The Perpetuals EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal people die all the time in 40K after all it's not called cuddle Hammer people die so much that even the people who technically cannot die still manage to die these supposedly Immortal and invulnerable individuals are called the perpetuals a collection of men and women who are either born like this naturally or who became a Perpetual through the intervention of wildly overpowered xenos being a Perpetual isn't just about living for a long time and being able to walk off a nuclear strike many perpetuals also have other abilities such as being able to turn into like a hectic monster or conquer the Galaxy yes the emperor is a Perpetual so with all their power immortality and durability why is every Perpetual in the setting either dead extremely crippled or missing that's what we'll answer in the next 10 minutes or so before we get started You Beautiful greasy bastards The Stereotype of what a Warhammer fan looks like is not a pretty one but that doesn't mean we can't 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whilst the emperor is the greatest soccer to ever live the second type are the perpetuals who've been created or edited artificially either by the Emperor or an advanced conclave of aliens called the cabal the cabal would approach talented humans and offer them the chance to become immortal in exchange for serving the cabal as an agent John grammaticus is the most well known of these and whilst they are still perpetuals they are no way near as powerful as the Natural Born except maybe Vulcan but his power comes from his massive biceps and Primark status rather than his perpetualness these cabal perpetuals are basically just Immortal agents who are super hard to kill regardless ancient Earth now had a small but influential group of low-key Gods the emperor the greatest of the perpetuals wanted to find and collect the other natural born perpetuals and form a hectic boy band he wanted them to be the rulers and guides of humanity to bring an Age of Enlightenment and evolution to mankind however almost all perpetuals are extremely up themselves and egotistical after all Oda literally called herself a homo Superior not in like a dominant gay way but as a step up from Homo Sapien so now you've got a bunch of five star chefs all trying to cook from the same pot on top of that the emperor was a super hectic dude with extreme ambition it put off a lot of the perpetuals and one by one they abandoned him with a few that left him even setting up their own kingdoms and armies and literally Waging War against the emperor the only perpetuals that remained by his side throughout the eons was erda and malcador however the empress still held a lot of respect for Atlantis Pious even though Atlantis did stab him once when the emperor wanted to keep a heretical chaos Library intact in order to study whilst Alanis wanted to destroy it for the other perpetuals it's not entirely clear what happened did they go into hiding when the emperor beat them did he find a way to kill them are they locked away in the Dark Cells I would assume they were exiled as the emperor had a soft spot for the perpetuals and would often let them leave him without retribution after all when urda eventually abandoned him as well as [ __ ] up his Primark project he left her in peace despite knowing where she was and then as I mentioned he forgave Alanis for stabbing him after all the Primark project wasn't the emperor's original Dream he wanted the perpetuals to be his generals the primarks were a plan B as the perpetuals left him the emperor realized that plan a just wasn't going to happen anymore so using his own Brilliance a shady deal with the warp and DNA combined with that of erda he was able to make 21 demigod Sons it's likely that the Betrayal of the perpetuals and their subsequent abandonment is what made the emperor very cold and ruthless less so what happened to each of the Natural Born perpetuals well out of the ones we know the emperor is currently acting as the Galaxy's most potent lithium battery due to his bold Sun's insecurities resulting in them selling their souls to hell and ruining everything like I said the primarks were Plan B for a reason his Perpetual power is what is keeping him somewhat alive as his body regenerates and decays at an equal rate also as a sub note I believe that the emperor is such a powerful psycho not just because of his mind and soul but because his body is able to weather the effects of overwhelming psychic power if a psychic is to go all out it's not that they hit a ceiling with their power but they will often lose control and explode die or mutate however with a regenerating body they would be out of weather these obscene displays of psychic power anyone that has read the Thousand Sons Horus heresy book and remembers the Battle of Prospero will recall how retardedly overpowered the Thousand Sons were as they Unleashed their complete psychic potential only for them to then mutate into cow spawn or literally explode from overcharging after leaving the emperor went into exile for many years living a simple life away from everything with the company of a few servants and a Space Marine who was actually one of the first Space Marine ever made until she was