Recreating Discontinued Burger King Menu Items (TASTE TEST)

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Good show today, but I wish they had re-created the BK Broiler.

It was around from 1990 to the early 2000s (I think) and was very tasty. There were several names and changes after probably 2002 or so (including the Chicken Whopper and Tender Grill Sandwich) - but the late 90s BK Broiler with grilled chicken breast, lettuce, ranch dressing and tomato - was amazing and a great change of pace from burgers and fried chicken sandwiches.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kitbaty 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Rhett overthinking it. Who doesnt like Mac in Cheese enclosed in fried cheeto dust.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kksred 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
- Today we beg the king for mercy. - Let's talk about that. (alarm rings) (playful theme music) (fire blasts) - Good Mythical Morning. - After declaring independence, Americans wrestled free from the whims of monarchy with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783. But then, in 1953, we were blindsided by the founding and subsequent rise of a divinely chosen new king: the Burger King. - And as with any mercurial king, BK seems to make decisions willy nilly despite claiming we can have it our way, and as such, they have offered and subsequently discontinued menu items with no input from the public. Until today, we say no menu changes without representation. It's time for To Be Discontinued: Burger King edition. - Mythical chef Josh has faithfully recreated actual Burger King items that have been discontinued. We're gonna taste 'em and decide bring it back or nah, it's whack. - Now put on your acid wash jeans and turn up the Bananarama because we about to eat the 80s. BK doubles were a snappy marketing campaign aimed at selling double cheeseburgers with three specialty flavors including the intriguing pizza cheeseburger. Let's take a look at a concerned citizen's take on the BK doubles. - [Announcer] The following does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Burger King. - By offering three new burgers, Burger King only proves they'll stop at nothing to make America hungry. Two juicy flame-broiled patties, okay. But a pizza double burger with mozzarella? Burger King, you've gone too far! - Mm. - You've gone too far. - Too far. Now, unfortunately concerned citizen Clifford Kendall has also been discontinued. (chuckles) - Oh no. - Well I'm kinda guessing just based on how old he was at the time. - Rest in peace, concerned citizen Clifford. - Look at this thing. - So we've got it right here. Rhett, tell me what's on this thing. I'm guessing marinara sauce. - Okay basically here's what we did. Here's what Josh did. He studied the commercial frame by frame and then compared the ingredient notes with other products that use similar toppings and then he built the burger so it's two single patties from the king himself, layered with the cheapest mozzarella from the store and marinara sauce so it was pretty simple. I like the idea of this, I'm gonna say. - I remember these. And they also did like a chicken parm. They did a similar thing to the chicken sandwiches. - The elongated chicken sandwich. That was one of my favorite sandwiches at Burger King. - Dink it. - Dink it. - And sink it. (slurps) Trying to get a little more sauce. - Please don't slurp your burger like that. (slurps burger) - It's good. I could use even more sauce but it's tasty. But it's actually weird because once you get-- - Burger's a little dry. - Once you get to that Burger King burger and you know you're in a Burger King zone, it's kind of a weird idea, actually. - But it's good. I mean these two flavors go together. They don't conflict with beef. You feel a little bit sophisticated. Like you might be in the Tuscan countryside. I don't know man, I just like eating burgers. - Mhm. - I think they should bring it back. - It's good, it's really good. - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Rhett and Link] Bring it back. - Now let's zoom forward to June 2016. You may remember an astonishing combination. Mac and Cheetos. Yes, here's a commercial for this Frankenstein's monster of a mozzarella stick. ("Return of the Mack" by Mark Morrison) ♪ Return of the mack ♪ ♪ And Cheetos ♪ ♪ Return of the mack ♪ ♪ Oh my God ♪ ♪ Return of the mack ♪ ♪ And Cheetos ♪ ♪ You know they come back ♪ ♪ In my hand ♪ ♪ Return of the mack ♪ ♪ Once again ♪ ♪ Return of the mack ♪ ♪ And Cheetos ♪ ♪ Return of the mack ♪ ♪ Oh my God ♪ ♪ Once again ♪ - (chuckles) Man. ♪ And Cheetos ♪ - They blew the budget on that one. - Yeah, they apparently bought the rights to the 1996 Return of the Mack Mark Morrison hit, which, woo, it's even better