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what's going on guys today we're gonna take a look at all my job offers my emails that led up to these job offers and my code test that I had to take and my portfolio that I made and I had to do some some deep digging to find these things and they're so bad they're so so bad and when you guys submit things to me and I look at them I'm like these are amazing these are absolutely amazing and you guys are being so hard on yourselves apps just so hard on yourselves you're like well I don't think that this is good and I'm not smart enough and like just let me show you how I got my jobs and maybe a bunch of you guys will just be like well this is proof you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and maybe that's the case but hey I got five different job offers here I'm gonna show you and my code test and I'm gonna show you as much as I can and whatever I could manage to find that still hosted I had some stuff on firebase it's no longer there firebase that got bought out by Google that was like a few years ago when I made all these but I wanted to show you this and I kind of wanted to walk you through and I know you guys are applying to a lot of jobs you're out there you're applying to a lot of jobs you're probably getting ghosted a majority of the time and then the other 90% are nose and the 10% are like hey we want to interview you and then they never respond so it's just more ghosting after that and you know that song like the ten thousand miles like that's literally my email when I type in job it's just scrolling in my Gmail for like ten thousand miles of emailing companies and going back and forth and then getting rejected finally so I want to show you what it looked like for me when I applied the jobs and my email exchanges and what I said to them so that you guys can have an idea of what it looked like when I was getting my very first job I'm talking about how I'm from $18 an hour 50k a year fifty-five case 65k and then 65 K to 75 K and my last job and then now now I do this and you can just see that you guys don't need to be so hard on yourselves all the time and you guys don't have to be these wizards to be able to get a job and get your foot in the door it's all about communication and standing out from the crowd so this right here was my very first code job it was a part-time job I applied to this on AngelList and they brought me in for an interview they gave me a code test and then I did the code test I'm not allowed to show the code test it was a JavaScript test with Jasmine involved and then I did it and I went into the next interview and they brought me in they're like wow you did a really great job what do you think you could do better and I talk about that in these emails and then they said yes all right no it's not it's just not gonna work you don't have enough experience sorry Josh and that was like wait hold on let me let me stop you right there let me do part-time let me do something let me do anything like I just want to work what about if you let me do part-time and you can call me an intern and you can tell your investors that you're putting backing behind the young new minds of technology or something like that and heat and he was like hmm that's a good idea let me let me think about that and let me get back to you so I'm going to show you the next email where they extend an offer to me and we'll look at that so here we go the CTO sends me an email it was January 18th when I applied and it was February 1st when I got my first job I just graduated code bootcamp like January first or second or something like that so it didn't take me too long but then again I was applying the jobs before I was done with bootcamp when they said not to and I was like that's kind of that's kind of dumb it's gonna take them a while to get to my resume and respond anyway so I'm gonna apply now and then when they do respond I'll be ready and the bootcamp will be over so that's right day and let me show you my employment offer obviously I have to blur some of this out but you can see that I'm excited to extend you an offer a paid internship $18 an hour so you double the hourly rate and add 4% I don't know why this works I just was playing with numbers and I figured out double the hourly rate add 4% and you get your salary so a little over $36,000 a year fine it was part-time and I still had a full-time job as a mechanical engineer and then I would leave my mechanical engineering job that I hated and I would go do this part-time job like four or five days a week let me tell you real quick about this job this first job that I got I went to Coe boot camp and I learned angular and this job was Ruby on Rails he came and he just dropped a book on my desk and he was like better get learning and I was like okay so it doesn't matter what tech stack you know doesn't matter what tech stack you're learning at boot camp it is your ability to learn and learn quick and that is kind of what you want to focus on if you're coming out of a boot camp or you're self-taught you'll be like well I learned this asked so I can learn this fast - that was my selling point I was like well I learned angular in three months so I can learn Ruby you know that relatively fast ramp up time and I already know the concepts so it wouldn't be that long and they were like yeah that's true it's not about what language you know it's about your ability to be able to learn things because languages change like