Dio Brando - The Right Way to Make a Villain

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at that time I was very weak lacking a body made me [Music] vulnerable if I had not taken Jonathan Joe star's body if it hadn't been for his energy to augment my own limited Source I couldn't have survived at the bottom of that ocean for a 100 years I have a conf to make I love [Music] villains that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone coming back to this channel hell probably some of my favorite videos have been delving into the insanity of villains and I like villains as they can come in many different shapes sizes Shades and some other word that begins with a letter s that escapes my brain at the moment a few months ago I talked about one of my favorite villains yosik Kira he's probably one of my favorite villains in JoJo not counting the future antagon in the manga that haven't been adapted yet he's also what a lot of villain should strive to be as well and probably one of the better villains in media and yet I wouldn't say he is the most iconic villains in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure no no that would go to the one the only [Music] do [Music] to make it clear I'm talking about this do not this do this one not this one yes no we good good I'm among a coming and are you ready to rock boys and girls I said are you ready to rock Dio Brando the man the myth the legend but who is dio well to be frank he's probably one of the most iconic villains in all of anime and manga and he happens to be what a lot of villains should strive to be as well Dio has this charm to him he's over the top he actually manages to be a threat extremely entertaining and even after his canonical death in the series his legacy still managed to affect it afterwards and even implements pop culture for years damn these memes but they were still influential on the internet and certainly Drew more people to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure before actually getting to the canonical origins of di from a story perspective and why he's a great villain I want to take some time and talk about iraqi's choices when it came to creating Dio according to the interviews in the Jo jolum with araqi he took inspiration from FBI profiling of serria killers pointing out that they need to have a level of strength in order to commit the heinous crimes that they do it should also be noted that Iraqi also looked towards serial killers who controlled their victims through psychological manipulation a similar ability that Dio himself showcases throughout the series how he's able to really tempt those who work for him scare other people and of course playing mind games with other characters FBI psychological profiling was a Hot Topic around the time that I wrote this why do Ser Killers do what they do scientifically speaking I was inspired by that when I was working on do guys like that are true scumbags rotten to the core yet I've always sort of thought that they are actually incredibly strong for being able to commit such crimes why do they go so far do they do it just to see if they can the control aspect of it interests me as well Do's physical appearance was taken from pop culture in this case the character Roy baddy from the Blade Runner movie the 1982 version the good one this is in line with a lot of iraqi's works of inspiration taking things from pop culture and retooling them for his work as I've said before he did the same thing with Kira and in one of the many interviews that rocki gave he said the following about Dio I mentioned this back when I was talking about Jonathan but Dio was actually the one I wanted to draw the most for part one how far can a man's ambition drive him when he takes it to the ultimate extreme one of iraqi's goals with Dio was to Showcase just how far a person was willing to go for their Ambitions even going so far as to throw away their humanity and kicking a dog ready Ike kick the baby kick the baby kick the baby and that's intentional aqi wanted to make Dio inexcusable a lot of villains will justify or excuse their own evil you probably heard the whole Spiel of everyone's the hero of Their Own Story villains don't see themselves as villains you know that whole thing but when it comes to Dio that phrase is Dio as a character is someone who while having reasons for his actions he doesn't apologize he gives no excuses and he'll gladly give you a smile all floor he throws a knife at your [Music] throat there's just something about seeing a character who smiles a lot whether that smile is for good or bad purposes that makes you want to like them even if they happen to be a psychopath araki loved the draw Dio you can see that with every panel that he shows the character and Dio is a visually appealing and interesting person Dio is also a guy who will just sip wine as one of his Lackey just casually cuts his own head off at Dio's request but now that we've got a good idea of who Dio is let's talk about how Dio is I shall be the key now burn born in the year of 1869 on the cold Streets of London Dio as a young man was raised for the first 10 years of his life by his abusive drunk father Dario and even lived through the death of his