much with cancelling before just noticing that crotch cancel helps with this it's pretty much mandatory if you get stuck in that shield loop when parrying a guardian it's like rapid firing so that's only when i really started using capsuling yeah it's helpful okay so we got some harder stuff okay back off a little bit oh ah okay we got hit by something weak so save dust for something worse that's good uh you know what ancient spear mark ii we gotta try it we just got this weapon we barely used it oh yeah i see where this is broken okay so this completely trivializes everything we just did but you know it is extremely expensive but wow that is amazing everything else feels like it was just supplementary to that okay so ultimately i don't like using flurries too much because the charge attacks do double damage so like for getting more utility weapons in this you can just do more powerful things than just the base game flurry okay so we do cap at three weapon slots uh or pages rather so drop anything that's like i don't know below 30 for one-handed and just crap in general we'll just drop crap for now uh so um i like pitchfork uh there we go um we just look at that down we don't need all these guardian ones that's for sure leaf that's good utility and you know just like okay i feel like that's not too bad uh this though because it's just a lot of clutter i think i think we're making good decisions here right and shields i'll take anything we can get please uh okay i don't wanna just use all that though okay wait till he attacks once and then there we go it's connecting pretty often so i'll say we're pretty okay he's going back okay [Music] um yeah thank you for the support awards in chat by the way uh seeing a lot of it he just doesn't find these guys so it's like intensely in it but i do appreciate it and it means a lot so thank you uh i didn't really say this too much uh but because it was just really recent we uh actually hit the 150k milestone on the channel so i did want to say thank you for that again uh even just after we hit it not too long ago but uh there really has been a lot just you know just knowing you guys are enjoying the stuff here and you just thank you for tuning in as always just even right now uh it's always fun doing stuff regardless of how much i'll get killed doing it there we go good luck for the lionel well the landlords have but not too bad so far fortunately at least the last two weren't first two are pretty tricky though okay so we got two camps uh so i guess our options are use normal weapons or use the spear and be absolutely broken along with the bow like these are just insanely good and we we're not even using age proficiency because we don't have it yet so i guess really to progress more besides just like health and stuff like that probably the more viable choice here would be uh just killing more guardians for parts to get the ancient armor and affording more of the ancient weaponry i think there's even killing stuff for increasing the scaling levels too so it's like natural progression uh it's more so it's getting accustomed okay but it's at 154k yeah i know it's been moving really fast so it happened not too long ago so i'm just saying it's still pretty recent and there will be 150k video i think i mentioned that very briefly not too long ago but uh yeah that will be up by that end of the month so i'm really happy to get that out because we're not gonna be sharing this next wednesday uh hence why we stream today because i was gonna be out of town so starting tomorrow so last october video but full force november so and yeah that video will be out for the month though so um very entertaining hope we get a million before 2022 i don't think a million's ever going to happen like i'm just saying that realistically because there's not a single zelda channel out there that has a million subscribers because it's like obviously there's a lot of zelda fans but not enough for a million people to be subscribed for just the zelda channel you know so i guess realistically uh but you know i just appreciate the support that i do have so it's more that i could ever ask for to be honest but it's like maybe one day maybe i'm just being too unoptimistic just trying to mix it with a bit of realism but like hey just even just doing what i'm doing and having grown communities is really nice so make a bunch of accounts hit 1 million that'll take a lot of time making those accounts amber but i do appreciate it though thank you guys uh you always get like the korok seed but like you don't actually get the corox seed so you know the count goes up doesn't actually go up yeah oh yeah there is that lionel over there that's the lionel like killing a lot you know what we could do we can get the travel medallion and go through the maze and there's guardians there too oh we should do that why have i not thought about that till now okay so let's make a little like i don't know a list of things we could do so this we'll get the shrine over here we can do the labyrinth we can kill the lionel by like the zorg's demand area if we get some good wind bombs in and we can also get the master sword so there's a lot of little things uh we did a lot of the cost of ready but really a lot to do this area is good for like you know loot and like a little fun stuff the enemies are at that very end i also want to make sure i'm using a crap weapon that's yeah i need something a little more crap a full you're supposed to leave okay uh one bomb action won't hurt i like taking the mastercycle on these which we don't have yet oh nice spicy we'll just skim to the end because that's where the important stuff is but it is pretty vibey this whole place the skywatch is rolling into the uh rock there sapphire for circle yeah we could do that upgrade too hoping to get like more stuff before then in case we could do a second upgrade uh and there's some gems over here all these chances to get sapphires you know neat stuff okay um i'm just happy we can actually kill things normally now and not have to rely off like bomb straps like bought himself in the water because just the areas we're exploring especially when you just want near water just always have the urge to blow crap into the water because it's like fun oh bye-bye good thing we had this recharge look at that that is so convenient even the base one's fast but these upgraded bombs give you all the charge in the world that's pretty awful so we're gonna restart that by uh eating some stamina food which we do have a little bit of yeah the wind's pushing me around is there a uh like a safe way of doing midair wind bombs when it's windy out i'm guessing we just work against the direction also this is not good so i guess we can kind