every single day like you go buy a book on react right now like you get home and that books outdated because react just added something new or deprecated something else in that book that's no longer useful you got to be language agnostic you got to be tech stack agnostic and what I mean by that is like it doesn't it's not about the technology it's about your ability to problem-solve if I go to an interview and there's a question and I don't understand how to do it I'm always like do you I mean I don't know necessarily the correct answer for this but I'm gonna do my best number two do my best to walk you through some sort of a direction towards an answer maybe I get to an answer any answer might not be the right one but I'm gonna start walking you and verbalize my thoughts out loud like well I don't really know how to do this but I know I need to get from here to here I'm not really sure how to do that can you guys help me do you guys want my ability to walk you through my problem-solving steps because I'm gonna look up code on the job anyways I don't like these riddles are silly because I'm gonna pull up Stack Overflow on the job and you know it but okay sure I'll walk you through or do you prefer canned answers where I've done cracking the coding interview books and I've read all these algorithms I'm like oh yeah that one looks kind of like that one let me remember how how this one like is that problem-solving okay so let's move on to the next job so this job was PHP had no experience in PHP went straight from Ruby on Rails to this PHP job actually I kept my Ruby on Rails job and it was a part-time side hustle and I quit my mechanical engineering job which was full time to take this job it started off with me applying to this job on indie comm and I got a phone call out of the blue one day he asked me a bunch of questions and he said he would send over a code test and so he sent me over a code test where he requested me to build an application with angular that integrated with Twitter's API that would let me post tweets here let me show you what it looks like here was my very first full-time job code app nothing to look at here right just nothing absolutely thing here and so you click sign in to Twitter it would pop up with auth IO and then you would log in now I can type if I click tweets it will post to my Twitter feed there were some conditions he wanted me to add if I type certain characters and I clicked a tweet it would it would be categorized than the failed submission so he was checking my ability to validate certain things over others I think it also has a character limit that he wanted me to add that was it this is my very very very kind of first full-time job code test the one with Jasmine tests at my at the part-time job was way harder than this I'd even get the correct answer for all of them I just got like eight out of ten so after I submitted it they brought me in for an interview and he was like but be prepared I'm gonna I might throw a little curveball at you and I was like oh okay yeah sure and so I go into the interview I sit down he asked me about what I know he started showing me the application all I remember really was having to go to the bathroom really really really bad but we were like an hour into the interview and I was just like powering through it because I didn't want to interrupt like I knew this was getting close to the final stages piss-all bad and so it was really hard for me to focus um what he was talking about that was that was the reality of it and I was like this is this is great yeah absolutely 110% and then he threw a curve ball at me he was like alright Josh I want you to write a sequel join with this with this table in this table how do you get the information from both of these and combine them and show me the result and so then after that I went and talked with the CEO and the founder and I remember going to the founders office and I really found his office and he pulls out a coffee mug he pours in some monster and just coffee mug and then he reaches under his table and he pulls out some Jameson and pours that into his coffee mug and he was like oh sorry man so it's been a long week and I'm like it's Tuesday it like a 11 a.m. bro it's been a long week we've just started but he was like yeah dude you seem cool so let's move on to this next email where you can see I'm very happy to offer you a position as a junior software developer he didn't call me junior PHP developer he didn't call me junior front-end developer he just called me junior software developer and that is kind of the moment when I learned I was like yeah but I'm only doing a couple things or like yeah I just used software developers that covers it all and so that's where I got like when you're searching for a job don't search for junior don't search for entry-level don't search for front-end or back in only search for software developer or anything with the word software in it and then decide if that job is from you or for you moving forward from there and so let me open the offer letter here for you obviously I got a blur some [ __ ] out we're excited offer you full-time employment you begin at this date annual base salary is fifty thousand dollars that was my very first full-time job as a developer fifty thousand dollars standard benefits twelve days paid vacation 401k plan with a one percent match it was a smaller company one percent whatever nobody perks so lunch every other Friday company kitchen snacks they