own mother this is pretty much all we really know about Dio's past from the Manga and Anime aside from the fact that he earned money by playing chess araqi has also stated that he doesn't like to go to in death with villains suffering while showing their backstory since well they're the bad guys and logically speaking the heroes do need to defeat them after all it wouldn't do too good for the villains to become overly sympathetic for the character that is supposed to be defeated by the heroes however from what Clues we are given by iraqi's illustrations and writing we can gleam some information that's below the surface take for example the first sentence that I said in this section yeah that one where I was a dork trying to be overly dramatic even the setting that I gave the time and place can give us an idea into the backstory of Dio as well as motivations in part one and even going further into the future where Parts where Dio is still alive in year 1867 coincidentally lines up with the Reform Act of the same year where it was essentially a time where classism and the right to vote in the working class was null this was a time in country where classism and obviously living conditions that weren't the greatest for those in the lower classes existed considering the context that were're given in both the anime and manga we can see that Dio wasn't really all that respectable and probably lived more on the streets and with an abusive father we can really see the beginnings of a broken young man oddly enough do does showcase a lot of signs of Abus victims not to claim I'm some sort of psychologist on the internet like most YouTubers but a quick Google search does show things such as destructiveness low empathy cruelty and other assortments of the big brain words that make the YouTuber look smarter than he actually is duh even considering the time period and location it would be a stretch of the imagination that Dio grew to resent any and all those who are in a higher class than him and it's that resentment that allow Dio to essentially do whatever he could to escape his situation in a sense it's just the willingness to survive and a cornered animal will do anything to survive Dio as a child was broken down mentally and physically and why he has such a misanthropic view on Humanity one that carries into his actions as he poisons his own father and by the grace of God or a devil is brought into the Joe Star Family family considering the background and upbringing it wouldn't be any surprise that Dio would hate the Joe stars for all his life up to that point Dio was suffering at the hands of fate and the world dealing him a terrible hand meanwhile Jonathan was given a privileged life when Dio first meets up with Jonathan the young blonde writes off JoJo as a spoiled rich brat and he's not really wrong about that since we are shown scenes of Jojo acting as such Dio doesn't see another kid he doesn't see someone who could potentially be a friend or a brother he just sees a stepping stone on his path to the top and incidentally lashes out on jojo in a similar vein as what Dio had experienced when he was a young kid at the hands of Dario you better not act high and mighty just because I'm staying in your home I don't let anyone Swagger over me I mean dial really doesn't know JoJo at this point he doesn't know JoJo as a person or a character and doesn't make an effort to do so if anything this bleeds into the Dio doing similar crimes against JoJo that Dario did only to an extent that's a little bit more killing Jo JoJo's dog intentionally trying to physically assault JoJo with dirty tricks and of course it was I Dio ironically enough it's a cycle of abuse that Dio was perpetuating it was due to the inability to trust in people and one that's not completely unfounded isolation makes a man Hollow speaking from experience are we Dio Dio got what a lot of people wouldn't be able to get even to today's world he got a second chance at a good life Jojo and his father George were willing to take him in as one of their own family but the scars of Dio's backstory pushed him to view those two as nothing more than the rich Elites that look down on him you if they didn't actually do so and unfortunately eventually something [Music] breaks honestly one thing I need to point out with the manga and in the place of the popular anime adaptation is that the manga we get is a bit more defensive pose that Dio takes here with his arms crossed his tears a lot more prominent and even seeing his body shaking you can see that this really does affect Dio that a spoiled breath that he had written off had just kicked his ass it really solidifies my mind that Dio was a broken young man who wanted to inflict the same pain that he had gotten onto someone else and it's at this point that Dio changes inflicting this kind of pain wouldn't really work against someone who has proven that he is willing to fight back and can beat him down again this is what I have managed to interpret from do backstory and actions do have on scene information from them that allow me to infer more aspects of Di's character in a more hypothetical standard and I should point out that araki's characterization still makes Dio to be a straight