Every Single Eldar Craftworld EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal everyone knows that i have a soft spot in my heart for the elder and no it's not just because of them having the finest selection of big titty girlfriends their aesthetic and desperate fight for their souls make for an interesting viewing as well as the fact that the elder have by far the best quality of life in the galaxy and live the longest unless you know they're in a book about a named space marine the craftworld elder have been the poster boys of these sexy space elves for a while only just recently been kind of overtaken by the new yinari which i've already covered so i reckon it's time for these pretentious nomads to have their time in the sun before we get started things in life are always changing things you used to cling onto for comfort and familiarity sometimes erode into something new and not always better you probably feel this effect for a lot of things in your life but not for our monthly surfshark vpn sponsorship yes once again i am asking for your 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aids let's get into it firstly just a quick recap of what a crawford is in case you guys don't partake in the disappointing delights of eldar law like i do when the elder empire was at its climax both metaphorically and physically large self-sustaining ships traveled around the galaxy to explore and trade these were the original craft worlds who were seen as nomads and primitives by the rest of the eldar race when the eldar decided to genocide themselves via galactic blood orgy the craft worlds were mostly immune from the effects of slaanesh and they would often spend hundreds if not thousands of years away from the earth of the eldar at a time so imagine you're a craft world you visit the elder empire everything is good a suryan is praised consensual sex is at a record high then you visit a thousand years later and suddenly everyone is eating babies and putting their [ __ ] in forbidden glory holes it's a pretty obvious difference hence the crawfords basically gathered up as many still sane elders they could and fled the eldar empire just in time for the birth of slanesh in the fall of their civilization now as the craft world were nomadic and often didn't see the elder empire for many years they didn't have access to all the best technology whilst the dark eldar who were in the elder empire the whole time were able to take a lot of it with them when they fled into the webway since the fall the population of the craftwoods has boomed and so has their size once large trading vessels many of them are now the size of continents and are powerhouses in their own right hence the name craftworld we got it good let's begin the first craft word on this list is ali attack who are famous for their chastity belts i'm only half joking these eldar are extremely careful when it comes to anything related to slaanesh hence they are very strict forcing their people to strictly follow the path of assyrian which is basically means no fun because of this a large amount of elders from allatiaq leave the craft world to become rangers allowing them the freedom to [ __ ] and have fun they have so many ranges that they've begun to develop a superior class of ranger called pathfinders ironic that the craft world with the biggest stick up its arse has the largest army of free thinking ranges these rangers haven't abandoned their home though and they're always welcome to return sometimes in great need they will be recalled home if the crawford is under threat alataka has gone through some [ __ ] which it usually handles well the crawford has destroyed tyrion's splinter fleets and defeated demons however due to the dark elders [ __ ] [ __ ] they were nearly destroyed a dark eldar raiding party disguises elder corsas from alatyok viciously raided imperial worlds hence the imperium retaliated against aletiac by attacking with a huge force including an entire space ring chapter the elder fought hard but once again space marine models sell more hence despite being one of the main craft worlds who are supremely well armed they will push back into the inner parts of the craft world even with the use of their avatar of kane and three phoenix lords including morgan ra who we all know is an absolute demigod then one of the rangers found out about the dark eldar's raiders who framed aliyatok for the memes so he went to the surprisingly chill chapter master from the marines and was like mate it's all a huge misunderstanding the dark eldar did it and the chapter must was like oy bro what do you mean i've never seen a black eldar before and the ranger was like nah nah mate dark is in our evil dark cousins we didn't do anything and then the chapter must was like oh [ __ ] bro sorry my bad and then the ranger was like nah nah man it's all good we all make mistakes have a good one hence the imperial forces withdrew and it was all good kind of dumb how a single space-free chapter and some guardsmen can nearly take down a high-tier craft world but i guess that's just how the cookie crumbles next up is the black library this super spooky and mysterious craft world stores all the knowledge that the elder race has on chaos and holy [ __ ] it is a lot of knowledge most elders don't even know of this craftwood's existence as it travels through the web way and despite ahriman having a raging boner for it he has not been able to access it yet suck [ __ ] ironman it's like the most exclusive nightclub in the world with only the black council that being the