What was each Primarch's Opinion of the Great Crusade? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the great crusade was a pretty awesome time in humanity's history and not such a great time for literally everyone else a powerful godlike emperor leading 20 literal demigods who each had a legion of super soldiers not to mention the countless trillion trillion guardsmen and other military personnel with such overwhelming power mankind reunited its old empire and they claimed dominion over the galaxy having one million worlds under their domain the real impressive part is that it only took them like 200 years it truly was a glorious time there isn't much i can think of in a fantasy or sci-fi setting which could have matched the power of the imperium at its peak like they lowkey beat cthulhu so it might surprise you to hear that not all primarks the main tools of the crusade were stoked about it many of them became disillusioned with all the xenogenocide and others were just massive [ __ ] but by the end of this many were discontent after all if everyone was super happy about it then half of them wouldn't have sold their souls to the forces of hell near the end of it today we'll be going over each primark and sussing out their opinion of the great crusade by doing so it's likely we can get a good understanding of why each primark ended up either staying loyal or betraying the emperor let's get into it [Music] first up is the lion mr l johnson is incredibly steadfast and loyal more so than his other brothers the emperor trusted him completely which is why he gave the line all the dark age of technology weapons that the other legions weren't even allowed to know about the lion was very kane for the role of warmaster and he was disappointed when horus got it instead showing that he was pretty into the whole great crusade vibe and he relished the chance to kill mankind's enemies in style even after being decimated during the run done xeno side which is that cthulhu [ __ ] i mentioned the lion and his dark angels still didn't turn sour or lose faith in the emperor the fact that the lion went out of his way to destroy nearly every single traitor home world at the end of the horus heresy shows how much he valued the great crusade for the crime of ruining his fun his brothers lost their homes the second primark probably [ __ ] hated the great crusade because he was killed and his name forgotten during it like the lion fulgrim was super loyal and into the grey crusade unlike the lion he was not steadfast or reliable and he enjoyed sucking his dick way too much fulgram didn't question the great crusade at all genociding xeno races without a second thought it was almost like he was too into the great crusade though when a new zeno race would be discovered and the imperium wanted to try peacefully talk to them and maybe integrate them as a client state which was a thing by the way fulgrum was like no genocide and he would attack them this is what happened with the leia and fulgrim also ended up destroying a number of eldar maiden worlds just because he could fulgrim was like a mentally ill puppy sucking up to its emperor and wanting to be loved this instability combined with low-key demonic corruption resulted in fulgrim abandoning the great crusade in favour of horus's rebellion and slaanesh's many supple breasts perturbo didn't really vibe the great crusade probably had something to do with the fact that he always fought in the most horrific grueling war zones suffering immense casualties he got more and more jaded with each victory becoming a huge [ __ ] dick as time went on he was so callous and bitter that to serve as a guardsman under perturbo was a death sentence and he would make you do suicidal charges at enemy gun lines for no apparent reason eventually they had to start sending only penal legions and criminals to serve with purty because morale was getting so bad with the imperial army it didn't help that rogueldorn a primark very similar to purty was universally respected and allowed to build marvels even being chosen as the praetorian of terror ironically if perthe had just spoken up about wanting to fill more of a builder creation role rather than the siege master he probably could have gotten the job but he chose to suffer in silence and just gets super salty about everything so yeah wasn't exactly his favorite thing ever jagedai khan is a sensible man he saw that the emperor was a tyrant and that the great crusade was a vicious bloody conquest but he also saw refusing to join would result in his own death on top of that he recognized that the emperor wasn't that bad and that his vision for humanity was acceptable so whilst jagger wasn't jumping with joy like some of his brothers were he was pretty happy to ride space motorbikes around the galaxy and kill alien arse it's important to note that whilst the khan might seem like a bit of a savage he probably had the most common sense out of all of the primarks is the imperium good no is it better than a bunch of demonic rapists or rampaging aliens yes hence jagged would always pick the lesser evil if he was given the choice that was his approach to the great crusade rust was incredibly loyal to the emperor and he jumped at the great crusade with earnest it only took him a couple weeks to master and understand the ways of space warfare and galactic crusades before he was ready to set off on his own russ was the emperor's executioner and as such was tasked with some pretty nasty business it's theorised that rust was the primark who killed one or both of the missing primarks russ also fought and nearly killed angron