Desire Spiritual Gifts

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is a [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord we want to thank you for blessing us again to be a symbol in the house of worship on this another Lord's Day thank you Lord for the celebration of Pentecost calling to mind the original descent of the holy spirit upon the church we pray Lord today that you would just give us another Pentecost not just another date that is celebrated but another genuine outpour we wait today even as the disciples in the upper room we wait as empty pitchers before full fountain we wait as those who were there at the Pool of Bethesda desiring the troubling of the water we wait hallelujah visit us with the presence baptize those who have need of a heavenly baptism those who have been baptized but somehow that Joanne has run though give us another refilling we wait Lord touch us from the crown of our head to the very soul of a thief come Holy Spirit come heavenly doll Kindle a flame within the hearts of your field we give you glory we give you praise in Jesus name thank you lord thank you all hey hold askew come in this one all this fear [Music] [Applause] way coming [Music] only Oh Oh and the green or waterway [Music] Oh [Music] Luva mr. that we're not only saying you're welcome in this physical structure that we call temple of deliverance but you said that our bodies are the temple of God and Lord you're welcome in this place you're welcome in my heart you're welcome in my mind [Music] will this fear while our well [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah Wow [Music] minami when the presence of God comes we dispense with formalities and we tell the Lord that we're your people you our Father we're your children you know what things we have need of before we ask and we want you to just come in and be fully glorified and magnify in the midst of you hallelujah hallelujah Oh everybody maybe can't identify but if that's somebody in here that's really hungry for another Pentecost [Applause] in the Old Testament there were two men one named native and the other name of by who and they offered strange fire upon the altar in other words rather than wait for the fire that was authorized by God they made up their own side we're so busy nowadays you know wanting to impress people with what we've got and we know long even Bible to speak in tongues as the spirit give utterance we just speak when we get ready but God wants to revisit us really want that reason visit but you want that dissertation [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] tell them hold it still Wow [Music] would it be [Applause] [Music] [Music] only [Music] by [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] there it is thirsty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] one thing you should never forget that when the presence of God comes because we are his people he is cognizant of all of our needs and somebody saying preach I got the Holy Ghost I'm speaking with tongues and I didn't come today for that I I need a healing and Paul says likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmity we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself make it intercession for us with groanings that cannot be on it the Holy Ghost is here and the copies here you can be healed hmm or you just all reach out and tell somebody the Jesus in here and the Holy Ghost in here be healed be the never be set free [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] well they just see that they came [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah God is moving by his spirit he won't [Music] in all here [Music] ha and where [Applause] [Music] can you tell them moon [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah where's he moving [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me thank you Oh hallelujah I'm trying to get to the message [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but now the move of the Holy Ghost taken place now yeah [Music] have the healing taken place over there somebody haven't been able to kick the habit that will deliverance taking place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody in here the Lord is saying you'll never never never be the flame again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] jingle comes in new life begins and you'll never I said never I don't know who it is but God saying that to somebody what's already happening you you didn't expect but the Holy Ghost demands of you you'll never never be the same again thank you Lord hallelujah [Applause] I don't want nobody in this building I don't want you to say one single word because I told you but if something is bubbling over in your spirit I want you to just get up now and give God some praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] now if you can give them a hand the prey even be seated [Music] [Applause] and I so love you Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord [Music] follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 1 but rather that you may prophesy three things that the Apostle Paul is saying follow after charity desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy I want to focus upon the second statement desire spiritual gifts desire spiritual gifts the Apostle Paul recognized even in the day in which he lived that even members of the body of Christ have a tendency to become carnal minded to won't only the physical and the tangible but the physical things the tangible things the things of this carnal life will only last for a while but those things that are spiritual they are eternal he did not say that I gifts that's something that is innate within us that makes us automatically desire gifts no young lady our senior sisters either feels that the man in her life loves her if it's always words and never gifts birthdays anniversaries special days we expect gifts and so many times we can get into such a physical pattern and carnal pattern that when we come to the house of the Lord and we become members of the body of Christ like the rest of the world we are so wrapped in the