paid for me to park because it was downtown so we're biased but we will believe you will not find another company as fun or as enjoyable to work with we would be thrilled to have you join us and grow to a 100 million dollar revenue company yes I want to work for this as outlined above and then I signed it and I worked for this company for provider now four or five months before the project that I was hired on to like the contract wasn't ever signed and the project fell through and they were like yeah hey hey Josh the thing we hired you wanted for is not a thing anymore so peace so I was on the look for another job after like four months of working at this job so let me go to the next job here where which was a bare-bones Ruby job and Sinatra so I found this on Stack Overflow and then as I was applying to it I clicked submit and the job expired its super coincidence so I went to the job website because I remembered what it was and I found a contact me form filled out the contact me form and I was like holy [ __ ] the description of this job was amazing they're they all play video games together after work and I was super enamored with all these perks that you have at jobs and stuff like that and so they would play a Halo together and rocket League and they were talking about how at lunch they would all hop online and farm some Diablo 3 together and I was like oh my god this job is amazing this was in the Stack Overflow description so I had to find that company website and I went to the contact for him and I filled it out and I was just super dedicated I put everything that I put on my cover letter at the time references phone numbers examples of my work everything there and they said our sincerest apologies out of the out of blue one day August 10th comes around and they're like hey are you still looking for that new opportunity we're really sorry about that when I did submit the contact form in between this gap here someone reached out to me and they said someone what this amount of passion should not be looked over we should pass this forward so give me a day or two and I'll pass this forward on to the owner of the company and that's the email that you're looking at now and yeah so he's still looking for that job and I was like absolutely man because at this point in time all I had was my part-time Ruby on Rails job I always had a side hustle by the way I always had some sort of side hustle going on and then we had a phone interview or he asked me about me and I talked to a couple of the other co-workers there and you can see here thank you for the great chat we had yesterday because of your enthusiasm working for us you know I have approval to move forward like he's the owner of the company so I don't know why I says I have tentative approval but his approval was the only approval needed and he gave me a ruby code challenge and you can see you can see the actual challenge here and you guys are probably thinking hold we should though it's really easy Josh whoa but for me it was hard I I was doing Ruby on Rails not Ruby okay and it was mostly view pages or er B files as they're known in Ruby on Rails obviously they said you know don't try to Google this because well no and obviously the first thing I did was try to google it and I found like bits and pieces I didn't find like a copy pasted answer of this or anything I found just bits and pieces of how to solve individual ones and then I've kind of put them together and I figured out how to get that syntax to work this took me like nine hours to do I sent it in I'll move on to the next email here and they reviewed it and they said this was great and I had to follow up like six times I followed up between doing this little code test and him responding to it saying it was good like six times he's XR just been under the weather sorry I've been busy bla bla bla bla I don't know if they would have responded eventually if I didn't do that but I don't leave that [ __ ] to chance I'm always like you want something in life you got to go out and get it they're gonna say no they're gonna say no if they're annoyed and they still like you they'll probably still say yes it just means you're really passionate about what you're doing and you really care about about this stuff so you can see here I'm excited to offer you a ruby software developer position in the name was kind of not relevant to what I was actually doing he said I was going to be doing bare-bones Ruby and then occasionally I was going to be doing Sinatra let's dive in to the offer letter here blah blah blah LLC is excited to offer you position of a software developer you'll be reporting to another dude named Josh the starting salary offered for this position position is $55,000 semi-monthly you'll be eligible for probationary review and which will include a possible raise so this was the first time where I felt confident enough to call them up and kind of counteroffer as I had I had about eight months of part-time software experience and like five months of full-time software experience and so if you combine that together I was starting to feel a little bit more confident still had impostor syndrome but I was starting to feel a little bit more confident in what I was doing so I called him up and I said hey do you think we could do 60,000 and they were surprised I didn't counter for like 65 and he's like yeah I knew you were gonna counter so we he said this I knew we knew you were gonna counter so I lower the offer about five