The Sukuna Cycle Is FINALLY Broken??

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so chapter 263 of jjk is out for the first time what feels like months we got backto back jjk chapters even though technically we didn't really get backto back jjk chapters because the jjk chapter last week was the continuation of the chapter we got a month prior to that but still jjk content came out two weeks in a row I feel like I'm being spoiled I I don't know what to do with my body but does that mean that chapter 263 was worth celebrating not not really see listen I don't want to lie to you a lot does happen in this chapter and things do look pretty good for the good guys but wow is there a lot of G isms now what I mean when I say gig isms is essentially something happens and then either that something that happened is explained away with either binding vow or is just said to be happening because so far as I currently understand from this chapter there is two unexplained binding vows one binding vow that should be considered broken and just one thing that kind of just happens and nobody tells us why it happened in fact now that I'm thinking about it that last thing might have also been a binding vow so there is three non-exploding vow in this chapter but then again prior to this all I've done is read the Twitter leaks so now as I go through the more comprehensive better translated leaks maybe things will make more sense to me but as it currently stands while this chapter was hype and we did get a lot of plot developments for a lot of crucial characters can't help but feel like we're sprinting towards the the end for no particular reason see because in this chapter we not only get the aftermath of Go's purple the collapse of Go's body the breaking of Toto's vibr slap and a black flash from suca but we also get the reveal of a character that we believe was gone from the story re-entering The Fray to be possibly the final combatant auka and so much more so while I may not be thrilled about the execution there's a lot to talk about this chapter so let's get right into it because today we're talking chapter 263 of jjk explained but before we get to explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you want to see me bringing anime topics to the real life go ahead and follow my brand new project that I'm doing with Stephen he Chris Barnett and Danny ma called anime IRL where we take real life challenges to the anime world or if you just want to hear me talk about anime and manga go ahead and follow my anime podcast the talk is anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything that happened in anime and manga this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts but before we get into all that today guys first we got to talk about a brand new sponsor to the page fume fume is trying to create a healthy alternative to smoking and vaping and that healthy alternative is the flavored air category see fum is trying to initiate a change that will revolutionize People's Health choices and when it comes to the flavored air category there is nobody better than fume fume is an award-winning flavored air device it helps you draw flavor to your mouth filling the void that ditching a bad habit can leave making sure you still have something to reach for but fume isn't a vape it's just air as such there's no vapor no smoke no nicotine so it's not addictive and all the flavors are non-toxic so it's a completely guilt-free option on top of that it's powered by your breath so no batteries needed and I must say the wooden metal design makes it look kind of awesome it's heavy it feels good in your hand it twists which is kind of fun for those of you who like to fidget and it comes with a magnetic holder that you can spin it on and trust me when I say I play with this all day and so if hitting a vape is like drinking a sticky soda then using the flavor cores of which fume has a ton of is more like drinking an herbal tea like crisp mint sparkling grapefruit or Maple pepper and my personal favorite is crisp mint it's like walking around with gum it's a cool refreshing hit of mint to the mouth so if you are a loved one has a bad habit you're trying to kick I can recommend nothing higher than fume and once you buy in you'll join the ranks of 300,000 other customers on their way to a success story so use the QR code on screen or enter code we but check out to get the free fume base when you order the journey pack and in no time you'll be spinning just like me so go to trif that's TR R yfu and enter the code wee at checkout or scan the QR code on screen right now to get a free fume base with your order of the journey pack so chapter 263 starts off or chapter 262 left off well more I should say chapter 263 shows the aftermath of the end of 262 and for those of you who don't remember 7 days ago go to the doctor but I'll remind you that the end of 262 was gota using a blue to pull up a tape recorder that had enam maki's voice saying don't move which froze suca in place and allowed for go to line up a purple that would apparently destroy the domain Clash