before attacking and nearly killing magnus so out of all of his brothers russ was the first to engage a primark in battle multiple times before anyone else this didn't shake his resolve however he never seemed to question the emperor and he maintained his belief in him so it's fair to say that he was a big believer in the great crusade rogueldorn wasn't the most outspoken of the primarks but he believed heavily in the emperor's vision he saw the great crusade as an opportunity to build hence the imperial fists became known for solidifying the imperium's presence on a conquered world by building a big ass fortress on it rogol believed so much in his father's vision and the purity of their conquest that when he heard that conrad had a vision of the horus heresy aka astartes killing each other he lost his usually unchanging temper and he raged infuriated that someone could even insinuate the possibility for that kind of treachery little naive there rogel but hey we will rebuild the only time dawn's resolve was actually broken and he began to question himself and the imperium was when he was carrying his father's broken corpse to the golden throne can't really blame him on that one that would [ __ ] me up as well conrad did not have a good time during the great crusade mostly because his brain was [ __ ] melting half the time and showing him super dark visions conrad straight up said that he wished he was left alone to rule his own planet that way he never would have gotten all those [ __ ] up visions and his planet wouldn't have devolved back into a crime infested cesspit as soon as he left the latter of those points been a bit of a sensitive spot for poor conrad conrad was also not very well liked by his brothers for obvious reasons and even quite a number of his sons were too keen on him you might think that the fact that he could scare and torture the galaxy would be a big plus side for him but conrad isn't actually sadistic surprisingly he doesn't actually enjoy the pain and fear of others or at least he pretends he doesn't his terror tactics are to subjugate enemies with minimal losses of life and infrastructure not because he likes halloween so he couldn't even get a sadistic stiffy to make up for how much he hated his life it's no wonder he turned his back on the emperor so easily sanguinius had a bit of a rough upbringing landing on an irradiated wasteland planet where mutants killed the few remaining humans on the daily as such when told that the great crusade was away that all those suppressed scared humans could be liberated and raised up he was pretty keen sanguinis didn't love or relish war but he wasn't afraid to go super saiyan if he needed to he was also a very sensible lad insecure sure but very sensible as such whenever the emperor did one of his [ __ ] dada emperor things such as lying to his sons or going a little bit too hard on the war crimes instead of going ha see daddy's [ __ ] let's go [ __ ] demons and kill babies like harvey's brothers did sangee would instead say whilst i would prefer that father didn't lie he has these reasons and i trust him even if it was a real mistake on his part i would still rather stand beside him than suckle on some demonic tits talking to you fulgrim you [ __ ] freak that last part might have been a bit of embellishment on my part but he definitely thought it at least once or twice sanguinis remained a steadfast supporter of the go crusade any of the issues he had with this not been enough to influence any of his actions or loyalty primark 10 is ferris who had a blast ferris was a very competitive confrontational war lover he deliberately prevents his world from becoming civilized or united so they can produce great warriors he was one of his father's closest sons offering advice and opinions on the other primarks ferris was so infuriated with fulgrim for betraying the crusade and the imperium that he instantly tried to kill him despite the fact that they had the closest relationship out of all the primarks that's how loyal he was to the emperor and his vision he didn't even hesitate it's just a shame he lost his head primark 11 had just as much fun with the great crusaders primark ii which is none at all unless he was a massive match-assist or just a suicidal little emo angeron had mixed opinions about the great crusade he hated it because he hated everything he also didn't have his gladiator brothers and sisters by his side so he was eternally resentful towards the emperor and his vision for that on the other hand he was now able to massacre entire worlds using big fancy toys and a legion of super soldiers so that was definitely a plus but he would have felt that satisfaction from any other warlike conquest hence why he was so happy to abandon the great crusade and betray the emperor when the opportunity arose so overall he couldn't give two shits about the crusade or the emperor as long as he had something to kill giliman probably had the most interesting opinion of the grey crusade and unlike most of the other primarks we literally get to see his thought process and reflection of it making my job 1 000 times easier giliman thought of the crusade as a necessary evil but that didn't stop him from privately disapproving of some of the emperor's actions stuff like xenogenocide or the emperor making gilliam and punish lore guy by blowing up his favorite city were examples of [ __ ] that didn't sit right with giliman g-man would regularly argue with his brothers and the morality and ethics of what they were doing and how they were doing it he then reflected that the great crusade must have been a crude yet temporary phase