of restart why not use remote bombs to minors or heavy weapons because it's just like as long as you're doing 40 damage you can one shot it but we're just using a weapon that we're trying to get rid of so uh yeah 20 damage because attack up will deal uh 20 more then that's not gonna work look at that bomb fly wait oh it went away nevermind this has not been good for one bombing first one's really good now no far from it and that's far better than what we just did nice okay song's not being lasered anymore immediately there's this one camp and this one you but using anything to kill will not be viable because he's going to fall to the water so i say avoid uh and then we just go in with fun weapons quite literally that was even without attack up whoa blown to bets oh he tried to oh you really tried but we're gonna do something a bit better and just finish them whoa oh my god that really happened didn't it wow that really did happen wow he just shattered the crate okay you mr guardian please wow that was amazing that was kind of amazing i'm not gonna lie wow that was something else okay he's distracted now okay going for the kill that's so slow without attack up like that is insanely slow and he almost got us too kind of funny part or not funny depending on your perspective oh he went on my way and that's that's on you bud can we just one shot him yeah we can that weapon's a little too good amber's wow yeah that was that was a clip moment right there that was so wild we literally uh that laser came perfectly between us during that flurry i don't know how i get much better than that also i just don't have the attack buff right now because it's like don't need it until i'm gonna fight again okay well that just happened you know the thunder ice combo all the combos we can do we have so many op weapons it's like do we use normal stuff or break the game i don't know i feel like with this we could be okay to charge your divine because we're just not gonna do it today so many other things we can do and then make for like an excellent like you know stream sort of uh in itself so because i heard they're a lot harder it's not just like a bass divine beast so like i want to be prepared you know uh and right now we are preparing ourselves just preparing myself for the unexpected i need to be a lot more ready right now we're parked through a lot of stuff that's still like considered like base game although you know higher scaled okay so this shrine then will go uh to the lyme earth area so we're work to robbies then do it okay just like that loop down you know what i thought we had a chance really dead nice shirt and water bottle and gaming chair thank you a triple compliment yeah i like the water bottle uh i always like bounce between so many water bottles but as soon as i got this one it's just like yeah this is my definitive one now so it holds a lot and looks extra cool and i guess just more or we could use like rock salt campfires like there's a lot of things we can do technically i was really trying to just choose it again um because for some reason i thought that would work i was like you know as long as you get to that one you'll be fine right oh such skill on this no okay well i guess we'll just sell this one any old way let me try to just be crafty it's like ah screw being crafty yeah that works yeah but you can't use it you can't use campfires to weigh downs which is like that rock salt also pretty heavy so shield surf jumping always works even the base one would have been all right with good timing [Music] am i going to use intended strategy or cheesy strategy in labyrinth i would pretty much always use intended because i know i have a good base idea of where the roads are so plus you can find some of the loots and there's the guardian to kill but i guess like i guess going on top top can only help so much because like usually where the route into the shrine is is like blocked off at the top so it's not an actual full overview which i do appreciate so you can't fully choose it also yeah i like the ancient blade saw we had we found a bass one once uh what we can buy some more of the mark ii stuff [Music] but where are we going uh wait oh we're in this one yeah i was like uh wait a second i like there's a little cliff okay screw that core rock um i say we go there's that field with the two guardians there's also the fairy fountain let's go to the fairy fountain after we have the ancient armor uh because i feel like we can get it by then yeah so ancient whatever maybe pick up some ancient arrows because they're cheap in retrospect just so we can kill some of the skywatchers there um whatever we can afford for the ancient armor or weaponry you know just take a nice stop this is going to be a pretty important destination for this game so yeah we'll upgrade the sapphire circle hey it's dough hi dough we love to hear last time hi yeah what's your quest uh dr pira yes it was first time um who are you just like for the like name stuff shrines uh oh yeah the okay the kilton one okay we will have to see colton we're talking about that skullziah okay oh you see they're a lot more expensive that's something i really glossed over they are way more expensive than this so maybe not uh but like this stuff is nice like they're good base ingredients for anything else that's fine you know what we have the gears now we can buy this whole set so we can upgrade it yeah that's okay that's not okay we backed out i was trying to press b to speed up the text because some games wait do you say invalid materials oh the cores i was so focused on the gears because usually chords aren't a problem it's always the gear okay well we have one piece i was like what what what okay silly hat this place is a circle for now screw it i guess it's one better ah look at that fit we got our cone hat that's kind of funny or the free one from beetle that's true but oh well we still have a inch narrow one or two two okay well that ain't too bad okay let's go right through this labyrinth [Music] ah he was in perry range blasphemy okay bye-bye uh let's go check it out okay so we can nab one of those sky watchers and then i'll save the other one for later are there ancient arrow rather it's very windy so the path forwards on the left side i do know that oh neat he already sees me oh come on the multifire ah damn let's hope we say it right before that ah this has to get another spicy wind bomb i guess that was a very spicy one okay so let's swap to our ancient bow um okay first one that sees us dies how about that oh we're facing some big wind resistance here these guardians should be scared of the hero of the traffic cone right come on you know what you're really fearing we use the wrong ancient bow we're