at least that's what was revealed in chapter 263 because in chapter 263 we see the basketball-sized orb that was the domain clash between malevolent Shrine and unlimited void begin to burst at the seams until eventually it explodes with tremendous force and it's this point that the narrator tells us that the small domain has been destroyed and thus out of the chaos FES suca with his skin sh and he's thinking to himself you really got me you managed to fire off a hollow purple the ultimate technique of Gojo a technique you should not be used to doing however in the same moment that suuk is thinking about how impressive it is that go to fired off a hollow purple he's acknowledging the fact that goto when he fired off his hollow purple not only hit suca but also hit his own domain destroying the unlimited void which is probably something that Gojo wouldn't have done because we talked about this last week there were a couple of different things that could have happened after go fired off this purple either go could misfire which would lead to suca exposing an opening or Goa could hit suo which would cause Suk to take enough damage that his domain would crumble and in the second that suk's domain crumbled un limited void would hit him filling his brain with infinite information which probably would have been game set match however what suca is telling us in this moment is that goa's purple also hit his own domain and thus suca while being hit by the hollow purple wasn't hit by Unlimited void now following suca immediately out of the chaos of the domain class exploding are Toto go and Yuji and Toto was yelling at goto that it doesn't matter whether or not you intend to hit us the second that your curse technique recovers fire as many Hollow purples at suca as you can Toto then assures go that no matter how many Hollow purple he fires that he'll use his boogie wogie to avoid all of them and thus essentially Toto is calling in danger close now as this Dynamic Trio or I guess quad quad Quattro quad for forsome dynamic forsome cuz it's like UTA and Gojo as his Dynamic team closes in on suca the narrator tells us that suca has once again entered a state where using curse techniques is difficult after the failing of a domain expansion which uh as we all know doesn't really mean much because one he'll probably just recover in minutes and two if he's not recovering fast enough he just hit a black flash and then he'll recover faster however sukin isn't the only person feeling the effects of the Clash of domains because even though goto is Right alongside Toto and Yuji running at suca he collapses all but immediately at which point the narrator tells us that the technique that UDA copied from Kaku the body swapping technique has burnt out because of the domain Clash which means that essentially Guta can't control Gojo's body right now because the curse technique that he got from kenju is burnt out because of the domain Clash so we didn't have to worry about the 5minute timeline however UT is not dead in fact he's still thinking as the moment he hits the ground we get a step into into his thoughts where he thinks since R isn't haunting this body I figured the technique that would burn out because of a domain Clash would be the Limitless so he figured since kaku's technique technically isn't his and is only his because he was able to copy it when R was Haunting his body that after The Clash of domains he would still be able to use Gojo's body because kaku's curse technique wasn't technically his but this causes uta's brain to reel as he realizes that kenju has also used the domain expansion before specifically in the battle for Tangen however after Kaku used his domain expansion body continued to function and thus since Kaku was able to move after a clash of domains there must surely be a trick to restarting his fried curse technique however UTA doesn't know the trick he didn't get any of that information from what he got from copying this technique and thus as he lays there somewhat lifelessly he thinks to himself that he needs to make a barrier for Toto and Yuji now this happening is actually rather interesting see because UTA did rather aptly assume that the curse technique that would burn out would be that of Gojo however kaka's curse technique being the one that burnt out seems to imply that Gojo's body has somehow stolen kaku's curse technique see because yes the only real reason that UT should be able to use kaku's body swapping technique is because of his copy ability his copy ability that has a timer on it and thus somewhat ironically that copy ability should be tied to uta's body which ra is still haunting but this is kind of good news see the fact that the curse technique that got burnt out was kenju body swapping technique seems to imply that Go's body now has that curse technique that somehow either UT's brain or Gojo's body has appropriated that curse technique for the Frankenstein amalgamation that is currently goto otherwise that wouldn't have been the curse technique that burnt out which means that after 5 minutes is up there's a