Jotaro Kujo - The Greatest Lone Hero Story

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foreign [Music] is extremely deep and I hate pretending he's not I always see hate for the guy and especially the part he debuted in within the fandom of Jojo there's this stigma Stardust Crusaders in jodo that this part has no deep meaning because for some people this part drags the story leading to this false idea it's meaningless and dull then teaching people to thinking into it's just one giant big punch Fest Story for a less intelligent audience that should be at the bottom of your favorite anime and manga list but I [ __ ] hate that idea with a blazing passion I feel like every JoJo part has a much deeper meaning independent of the others but still has a core one in iraqi's words I'd say living with a positive outlook is the theme of Jojo it's the celebration of humanity thanks to my extensive JoJo knowledge just trying to stroke my ego about a series I think Will Wait I know jodro is the character araki is talking about who represents the celebration of humanity this video will not solely talk about part 3 in its workings and will involve the other part season as jodo is extremely deep and not just some I punch [ __ ] end of story type character he represents something much more profound about the series and Iraqi himself as Iraqi has been building up at least back then for a while for this character to exist in his franchise foreign so how do I reach the ending of the video proving that jodoro is not some wet hand towel of an emcee well we need to start at the beginning and at the start of part three but the ending of part one Phantom blood you see Iraqi warned the main JoJo of part 3 to be Japanese and finish off the trilogy as the original idea of JoJo's was supposed to be three parts Phantom blood battle tendency and Stardust Crusaders but here's the kicker he didn't want the conclusion of the stone Mass Saga to be similar to anything as Shonen jump at the time so he would take Inspirations from novels like Around the World in 80 Days leading to the birth of the idea of the traveling group we see in Stardust Crusaders that includes our new main JoJo Cujo but the novel would not Inspire jono's character the Great American actor Clint Eastwood who at the time was an icon in the film and TV industry would Clint played in some roles that my father would consider the greatest movies ever why lie they are pretty raw Dirty Harry Unforgiven The Outlaw Josie Wells and the legendary dollar Trilogy one of if not the most important Western film trilogies ever if not the most important Western film films a rocky had a lot to work with quote Eastwood who I loved and respect as an actor served as the model for jodaro jodo's trademark pose where he points his finger was inspired by Eastwood pointing his 44 magnum that's why jodo seems a bit rougher compared to other jump protagonists Joseph might be a little bit easier to get into from a weakly Shonen Jump perspective but jodo actually fits my image of a hero to a t the quintessential Action Hero inspires jodaro The Man With No Name a character archetype who's usually depicted as a gunslinger or some type of fictitious Cowboy dealing out True Justice in some western themed environment he's usually portrayed as the ultimate good in said Story the example I'll be using here is a dollar Trilogy while initially being three separate movies not linked to each other years later though through different media at the time would connect all three movies Clint's character has actually never been given a name nicknames are used instead such as Blondie or Joe and later movies which gave birth to the title we now know the man with no name the man in all three movies would play this ultimate good Force for the audience to see serving Justice to The Outlaws and the gangs that do evil in all the dollar movies there is one big theme the man with no name is the quintessential Justice bringer yet an unappreciated one he does not do it for the tension of others some of the time remember the three movies were not connected initially and had some errors between the three but for the most part he does these actions because it's right and his eyes Justice must be upheld no matter what and Iraqi uses this for jotaro but goes even deeper with the character archetype quote my image of a hero is that of a loner opposed of someone who does the right thing looking for compensation or attention from others my idea of a hero is someone who is an unappreciated symbol of Justice there are many times we're taking the correct path leads to loneliness I also think Heroes shouldn't be in the business of making friends jodo goes on this journey while keeping his feelings bottled up inside because he's a Lone Hero he doesn't want to celebrate in an overtop manner when he defeats an enemy for him a throwaway good grief is plenty quick off-screen comment uh Jesus Christ looking back at this quote while I'm actually like recording it wow this is like really really messed up like what was Iraqi thinking when he was making jotaro in the past because this quote was like from like 2012 if I'm remembering correctly because I I don't know the information about that uh Curious put it on screen kind of also you can really tell the whole Fist of the North Star inspiration here too with kinshiro but that's totally off topic and iraqi's way jodoro is a more extreme version of The Man With No Name character archetype while I see some people