materialism that we are contented only to be a member of the church but the Lord is saying to his people I not only want you to be a member of my body but I also want you to have an appetite for the things that I offer and the things that I offer are spiritually God will not give us anything in the realm of the Spirit unless we desire it Jesus and his sermon on the mount that's recorded in the fifth chapter of Matthew he said blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness they shall be filled I've often told you that God is not going to take his spiritual benefits and do you as my mother used to do me when I was a child that was a certain time of the year that I think the older people just believe that we just had to be cleaned out and if you call the sneeze we are upon allergies now back when I was a child there was no such thing in our language as allergies if you sneeze you have a cold if you call you had a cold hello somatic so the way that they thought to get rid of the cold wants to get that bottle of squibs cast off and whether you want it or not here it comes if you had to hold your nose while they pull it down your throat you had to take it but God is not going to hold our nose he is not going to tie us down and try our mouth open and pour in both things that are spiritual if we want it from God we've got to have a desire desire spiritual gifts now always in studying these three chapters if you come to any part of either one you should really read all three chapters 12 13 and 14 of first Corinthians are always to be studied together now in chapter 12 Paul discusses nine spiritual gifts he discusses nine but he alludes to five additional gifts and in chapter 13 he shows up the excellences of love over spiritual gifts but finally in chapter 14 he lifts prophecy above tongues well let's go back and and trace this look for a moment in first Corinthians chapter 12 and you will notice that he starts off saying now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant and he comes on down and begins to tell us about the different gifts and he discusses more in depth nine of them look at verse five there are differences of administration but the same Lord there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal fostro one is given what spirit by the spirit the word of wisdom huh to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit you've got to right come on the verse nine to another faith by the same spirit to another the gift of healing by the same spirit you got for now right verse 10 to another the working of miracles that's fine to another prophecy to another learning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another interpretation of tongue now they are nine come on down to verse 28 he still discussing gifts God has set some in the church first apostles that's one of the other gifts you can look in Ephesians chapter four and verse eleven and twelve and he gives us the fivefold ministry but he tells us earlier he's led captivity captive and gave what gifts unto men and he gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors some teachers so that in another place he talks about five but he talks here he dissolutes to the apostles and then he secondarily says prophets will use the non preacher he already mentioned the gift of prophecy but there's a difference between the gifts of opposite and a person being a prophet tell somebody just because you proper sign doesn't mean you are prophet this is we're in a spiritual body people easily get messed up now the presence of God may come in and cause you one day to prophesy but just because the Lord use you in prophecy don't jump up top my told me proper this sword so to use you one time in prophecy that doesn't mean your prophet he may use you to heal somebody but it doesn't mean you've got the gift of healing or what's remaining preachers you read in the sixteenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark and he said these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they will cast out devils huh their feet with new tongues they shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover that simply means every believer at some time or another in your life you ought to have the experience of praying for somebody and they get healed but just because you laid hands on one of your brother's assistants and they got healed does not mean that you've got the gift of healing if you want to see the gift operate you look at something like Mark chapter 6 Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and there he could do none of his mighty works because they did not believe in him save our except he didn't lay hands on a few sick folk and healed he came into his hometown where there was mass unbelief but even with nobody believing in him he still before he left town heal simple now that forgive but see you may not have that gift but under the best of circumstances your faith is running high the person you're praying for that faith is running high sometimes the saints of God are round and everybody's praying and you lay hands on somebody and they get healed don't let the devil make you jump up and run oh I got it God has given me the gift of healing anybody I'll lose you sins on now you're gonna leave these hands on somebody and they gonna die amen because number one whatever the gift is it is for God not us to be glorified and birth 28 he alludes to the gift of teachers and then the gifts of healing helps turn to somebody and tell them it's a spiritual gift to be able to help in the body of Christ everybody is not a leader but there some people God have gifted you to be able to help oh my God if they make you the president of a group it will be the biggest mistake in the church but almost anybody can put on something and you can get behind it and boost it and make it a success you got the gift to help well let me see where is that this scene in the choir you got some folk that a great background singers oh my god they can come out with that Alto they can come out with that soprano that tenor bass or whatever it is but if you make the mistake of thinking because that