of mankind's ascension one that should have ended in a golden age but instead became the horus heresy these internal thoughts on the matter are very interesting and they go back and forward i won't link it because last time i linked a reddit post i got a community guidelines strike but just google giliman's thoughts about the morality of the great crusade and it should be the first link mortarion wasn't really known as a very outgoing or passionate guy he kept mostly to himself hence many of his brothers were unaware of his attitude intentions or motivations he didn't seem to have an issue with the great crusade but he was disgusted by the use of psyches pushing for the council of naked to abolish the use of war powers beyond the basic essentials he then decided to join the factions of traders who use the warp like i use my [ __ ] sock so his convictions aren't ones i take very seriously he just kind of trudges along magnus was initially hyped about the great crusade an opportunity to explore the galaxy gain more knowledge and read more books however he suffered numerous setbacks that kind of ruined it for him firstly his legion had been infected by tit snitch causing most of them to turn into chaos spawn he sacrificed one of his eyes to save them by the time he had rebuilt his legion the pressure from lehman and mortarion caused the emperor to outlaw the use of the warp considering magnus loves the warp like a fat kid with low blood sugar loves a chocolate bar this was a huge l the l got even huger when magnus broke the empress webway project and got his spine snapped by lehman as a result of that then his soul was shattered and he's kind of been having a bit of a [ __ ] one ever since so whilst he enjoyed the actual crusade part he didn't get to enjoy it for long in between all of his little uh incidences none probably enjoyed the great crusade more than horus horus was by the emperor's side since pretty much day one of the crusade being the second son to be rediscovered after alpharius he believed in his father's vision and caused with all his heart performing incredibly well his loyalty could not be faulted at all until it suddenly very much could a combination of the emperor's poor parenting skills combined with horus daddy issues and insecurities combined with a chaos knife to the gut caused horus to go full g hard mode and ruin everything including the great crusade he had cherished for two centuries damn lorga didn't quite understand the job description of the great crusade the emperor wanted to conquer as much as the galaxy is physically possible in preparation of future threats like the orcs and rangdan the crusade had to be rapid and efficient or they would miss their window of opportunity hence when lorger joined the grey crusade he got put in the naughty corner pretty quick that's because when he conquered a world he would remain there for months or even years converting the population into a bunch of god emperor worshippers something the emperor a devout atheist despised so not only was lorger taking ages but he was also violating the emperor's vision as such lorger got spanked really [ __ ] hard after this spanking he fell to chaos so in terms of greg crusade enjoyment it's um a bit not quite there i mean i'm sure he enjoyed all the converting and the fire sale on choir boys but that was about it vulcan was in a similar boat to giliman he respected the emperor and agreed with his vision but all the genocide bloodshed and war was hard on the big cuddly man i mean yeah slightly hypocritical because he was the one who set a defenseless elder child on fire but he regretted it afterwards so that counts for something whatever grievances he had with the emperor's crusade were not even nearly enough to tip him towards the traitor's cause vulcan remained a steadfast loyal son of the emperor despite the horrors he had witnessed corvus corax was the only primark who was told of callus's existence before the heresy broke out such was the trust the emperor placed within him corvus first test as a primark was to nuke a city in order to force the enemies to surrender a tough choice the great crusade was just like that choice on a much bigger scale tough violent and difficult but with a choice that would benefit mankind overall unfortunately corvus was one of those sideline primarks we didn't really get a ton of lore of but i assume he had a sensible midway attitude towards the crusade necessary evil and whatnot and finally alfarius alfarias probably found the crusade to be a ton of fun considering he spent most of it disguised as a marine from nearly each legion as such alpharest got to know most of his brothers pretty well despite them not even knowing he even existed his legion acted in the shadows softening up enemy armies for the other legions to swoop in and mop up most of the time the incoming legion not even knowing the alpha legion had done most of the work for them alpharest was very arrogant and he liked doing [ __ ] like that for the lulls so i can comfortably say that he enjoyed himself thoroughly until rogeldord sliced them up like a [ __ ] shish kebab with a giga chad chainsword happens to the best of us buddy if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be really one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of um shmoosh mama shmentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more opinionated content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 279,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: X6bsiA5iqg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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