Breath of the Wild, but I randomized EVERYTHING

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i randomized literally everything in breath of the wild weapons random enemies random the fact that the game can give you 11 pairs of pants out of thin air random i'm given three different goals to complete before i can finish the game collect seven hylian shrooms acquire the master sword and strangely figure out how to get the upgraded version of daruk's protection it sounds easy but since everything is randomized there's nothing but chaos i think the first goal that we go for is seven shrooms there's three right here behind us i say this because the harder ones are the master sword and daruk's protection uh and we're gonna need to check a bunch of chests maybe do a bunch of quests for those um success oh boy what what is going on what is this you must hurry link [Music] it's just did you just rick roll me in the mud this is going to be amazing oh my god all right um let's get to the tower first and then uh see if we can get all of our runes oh that's fun what's up lionel and we just got a shard of ferocious back yeah um i would just like oh don't mind me not a good what do you mean it's not a good time this is a perfect time because the lionel saw me oh the game just killed me okay nice oh there's another guardian over there too nice dude it's is it what do you mean why is it the brawl sound can i access this tower now please all right let's go to the magnesius shrine actually you know what i'm going to open this chest first oh trousers of the sky okay trousers of the sky was removed it just took our pants i just got pantsed by by the mud wait if i go up here will the old man give me something else yeah so does he give me the warm duplay if i get here okay um so he's like give me i'll give you the dubli so he gave me the trousers of twilight thanks for that old man appreciate you all right so once we get the paraglider because we've gotten all four shrines what is he does he give us the paraglider again or like something else i'm assuming it's something else whoa oh my god we got fried egg and rice all right so but what's in it so normally there's a soldier's bone here okay there's an apple um there's another chest we can check over this way uh yeah right here so there's supposed to be pants right here but what's actually here is the question oh my god all right it's good to know just want to uh we'll get the majora's mask chest here so right here something good hopefully we already we already have the trousers of twilight we already have those i guess it really wants me to have trousers like it really really they're like hey man you gotta have pants if you're not rocking pants are you rocking anything okay so what's over here there's supposed to be a sapphire this one [Music] um i think we honestly i think we just head to the master order now all right let's go this way this is generally the direction of the master sword oh wait what wait whoa we got teleported we were here and then we went over oh this is not where i want to be oh okay right right i know exactly where we are um so this is the fun little um serene stable and uh oh okay all right there's a ton of okay there's there's a lionel here um ton of um peoples and let me uh just see if i can sleep no okay um it's because there's enemies near there's a lot of enemies near a lot of things are happening right now here we go lost woods to get the second of the three tasks we need so we already got these seven highland shrimps which we did at the very beginning now we need to get the master sword so i think we do early masters or glitch to get it although this will be interesting because yeah wait wait the environment is is different we can actually just see that you can just see through all of all of the lost woods look at look at that this is the wait this is the lost woods without the the fog there we go we just did the lost woods while seeing okay i lied uh we did the lost woods but without our life all right so we've made it now our issue is that well we don't have 13 hearts however i think i know a little trick to get the master sword early hello what's up what's going on bro please please please please he's about to shoot he's about to shoot oh no he just despawned okay nice all right so let me show you guys how to get the master sword early so i'm going to put down some wood put it like right here um and then i'm going to you know make it a campfire turn on fire okay and then what you want to do is you want to basically sit right here look up um pass the time by the fire morning and then you just want to spam a to pick up the master and sword you get the master sword there we go we did it all right so we have two tasks under the three we have the master sword and we have the hylian shrooms so now all we need is the rook's protection plus and then we can defeat ganon and beat the randomizer all right dude it keeps giving me pants i don't want more pants we have so many all right we're going this way because there's a ton of chests over here um plus actually the more pants all right so this should have a ton of chests oh there's so many yes all right so we we're hoping that deruk's protection um i was hoping that one of these chests has deruk's protection in it so fingers crossed it does okay we got zora armor fried egg and rice also known as the paraglider and a silent room ah all right so at least you know um we got something okay you know oh you know what you know what place has a lot of lot of chests the yiga hideout we'll do the yiga clan if we don't find the power in the yiga clan