approached by a fellow Perpetual John grammaticus about accessing the Imperial Palace erdo wasn't able to help much but gave them her Space Marine to help Erebus later came to her and demanded she joined chaos she told him to eat a [ __ ] dick so he summoned forth four greater demons one from each God to fight her in turn she went off [ __ ] anime mode and killed all four demons however the ordeal had weakened her to a point where Erebus was then able to stab her with a special chaos knife similar to the one that wounded Horus and permanently killed her malkador was another Natural Born perpetual and the only one to never actually abandon the emperor malcolor wasn't an idiot he knew the emperor was a hectic man and that a lot of what he was wasn't good however malcolor also knew that there was no stopping the Big E so by joining him as he second in command he could influence the emperor's realm and make it better hence that is what malcolor did acting as the empressee of the Imperium of mankind malcolo didn't really have much in the way of special powers Beyond being a very very powerful psycho however he was very durable able to cop a backhand from laga a hit that would instantly kill any other Mortal man and was launched like 20 meters he simply got up and dusted off his robes as his broken bones reattached themselves when the emperor had to get up and face Horus he needed malcolor to sit on The Golden Throne while he did so in order to keep the web away gate shut as malcolor wasn't strong enough The Golden Throne drained his Essence and brought him to the brink of death with the small life he had left he gave it to the emperor to help save the emperor's life turning to dust as he did so when I say that malcolor wasn't the only Perpetual that didn't abandon the emperor that isn't entirely true Aliva sareka remained loyal however the emperor kind of abandoned her see when the emperor went to Molech with his perpetuals who at the time were still vibing with him in order to gain more power he left Oliver to watch over Molech and to protect the warp gate so that no one else could harness the same power however with no one really knowing about the warp gate or anyone attacking mulletch combined with a real Garrison getting put on the world during the Great Crusade she became a bit redundant and settled down on the planet living with different people and getting laid what a queen however when Horus went full jihadist mode and wanted to attack Molech to try and take the same power the emperor had she attempted to sacrifice her Perpetual power to seal the gate permanently however just before she could Horus interrupted her and impaled her on his claw but you know perpetual and all that so she walked it off and made her way to Terror malcolor found her and they both spoke with Magnus the red whom malkador and the emperor wanted to bring back into the fold of the Loyalists however the unstable Magnus lost his [ __ ] turbo [ __ ] malcolor with a massive psychic blast and a lever was shot with a bolt gun after she regenerated she found malkador's charred corpse which wasn't regenerating due to the nature of magnus's attack hence she transferred her Perpetual Essence to malkador bringing him back to life but dying in the process man for supposedly unkillable people the Perpetual sure [ __ ] die lot then there was Alanis person a man whom the emperor deeply respected Alanis was probably the only non-ambitious ego Maniac perpetual and once he left the empress side he wanted a humble life after all he was actually older than the emperor Ollie was a devout Catholic and he was also a steadfast Warrior taking part in the world wars and many others in Old Earth during the Great Crusade he signed up to become an Imperial Army soldier and was able to honorably retire to Ultramar after a long and distinguished career he became a humble farmer and continued to practice his Catholic religion the only man in the galaxy to do so Ollie was also an agent of the cabal as their purpose was to fight chaos and preserve the Galaxy two things Ollie vibed with when [ __ ] got hectic during the heresy he started working with John grammaticus to reach Terror it's not known what will happen in Old Law it was Alanis who sacrificed himself to save the emperor thus immortalizing himself in the Imperial cult but it's unclear if this will be his final fate either way I do believe he will die at the end of the heresy the final Natural Born Perpetual is a bit of an interesting case as he has been the only natural born petrol that we know of for over 40 000 years the gray Knight and Val Thorne anval was already a legendary gray Knight before his first death and revelation of being a Perpetual he has banished numerous Heavy Hitters such as kugaf and he helped beat inkari in Karu was actually the first one to kill him since then he has died numerous times always returning to full life soon after he is a legend within the gray Knights and even the Elder Revere him however he also may have been retconned in earlier law he was set up as this serious character amongst the likes of Dante and manias kalgar however in more recent law he doesn't get mentioned much and recent codexes that do speak of him don't mention his Perpetual status just that he was killed by inkari so it's