individual is a good background singer that they going to be a good leader you put them up the lead and here they are singing that background par lead the impart singing it's divided where all of it when it's blended together it's beautiful but when you stand up the seat seeing the lead you ought to have a lead boy you don't supposed to get up singing the ten apart after leave your there's some that have a gift to help and then God is also given gifts of govern meant now the government sets parameters in which you ought to operate it means that were controls means there are rules there are laws and you're told that even though you have freedom you don't have license license to do whatever freedom operates according to a constitution according to law we've got a lot of folks now in our churches they are not subject to anything not subject to anybody they don't believe in denominations they don't believe in organizations but the gifts of government is a spiritual gift and no matter where you are there has to be a spiritual authority the past of the church is not the boss but he's the spiritual authority hello yo and sometimes we get carried away with emotion and we think well if I feel this thing then don't nobody supposed to stop me but the Word of God Paul says that the spirits of the prophets are subject to the Prophet I don't care how caught up you are when the spiritual authority was it's the pastor or was it somebody whom the pastor have left in control and no matter how everybody is dancing and caught up and it's the wait that's it hold it hold it okay how you feel your spirit is to become subject hello we had a Bible sick squinch not the spirit [Applause] I know the word is quenched but that's the way I hear y'all think squinch not the spirit that don't mean be wild and out of control simply means when the Spirit of God within you is giving you a leading and giving you a direction hello that you are not to reject that spiritual leading don't have anything to do with what you feel emotionally why you praising God it has to do with the spirit direction in your life hello y'all and if the Spirit of God is leading you some of y'all been sitting up in you know old churches where they don't even believe in the holy gold and the presence of God has come and baptized you and the Lord is telling you how you come on out from among and be separated and you and you make up every excuse no I got to stay over here to try to help them and the only thing that happened is they help you to come back into the d3 the spirit told you to come out and when you don't obey the spirit that's when you switch the spirit when the Lord has placed an anointing upon your life and you know that he has given you a place in the ministry the preaching ministry the teaching ministry or whatever it is but because of whatever reason you just I'm not gonna do it and you know the Lord is dealing with you and you insist I'm not gonna do it just somebody tell them that's when you quench the spirit but when you insist on shouting and dancing and the preacher is ready to deliver the word and he tell everybody alright calm down now let's get ready for the Word of God nobody's quenching your spirit because the Spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet now that gives me some background on what I wanted to say about the 14th chapter Paul is talking in the 14th chapter and I'm not going to go through it verse by verse you can read it and he says some critical things about tongues speaking about I'm to those who you know a present as a barbarian and he talks about speaking and nobody understand what you're saying Paul is trying to set the Corinthian church in order they had done just what you would do if periodically I didn't come back to the Word of God to try to show you how the worship God and yet have order they were so carried away with the gift of God and they are bility to speak with tongues that when they would come together they paid no attention to the unbeliever in their midst who needed an intelligent explanation concerning God's plan of salvation the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues to them was like a brand-new toy and from the time they open until they finally closed everybody was talking in tongues and nobody would wait for another person's message to be interpreted they just all talking in tongues and Paul said somebody come into your midst and you're like a barbarian geez I thank God I speak with tongues more than you all but I'd rather speak three words with an understanding than ten thousand in an unknown tongue because if I could speak in the language that people understand they'll know how to be saved they'll know what it is to become a believer in Christ but they'll never get any intelligence while the everybody is just never above another but he was not condemning tongue as an initial evidence but he was condemning the ongoing practice of the church speaking in tongues and not giving an understanding let me give you a good idea of what I'm talking about there is no mother or father who is going to be contented if a newborn child is just born in their family and the doctor whoever deals hold him up and whack him on his rib and he don't cry he's expected to cry when he cries I mean that's a good welcome you gonna cry a whole lot in this world so welcome to the real world that child cries soon as he gets here it's an evidence that the child is not stillborn it's an evidence that you have a healthy child hello when that child wants attention in the middle of the night is gonna cry but he's not gonna cry all the time Oh y'all don't hear me when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost the initial evidence is that you are going to speak with tongue that's the equivalent of the fact that now that you're in here you're crying you got it but as you grew you may not cry all the time you may just cry every now and then God gives to something gifts of tongues every time they go to church they don't speak and some of you haven't spoken in tongues in a long time but you know you got the Holy Ghost and the reason you know you got the Holy Ghost is that you