argue that jodoro could be the XP with no name a version of the man who is a stand-in or knockoff of the character I would say no [ __ ] you TV Tropes jodo doesn't care he's here to kick ass and take names and do a signature 44 magnum pose on the part 3 of Stan villains and Dio like he is literally the character archetype of the man with no name like to a higher level like that's what he is he's not a stand-in or a knockoff he is trying to be something more and previously speaking about diem who has now returned to kill the Joe star Clan once in raw it is setting up the quintessential ultimate good versus Ultimate evil battle in Stardust Crusaders but I'm getting totally ahead of myself what about part 3 and jodaro himself at the start of his story now jodoro's intro is unlike his predecessors Jonathan and Joseph while both come off extremely friendly or caring our new protagonist definitely doesn't even though he's shown as a peaceful child in his mother's memories this is quickly juxtaposed to his Aura and look and current placement in Japanese jail and being mean to his loving mother Holly joestar jodaro's overall appearance is wild filled with chains belts and all sorts of pins including his signature hand pin on his hat that seemingly thanks to iraqi's artistic talent Blends into his hair definitely not a traditional Japanese school wear appearance of a 17 year old and it's definitely signaling iraqi's intention to make him a rebellious delinquent and instead replicating the look that of a duster coat Cowboys usually wear in the desert quote my original vision for jodoro was him during I cannot pronounce that word I've tried several times now to actually do this through the desert while wearing a school uniform and with that that fictitious and bizarre things would happen to him during his day-to-day life after his intro panels the reader has asked why jodaro a joaster of all people is in jail now well that's because an evil spirit has now attached to him and is now bringing things and because of that he views himself as a problem but why is the evil spirit a problem well in his play of power jodaro unconsciously asked star Platinum to pull the officer's gun out of its holster and shoot himself with it catching the bullet midair whatever the evil spirit is the officers clearly can't handle it enter battle Tennessee protag Joseph joestar jodaro's grandfather who brings Muhammad avdal to introduce this part's new power system and the power system of the series moving forward the stand a quote from Joseph a powerful Vision created by your own life energy and since it stands next to you it's called a stand Joseph is so smart for coming up with that name it is so good and that's totally not sarcasm on my part and a short fight breaks out between jodaro and Abdul shortly after this still since Joseph has known tension of harming jotaro with abdel's help the conflict does not last longer than a few pages but still the audience is still made aware of how jodo can control a stand pretty well so looking back into the past at my first feeling of this the idea of a delinquent Joe star with all these new stand Powers really does grab my attention from the start of the series as it is extremely distinct from Jonathan and Joseph so I genuinely wondered where the story could go from here what could be the Thematic themes be for this part plot twist deals back from his watery grave in the Joe store's Destinies to fight the living incarnation of evil also he has Jonathan's body now and now it's up to the Stardust Crusaders or inverse called The Joe star group because they're actually never called the Stardust Crusaders in the actual anime or Manga fun fact by the way to beat Dio a man who was said to be the ultimate Evil the man kills puppies I don't need to say anything more he kills puppies so now it's time to set up his ultimate good his Lone Hero in the battle between jodoro versus kakyoin the first proper stand fight in Joe it's established that jodoro despite being quite popular with girls is not fond of them and instead chooses this loner type of school life this theme will continue throughout the rest of his life then all of a sudden this kakuan guy shows up by introducing himself by scraping jodaro's knee so hard he fell down the stairs and Flash forward to the school nurse's office where he patches up his leg and calculen pops up again and claiming to jodo that he's dead meat and the stand fight actually truly commences now the fight is pretty bare today compared to Modern JoJo stand fights but this [ __ ] was wild seeing for the first time two dudes fighting with ghosts throwing hands pulling them out of people in Darker Rocky Fashion seeing cocoon shooting emeralds from their palms was the most bizarre thing compared to anything in previous Parts but the reason I bring up this fight for this video is because there's something that jodaro monologues about that I think a lot of people forget or completely misread that being his speech on evil only being two pages long jodoro says he can be a real big [ __ ] sometimes and a bit of a meanie but to actually quote the man unquote even a guy like me can spot evil when he sees it evil means to use the weak for your own gain and then stomp on them when it's over and that's what you've done to this woman and a doctor even your Stan gets to hide from the victim the law and the consequences therefore I'll judge kakuan then says winners are the ones who get to write history how they want he then