unclear if he's still a badass Perpetual or if GW wanted to make natural born perpetuals more special and extinct so they killed him off now for the non-natural born perpetuals I'll discuss their status but also how they became perpetuals in the first place first is Primark Vulcan a Primark with Perpetual Powers is a sight to behold an unkillable God of War some something that can only ever be contained never destroyed so whilst he was born as a Perpetual he's about as Natty as liver King unlike a lot of other perpetuals Vulcan was super super hard to kill Magnus used a more advanced version of the psychic attack that he killed malcolor with and Vulcan was able to weather it kill Magnus and then regenerate he was also Conrad cursor's prisoner for a while as the Primark of the nightlords killed Vulcan over and over again but never been able to truly put him down even when Vulcan was stabbed with a full grite which is a crystal formed from the emperor's psychic might which is supposed to be the only thing that can actually kill a Perpetual he was able to come back to life but to be fair he needed the help from another Perpetual Vulcan was last seen tackling a massive orc into a vat of pure wire energy likely atomizing himself it's unclear if this was his true death or if he regenerated a win into Exile however Vulcan has said that upon the salamanders retrieving all the artifacts of Vulcan he will return the cabal a collection of psychically powered alien races were able to create perpetuals John gramaticus Damon parantus and a few others were examples of this while they did enjoy immortality and regeneration they weren't particularly powerful with Jon once fighting a Lucifer black and barely surviving despite his centuries of experience Jon was by far the most impactful of these agents and he did some Galaxy altering stuff like being the one to reach the alpha Legion and bring them over to the Trader's cause this is because the cabal wanted Horace to win due to a prophecy which stated that if Horus won Humanity would die and take chaos with it leaving the Galaxy pure for the Xeno racist to rise again eventually John is like [ __ ] this as he was sick of portraying his own race after the cabal wanted John to kill Vulcan with the Fulbright Jon instead used the Fulbright combined with his own Perpetual Essence to cure Vulcan of his Insanity as a result of all the pain and death he had experienced leaving Jon as a mortal man Jon's final fight is not yet known but right now he is working with eldrad and Alanis Pearson to save the Imperium the other known cabal agent was Damon perantis who was much more loyal to the cabal he worked with Jon until John went rogue at that point Damon imprisoned him and wanted to force him to work for the cabal however eldrad found them and killed Damon with the full gride been the first and only time the Perpetual killing weapon actually killed a Perpetual the emperor was also able to make perpetuals but in a bit of a different way in order to keep the void Dragon locked under Mars the emperor would bestow a small sliver of his power to a certain individual first it was Semion but then later it went to Dalia sithra this sliver gave them immortality and technically made them more Perpetual however every few thousand years the guardian chooses to die and give their perpetuality to another so it's not really the best version of it now for the two random ones we have the empress Children Of Studies modrach who was granted Perpetual powers and then became an unwilling test dummy for Fabius bile after all what better test subject than one that comes back to life after each failed experiment mordrex still probably lives the last time he saw him he got turned to dust but this usually isn't a huge deal for a Perpetual we also have cyreni volanteon who was resurrected as a part of a chaos ritual and was inadvertently given Perpetual Powers as a result old probably the most random example of it she would go on to eventually leave the word berries with her current fate is unknown so from this we ask the question what the [ __ ] does it take to actually kill a Perpetual well it really does depend on the Perpetual Vulcan was able to weather magnus's Perpetual killing sorcery whilst malcolor was not erdo was killed by a chaos knife that wasn't known as a Perpetual killer Damon was killed by the fulcrite it seems like any weapon that attacks a Perpetual Soul or life Essence rather than their physical body can actually kill them stuff like The Golden Throne for example either way the true perpetuals are more or less extinct would the emperor being the only kind of a live one an anvil Thorne potentially not even being Canon anymore either way they're a super interesting bit of 40K law and I hope you enjoyed learning more about them if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini we have just launched the orc demon killer which yes it's him so get it while it's hot hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more immortal content join the Discord for more memes in austrial in the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 327,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: MD1TqANanXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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