thousand and we wanted to pay you about sixty but we wanted to make sure that you were gonna call in and you were gonna do a counter offer here and he's like yeah I think that's fair absolutely you know I just want you to be able to be comfortable and pay your bills and go out to eat go see a movie and I was like man that's exactly be fantastic that would be great and so I went from $18 an hour to 50,000 to 60,000 and they accepted it and I resized the counteroffer for 60,000 and I started a few days after that I was also applying to other jobs at the same time I was applying to this job because this job came out of the blue out of nowhere after the hit ghosted me for a few weeks so I was already in the you know balls-deep and other interviews and I had another interview that I was doing and this was my remote react job never really touch react before but in my cover letter I was a react pro I wasn't a react bro it was like I've mr. Allens react before and I'd really like an opportunity to take a look at this in a professional capacity and that interview started rolling along so let me show you this this was kind of happening around the same time here one took a couple days and they got back to me and they sent me a code test where I had to utilize an API using react and include pagination so this was using I had to pass certain parameters in so if I don't I don't know if I'm allowed to go there but if I pass certain parameters in it would return these courses and then I had to return certain courses and add pagination which if you know that is its little pages at the bottom like page 1 2 3 so when you click on that another request is loaded and it needed to be infinite pagination I think this took me forever this was the hardest code test that I've liked that I that I ever did because I'd never done pagination before and if you don't know about that and it's your first time working with it you've never done react really in that way it's hard after I did the consumer exercise I had a meeting with the team which was like six or seven people and this is where I learned about accessibility anything that you're making basically for the government and the United States has to be like a minimum amount of accessible and so this is the first time they asked me about accessibility and in that interview they just quiz me you know we really liked your app what could you do better how could you design it better and then I got to the final person in line it was a conference call because it was a remote position and he asked me what do you know about accessibility and I was like well I know that there are different kinds of colorblindness and that you should probably adjust those colors to match this literally the only thing I knew because I was married years ago and the ex-father-in-law has a weird phrase was was was blind and he had a certain type of colorblindness as well and that's the only thing I knew about accessibility I didn't know about contrast ratios tab targeting stuff I didn't know about any of that but he was surprised that I knew about that because most people don't even know about accessibility so I waited a couple weeks after that and I got a job offer for this as well I had a feeling I was gonna get this I had a had a pretty good feeling that I was gonna get this job offer but I wasn't sure I mean I did I felt like everything was going okay so I was running out of time and if you saw the other Ruby job offer it said that this expired in like 48 hours pretty much so I was like well [ __ ] I need some sort of job so I signed it it was day 1 of the Ruby job and I joined slack and I started doing all the HR stuff and the people there started ghosting me they're like alright we're gonna have a meeting at 10:00 to get you up to speed and onboarding and we're gonna you know give you the github credentials and and then one o'clock came around and the manager was like hey I gotta go pick up my kid this was a remote job - and then two o'clock came around hey I got another meeting three o'clock came around got another meeting so I just kind of sitting here and it was it was whatever I guess I didn't really know what to do didn't have access to anything but I was just at home I guess 3:30 3:45 rolled around that day and this second react remote job came in the reason that I accepted this is because at the Ruby job I was in a slack and I was just looking at the different channels seeing people talk and stuff every time you moved away from your desk just like just you know literally look away from my desk you've had to you had to type in slack hey stepping away for a second hey getting some cough syrup I'm sick hey putting my sandwich back into my ziplock bag so I can put it back into the refrigerator hey wiping off my fingers because I've been eating and touching my keyboard and that's gross so now I have cheeto dust all over it like it was really micromanaging for a remote job and I was like holy [ __ ] is this like gonna be forever I'm not this is terrible and the other job was also a remote basically I sent them sent them an email the dude that was ghosting me all day and I said hey sorry this job's not gonna work out actually I quit and so I was like halfway through HR paperwork and this react job came in I know that's really douchey right but I I had to have a job and this is just me being honest with you I had to have a job I understand that I took it and then I quit same day because this other job offer we haven't looked at yet