up bastard especially after the time skip in part one where Dio plays bit more of a subtle game switching his tactics to that of poisoning George in the same way he did with Dario I think we should talk about George joar for a moment when it comes to Dio's backstory it's actually rather important in regards to Dio as stated before Dio got a second chance of life but the wounds from his former life and father certainly interfered with that aspect even when there was a more uh positive father figure in his life I hesitated there for a sec cuz George is a different kind of bad father not so much abusive or our drunkard but because he was kind of blind to what di was doing as well as using a switch on jojo for getting a question wrong and even starves JoJo over bad table manners this did actually get JoJo into a prime mind set for Dio to take advantage of but also take this thought into account how would Dio ever respect another father especially one who treated his own flesh and blood like this over things that are really that minor with the Phantom of Dario hanging over Dio's shoulders it should be obvious that Dio would have a bad view of fathers especially hell Doo even blamed Dario for the death of his own mother and I think I'd be remiss if I didn't bring up the scene where Dio was stumbling in the streets after JoJo discovered his plot of poisoning George mirroring the alcoholist M that Dario had it's really interesting to consider that as much as Dio hates the blood of his own father that flows through his veins and ironically enough Dio inherited a lot what made him despise Dario got Dario's cruelty his conniving nature remember Dario was willing to rob a dead man at an accident his sadism his greed hell if it wasn't because of Fate an actual thing in JoJo mind you Dio would have been in the exact same place as Dario had been a drunk in the gutter now all of this is a reason for why di does the things he does however they aren't an excuse at least not to an outside viewer like you or me or that one guy in the back don't in front Dio though yes he believes that his past of why he is the way he is and that those who show him kindness haven't had a taste of his own life and are only for him to use and Dio doesn't think of himself as a bad person and I know what you're thinking and typing down below because that directly contradicts what I had said at the beginning of this video what did I say again and that's intentional aqi wanted to make Dio inexcusable a lot of villains will justify or excuse their own evil you probably heard the whole Spiel of everyone's the hero of Their Own Story villains don't see themselves as villains oh yeah that and you'd be right except that my friends is basic Humanity but the deal I'm referring to at the beginning I reject my Humanity when Dio kills George using his blood to awaken the power of the Stone mask that's the moment that Dio truly throws off the shackles of his past his lies to everyone and becomes an immortal vampire there's a line that I honestly find intriguing from Speedwagon before this happens he was born evil normally I hate lines like this mainly because it stems from the idea of nature versus nurture where bad behavior is ingrained into a person's very essence and soul personally speaking I believe no one is born evil or good and that we enter this world as a Blank Slate but enough of my moral grandstanding the phrase actually describes what Dio does if he was born evil then there's no reason for him to keep his Humanity after all if you were meant to be an evil person you might as well not be human at the same time and with his Humanity now stript from him Dio can finally be free he can be himself and he can indulge into every Vice and no longer make excuses for himself after all if he was born evil he might as well go all out right why not consider yourself top of the food chain after all from Doo's perspective Humanity has looked down upon him and now humans have become his cattle so obviously he's the superior life form right uh no one tell di about cars there's a lot more to deal that we can talk about but we're specifically focusing on the past for this section and to explain that while Dio does have a tragic past the moment he discard his Humanity he discards his excuses for the things that he does he removes his fears and as such he no longer longer need to be chained down by his human nature and become one of the most iconic characters throughout the series again just now a most intense feeling like someone somewhere is watching me I think he's talking to you as I stated before another videos a villain needs to be able to be a threat to the heroes and since Dio has about two different modus operandi in the two parts that he was actually alive and had different abilities I think we'll focus on that aspect I alluded in the previous part that deal often had to rely on his own intellect and play a bit more COI with his goals of attaining the Joe star Fortune but all that changed when he gave up his Humanity it's nearly impossible for a regular man to kill a vampire at least in the world of joo's bizar Adventure at least a normal man not to say that Di's own mental faculties were completely eliminated from when