once you superimpose the king and Chester Cheetah. ♪ And Cheetos ♪ - Yeah! It's so good but somewhere Macklemore must be feeling really overlooked. (crew chuckles) - Yeah. - Could have been me. - Could have been. They probably asked. (chuckles) - I'm excited about these. I predict that these need to be brought back but we haven't tasted them yet. We've recreated the packaging, look at that. The GMM version. - I've got the Flamin' Hot version over here. You have the regs. - Mm, here's what we did. We looked at all the flavor reviews. A lot of people said that it tasted just like Kraft Easy Mac inside so that's what we did. We took Kraft Easy Mac, chilled it, rolled it in a cheese puff curl type situation. Breaded it with Cheeto dust, fried it, added more Cheeto dust, now here we are. - This is super impressive that you did this without burning it and it's so in tact. Kudos! They're not Kudos, but kudos to you. - I'm gonna break this in half and give it a nice little-- - That would be a little satisfying moment. - [Link] (clicks tongue) Snap, crackle, pop. - Not quite like the commercial, but-- - That's a different product. - Okay. - Dink it. - Of course it's good. - It's very good. - The question is-- - Is it good enough to bring back? - I think the taste is good enough to bring back, but I think at some point, you get right up against the line of self-respect that you shouldn't cross. It's like, mac and cheese, Cheetos, fried. I don't think you can have all three of those things. If you're a person who respects yourself just a little bit, you can have two of those things. Maybe fried mac and cheese, maybe dip your Cheetos in some mac and cheese but when you do it and you fry it, I just feel like you're off the charts at that point. - Rhett-- - I mean I'm gonna continue eating it. - Listen man, you deserve it. I deserve it. Let's not overanalyze it. It's a beautiful combination of things that no one would argue with. Even if you don't like cheese, man. - Your cardiologist would argue with it. - (chuckles) It's so good though. Whoa cares at this point? - Okay, if we're throwing caution to the wind I'll-- - [Rhett and Link] Bring it back. - All right this next one is a bit controversial because in December 2014, Burger King announced it was bringing back the Yumbo, a hot ham and cheese specialty sandwich that was reportedly all the rage in the 70s. Its marketing was heavily focused on nostalgia. Let's take a look. (disco music) - Welcome to Burger King, home of the Yumbo sandwich. - This is Burger King right? - I don't even know where I am right now (laughs). - What is going on? - What is a Yumbo? - That's one of the best things that came out of the 70s. It's like sandwich gold. (chuckles) - If the sandwich is as good as the commercial, it will not be good. - (chuckles) No. Hi, I'm an actor. Where am I? - Yeah here's why it's controversial, because when they launched it on Twitter, everybody started saying, hold on a second. We don't remember this. No one remembered the Yumbo and everyone started thinking that either it was that Mandela Effect and we were in a different universe, or Burger King had completely fabricated this whole thing as a clever marketing campaign. - Dirty dogs. - But! We did some research. Boopity-boop-boop-boop-boop-boop. And we found out that it was in fact an item from 68 to 74. So it was a real thing. - Thanks, Snopes. So false alarm. - Yeah. - But now I'm gonna sound an alarm. (mimics alarm blaring) This looks like something from Arby's. - Yeah it feels like they're crossing out of their territory into someplace they shouldn't be. Okay so we used the Burger King hoagie buns. We had to buy some black forest ham because they don't have that at Burger King, some Kraft singles American cheese as well as some mayonnaise and lettuce from the Burger King. - Hold on, I understand now. We've made a ham sandwich. - Isn't it ironic though that this is the only thing with actual ham at a place that sells hamburgers? - Yes. - Hamburgers? This is like something you eat at the lake. - Mhm. - Know what I'm saying, like Mom, did you bring anything? I've got some ham and cheese sandwiches that are a little hot. - You know that time we took that really long-- - They been in the back of the car. - Took that long tour for that whole day in Australia and they said that lunch was provided. Then the guy pulled out sacks of nasty sandwiches. What did he call them? He was like sandwich with salad on it. - He didn't call 'em sandwiches. He called them something else that they call them in Australia but I cannot remember the name of it. - This went nowhere. - All I know is is that I went to the bathroom 'cause I was like, I've got time and I came back out and I said, "What's left?" He said, "Egg salad." (chuckles) And I was very, very disappointed. - I