was way better than the people were way cooler also would pay more money so this remote react job that came in came in with a specific agreement it was a 30-day contract and then if they like you they bring you on full-time but this wasn't done with a recruiter it was just like company policy to make sure that you're a good fit so 30 days was a consulting agreement and then after that you're brought on full-time and they give you salaries so that's what these two papers are here let me open the first one for you first one here was almost the exact same as a regular job offer so as a contractor since you do your own taxes your rate is usually higher and the company doesn't pay you benefits which is a huge kind of like it's an expense for companies anyways let me do the hourly rate convert that to salary and you can see that'd be making more money as a hourly contractor so we have 38 times - that's almost seventy seven thousand dollars a year four percent so that would be 8081 $81,000 pretty much and the actual salaried offer that I got was $65,000 so you can see I'm pulling in 15k a year more going from 50 or was it 60 K for the Ruby job compared to 81 K contract at this job and then converted back down to salary with benefits fully paid and vacation and all that stuff so you don't get that as a contractor well I didn't get that it was pretty good it was feeling feeling pretty good there so here we look at the second offer where I have a salary back down a sixty-five thousand and at this job I was called a front-end developer I had vacation and sick leave the vacation for this job was ten days which was not amazing whatever but they did have pretty good benefits that were fully paid the premiums were fully paid which means like I didn't basically I didn't even have like a deductible pretty much it was pretty awesome so you'll be working through the telecommunication program because that's remote the working hours are 8:00 to 5:00 Eastern Time so a lot of the employees that was working with there we weren't we weren't East Coast we were like mountain time so all of us were in mountain time anyway so we didn't really start at that we started a little later or our time but company hours were 8:00 to 5:00 so if we wanted to talk to someone on the East Coast there's some dude in the office we had to message him by 3:00 because he'd be gone at 5:00 yeah this job ran out when we ran out of money and I've talked about this in my last video where I said I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. working on a deadline only to be let go the next day we all stayed up until 3:00 a.m. we did like sprint poker and took turns playing music on Google Hangouts with a bunch of add-ons and stuff and we stayed up forever and then we woke up again the next morning at 9:00 to be there for a meeting that the CTO scheduled which we didn't really talk to him only the team we did but he was kind of afk a lot and we got a scheduled calendar invite on Google Hangouts and I was just joking with everyone I was like we're off we're all about to get fired because this deadline we went over the deadline it's supposed to be today but we're like you know it's 3:00 a.m. so we're over and I was like we're all gonna get fired and let go and everyone's like Josh shut up he's probably just gonna be like good work we had a lot of change his customer was difficult we went into the meeting and he said unfortunately even though you did a great job we're gonna have to let you all go because the contracts with the government have been put on hold you have five minutes to exchange contact information before I have to delete slack the github remove access that everything that you've been given and you will be terminated starting today anyways let me show you the email of what it looks like to get a company email that says we're ending all programming efforts so here is the email that he sent this is an email from the CEO he didn't even talk to us the CEO didn't even have the guts to say sorry he just told the CTO to tell us and the CTO probably got to keep his job while the rest of us were all let go and this was the part of my life where I couldn't find a job for like six or eight months because I was in this weird mid-level range of starting new technologies at every single job and then somehow having that job pulled out from underneath me not due to me but due to other people's at the tops decision and you can see now maybe more why I am so positive and gung-ho about being an entrepreneur and doing it yourself so that this can't happen to you partly my fault like I didn't have anything in my back pocket because I've really enjoyed this job and I wasn't looking for other jobs and so this came at just like such a surprise and taught me so many lessons about always having a side house will always be pushing something on the side always be applying to other jobs no matter what even if you love your job because this [ __ ] can happen someone else made a decision at the top to just give up and not look for any more contracts and just say we're sorry and I promised myself that I would never ever let this happen again I would always be I would only work for someone else for as long as it took to where I didn't have to do it anymore it took me almost eight months to find another job because I was in a weird mid-level state of starting new technology is that every single job and not being there long enough to get really good with them and so I was kind of a junior