he became a vampire but it was clear that his Focus had changed to a bit more of a power Focus I mean the guy could shoot pressurized Jets of fluid that acted like high-pressured water cannons and could freeze people by the mere touch he also the ability to create zombies and then layer full-on vampires so he create more lackes as he saw fit there was a lot more egotism when Dio became a vampire and it's obvious to see that when he came to his fights against Jonathan it's what he calls anything that JoJo does it's useless useless useless useless useless useless doesn't have the same sting of muda muda muda now does it still when Dio does gain his vampiric powers he essentially goes don't care didn't ask cry about it stay mad get real L mold seed C but as we all know of course when he lost his body and became just ahead Dio had to resort to more backhanded tactics and that still didn't work out too well for him at least for 100 years we then get to part three Dio well in the timeline there's a fair bit where he spends time with pooie but that's not the point for this section with a newly minted ass bu's got a nice y y Dio had to hide more into the Shadows well his body recovered and as such had to rely more on outside help with a new power from Stand users which was an ability that Dio also received when he was back in the world of living funly enough the eye beams and the cold abilities were just gone granted what di got in return more than makes up for it but for those abilities to just disappear especially since he could do the eye beams when he was still ahead I'm just nipping at the moment though let's talk about Dio's stand power there was a bit of a fan theory that do want to bring up and that's that Dio was supposed to have these stand abilities that were all showcased this Theory stem from two aspects the fact that Dio was able to have a variation of hermit purple and the second being that his Arcana was that of the world the verse is kind of self-explanatory since stands are supposed to be unique manifestations of their user although this one is more often countered with the fact that Dio is using Jonathan's body and that's his stand that Dio is using whether or not that's true well I don't really know or care let's take a different look at the world in the major Arcana the world often refers to a reflection of the journey that a person takes it would make sense if di had the abilities as of the previous stand user since before reaching the actual second half of the arc the stands were based on the Arcana of the Tarot deck well that was thr out the window when the Egyptian stands were introduced still here's where we can look towards the actual abilities of do stand the world as anyone who knows anything about this show knows the world's time stop ability is probably one of the more dangerous power at this stage in J's Bizarre Adventure yes future characters in later parts do have much more powerful stance as well as more creative abilities yes bunny Valentine your day will come someday maybe this video gets a million views or something I don't know I highly doubt that'll happen the world has another meaning in the Arcana and one that I really feel reflects Dio as a character in part three which is what this section will really focus on while the world does signify completion while in the upright position it can also signify when you are near completing your goals which is what Dio was essentially at in his Conquest when the Joe star Egyptian group finally made their way to Dio's hiding place he was all but fully recovered he was so close to taking back the world at night the only real obstacle was the Joe stars that had searched through the Sands of Egypt to stop him and one that while he still had a bit of worry for after all he had learned about the tenacity of the joar bloodline against Jonathan while Dio still possesses egotism he also became a lot more careful in his approach with the Joe Stars he didn't rush into battle all willy-nilly against Joseph aware that the power of Haman could still affect him and when Jor rokujo seemed to display his ability to move through Dio's Frozen World Dio did whatever he could to make sure that joro was only playing a joke on the guy and then when jotoro actually enters his world Dio becomes a lot more creative with his powers and abilities [Music] even when he believes that jotoro is alive even if there's just a fraction of a chance that jotoro is dio keeps his distance from the down JoJo even listening to see if there was a heartbeat in the teen's body this to me shows that Dio grew as a character when it came to his abilities in fighting because while he does have a more overwhelming power that is growing every time he uses it he cannot afford to under estimate his opponents especially the little brat who apparently has the same power as him Dio versus jotar was probably one of my more favorite fights in the Animated Series as it really does ramp up the tension between the two along with the Chris animation that spans over the course of several episodes it does make the fight quite the nailbiter and of course Di's demented tactics lead one to the most iconic moments in all of the series and maybe in anime there's just