solid possibility that UT's still just in Gojo's body so well this might just seem like a convenient way to make sure that goat is not in the battle against suca I also believe it's setting up the fact that Gojo slap uto will survive through the medium of go and as go is laying there now somewhat lifelessly Toto looks back and thinks he's at his limit but you should never look backwards in a fight Toto learns that lesson rather quickly because as soon as he looks forward the first thought that comes to his mind is H the king of curses is impressive because In the Heat of this battle with something as crazy as go to collapsing he's noticed my temporary lapse in attention span and it's now oh uh he's a lot closer to me than I thought he was going to be and it's at this point that sua does the thing Suna closes the distance between him and Toto and immediately hits Toto with a black flash that not only probably restarts his curse techniques but also destroys Toto's Viber slap now this is aggravating for two separate reasons the first of which being we get it every time Suk needs to jump start his curse techniques he hits a black flash it's happened like four or five times now but also like the novelty of black flashes is kind of just disappeared like here's the thing obviously when Yuji hits a bunch of black flashes I'm like oh that's crazy but that's because Yuji doesn't have a lot going for him and fists are how he fights so him being able to string together a series of eight or so black flashes is incredibly hype butan hitting a black flash literally anytime it's even remotely convenient is just I I don't know it's just old he did it against laru he did it against Maki twice he's done it against Toto he's done it against Yuji like they clearly can't be as hard as people are saying they are now I get it there's a possibility that the reason that Yugi is able to hit so many black flashes is his connection to suca but that's never been established it's just the bit's getting old the second reason this is upsetting is because Toto's Vib slap has been broken and I don't know if you guys remember the binding vow that Toto made in order to allow his VI slap to enact his boogie wogie but the key point of The Binding valve so far as I remember was that the metal part of the Viber slap has hit the wooden part of the Viber slap to enact Boogie wogie and because of this binding valve Toto was now able to use Boogie woie up to 50 times a minute and he had increased the range of his boogie wogie pretty substantially so now that the ball metal part of the vi slap has been broken off hypothetically he shouldn't be able to use Boogie wogie and he uh he immediately uses Boogie wogie see because after hitting a black flash on sukuna sua realizes that Yuji is behind him lining up some punches and thus sua reels to turn around and to punch Yuji however when he goes to punch Yuji he realizes that Yuji isn't there and that's because Toto has Boogie WGI Yuji into suk's blind spot but why why can Toto use Boogie wogie even though it was binding bow has now essentially been broken well according to Toto it's because he came out late and he wants to show off more at least that's what he yells out when he Boogie wogies Yuji into suk's blind spot but in actuality the way the Toto explains it to us how he's still able to use Boogie wogie is actually explained by sua kind of see because as sukna is catching the fate of a lifetime from Yuji for like the 17th time Suk is thinking to himself the mass of otu's energy the shards of Go's barrier are flittering around instead of disappearing those don't disappear this sets the greatest yet stage for Boogie wogie to shine unrivaled and I have absolutely no idea what that means see essentially what's being said here in layman's terms is when go to fired off a hollow purple into sua's chest while it did destroy the Clash of domains and malevolent Shrine it didn't completely destroy unlimited void see well it did technically destroy the curse technique that's applied to the barrier that makes it a domain expansion it didn't fully destroy the barrier which means that the continuation of this battle between Toto Yuji and suca is existing within Go's barrier now we don't necessarily know what the rules of this barrier are but we can assume because this is Go's barrier that somehow some way Yugi and Toto are getting some kind of cursed energy boost or something it it's literally not explained and this is one of the points of this chapter that makes me a little bit upset anyways wuka is thinking all of this Toto is now using the metal part or I guess the wooden part I don't really remember how a Viber slap works it's the part that looks like a bell to enact Boogie wogie but Nick how's he doing it without the ball part oh you know by slapping it against his forehead because uh actually I don't I don't know why but basically Toto keeps slapping that Viber slap like a drum and Yuji keeps appearing in places that suca could never have guessed and thus Yuji continues delivering a Flurry of Blows into Suka none of which are black flashes