spoke in tongues as an initial evidence hello somebody preacher planty you get that from first of all the Lord said in mark chapter 16 concerning the signs that would follow the believer not only in my name shall they cast out devils and lay hands on the sick but they shall do what speak with new tongues well second Corinthians 5:17 therefore if any man be in Christ he is what a new creature so if you a new creature you ought to speak a new language you used to lied use profanity but now you're gonna speak the truth hello somebody and all the day of Pentecost chapter 2 of the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost is at the beginning will fully come they were all together in one place with one apart southern leg that came of sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind filled all the house where they were sitting they appeared unto them cloven tongues like the fire set upon each of them they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and then what began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit of God gave them utterance now it goes on to mention those who are dwelling at Jerusalem from every nation under heaven and they heard them speak what in their own language the wonderful works of God so the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost gave them to speak with what other tongues which were languages of the earth that they had never learned mark that in your Bible Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 they speak in other tongues which were other languages of the earth that they had not learned but when you look in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 Paul said though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels tell somebody they have languages in heaven and the language in heaven is not spoken on earth that for heavens language is toll unknown tongues hello and I look again to first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue he's not speaking at other times other tongues means you're speaking the language of Earth but in another country and a lot of that took place at the turn of the century back when the Azusa Street revival was going on in 1906 and 1907 I remember reading in a book that was written by the author John L Cheryl and editor of guideposts magazine and he wrote a book entitled they speak with other tongues and he was covering the things and the events as he had dug him up out of the old newspapers and from people who were eyewitnesses of the Azusa revival and one of the stories that really gripped my spirit a little girl nine years old she was praying one night and went off into tones and people had come from all over the world because of this strange phenomenon that was taking place on Azusa Street that little girl began to just pray in tongues and there was a man there from the section of the world where that language was spoken and he was absolutely mystified and dumbfounded because he had come to criticize but he heard this girl bring in a language that was the language of an Arminian culture and she was praying for the safety of submission areas in a small Armenian village and the Holy Ghost gave them many instances where people came and heard baths language being spoken that's other tones but when you speaking in unknown tongue that could be somebody here from every language under the heaven and they wouldn't know what you're saying because understand what he's saying here he that speaketh in an unknown tongue does what speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man the Russian man the Chinese man the Yugoslavian man the African man the australian man hello yo the Parisian man the American you know man understand that him why hallelujah how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries and when you stop praising God and God brings an unknown tongue you're speaking directly to him and nobody knows what you're saying unless God gives somebody the interpretation hello y'all we saw a beautiful illustration of that the first Sunday last month when the young lady came up whose jaws were locked them for days hadn't spoken hadn't eaten I just prayed briefly with her put my hands on a jaw and the next thing she felt something and she started feeling a jaw and opened her mouth and the first thing that came out we knew her I was open but you didn't know what she said cause the first word she spoke was in tongues and as she began to praise the law in terms it was still about thirteen or fourteen hundred folk in here the Holy Ghost is a living reality and when you are born of the Spirit and baptized in the spirit just like that newborn baby that starts crying meaning it's the healthy birth I'm here when the Holy Ghost comes upon you you may not have the gift and you may not speak every time you go to church but as an initial evidence you go say something in the 10th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles Peter is preaching in the house of Cornelius verse 44 says while Peter yet spake these words you don't even have to wait for the laying on of hands you don't have to wait for somebody to pray over you Peter wasn't doing anything but preaching but his method centered on Jesus Jesus had told his disciples but comforter which is the Holy Ghost the father will send them to you house in my name and there's something about that name I set that this morning at eight o'clock service while the priests team was singing they did about full songs and they pull those first three songs and they pull them and then when they got to the last when it stopped singing Jesus Jesus Jesus there is something about your name and all in the balconette all over the church and all in the Christ and it was like somebody had lit a match to a room full of gasoline it just exploded and Jesus told us in the Gospel of John as he talked about what the Holy Ghost would do in chapter 14 15 and 16 says when he is come he will not speak of himself hallelujah whatsoever he hear it that shall he speak and he will testify of me jesus said when the Holy Ghost comes in that's why you can't be important because Jesus said when the Holy Ghost come in