hideout then we'll go to lurlin and start gambling we're so close to being done with this oh oh it randomly teleported us here uh oh oh god oh no oh god i was so happy that it teleported us to garuda randomly all right to grudo we go lionel's gonna spawn anywhere now okay that's lovely oh this is not gonna bode well hello i'm going to go back over here save the game and then hopefully kinda run away safely whoa that was so sick okay we got glazed meat all right interesting but we finally made it to garuda town and got a shield nice all right so this should be a fun one and hopefully what we want [Music] it's not deruk's protection but we did get mifa's grace that's actually really nice i will take that uh there's another guardian here we just randomly got our bosus fury um that's huge all right as long as we can go in we're good all right is the bacon going to follow me ah he isn't oh he is following me oh yikes okay well we should be fine now right i think you have a little infestation here um okay uh we gotta talk to riju talk to rishi before we die oh he shot me okay we're good right lionel seemed to be gone oh you're shooting from where where's that coming from you shot me through the ceiling what oh we're involved meadow now i can actually beat vometo all right yes all right so now we have this for meadow all right that's the last uh last one we should be good do we get rivalli's gail or does it does it randomize it i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna do the times three bow so then i can start over with full hearts champion abilities are now disabled okay so i can't use their bros fury which i was about to do but that doesn't matter anyways because we just beat windblight that was ridiculously easy we did all of that all of that for a big hearty truffle all right let's go to the eagan clan guys slow there's just a guardian in the in the town don't worry about it it happens you know [Music] oh we got the twilight bow wait that's huge yeah and it also shoots light arrows so we have infinite arrows all right you clean hideout let's get this uh we need to beat the clan hideout so we can get access to like a ton of different chests don't mind us so far so so far so good okay nice all right there's one chest right here deruk's protection i would like it okay we got a toenail okay we're all fine we're all fine okay so finally we get to access all of these chests one of these has got to have something good it's the rook's production but it's not the right one it's not the roots production plus maybe one of these has the upgraded version we at least have drugs production though um so you know maybe it's the wrong one that's our fauces fury plus the game is trolling me hard like like so hard i think we're good dang um what's another place with a lot of chests i mean we know laurelyn we can check lurlin really fast because there's that one like chest game all right come here no closer how'd you like to be rich without having to work for it see those treasure chests over there what do you say to a wager on them here we go stand right up and take your chances so i wonder if these are random yeah which one do i choose i see everyone says left alright i'm going left oh we got it that's the last one we needed dude that was legend chat you're right i'll never doubt you ever again twitch chat i will never ever doubt you ever again we have all of the the goals completed we have the seven uh hylian shrooms we have the master sword and now we have dirk's protection plus all we need now is to go to gannon and beat him oh my god let's do it all right we'll go in here should be good oh you know what okay i know i know this is a little weird but i actually want to see what the ancient arrows are on top i mean like there's two there's two chests here there's two chests so right before we go to gannon there's this just i just want to check out what these chests are but here's here's uh here's the chest we're getting oh it's a throwing spear okay okay and then the last chest one of which is [Music] pants all right here we go after all we've been through let's be gannon here we go all right thanks for volley like the twilight boat's actually goated for like it's just so much damage twilight boat's so good oh my god i love it we got so lucky getting it too missed he just missed all right here we go and then like i love to do and like you should do we're gonna beat calamity with the stun lock trick there we go and that's calamity ganon oh there's okay there's enemies in okay there's enemies in this fight here can't be it can't be that easy yeah this actually makes dark beast a lot harder you know what i kind of i kind of wish they did that last shot and there we go we've beaten the breath of the wild randomizer despite all odds and us getting so weirdly lucky with pants thanks to waikiteru for allowing me to play this early links are in the description
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 316,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, breath of the wild, botw, botw randomizer, breath of the wild randomizer, botw random, breath of the wild random, randomizer, random, gaming, nintendo, game, gameplay, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, the legend of zelda, modded breath of the wild, breath of the wild mods, botw mods, modded botw, playthrough, walkthrough, can you beat, how to beat, how to, challenge, breath of the wild challenge, botw challenge, zelda, link, zelda random, zelda randomizer
Id: x3RauTgka7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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