but let's remember that every single time Yuji strikes suca he strikes at the separation between sukna and mega Soul so while black flashes deliver more Force any singular time Yuji comes into contact with suca it should be shaking his connection to Megami now Toto continues freestyling what a VI laap means to him as he proceeds to put it in his mouth and Yuji continues freestyling with what beating down sukum means to him until eventually he places his open palm hand on sua's stomach all well thinking to himself as many times as I have to fushiguro wake up he then uses dismantle but he doesn't just use dismantle to cut away Suk his abdomen no Yugi makes a binding vow with himself to restrict dismantle Target to specifically the barrier between suca and meami soul which means the dismantle that Yuji is currently blasting into suka's body should have a greater effect because Yuji is not just blasting a dismantle into sua's body he's blasting a greatly diminished dismantle at a specific Target which should therefore be more deadly to set Target because just like with nen risk increases power but since I'm trying to be as non-biased as possible this is also objectively kind of silly limiting the target of your Technique to exactly you want to hit to increase its power is just a silly mechanic that'd be like me being like oh this bullet can only hit you in the brain while shooting you point blank and now that it can only hit you in the brain it does double brain damage I don't know for some reason I just find it silly but a lot of you are probably saying but Nick this means that his mantle can only ever be used on the barrier between sua and meami soul right well if that was the scen scario then I would say yes this is a cool application of a binding vow but no that's not the scenario and I'll tell you why in a second before we get there suo reels back from this dismantle and thinks because he made a binding vow limiting the techniques application it's doing way more damage to the barrier between me and megami's souls than just standard punches sug then thinks to himself if I keep being hit by these and then he throws up a bunch of fingers he then looks down at these fingers and says I won't be able to maintain this body he then shoves all the fingers back in his mouth which I don't know seems pretty terrible as a weakness if you ask me like oh we're knocking the fingers out of them but then if you can just Rec consume the fingers then it's not all that big of a deal I guess you could fumble a couple of them and then lose them but he's got a bunch of arms Suk then with his now throw up covered hand jumps backwards onto a pillar and here's where things get a little bit silly because the pillar that suc is standing on Yuji immediately uses dismantle on which destroys the pillar of that sua standing on and causes sukna to fall which means that the binding vow that Yugi made to only use this mantle on the barrier between sua and Megami soul is now null and void but since the rule of breaking a binding vow that you made with yourself is only the loss of what you gained through said binding vow Yuji can do this and it just means that if Yuji wants to strike the barrier between suca and megami's soul he then once again has to make the same binding vow which is why The Binding vow mechanic at least when you're making a binding vow with yourself is just inherently kind of silly it has no consequences whatsoever you just make a binding vow when it's convenient and break it when it's convenient make another one when it's convenient and move on with that forever and the over usage of binding vows and the over usage of black flashes is just taken a lot of the Intrigue and fun out of this fight because there's always some kind of plot device on both sides of these fights that's going to allow the other person to Prevail temporarily bsuk is now currently falling off this now destroyed pillar towards Yuji and he's thinking to himself that it doesn't matter if yuji's able to strike the barrier between his and Megami Souls so long as he doesn't get hit which he does pretty good job of because he Dodges the punch that yuji's trying to land on him midair and slams Yuji into the w wall we then cut the Toto who's thinking to himself that the spare Viber slap he brought probably won't be registered as his left hand so it won't work now to break that down because it is somewhat confusing let's remember that Toto lost his left hand in the battle against mahit he then replaced his left hand with a viers slap he then made a binding vow that said anytime the wooden part of the viers slap hit the metal part of the viers slap he can enact Boogie wogie essentially replacing his left hand with a Viber slap that Viber slap is now broken but for some reason still works but apparently Toto anticipating the fact that his child's toy would be broken in one of the most dangerous battles of all time decided to bring a spare Viber slap however Toto believes that if he Yanks out his old broken Viber slap and stabs in a new one into the nub of his left arm that The Binding vow