something cathartic about watching a teenager getting crushed by a road roller and before you take that out of context it's not like we had this moment watch out Dio just made one major mistake you pissed me off I mean anyone can piss off Joo easily so can you really call that a mistake on Dio's part and a top it off do you notice that he's the cream of the crop he's the best of the best he's got probably one of the most abusable stands in the series on a side note if you're wondering about the tanks on the world's back apparently Iraqi designed that on purpose because he wanted Deo to be able to breede during the stop time which makes some sense I guess to make things more interesting the world was the first stand that Iraqi actually designed and was the beginning of the JoJo villain's trend of messing with the aspect of time sure Dio is strong as a character and can even play mind tricks with his stand the world like how he did with poth but I think another aspect of di that makes him dangerous is his manipulative Tendencies and this this is something that we talked about before however what we're looking at here is essentially a deal with the devil often times Dio is shown to be a master of manipulation with the stand users in the third part whether it be through Terror using his flesh buds or other [Music] ways di was a threat and even after his death he was still a threat throughout the rest of the original universe's run his ideology and plans lasting for far longer than even him I'll talk about part six in a later segment of this this video but there's one more thing I want to bringing up before we get to that part this won't be a long chapter but one that do needs to be brought up when it comes to villains especially your main villain they need to be a foil to the main character of your story while foils aren't exclusive to villains I feel like foils are the best way to think about your villains since they're supposed to oppose the main character of your story as well as act as a contrast to the characters in order to highlight their attributes this is where both villains and heroes now for say someone like Jonathan joar that's actually quite easy mainly because Jonathan's about as entertaining as a piece of wood careful not to rub two sticks together near him or you might have a spark of Personality there I'm obviously joking when I say that but there is quite a bit of contrast between the two characters aside from the obvious other upbringings which I already covered characterization Jonathan is often portrayed as a dorky nice guy while Dio is an ambitious evil Street rat JoJo wants to be a perfect gentleman willing to risk himself for strangers di loves to exploit people and kill dogs and there goes my monetization thanks YouTube when it comes to the supernatural abilities they acquire they're also opposing with hamon and vampirism being the obvious there even their color choices are often contrast to each other especially after they get their powers where Jonathan is often wearing blue while Dio wears red I think it's also telling that when JoJo has defeated Dio Dio grows to form a sort of respect to Jonathan even to the point where Dio sees Jonathan being the only acceptable replacement for his new body he even chastises his Lackey who gives Jonathan disrespect and funnily enough one could even see that Dio understood that Jonathan's affection even in the last moments as JoJo held Dio's head in his dying arms that Jonathan was sincere if it wasn't for Jonathan Dio wouldn't have a new body to take into the new world Dio saw Jonathan as the only person he's ever accepted as an equal even when he was willing to kill Jonathan to save his own skin then if we were to compare him to the third JoJo we follow jotoro Kujo there's even more of a contrast between the two even the structure of the story plays with this since joto was on the hunt for Dio to save his mother meanwhile Dio is staying hidden within Cairo while his body adjusts and he practices with his stand other aspects to Dio being a foil with jotoro Dio tends to be over the top and present himself with with enough Charisma to make others loyal to his vampiric abs but also willing to throw them away at at moment's notice jro starts off by telling his mother to shut up get out of my face you and is seemed to be so stok that often think that Jor is unable to show any actual emotions however that's a mask jotoro does care for others and has a good sense of justice and is surprisingly intelligent for a guy who looks like this in that vein Deal's really open with his personality while jotoro often hides his actual personality under his rough exterior heck even their color code are actually in distinction Di's primary colors in part three are are surprisingly bright yellow and gold meanwhile joto has got all his black coloring to him I think because these two characters have such a contrast to each other that adds to the memorability of their battle in the streets of Cairo we see a clash of two completely different characters that have a lot of diametric elements it becomes in throwing to watch them cross blows play mind games with each other and how the fight twists and turns if you wanted to really get into