gonna die i have no clue where it died i guess that's the first step let's hope it all didn't uh diet at the top i'm guessing it fell between the cracks oh this music's different whoa okay something different here i hear stomping whatever you're stomping uh-oh okay i want to find that loot first oh boy reworked i'm impatient one two three and then eat our food yeah use the wrong bow to make that shot but it worked anyways i used my multi-shot ancient bow stomping equals something big i'm not overly fond of what follows there we go oh that's so worth it okay uh i needed that core sorry i i couldn't ditch it so that uh we'll just go with the maybe a royal bow yeah at least moderate damage yeah i like this music a lot that's a guardian oh no okay i should open up the items in here that's for sure oh boy why is he what's he doing here ah waiting for a multi because i don't know yeah the music is yeah age of climbing uh the mission to get the master in the force okay yeah there's the age of climbing vibe to it it's so cool it's still fitting okay well already that's just to show me that there is going to be some hell in here it's the metal chest sapphire okay nice not circle it because i just like my sapphire circle it posted as that bonus guardian resistance uh so it's been helpful to use nice little loot stash yeah i guess i'll take that i see a health bar is this a big monster health bar or just a just a health bar here let's take this chest through there uh yeah you know let me out let me out uh okay crap yeah we were kind of in our own little area there badly damaged but something that's like crappy uh boomerang sorry we need to see what's over there pretty bad just like that okay now i can see what's over it's a bit easier uh i'll just go you're kidding me you're kidding me oh no you aren't serious you aren't serious are you oh they're serious this is very much serious uh i don't like this what no oh my god uh uh uh well guess we're going with our best stuff here elementals don't do crap against them uh so we're gonna go 60. okay don't need to fire arrows that's such an evil tactic he's going to get me too are they slamming each other oh oh my god i can't do fret did was i really supposed to expect that that was going to go well or something because that went the opposite well okay that was a little too much we have to plant this a bit more strategically now you see okay well it's saved after that chest which means at least it saves the guardian kill so yeah maybe flying into the ceiling wasn't the best idea wow okay let's update that death counter shall we sometimes i'm just still like what wow that was so cool just like last time this is very deadly uh i'm for it wasn't it so cool we did it last time that was so cool not anymore oh it's saved after we yeah of course it did ah well we'll do the slow climb over and then we'll save so okay well we're going for it what everyone else says only one way you can do this that's by destruction it's in the little column other way down yeah okay so that's a lot of vinyls uh the dad has some pretty nice weapons though uh okay so what do we do let's prepare first there's one of those things that's hard to do with just one death so oh it's not um here we go saving up that guardian is fast oh there goes daybreaker there goes that oh no oh wow okay we're doing it the daybreaker was damaged before so well that's it we got the guardian okay step one of our problems is solved let's save up after that uh yeah the lasers do way more damage to me so using them against the guardians gonna be like nothing i've never fought two lentils at the same time before there's not been a thing i've ever had to attempt or been in a situation to attempt so let's go in with uh okay we'll switch back to our 60 screw it okay ah there's an amazing start to that uh yeah just use ice should i try out the ice sphere to see if it works against them okay oh works against the keys okay yeah i was not ready i was just like i'm not using these confined spaces to kill lionel uh maybe killing lynels in a hyrule castle would help if you notice my pride was there that i killed the guardian which we saved after here to say uh let's see if it works okay it doesn't okay see i'm listening but also stick to what i know okay i did not even see him to be fair uh but i should have known he would have done that so the guardian's dead yeah right only brought us like some really good shields it's giving us smacks there we go oh my god yeah you can cancel the flurry in this that i'm just not used to other animals not see us so it's making it very helpful for us okay halfway so we're good no no so fearsome what do we do against two lionels here i got a concussion from my shield i know just smack them with it music start okay focus mode so the same charge thing like that so i'm storing my health feels like cheating here it's like i'm not gonna do it well then uh i'm gonna power through i don't know the strats here okay this should never bowl like an idiot okay that's not the right thing but that's okay let's eat up this for now okay good yeah as long as you're doing something to him he's probably gonna regen so i have to kind of prioritize in one belly damage that's okay i guess oh okay how do we do this i don't understand oh that was a wrong flip we're always doing that he's distracted at least so i feel like i have to take advantage of the times where lynels are still slow wow we didn't get anything oh he just trampled us okay he definitely sees this doesn't he uh okay okay good uh just just in case we need to eat all our fruit because we gotta do something oh my god sell it come in but couldn't do crap about it oh he got me before i it was either perry the sword or perry the explosion ah but i guess what's nice about doing it again is doing with hopefully less meals consumed so wow yeah more lynel concussions but it doesn't necessarily mean deaths right now i only need deaths here mr lannell kind of still for now ah first a but uh okay good let's get a few shots he's gonna do it again though this is not a good situation to be in the flurry loop okay this time you backed out i was gonna jump off the platform there okay he's not regening though so that's kind of nice of him i guess as long as you pull something like that we're fine okay oh i was trying to pull up my shield okay oh okay good uh just a couple more come on beat him down with that please okay let's give me the time it's definitely not the time okay we want under no i could get the flurry in time no i couldn't get that flurry somehow oh my god ah that was so close wow yep ice does not work against lionel's elementals have never worked against lynel so okay well as long as you're alternating well i'm