that he made to make his old Viber slap his left hand and therefore the medium of Boogie woie won't apply to the new vibr laap and thus the flame Boogie woie will die and thus Toto thinks to himself just once more hold it together as he holds his vibr slap above his head and goes to probably hit it against his own head we don't really know what he hits it against it's actually kind of unclear and while Toto is doing this one final Boogie WGY Swap suca and Yuji are facing down each other in a hallway and the second that Toto strikes his Vib slap or what's left of it on something sua thinks to himself switch however Yuji doesn't move instead Angel SLA appears above sua and with her she has her holy trumpet thing she's activating her technique extinguish M technique which you can only use through the medium of her holy trumpet thing I don't know if we ever exactly get a name for it but it's like a megaphone with wings and th it's revealed that the final Boogie wogie swap was not for Yuji but instead Hana to get her in position to once again fire off her technique extinguishment technique at sucom but this time not cut it off halfway but she's already been established that Hana angels in a technique technique extinguishment is pretty much the deadliest thing out there for some somebody like suca as suca himself is effectively a cursed object and thus by removing the curse from said cursed object through the technique extinguishment technique suk's soul will be eradicated from Megami as a vessel much in the same way Gojo's Soul was freed from the prison realm but before we get to see Han fire off what we assume to be a maximum output Jacob's Ladder and cut to a flashback between UTA and tana well actually before we get to the flashback we're told by the narrator that the range of Toto's Boogie woie was made Greater by a binding vow what's the binding vow we don't know I mean well yes of course it can be widely assumed that The Binding vow was Toto saying that this is the last time he's going to use this Viper slap for Boogie woie and therefore he was able to increase the range because of that but if we're being entirely real with ourselves he should have been able to use Boogie woie with that Viper slap in the first place and thus him making a binding vow with the viers slap he probably shouldn't be using in the first place saying this is the last time I'm going to use this Viber slap I shouldn't be using in the first place and getting an increase in his range because of said binding vow does seem a bit thin and it is also the Third third binding vow of this chapter like at this point I genuinely believe gay is trolling because you know what you don't have to do ex exactly that hey man Hana could be close you don't have to say she was far away you don't have to say Toto did a binding vow to reach her a mile away she could have just been around the corner waiting for her opportunity to strike against suca there is literally no logical reason to involve a binding vow in this moment and yet here we are anyways let's go to the flashback Angel and and tana are having a conversation with UTA where Angel is telling UTA that it was our job to free Gojo from the prison seal after that we're done however Hana who is obsessed with Megami wants to know from Utah how Megami is doing or at least she wants to know what will happen to megamy if he's hit with a maximum output Jacob's Ladder now youah responds to this by not answering the question and simply saying I apologize Angel and Hana but we may have to rely on you in the end of this battle you continues on by saying you don't have to join the fight and that even if my domain is defeated we'll set up a scenario in which you can be involved in the battle without being injured that is to say that UT is essentially telling them that we're going to set up a scenario in which you can use maximum outp put Jacob's Ladder and not have to worry about Suk getting to you and it's in that scenario that I want you to hit him with Jacob and to the power of your Jacob's Ladder split up Megami and suca souls and thus in the end of this battle we'll use the strength of my copy technique which confuses and intrigues Hana and Angel see because so far as they understood UTA had already copied their technique which is why he was able to apply it to his domain expansion in his battle against suca but you goes on to explain that once a technique is copied people tend to ignore the original technique holder UT explains that for some reason or another the second that I copy a technique people stop considering the fact that the original user of the technique may also show up on the battlefield this goes doubly so if they understand how I'm able to copy a technique which is consuming a part of somebody with ra and thus many people assume that if I'm using somebody's technique that I've either stolen it or killed them and thus UT says the trth true strength of copying is using both of the cards simultaneously and to this point that we see Hana yelling maximum output Jacob's Ladder and we see a ray of light descending through