kind of a mid-level but I was the junior with a bunch of different technologies and mid-level with like react sort of but we also did PHP there but I kind of did PHP at my last job but it wasn't symphony it was laravel so I'm in this weird state of just this weird molten middle middle dev range of some thing that the companies didn't really know what I was and it was really hard for them to put a dollar value on me because I had already made more money than a junior tip at this point I didn't care about money I just wanted a job to pay my rent I didn't I didn't give two shits about what the salary was but they thought because when they looked on my resume I had all these other jobs on there they thought that I wanted more money and then I wasn't a junior dev and then I had experience on top of this because it was a government job I couldn't show my github I couldn't show my code if you read job applications there's they'll say please include code samples of your most recent job or include a project at your most recent job that you're proud of like I can't show this this is government work I'm gonna I'm gonna go to jail this is the quickest way to go to jail I just filled out security clearance FBI open up and that also made it really hard that was what happened with this job and in between that I tried to do YouTube full time and try to become Peter McKinnon and we both had like a thousand subscribers and then Peter McKinnon went to a million in like two weeks and I stayed at 400 subscribers and I made like six bucks or something I had unemployment at the time and I was applying the jobs but like you know you can only do so much I I did 600 interviews and I got ghosted by a majority of them I have a picture somewhere where I have a whiteboard and I wrote down every single job that I applied to and I categorized them like kind of like a Trello board so I have a list of people that didn't respond just straight goes to people that said no which was also a big list and people that said yes which was empty and I also had a section that was people that I'm currently interviewing with which was super filled out and I made it to stage nine ten eleven of all these different interviews and when you do this for six months you're just like you're so burnt at being like every interview you go to after being burned nine times it's hard to be 300% energy it's hard to be like hey guys I'm really proud here and I'm really you know I'm really excited to be part of the team and I'm just really like at a certain point of just getting rejected after getting to the final step of every interview your Energy's just like I'm just gonna get rejected again and like I'm not a good developer and your confidence starts to wane and none of that is true but that's your only experience that you have and so you start to feel like that is true a hundred percent of my experience is not a hundred percent of the dev jobs out there and that's not how that works but when you don't know any better you start to think that it's you and not that these companies have filled the position or close the position B or budgetary changes have happened because it takes a while for you to get these jobs budgetary changes in the middle of applications have shut me down from jobs a few times so oh sorry that grant money was put towards something else and we're no longer filling these positions I did recruiter interviews company interviews on-site interviews in office interviews and I was really trying to push YouTube at the same time because that's all I had to do and might in my free time and that's when I started learning game dev and unity and I made a game and it's on the store and you can go play it it's called rocket sling it's on Android but was on iOS but then iOS kicks you off you don't update it after a while anyway it's called rocket sling by the new kids so we started doing game to have been super bad we did it with unity free version we were like we're gonna be game devs and like I was really excited about it and none of that work my game dev didn't work YouTube didn't work none of that worked I was three hundred dollars away from being homeless and I'm [ __ ] man I hate talking about this [ __ ] cuz it gives me emotional but I was waiting on my window and I was thinking how could I possibly do everything right in this world and about to be homeless I have a mechanical engineering degree that didn't matter in any of these interviews I did okay at the code test somehow budgets were going down interview positions were just closed I would get ghosted on stage 9 of the interview no one would ever call back and I couldn't get a job offer and I was looking at the window thinking to myself I'm $300 away for being homeless right now how and the [ __ ] did this happen to me I've done everything you're supposed to do I got I got a I don't have a [ __ ] degree in some [ __ ] philosophy [ __ ] that there's no jobs I don't have you know I have tech skills I can do things somebody give me a chance please and then the next day I got an email saying hey you look like a great candidate you want to come in for an interview and I did and they didn't give me a code test they didn't give me a code test at all I just went in they sat me down they'd started talking about their application and this was the next job that I got eight months later they started talking about their application I went and I sat down I had a button up I had slacks on I did my hair I slicked it back like I was looking