sure we can do this yeah as long as we get those sprints in oh we don't actually have to parry that let's make it easier on ourselves okay god as long as we uh don't underestimate our own power we can power through these guys it's basically no different than one at a time which i can't handle okay good one after the other done done go to the next one there's something cheap for now oh yeah oh yeah you know what's up okay we're doing good just save just in case we deserve that kill oh i am getting closer i think i got this okay good yes ah there's me stuck in that flurry chain don't waste too much durability on this the parries are gonna be so much more efficient here we can do attacks that benefit us better but flurry is kind of like the last resort we messed up a very easy parry which is sad he's not regening for whatever reason so oh wow uh so we got just very lucky there we're using a really crap weapon for no reason at all other than to use it so maybe maybe we'll search for something more suitable for our lionel uh i just kind of had it out uh that doesn't feel suitable this is even weaker i just want to use two-handed so i want to get used to the strategies that involve them which our strategies include multi-hitting like that okay because even that makes it very much worth it we did it okay two finals ah oh look at those shocks ancient bow we're literally getting really high quality ancient stuff wow it has modifiers too shield guard that's nice it's gonna be so nice for pairing stuff and uh can't get through it as easy that's so good okay i'm i'm impressed i'm very much impressed let's drop crappos definition of crapo is uh getting more different with each new weapon because they're so good 51 damage um wow we got him keep going on yeah we got to keep doing it safe safe safe well now we're kind of creaming through them uh these are a bit more evenly tiered don't really have just bow damage to be doing the good stuff let's use something weaker so we can kind of stock up i'm sure i can kill these guys without just using my bow although i am it just like you know it's more appropriately tiered with my weapons uh and that bows if it breaks that's a lot of money well we only have a 45 that'll have to do the trick what's that this three shot is a better single arrow i have no idea how we were able to catch that we're so pressed up against the wall getting better keep up the effort don't afraid occasionally do things in the hardest way possible okay i'm kind of doing it right now so no no mark two but i'm very used to this though so that's kind of helpful wow that one was a bit luck i'm not gonna lie look that i didn't get hit i could have very easily have gotten hit there oh yep okay i can't multi tap the jump button i knew we were close to getting hits i couldn't let myself die okay uh just for the funds okay good wow seeing these lynels with all this ancient stuff is so cool though i am so focused if you haven't noticed in the last you know 15 minutes i don't know how long it's been whenever we started these fights oh yeah i okay we are late but so is he that's an okay combo yeah we can't multi-hit with that i think i'm really preferring the other types for my combat style right now wow we slayed him we really did one more in the other corner okay oh look at that i guess that's how we get our weapons even a guard yeah plus plus bomb arrows yeah okay oh yeah okay oh yeah oh my god okay i do want to do more spear action though i am i am liking the spears uh i like the charge hit even mighty lionel let's go for it all right maybe yes we get a better buff i just don't have another ancient spear to supplement so okay we're in pretty low hearts you know what just just just to be safe uh another hard food yep he's late a lot of the times okay we're gonna break this that's okay more room for better stuff anyways oh yeah you have to be pretty um yeah quick this is lightning stuff right now so we're gonna go back to our 45s okay well i'm not gonna get torched right there we did a little bit okay oh a skywatcher when is that ever a problem they really fought me up there didn't they oh yeah they stopped after a while okay we got still miss for the regen come on perry time yup he's going right back to the spot where i know he's gonna be it makes it more easy there we go good and then swap two even something like that that works there we go okay now yes because i i like using the quick inventory a lot but i can only really have my one-handeds here in this mod because it's like i just have a lot of them uh and the quick doesn't go to the second oh yeah i forgot we can't when that first one connects it's like done for us oh okay uh we almost finished us a few food portions but way better than when we started and look at that we just killed four lynels wow that's insane that is so whoa well that's all i have to say uh um ancient bow we have a lot of ancient bows okay and the hylian shield like literally just a highland shield that's that's that's so so amazing we can block so many guardians and lionel's sword wow eventually they'll get modifiers too thank you so much cassie for the ten dollars thumbs up thank you yes we actually got four lynels i i have no idea this isn't insane uh but you know have we talked about the guardian first because that was going to be a huge threat uh got some good parries uh but especially when i'm expecting something really hard just look out for those lasers because that could be pretty detrimental but that was really good what a nice unexpected challenge and it only took us like seven deaths that's not too bad uh we died like 30 times to a single line on the first stream so money's better weapons now but also yeah we're doing it just fine the shield ain't breaking anytime soon huh guess so congrats homie thank you thank you shannon worth yeah uh really good what a great challenge i like how you know just can't really have still knocking with the bow and arrow uh but even though like i know where the head's going to return after i'm got a good parry in you just have a smaller window so that really does help a lot uh all the lionel practice has paid off for that i would say i feel like it's probably my best combat experience so far in this i feel a lot more confident wow okay let's actually get the shrine though get that piece of barbarian armor oh look at that slidiness thank you ancient shield thank you rain and also i just know i'll shield her sleek all right i forgot it's exact shield sleekness thing wait okay so i think this is still sleeker but shields are sleeker in general i don't know something like that uh we just gotta find this exit i just know it's around here ended today no not yet planning going longer today because we're