shoots the emerald Splash but jodo deflects it all on its meme Glory telling him how he'll be the winner and uphold Justice then he grabs hierophant Green's neck and beats his skull in with star platinum's fist ending the fight and taking him in for questions brutal jodaro this sequence of events from start to finish is that of an old western film with jodoro being the man with no name if that monologue wasn't a dead giveaway his actions have utterly destroying kakuin savagely to uphold Justice shouldn't have been more obvious to that fact from the start of Stardust Crusaders Iraqi states that jodaro is the Justice bringer the judge to all these evil stand users who commit nefarious acts to others in various ways since the law can't bring them down the Jose group and especially jodaro will bring them to justice especially Dio who now is endangering the life of Holly joestar his mother because her gentle nature cannot handle her stand that has been brought out forward thanks to his Awakening of his stand which is now slowly killing her until now the cool to Lincoln we know with an outer shell of no emotion other than annoyance so it's a soft side for his mom seeing her life friend immediately takes action forming the group with his grandfather avdal the newly reformed kakyoin and soon to be Paul Nerf and eventually and they all set off to bring Justice to the world that Dio has infected as they are the only ones capable right now in the world to do it the intro to jodoro and the Stardust Crusaders is done masterfully on my first read years ago I understood that jodro on a surface level interpretation is the good guy to bring justice but as I got older and started diving into the series or history and author notes I've come to realize that a rocky Grand slammed his character introduction of jodaro which he planned for so long jodoro is the man with no name set on a blazing path of Justice to make evil stand users accountable for their actions and to defeat the ultimate Evil Dio who plagues the world and his family's faded history with him plus he's a mama's boy and a bit of a softy deep down with a little bit of daddy issues much after the events of Stardust Crusaders jodaro and the group have explored the world beating stand user after stand user ranging from the Mind Control to the paid off to the plane just [ __ ] evil Steely Dan Jay guile Whole Horse and duel Daniel J Darby all these stand users were people that needed to be judged and were done for the most part by jodaro the Lone Hero with a few cases of the others doing the Justice kneeling most of if not all of Stardust Crusaders never Strays from the central theme of justice as its central idea and it all comes to head within the deals World Arc the climax of the part the ultimate Evil versus the ultimate good fight weighs much more than just beating Dio it's a rocky making his final boss for the Joe star Clan creating the quintessential ultimate final battle for the ending of the stone Mass Saga quote I wanted to tackle how I represent the ultimate villain as depicted against a symbol of Justice how exactly would he fall into the role of villain people always love to compare who's the strongest or who's cooler Dio The Arch Enemy of the Joe Star Family given that I was bringing back a character who had been at the bottom of the sea for a century naturally he would have had to change during that time he was down there his mouse ever growing I wanted to make Dio feel like the final boss to add a little bit of context to this Iggy and Abdul had been killed by Vanilla Ice leaving Palmer beaten tired and not that useful for now kyun has been sent to the Afterlife by Dio stand the world in one shot and Joseph is slowly dying after taking a knife to the neck from Dio himself leaving jodaro basically by himself to face off against the vampiric monster Dio which contrasts with Dio's view on the fight quote he doesn't view jodoro himself as his arch enemy rather Dio only views him as an obstacle to overcome in order to fulfill his Destiny after his 100 year-long Slumber what what is the destiny that Dio has to face it's not to face off with jodaro the descendant of Jonathan it's something invisible to the eye that lies beyond their bloodline it's what gives the Joe Stars their allies the Ripple stands their uncanny luck that's what I Define as the Joe star's Destiny deal isn't just fighting jodaro he's fighting the Joe Stars Destiny itself even said by Joseph quote despite being our first meeting I feel like I've known him forever actually that feeling holds true after all I have known him since before I was even born the same goes for jodaro anyone with a Joe star blood in their veins knows that one day they'll meet him not as a friend but as an enemy they must defeat this fight isn't just jodoro vs Dio or the man with no name fighting the ultimate villain this is the man with no names bloodline Destiny itself fighting their generational Apex villain in a Final Duel to decide their Fates once and for all just [ __ ] Raw the battle in my opinion is still one of the best fights in JoJo these two at the time had the most Herculean stands ever still technically do and thus had a fierce competition both are close range stand types and level each other in shots and speed but Theo still has the edge as his stand the world can stop time for 5 seconds making the fight super difficult for jodaro to keep up with the Mad vampire jodaro reveals that he can kind of sort of move in time stop but