pretty pretty good too sat down for the interview they told me about their application they brought it up on the screen they compared the old application just a new application I was going to be the only front-end developer that they had in the United States because the rest of the team was outsourced to India so I asked if I could use her laptop she was on her laptop in the interview I asked hey can I can I borrow that for a second and I opened up the inspector and I just started doing things with front-end development and kind of implementing her design on the spot in the interview and like both of their eyebrows kind of raised I was I was so like gung-ho at this point like you literally had to like kick me out of the interview because I was like I need a job I don't know what I'm gonna do so gung-ho I started doing it's a friend development right there in front of them eyebrows raised they're like holy [ __ ] this guy's good he did half your design and we couldn't even get to other people that like our outsource people to do this and so they started watching my youtube videos because they they saw their like I noticed you did some videos and I was like yeah I did some videos and so they pulled up a video in the interview and we're all cringing or I felt like we were all cringing because that's what feels like but I was cringing hard because I was like I say [ __ ] in this I say [ __ ] in this [ __ ] but they were like nah man it takes a lot of guts to get in front of people and speak your mind and and do this and this is actually like we respect this and I was like okay coo coo coo coo cool let me show you what else I can do and we started talking some more and as sue the interview was over I went back down and I got in my Jeep and I started writing every single one of my views I still have some videos that are private today that I would never re-release just because they're so cringe so I got home and they emailed me hey we want to move forward we're really excited with you you wanna hop on a call with the CTO let me show you these emails so it was great meeting you this morning we're excited about moving forward do you have references you could send me so I sent the references they emailed me again our CEO is doing a webinar of our software we'd love it if you just kind of join and shadow to everything so I did that everything was good see you it was really chill I hopped on a call with a CTO and the CTO asked me a question do you know jQuery and do you know and you know like the sass and CSS and I was like yeah of course I did that in the interview no problem and he was like okay sounds good and you're probably thinking holy [ __ ] you're really lucky Josh because you didn't do any code interviews like keep in mind for the past eight months I've been doing code interviews non-stop so this is kind of like a breath of fresh air to be honest so here you could see I'm happy to officially offer you a friend developer position this position was offered to me two days before I ran out of money which was super cool but I still kept that promise to myself that I would only do this until I could get a side hustle big enough to where I didn't have to depend on them not because I hate the people there I just don't like the state of business and other people being able to control my finances and I'll always say get a job learn the skills but don't stay there do it yourself Vennela know continue to say that and I'm very passionate about it but you know first steps get a job and you know if you can go from seven dollars an hour to 50k its meal is a big step in this job offer that I have I started at 65,000 and then after 90 days I would I got boosted to 75,000 this was salaried with benefits but I didn't accept the benefits because I had to pay a part of that out of my paycheck I got vision because I've been blind as a bad I can't see anything pretty much but that was about it not a whole lot of paid time off I think I got like eight days a year or something they did pay for my cell phone that was cool and that was it and then I signed this send it over as fast as you could imagine it didn't even buy even blink I got this and I jumped up and down I remember I got this when I was in gym lifting weights just pondering my future about like what am I gonna lift weights under a bridge did they have weights can I live cinder blocks like not a thing anyways I got this I got this when I was in the gym at my little apartment complex cuz I cancelled my gym membership can go on a legit and I started jumping up and down like right away I was like running on the treadmill and I started like crying but like other people running on the treadmill next to me couldn't see because I was all sweaty from running and so like it was kind of good and I was just so excited I when I saw that on my phone it was great it was super cool boss was super chill everyone was super chill I had some rough moments but I was always working on my side hustle I'd always go to work do the work they'd be happy with it and then I work on YouTube and my side hustle and making course and then grow my brand so that I don't have to pay so that I don't have to depend on someone else's and if you want to see my portfolio that I sent in it's so bad so bad but here let me show you see lift lift friendly it was like super cheesy what do you want to be bodybuilder athletic agile so different training for different purposes and you click this and a little video plays of Arnold and