not going to be able to go next week so plus we can end today without getting the master sword okay and we got the maze guardian i just don't know the exact right i think we're in the gaining warm territory though right um you can't really tell from the map obviously and also we're waiting to heal specifically because i know there's not gonna be any threats or i'm hoping there's not gonna be any threats up ahead uh but the shrine will heal us so it's like i'm gonna rely off that's one less meal we have to make ah usually those guys never fire me in here like an extra tricky pretty close i just know it's on this quadrant there's no way to memorize this it's it's a lot for the 3d map uh i just know we are close yeah slightly different we saw a guardian there so i don't know if the layout's been changed but also i just like i'm not good with the layout so i don't know if you ever had to pass that back wall that's a dead end yeah i don't feel like any of the routes at least this one involves getting that back wall it's something you don't say in relics oh boy yeah anything could be changed we just fought a whole challenge i can't expect that to be all of it we'll make sure all saved up here though uh okay okay so apologies that i uh dumbly travel my way through this probably not quickly find an exit please let me leave let me out let me out um oh yeah the scout's near the shrine yeah that's the thing i've been noticing what my internal compass was so messed up i thought we're like over here it's like i'm just trying to get back to the main area but we're here i was like wait a second this ladder only means one thing well plus another thing that's yeah i don't remember i use the mighty we just got a bunch of cool bows so what's like thing about amazing if you constantly follow like the left wall like you eventually make it out anyways i don't know i never wanted to laugh because that's tedious but i guess guaranteed oh it's a royal guard so it's usually a great flame blade oh that's neat thank you oh i had to check it out i'm like it might be changed uh i mean we need to find that one guardian there so now is there anything cool on the right side of the maze because usually there's like nothing really cool on the right side of the maze in the base i won't check it out if there isn't sort of thing because just you know maze um yeah the other ones are trickier uh this one just has a single route to go through it uh something involve you to climb a bit so i like the idea of mazes though labyrinths in this game i hear bocos crap whoa we know what we're doing already it's not going to work the way one into it now is it oh what is that why is he purple thanos lizzle uh what are you doing he definitely sees me they always do this okay well he's dead sorry that's very anti-chromatic uh okay uh i don't know what he did i just wanted to get him out of my way we'll see more though sorry i care too much about uh not dying than my own pride so okay just some like okay let's not use a bow that shoots like that just a quick freeze get all that stuff oh boy okay uh we have all these ancient short swords now that's kind of neat i feel like that's going to one shot me so uh that's really good and that's just the base plates all right yeah that's so cool though in a lyle spear malice is awful yeah sorry uh there was just a perfect opportunity for a one-shot stealth kill so i guess we'll we'll be seeing more of those guys uh uh malice here i don't know how strong the guy was supposed to be but he just needed to die he looked too uh okay was there any sneaky yeah this sword is very good but i know when i break it then i'm not going to have that advantage but we just found it in the jungle so you know stuff that i know is not easily replaceable i'm going to be very cautious with plenty more times okay so i was going to take the opportunity like i'm like nope let's see what do we get um right it's the helm i was like what peaceful is that okay i prefer my ancients so yeah i guess those chorus we got one from the sky watchers we can get technically one more piece of armor but i would like to get some more which involves just more guardian killing which yeah i i guess first thing uh we talked about other color things we could do but i i really want to check out the forest like i want that master sword like or at least see if i can get it right away i don't know it's gonna be different anything could be different i don't trial the sword is uh but uh oh well we'll see and hey christian thank you so much for the five uh hey man love the content any chance of a reado only runs soon they're my favorite group there will be arena run 100 um i just well that one's probably that one along with like uh both royal guard and uh and bone weapons are my most requested right now so usually announce which one i'm officially doing like a few days advance on my discord server so uh if you're part of there that's why it pulls like minor updates because that's where i post where i'm streaming them or like what times on it's always on twitch during the weekend so uh if you aren't following there on twitch or in the discord all that stuff's in the description for those of you who want to check it so yeah i always update it even the description i just update with like what we're doing in the run so if you're just joining a stream midway through or haven't seen the past ones like there's always like a sentence or two synopsis what we just did or what we're doing today so diamond circle oh my god wow uh yeah my bad my mind was on that i totally forgot that was a thing uh let me just get this one piece of armor though so maybe it wasn't the worst oh i want to be a little more aesthetically prepared i can't say that's an awful idea we'll just wear our normal pants okay there we go with normal pants now we'll go back yep all good what'd i forget wow i was just like so accomplished i'm like that's it i'm like there's some monsters in the closet isn't there or in the basement rather okay all right i put the discord link in the chat by the way for those of you want to check it out so just because we're talking about that okay we have this and they're alive right away they're all alive right away okay well that's kind of yeah yeah autobunk okay let's try some raw effort though uh no it's gonna if we're too close it's gonna explode oh wow oh my uh i don't know how to describe that that was too cool okay just be broken for a second i don't care look at normal box in there i just had a b.o.p wow and we got a core sorry i needed like a breather just i i let the shield do some work because it's just like okay after all that just let me have it easy for a second uh wow wow um there's a lynel too oh man you want to donate