the nitty-gritty of things though Dio actively embraced the culture of Cairo and even says this line in the manga I outsmarted you don't you recognize this street I'm flying down or do all the streets look the same to a tourist that line implies that Dio probably is more familiar with the streets of Cairo which makes the idea of him going out at night often and we also see that Dio is capable of navigating the streets to find the knives and even the road roller cuz yeah when you think about it joto is a tourist and Dio is an actual resident of Cairo and going back to their outfits joro does wear his home country's culture literally on his sleeve what with his uniform meanwhile Dio's baggy pants and cropped jacket aren't exactly unheard of in several Middle Eastern cultures including Egypt even the ring bracelets and curled shoes that Dio wears are also reminiscent of that culture so one could say that Dio embraced the culture while joto didn't joto versus Dio is probably one of the most iconic fights in the series and I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of people who will say that there are a lot more fights that are memorable and hey that's fine not everyone can be right at all the time especially when it comes to personal preferences still I would argue that di is probably one of the most important characters within the original universe's timeline and his far-reaching implications for each part him being a foil to the characters just being part of that reason for that this is the part of the video where I talk about some of the less than specific aspects of Dio's character and actually reflects today's modern writing Dio as a character throughout JoJo has unique role especially in the original Universe part that there's a shadow of Dio in the parts after three I stated earlier that Dio was probably one of a rocky favorite characters to draw and I feel as though because of that Dio's influence throughout the series has managed to ring true throughout the very least the original Universe at least of some degree to make a long story short let's consider the following it was because of the bow and arrow that was used to give Dio his own stand powers that kicked off the events of morio especially in regards to Kira getting his own stand his own flesh and blood jono became the main protagonist of part five although his connection to Dio didn't really come up at all but I digress I mean I would have killed to have poar have a reaction to learning that joural was Doo's kid you what and in part six Stone ocean Doo's teaching and relationship with Father pooi well I'm sure you can guess from there but we'll get to that in a little bit Dio's Shadow is cast Over the entirety of the original universe's storyline so when you have joto saying that Dio is the joar family enemy he isn't kidding even in death Dio's influence and Scorn still manage to resurface and on a meta level Dio started a lot of trends when it comes to Jojo villains being over the top having insane quirks and having a time and space reality bending stand although if you really think about it Dio's motivations are really basic and standard fair for villains he wants to create an ideal world one where he reigns Supreme over everyone basically taking over the world initially through his time stopping ability and through his plans with poochi to reset the world I do think we need to talk about pooie a little bit for this since this does open up quite a bit of characterization for Dio even if it's done retroactively and through flashbacks something that the heroes would never really know in the actual story because through the interactions with pooi we do see a different side of Dio one that's more methodical and more inquisitive this isn't trying to make Dio into less of a villain but rarely do we get to see these kinds of moments where the main villains are just talking a normal conversation with another person I think these conversations with poochie not only do we see some odies with Do's personality like him building a model ship while talking to the young priest and that can gleam a few interesting thoughts especially we consider that he has the lifeboats out from the model and his ultimate hiding place was a desert it's kind of funny when you think about it especially when you consider that Dio spent about 100 years at the bottom of the ocean it's elements like these that aren't explicitly told in the text but are shown in the artwork and thinking back to the characters events in their life that do flesh out the characters a bit more these kinds of thoughts can elude the audience and it's more of a background storytelling and not stoved in your face which is something you can really appreciate when you go back a few times to watch and read the the material and it really gets you thinking about the characters if you recall when we talked about Dio's backstory about how he was abused as a child watched his own mother dying before his very eyes by the B that he had to call a father and now time and classism of that period turned his father into a monster deo's ultimate goal as revealed in part six makes a lot of sense his goal revealed in conversations with pooi is to acquire heaven or to acquire