he's not gonna even talk about himself he's going to come here and testify about Jesus Christ in other words the Holy Ghost and God laughs like gong Jesus and it proclaims how bright Dawa our lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world hallelujah now eternal Word of God the word that will be flesh and with hunger power hang up How Great Thou art and as the Holy Ghost magnifies cheese and you try to praise them to the best of your ability with what little English you know and all of a sudden while you're praising him he'll take those words that you're trying to say in English he'll transfer it into the language of the Spirit and before you know it the words are coming out I'll never forget the night he baptized me first time in my life I ever spoke words that didn't pass through my brain you know it's something about it you when you talk you think you know your words a scream that they go through the brain it's a thought process but I was praising the Lord and while praising him the next thing I knew words start flowing words that didn't pass through my brain they just came like Jesus said believe on me of the scripture said and it won't come from your brain but out of your belly hallelujah Wow down on the inside while you're praising him the rivers will flow it may start off with thank you Jesus it may start off with Lord I love you it makes start off with how the new you but one stream will overflow another and before you know it is off into a heavenly language and the devil don't like it no but that will doesn't like it why he doesn't like it go back into the book of Exodus and you'll find that when Moses walked in and told Pharaoh the Lord said let my people go Moses threw down a rod that turned into a serpent and anything that God does the devil tries to counterfeit it touch somebody and tell them the devil wants you to believe in psychics but he don't want you to believe in the Holy Ghost but Moses serpent swallowed veils up this is a world where the devil wants to have a copyright on things that are mystic he wants to have a copyright on things that are spiritual he wants you to believe in witches and warlocks he wants you to believe in the power of the devil but he doesn't want you to believe that Jesus Christ goes any further than his teachings of love your enemies do good to them that despitefully use you go to church on Sunday for our don't nobody fight that but when you stop praising God and go off into another length oh my god is something strange about that no that's the real thing that devil worship and that voodoo and that who do that's the counterfeit that's the sleekness don't get eaten up but what you ready hallelujah step into the realm of the Spirit and God bestows upon you his spiritual gifts doesn't matter what the devil try to do to you with the Holy Ghost inside of you jesus said he will show you things to come ask somebody why do you need a psychic when he got the Holy Ghost my god reason you've not permitted breeze you got so many deceived this Christian pillow yo breeze you got so many Christians that don't know who they are and where they are Christians that the devil is scoping on Christians that the enemy help Fred to walk out of that door Christians that can't get heel of a headache Christians that don't have enough power to move out from the rats and the roaches is because the devil can watch you from the spiritual side believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved but have you received the Holy Ghost tell somebody the Spirit has many gifts but you can't get the gift will out forgive us all y'all don't hear me does not spiritual gift desire terms and interpretation desire the gift of faith desire gift of a word of knowledge desire the power to work miracles but you can't do any of the things off the spirit until you yes the spirit and when you get the spirit you'll know you've got him because he'll bah he'll see the wonderful works of God one thing about the Holy Ghost hallelujah he doesn't come in you for gloom and doom he comes in for you to speak the wonderful work of God Peter in the house of Cornelius in the tenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles while he yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word though that came with Peter the Jews said can anybody forbid water that these should not be baptized seeing they have received the Holy Ghost the same as we well how you know they got the whole we heard him speak with tongues and magnify God Paul in the nineteenth chapter of Acts and I'm fixing the clothes came to Ephesus finding certain disciples said unto them help you receive the Holy Ghost since you believe that we never heard well that being a holy gold Paul so how are you baptized you should have heard something about the Holy Ghost and you got baptized baptized under John's baptism he's a John just baptized with the baptism of repentance talking about him that would come after that is on Jesus Christ and when they heard this he baptized them over and when he baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus under the authority of Jesus Christ the way Jesus told them to be baptized when they came up out of the water Paul laid his hands on them it was about twelve men and they thought speaking in tongues the Apostles root for the signs for the evidence of speaking with tongues now you people that I just want to be a member of the church I don't want to get in all the bad just but if you remember the church you'll be a member of the church but you won't have the power to carry you through and don't fool yourself you don't get in it the devil is going to put you in trouble the devil you don't put you in tribulation the devil is gonna put you in hot trials but if you want to come through that means come in it and get out of it you need the power of the Holy Ghost hallelujah if you want to just be a member come and warm up you give your tithes and offerings when the Holy Ghost goes to work then you you can do that if you want but I'm here to tell you God wants you to be a dynamic Christian a dynamic saint a dynamic member of the body of Christ and if you're going