but don't know how uh it's the button next to the chat uh along with the membership button too like those sort of things i know on some devices they don't appear though it's a really weird thing and i clarify it because it's like for 95 of people those buttons exist but sometimes you don't i think it's based on certain phones or updates oh no multi bonk it broke okay uh so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to get an actual bunk there we go we did it we really did it didn't we okay not that time but uh those look good okay you know what that multi one was very worth it oh no not now not now not now okay good uh just going with that all we can do ah you blocked him off at least we'll get him in one i know that i do want to kind of loot them before they uh perish too much they're loots rather okay god look at this hyaline shield with this smack them all i don't want to go too far there god we had ice equipped yep that one deflated oh ancient arrows ah what what do you do with those ah too much going on i don't know how my brain can process this i can't okay we just have to accept the fact that it's a it's quite a bit you know it's it's it's a little bit no ah dodging was more important we're gonna break this hyaline shield i swear okay okay at least the parry power is strong on this thing okay oh no i forgot we can cancel the parries oh we just have to eat more it's just constant travel time meal hour always okay let's pick up on this guardian loop fort spawns good okay let him do his crap ah getting a little sloppy with some of these parries uh i'm just doing my best here surviving's been a bit more important okay nice oh man we missed that oh okay we're missing quite a few we're covering all right but this highlighting shield is putting in work okay good even we do mess up though okay ah we need a different yeah that's why i like the two ended so we can get in that multi-hit while uh he's staggered because otherwise it's like if he doesn't do anything where he's still i can't really do much more to him so i feel like we gotta go back with this this is my weapon of choice for these guys ah that time not as good there we go okay good he's dead not too awful oh okay a forest dwellers i thought he had ancient arrows though i don't think he's gonna be dropping those ah wow okay we broke that ancient shield so we're gonna keep this nicer just because we had two i was kind of using more friendly uh you know less eco-friendly just wasting and burning everything okay there's some there's some guardians for that chest not actual guardians but uh guardians i guess it didn't give me the ancient arrows i don't know if they can so there's a couple things i might have missed uh really trying to miss things it's just like uh well that was that was a bit intense good and multi-hit okay let's go in there or maybe not uh a little bit bigger that's what we needed okay good pick up that stuff oh critical i love that so underrated that bonk okay i thought we shattered like a uh okay a shattered is faster than i thought sorry it surprised me uh you know what yeah let's just give them the happy bops oh that wasn't a happy bop there's something a bit better please okay um take one of those and then just i don't know just something simple and effective and just kind of quick and neat even that's doing taking a bit to kill oh we have that okay um screw it the multi strategies are just working so well for us even in comparison everything else i i'm really liking two endings and spears a lot in this say that for lionel's let's use this okay don't flurry these ones because you can't get the full effectiveness there we go oh wow we piked them up these ones aren't super good for baby bokoblins you know that's what i've noticed trickle damage with an attack buff and uh a royal broadsword only that works well i missed that those three diamonds we got from that one with coblin earlier [Music] okay we've made a lot of money uh this is nice and travel medallion okay this will be helpful you can get a nice war point i usually use it more like situationally than not just like keeping it somewhere just for the sake of it uh so i guess for my use it's like oh i just want to place it here so i can go down this cliff and get the shrine or whatever and then just warp back so i can continue on my path so some people just like playing as like a single thing like some people put in like the kazakhstan bazaar because like the only town without like a war point also is a cool hop uh or like link's house or something because just there uh yeah i like using it like situationally or like the dragon spring go yeah so those guardians are nothing new uh because those were usually just zombie stalkers so you didn't act until you're close unless those were different ones let's hope that was not a false fact so were those the same two guardians are originally down here they just activate right away so yeah it's not if i'm not actually surfing let's just use crap because i think it would be this one if not oh they're on top of the zombie spot stalkers okay uh i just assumed because i knew there was two down here so it's like oh that they just come to life right away okay was proximity based i kind of went try to go for a multi-parry oh oh man our fault but we got a little bit of a multi-pair you know okay so that wasn't too awful i'm happy we got something at least you know uh take care to leave it we missed at the clubs we are okay it's not that bad i think this stream has been the stream where i've been really just getting these strats down a lot better even though i had a pretty rough start with that uh citadel climb oh and with you know these bobops i'm just using this multi shot cause like i find i'm just i don't know i feel more confident with single shots against them because it's like i'm just kind of never mind still small hitbox uh there we go i can't wait to get that mark two blades hello i'll kill other guardians like i could use the parts i think you are the guardian hello let me try something yeah let's say this for the end because he's going to regen that health back um i guess so sorry yeah this hearty food what are these learning stages i'm so happy that we went to the jungle first like i think that was a good planning decision okay now so if it's proximity based it'll happen we're close so or we can lose all of our shields this way that's good okay so he lost quite a bit of shield just literally on one that's all it takes uh that's okay we'll get stuff back shields are replaceable it's not like we're spending money to get more shields because we find them for monster loot but trying and failing is better because we're at least learning the skills better for next time i don't