Dio is unconvinced however and thinks it's just a fluke that jodaro set up after thinking that and he proves that it's just a setup deal lets his guard down then all of a sudden star Platinum appears out of nowhere and busts the hole straight through Dio's chest Dio could only think to himself this are they the same type of stand which marks the start of Dio's mental breakdown for the rest of the fight this series of events could be a callback to the Fistful of Dollars and aim at the heart scene where the man with no name keeps on getting up after being shot by Ramon again and again and again breaking him and making him wonder how this nobody is doing this to him similar to jodaro he was kind of pulling a trick on Ramon as he did have a layer of armor on kind of being like Kevlar or something but it's just a sheet of metal by the way it's raw as [ __ ] and probably one of my favorite scenes in all film by the way I love it I love fistful dollars can you tell I'm a Cowboy fan while joder was making Dio doubt himself he was still in the losing side for the most part until polymorph distracts Dio allowing jodo to land a direct Blow To The Head making the vampire extremely disoriented the Joe star bloodline has him on the run but deal [ __ ] Giga brains the man and drinks the blood of Joseph joestar by getting back to the alleyway where he kind of killed him becoming awakened deal ah [ __ ] here we go again round two the final match of starter jodoro is now back on the losing side but that bottle that holds its rage is about to burst after seeing his grandfather die right in front of him while that's going on Dio's Powers gets way more robust and his time stop keeps getting longer by the minutes Dio would throw a whole ass Road Roller at jodoro for the hell of it in Frozen time claiming that he has finally won by squishing him to death twist jodaro now After experiencing Frozen time for so long and reaching a Breaking Point with his emotions a rage boost has occurred breaking his ceiling and slamming Dio leading to their Final Duel as he unlocks time stop I would like to add here it's not [ __ ] that joro can stop time both stands are based off of tarot cards the star and the world Iraqi knows that both cards have similarities and interprets that by giving them the same Powers they're not one for one but they are close enough so it's primarily seen in the interpretation the card can provide you where they're most similar and this is totally Off Script but there also might be some like stand family Shenanigans the whole fact that Dio has Jonathan's body might actually lead into some reasons why jodaro has it now since Stan families are weird and that whole idea totally unscripted and I thought I'd mention it but regardless moving on so that leaves both of them to duel on the bridge for One Last Stand Clash where jodaro makes it out to be an old western duel between each other quote as soon as you heal star Platinum split your head open all over the street so heal if this was an old western duel this is where they'd say draw all of part three is a western I am not joking you like you think I was joking about the whole Clint Eastwood western Thing theme going here no it's it's real it's mentioned in verse calling back to A Fistful of Dollars Again The Man With No Name challenges Ramon with his pistol against Ramon's rifle this metaphorically could have inspired the fight between Star platinum and the world representing the pistol and the rifle funnily enough both stands use gunshots for their sound effects so it kind of works here too even in the end when Dio tries to cheat jodaro by getting him the eyes then striking him the man with no name blast deal with star Platinum making the old evil the ultimate villain Dio vanished to dust saving his grandfather and Mom while not the type to make friends of his Free Will being The Loner that he is the Stardust Crusaders will always be in a sauce bar next to his mother and grandfather jodaro throughout all of Stardust Crusaders was and is a cowboy in a Japanese school uniform going out of his way to be the Lone unrecognized Hero for his family and the world kicking ass and serving Justice where it couldn't be served some people don't recognize that jodoro wasn't the sole focus of the story some of the time or people's reading comprehension skills are just lacking I hope now you see more of jodaro's extraordinary character in Stardust Crusaders but this won't be jodoro's last appearance he evolves into something more subverse how do you write a main character after his debut part who doesn't really get that much screen time after it well in most cases you just put them in a mental role for the younger cast to look up to in this case that would be josuke okiasukuichi looking up to the veteran jodarokujo and his ultimate Stan star Platinum the world joderos serves a small but pretty crucial role in diamond is unbreakable but for part 6 Stone ocean he would not only affect the plot in a major away but also would play a pretty crucial role in jolene's growth his battle with Dio and the memories for the heaven plan he would get from his diary are obviously super important no Dura dipstick and it's totally not retconned in and despite not him being physically present for the most part in part six he propels a pretty crucial character moment for his daughter Jolene towards the start of stone ocean so that's what you get for the most part after part 3 at its most basic level interpretation without