to be a dynamic member of the body of Christ you need the Holy Ghost just like he was poured out on Pentecost the day of the Holy Ghost is not over Peter said on the day of Pentecost when all of that excitement stirred up Jerusalem and the people said they must be drunk for consists of cruel things about you and I don't mind going down lab temple of deliverance here once a while at the bishops a pretty good teacher but when y'all start all that other stuff that I don't want to be a part of that they say a whole lot about you they'll say you've lost your mind in the upper room they said they were drunk but Peter said I want you to know bees are not as you suppose in fact if you had looked at your watch you know they are not drunk it's only the third high of the day they haven't even had time to drink enough liquor to make them this drunk but the thing that's happened in them this is that it's the thing that the Prophet Joel talks about not said in the last days I'm gonna wow oh here is what all flesh sometimes you just want to lift up your hands and tell him pull it out upon all flesh hallelujah and your son and your daughter tell somebody the thing is genderless God don't care whether you're male or female you said I poured out on all flesh sons and daughters will prophesy all men will dream dreams young men will see visions a long but I heard him said not go in right here while the prize is under you it's to your children it's all them that are far off even as many and the Lord our God shall call I'm glad he didn't stop pouring it out in the upper room I'm glad he saved some fog loose a street but he didn't pour it all out all through the streets Sunday night September the 16th 1956 in Detroit Michigan New Jerusalem Church of God and Christ 7 361 linwood avenue right on the corner of Lowepro between 10:30 and 11 o'clock at night he [Music] the devil tried to make me doubt it because while I was praising the Lord I said about two or three words and the devil burst into my cloud and say hey you you didn't get no Holy Ghost your tongue just got tangled up and I had to carry on a mental battle with the devil I had been taught that when the Holy Ghost come God would change my language and I told the devil nothing the devil you alive I know this is the Holy Ghost and as I continue to pray God one power grabs another begin the flow from down only inside and out of all of the things that the devil have tried to do to me he has never made me doubt that I have the Holy Ghost things that he did that were designed to take my joy things that he did that was designed to make me close up my Bible and run from the pulpit I can yet be 38 years later you got joy Wow [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] you've never been feel if you won't [Applause] feeling [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] both of you mama [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] those that need heavens precious gift of the holy go now you let no you feel no the Lord has done it then don't you fill up the eye but those of you have no you're sane but you've never spoken in tongues and you want to be baptized and the Holy Ghost today I need you to come from wherever and meet me in this Center the preachers are going to be on both sides and a corridor and we're just going to give God some glory [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know where [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] wait quick me [Music] [Applause] New York [Applause] Oh we we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] when [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're [Music] you [Music] you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now to hope your mouth and praise it come on whooping thank him open up and give him recruit of your lips come on over oh thank you Jesus Florida crazy crazy crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] now tell at least three people around you Jesus and receive ye the Holy Ghost now tell to other folk that Jesus and he the holding [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hahahaha [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] well wonderful oh so wonderful oh he's wonderful hardy Oksana hey thank you thank you for the car thank you take your seat if you can how to be over my side you see them on that side thank you karma diosa oh thank you oh god I freeze them under the SPR thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Applause] Thank You genius of hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah [Music] I trust that nobody will leave before the benediction [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but I've got to do this the way I feel the Lord has placed it within my spirit hallelujah you may or may not know what the word Pentecost means in Leviticus chapter 23 verses 15 and 16 the Lord ordered that the time of Pentecost to be set thusly that from that day in the feast of firstfruits when they put the sickle to the wheat they were to number seven Sabbath's the Sabbath day is Saturday the seventh day they were to number seven Sabbath's which was 49 days and he said and the morrow after the seventh Sabbath which would be the fiftieth day you'll find that individ occurs 23 verses 15 and 16 that day was to be designated as a special holy day and because it was the fiftieth day the word Pentecost means fiftieth and when you get to Acts chapter 2 and 1 it says and when the day of Pentecost when the fiftieth day was fully calm and they call us Pentecostal folk not having to do with anything of the number 50 but because of the events that happened on that day the church was filled with the spirit and they began to speak with tongues I know I didn't ask you this in the letter I didn't say anything to you about it but I want today 200 people
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 131,429
Rating: 4.6575875 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: jcmqc6RtX_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 10sec (5470 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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