the center of Shinjuku and it's at this point that the narrator plays us out by saying the joker as in the Joker card played at the last minute what will be the result of this great contest implying that this may actually be the final move ever taken against sua and I got to say I do do kind of like it see because specifically in the last two chapters UTA has used this power of His copy technique to push shuk into scenarios where the original users of the techniques that UTA has copied show their strength he did it in 262 with enam Maki in the tape recorder and he's now done it again in 263 with Hana and her maximum output Jacob's Ladder and while this would now constitute the third time that suca has been hit with this technique the first time that Suk was hit with his technique he was in a comparable situation as to the one he's currently in that is to say that the first time that Hana hit sukeno with a maximum output Jacob's Ladder he had just become megami's controller and thus his control over megami's Soul was weak and this is why suca had to plead with Hana to stop destroying megami's body something that inevitably led to her getting a big old bite taken out of her and now while objectively he was hit with it a second time and it barely phased him I mean it did phase him but it basically just weakened the connection between him and Megami so that Yuji could fly in and uh Miss on his reach out to Megami it's already been set up in this chapter that yuji's punches to the barrier between Megami and suk's souls or I guess more specifically his dismantles to the barrier between meami and suca souls has put suca in incredibly disadvantageous situation where he probably currently has the least control over Megami as a vessel as he's ever had outside of maybe the time in U's domain after he was hit by maximum Alpa Jacob's Ladder so is this the end for sukuna who knows man I think it is a legitimate possibility that this is the end for for suca because after this if we genuinely keep this fight going it's it's just it's pointless Hana showing up and hitting suca with a maximum output Jacob's Ladder is the seventh final plan they've had the initial plan was Gojo the plan after that was hikara the plan after hikara was UTA the plan after UTA was Maki the plan after Maki was Toto the plan after Toto was go and apparently the plan after go is Hana oh I forgot there was also Miguel and laroo in there genuinely I believe that this isn't the thing that finishes off suca continuing this fight in any capacity whatsoever that seems as though it's going for the good guys would be disingenuous but at the same time pulling off the same trick against sua twice in two chapters doesn't seem like something that would necessarily work are you telling me genuinely that you believe the king of curses could fall into the trappings of the true strength of the copy technique not only once but twice and in the span of like 3 minutes it just doesn't seem like something that would happen to suca and thus well I am hoping with the entirety of my soul that this is what takes suca off the battlefield I can tell you with an almost equal amount of confidence that suca will have learned from his little tangle with enaki and Hollow purple so genuinely it feels as though it's a coin flip either once again sukeno will be struck still by the maximum output Jacob's Ladder which will allow for Yuji to land a flurry of dismantles aimed at the barrier between megamy and suk's soul which will cause him to puke up all the fingers and for Megami to return to the folds or Suk will either avoid the maximum output Jacob's Ladder or simply make a binding vow to get out of it I don't know man the Suk Cycle's been going for over 40 chapters now I feel as though I've almost been Stockholm syndrom to it because my god do I want this fight to be over but at the same time I I I feel as though I wouldn't know what to do without it we've been fighting suca for a year and while genuinely this is probably the worst situation suk's ever been in I feel like I've said that no less than six times on top of that there is a growing sentiment in the jjk phandom that suca is not the final boss of jjk and thus when meami and sua souls are truly and finally separated that Megami will arise as the true final villain of jjk on account of everything he's been through but I'm curious to hear from you guys do you think that three binding vows in 19 pages is too many binding vows do you believe that Hana has finally finished off suken or at least put him in a situation where Yuji can do the Dirty Work tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell I just know for a fact somebody's going to be like oh you forgot when Toto described The Binding vow on his binding vow that allowed him to only use the Bell part of his Viper slap what are you some kind of idiot [Music] SC [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 120,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga
Id: 6KMcxENqfWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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