looking for anything more after part three now let me tell you the man with no name and the Justice on his path leads to loneliness and very little happiness after the fact is it an extreme contrast to what we think Heroes do at the end of their stories they usually get Happy Endings right not in this case I'm going to break down jodoro's story after part 3 in chronological order and explain its meaning as I go since the story doesn't do that for you and you actually have to look deeper into it because a rocky doesn't just feed it to you as there is a deeper meaning that you have to find on your own sometime after part 3 jodoro on Earth will go on a quest to find out more about the stand arrows in Egypt and find stand arrows while we don't know what happened on that trip or what info they gathered about the stand arrows Palmer would obtain the beetle arrows scene in part 5 and venture out to Italy to stop the drug trade except he would get destroyed by diavolo later like zoom in on these panels here what happens to this man he gets obliterated how do you even survive them because of that jodaro would lose his only friend after part three never seeing him again after that point meaning that jodaro's only person he could relate to about his life is now gone kind of forever as now he's a turtle so some sometime after his bro trip of polymer if jodaro would get married to an unnamed woman jolene's mother around the age of 21. now this has enormous implications for jodoro's character moving on forward we know that jodoro rarely cares for other people the few being the Stardust Crusaders his grandfather his mother and eventually Jolene and we'll talk about her later whoever this woman was knowing the history of jodro's character and how Iraqi writes him the only conclusion I can come to is that jodaro genuinely did love his wife to some degree ah the big guy fell in love that's so cute another reason why I'm bringing this up is some fans just have this weird interpretation that jodro doesn't love his wife for some reason I think this is just a fan misconception from the past so that's why I brought it up but the reason why he wouldn't see her or Jolene very much was probably due to his job as a marine Explorer in part 4 or an oceanographer in part 6 or possibly due to some like stanchionanigans for the Speedwagon Foundation that he was doing maybe while feeding your family is Noble a plus wink wink nuts nudge should not be allowed to rain free over Mario and do it sounds like a very miserable life after Parts four and five we could assume now that jodoro lives a separate life from his family as he has divorced his wife of his own accord by the way he does keep them away from his dangerous life and this is a relatively neutral ending until his daughter is set up to be incarcerated by father poochie best friend to Dio and jodo's longtime enemy over 22 years ago using his Giga brain knowledge Pucci of course knows that the Joe star Clan is super protective especially jodaro to jaween jodaro can already tell this is fishy and for once in his life he actually takes the initiative and gives her the piece of the standard to unlock her latent potential for her safety shortly arriving physically to help her and protect her something he's never done before a stand battle with Manhattan Transfer and white snake to stand of poochie would commence jodoro's initial gohler was just to free Jolene but It ultimately failed due to White snake's potent ability to take away Stans and the user's memory falling into poochie's trap in jodaro's fading Consciousness he says to Jolene I always cared about you what makes this so great is seeing how Jolene reacts to this for all of her life jodaro in her mind was some deadbeat who only likes fish but now reveals to her the world of stands and what he had experience over the last 23 years at least metaphorically also I would like to add here the fact that he said this verbally to her implies a lot because he also rarely ever speaks his feelings out so this is a pretty crucial moment in everything this indicates that he genuinely is a good father who was always looking out for her and of course he was the man with no name she finally understands the context of his absence Jolene then vows to find his stand his memory and beat poochie once and for all which eventually becomes the plot of part 6 which eventually evolves into and leads into the gang trying to prevent the heaven plan shown in jodoro's memory after reading Theo's diary at the end of part three I like this a lot and I wish people saw and took the time to analyze it jodoro goes through this 23 year-long battle protecting many people and his family from these horrible monsters worldwide always self-sacrificing so nobody else would get hurt playing this whole Lone Hero role perfectly for 23 years he doesn't do for the gratification of others or the glory he does it because it's right after all so many people need him to be the hero The Man With No Name to show no emotion facing all this evil but when he does it's impactful and you know he means what he says even if it's very brief so that's why I think it hit so hard when he says I care about you to Jolene and when the audience figures that out I think it even hits harder because you're like damn he's going through it Iraqi writes jodaro in a very nuanced Way by showing his highs and lows in his life his Triumph against evil forces and his failures when it comes to his family that way he proves how he's just