happiness Dario's a bastard no doubt about that but I doubt the guy became a drunk abuser because he was satis IED with his life and in turn Dio became a monster as well because of this unhappiness even going so far to kill his father killing a dog and killing his adopted father throughout Doo's life he had been attempting to rectify the issues that plagued him he's a street rat steal the riches been abused become essentially Invincible be considered Nothing More Than Dirt by other people Lord over them as the absolute ruler of the world and ultimately as he says joy cannot be found by having an invincible body vast riches or even reigning over all Humanity in the end the true winner is the one who gets to witness Heaven as I've stated you got to remember this guy spent about a hundred years with just himself in the corpse of Jonathan joar at the bottom of the sea and he was an ever living creature left with only his thoughts and reflecting on the 20 years that he was actually alive before being confined to this very coffin at the bottom of the ocean it's glossed over this fact but I think it's an interesting thought process to consider Dio's position as a villain and it makes more sense when you consider his plans to transform the world into maid in heaven which remember pu's plan was Dio's plan and the entire concept was to basically anticipate what the future would hold that he would be the only man who constantly knows what was going to happen what he was going to experience and that he could be the only one to change it it makes perfect sense considering that Di's goals and Ambitions were always snuffed out before they could really succeed and who Among Us wouldn't want to change the past and it was this plan that continued on within the man called pooi Dio's Confidant I think would be a good word to use since pooie was treated almost like an equal to him in their conversations Dio even being pushed back to a little by pooie on things and there was a lot of depth to Dio's character and a lot of information that isn't explicitly stated in the series granted a lot of people are more familiar with the memes associated with the character as well as his appearance and Fight Within part three which is probably one of the more iconic parts of Joe J bizar Adventure Dio's character is one of complexity when you look beyond the surface of his flashy appearance and while he's totally written to be inexcusable arachi has masterfully crafted a villain that has a lot more death than what a lot of people would give credit towards Dio is evil Dio has reasons for being evil but Dio doesn't apologize for his motives for the things that he does throwing the fact that Dio is probably one of the more visually appealing characters in JoJo as well as how his visual presence Works greatly with the series it's no wonder why Dio's got a lot of love sent his way even if he does some of the worst in the entire series [Music] hold up do I really need to explain this one I just gone done telling you guys there's a lot to De and why he's an amazing villain his backstory is tragic his abilities are dangerous and he has more death to him than the Ariana trench and even in death he acts as the overarching villain for the entire first half of the series it's clear that Dio was one of the most enticing antagonists ever made he's a terrible threat to the protagonist and he's teaming with not only St Charisma but he also represents the entirety of the franchise of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure everything that di does represents the overtop insanity that comes with the series and he's a prominent figure of Pop Culture many people are aware of his iconic quotes before watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure because of the memes that Spawn from this character Dio while a character who has de to him is also just an evil bastard who rebels in every single evil action that he performed and his evil haunted the Joe Stars even after his actual death an EVO like Dio never truly dies and frankly he's probably what a lot of villains should be nowadays if you made this part of the video I appreciate you watching and I think we should cap this off with seeing how many of you made it by typing in the comments I appreciate your time thank you for watching this essay and it's because of viewers like you that I can make these kinds of videos and I hope to keep making them thank you so much for all your time patience and everything that you have done for me I'm AA common thanks for watching and don't forget to [Music] go [Music]
Channel: MangaKamen
Views: 189,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dio analysis, stone ocean, made in heaven, jojo dio brando, diobrando, dio brando, discussion, jojo's bizarre analysis, jojos bizarre adventure, jojo's bizarre adventure, eyes of heaven, manga, dio brando analysis, dio stardust crusaders, holy diver, jojo anime, phantom blood, stardust crusaders, dio, anime, dio jojo, the world, dio part 3, enrico pucci, the world jojo, jjba, jojo, part 3, part 1, part 6, mangakamen, Jojolands, Part 9, video essay
Id: PMXxu4ehu98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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