best and brightest fast physiologist i have as well as solitaires who are the greatest elder warriors around and are extremely hardcore can access the library freely some humans have been able to access it due to them completely incorruptable and having mastered their inner chaos due to its nature it supports a way smaller population than the other craft worlds and it relies more on insane levels of warding and harlequins to defend it rather than large armies onto bale 10 who just love war they love it that shit's like lamb chowder to them bail tan has a huge amount of elite aspect warriors as well as their own unique tank variant that specializes in killing orcs bale 10 believes it can reforge the old elder empire through genociding the other races most notably the orcs they often team up with humans to kill orcs it's kind of ironic that the elder crawford that loves war and wears green armor hates the green skins maybe they wish they were orcs and got the idea that if they killed all orcs they could assume their mantle bale 10 had grown confident they often attacked anything on an elder maiden world that wasn't an elder and those were often easy targets they had slaughtered countless orcs and proved their valor time and time again so it was very humbling for them that a selaneshi army would invade the heart of their craft world causing massive amounts of damage and killing a lot of them their infinity circle is damage and the kraftwerv was broken up into a mobile fleet with even more warriors leaving bail tan to join the inari things look pretty grim for bale 10. how were they supposed to bring back the elder empire if after 10 000 years of trying they were doing worse off than when they started but then they were like wait even after the countless orcs we have killed and conquered they never stop or give up they never despair how are we supposed to be the new orcs if we can't even match the cunnery ones with this new epiphany realized bale tan rallied itself and attacked the galaxy with renewed vigor its new status as a crawflet working to its advantage as it's able to cover more ground you go wannabe orcs after bale 10 we have a craft world who has eaten even more [ __ ] than them lianden liendon was one of the greatest craft worlds it was they who forged the infinity circuits and gave the eldar a chance to escape slanash they then teamed up with bale tan as one craft world perched cows from one side of the galaxy the other did so on the opposite due to the web way connecting to the two craft worlds it was common for them to reinforce each other despite the insane distance they were eventually bale 10 got too horny for genocide against the other races whilst liandon wanted to keep purging just chaos hence the close alliance they once had went kaput despite this lianin would continue to beast mode and eventually a powerful warrior called uriel rose up and took command of liendon's fleet he smashed through chaotic armies like nothing even wiping out an entire cursed warband however by him leading the leandern fleet on a preemptive strike against said warband the warband was able to fire 36 planet-busting nukes at the craft world these nooks could not be easily intercepted as all of liandon's ships were massacring chaos hence the crawford's defenses were able to wipe out 35 of the 36 nukes one got through ouch a big part of the would blew up and despite their victory prince uria was exiled things were about to go from bad to worse for liandon a fuck-off huge tyranid highfleet was on the way to eat them and the legendary farcia eldred saw it coming was like yo liendon some rather unpleasant hentai monsters are coming to eat you and liandan was like [ __ ] off el drad you old nerd hence the highflight attack liendon and boy oh boy did the elder die roughly 80 of the craft would have been overrun when prince uriel returned from exile with the fleet of eldar corsairs he was like space rohan saving space minas tourists from space orcs except they were tyranids but you know what i mean the highfleet was beaten after uriel took up the spear of twilight and killed the hive tyrant with it it was the most purik of purex victories as leander now had to support a huge army of wraithguard and other undead eldar warriors over the next few years lyanna would be attacked time and time again by orcs the imperium chaos and tyranids and time and time again yuria would slaughter his enemies but the spear was eating his soul and he didn't have much life left in him but then the inari happened and suddenly he's good again because your net is awesome and definitely has no hidden grim duck side effects somehow liandon actually seemed to be on the upper whilst uriel kept the craft words safe others on lyandon were fulfilling a hectic prophecy that was super handy so yeah there you go just because 80 of your friends and family get eaten by space bugs of death doesn't mean it's gg but then they were attacked again but then it was okay again yeah poorly ended next up for the main craft words is same hand and they're just here to party if you took the white scars made them elder then de-asianified them you would get sam han as they love jet bikes quick attacks and dumplings due to this simpler life as well as the fact that sam han abandoned the elder empire well before the fall they haven't had too many issues compared to let's say i don't know lyandon they are hot-blooded people who like fighting but not waging war due their dickheadiness the other crawfords don't really like them hence they don't get dragged into many of the