not some wet hand towel of an emcee it pulls on the heartstrings just a little bit thinking about how a man like him can just bear all this weight and never show that weak as he's the rock in so many people's lives even if he's not physically there flash forward to the ending of part six Jolene retrieves jodor's stand and memory discs from Pucci but poochie still achieves heaven and gains one of the strongest stands in JoJo's made in heaven the final battle ever at least in this universe has now officially started unsurprisingly here jodaro's star Platinum carries Jolene and crew heavily in this fight as time stop is pretty essential to their survival still due to pushy's knowledge of jodaro he leads him into an ultimatum at the end of the battle defeat me and save the universe or let your daughter die you would think jodoro would move two steps closer to defeat Pucci once and for all genuinely defeating Dio but from everything I've been building up throughout this entire video we should know the answer he doesn't instead of saving everybody from Pucci and his manipulation of Fate he chooses his daughter over everybody else showing how much he truly cares and in the end sacrifices himself for her pouring out one for the dead homies oddly enough Jolene would sacrifice herself for Emporio showing the Joe star our heritage of protecting others I think this comes from her dad thankfully Emporio with the help of weather reports stand weather report would AOE Pucci ultimately defeating him resetting sash kind of resending everybody into a new world the Irene versus what some fans like to call it an alternative timeline where it seems there is no need for JoJo's to exist the dead Souls cannot cross over into this alternative timeline and are instead remade meaning that all Dead characters including jodoro get to live a new life no longer needing to be heroes relinquishing the title of Jojo while some fans and people don't like this ending I don't care I love it there's this poignant meaning in how the original series ends not what the joesters having cliche Happy Endings but with the whole world not needing them anymore it continues this trend of the Joe Stars being a celebration of humanity and everything good that comes with it which with the defeat of the ultimate Evil could finally be set free jodoro can finally be released from what you can call a family curse he can finally be happy with his family which he cares so much about while it's not 100 him this ending show was day one they have so much better lives because of it I think jodoro would genuinely love this world more than his own as now he can be with his wife and child he loves so much it's bittersweet but it's way greater than sour jodaro faces a lot of things in his life from Vampire overlords to struggling to be a father and to a different extent struggling to be human his man with no name Persona represents a version of heroism that many people fantasize about yet still is relatable to a degree we all go on a journey in life thinking we're all alone Heroes and in some cases it really does feel like that we often don't talk to anybody in bottle up our emotions only allowing certain people to see us the true us still Stone ocean shows us that reaching out to people closest to us and telling them how we truly feel can save the world no as I would actually like to take that back as jodo's response to the ultimatum shows us it's even more important than the world I'd like to believe that in jodoro's Final Moments he realized that sometimes you don't need to be a hero for Hero's sake and just need to love the people around you to be happy so I guess in a sense jodaro does represent a part of my Humanity that I do want to celebrate so I have to thank you Rocky well technically that is the end of the video I do want to say some remarks comments at the very end of all this jotaro is a great character and I love seeing him go through this journey from an edgy Cowboy that I really really really love to this protective dad I love it it's it's great I I I've always felt a connection to jodaro in some really weird way and I've always analyzed this character ever since I started part three until I got to part six jotaro makes me see this positive outlook on life he faces all of this stuff in his life and still keeps on going it motivates me almost in a way it really really does honestly when I have my days that I just feel like I can't do nothing he's one hell of a guy to look up to I'll tell you that I would like to actually properly end the video with something at the end of part three a quote from the Beatles JoJo was a man who thought he was a loner but he knew he couldn't last get back Jojo and special thanks to the people that actually helped me make this video shout out to you guys thanks for watching stay hydrated [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: METAs
Views: 215,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, jotaro kujo death, jotaro kujo vs dio, jotaro kujo part 6, jotaro kujo part 3, jolyne meets jotaro, jolyne cujoh, star platinum, stone ocean, stardust crusaders, diamond is unbreakable, jojos bizarre adventure, part 3, part 6, jotaro star platinum, jotaro kujo, Jotaro Kujo - The Greatest Lone Hero Story, clint eastwood, the good the bad and the ugly, fist full of dollars, araki, character analysis, Red dead redemption, GTA
Id: p2GWFipwb5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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