you know no audio or anything I went and kind of found some videos that were kind of sliced up and then you click get started and it's got some comments you can push the firebase and you know pick one and then it gives you some workouts what else did I have in here I had one thing what was it music so this was connected to the Spotify API which no longer works because if I searched by like Katy Katy Perry and I like and I click search it doesn't it's actually broken I think the API has changed yeah you can see server responded with status of 401 so the API has changed since I made this years and years ago but I was working on side projects I had a portfolio it was like Josh lucam or dev let --ax dev let X was gonna be my brand it was so cool and then I found out that Kate Upton had fabletics and I was like I'm never gonna live this down so it wasn't very good at all it's not responsive got all this white space but I would put this on my cover letter and I would send it in I'll be confident about it be like this is the best [ __ ] you have ever seen and you know I make sense when it goes to me now but I had other I had other projects that had bill I did a little API things I always linked my game dev cuz he game dev was c-sharp this last job as a front-end developer was also with C sharp and just JavaScript so I ended up doing C sharp there and so my unity experience there also really boosted me to help get that job because they were doing ASP which is C sharp and I think that kind of gave me an upper edge and being you know really positive and it kind of just opening up I came in I asked to meet the team when I was there so I was talking about doing that I came in I was like let me do this for you can I meet the team can I meet the CTO can I meet the CEO let me meet everybody what are we doing what are we building can I see what everyone else is doing the business analyst like let me see this business I almost didn't want to leave I thought this was a good idea but I built this kind of like at the end of code bootcamp but didn't really modify it is so bad so bad so I worked that job for a while until I did some math and cut a bunch of expensive and figured out how I could make money on my own and quit doing it and I still like code I don't code to just code I code to soft problems and I code to build projects and I don't just I don't like sitting and discussing syntax I don't like sitting and discussing the latest and greatest frameworks I like saying hey I want to make this thing how do I do it and then I'll learn whatever is required to do it that's how I work but I also like business and I like having that financial security of business and I like helping you guys I talk about it some if you want to see more entrepreneurship and how to make money on the side videos let me know leave a comment I'm not you know you guys are probably looking at this and just like wondering why can't I get a job if these are super bad and it's just because I didn't give up that's just what a boil down to so I hope you guys don't give up hope you guys if you're if you're out there and you're struggling you've been rejected you've been ghosted just keep going man just keep going if you can if you just I didn't I didn't have any parents to go back and live with or anything like that and today I support myself and my parents and my dad is building a YouTube channel actually and because he's like 55 and kampl engineering degrees two old ageism is real no one to give him a job but the other day we made a video called like building a backyard bow and arrow in 30 minutes I mean go get it this is the bow and arrow that my dad made he's kind of like Iron Man and DIY kind of just likes doing those things pretty cool I made this in like 30 minutes he just whittled it out if you guys want to go check him out that would be that would be fantastic he needs 4,000 watch hours to get monetized and so I don't know I'm just gonna plug for my dad put that on the screen so you can see it and I would appreciate that but he'll get there well I'll get there well I'll make it you guys out there getting the job we'll make it you guys out there pushing for side hustles we'll make it well I'll make it just try to keep it real with you guys trying to keep it real it's a long video I hope you enjoyed it if you liked it maybe hit subscribe leave a comment let me know what you think if you want my resume and my cover letter that I use to get these jobs I have a link in the description right now there's a deal that is if you get the cover letter and resume free and you support the channel for 10 bucks a month if you'd like to support the channel I'd appreciate that and I hope you guys have a great weekend I hope you guys are killing it today don't give up keep crushing it stay productive and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 774,800
Rating: 4.9297409 out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, web development, developer interview, developer jobs, jr developer projects, day in the life of a developer, jr developer salary, jr developer jobs, remote jobs, day in the life programmer, life of luba, life as a jr developer, life at airbnb, programming offer letter, how to get a programming job, how to get a programming job without a degree, how to get a programming job with no experience, how to work remotely and travel, remote job
Id: SuS1gmsF6rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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