want that i also don't want a few of these things i don't want oh actually i want a lot of this stuff this is good stuff uh yeah so i guess it was a smart choice to use literally dropping multi shots okay that's how uh that's how we're doing right now yeah sorry um just for now and we're not dying so deathcounter's been at 107 for quite a bit i haven't been using the rods either because they're pretty weak besides blizzard goes for the base game [Music] okay we did it uh i think we'll go back not into the tech lab uh let's go to the forest lost wood's purge of darkness why don't i like this why don't i like the feeling of this i'm just getting a very strange vibe of it's not going to be easy can't assume that things aren't changed okay welcome everyone's tuning in uh sorry there's yeah a lot going on the stream but it's been really fun uh i want to thank you guys for almost 700 likes our usual goal is 800 for today i think we can even pass that by a little bit because we still have a bit of blood left enough so yeah so probably depending on how lost was this be our final big challenge like final chunk of the stream rather uh little uh all those lines took a lot out of us but it was a lot of fun and i think we're all the better for it but thank you for tuning in uh yeah i'm sure we'll hit that like alright i appreciate all of you for helping uh here for the updates on both the next video and stream after this uh make sure to be tuned into the discord so the link to that's in the description along with even just our twitch which is where we'll do our next challenge one so we always do those on weekends and they're usually earlier so a little bit more accommodating for our general audience like even just the audience in like europe because these nightly streams aren't super accommodating towards them but the challenge ones are at least so okay that guy okay see this guardian armor i needed that guardian resistance oh ah nice nice mess uh okay that was good wow uh that's something we couldn't have done last stream that's for sure um wow well we did it trimmed off a heart but that's okay get this uh good loot here okay [Music] wow this has been pretty great there's some gold areas over there i'm not going to bother with them i'm just going to bother with uh the lost woods now see what's the best over there i'll get these chests first um and yeah we'll get to upgrading the armor too i just seen i'm like the more parts i get the more upgrades i can do so it's like park priority yeah [Music] so that has been pushed off for all the surprises so now more than ever it's like if i say i'm gonna do something and i don't right away it's because there's something new that i never expected so okay we need a bow don't we went right into my face okay should we heal up we really should wow we went through so many but we got a lot of party food we still have some to make left so okay not too awful oh oh that looks a little dangerous that was dangerous okay and that wasn't even what was talking about ha shield bops that's what i was talking about just this is skeletons get away skeletons tower signal has been lost i don't like this oh no what could that be doing for us okay i cannot save the trial has only begun you are filled by familiar sensation as if you've been here before with the path into the woods now clear you steal yourself one way too deep within these woods only one way to find out i almost find and eliminate the three bosses the lionel the awkward the guardian i don't like the way this sounds i don't like the fact that i can't save uh well good thing we have food here well if it's not one of those three things i am gonna oh we were out for a second okay so save right now okay it's mainly just all the babies i don't like usually i like just waiting for uh them to get uh far enough so i can head shot him but maybe just might be more viable to do this this time the the modeling has the horn wait a second i don't expect these keep blowing was that it was that mean that's doing something isn't it ah that was a bad jump attack maybe letting the archer live is a bad idea with the archers rather maybe a little too unprepared for this challenge but maybe not i don't know here as long as we keep killing them i think we'll be okay a big hearty truffle nice here's a tree branch what are we trying to do with that i see it ah what was that are these summoning things are these just coming because the lost woods and fully been able to tell on that yet so i'm like kind of here well there's one thing we can do a very nice weapon a good friend named robbie gave me that was very worth it that was very awful okay these skeletons are going to be a problem the orange moblin or red mablin it's a very dangerous moblin uh that's all i can say so like the fire or i forgot the exact title and what they all do [Music] okay well very uh okay once we use that attack but you know this probably does run some pretty precious durability because it is very very good so also we're gonna eat up we're pretty low on food okay oh no don't whack [Music] they came in from the back it's not what i wanted and i got attacked firebrand that's the name okay they are a pain okay let's wait strictly for those charge attacks we do a lot more damage ah that's fine loot's okay not as good as we once had it but okay you're getting frozen is uh bad very bad news okay uh i see we take down the babies uh spirit could be good tactic honestly uh what spear is best for this we just haven't been spirits because we've been using them all screw it let's just not use the spear oh okay let's try to use bullet time for the skeletons we have a bit more stamina so we can use a bit more now so it's like let me shoot my arrow okay yeah we're in the edge okay it's gonna keep doing that oh i was about to say no we're in a straight parallel line to that ah it's okay it's okay oh yeah i do like the music a lot that that can't get old ah we forgot to eat food before the save and even then it's like shouldn't have to rely on that just don't get hit at this point just don't get hit that's a better objective uh it's it's these mini enemies that are giving me a bit of a harder time there's a lot more to focus on uh that time it was just me dumb so he's gonna blow his horn first like an idiot who's a real lady i'm the one who keeps dying from him 111 deaths though okay okay i'll try to shoot at him crap i just barely can't get a flurry he had a royal guards okay oh it wasn't right one but yeah right enough oh okay we're still there there's a fairy no bye mr ferry uh no boat is a boat okay let's eat let's eat let's eat they're gonna regen but not all that much that was awful okay okay goblin uh where'd he go oh they both went down there