other conflicts even when the yanari arrived to recruit some of them a dark elder assassination squad arrived and interrupted the meeting meaning your reign couldn't really drum up much support on her next attempt i would recommend to her that she just tell the people of sam hen that united has super fast awesome jet bikes yeah that should do it the final main craft world is ulthway home of a cool colour scheme and eldrad who is by far the most impactful elder and even one of the characters in the entire setting ulthway is full of nerds it has so many nerds and by nerds i mean warlocks and farseers that it barely has any chad aspect warriors this is likely due to the fact that it was unable to properly escape the fall of the eldar it's the crawford has been caught in the gravitational pull of the eye of terror kind of ironic that the craft for the most amount of dudes that can see the future couldn't figure out that they probably needed to leave a couple days earlier as i was saying though their proximity to the ive tear is probably why so many of them have awesome nerd psycho powers cause you know warp spaghetti and whatnot as ulthway doesn't have many aspect warriors to compensate their guardians are really powerful and they're called the black guardians because of their armor obviously what were you thinking you racist piece of they also employ the use of battle warlocks hence they are more than capable of defending or attacking despite the lack of screechy [ __ ] by far their biggest strength though is their really accurate and solid ability to see the future unfortunately this seems to be coupled with intense autism which continues to ruin any relationship the imperial might have with the elder for example ulthaway sees that a planetary governor is secretly formed to chaos and will turn his planet into a big-ass demon-filled warp gate causing mass damage and suffering hence all three would send in a strike team to kill the governor and then leave they'd just save billions of lives and resources yet all the imperium saw is an esteemed governor just got blown up another example is that a huge orc is due to a takataw planet hence authway raids the planet in order to put the town alert and prepare for war hence meaning they are prepared for the orcs and defeat them but all the taos see is that all though were being dicks and just coincidentally worked out if authorized showed themselves as reliable to the other races then they could simply tell the other races of [ __ ] that is going to go down rather than having to antagonize themselves time and time again orthoi does the right thing in the wrong way and despite their foresight they often miss out on minor details which results in elder lives being lost now that's authorized summed up pretty much but i don't want to include eldrad's accomplishments here because elthor is always yelling at him or trying to banish him so i don't want to give them any credit i'm starting to think that there's a long linear correlation between being able to see the future and having poor people skills now onto some of the more minor but still badass craft worlds we have alm tansar whilst athway [ __ ] up and got caught in the eye of terra's gravitational pull forcing it to orbit it altas are really [ __ ] up and got sucked into the eye of terror now the eye of terror isn't the warp it's [ __ ] and i would give it a one star in trip advisor but it isn't literal hell it's like entry level hell hence despite alton sardine in the eye of terror for mostly unknown reasons they survived for ten thousand years the law states that they had some subtle help from uned but my theory is that this was the craftwell that produced morgan raha and considering morgan is by far the most powerful and badass elder running around it makes sense that his crawford can kick some serious demon ass eventually morgan who was there to escape his craft world before it got sucked by the eye decided that he would just go and get it as he went into the eye of terror found his still living craft world and dragged it out into real space now just because they survived doesn't mean they're unscathed the elder of alton sars speak only in whispers and do not remove their helmets which while sounds a bit silly makes complete sense if you were forced to play hide and seek for ten thousand years lest you get raped by demons i'm sure you wouldn't want to speak too loudly either elton tsar have recently come out and supported the inari but the other elder think that altons are a bunch of weirdos as there's no way a normal person can live in the eye of terror for ten thousand years next up is ill kaith which is a less known craft world but still quite cool they constantly fight against chaos and have the best bone singers around bone singers are eldar builders and blacksmiths who rarely fight but ill kaf have managed to train their bone singers to be able to play [ __ ] minecraft mid battle and use it to turn the tide they often ally with mankind and dark elder in their war against chaos onto libra seal which for a lack of a better term is a feminine craft world [ __ ] the patriarchy am i right as such they have a ton of howling banshees and pay special attention to female eldar gods and will try to recover artifacts such as the tier of isha or other random [ __ ] on the old eldar crone worlds now we have kalor who kind of suck they barely talk to the other crawfords and have a really stupid political system even the harlequins don't hang out with these guys basically they have political families that form houses