agree so just like Mama makes, just leave it to Mama. I'm not gonna go to a store and buy this. I do like the name though, Yumbo. - But there's nothing-- - Take the name Yumbo and you can apply it to anything. - Anything else. - Something else. - 'Cause there's nothing yummy about this at all. It's just a ham and cheese sandwich, it's boring. To the verdict is-- - [Rhett and Link] Nah, that's whack. - And now we come to it. Burger King's shameless appropriation of Mexican food known as the Whopperito. Here's what they did, they took all of the ingredients of the Whopper, slap chopped 'em up, added queso sauce and wrapped it up in a tortilla. It was 2016, anything could happen. - Filled with hope. - Take a look at this commercial. - [Announcer] You say burrito, we say Whopperito. Made with 100% beef, flame-grilled, then seasoned and smothered in queso sauce and topped with fresh veggies. Burger King just turned a Whopper into a burrito. It's the Whopperito and it's only at Burger King. - You say burrito, we say Whopperito, I say probably should start keto. (Rhett chuckles) - This seems like the kind of thing that you would do late at night and not tell anyone about. You know what I'm saying, I don't know if this is the kind of thing you break out in the boardroom. - Well, I would tell you how we made it but-- - You know. - It's pretty obvious. I mean I could have made this. But I still made Josh make it. - I don't think that you would have rolled the tortilla that nice, that's what I say. - I'm gonna get a nice cross-section here. - I want a cross-section just 'cause I wanna eat from the cross-section. Why don't you cut the table a little bit while you're at it? - Oh gosh, there's the tomato part in there. That's tomato, I gotta get that out. Gotta get that out of my bite. No tomato on my Whoppers. Should have made it myself. - [Rhett] Extra beef in there. - Here's the thing, public response was extremely negative even though there are 146 people on the Facebook page bring back the Whopperito, Burger King. - [Rhett] That's a movement. - I gotta weigh the fact that people didn't like it, A, against taste, but B, against convenience. I mean it's a Whopper that you can just whoop at any point, one handed. - I'm going with two. This is pretty nice. - It actually doesn't taste that nice to me. - Well then you don't like a Whopper. 'Cause all it is is a Whopper. - I thought that's what was gonna happen. But now that I'm eating it, the sum of the parts is better than just the parts shoved in a tortilla. It's like somebody ate a Whopper, regurgitated it, and now I'm re-eating it. - Yeah this is how I like my Whoppers. Ripped up and put in a tortilla. I've just figured it out. - McDonald's did a similar thing with the Big Mac in like a snack wrap thing for a little bit. That didn't work either. There's something about this experience that feels wrong to me. - I think it's the ripped up burger that feels like a little kid did it. - That's exactly what it is. - You expect to look back there and see a four year old just ripping patties up. - And it makes a big difference. I mean it's wrong. - If they made a specialty meat for it that was still the Burger King beef but it was more taco-ish. - If it was shaped like it would be on a pizza. - Okay I've come around. I agree with you. We ain't bringing this back. - [Rhett and Link] Nah, that's whack. - And so your magnificence Mr. Burger King, we beseech you to bring back the pizza burger and the mac and Cheetos, please, please. - Please. Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi I'm Melanie, this is Alyssa from Manhattan, Kansas doing a kid's meal challenge and it's-- - [Both] Time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Boom with a force! - Yeah! Making a difference out there, people. Click the top link to watch us try one more discontinued BK item featuring Shaq himself. - Shaquille O'Neals? - In Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's going to land. - [Rhett] Sick stickers, brah. Where's you get 'em? - [Link], brah. - [Rhett] So sick, brah. - [Link] Totally, brah. I just put 'em all over my board, brah. - [Rhett] So sick, brah. - [Link] Yeah.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 5,542,649
Rating: 4.8978329 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, burger king, pizza burger, burger king pizza burger, mac and cheetos, burger king mac and cheetos, mac and cheetos taste test, burger king mac and cheetos taste test, recreating, discontinuted, burger, burger king menu, taste test, taste, test, burger king yumbo, whopperito, burger king whopperito, burger king whopperito taste test, gmm burger king, rhett and link burger king
Id: 1e-nMVL0-hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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