sucks okay through the arms um i guess that's in a good position he just drawn himself so maybe yeah that isn't an awful position uh you keep doing that yeah see that this is how we win this fight just let him do his thing yeah very very slowly he used himself great that was pretty fantastic oh it's a long throw oh that's spears or weapons nowhere to be found i think that was a royal guards one do we want it of course we do because that is literally a good weapon uh so much for that maybe that's better for us that wasn't an earned kill i think we're okay right music stops yeah he did it himself take that for what it's worth okay escape artist pro i know okay we're just going for it here let's go here and save up we'll offer some good attempts on this see what we can do eat up a good attack potion i had no clue what i was getting myself into uh yellow good weapons and i'm not prepared for that okay royal hell bread oh so it's a one passive sort of challenge i'm guessing it's the same routes and everything this is uh we can't even barely go up like we have to really stay in the path too and do this i don't know if we can do this all tonight i'm gonna attempt and see yeah this is all in one sort of challenge it's gonna be crazy the spears have gonna have to carry us a bit wow i think this type of challenge i'm gonna get as far as i can um what do you do in this situation uh you go like that you eat some more attack boosting food that's for sure okay that's one this fear is the only way we're getting through uh oh don't freeze us oh i don't hit us there okay a lot that's the answer okay it's it's spear or nothing it is literally spirit nothing come on where are you spear at i don't know okay that's good oh that's not gonna suck out of the sock no no no i'm not dead and he's he's dead yeah the shooting would help i just i guess i do have the the good bow i didn't use it too much after those lynels though because it's like i gotta savor it does that resettle the loot yeah okay i mean if this is an all-in-one sort of save thing i don't think i'm gonna make it through anyways so it's like there's more just to see what it's all about getting far right now wow didn't do that much damage before i don't know what's up okay speed through can't get out of bounds here guardians no headshots ah okay we got them oh this is insane and not much health but i'm just going through on this life yeah that ought to save them i thought we could speed through main quest lost woods welcome to hellwoods it literally is yeah i would say practice round oh you put out the fire okay you know what this seems like a very big ordeal um i think this will be something awesome to just try out next time but near the end of my stream here into my ropes uh maybe not now that was a lot of fun though doing that labyrinth was like an excellent like tie off and just even the challenges leading up to it just you know some general combat stuff more shrines uh we did a lot and wow that's gonna be really fun but maybe when i have a bit more endurance and kind of be its own thing because i know that's just the beginning um maybe get a couple ancient weapons beforehand uh just take on a few things and then uh get some more stuff from robbie's get the rest of the ancient armor take on a few guardians uh because that sort of skill we're kind of you know doing good with a bit more of that power ourselves up and we should be fine um also the death counter i'm gonna check to make sure i got all the deaths because i think there might have been one or two i didn't update because i was so invested in the moment i think there was more than that um just near the end there so yeah just let me catch up like after the stream's over just to make sure it's accurate so my bad uh there we go and yeah um other than that wow that was crazy yeah we can upgrade some of this stuff just there's a lot to do i am so happy we got through a good chunk of it today it was a lot of fun uh and yeah we saw the labyrinth was so worth it but this is gonna be a good challenge i guess it's for here this could be something fun to tackle for the next stream uh see how far we got in that um but i think i think we can manage if we get some more ancient armor even if we get that level two inch normal which will still take a bit with the parts but if i get lucky with some cores then we could probably get it uh and just other stuff but it took two weeks of grinding to make this challenge i can see i mean i've only seen a fracture just that beginning but i can see that it took probably a while uh but yeah thank you so much for watching now this is a very very fun stream uh is the final stream for the month not next week we're not streaming because i'm going to be as of out of town as of tomorrow uh but back in early november first wednesday we're going to be back at full force with this uh gonna be finishing up our scared sword playthrough because we only have one more stream of that so that'll be on a sunday and uh also more challenge runs we'll do so including another themed run um it'll be really exciting but in the meantime i do have one more video it's 150k video going up by the end of the month so uh that should be up sometime next week so thank you all so much for watching it was a lot of fun and also thank you uh for almost 800 likes in the stream we're only 45 away so if you guys could like on your way out that would be awesome and we'll hit that goal so really appreciate it guys it was a lot of fun and i like doing this i appreciate the challenge uh there's an awesome mod that shadow marth made so uh thank you again just only fifth stream in it but i i feel a lot more confident on the tactics i mean against some of these enemies i'm still you know i'm still getting there but the fact that we went from literally dying one after the other to like guardians and lynels and now we're just kind of crushing through him is kind of nice so well okay deep breath that was fun uh so i just want to say thank you for joining i'll probably be in the discord for a little bit before when i'm going to bed tonight so uh feel free to join there put a link in chat also in the description and that's basically all i got thank you all so much for watching it was a ton of fun and i'll see you all eventually with some more relics of the past so have a good night everyone goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Croton
Views: 67,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Botw, Playthrough, Funny, Tips, Tricks, PointCrow, Smallant, Breath of the Wild, RotP
Id: EqHj_OKx3DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 5sec (10445 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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