that are always vying for control the aspect shrines prompts not to get involved in the politics hence after thousands of years of political [ __ ] no wars no contact with other crawfords and no aspect warriors telling them to pull their heads out of their own asses the craft would begun to restart its mass blood orgies like the ones that caused the fall of the elder then they had a civil war these guys could honestly all blow up one day and no one even noticed that's just how irrelevant they are the craft wood with the stupidest fate award goes to melantai male and tai fought against the splinter feat of high fleet naga and they won the battle however a small experimental tyranid was able to slip past and find its way into their elders infinity circuit where it begun to eat souls and grew into a gigantic invincible monster that destroyed the rest of the craft world no i'm not joking couple things wrong with this a a crawford's infinity circuit is their most prized thing ever i doubt they would ever leave it unattended for that long especially after a battle and b souls have little to no nutritional value get all right gw to lugeneth now who despite being a bunch of renegades that like raiding [ __ ] are actually solid dudes the other crawfords aren't big fans of loganath due to luganoth spending most of their time partying with the harlequins can't say i blame them the harlequins are wild lagenath almost exclusively only fights chaos and are responsible for the destruction of multiple cast warbands as well as fighting ironmen off the black library now we have them mymyria who has surprisingly deep lore considering how irrelevant they are unlike a lot of the other craft worlds my mirror was built during the fall of the elder to act as an arc for the planet of ye gestet mymyria for millennia these dudes and dudettes thought that they were the only crawford around and eventually they spawned the legendary phoenix lord aurelius his arrival taught my miria how to properly defend itself and actually kind of be a part of the galaxy and then he went off and died because i know it was funny or something a crawford that teaches us a lesson is kira yes slaanesh had a huge bonus for this craft world but her demons were unable to find a way in hence one of the keeper of secrets pretended to be an eldar male and downloaded tinder he was able to match with a naive maiden girl who invited him into the crawford to hold hands and [ __ ] i don't know how tinder works while there the disguised keeper deactivated the craft world's anti-rape defenses as the full force of slaanesh invaded killing everyone on board and devouring their souls oh yeah and the disguise keeper of secrets possessed the crawford's avatar of kane because that's a thing apparently good going maiden you horny [ __ ] the final minor craft world is that of yim lok who are known for their ability to build tanks and titans their times are the biggest and better eldar titans around finally at least one group of elders respect the rules of 40k that being the bigger the better they also have a proto-death star which is powered by souls unfortunately a soul-death laser beam constitutes a war crime hence umlock haven't been able to use it yet the [ __ ] thing is that in terms of craft worlds we aren't even halfway there yet however the rest of them are so minor that they're barely worth a mention but this video is every crawford explained so buckle up buckaroo and losses and dolphie a craftwoods are known for happily teaming up with the imperium is nearly was destroyed when the changeling demon impersonated a solitaire and launched an invasion dorae are a bunch of pretentious [ __ ] who think they're better than even the other eldar karan sikh often fight the ultramarines hence often lose miros is doomed kathoe is lost telena is the only crawford that the harlequins don't recruit from varantha has pretty gems and nice flowers idaha was destroyed by the legion of the dam for some stupid [ __ ] reason that makes no sense illa manash was destroyed by the nightlords lunasad tried to hide in the web way but accidentally went to the heart of cast itself and got sodomized mori or yi was destroyed by the imperium during the great crusade so was still earlier by the space wolves zartan got cucked by the green skins during the war of the beast and mir me miura gave fifth got clapped by have next to no information about them but they are likely still floating around somewhere else were destroyed in an unknown time for unknown reasons holy [ __ ] i feel like an indian with how much pseudohindu i've been speaking when i put out this video idea a bunch of you laughed at me and now i see why there are a lot of craft worlds [ __ ] dying race my ass the elder are fine and that does this for today guys all the different craft words explained if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more crafty content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 375,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eldar, Lore, Story, Craftworld, Explained, 40k, Warhammer, Gamesworkshop, Fantasy, Sigmar, Ulthwe, Lyanden, Biel Tan, Alaitoc, Black Library, Majorkill, Australia, Australian, Xenos, Chaos, Space Marines, Astarte, Primarchs, Emperor, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, Gaming, legendary, Necrons, orks, Tyranids, Tau, Imperium, Eye of Terror, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Ynarri, Dark Eldar, Harlequins
Id: 6ArxHttMLZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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